Imponderables: Teenage Love

UPDATED: Monday, August 27, 2007 08:10
VIEWED: 5055
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:57 PM


Named for a great Who Cares song detailing how love each love starts at the same point regardless of how long both folks have known each other.

Old thread:


Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:01 PM



King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:06 PM


Yay for one of the best dressed Browncoats on the board.

Gotta go. Catch y'all later.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:28 PM


I had teenaged love once, then his mom called and he had to go home.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:47 PM


Silly woman!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:17 AM


mornin' Imponderables.


Originally posted by Zeek:
Blah blah blah good stuff is it's own reward. Whatever. I've got all of society proving that the majority of guys don't like to dance. That own reward stuff obviously isn't enough of a reward.


Originally posted by msg:
By the way if being able to slide against a woman, who's wearing next to nothing, put your arms around her, and impress her with your ability to move isn't it's own reward...I don't know what you'd need.

I was thinking of something clever to say with regard to this, but MsG saved me the trouble. Once I learned some dancing, I never quite understood why more guys didn't do it too. *shrugs* More dance partners for me, I suppose.


Originally posted by RugBug:
jimi: hope your motorcycle pet peeves don't include me and Vinnie. :D Actually, I share the same ones about motorcyclists and bicyclists...and I was even a card carrying USCF member for a while (I could race my bike at sanctioned events). Sadly, I usually find more automobile drivers don't want to share the road properly...but that's probably from being almost swiped down more times than I care to count.

As long as you don't act like a dumbass when out driving with Vinnie, it doesn't (by the way, I never commented on those pictures of you on the bike, which were stunning as always). swerving between cars where you barely cross over the dashes before crossing back is a big one for motorcycles. For regular bicycles, it's not following the rules of the road (like stop signs and red lights) but expecting the cars to treat you like another vehicle. *hugs*


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I had teenaged love once, then his mom called and he had to go home.

At least she didn't press charges.

You're in a Chinese Opium Dem, Timmy. This is where the sport of Dodgeball was invented in the 15th Century ... by Opium-addicted Chinamen. But back then, the Chinamen threw severed heads at each other, instead of the A.D.A.A.-approved balls we use today.


Thursday, August 16, 2007 6:35 AM


Mornin' folks. Some things have transpired that may keep me from here for a bit. Not feeling especially chatty.

Real quick the song Teenage Love is about two people meeting a little later in life and connecting like they never did back in the day. They go through the motions almost like teenagers and feel like they were younger again. But things go bad and that too is handled like they were young again. Just some strange line of thinking that many people experience some time in their lives.


Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:07 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
As long as you don't act like a dumbass when out driving with Vinnie, it doesn't (by the way, I never commented on those pictures of you on the bike, which were stunning as always). swerving between cars where you barely cross over the dashes before crossing back is a big one for motorcycles. For regular bicycles, it's not following the rules of the road (like stop signs and red lights) but expecting the cars to treat you like another vehicle. *hugs*

Those kinds of cyclists drive me bonkers. They deserve a serious case of road rash if you ask me.

I'm all law-abide-y as usual (well, as mostly usual). Plus, I've come to enjoy having skin on my hands, knees, elbows, etc. Road rash is a bitch.

On another bizarre note:


TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) -- A Japanese biker failed to notice his leg had been severed below the knee when he hit a safety barrier, and rode on for 2 km (1.2 miles), leaving a friend to pick up the missing limb.

The 54-year-old office worker was out on his motorcycle with a group of friends in the city of Hamamatsu, west of Tokyo, on Monday, when he was unable to negotiate a curve in the road and bumped into the central barrier, the Mainichi Shimbun said.

He felt excruciating pain, but did not notice that his right leg was missing until he stopped at the next junction, the paper quoted local police as saying.

Eek. I do hope to keep all my limbs. But I suppose not noticing one has gone missing is not a horrible way to lose it.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:54 AM


Please be careful, Rugbug. When I saw those pics of you I was happy that you looked so happy - I just worry about the loads of bad drivers out there.

