War hits home

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 22:05
VIEWED: 5551
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Friday, March 26, 2004 9:17 PM


Hello fellow Browncoats.

I have a tale to tell. Sad? Yes. Terrible? Its true, but it could have been a whole lot worse. The war finally touched someone I know. Ok, all props to Static and his crew, but I mean someone tangable, someone I have known all his life. In this case, my cousin Sean. He is 19 and is with the Marines in Kuwait.

I get home from visiting Houston, TX that past Monday to find 8 new messages from my mom on my voicemail. They got worse and worse as the messages went on. Sean has been wounded. No details available on how it happened just that he was hurt real bad. Then the bad news: He lost his right leg and was in surgery for a long time saving the left leg. The last message was that the left leg was ok, but the right was gone at the hip.

I talked with his mom today and asked what I could do, she said that he will be in Germany for a few days then to Washington, DC for recovery and rehab. We talked for a long time and she mentioned that in his last email, before this happened, he talked about Firefly (This thing is EVERYWHERE!) and how he would like to get a DVD set. So, I bought one for him today and hopefully it will catch up to him soon. If the military taught me anything, its that your mail will follow you anywhere on this planet. Sean getting these may be a small thing, but in my mind, it beats flowers.

Always the practicle one, I told the family "He's alive; he's coming home."

So, Static and every other service man and woman out there, whether you are in harms way or not: May your God protect you, watch over you and God Bless America.

God Bless America.
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies ,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America
My home sweet home.


Friday, March 26, 2004 10:16 PM


Words are extremely insufficient, so I'll be brief if rather ineloquent. I am thankful that your cousin is alive and hope that your family is taking the news as well as can be expected. Please extend my sincerest gratitude to him for the sacrifice he has made for our country and wish him a safe trip home. If he needs someone to "carry him" then he doesn't have very far to look. If his family is in Houston then please let me know if there is anything I can do for them. Not much more than words on a page, and extremely lacking at that, but hearfelt and sincere none the less.

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:47 AM


There aren't words that can express how sorry I am that your cousin has suffered this. I salute him and all of my brothers in arms the world over.

No words have ever been spoken that are more true to a soldier:

When you can't run anymore, you crawl.
When you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

If ever anyone in your family needs help in the carrying department, please contact me through the boards here. I won't hesitate.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:13 AM


I know what did this...

TV shows are well and good, but you and your cousin and Static and his crew are the real 'Mals' in our 'verse...know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family

You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:21 AM


America loves a winner!

Not a whole lot of words I can add to any of this but reiterate the positive. He's alive and he's coming home. Thanks for sharing this with us,I feel humbled and honored that you'd do post this for us. It helps to remember that we're all in this together.

dammit.. no proper emoticon exists ...oh well.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:40 AM


Reading this I feel very sad and angry. What a terrible tragedy.

I'm extremely angry at Bush. He's such a dick! War isn't a joke. Does he think it's fun to play with our soldiers?

Bush's Joke About WMD Draws Criticism

"Bush provided amusing descriptions of photographs Wednesday night during the annual dinner of the Radio and Television News Correspondents Association. Some showed the president in awkward poses as he looked behind furniture in the Oval Office. For those photos, Bush told the audience, "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere ... nope, no weapons over there ... maybe under here?"


Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:07 AM


I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. But I'm also glad that he is alive.

Know that our thoughts are with you and your cousin. As well as all our military personnell worldwide.


Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:29 AM


If I posted anything I would just be repeating the same thing but I will repeat one thing;

When you can't run anymore, you crawl.
When you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

It is time to carry this fellow Browncoat home.

And tell your cousin that I am sorry for his loss and that I am grateful to him for serving his country.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:57 AM



I'm glad your cousin's alive, all the same. but Bush, He could use a swift kick in the arse. Sends these kids off to get shot at, then makes jokes about the WMD that nobody's seen a trace of as yet.

I do hope your cousin enjoys the DVDS. Tell him I say that they can't take the sky.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:56 AM


Thank God your cousin is alive; I will be praying for his recovery.

There's nothing more I could say that hasn't already been said better.

Take care of your cousin and yourself.


Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:27 AM


Sean and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Please know that his service and sacrifice are deeply appreciated. I hope the DVDs bring him some comfort and enjoyment in this difficult time.


Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:42 AM


Not really anything I can add but to echo the sentiments.

Give him best wishes from all of us here. Yes, even the non USians.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:49 AM


I know it sounds like an echo but I am very glad that your cousin is alive and well. He is one of the bravest of all of us. And I hope he enjoys the Firefly DVD's. I'm sure he will. My thoughts and prayers


Burn the land and boil the sea
You cant take the sky from me


Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:58 PM


Thanks for all the support, gang!

No word yet on when he will be in DC, but I am thinking of taking a few 'sick' days and going to see him when he hits the US.

I call her "Vera"


Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:21 PM


Good plan, I hope it works out so you can be there for him. Employer be damned - a job's a job, but family's family. Please keep us posted on how he's doing and once again extend our warmest wishes for a speedy recovery to your cousin and family.

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:05 PM


Hey Deckroid, I am right here by DC. If you rpovide some contact info, maybe I could run a care package over to your buddy. Let me know.


