Why does Inara have a brain melter?

UPDATED: Saturday, April 3, 2004 21:06
VIEWED: 8346
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:31 PM


Ok in Serenity when the Reaver's first show up, Inara pulls out a small box, in it there is a strange shaped object and a syringe.

I thought it was probably a suicide kit. Joss then made the comment that it wasn't that at all but a clue to her background. Hmmmmm...

So then you get to Ariel and we meet a little more indepth the Hands of Blue guys. And they pull this interesting little object out of their pocket and begin to melt brains.

Now go back to Serenity.....It seems remarkably like the gadget that's in Inara's little box.

Am I brain-blown or do you see what I see?

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:46 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My disc one is out on loan right now, so I can't check. But I don't recall Inara's objects looking anything like the Blue Hand guy's "brain melter." One of the objects appeared to be a vial of something, possibly a syringe, the other I couldn't really identify but again, it looked nothing like the brain melter, IMO.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:08 PM


All right, you had me very curious, so I loaded up Disc 1 and went through frame-by frame with 4x zoom and the brightness on my TV up to very high. There are two objects in the wooden case: one is clearly a slim glass hypodermic needle vial with metric markings, and the other is an unidentifiable glass vial with a dark fluid. The lighting was simply too dark to pick up anything other than the cap of the vial, the fact that there were dark contents, and that it's sort of an antique-looking vial (not very modern).

Perhaps someone could screen-cap it and use digital analysis to contrast stretch the image, but I'd guess there's simply no data in the pixels on the vial (too dark - all black).

Regardless, I didn't see any evidence of a brain melter there - just a vial and a needle...sorry...great, great idea, though!

- Forrestwolf


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:24 PM


Yeah I pulled it frame by frame as well and what struck me was that in the episode Ariel when he first removes the (for lack of a better word) melter from his pocket it's shaped almost exactly the same as the vial in Inara's box.

That's what got me to thinking.


I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:27 PM



Originally posted by Forrestwolf:
Perhaps someone could screen-cap it and use digital analysis to contrast stretch the image,


Here it is unmodified:

Here it is enhanced:


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:47 PM


So not a brain melter. Inara is so, whats the word...dainty? I'm not going to go so far as to say she wouldn't kill anybody (or hasn't) but if she did, i couldn't see her doing something that would take so long and kill the people so painfully. Getting "melted" would be a really crapy way to die, and im not convinced she could stand there and watch while she was holding the button.

So basicly, not a brain melter.

While were on the subject and sense i'm too lazy to dig up the tread where we talked about this, what if the kit was for killing someone, but not her. It might have been the only defence she had against reavers, right?

Mal: Hell, I'd do this job for free!
Zoe: Can I have your share?
Mal: No.
Zoe: If you die can I have your share?


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:04 PM


justdavid- Thanks, can you do the same with the object the Blue Hand Guys have? You know, as it's coming out of his pocket, maybe... before the rods pop out?

I think it's possible that it's a brain melter... I don't think it would be her weapon of choice, but against Reavers? If I had one, I'd use a brain melter against them. My understanding is that they're kind of hard to stop without extreme measures.

If it is a brain melter, I'd assume the syringe is some sort of immunity shot so that it doesn't melt your brain when you use it.

I don't know what Inara's past is, but it seems to me that a Companion would be one hell of an assasin/spy.

If Zoe walks into a room, even in a slinky dress, she still reads as a threat. If Kaylee walks into a room... she's just going to pelt you with skittles until you smile.
Inara is highly trained on how to.... manuever people and control their responses.

And, as she says in Out Of Gas, she "supported unification." In what way and to what degree is anyone's guess.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:11 PM


ok im not saying it wouldn't be usefull against reavers, im saying i don't see why she would need it in the first place? Why would she be expecting reavers? If Simon doesn't beleve in them (initaly) why should she...

We are definatly missing something here.

Mal: Hell, I'd do this job for free!
Zoe: Can I have your share?
Mal: No.
Zoe: If you die can I have your share?


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:15 PM


Sorry, but just because Simon's sheltered doesn't mean that Inara is.

I don't know why she'd have one (maybe she was involved with an Alliance muckity-muck who gave her one), but then there's a good deal that Joss hasn't told us about her yet.