You are hereby strictly forbidden from being squished flat like a bug. A flat Rugbug.

*waves hello to everyone*

*shakes her head at the randy FMF*

Naughty girl!



Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:23 AM


I saw that article about the guy losing his leg. Ouch. Don't let that be you, doll. *hugs*

You're in a Chinese Opium Dem, Timmy. This is where the sport of Dodgeball was invented in the 15th Century ... by Opium-addicted Chinamen. But back then, the Chinamen threw severed heads at each other, instead of the A.D.A.A.-approved balls we use today.


Thursday, August 16, 2007 9:18 AM



Originally posted by Mavourneen:
You are hereby strictly forbidden from being squished flat like a bug. A flat Rugbug.

And I will do my best to abide by that rule. No flat as a rug bugs.

I have found that I would rather be astride like on a motorcycle rather than having to sit on it like a scooter. Astride you have so many more options for control. Seems like scoot-sitting leaves you a sitting duck if something goes awry.

Back to the mines of salt...wish work would chill out for a bit.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, August 16, 2007 2:55 PM


Yeah. Stupid work. And attempts at a homelife seem futile so I've decided to immerse myself in work. Seems the Director (Program Manager) position here is sounding tempting so some studying to try for the position in the next year or two seems a bit on the logical side.

So here it is. Everything with Mindy pretty much just fell through like somethin' heavy in a wet cardboard box. Too much was said between us and it is a keen observation to say that I am not ready to jump into a serious marriage like relationship with anyone. And neither is she. I cannot fix her problems and she cannot be the woman I need.

The sad part is that I don't even think we can be friends beyond this point.

Which leads me to a ponderable.

Why do we feel the need to fix eachother? I'm not saying that I wanted her to be a different person. I love her for who she is. But I wanted so bad for her to be happy and with me.

And does anyone else here feel like they sabotage things when everything is going too good. I have a hero complex. So nothing I do is ever good enough and there will always be some sickening codependant need to help make things better for other people. My one screw up has cost one of the most profound relationships of my life. Despite the other party making a multitude of mistakes that are always forgiveable, I still feel like the bad guy for making one.

I'll shut up now. One reason why I hate posting about this stuff is because it is either really good news or really bad news. I just want stability but seem to constantly lay my trust in unstable situations. I've kept away from connecting for so long that after all this it feels like a worthless thought to ever want to connect emotionally again. And on other fronts, I don't even feel like connecting in any other way either. That means no friendships, no acquintances, and no sex. Feeling this far from wanting anything really doesn't even hurt right now. Gotta love the crazy defense mechanisms of the human heart.

Here's to asexual being for as long as it can last.


Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:37 PM


It's really hard for me to have a relationship. I never knew my dad and my mom was never around, so I pretty much raised myself. So, on account of that, I'm antisocial and when people get close to me I tend to push them away. I tend to hold stuff in until I explode, I have a hard time expressing my feelings.

I guess I just got used to the idea of being alone.

Yes, I have issues. I'm gonna stop now, 'cause otherwise I'd be here all night.


"My vision would turn your world upside down, tear asunder your illusions, and send the sanctuary of your own ignorance crashing down around you. Now ask yourself, are you really ready to see that vision?"


Thursday, August 16, 2007 4:11 PM


Sucks 'cause I gotta go home. But I feel that same pain Zero. Don't know how much of a help I could be (and probably shouldn't be offering help in my state) but I'll be here all day tomorrow.



Friday, August 17, 2007 4:54 AM


awww NVG that sucks. Sorry, man. I thought this one was gonna be a winner for you. Either way you shouldn't have to lose the friendship over breaking up. You guys probably just need your space right now, but in time hopefully you can bring the friendship back.

Don't give up on everyone though. Everybody needs friends. Especially browncoat friends


Friday, August 17, 2007 4:56 AM


Big hugs for Joe. If you want/need a sounding board, feel free to PM me.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, August 17, 2007 6:19 AM


Way to kill the thread Rugbug. I blame you.


Friday, August 17, 2007 7:41 AM


Ah fooey. Seems the thread killer is the thread starter as of late.

So yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm single as single can get right now. But that is okay because nothing was ever really defined in my "relationship".

After mulling over stuff with my buddy John yesterday I pretty much have come to the conclusion that though I did make a few mistakes, Mindy is off her nut. I can't sit around waiting for her to get better, (granted she even wants to put in the effort), taking all manner of abuse and neglect along the way. She loves me but doesn't respect me therefore there has to be distance no matter how much it hurts. I cannot feel guilty for the actions of other people and should not have to carry the burden of their sins. No person should ever doubt themselves on account of the pain and malice of another. But again I am losing a friend I've held dear for a very long time. seems that'll be something fun to deal with for a very long time.

On a brighter note...


Friday, August 17, 2007 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
Way to kill the thread Rugbug. I blame you.

I'm a total thread killer. I can't post on the picture threads without everyone fleeing for day or three. I try not to take it personally.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, August 17, 2007 8:41 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:

Originally posted by Zeek:
Way to kill the thread Rugbug. I blame you.

I'm a total thread killer. I can't post on the picture threads without everyone fleeing for day or three. I try not to take it personally.

That's just cause they're spending those days photoshopping themselves into the picture next to you to show to their friends and be all "yeah that's my gf and me".


Friday, August 17, 2007 9:58 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by RugBug:

Originally posted by Zeek:
Way to kill the thread Rugbug. I blame you.

I'm a total thread killer. I can't post on the picture threads without everyone fleeing for day or three. I try not to take it personally.

That's just cause they're spending those days photoshopping themselves into the picture next to you to show to their friends and be all "yeah that's my gf and me".

You get big internet hugs today.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, August 17, 2007 11:23 AM


Quietest Friday ever. So, who's gonna go see Superbad? It looks hilarious and juvenile. The second part being the reason why I doubt I'll convince anyone to go see it.


Friday, August 17, 2007 12:51 PM


Hey all. Been a few days since I checked in, so I thought I'd stop by. I'm doing pretty well this week, though last week was horrific. Last Friday I had to go pick up my xray films , which were supposed to be ready and waiting for me, but there was a mix up, and they had to reprint some of the xrays, which they said would take 15 minutes but ended up taking 35. I had to take pain meds while I was waiting, and then on the drive home I managed to hit a 9 on the pain scale (my previous high was 8 out of 10) -- driving a stick shift in traffic is murder on my knees. So between the car and the stairs, I'm not going out on my own anymore unless there's no other choice.

But this week has been much better. I managed to finish up the baby booties and get them in the mail to my friend (the baby could come at any moment now, and if not she's set to be induced on Monday). I even got out of the house on my own once, to overnight some money to my brother who just lost his job, and is moving his wife and 4 month old son to Austin to be closer to our parents. I need to find some cuter hats to wear on those days when I can either shower or leave the house, but not both. ("What was that about hats?" "People aren't wearing enough of them.")

NVG: Sorry to hear that the wheels have come off, it was great seeing you so happy. But I know from experience that you can't fix a person, especially while you're in a relationship with them, so sometimes it is better just to cut the ties and move on. Don't let it burn you out on relationships though. Somewhere out there there's a woman who is strong and independent and everything you knew Mindy could be, and you'll be a lot happier in the long run.

Zeek: Definitely going to see Superbad, though maybe not this weekend (got too much planned as it is ). "Hilarious and juvenile" are the only types of comedies I watch. And I've liked everything else by this director, and everything I've seen the main actor in. I'm hoping that it'll be good enough to add to the DVD collection.

*Hugs* to all of you.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, August 17, 2007 3:01 PM


Thanks CK. I felt I owed it to myself to at least try. Surprizingly I don't feel all that bad anymore. I know her kids will be taken care of and (knowing her) I'm sure she will do what she can for herself and (trying not to sound like a complete asshat) find someone to help take care of her. There is still the dreaded "I can't be with you/goodbye" episode at hand.

There is another week out of my life.

