Firefly and SPACEY AWARDS - Canada

UPDATED: Monday, April 5, 2004 14:13
VIEWED: 2119
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Monday, April 5, 2004 7:36 AM


Wondering: why is it that these SPACEY AWARDS, over at the SPACE channel in Toronto, has no Firefly?

Personally, I'd give Firefly lots of awards. Why can't SPACE even bother to nominate Firefly for something? Hm? ANYTHING?


Monday, April 5, 2004 7:46 AM


They did the same thing last year. I don't take those awards seriously anyways and they're really not meant to be. It's just filler on the schedule basically with a bit of entertainment value thrown in. 'Sides, you know exactly what kind of folks hang out on the forum over there. Not exactly a preponderance of Browncoats among them at the moment.

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Monday, April 5, 2004 8:20 AM


Ermm... unless they have a best DVD box set category (which they don't) there's not really any category under which Firefly applies.

As far as I can tell, all of the programs nominated in the "Favourite TV Series" are either still in production or were shown on TV as a mini-series in the past year.

If the Spaceys were awarded in 2001-2, then I'd put up more of a fuss. As it is, "Firefly" exists more or less as a re-run series.

Otherwise it would be up against every other cancelled series that runs on the Space Channel (in Canada).

Besides, as the two-headed Betelguisean points out, it's really a marketing/programming ploy than any attempt at a real awards show.

Oh wait... that pretty much covers most of the other award shows out there. Scratch that last comment.

Kozure the Kamikaze Highlander

Proud Citizen of Canada-That-Was


Monday, April 5, 2004 9:31 AM



Originally posted by ZaphodB:
Not exactly a preponderance of Browncoats among them at the moment.

You're so naive my friend. And I'm encouraging others to discover what I know. I realize you're aware of my teasing the SPACE fanboys and thier marketing forum people. They aren't people, I use the term loosley. Anyho'...

I noticed you parroted thier own line that the... *ahem*, AWARDS were just for fun. Just filler. Well, if it's just for fun I guess the Firefly fans aren't invited to the fun?

P.S. - if it's not serious, it isn't an AWARD. See the mind fookin' going on here? It isn't, but it SAYS IT IS. Trust me, when marketing discovered George Orwell things changed.


Monday, April 5, 2004 10:05 AM


I agree with Kozure; I think it's just a timing thing. The Spaceys are only for shows current to 2003.

Consider how many shows don't even air in Canada until after they've come and gone stateside (The Others, The Chronicle, Witchblade. . .), it's impressive they've found this many.

Probably Serenity will be in the "best movie" category when it comes out.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, April 5, 2004 10:12 AM



Originally posted by Kozure:
Ermm... unless they have a best DVD box set category (which they don't) there's not really any category under which Firefly applies.

As far as I can tell, all of the programs nominated in the "Favourite TV Series" are either still in production or were shown on TV as a mini-series in the past year.

If you can't tell that's even worse. BTW, are trying to tell me there are awards for shows from only January to now? Yeaaaaaaa...


If the Spaceys were awarded in 2001-2, then I'd put up more of a fuss. As it is, "Firefly" exists more or less as a re-run series.

There's a year called 2003 after that one and before 2004. You can't tell me Fireflys' broadcast date disqualifies itself from this 'fun', er... award thing. Firefly ran THIS WINTER. This season. Cancelled or not it's THERE. See? Can't ignore it. Why do they?

Otherwise it would be up against every other cancelled series that runs on the Space Channel (in Canada).
Firefly is a NEW SHOW. What the frell are you on about pal?


Besides, as the two-headed Betelguisean points out, it's really a marketing/programming ploy than any attempt at a real awards show.

Tis my point.


Oh wait... that pretty much covers most of the other award shows out there. Scratch that last comment.

Let's just try one show at a time ok?

Kozure the Kamikaze Highlander

Proud Citizen of Canada-That-Was

Why did you even bother to post this? THINK!


Monday, April 5, 2004 10:14 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I agree with Kozure; I think it's just a timing thing. The Spaceys are only for shows current to 2003.

My point is that Firefly IS a 2003 show and OBVIOUSLY should be included in any award show. The Emmy people will have too so why not SPACE?


Monday, April 5, 2004 10:35 AM


Ghoulman, I've had it out with Hagenmeyer and some of the other idiots who didn't care for the show and made damn sure it was known to everybody who posted on that forum. Why the hell do you think I've made sure there has been a couple of Firefly threads that don't end up buried in the forums. It's my subtle way of getting in their face whereas you take the direct approach. Both equally valid in my books.

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Monday, April 5, 2004 10:52 AM


A Ghoulman post about the Spacey Awards:

aaah, it's NOT an awards show.

An 'award' is something one gains for merit. Not because the marketing Dept. at SPACE the 'imagination' station thinks it can just make up crap to brownnose the cable sales Overlords.

For a laugh; Look at the categories... they haven't even bothered to come up with the 'special achievment' and the 'Life time achievment' because... well, none of the things they're promoting are particularly special, and the rest are certianly not something one would want thier whole life to be remembered by. Hint: no one will take blank awards seriously.

The actor awards are not even aimmed at ... actors! It's all best character bollocks. How insulting! Say, have any actors told SPACE to frell off?

But SPACE, seeing the massive success of thier first SPACEY awards (*chuckle*) have warped ahead with yet another blatant excuse to promote what little crappy third rate cable programming they can dig up. Mutant X is just a rip off from some crappy Toronto production. You know... is FX The Series gonna get an award next?

