Morena Baccarin on 'Heartland' Right Now

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:03
VIEWED: 3301
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Monday, June 18, 2007 4:12 PM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

Hey there folks. Just wanted to let everyone know that our favorite Companion is starring on "Heartland" on TNT as I type. She looks a little different, as you can imagine, but the voice gave her away before anything else.

Just wanted to put that out there. Enjoy.

Rob O.


Monday, June 18, 2007 4:12 PM


The future Mrs. Penguin is gorgeous as usual!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, June 18, 2007 5:51 PM


I saw it. It was nice to see her on TV again.

Hope her role developes.


Monday, June 18, 2007 6:26 PM


It'll stay on, they work with shows on cable. If our show had been on cable, it'd be on it's seventh season by now. Ahem, I can't stand Treat Williams. I dunno what it is, but ever since I saw the Substitue 2, I was like, gosh, I can't stand this guy. Anyway, yeah, that's all I have to add to the conversation.


Monday, June 18, 2007 8:16 PM


I watched it and I enjoyed it. I must say Morena looks great!

It is nice to see her on the small screen again. I will watch next week.

Good story already. Lots of layers.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 2:35 AM


Treat Williams is a nugget...he learned to act from a corespondence school.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 5:58 PM



Originally posted by Terri:
It'll stay on, they work with shows on cable. If our show had been on cable, it'd be on it's seventh season by now. Ahem, I can't stand Treat Williams. I dunno what it is, but ever since I saw the Substitue 2, I was like, gosh, I can't stand this guy. Anyway, yeah, that's all I have to add to the conversation.

You must not have been around for Babylon 5 & Crusade. Granted it was nice of them to actually make a 5th season of Babylon 5, TNT ended up screwing over Crusade and second guessed every decision made by JMS. Mostly because they were being all pissy because B5 fans didn't watch other TNT shows. Personally, I had no interest in ER & Judging Amy reruns which was about their only other programming at the time. Crusade was officially over before the first episode had even aired. JMS had posted some of the ridiculous "suggestions" he was sent by TNT employees on the b5 usenet newsgroup. Sci Fi channel is about the only thing out there that would give a show like Firefly a real chance but they never have a large enough budget and even then they've killed off some wonderful shows early on or made horrendous decisions like canceling Farscape and replacing it with effing Tremors the Series.


Thursday, June 21, 2007 8:50 AM


No, but Babylon 5 got five seasons? That's pretty good. I mean, when shows on network tv are getting canceled after five episodes! I mean, five seasons is like a godsend. You're a Browncoat (I'm assuming, since you're here), I'm sure you sit up at night wishing that we had five seasons. I know I do. More than Scifi, too, I mean, USA has had the Dead Zone running for two more seasons than I feel it was good. Other people might disagree, but that's the beauty of cable, they let those people have their show, you know, way past it's viability. So, yeah, cable is where it's at. They might cancel shows when you know, the die hard fans think it's still got steam left, but five shows < five seasons.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:03 AM


The DVD player went kaput last night as I was watching Pathfinder (which sucked BTW, IMO), so I got really bored because tehre was nothing on. I started messing around with the OnDemand TV and found Heartland OnDemand, and being bored, I decided th watch every episode... and read my new graphic novels. (I'm at this phase where I am watching shows with BDMs in them, just to check out preformances and everything).

I watched more than read, and it's a pretty good show. Doctor shows usually aren't my thing, but it's got a good cast and everything. Morena's part of a nurse is good (interesting to see her in scrubs instead of a silk robe), but I was getting confused. Either I didn't watch the eps right because OnDemand had them chronologically messed up and I have to figure the right sequence out myself, or the writing was funky with the storylines. Her character Jessica is supposed to be Treat William's (he looks old BTW, and very pale in a quite a few shots) girlfriend, but they only have one episode where the relationship is really discussed and becomes a subplot, and then the other eps she's hurt because she likes a doctor named Simon (yes, I giggled geekily) who slept with her nurse friend.

Other than that, it's good, she doesn't get much dialog but her character has potential. The last episode I caught two things. First, one of the organ donors was wearing my favorite owl hoodie *random moment*. Second, the chick who played the teacher in Safe from the town that kidnapped Simon and River did a guest role. She was a councilor for the organ donation crew at St. Judes, so she'll probably be reacurring.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,






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