(Here's to believing he'll get the chance.)

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:28 PM


It's a "fountain of youth" injection. She pulled it out wondering if she was ever going to get to use it.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:57 PM



Originally posted by Jentle:
justdavid- Thanks, can you do the same with the object the Blue Hand Guys have? You know, as it's coming out of his pocket, maybe... before the rods pop out?

Here ya go. These are the best frames I saw for the melter before it's extended. (They're all enlarged)

On this extended one I brightened it up so we could see the shape of the base better:


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:17 PM


I'm guessing from the picture comparisons that Inara did not have a "brain-melter." The object in Inara's case doesn't seem to be shaped the same as the Blue Hand device. Then again, it is similar, so perhaps it might be an "early model brain-melter" or something.

I would guess it's been debated here before, but has anyone suggested that Inara may have once had a substance abuse problem? It would explain why she might have had to leave Sihnon; perhaps she got clean but then left to avoid the temptation, but keeps a little of the stuff around "just-in-case," or as a reminder of the mistakes in her past. If it truly is a narcotic of some kind, it might make sense that she'd consider using it if she was about to be set upon and tortured, devoured, etc. by Reavers.


You got a wife? All I got is that dumbass stick sounds like it's raining.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:22 PM


Doesn't look the same to me.....
Inara's looked round, but the blue-hands' brain melter has a rectangular end, and it's got a flatter tip than Inara's. Interesting theory, though.

Book: I'd forgotten - you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now.
Simon: No, but I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:34 PM


Thank you guys for the help in this. I suppose that it's really not a brain melter. ::sighs:: Now I'm back to square one.

It's not a suicide kit but it is a clue to her past. I guess we'll have to wait for Joss to let us know.

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:41 PM


if it wasnt for joss' comment my obvious thought would be some kind of emergency-oh-damn-i-forgot-taking-the-pill injection. but then, 500 years from now youd expect them to have better solutions.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:03 AM


My theory is that Inara's companion training would have included building immunity to various common poisons. Considering some of her clients would likely be targets for poisoning (and they often share meals) this seems logical. Anticipating the Reaver's desire to violate her and/or snack on her flesh, She may have planned on taking them out by poisoning her flesh with an injection that would be lethal to all but companions. Keeping the specifics of this training secret would be essential. It's only a theory....

Good Bible!



Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Speed:
My theory is that Inara's companion training would have included building immunity to various common poisons. Considering some of her clients would likely be targets for poisoning (and they often share meals) this seems logical. Anticipating the Reaver's desire to violate her and/or snack on her flesh, She may have planned on taking them out by poisoning her flesh with an injection that would be lethal to all but companions. Keeping the specifics of this training secret would be essential. It's only a theory....

Not a bad theory. This is plausible, not sure how probable, but a possiblity nonetheless.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:30 AM


I think its a "last resort" weapon in the form of a powerful and dangerous narcotic which gives the user extreme power and speed for a limited time then leaves them spent and near death when it wears off. Someone with special academy training using such a narcotic would be a formidable opponent indeed. Wouldnt that have been interesting had the reavers boarded.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:12 AM


I have a theory on what is in Inara's hidden box.

Her medicine.

I think Inara may be dying. My reasoning.

In Serenity, she opens the box and looks at the contents questioningly. But the question in her head might not be the obvious, "Do I kill myself before the Reavers come?" It could be, "Is there any point in taking this if the Reavers come?"

A small point at well in Serenity is that she gives the doctor her Companion immunization pack for Kaylee. Immunizations are only good before the fact, so why would she not have already used it. Possibly because she already had something worse than what this would immunize her against or perhaps it could not be combined with the medicine she was already taking (we are shown in Ariel how bad effects can come from mixing medications).

Ariel also holds other clues. Inara has to go for her yearly check up. It is obviously the first time she has had to do this since joining Serenity as none of the crew knows about it. It is the reason that the ship has to settle down on Ariel in the first place, and it is easy to look at it as a simple plot hook to get the story going, but haven't we learned that everything means something in Firefly.

When Inara comes back and is asked how it went, she doesn't say good or fine; she says, "same as last year." Another clue that perhaps "last year" during her physical was when her illness was discovered, and that led her to Serenity.

