UPDATED: Sunday, April 4, 2004 10:48
VIEWED: 15006
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Monday, March 29, 2004 2:56 PM


I'm trying to spread the word on a campaign to save Star Trek Enterprise. So I've decided to go around to a bunch of message boards. So this is the first one I came to, because us Browncoats really know how to get things done =) So now I'm asking for anyone who watches Enterprise, or any of the Trek's to step up and help out. This is serious, the last movie bombed, there may not be another one, and there's no way they would invest in another installment of Trek in the future if Enterprise gets the axe.

the links are:

there are many more, but these are the two I am a part of.
these are the adresses for writing in...

Mr. Brannon Braga / ERE ENTERPRISE
Cooper Building Room 205
Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Ave
Hollywood, CA 90038-3112

Mr. Eric Kim
Director of Programming
United Paramount Network
11800 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025

If you can only write one person right Mr. Kim

Dawn Tarnofsky-Ostroff - President
United Paramount Network
11800 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Mr. Leslie Moonves
President and CEO
CBS Television
CBS Television City
7800 W Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036

thank you very much,


Monday, March 29, 2004 3:17 PM


Bad shows get cancelled all the time..what's the big deal? Perhaps it'll be replaced with a good scifi show.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:46 AM


ENT is the worst show on TV. I gotta wonder about people who trash Firefly for being sexist while this crap show has that battered wife Vulcan whore mentality. The writers (if I can call them that, hmm, no guess not!) reveal thier sick mysoginist minds with every second show. Then they insult the entire Islamic world with thier racist allegories. Oh I could go on and on...

I do hope all my Firefly friends work hard to beat up every ENT fan they see. They deserve it.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:59 AM


what is this guys deal? he didn't like that the last thread he posted got 10 anti-enterprise comments, so posting another one will do the trick??

Once again.. F--- Enterprise and the NX-01 it rode in on. It had 3 seasons to stick up the airwaves FF had 1/2... put your efforts into saving quality shows like ANGEL.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:04 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I tried liking Enterprise, I really did, but it is so badly written, the plots & ideas are nothing more than rehashings of old Star Trek stories, and the disregard for the ST timeline did nothing to endear me to this show.

I have not watched an episode of Enterprise since the last part of the first season, not a full episode anyway. I have tried tuning in once or twice since, but it always leaves me flat.

If Enterprise fails, they can only blame the unimaginative writers of the show.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:23 AM



Originally posted by GHOULMAN:
I do hope all my Firefly friends work hard to beat up every ENT fan they see. They deserve it.


Originally posted by Winterfell:
F--- Enterprise and the NX-01 it rode in on.

HOLY CRAP!! I didn't like the show either, but what's up with flamming a guy for posting about something he likes and you don't. It's not like he came to your house and beat you with a boxset. Chill out before you give yourself a freakin' heartattack.

I'm guessing you two were beat up a lot as kids..... by Star Trek fans.

"Long ago, before volcanic eruptions were invented, lava had to be carried down the mountainside in buckets and poured over sleeping villagers. This took time."


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:03 AM


I'm with Xarr on this one. I don't much like Enterprise myself, but flaming the good will come of it.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:03 AM


I'm with Xarr on this one. I don't much like Enterprise myself, but flaming the good will come of it.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:05 AM


the dreaded double post. I'm trying to think of some way to blame my landlord.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:13 AM


RE: Help save Enterprise.



Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:15 AM



Originally posted by Xarr:

Originally posted by GHOULMAN:
I do hope all my Firefly friends work hard to beat up every ENT fan they see. They deserve it.


Originally posted by Winterfell:
F--- Enterprise and the NX-01 it rode in on.

HOLY CRAP!! I didn't like the show either, but what's up with flamming a guy for posting about something he likes and you don't. It's not like he came to your house and beat you with a boxset. Chill out before you give yourself a freakin' heartattack.

I'm guessing you two were beat up a lot as kids..... by Star Trek fans.