"We are exporting democracy because we have all of this unused democracy lying around at home. Why not make some money doing it?"


Sunday, March 28, 2004 5:55 PM


There are no words to describe what it is that your cousin and your family are going through. What he faces is a horrible ordeal and one which he will need support to survive.
It's going to take years for him to recover. It is going to take all the strength you have to share to help him.
Good luck and know that there are many positive thoughts heading out to him. And you.

Support our Troops - Impeach Bush!

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Monday, March 29, 2004 6:44 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

DeckRoid, I am truly sorry your cousin was so tragically wounded. Please express all of our condolences to your family.

I may not be in DC like Kugelblitz, but I am only a couple of hours away in Richmond, VA. If your cousin needs anything at all, let me know. I am a veteran and would gladly do anything for a serviceman/woman in need.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:50 AM


I'm bumping this for two reasons.

Deck, how is your cousin? Have you heard any updates? How is your aunt? I'm assuming she's going to the hospital to be with her son. The doctors always rely on the mothers to give their children strength and renew their will to live.

How are you? I've been praying for your entire family and hope you're okay.

2nd reason - We dare not forget that young men and women are dying and suffering horrible injury every day looking for Dubya's non-existant WMD while he makes jokes about it. I only pray that the war criminal, profiteering liar is impeached sooner than later.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:49 PM


I can't believe some of you people. A man has lost his leg fighting for his country, and you have to gripe about politics. Hey, I've got an idea -- why don't you all send him letters telling him that his sacrifice was for nothing. Losers.Then later, maybe you can take a drive to Arlington National Cemetery and defecate on a few graves.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:54 PM


I think you are overreacting, FreedomFan.

Anger is a natural part of the grieving process. When I read about this tragedy, I began to grieve for the soldier. I became angry at the politics that start wars and take our soldiers. Soldiers fight because of politics.

Was the "defacate on a few graves" comment really necessary?


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:49 PM


Let me begin by saying that I hope all is going well with your cousin. As someone married to the military and who has sent her love and many friends off the foreign arenas many times, I know that a service member coming home wounded is the second biggest fear for service families. Stand strong and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Secondly, I feel the strong need to ask if this was the correct arena for political grandstanding. I find it frequently annoying in this and other web areas when people find is necessary to input their personal political agendas into non-political discussions. This is not a political website. This is an area for folks who are fans of Firefly, Serenity and/or all that is Joss.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:21 PM


I've said it before, and I will say it again. One does not have to support this war to support our warriors.

Your cousin has made a great sacrifice out of a sense of patriotism and of duty. I salute him.

Thor and Tyr bless him, and see him safely home.

"You can't enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him." -- Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:51 PM



Originally posted by freedomfan:
I can't believe some of you people. A man has lost his leg fighting for his country, and you have to gripe about politics. Hey, I've got an idea -- why don't you all send him letters telling him that his sacrifice was for nothing. Losers.Then later, maybe you can take a drive to Arlington National Cemetery and defecate on a few graves.

I'm posting this one for my wife. What follows is her.

What are you, a Hitler Youth or just a fascist? Last time I looked, we lived in the U.S. of A., and we still had a right to disagree with our leadership and state our minds. I think our boys (and girls) don't need to be there; they should be home with their families.

But they took an oath. They are the ones that are fighting and dying over there. They don't need some ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng telling people that if they don't support the war they aren't supporting the soldiers. We are. But I don't condone this war. I hope that your little brain can open up long enough to see the difference.

Deckroid: I hope your cousin comes home safe and has a swift recovery.

Static: Keep 'em flying.

They can't take the sky from us.

RocketJock back again. The above was, minus some minor editing, 100% my wife. But for the record, I agree with her on every point.

"You can't enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him." -- Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:25 PM



Originally posted by RocketJock:

Originally posted by freedomfan:
I can't believe some of you people. A man has lost his leg fighting for his country, and you have to gripe about politics. Hey, I've got an idea -- why don't you all send him letters telling him that his sacrifice was for nothing. Losers.Then later, maybe you can take a drive to Arlington National Cemetery and defecate on a few graves.

I'm posting this one for my wife. What follows is her.

What are you, a Hitler Youth or just a fascist? Last time I looked, we lived in the U.S. of A., and we still had a right to disagree with our leadership and state our minds. I think our boys (and girls) don't need to be there; they should be home with their families.

But they took an oath. They are the ones that are fighting and dying over there. They don't need some ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng telling people that if they don't support the war they aren't supporting the soldiers. We are. But I don't condone this war. I hope that your little brain can open up long enough to see the difference.

Deckroid: I hope your cousin comes home safe and has a swift recovery.

Static: Keep 'em flying.

They can't take the sky from us.

RocketJock back again. The above was, minus some minor editing, 100% my wife. But for the record, I agree with her on every point.

"You can't enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him." -- Robert A. Heinlein

I hate to say it but I agree with the opinion that this isn't the thread to place your opinion of politics on. Leave that for another thread and time. There is a proper place and a proper time for stuff like this but this wasn't it.

Give your condolences to this soldier for his sacrifice but leave the politics out of it. We don't need to sully this by turning it into a political debate thread.

Thank you for reading.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:05 PM


Deckroid, my prayers go out to you and yours.






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