what is up with battlestar galactica?

UPDATED: Thursday, April 10, 2008 23:14
VIEWED: 19006
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:06 PM



Originally posted by Cruithne3753:
The scene where Baltar is furtively talking with Gaeta in the toilets did raise a chortle,


We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, August 25, 2007 12:04 PM



Saturday, August 25, 2007 12:18 PM


first off - some one's frackin with you?,
i'm sorry about that...


Originally posted by monkeytail:
You cannot say a show has "jumped the shark" until it can be viewed from the very first episode (in this case the mini-series) to the very last episode. Until you have seen it in it's entirety, you cannot possibly know how plots and themes used within the show will turn out.

quite so - Angel seaon 5 is my fave!


Also, it's a shame that so many Browncoats have turned into self-important jerks. I've watched all of Whedon's shows from their beginnings, and read a great deal of his writing, but I still enjoy other works. All of you out there that put down other shows/movies/etc. and the fans of those projects should feel ashamed of yourselves. Just because it isn't something you enjoy or choose to watch, doesn't mean it isn't any good.

not sooo many i'm thinking pal!

the very fact that this board has a general sci-fi thread speaks volumes
(and hides many a lurker!)

i like Galactica - hell if they brought back firefly chances are you'd see a pooling of talent resources going down between the two shows.

a lot of us also like Drive.

for me, Heroes is 5 notches below Buffy - wouldn't really compare it to Firefly... but if i was watching Heroes FIRST... who can say.

spread some shiny


Saturday, August 25, 2007 12:34 PM



Originally posted by monkeytail:
Also, it's a shame that so many Browncoats have turned into self-important jerks. I've watched all of Whedon's shows from their beginnings, and read a great deal of his writing, but I still enjoy other works. All of you out there that put down other shows/movies/etc. and the fans of those projects should feel ashamed of yourselves. Just because it isn't something you enjoy or choose to watch, doesn't mean it isn't any good.

On the whole, since traveling 'round thru other fandoms, I've found Browncoats to be the least likely to judge something else besides upon it's merit or to be rude or crude to other fandoms. Just sayin'.

Originally posted by Grizwald:

But as I see everything since Firefly, I see it as about 3 notches down from Firefly... Everything is in relation to Firefly. Heroes? About 5 notches below Firefly. And I still love Heroes, too. Firefly is waaaaay up there.

Originally posted by Asarian:

This here's exactly the sorta thing I wanted to say. So, yeah, what Grizwald said. :)

I think for me it's a yardstick I cannot stop using. When I discuss scifi or literature with friends and family Firefly inevitably comes up and wins as favorite hands down. It doesn't mean I don't love other things, it doesn't mean I can't let other things transport me or that I can't give other things that first try. It just means that so far Firefly beats them all. I will continue to seek out and watch genre because that's my favorite thing, and one of these days maybe Firefly will lose #1 position. I doubt it though.


Saturday, August 25, 2007 3:49 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
On the whole, since traveling 'round thru other fandoms, I've found Browncoats to be the least likely to judge something else besides upon it's merit or to be rude or crude to other fandoms. Just sayin'.

The irritating thing is when so many browncoats feel the need to establish a kind of street cred by stating that series "x" is only 75% as good as Firefly. Seriously, just about every thread started in TOSF board contains responses of this nature. I think we can all agree that the BDS is one of, if not the best series to ever grace TV. That's why we're all here correct?

When trying to assign a place for Firefly in my own hierarchy I have a difficult time due to the lack of material. It is hard for me to compare the BDS with it's 13 outstanding episodes to other series which ran for several seasons. Even my favorite shows had some terrible episodes. Some had entire seasons which could have been tossed on the scrap heap. The bad still doesn't take away from my affection for a series on the whole. I only wish there would have been a few bad episodes of Firefly


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Saturday, August 25, 2007 4:35 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


strokingmypeter wrote:
Sunday, December 31, 2006 15:29
what is with so many people, particularly joss, being in love with battlestar galactica? i think it's freaking horrible. it sucks so much. the writing is awful, the acting wooden and lame, and the special effects suck. it's all around horrific.

It started out ok. Now it's unwatchable. Too many 'clever' plot twists. From Lee and Starbuck being in love with each other to guess who's a cylon. What's next is Adama or Starbuck a cylon? Really it's become absolute crud.


Saturday, August 25, 2007 5:26 PM


I liked the first and second series but as of Yet Australia hasn't seen any series 3 not even those bloody webisodes that were suppose to be so great because according to the site i don't live in America so i can't watch them.