ORRRRRrrrrrr... you could read the other thread that was posted by the SAME guy where we already were talking about all this.. I was flaming for the double post. which I happily do.. the fact that some people get so bent out of shape about flaming offends me so yeah.. we're not all good people with kind hearts..

but some of us are huge trek fans.. me for example.. if you have watched something for over 10 years and bought the merchandise and seen the films and had long in depth discussions about hypothetical sciences that don't exist, you sometimes feel the right to express your opinion on the subject.. so unless I was beating myself up, no, no star trek fans beat me up.. however, I still joyfully stand behind the fall of enterprise and my original post..

cheers mate!


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:18 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Xarr:

Originally posted by GHOULMAN:
I do hope all my Firefly friends work hard to beat up every ENT fan they see. They deserve it.


Originally posted by Winterfell:
F--- Enterprise and the NX-01 it rode in on.

HOLY CRAP!! I didn't like the show either, but what's up with flamming a guy for posting about something he likes and you don't. It's not like he came to your house and beat you with a boxset. Chill out before you give yourself a freakin' heartattack.

I'm guessing you two were beat up a lot as kids..... by Star Trek fans.

So insulting Ghoulman & Winterfell is better than what you are chastising them for how exactly?

I agree their comments are a bit harsh, but that does not excuse using a similar tact w/ them.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:42 AM


I thought there was a movement a while back between Ent fans & Firefly fans to support each other in letter-writing efforts. It was before I joined this BBS, but I remember hearing about it on TrekBBS. So, is the sentiment around here that there is no support for Enterprise? It may have been a different group of Browncoats.

Well, I for one hope the show is not cancelled. I definitely think a changing of the guard is needed (fire Berman & Braga in favor of bringing in some new creative blood), but I think the show has potential. Then again, maybe 3 seasons is too long to try & gain the public's favor.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:35 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I tried liking Enterprise, I really did, but it is so badly written, the plots & ideas are nothing more than rehashings of old Star Trek stories, and the disregard for the ST timeline did nothing to endear me to this show.

I really have to agree with you. I tried to put my thoughts in different words but you summed it up so well that I'm going to steal your words.

Just think of my post as a new episode of Enterprise.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:12 AM


Flame? Oh... I can flame baby, but this ain't a flame. Please look up 'flame war' for the facts. So no insult to the person posting the SAVE ENTERPRISE thing - some people juggle geese!

It's just my opinion regarding a horrible and insulting show. Save it? Get that fanboy a black eye stat!


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:16 AM



Originally posted by kevscoat:
I thought there was a movement a while back between Ent fans & Firefly fans to support each other in letter-writing efforts. It was before I joined this BBS, but I remember hearing about it on TrekBBS. SNIP!

The TrekBBS. The TREKBBS!?!?!?! You mean the BBS filled with nothing but marketing moles typing out lies and 'positive copy' from thier hiding place under Rick Bermans' desk eating ketchup and month old tribbles?

No. No one at the TrekBBS gives a rats ass about Joss Whedon. Those people, I have seen, have done more to hurt Firefly than help. Trust me, I have had my time on the TrekBBS and there are about 16 TV producers out there that hate my guts.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:27 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I have not watched an episode of Enterprise since the last part of the first season, not a full episode anyway. I have tried tuning in once or twice since, but it always leaves me flat.

I got that one beat. Besides the pilot, which I barely watched, I have not been able to sit through an episode of Enterprise - I've tried. Honestly, I've tried. Nothing about it grabs me, interests me or even offends me on the level that I find Andromeda offensive.

It falls the same way as SG:1 for me, I just don;t see how the show has lasted as long as it did, but if you wish to waste 44 minutes of your life, I shan't stop you - some people would say the same thing about my B5 fixation and *our* (we're all in this one) FF obsession.

I trace it back to Voyager - I saw the pilot and maybe two or three episodes of that - yet ask me about TNG, DS9 and Kirk & Co and I'll go misty eyed.

Just don't see why "rival" shows should stick up for one another - if you like the show, say you like it, write in. I'm afraid that doesn't do it any more (does anyone believe that FF was saved for artistic and not dollar reasons? Same with Family Guy, we bought the box sets and they saw the legs were there), but go for your life. What benefit is there in an FF fan writing in to save Enterprise, and then not watching it? Would just get cancelled the next year, and $40 million plus would be wasted - could have been another genre show, might have been a good one, and would make it less likely in the future that shows on the bubble would get the benefit of doubt.

"I threw up on your bed"


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:49 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
Trust me, I have had my time on the TrekBBS and there are about 16 TV producers out there that hate my guts.