A minor point as well is that it took two days for Inara to have a physical. Two days? In a world where Simon can do a brain scan of River in two minutes. Seems a little much for a simple physical.

Then we get to Heart of Gold. Why does Inara choose to leave at the end? She talks about learning something from Nandi. How her group became a family and tied to each other. Perhaps she never expected to get close to the crew or care about Mal so much. She may be leaving because she doesn't want to put them through dealing with her death, and she doesn't want Mal to face the loss of her on top of a life filled with loss.

An interesting point is Mal's comment in the discussion, "Life is too damn short..."

Anyway, like I said, it's a theory, nothing more. Maybe we'll find out someday.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:38 AM


Maybe Inara's diabetic and it was time for her insulin.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:35 PM



Originally posted by BlazingBug:
I think Inara may be dying.

i read this theory in another thread and became convinced this is it. what river reads in OiS 'just tell me, i'm a big girl.' could be something she said to a doctor. she tells simon 'i don't want to die at all' in OoG. and it could explain why she joined serenity in the first place, to see the 'verse. and could explain why she wants to leave now because she has become so attached.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:49 PM


I still think it's morphine.

There may be a number of reasons she would have morphine, some legal, some not so much. If she is dying, she could have morphine for the pain.

It may be that as a Companion, not all of her clients are 'gentle' and she may need to heal between clients. Atherton Wing looks like the kind of guy that would bounce a woman around a little.

If she was planetside in her shuttle and things got a little rough, she may need a little pain killer until she got to a medical facility.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:52 PM


It may just be opium or heroin. Don't forget the Chinese culture influence, some of her clients could be drug users.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:56 PM



Originally posted by karenkay99:
i read this theory in another thread and became convinced this is it. what river reads in OiS 'just tell me, i'm a big girl.' could be something she said to a doctor.

Yep, I forgot that one. I've gotten to where I think what River was picking up was the "dark places" in each person's mind in that episode. Almost as if the harder you try to hide something or push it to the back of your mind, the easier it is for her to pick it up.

Hmm, I never considered that what they removed from River, the ability to push things to the back of your mind, could be where she picks up thoughts from others. Kind of like she doesn't have her own spot for those thoughts, so she picks up other people's. Interesting.

"Wacky fun..."


Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:22 PM



That makes a LOT of sense..... In a lot of different ways...


Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:11 PM



Originally posted by BlazingBug:
I have a theory on what is in Inara's hidden box.

Her medicine.

I think Inara may be dying. My reasoning...

Although I tend to believe more along the lines of Calhoun's post -- that Inara's priestess/whore gig includes some shaolin-style martial art that utilizes an adrenaline-thingy shot -- you've got some very interesting arguments.

Especially the one from OiS. I've argued that Book's "I don't give a *!&#%? if you're innocent..." speech was aimed at himself, because he's actually Gen. Richard Wilkins, Alliance military genius and architect of the victory at the Battle of Serenity; now, a penitent, journeying anonymously in hopes of finding atonement for the wrongs of that war.

However, Inara's statement (like many of our favorite series' moments) may be interpreted in a straightforward fashion, too. Inara was crushed by the fact that Mal had slept with Nandi. They share a very pregnant gaze over Nandi's dead body, before Mal runs after the guy who shot him.

Perhaps, "tell me, I'm a big girl" means, "You loved her, didn't you?"

I think it's a mistake to think that either Inara or Mal are sure of their own or the other's feelings, based on what we've seen.

As far as Inara having some incurable disease, if it's sexually transmitted, you know she wouldn't be practicing her trade/religion, except in a whorehouse worse than HoG, where the "girls are clean", according to the madame (who now works on the OC).

I tend to believe her heartache, and her leaving the House stems from her loss of faith in her belief system. I think she's realizing that selling one's body -- to the detriment of one's soul -- may not be the way for her to reach enlightenment. That lying with many may not fulfill her as completely as lying with one, special other.

As a heterosexual male, who -- many years ago -- occupied a cultural niche that afforded him a high multiple of sexual contacts than the average male will get in a lifetime, I can state absolutely and from direct experience that casual sex can leave one feeling very despondent and disillusioned.

Besides which, I can't stand the thought of Inara dying. How could Mal stand it, with everything else he's lost?