Still Zoic did a good job on the show even if they just did all the same techniques (Eg rack zooms and focuses). Atleast they put the firefly ship in the minimovie.


Monday, September 10, 2007 2:24 AM


Battlestar Galactica might end its run after its fourth season, according to actor Edward James Olmos.

The statement was later confirmed by show creators Ronald Moore and David Eick, who said the show was "always meant to have a beginning, middle, and finally, an end".

Sources also said the plan is to split the final season in two 10-episode halves, with the second half airing in 2009.

Galactica 1980 - 'The Return of Starbuck': Rumors of Original Galactica Spin-Off to DVD


Monday, September 10, 2007 4:02 AM


Talk about old news. It's been confirmed since March or so that the upcoming season is the last.

And for what it's worth, I'm one of those who thinks it's still the best sghow on TV right now.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 1:40 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I listened to a podcast this morning that said at a BSG panel at Dragon Con one of the actors mentioned that Sci Fi might split the fourth and final season into two parts and stretch them out over two years.

Did anyone who went to Dragon Con attend any of the BSG panels? Any truth to this rumor?

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
[img] [/img]


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:35 AM


In general reply to this thread, whatever the original intention of the OP, it's turned into a more-or-less civil debate of the merits, not only of BSG, but, of contemporary sci-fi, relative to Firefly.

I am old enough *gasp wheeze* to have watched the original BSG on TV in its first broadcasts, back when it was acknowledged as a pretty blatant attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Star Wars.

I have yet to watch any of the new BSG, not so much out of loyalty to what has become, in the intervening decades, a rather dated show, but, because so much of what I have heard about the new BSG tells me that I wouldn't enjoy it.

Oh, I've watched some wonderful clips of it, with spectacular effects and such. However (and, this reflects my personal tastes, shaped, I must confess, by such shows as Star Wars, the original BSG, and, more recently, Firefly), I have reliable info that this show is no FUN to watch.

If I wanted to watch contemporary soap opera, there's plenty of daytime drama out there. Again, I've never watched this, but, if the multitude of BSG 'Shippers in the fandom are any indication, that is a primary plot element, which doesn't exactly entice me.

The other thing that I have heard is that BSG is depressing. Sorry, but, I like my sci-fi with at least a little humor. And, yes, I know that BSG is a story of dire circumstances for Mankind, but, isn't that the best candidate for some (appropriate) comedic relief? Even M*A*S*H* was written upon that very premise, that, when things are at their bleakest, laughter is an outlet which saves the human psyche.

Lastly, I have some real issues (yeah, pickin' nits, I know) with the culture and society presented in BSG. Even from my admittedly superficial observation, it appears that, in order to make the characters easy for the main-stream audience to identify with, no effort has been made to make this anything more than a sci-fi allegory. Not even the character names have been selected to create a plausible "otherness" for these "alien" humans, most of whom could have been plucked directly from non-sci fi television.

Sure, they kept some of the names from the OS, mainly for the sake of the connection. But, if you stop to think about it, mebbe eighty percent of the characters have names that you could find in a phone book, today, on Earth, names that have evolved, linguistically, over the many millenia since whatever prior contact the 13th Tribe had with the rest of galactic humanity.

So, I will probably borrow BSG from a friend on DVD, watch it when I have the time, and, give it the chance that the significantly massive BSG fandom would indicate that I should. At the same time, I may not enjoy it, or, I may be surprised, and, find that I do. Sci fi, as a form of literature, is varied enough that no one can expect to enjoy it all. I just hope to find within it something new to like.

Oh, and, my second favorite show, after Firefly? Babylon 5.

Seeyas 'round the 'Verse!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:14 PM


*starts to shake*
*starts to quiver*
*steam starts to come out of ears*

Nnn...nnn...nnnnot FUN?

My dear Raycheetah, your reliable sources are incorrect. There is humor on BSG. Lots of it!

As for the names, their 'verse and ours are supposed to be historically linked, so it's not completely out of the question.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:16 PM



Galactica rocks!


Sunday, October 14, 2007 9:44 PM



Originally posted by Veteran:

strokingmypeter wrote:
Sunday, December 31, 2006 15:29
what is with so many people, particularly joss, being in love with battlestar galactica? i think it's freaking horrible. it sucks so much. the writing is awful, the acting wooden and lame, and the special effects suck. it's all around horrific.

It started out ok. Now it's unwatchable. Too many 'clever' plot twists. From Lee and Starbuck being in love with each other to guess who's a cylon. What's next is Adama or Starbuck a cylon? Really it's become absolute crud.