So what's that, about a third of the number of producers on one episode of Enterprise?

Line-Dance Producer
Co-Ed-Executive Producer
"They gave me this title because they were out of free t-shirts when I got to the head of the line" producer
"My other show is reality based" producer

"I threw up on your bed"


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:56 AM


The way I see it this guy (girl?) likes the show and is willing to fight for it. I'd be willing to stand toe-to-toe and physically fight whoever will save Angel if I win, and I'm sure I haven't aimed my efforts at the best possible target every time.

I consider myself a Trek fan (my trivia skills are formidable), though I won't go into my opinion of Enterprise except to say I don't watch it, and couldn't even tell you the first and last names of the bridge crew.

That said, I don't have any plans to support Enterprise, but I'm not going to say I want it cancelled and I'm not saying anything against this person. I wish him or her the best in all efforts to save Enterprise.

I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for . . . food.
-Jack O'Neill


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:26 PM


"ENT is the worst show on TV."

Oh boy, is this ever an emotional and very exaggerated statement. Come on you can't tell me that you seriously believe that Enterprise is the worst show on TV. Sure it's not Firefly.. but I can come up with a page full of show on TV that I think are worse than this. Heck reality TV alone provide a whole host.

My advice (for people who don't want to be taken with a grain of salt) is to not attack but instead take a step back, then say what you mean like an adult.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:17 PM


Damn folks... I know Enterprise is decidedly inferior to the other Treks (excluding Voyager, which is a whole nother issue of mine), but come on! Let's get real here--there's a terrible lack of halfway decent SciFi series on network TV, and even if it's only in that halfway category, Enterprise fills a void.

Let's push, not to get in cancelled, but improved significantly. let's push to get Hoshi and Travis killed off, since they are basically waste of space on the show, serving no purpose. And as much as I LOVE her catsuits, maybe a little less male chauvenism for T'Pol's outfits, and a little more depth?

But if it goes, what are we left with? How many times can you watch Firefly in a row?

Okay, bad example, but you get the point.

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:14 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


ORRRRRrrrrrr... you could read the other thread that was posted by the SAME guy where we already were talking about all this.. I was flaming for the double post.

If you would have checked the times the two threads were posted you would realize it was not double posted on purpose, but yet another glitch as happens here all the time, just as with TheFop's double post on this thread.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:38 PM


i dunno... most times i have ever seen a double post it is because someone hit submit twice.. so.. ::shrug::

i was just making something up anyway, i personally believe the thread is worth several flames, so if anyone else would like to add to it, i persoanlly welcome it.

If you really want me to go into why enterprise is not worth saving, i will... it will be long and filled with rediculous opinionated trek thoughts and there will be many flames to follow.

but for now, am bored.. so i will spare you.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:46 PM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:

No. No one at the TrekBBS gives a rats ass about Joss Whedon. Those people, I have seen, have done more to hurt Firefly than help. Trust me, I have had my time on the TrekBBS and there are about 16 TV producers out there that hate my guts.

I don't mean to disillusion you, but there are more "Firefly" and ME fans on the TrekBBS than there are here. If I want an interesting FF conversation, I always find it there before I do here. This is not to diss this site, it's wonderful, it's simply that TrekBBS has way more members there and subsequently more Browncoats. I mean, the Fireflygasm thread over there has more posts than the one here. The new "Angel" threads are always much longer and more insightful than the ones here, only because there are more fans of JW over there.

'Trek as it is now is a joke, and the least used forums at TrekBBS are the Star Trek ones. In fact, the most active forum is the misc Sci-Fi/Fant one. That's where all the Browncoats are; you should check it out.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:43 PM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:

It's just my opinion regarding a horrible and insulting show. Save it? Get that fanboy a black eye stat!

Actually according to your post it was the opinion of "entire Islamic world" and while I'm on the topic how is it insulting the entire islamic world with racist allegories?


Originally posted by ZIGGYKARLOS:

there are many more, but these are the two I am a part of.
these are the adresses for writing in...

Mr. Brannon Braga / ERE ENTERPRISE
Cooper Building Room 205
Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Ave
Hollywood, CA 90038-3112

Brannon Braga has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Enterprise is cancelled.