You actually drive a stick. Crap. I used to whine about being a little stiff and having to work the clutch back when I drove one. Can't even imagine what you're having to do just to get around. Folks like you really help the motivation factor for those times when folks like me are completely capable but unwilling. Thank you.

Oh boy Zeek. After I saw Knocked Up there was a huge push to want to see Super Bad. Hopefully I can get to Reno. Seems some good (or bad) humor might be what the doctor ordered.

ADD: It is six, Saturday morning and I should be eating a bowl of cereal watching Robotech anxiously awaiting TMNT on channel 8. Wait, that's what I did when I was twelve. Okay. I got up, had a drink, and happen to be surfing the 'net because I can't sleep. Sucks! Oh well. There are other days to work crap out. Think today I might scrape the change jar to go see Superbad.


Saturday, August 18, 2007 3:30 AM


Bumpage for an early Saturday morning.


Saturday, August 18, 2007 8:15 AM


Morning all:)
BIG HUGS Joey and check your email baby. I am so sorry..but I promise if I have to build you a woman good enough to deserve you ...I'm getting with Jimi and we're going for it!!!

OK cereal on a Saturday morning, still in pj's while watching cartoons...I truly believe this is a close to Nirvana as you can get.

It's Mister G's birthday today ( he's 37 today) He had yesterday off and we spent it boxing up stuff to get ready to sell and going to see Bourne Ultimatium ( which I really liked)

Zero- Hugs so you were a free-range child ( that's what I refer to them as , since I get a ton of them in my social and behavior skills classes) it does get better...give it a chance and you know you do just fine here so I'd bet you'd do just fine in social situations with some practice:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Sunday, August 19, 2007 5:01 AM



Originally posted by msg:
It's Mister G's birthday today ( he's 37 today) He had yesterday off and we spent it boxing up stuff to get ready to sell and going to see Bourne Ultimatium ( which I really liked)

Wish MisterG a (belated) happy birthday from me!

You know what the first rule of flyin' is? Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. And love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down… tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keels… makes her a home.


Sunday, August 19, 2007 4:34 PM


I happened upon a 'puter today (just got 'net at home and modem takes a dump, yeesh) and jumped in to say Hi.
Happy Birthday to MrG from me. Thanks for the build (I'll send specs ASAP)
Thanks for keepin' the thread alive Fly.
Good Sunday. Ballin' in the morning, shooting in the afternoon, laundry and a beer whilst listening to the Bomb Shelter tonight.

I think I might be celebrating. Is that wrong?

Goodnight folks. See y'all tomorrow.


Monday, August 20, 2007 1:20 AM


mornin' Imponderables


Originally posted by Zeek:
That's just cause they're spending those days photoshopping themselves into the picture next to you to show to their friends and be all "yeah that's my gf and me".

Damnit, you caught me.


Originally posted by msg:
...I'm getting with Jimi and we're going for it...

that's what she said...

Look! We finally passed Zena and are the #1 show! Keep up the voting so we can stay there. :)

So, I am told it was posted in the bar (about to go check it out), but if you haven't heard, Ami gave birth to Emmalee Roze Spettel on Thursday, 8/16, at 8:24 pm. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 19.75 in. Both baby and mother came home yesterday and are doing well.

On a serious note, NVG, I have mixed feelings for you with regard to your ending relationship. I am sad that something that made you so happy is over, but I am glad that you won't have to deal with some of the stresses associated with it. You get those specs to me and MsG, and we'll get right on it.

As for the ponderable about fixing people, I think we all have a need or desire to feel useful, and helping to "fix" someone can fill that, as well as endear us to that person and sometimes make them closer (though sometimes it has the opposite effect and can drive them away).

You're in a Chinese Opium Dem, Timmy. This is where the sport of Dodgeball was invented in the 15th Century ... by Opium-addicted Chinamen. But back then, the Chinamen threw severed heads at each other, instead of the A.D.A.A.-approved balls we use today.