The ratings took a nose-dive

guess fans thought it's now become un-watchable

Universal Says No to 'Battlestar Galactica: Razor' on HD DVD
Despite persistent rumors to the contrary, Universal reiterated yesterday that it will not be bringing the 'Battlestar Galactica' telefilm 'Razor' to HD DVD this year.

So why does Joss love it ?

Well he's a big fan of agnostic ideas and atheism, you can catch this philosophy in Firefly but its even bigger in BSG.

He doesn't really believe in that Alien life beyond Earth stuff

Whedon leans to the left, I'm not sure how leftist he is but perhaps the political Battlestar abortion or Battlestar suicide bomber episodes were wetting his appetite

Is Joss Whedon Feminist enough? I guess he enjoys the whole Madame President thing and Starbuck leading them to Earth.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:12 PM


I adore BSG. The first couple seasons were the best, but it's still great.
I am WAY too lazy to read this entire thread.

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"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:23 PM



Monday, October 15, 2007 1:11 AM


I have to agree with a previous post stating the thread is pretty long and I'll be first to admit I couldn't quite get through it all.....but there was a lot of interesting reading......

“I think the cast is pretty wooden and boring ……………… almost physically hurts how unrelentingly humorless BSG is.”

Keep that in mind and watch the first few episodes of the first season again. Where’s there supposed to be humor in the wolves jumping you every 30 (or so) minutes? Being humorless leaves plenty of humor for the shows that force laughter and are about as deep as a crushed pop can.

“At least the acting in BSG isn't as bad as the acting In Babylon five.”

Hee Hee Heee. Ok I won’t argue that one…..

“BSG is a classic main-stream!”

Not for a second. Adama is one of the few characters I’ve seen that are literally larger than life.

“I used to like the Baltar-Number Six relationship when she was inside his head,”

I hated that manikin blonde since the first moment I saw her. I kinda like Baltar (and I don't like guys) because he’s about 500% more interesting than the original superficial predictable dolt.

“does anyone remember the original....? i thought that was a pretty lame piece of work –“

I should hope to shout. Makes the new one on a bad day look like award winning material.

“The show was once very good, it once was top rated but now the ratings have fallen like a rock. Yet still Univseral have been a lot more loyal to BSG than Faux folk were ever with Firefly.”

Yeah? It’s still around because only the (really) good die young. A plug for Firefly for those that missed that part…..

Mal's expression in the scrapyard when he first see's Serenity says it all.


Monday, October 15, 2007 10:30 AM


I watched the first couple of episodes when it aired a month or so back, and I didn't like it at all. There was nothing that sucked me into the show like Firefly and Buffy did.


-My shiny Serenity video.


Monday, October 15, 2007 10:34 AM


It started out good, but...




Monday, October 15, 2007 10:54 AM


I like the show, and through about the first 1.5 seasons it was IMO the best show on television. I'm a sci-fi FAN, but find most sci-fi tv shows to be teh suck. Firefly, BSG and ST:TNG are the only three I ever watched regularly.

The FIRST episode, "33", is probably top-3 of best single episodes of ANY show I've seen, ever. It lost a bit of steam from season 1.5-2.5, but season 3 was quite good.

Also, it's not supposed to be funny :) It's not a comedy. I've found the acting in general to be pretty good. EJO is good, Mary McC is very good, and the lesser known actors are adequate. Tricia Helfer, the blond, has never acted before or received any acting training whatsoever..she's surprisingly good (most of the time).

Funny note: there is a toy ship EJO is building throughout most of the one episode, he grabs it and breaks it into pieces. This was an improv move..EJO did not know the ship was a museum piece on LOAN TO THE SHOW. Oops.


Monday, October 15, 2007 10:59 AM


WALKDOGGER: Aired a few months ago?... What show are YOU watching? This has been around a couple years.

CHRISISALL: They do too have a plan, they just

Select to view spoiler:

pretended to have killed off Starbuck on a whim because they didn't want ANYONE to know that she was coming back.

Yeah, I was pretty pissed about that one until I saw the very latest episode and heard what the writers had to say (those sneaky bastards!). I still find it amusing that

Select to view spoiler:

Katee Sackhoff had no idea she wasn't really dead, either.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
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Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Monday, October 15, 2007 11:03 AM


Meh. It jumped the shark when Laura got all well from the fluffy Cylon blood.



Monday, October 15, 2007 6:22 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


chrisisall wrote:
Monday, October 15, 2007 10:34


I think you nailed it. But it could be a Seinfeld thing. Picture two BSG writers brain storming...

Writer 1: "So what's the plan? Can you tell me what the plan is? Because I have no idea."

Shorter Balding Writer: (excited) "That's it! That's the plan.... there is no plan!"