If Joss plans on killing off Inara and leaving Mal a broken shell (lost his cause, lost his God and lost his love?), then I want off the boat at Whitefall, thanks. Enough Serenity, I'll try a little Patience...



"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard Wilkins, Independent Congress
from, A Child Shall Lead Them


Friday, April 2, 2004 2:09 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
Besides which, I can't stand the thought of Inara dying. How could Mal stand it, with everything else he's lost?
If Joss plans on killing off Inara and leaving Mal a broken shell (lost his cause, lost his God and lost his love?), then I want off the boat at Whitefall, thanks. Enough Serenity, I'll try a little Patience...

don't worry so much. i think she is dying but i don't think she'll die. joss will pull off something. maybe she was lied to, maybe simon discovers a cure, maybe something much better will happen coz joss is so good at coming up with something much better.

also i think what river reads is exactly what that person has said before or will say eventually but taken out of context. jayne's comment was a direct quote from ariel. simon said the exact same thing a short time later to kaylee. we don't know when the other comments were made. could be in the past or future. just imagine if book's quoke is actually from the future. who could he be talking to? hmnnn....

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Friday, April 2, 2004 9:22 AM


Thanks Karenkay99,

I don't know how Mal'd take Inara dying. He might pull through, but I'd be heart-broken as a fan.

"Thanks for the reassurance, doc"
"Not at all, that's what I'm here for. Now, is there anything else I can reassure you about?"

Monty Python's Meaning of Life




"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard 'Book' Wilkins, Independent Congress
from A Child Shall Lead Them


Friday, April 2, 2004 11:34 AM


Yeah, I don't that Inara would have necessarily died during the series, just that her secret is she is dying.

There are many ways that could have worked out over the course of several seasons. Consider a two part episode where Blue Sun offers a cure... in exchange for River of course.

"Wacky fun..."


Friday, April 2, 2004 12:26 PM


I just dont see the whole "she's dying" thing. Inara was prepping for battle is all.

OK, lets step back and look at Joss.. He likes to get women folk kicking ass! Inara was gunna take her superpower medicine and kick some reaver ass in a "buffy style" action scene.

I just hope Joss doesnt change his mind now that i've spilled his little secret. If the movie shows Inara's vial to be something other than what I have surmised then I am sorry for ruining what should have been....


Friday, April 2, 2004 3:31 PM



Originally posted by karenkay99:
don't worry so much. i think she is dying but i don't think she'll die. joss will pull off something. maybe she was lied to, maybe simon discovers a cure, maybe something much better will happen coz joss is so good at coming up with something much better.

I cannot fathom Inara's death. It would break my heart, Mal's heart... pretty much everyone on the ship.

HOWEVER - We know Joss' penchant for killing off main characters, so who knows?

In HoG, if there was such an adrenaline/ass-kicking fluid, don't you think Nandi would have taken out Rance herself?

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Friday, April 2, 2004 3:38 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
I just dont see the whole "she's dying" thing. Inara was prepping for battle is all.

OK, lets step back and look at Joss.. He likes to get women folk kicking ass! Inara was gunna take her superpower medicine and kick some reaver ass in a "buffy style" action scene.

.... Sorry, Calhoun, I can see Inara having a brain melter WAY easier than I can imagine her suddenly turning into a "buffy style" fighter...

Inara DEFINITELY kicks ass, but in her own way. And I think dealing bravely with a terminal illness IS kicking ass.

I also believe that Joss would have (eventually) pulled her out of the fire. Simon's near god-like doctor skills can't only have one purpose, after all. And the trade with Blue Sun for River would be a hell of a story.... even though Inara would never let them trade River, IMO.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Friday, April 2, 2004 4:29 PM


Its often the slightly built, quiet and unassuming types that can be the biggest surprise in combat... If you didnt know of Bruce Lee's combat prowess and saw him standing around in clothes you could easily be mistaken for thinking he could get blown over in a stiff breeze... how wrong you would be.


Friday, April 2, 2004 4:35 PM


In fact, I believe that Joss Whedon has a Firefly spin-off planned called "Inara the Reaver Slayer". Read into that what you will..


Friday, April 2, 2004 7:28 PM


Hehehehe, get it?

Bah nvm..