Monday, August 20, 2007 3:08 AM


HUGS don't forget to bring pics of the new little one to D*C

Ok folks I may not be on much today as I am stuck in a day long faculty meeting from hell ...stupid school starting:( As soon as I have my classroom up and running though, I'll be on tons:) Oh happy day:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, August 20, 2007 6:27 AM


Well hooray Jimi! Awesome! When do we get to see the shiny pics of the new addition?

Seems not much has changed. I'm actually a little on the stressed side for a wierd reason this morning.

BabyV was up and walking around this morning munching on oranges seemingly happy in her footy pajamas. With all the talk of the future and kids and family, basically the vision of happiness she would hold BabyV and something would click in my brain every time. V is a mixed race child. Mindy and I are opposite skin tones. I couldn't help but associate the two every dang time I saw them together. As glad as I am to be away from the BS there is still that callous rubbin' on the tender spot in my heart. I can see the impossibility of that vision, every single part of it. And the continuing faith in it goes on, just not woth her in my heart. It just sucks that she can't be anywhere in my life in fear of any detriment she can offer in exchange for the friend that she needs and I could never be again.
I have to leave her behind again. Took a while to get around the guilt of the first time. So much happened in her life in the first time we "broke up" as she put it. But honestly she put herself in those compromising positions. No healthy person could blame anyone else for their own indiscrecions. She iss not healthy. She has been poisioned so far and has continued those cycles on her own. No one can be blamed for that but her.
Of course that won't keep me from feeling bad. But she already asked me to put myself in harms way one time too many in the name of her own shortcomings and chemical issues. Does she really expect me to set myself ablaze for her? Perhaps. With her rationale anyone who can sacrifice themselves in the name of another would be endeared to her the most. I guess I didn't love her enough to go that far.
But I also loved myself enough as to not allow any other person to dictate my conduct or sensibilities. With her I was on the edge of that compromise.
We had three good weeks. I was happier than I could ever have imagined. The three weeks was an actual stable non questionable time. Was I in love at that time? I was falling. The end of the three weeks was the day that I decided that I had fallen. Sure I'm hurt. Perhaps beyond repair. But really only as it associates to her. The goal is to find someone who I faithfully don't have to worry about. I had that for a short while and it felt good. I can use what I've learned to say, "That is the way a relationship is supposed to be most of the time." Not desperate and wanting. But stable and fulfilled.

1. Has to be it least as good of shape as me.
2. Has to pull her own weight
3. Has to NOT know or have any association to my oldest friend Jason.

I don't expect a supermodel but I don't expect a lazy so and so either. I want to do stuff and I need someone to keep up with me. Sorry. I got stamina. Obviously I need someone who can and is willing to work, I don't make alot now. But I will someday. I want stuff. Not expensive stuff. But decent stuff. Call it the poor kid in me, but I wanna drive a vehicle that is newer than my first day on this job (January 7th, 2000). And (the funny) it seems all the girls my buddy Jason knew or dated were a little F'ed in the head. I only realized last night that he dated both of the troubled ones at some point. The latter more seriously. So yeah. Distance may be a good thing.

So to end this giganto post I wanna thank all you kind folks who are gracious enough to listen. I especially thank those who are unafraid to criticize. Without that critical thinking I might have fallen in completely and could be in complete emotional despair right now. Anyone can agree with what you say. But friends will disagree and not expect retalliation of any sort.

Thanks friends.


Monday, August 20, 2007 6:30 AM


Just poppin' in to say howdy. I've got a co-worker out for two days so I'll be busier than usual. Gah.

jimi, congrats on the little one.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, August 20, 2007 6:33 AM


Just a fleeting visit to say hi and bye.

I'm going out for my friend'd 21st.


Now with letters after my name.


Monday, August 20, 2007 6:38 AM


Congrats on the baby Jimi!

MSG - thanks for the teaching advice, and sorry I didn't get to thank you before now. I DID get to read it and it DID help a lot, so thanks.

The course has been going well and is actually kind of fun. A few students dropped out when they realised I wasn't going to let them wander off for a smoke whenever they felt like it, but the rest have been really cool and are making progress. Yay!

In other news, my lurky little brother Geekmafia is college bound! In fact, he has been accepted to University College Dublin to study science Woo hoo!