As for my opinions on Enterprise I think it's a extremely dull show bnd I definately won't be writing in but I'm also not going to actively try and get it cancelled.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:25 PM


Actually given the current trend it will be replaced with a reality tv show. It is the first Trek I don't watch (though I think it was habit that kept me going during Voyager) but there are worse things that can be put on the air.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:33 PM


Here is the replacement...

Warning, I have been drinking

A reality Star Trek show.

A bunch of Fans get put through classic episode scenarios and you kill off three or four a show.

Be worried if they hand you a red shirt

( Hell, it would be better than Enterprise )

" Thats not fair !!!!
I didn't even have a soul when I did that!"


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:34 PM


Die Enterprise Die! All your fans come and watch Angel so we can get it renewed! Die! Die!


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:49 PM



Originally posted by infra172:
Die Enterprise Die! All your fans come and watch Angel so we can get it renewed! Die! Die!

um.. i watch ST:E and Angel.. on the same night.. cause Ent is on at 8 and Angel at 9.. so... that wouldn't help


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:03 AM


First, I love Star Trek. I've been a fan since the first run of the original series (yes, I'm that corpsified and old).

I loved TOS and TNG, and DS9 is a favorite, but VOY and now ENT just don't have the writing or characters that are as good as the first three series. I think the producers have run out of ideas. They don't have the passion for the show anymore.

I find it interesting that Joss could make nine characters interesting and memorable in a half season of Firefly, but the writers and producers of the last two Star Trek's couldn't make 7 characters unique and interesting over the course of several seasons. Did anyone really ever care that much about Harry Kim or Tom Paris? Do you really care about Mayweather (the writers obviously don't, because they give him so little to do or say).

As much as I have loved Star Trek, I think Paramount should take a break. Wait a few years and then star fresh with a new series, with new producers and writers.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:54 AM



Doran wrote:
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:26
Ghoulman - "ENT is the worst show on TV."

Oh boy, is this ever an emotional and very exaggerated statement. Come on you can't tell me that you seriously believe that Enterprise is the worst show on TV. Sure it's not Firefly.. but I can come up with a page full of show on TV that I think are worse than this. Heck reality TV alone provide a whole host.

My advice (for people who don't want to be taken with a grain of salt) is to not attack but instead take a step back, then say what you mean like an adult.

Yeaaa... that's a good point and I want to commend a person who has the balls to chide someone for thier hyperbole because it's, er... childish.

What colour is the sky on your Vulcan?

Look, you have a point of course but ENT is a show that can't remember what happened from Act I to Act II (like the number of miners trapped... actual case!). Sure, that show has wide screen and all that slick looking FX but it's hollow and mean and terrible. It's not that Reality Shows are more horrid than ENT, they aren't. Why? Because ENT manages to be horrible in far more ways that a simple Reality Show could dream.

Worse... and this is why I encourage violence - ENT is so sexist, racist, and pro-war it's not even funny that Capt. Archer is based on George Dubya Bush. Which is just wrong. GWB is a criminal and as far as I know, you shouldn't base your protagonists on criminals.

I could go on and on.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:05 AM



Originally posted by Ghola:

Originally posted by Ghoulman:

Actually according to your post it was the opinion of "entire Islamic world" and while I'm on the topic how is it insulting the entire islamic world with racist allegories?

Oh. *chuckle*, I don't know the eps name but this last winter I saw the ad for an ep where 'Fanatical Religious Suiside Bombers' attack ENT. It was juuuuuuust incrediblely horrible. Racist to the extreem with an ending moral that reads something like it's ok to kill them, they aren't actually people.

Can't tell ya how much I miss Kirk, Spock, and Bones. That was a real show. Hey, bet you'd never see ENTs Vulcan Camel Toe jamming with space hippies!


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

Originally posted by Ghoulman:
Trust me, I have had my time on the TrekBBS and there are about 16 TV producers out there that hate my guts.

So what's that, about a third of the number of producers on one episode of Enterprise?

Line-Dance Producer
Co-Ed-Executive Producer
"They gave me this title because they were out of free t-shirts when I got to the head of the line" producer
"My other show is reality based" producer

lol! I think the last one referes to Mike Sussman? hahahahaha!