Monday, October 15, 2007 9:11 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Meh. It jumped the shark when Laura got all well from the fluffy Cylon blood.


Pssst - 1. Spoiler! (Though probably there are so many spoilers already in this thread... yeah)
2. Dude, she relapsed, remember? It was only temporary. No fluffy.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Monday, October 15, 2007 9:12 PM



Originally posted by Veteran:

chrisisall wrote:
Monday, October 15, 2007 10:34


I think you nailed it. But it could be a Seinfeld thing. Picture two BSG writers brain storming...

Writer 1: "So what's the plan? Can you tell me what the plan is? Because I have no idea."

Shorter Balding Writer: (excited) "That's it! That's the plan.... there is no plan!"

::sad face:: Was my post just ignored?

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Monday, October 15, 2007 9:48 PM


SHAMELESS, I was a bit wrong on the time. It wasn't a month ago, more like 4 months ago. Here in Belgium that was the first time it aired.


-My shiny Serenity video.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:32 AM



Originally posted by Knightreyeder:
“does anyone remember the original....? i thought that was a pretty lame piece of work –“... Makes the new one on a bad day look like award winning material.

Folks here and elsewhere have pretty consistenly bashed the original Battlestar, and I always need to defend it. It's hard to go back in time 30 years, but I guarantee you that if you were a teenager or young adult then you would have loved the show, and would still love it today as I do.
The friendships and comraderie of that original cast were very real, and although it was frequently a bit regimented in its style, it had a magic to it....good story telling with well-defined characters you could relate to. It also had humor and romance and FUN...things lacking badly in a lot of today's material. It also had a bevy of beauties gracing the screen :
Jane Seymour
Maren Jensen
Laurette Spang
Anne Lockhart
Those gals in their heyday would give our BDH gals a serious run for their money in terms of looks & personalities.
So next time you think of the Original Battlestar, at least show a tad of respect to this great, groundbreaking show from 1978.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:15 AM


I'm with ya Jongstraw, you is totally right-on here!!!!

Concuring Chrisisall


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:39 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I'm with ya Jongstraw, you is totally right-on here!!!!

Concuring Chrisisall

....And they say world peace is impossible!
Thanks Chris for your support....ya know until Firefly came along, I'd have to say it was my most favorite beloved show. During the 1980's I videotaped every episode I could get, did the conmmercial edits with my "wired" remote control...had about 15 of the episodes. I bought the DVD set a couple of years ago..a real joy...all 22 episodes and many 2 and 3 parters. Anytime you'd be interested in discussing episodes or people just write. Just a quick flashback here....remember guest star Kelly Harmon from the 2-part Greetings From Earth episode? I still get all squishy inside when I see her natural beauty, and I've been married for almost 30 years....oh, that's why!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:50 AM


For those who hold up the ratings as proof that the show is tanking, BSG has been recognized as the most downloaded TV series (from iTunes, mainly) and one of the most frequently Tivo/DVRed shows on the air. Niether of these are factored into the standard Nielson ratings. And the DVDs sell very well.

The show is doing fine. It just doesn't show on the old-fashioned tracking methods.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:55 AM


Ahh yes...the female Viper pilots...the Gun On Ice Planet Zero..."waggle my wings"...

The Cylons were a little slow and clunky, but I loved their voices, heh heh.

I NEED that show on DVD!!!!

I just may sell my new BSG DVD's to do it; the new one has no character to it (aside from Tom Zarrek).

Hatchfan Chrisisall


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:57 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
For those who hold up the ratings as proof that the show is tanking,

I hold up a Bob Dylan song as proof that the show is tanking

Bad Chrisisall


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 8:07 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Storymark:
For those who hold up the ratings as proof that the show is tanking,

I hold up a Bob Dylan song as proof that the show is tanking

Bad Chrisisall

hmm i guess might be hearin' a fella knockin' on heavens door

"y'call that a brown coat, Bob?" "i don't call it anything"

"You don't know what you've got - untill you lose it."


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 12:34 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


You're right. By 1978 standards it wasn't bad at all. But it is funny how campy things (especially Science Fiction shows)look 30 years later.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:00 PM


Yes Veteran you're right. Our current time in history finds us all a bit jaded and increasingly expectant of greatness in everything we do & experience....alas, I frequently yearn for the simpler, more carefree decades of the past.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:18 PM


Jane Seymour and Anne Lockhart are in a class above any female on the current BSG. Two incredible ladies that belong on an all time greatest list......