Even the littlest Joss chicks are absolutely kickass
Banners, Avatars, LJ Icons and other fun stuff at


Monday, August 20, 2007 6:49 AM


*glomps the Hippie*

Concrats to GeekMafia, and doubly so for studying science! :)

NVG, it is understandable that you have some of those guilty-type feelings, but if you know deep within that this is what is best (and it seems that you do) then it will pass. We can't help everyone, and should always look out for ourselves if we can.

I'll get right to work on finding someone to your specifications. :)

You're in a Chinese Opium Dem, Timmy. This is where the sport of Dodgeball was invented in the 15th Century ... by Opium-addicted Chinamen. But back then, the Chinamen threw severed heads at each other, instead of the A.D.A.A.-approved balls we use today.


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:06 AM


I'm already feeling better. Not self righteous. Just righteous and kickass. Alot of the guilt has gone away. But the leaving behind feeling never seem to alleviate. Never been able to completly let go, but I think it's time.

As for the looking Jimi, Yay! I wanna date. For the first time in my life. No sex. No immediate commitment. Just a fun, relaxed time out, possibly in. I need time to learn and be studied 'cause gorrammit I'm worth it.


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:08 AM


I'll see what I can do, though you are the only person I actually know in Nevada...

You're in a Chinese Opium Dem, Timmy. This is where the sport of Dodgeball was invented in the 15th Century ... by Opium-addicted Chinamen. But back then, the Chinamen threw severed heads at each other, instead of the A.D.A.A.-approved balls we use today.


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:13 AM


Even to offer is a great gesture. Online hookup? Never really considered that one before.


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:19 AM


His first choice was English and History, as he'd like to teach those subjects eventually, but the points for those courses are actually higher than science since they're so popular and science has taken a massive dip in popularity.

Okay I should probably explain. In Ireland, everyone has the right to a college or university education. The government pays the fees for the first 3rd level course you study. You just need the academic merit to get there. You still end up paying admin fees and buying books and stuff, but it's a few hundred per year instead of a few thousand. Big difference!

You don't apply directly to the colleges either if you're a school leaver. Instead you fill in two forms - one saying what degree courses you're interested in and one saying what diploma or certificate courses you're interested in. Then you complete a series of exams called the leaving cert - you have to do at least six subjects if you want to go to University. Your awarded points for every exam you pass, up to a maximum of six subjects. The higher your grade, the higher the points. Which is why a lot of people take seven or eight subjects, in case one exam is a disaster.

Anyway, the colleges then calculate how many people applied for each of their courses and decide how many points students need to attend that course. The downside is that popular or prestigious subjects like medicine tend to require somewhere in the high 500's points wise. (The max is 600) and points for the same course can vary wildly year to year depending on how popular they are. The up side is that it cuts out a LOT of hassle applying to colleges and you can get to university based solely on your academic merit.

So the leaving certificate results came out last Wednesday, and today students all over Ireland get their first offers. There'll be another round next week and a third the week after, since places become available if students decline an offer of defer their course for a year.

Long explanation for a complicated system. It's not perfect, but it's just about the fairest I've come accross.

Anyway... congrats Geekmafia!

Even the littlest Joss chicks are absolutely kickass
Banners, Avatars, LJ Icons and other fun stuff at


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:21 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Even to offer is a great gesture. Online hookup? Never really considered that one before.

Is this my cue to make you blush again?

Even the littlest Joss chicks are absolutely kickass
Banners, Avatars, LJ Icons and other fun stuff at


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:22 AM


NVG, online hookups are, uh, interesting. I'll leave it at that.

DTH, thanks for the explanation of that system. Sounds a bit better (to me) than the one we have here.

*glomps her again for good measure*

You're in a Chinese Opium Dem, Timmy. This is where the sport of Dodgeball was invented in the 15th Century ... by Opium-addicted Chinamen. But back then, the Chinamen threw severed heads at each other, instead of the A.D.A.A.-approved balls we use today.


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:23 AM


Hells to the yes Congrats. And props to him figuring out how the system works.