Fav TV shows - Alias isn't even on SPACE! How the frell do you explain that one?

Fav Canadian shows - yeeeeaaa. Just because bored TV crews in Toronto need to rip something off an American comic book or whatever doesn't mean they deserve an award. btw, what award does Andromeda deserve???

Fav villian - this is just stupid. Fav villian, Charlize Theron? Actors get awards for the roles they play not the kinds of roles they play. This fan boy crap category really highlights the dishonesty of these wards.

Fav Hero - Is crap for the same reason.

Fav TV charactger, Male & female - Hmm. So you decided to eliminate the actor all together? I wonder if someone is collecting marketing information and selling it to a third party? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Gorram marketing liars.

Fav video game - because the kickbacks from the gaming industry have kept SPACE in booze and Church St. hookers for three years! Thanks Greedy Productions!!!

And so on and so on... Then the SPACE CHOICE guys tell us thier favs even though they aren't giving out an award for thier favs. Huh?

So, it's obvious the SPACE people have decided to use thier viewers, fans, and sycophantic impulses to create a marketing profile of their viewers and then sell that info.

After all, it's nothing but crap commercial work in the Big Smoke these days right? Not like SPACE actually produces anything let alone something of quality. HypaSPACE is certainly nothing to shout about and what little science you notice comes in the form of what are still the best things produced at SPACE - the science montages and reports. Prolly the only non-profit and actually informative thing on SPACE. Thanks Natasha Eloi for being a fun host.

There are fewer and fewer reasons to watch SPACE, and this is one big reason right? The programming is cheaper with more and more bad reruns from pushy cable markets, no original programming since LEXX, no movies (well, there is Decoys... such as it is), no movies re-run unless they are on general cable rotation with the CHUM hordes, and to top it all off... SPACE creates an awards shows that is insulting to actors and producers... because the awards don't go to the people who did all that hard work with thier talents and guts - the awards go to the product SPACE wants to sell.

You know, I do watch SPACE. I like SPACE. But the 'imagination station' has been degenerating into YTV *chuckle* and really, there is SO much great Sci-Fi and Fantasy stuff out there to fill the airwaves I gotta wonder why it is that this winter the SPACE station looks more and more like it's yet another dead cable station awaiting even fewer marketing payola? Get a grip kids... you are going off the rails.;f=1;t=005

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Monday, April 5, 2004 11:50 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
If you can't tell that's even worse. BTW, are trying to tell me there are awards for shows from only January to now? Yeaaaaaaa...

Ah... quite a few award shows only qualify shows shown within a certain time frame, usually in the year previous to the current year, viz, the Academy Awards. Firefly, having first aired in Fall of 2002 and getting canned around Christmas is nowhere near being within a year of now.


There's a year called 2003 after that one and before 2004. You can't tell me Fireflys' broadcast date disqualifies itself from this 'fun', er... award thing. Firefly ran THIS WINTER. This season. Cancelled or not it's THERE. See? Can't ignore it. Why do they? Firefly is a NEW SHOW. What the frell are you on about pal?

Firefly is not a new show. It aired first in the U.S. in September, 2002, nearly two years ago. It ran this winter in Canada on Space, but that hardly qualifies. If one were to, for the sake of argument, actually take the awards seriously and then say that ANY shows shown on Space within the past year qualify (i.e. April 2004 until April 2003, why not ST:TNG, or Voyager or a host of other shows?



Kozure the Kamikaze Highlander

Proud Citizen of Canada-That-Was

Why did you even bother to post this? THINK!

I'm not sure what you're objecting to here. *shrug* It's a joke.

Kozure the Kamikaze Highlander

Proud Citizen of Canada-That-Was


Monday, April 5, 2004 1:23 PM


^^^ oh. Sorry... just about the crack. ;p

*checks it's wrong!*

I think I'll skulk away since I have no idea the actual air dates. My bad.

*skulks away*


Monday, April 5, 2004 1:36 PM



Originally posted by ZaphodB:
A Ghoulman post about the Spacey Awards:

aaah, it's NOT an awards show.

Industrial Looniee & Madness -

This is a TROLL post! Pleeeeaaase, don't post this sillyness here.

btw Zaphod, I'd no idea you had such troubles at that BBS, though I wondered having seen a couple of your (terrific!) threads there. Funny, it was your thread that made me post something there (after gaining an unwarrented reputation months previous) and those fanboy JERKS trolled the heck outta me, and I was being so nice. So hey... trolled 'em right back. I was bored and that BBS is a mess anyho', not classy like this one. :)

So anyway... this issue is for not. Me stupid. Too bad, it would have been fun to nail those gorram space jerks for something! Which is why I asked of course.

hahahhhahahahahhaha <-- evil Ghoulman laugh.

Oh, but hey if you think of something else let me know. JAB! Maybe I'm just a good man


Monday, April 5, 2004 2:13 PM


Well, don't put down the Space channel so fast. I live in Canada, and I enjoy the daily dosage of sci-fi it offers...every monday they show Firefly episodes, which unless I'm mistaken, is a lot more than other networks. And as for the Spacey's...they are a fun kinda awards show. I don't think the people who win are going to be overly amazingly happy about winning a small Canadian award, but it's still fun. They still accepted them with a little speech, even Viggo Mortesen took 2 minutes off making his movie last year to thank Space, and even Peter Jackson thanked the Network many times (he won many times).And by the way I didn't read the last few responses so this may not make sense to whatever the last few people said.






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