Friday, April 2, 2004 8:26 PM



Sorry, Calhoun, I should have posted my amusement earlier. You're very funny.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Friday, April 2, 2004 10:30 PM


How awesome would it be to see Inara, in full, like, Buffy costume from like season 1. Have her just leap from her shuttle door onto the oncoming reavers and just beat the &@*! out of the them. Like have her with, I dunno, just some sort of metal pipe and just wailing on them again and again, over and over, skulls cracking with her crazy adrenaline power woman body being torn to shreds basically, as the reavers RUN IN FEAR of this power women. And then as they are taking off, she falls tragically to the floor, as Mal comes rushing over(with no music or sound at this point, but maybe some very faint violin)to her to pick her up and rush her to the infirmary.

You see the reavers ship just BLAST the hell away from that death trap of a Firefly class ship, armed with an ass-kicking companion. Everyone hovers around the windows of the infirmary for hours as Simon attempts to bring Inara back from the fists of womanly fury she had been only a few hours earlier. She awakes with...I dunno, an eye patch and a few broken ribs and a big ass black eye in the other eye, and her hair is ripped out, and everyone looks at her with...disbelief, love, and affection for what she has sacrificed for them as she lays unconcious yet again. Simon tells everyone to leave, that she needs blood, as Mal galantly gives his blood to his one love in this verse.

The next scene is her with crutches coming out of the infirmary and everyone rushes to thank her, and Mal just waits for everyone to be done, and gives her...a big hug that lasts for 30 seconds before the episode ends with Inara telling Mal later in her shuttle that she doesn't want to leave now, now that they are targets for the alliance and reavers alike. She decides to stay, not because of Mal, but because of the crew and her love for Serenity.Mal is left heart broken that she doesn't stay for him, but knows in his heart that she is. And you are left to wonder how someone like me could write such FRIGGIN AWESOME scripts like that...for free none the less.


Friday, April 2, 2004 11:16 PM



tmurrie, you're my hero!

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 1:49 AM




Tmurrie has warmed to my idea! Thats exactly what I reckon is gunna happen in the movie. Tmurrie you should have had a spoiler warning up front!


Saturday, April 3, 2004 11:07 AM


Well, you know. Sometimes I just get in the zone, and just make an awesome sript. Even though I've never written a script in my life, and the only thing missing from that would be witty saying from Jayne. Like Maybe after she comes out all bandaged up, Wash tells Inara that he never knew she could do something like that, and that looks like she'll be taking up Jayne's spot in the crew. And then Jayne will say something like " Well if Inara gets my job, I better get hers", and everyone will just look at him with disbelief that he could be so dumb.

I'm starting to get excited, now I wish I could see this new episode I just made. mwahahahahaha


Saturday, April 3, 2004 1:53 PM


I think Inara is an assassin sent to kill Mal, and she looks at the needle regretting that either 1. she didn't get a chance to do what she came for, or 2. she is actually glad she didn't. That is why she tells Mal that she is leaving, because she cares for him and just can't kill him.

Companions would be perfect assassins, considering their clients.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 4:53 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I seriously doubt if Inara is an assassin. She had too many opportunities to kill Mal long before she fell in love with him, the first being during the initial tour of the shuttle as shown in "Out of Gas."

Perhaps an undercover agent sent to see if Mal or anyone else was plotting a counter-offensive against the Alliance, but not an assassin.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:43 PM


I can see Inara as an assasin or a spy.... I just don't think Mal's her target.... He doesn't seem important enough in the grand scheme of things to have the Alliance targeting him.

Like Joss said, part of the reason Mal and the others are on a "firefly" is because they represent an annoyance to the Mighty Alliance.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 9:06 PM


I'm all for the "Inara is dying" theory; her fear of death, her last "annual check up" coming VERY CLOSE to when she first boarded the ship, how she hates "complications", but best of all IMO, in the Serenity commentary, where Joss talks about the 'timer' and how under it, in chinese, it says "short time" (something very similar) which we all think is a joke about the John and his shortcomings (cough!), but it could very well mean something more.

I personally think it was something akin to morphine, something to make her death painless - this also explains why she took it out for the reavers.

It falls in line with the Whedon/Minear philosophy towards killing off characters; I could very easily see Inara leaving the ship for a while (up until the end of the season) and then coming back and proclaiming her love for Mal, only to have her die in his arms.






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