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:12 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
Damn folks... I know Enterprise is decidedly inferior to the other Treks (excluding Voyager, which is a whole nother issue of mine), but come on! Let's get real here--there's a terrible lack of halfway decent SciFi series on network TV, and even if it's only in that halfway category, Enterprise fills a void.

I see your point here, but I have to disagree with the idea that because there's a lack of high quality sci-fi, we should get behind the inferior shows. If you stick with the lower quality, than the networks probably aren't going to try real hard to give you anything more than that. You've set a standard for them that's easier for them to meet. They would probably revel in the opportunity to maniacally say, "Look! We can make utter crap and they'll still watch because it's all they have!"

IMHO, the best way to combat the lack of good sci-fi on tv is to not watch the inferior shows just because they're there and put up one hell of a fight when the networks try to axe the good stuff.

I gave Enterprise a chance when it first aired, and much like Voyager, it didn't work for me at all. I found nothing intriguing about the characters, and the stories had nothing new to offer. The few episodes I saw were better than some other garbage I've seen on tv, but I refuse to stick with it just because it's ever so slightly better than nothing. I'd rather go read a good book.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:34 AM



Originally posted by xion47:

I don't mean to disillusion you, but there are more "Firefly" and ME fans on the TrekBBS than there are here. If I want an interesting FF conversation, I always find it there before I do here. This is not to diss this site, it's wonderful, it's simply that TrekBBS has way more members there and subsequently more Browncoats. I mean, the Fireflygasm thread over there has more posts than the one here. The new "Angel" threads are always much longer and more insightful than the ones here, only because there are more fans of JW over there.

'Trek as it is now is a joke, and the least used forums at TrekBBS are the Star Trek ones. In fact, the most active forum is the misc Sci-Fi/Fant one. That's where all the Browncoats are; you should check it out.

I was at the TrekBBS a year ago (as Plum) and yea, I'm not being completely true. That is, there is a sub-group of actual people posting there. I assume you are referring to thier 'Neutral Zone' forum which is full of every cheese eating high school fanboy in America so be prepared for the flamin'

But in general and as a matter of policy for a commercial forum like that one - posts about other shows are not 'desirable content' as Marketing puts it. So, expect some mysterious contention to anything not Trek loving. However, there are some terrific people there, I wish they had a place online that didn't actively try to put them (and the Original Trek) down so much. It's a flame war everyday.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:28 AM


Hey guys. Im certainly no Star Trek Enterprise fan but I do have to say I am really surprised and digussted in the way in which most of the other Browncoats in this thread have treated someone who has come seeking some assistance. It wasn't too long ago that we were looking to gather as much support as we possible could. At the time I was disgusted with some peoples resposes to our pleas. Infact some people even went out of there way to insult Firefly. Of all the people that I might have expected to behave in this fashion I never thought it would be Browncoats taking into consideration our struggle to keep our show. The people in this thread almost make me ashamed to be a Browncoat. Despite my less than overwhelming love of Enterprise I will still support it by signing there petitions. And why? Because I know how it feels to loose the show you love and it aint pretty. So why let something someone else loves be destroyed without helping when you can?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:19 AM


I just want to thank you SouthernSlayer for putting how i feel into words perfectly. As I stated in my first post, I came to this site because of what happened to Firefly and I figured that if anyone could understand the feeling of losing a show they love, it would be you guys. When Firefly got the axe, I wrote in, now I am doing the same for another show I love.

I really don't care if a bunch of people don't like Enterprise, I way trying to reach the people who do and let them know what they can do. The day I posted the first msg, I went to about six other message boards (only one of them trek) and by far, this is the worst reception I've gotten. I couldn't believe it. I remember back when John Doe was going to be cancelled (another show i fought for) and people on this board helped out, sent messages of sympathy to JD fans. So what's changed?

If you don't like Enterprise, that's fine. I don't like Angel but I still feel their pain. My point is, If I wanted to know what was wrong with Enteprise, or what you guys hate about it, I would have asked that, but I didn't. I was simply trying to raise awareness of this campaign, Thanks for the warm reception.

And again, thanks to SouthernSlayer, I know you speak for the majority of the Browncoats, including me.



Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:45 AM


You feel the pain? Yikes! Anyho' - Remember that some of us have gotten the same treatment from Trek sites when Firefly is mentioned.