Really though. Continuing education is so important. Even my newly motivated behind is considering, almost requireing school again. I want to be top dog. And I want to go beyond. That is my goal.

ADD: Interesting huh Jimi?

Aw heck DTH, I could go for a little blushage right now. Never hurts does it?

Is there a profession he is considering for when he's done?


Monday, August 20, 2007 7:39 AM


Yep, Jimi. I like the system too. It's crushing when you're caught in the middle of it (as I remember all too well) but it does give a lot of people a chance at university when normally that wouldn't be an option. Heck, I'm a case in point

NVG - Stu wants to teach English and History, but he's accepting science since he figures if he still wants to teach when he's done (the course will last four years) then he can teach science. If not then there's a lot of science subjects to choose from, and he can decide which ones to specialise in once his first year is complete. He likes the physical sciences though, so it's likely he'll go with something that involves that.

*looks around*

*flashes NVG*

Made ya blush!

Even the littlest Joss chicks are absolutely kickass
Banners, Avatars, LJ Icons and other fun stuff at


Monday, August 20, 2007 8:08 AM


Actually I kinda needed that.


Monday, August 20, 2007 8:28 AM


You know it's one of those Mondays when the first time I get to post is at 1:30. Ugh.

At least a few more days like these will make me want out of this job so much that I'll welcome being laid off. I get the impression that could be coming up at any moment. So, the more I hate my job the better right?

Anyway, Hi to everybody. Did anyone actually get out to see superbad and if so how was it?

Also *pokes DTH* go back and find the Lost spoiler I posted to you. Well I guess I can be nice and repost it.

Casting Rumors for Lost season 4:

Select to view spoiler:

They're saying that Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) might be hired on for season 4. Yipee!


Monday, August 20, 2007 8:46 AM


Bad Saturday. Stuff got to me and I ran away. But I only made it to Fernley, (thirty miles) before the truck overheated. Sat in Wadsworth (another five miles) while the truck cooled down for about forty minutes. Did ALOT of thinking while I wasn't getting paid for a job I was going to Reno to get paid for and to watch Superbad. Didn't make it to Reno. Surfage on the 'net since I have access at home for a limited time, prepped for the shoot Sunday and went to bed.

So I can't listen to Jackson By Johnny cash anymore. seems it is ruined for the time being by the only person I'd sing it with. So pushing next on the Media player set on random cues Cry, Cry, Cry. What F-ing luck. Not.


Monday, August 20, 2007 9:14 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Bad Saturday. Stuff got to me and I ran away. But I only made it to Fernley, (thirty miles) before the truck overheated. Sat in Wadsworth (another five miles) while the truck cooled down for about forty minutes. Did ALOT of thinking while I wasn't getting paid for a job I was going to Reno to get paid for and to watch Superbad. Didn't make it to Reno. Surfage on the 'net since I have access at home for a limited time, prepped for the shoot Sunday and went to bed.

So I can't listen to Jackson By Johnny cash anymore. seems it is ruined for the time being by the only person I'd sing it with. So pushing next on the Media player set on random cues Cry, Cry, Cry. What F-ing luck. Not.

Sounds like bad things come in waves for you. We're all here for you NVG. Things have to turn back around eventually.


Monday, August 20, 2007 9:30 AM


But Sunday was good. Went ballin' (got hosed but I still had a very good time), went shooting with my bud John, hung out at his shop and watched him do some great black and gray work, mulled things over on the phone with my buddy Jason, listened to the tailend of the Bombshelter, had a drink, then went to bed. I haven't woke up screaming (listen to the Gary Alln son Wake Up Screaming) so sleep must be a good thing now. Right?


Monday, August 20, 2007 10:24 AM


Oh so painfully bored

HUGS NV that sounds sucky

Ok how bad does a job have to be before being laid off sounds good?

Must dash before I get in trouble

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, August 20, 2007 10:26 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Ok how bad does a job have to be before being laid off sounds good?

I've had that job!

You know what the first rule of flyin' is? Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. And love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down… tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keels… makes her a home.






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