Mal's expression in the scrapyard when he first see's Serenity says it all.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:03 PM


In chaos theory, when a system is about to break down -- like an economy, for example -- it becomes erratic, and you'll see heavy fluctuations (in, say, its conjuncture) before it finally collapses. I thinking I'm seeing something similar happening with the new Battlestar Galactica. Mind you, fluctuations go both ways. So, while Season 3 of BSG knew several truly awesome episodes, it also had its fair share of dips. And that erratic behavior, IMHO, is not a good sign, per se.

The mark of a stable system is its consistency. Firefly, for instance, is not marred with lesser-than episodes: all 14 episodes were of almost the exact same, high quality. BSG, Season 1, was like that: almost every episode was fantastic, and gripping. Season 2, not so much. And Season 3, well, it seems they're trying to regain some of their former glory; and it is actually better than Season 2. But they're not in control of the destabilization yet. Dressing old things new can be fun, like teenage pranks when you're about to die; but you can only play the "Major character X or Y turns out to be a Cylon" card so many times, before it DOES get old.

So, I'd say: stabilize the patient; because, from my angle, the quality fluctuations in BSG are troublesome and a sign of impending doom. And that would be a shame. Because I loved Kara (and I love her in Bionic Woman, too); and Adama; and Badger, of course (love him in Bionic Woman, too, lol); and others. But the writers should, literally, get their story straight; and do it soon, or ere long BSG will be a thing of the past... yet again.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:13 AM



Originally posted by asarian:
...and do it soon, or ere long BSG will be a thing of the past... yet again.

I think that's a given, since they are currently shooting the final couple episodes.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, November 2, 2007 7:22 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by participant:
but Joss is human, he makes mistakes

His work on Alien:Resurrection was bellow par when compared to the great work of Cameron and Scott, I didn't care for the boring series Roseanne and his stuff on Atlantis:The Lost Empire was kind of average.

OT, but apart from Firefly, I'm not at all a Joss fan, in fact I find him rather pretentious and annoying. To me, his opinion on other shows counts for very little. Having said that, BSG is pretty good overall. But having said that, I enjoy Lost and Heroes more (Lost because of the excellent second half to the third season).

Questions are a burden to others. Answers are prison for oneself.

word out there is bsg dvd sales have started to flop

The first season sold in great numbers, but razor and the third have started to flop


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:11 AM


I thought Razor lacked focus, it was an ok movie but it was not very good. It had some nice scenes in it but I really don't understand why so many hardcore fans hand out so much praise for this re-imagined Battlestar series

C.G.I Cylons and some of the scenes seemed like they were almost an afterthought. Battlstar Razor - worthing check out if you're bored but I would not be doing a song and dance about it. I think going back to the orginal series raiders was kind of a step backward. I thought the whole point of 're-imagining' the series was to move it forward from Larson's old show.


Monday, March 31, 2008 8:37 AM


yeah Joss loves it, but the guy has funny tastes

He also thinks the tv show rosanne and Xmen3 were some of the best things ever put to film


Monday, March 31, 2008 9:01 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:

word out there is bsg dvd sales have started to flop

The first season sold in great numbers, but razor and the third have started to flop

Wow, a psychic on the board. Funny how you claim the DVD sales for Season 3 dropped, a solid 5 months before the DVDs were released....

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, March 31, 2008 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Knightreyeder:
Jane Seymour and Anne Lockhart are in a class above any female on the current BSG. Two incredible ladies that belong on an all time greatest list......

2 lovely & classy ladies for sure...but don't forget Battlestar's other lovely ladies :
Laurette Spang as Casseopia
Sarah Rush as Rigel
Maren Jensen as Athena


Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:18 AM


Joss got burnt too many times by Fox

That's why he's prostituting himself to Skiffy so much


Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:38 PM


The answer to this is exactly the same anser i gave to someone on lj who was asking 'what's the love for different types of fanfic-romance/gen/dark'- Different things appeal to different people and moreover different things appeal to different people at different times and in different moods.

I liked the old BSG when i was younger, I have enjoyed quite a few of the episodes of the new. Season 1 I loved, the other seasons I've loved some, tuned off part way through others. I don't think you can compare TV shows because everyone is so different that no one persons opinion is right, and their opinion may change at some time or in some mood. I can honestly say I love Firefly, rewatch it all the time and Serenity too but at the same time I watch programmes that my friends have even 'wtfed over' because they are competely the opposite taste to them.

I ended up skipping half the posts cause it seems like people are arguing and I'm not in the mind too, but I stand by the different tastes and appealing. I do think you shouldn't need to defend why you like or hate something though I can see the urge to if you think something you love is being bashed.


Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:14 PM


right on!:)






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