You might detect a bit o' bitterness

Also, some people don't feel the need to support anything genre just because it is. Some of us only support shows because they are great shows.

And on the flip side, some of us don't support shows inclined to insulting the viewer. Call me crazy.

P.S - stop whinning about people posting thier opinions. That is what this crap technology is for!


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:54 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
it's not even funny that Capt. Archer is based on George Dubya Bush. Which is just wrong. GWB is a criminal and as far as I know, you shouldn't base your protagonists on criminals.

Show me some proof that Archer is based off of Bush and besides that Malcolm Reynolds is a criminal.


Originally posted by Ghoulman:
Oh. *chuckle*, I don't know the eps name but this last winter I saw the ad for an ep where 'Fanatical Religious Suiside Bombers' attack ENT. It was juuuuuuust incrediblely horrible. Racist to the extreem with an ending moral that reads something like it's ok to kill them, they aren't actually people.

So are you saying that 'Fanatical religious suicide bombers' are okay because I really don't have a problem with a TV show portraying characters that kill people because of their religious beliefs as wrong. Plus you're assuming that those characters neccessarily applied only to Muslims as there have been religious fanatics from that kill people from other religions. Also while I was only paying halfway attention to that episode I don't believe they actually killed them.


Originally posted by Ghoulman:
ENT is so sexist, racist

I challenge you to find one episode of Enterprise that is sexist or racist.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Ghola:
Brannon Braga has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Enterprise is cancelled.

Aside from of course creating such a moribund and superfluous series of characters and situations with Rick Berman in the first place, and writing his usual red anomaly, yellow anomaly stories.

I have a question - does a Berman in the woods, on just in scripts?

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:17 AM



Originally posted by ZiggyKarlos:
And again, thanks to SouthernSlayer, I know you speak for the majority of the Browncoats, including me.

Agreed. Please don't think that those who insist on putting others down are representative of the board as a whole. I've found that the vast majority of people here are "good people with kind hearts."

As for Enterprise, the last I heard was that they planned to keep it on for at least most of next season so that it would have the 100 episodes generally required for syndication. Do you know if that plan has changed?


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:32 AM



Originally posted by ZiggyKarlos:
If you don't like Enterprise, that's fine. I don't like Angel but I still feel their pain. My point is, If I wanted to know what was wrong with Enteprise, or what you guys hate about it, I would have asked that, but I didn't. I was simply trying to raise awareness of this campaign, Thanks for the warm reception.

Not to run the risk of being accussed of heating up the barbeque, but threads have a way of drifting a little off topic, some quicker than others. I'll grant you, this one became a haven for those that don't see a reason for Enterprise, and some of the comments went ott maybe.

That said, the info was there if anyone wanted it, my point of view is if you are a fan and feel strongly, go for your life - I don't see it making a blind bit of a difference, but I may be wrong. However, you suggested an address for Braga to save the series, when as rightly pointed out, he has no real say - by all accounts Berman is on his way out, and Manny Coto seems to have taken a step up, but they produce the show, there is no show if the money is withdrawn.

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:35 AM



Originally posted by SouthernSlayer:
Because I know how it feels to loose the show you love and it aint pretty. So why let something someone else loves be destroyed without helping when you can?

Because if you sign for something you don't believe in, what's the point - I sign a petition to keep Enterprise on the air, but don't care a jot for it.

1 - that money could produce a show or two I might like.

2 - the fact the audience doesn't go up means they realise they have been conned, just like the original Trek protests back in the day gave a false view of the numbers.

If you like the show, feel free to contribute to any campaign, if you don't, I feel that you run the risk of devaluing any other campaign in the future.

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:38 AM



Originally posted by JustDavid:
As for Enterprise, the last I heard was that they planned to keep it on for at least most of next season so that it would have the 100 episodes generally required for syndication. Do you know if that plan has changed?

Recent quote on this suggested that 100 is no longer the magic number (although the reduced current season length does start the conspiracy vultures hovering).

Dark Horizons is today saying that there is a 12 episode committment with an option for 24. It also says its not clear whether Braga and Berman will remain.

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:59 AM



Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
Here is the replacement...

Warning, I have been drinking
A reality Star Trek show.

A bunch of Fans get put through classic episode scenarios and you kill off three or four a show.

Be worried if they hand you a red shirt

( Hell, it would be better than Enterprise )

I freakin' LOVE this idea!!!!!!!!
Imagine, trivia based physical challenges: Like a time limited removal of 10,000 tribbles from a room.

Very funny - I'd definitely watch it.

Nothing is ever so profoundly regretted as a kind act.
Robertson Davies


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:03 PM



Originally posted by ZiggyKarlos:
If you don't like Enterprise, that's fine. I don't like Angel but I still feel their pain. My point is, If I wanted to know what was wrong with Enteprise, or what you guys hate about it, I would have asked that, but I didn't. I was simply trying to raise awareness of this campaign, Thanks for the warm reception.

You definitely got an undeservedly harsh reception from some, but the worse thing you can do is take it personally. Some people feel a need to express their opinion even when it's not asked for, and some of those people aren't exactly going to be all Mr. Rogers about it. Bating them further won't help. The best you can do is take a deep breath and move on with life.

And as someone else pointed out, you may not have asked for anyone's opinion on Enterprise, but threads often drift off topic, and for better or worse, yours morphed into a debate over the show's pros and cons.

Best of luck to you with your Enterprise campaign. Cheers.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:12 PM


Sorry about the crabby few. Good luck the ENT.

"Why're you arguin' what's already been decided?"
Mal to Jayne, "Jaynestown"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:54 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

While there's more I don't like about Enterprise than I do, I'm still supporting the Enterprise campaign because the BIG PICTURE is genre television is dying on network TV and in syndication.

So, please, regardless of how you might feel about the series, we need it to stay on the air so that in the future, we'll have a wider selection of genre series to choose from and trash talk about. Without any, we might as well become a CSI, Law and Order, and American Idol drone.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 2:52 AM


>>Worse... and this is why I encourage violence - ENT is so sexist, racist, and pro-war it's not even funny that Capt. Archer is based on George Dubya Bush. Which is just wrong. GWB is a criminal and as far as I know, you shouldn't base your protagonists on criminals.>>

Well, my days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle.

I apologize for mistaking your light hearted "hyperbole" for hatred and bullying. (sic)

At least now I understand what you are shouting about even if I cannot agree with you. Reality TV is worse than even a show with a character based on a President you don't like. Archer is not based on Bush but this is beside the point. I saw the episode you refer to and I actually thought is was one of the better of the bunch, much better than the time travel episodes which are my least favorite.

The writers of Star Trek have always tried to include current events with a twist into their show. I like this approach much better than the tired fall back in the original series of endless visits to "the planet of the nazi's", "the planet of the Greeks", "the planet of the gansters", "or the planet of the Romans" ad infinitum. Oh but you're right, the planet of the hippies was fun.. ;o/

I liked ST:tng despite the fact that many of those episodes had very liberal messages. So liberal in fact that they sometimes they had to bend cast way out of character to deliver their message. (read Riker wanting to marry the genderless Pat thing girl after two weeks of working together)

I agree that Enterprise could emprove somewhat in the total character development arena. As far as writing, however, they have the difficult task of trying to keep the show in it's prequel state. There are some Jean Luc ideas that just wouldn't fly pre Kirk. I would expect those who don't like this to not watch the show.. but attacking those who like the show IS childish, hyperbole not withstanding.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:06 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Haken:
While there's more I don't like about Enterprise than I do, I'm still supporting the Enterprise campaign because the BIG PICTURE is genre television is dying on network TV and in syndication.

So, please, regardless of how you might feel about the series, we need it to stay on the air so that in the future, we'll have a wider selection of genre series to choose from and trash talk about. Without any, we might as well become a CSI, Law and Order, and American Idol drone.


Leave it to Haken to be the voice of reason.

You will have to forgive some of the more passionate Browncoats here ZiggyKarlos. SouthernSlayer is right in that the majority of Browncoats feel your pain, and have been for going on two years now.

That being said, you need support, you have mine. I may not watch Enterprise, but Haken is right in that genre television is being killed off for the reality garbage that network television is spreading like a plague.

I will compose letters to the aforementioned individuals today and send them off post haste.

Good luck to you and all the other Enterprise fans.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."






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