Firefly Episodes nominated for a Hugo Award!

UPDATED: Saturday, April 24, 2004 10:55
VIEWED: 8585
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Friday, April 9, 2004 5:35 PM


The following episodes have been nominated for a Hugo Award!
Short Media Presentation
"Heart of Gold" — Firefly (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox). Directed by Thomas J. Wright; written by Brett Matthews.
"Message" — Firefly (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox). Directed by Tim Minear; written by Joss Whedon & Tim Minear.

The hugo award, for those of you who don't know, is the most prestigious award in science fiction. Good Luck Joss & team!


Friday, April 9, 2004 5:47 PM


What no 'Out of Gas'? I agree with 'The Message' but 'Heart of Gold' was one of the worse (but still good) of the Firefly episodes. Well, I guess if that wins then it will mean that even the worse of the Firefly is the best.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:03 PM


Out of Gas was broadcast in 2002, and therefore isn't eligible for the next round of Hugos; the two episodes that have been nominated were never broadcast, so their official date for Hugo purposes was the DVD box set release in December 2003.

But bless my soul, this has to be a Damn Big first; I've never heard of a tv show episode being nominated for a Hugo -- or anything else -- after the show has been off the air for more than a year. Pretty Gorram Shiny!

I just wonder why Trash didn't get nominated. Great "caper show", and also inside the nominating envelope. Guess somebody just doesn't like YoSaffBridge...

("I shaved my beard for you, Devil Woman!")

Hey -- does anyone know what the competition is? Just what does Firefly have to beat, anyway?

"You can't enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him." -- Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:11 PM



As an avid aficionado of the genre, I've read the collected works of Herbert(s), Heinlein, The Three B's of Hard Sci-fi (Brin, Bear and Benford), and various works of countless others over the past 25 years. I typically read 2, 3 or 4 novels concurrently; I have no problem keeping them separate in my mind, and like the intermingling of angles and points.

As such, I consider myself a connoiseur of good sci-fi. I have always felt that Firefly rates with the best the genre has to offer, and that it was/is the best sci-fi TV has ever offered. Consider too, that as a 9-year old, I used to hide behind my father's easy chair to sneak watching the original "Star Trek". I daresay my dad knew I was there; but, it aired after my bedtime, and rules were rules. :)

The best sci-fi is more about how technology affects people and the society in which they live, than it is about warp drives and alien invaders. "Star Trek" was mostly about meeting aliens, then either killing them, or mating with 'em, as long as they were female and roughly humanoid. "Firefly" is more concerned with the ways in which the colonization of new frontiers and the subsequent unequal distribution of wealth, power and technology impacts the individual lives the author(s) show us. That's true sci-fi; not ray guns, teleportation and green dancing girls...

It's about time Firefly received this critical notice from the science fiction community.



"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard 'Book' Wilkins, Independent Congress
author of A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:31 PM


Amen, brother!

Oh, and I would have voted for 'Trash' too.


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:33 PM



Originally posted by RocketJock:
Hey -- does anyone know what the competition is? Just what does Firefly have to beat, anyway?

Here are the nominees I found...


Best Dramatic Presentation — Short Form (212 ballots)

"Chosen" — Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox). Written and directed by Joss Whedon.

"Gollum's Acceptance Speech at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards" (Wingnut Films/New Line Cinema). Written and directed by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson.

"Heart of Gold" — Firefly (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox). Directed by Thomas J. Wright; written by Brett Matthews.

"Message" — Firefly (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox). Directed by Tim Minear; written by Joss Whedon & Tim Minear.

"Rosetta" — Smallville (Tollin/Robbins Productions/Warner Brothers). Directed by James Marshall; written by Al Gough & Miles Millar.

Also, I discovered that "Serenity" was nominated last year in this category, but it lost... to Buffy's "Conversations With Dead People."

The year before that there was no "short form" or "long form" to this category, and "Once More With Feeling" lost out to "The Fellowship of the Ring." Gee, wonder why they split the category?

"Wacky fun..."


Friday, April 9, 2004 7:16 PM


Thanks BlazingBug. Well, I doubt Gollum's acceptance speech has a serious chance, and I'm not familiar with the Buffy episode; but the Smallville episode was actually quite good, and guest-starred Chris Reeves to boot, which will tighten the competition, not to mention splitting my daughter's loyalties...

But I'm glad they split the category; good as Firefly is, I doubt we could win against Return of The King!

"We have done the impossible; that makes us mighty!"

"You can't enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him." -- Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, April 9, 2004 7:46 PM



bout time our gorram show got some attention :)

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:36 AM


What do you mean? Firefly already won a Grammy. A Hugo Award to boot would make even better but I have that feeling that Gollum's acceptance speech will beat them all out just because it is LOTR.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:47 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by rklenseth:
What do you mean? Firefly already won a Grammy.

Don't you mean an Emmy? It did win for best SFX last year, but did it also win a Grammy for its score?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:03 AM


And Nathan Fillion won a Saturn award for Firefly too, right? Don't know what that is, just remember hearing it on the commentary for Serenity.

I think Chosen was the series finale of Buffy. Solid ep, but too short!

IMHO there's never been a single ep of anything better on tv than The Message.

"What's sanguine mean again?"


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:17 AM


It is cool that there are two nominations for 'Firefly' and VERY cool that there are three nominations representing the Whedonverse!
But I would have prefered that 'Serenity' had been nominated (or is a two hour pilot too long?)
and altho the MTV clip of Gollum's acceptance was very cute, it really was just a couple of minutes WTF???


Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:50 AM



Originally posted by SBWatcher:
And Nathan Fillion won a Saturn award for Firefly too, right? Don't know what that is, just remember hearing it on the commentary for Serenity.

I think Chosen was the series finale of Buffy. Solid ep, but too short!

IMHO there's never been a single ep of anything better on tv than The Message.

"What's sanguine mean again?"

He won it for Actor of the Future. Joss joked that it wasn't for his performance on "Firefly", but his role on "Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place".

Harken: "Seems odd that you would name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."
Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:52 AM



Originally posted by embers:

But I would have prefered that 'Serenity' had been nominated (or is a two hour pilot too long?) was, last year. The episodes nominated now didn't broadcast (in the UK, Canada, and Latin America anyway) until 2003.

Harken: "Seems odd that you would name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."
Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:17 AM



I'll be voting in the Hugos and attending the World SF con, aka Noreascon 4, in September in Boston.

If you want to vote you can pay the supporting membership price of $35.

The Hugos are basically fan awards... so popularity is key ingredient to who wins. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire won best novel 2 years ago and LOTR:FotR won best dramatic presentation last year. So not always science fiction... which is a topic that has been debated.

2 Episodes of Babylon 5 and Star Trek: the Next Gen finale "all good things..." have won best dramatic award several years ago.



Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:21 AM


For me its ironic that two of the best episodes were never aired in the USA, The Message and Heart of Gold, so I am very glad that both of them have been nominated. I think The Message might pip it to the post. Out of Gas was excellent too mind you, but can't nominate all of them!!!


Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:46 AM


Newbie here, had loved the Firefly series, was bummed when it was canned, and recently got the DVD, almost done watching it. Have a comment about the Hugo nominations---of all of the episodes, I thought "The Message" was the weakest. Had some "sloppy" writing. (Understand that I say "sloppy" only in the context of comparing Whedon with Whedon: high standards, applicable to few other screenwriters.) There were some obvious logic holes that could have easily been patched but weren't. I assumed that was because they had just gotten "notice" and were hurrying with the script. But I'm surprised to see it nominated for an award. Anyone else have this reaction, or am I out in left field?

Nice Web site, BTW. Glad that Firefly is having a "resurgence" and hope that the movie will have the same quality as the series.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:42 PM



Originally posted by SamuraiX47:
2 Episodes of Babylon 5 and Star Trek: the Next Gen finale "all good things..." have won best dramatic award several years ago.

Importantly, JMS withdrew episodes of B5 from voting (as I recall, one time he got 2 on the list) to avoid splitting the vote. I fear that Joss is likely to get the award for Chosen rather than Firefly for The Message - I forget, is this the script alone or the whole thing (IMO The Message is a cliched script, which somehow gets beyond that with the actors, direction and music - its one of my favourites).

And I didn't even think Chosen was a good episode of Buffy...

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:50 PM


I love Chosen. I'd be super-happy if any of the 3 jossverse eps won.

~lissa, spwhore


Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:01 PM



Originally posted by lissa:
I love Chosen. I'd be super-happy if any of the 3 jossverse eps won.

~lissa, spwhore

My problem with Chosen was it felt like just another episode, rather than what it was, a big damn episode. It was functional for me, and that wasn't enough - then again, Joss already said goodbye to Buffy once in stunning fashion.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:21 AM


Neither of these would make it to my top three favorite Firefly shows but I still liked them.

Isn't it strange that 2 out of 3 shows that Fox decided not to air have been nominated for Hugos?

It just proves what we've been saying all along

Fox Fux


Sunday, April 11, 2004 11:19 AM



Originally posted by WhooDahn:
Isn't it strange that 2 out of 3 shows that Fox decided not to air have been nominated for Hugos?

It just proves what we've been saying all along.

Um, not exactly. The reason these shows were eligible this year was precisely because they weren't shown. Their date of "showing" became when the DVDs were released.

What this really goes to show is the effect of the DVD release of the series. People obviously nominated what Firefly episodes they could. I wouldn't be surprised to find "Trash" in the 6th or 7th place.

Honestly, I'm a little worried about Firefly's chances. One, the split vote between two episodes. Two, it's the last episode of Buffy. And three, if "Rosetta" was the Smallville with Christopher Reeve, the sympathy/nostalgia vote could put it over.

Then again, I'll bet Firefly will have another opportunity with the BDM, and wouldn't it just be sweet to ace the Hugo from Episode 3.

"Wacky fun..."


Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:14 PM


Can't those who are members do what the Bab5 guys did?

Just pick one entry as the nominated choice and concentrate on voting for that one.

I think they did that with the Coming of the Shadows when the vote was split.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:23 PM


My point was the quality of the show, not the timing. Fox canceled a quality series that has two shows with Hugo nominations, you think they would have left it alone.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 3:55 PM


Here is the complete list of noms for the Hugos.

I guessed they realized the need to distinguish short and long dramatic presentations with so many good genre television shows that have come along like B5 and BtVS.



Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:25 PM


Waaaaa? Not War Stories or Ariel? Both are by far the best of the series ( with the Pilot close behind). Message is a fine episode, but Heart of Gold was one of he weakest I think.

Then again, the weakest Firefly episode is still much better then 95% of what is on TV ( 90% if the MAriners could ever win a game this year...@@#$@#)

No power in the 'Verse can stop me


Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:04 PM


All the episodes aired on Fox were only eligible for last year's awards. "Serenity" made the final ballot and came in second to Buffy's "Conversations With Dead People". "Objects in Space" was in the top 15 of nomination votes, but didn't get on the final ballot.

As someone already mentioned, I think it's clear the release of the DVDs (plus simply time for word to spread) has had a huge effect. I like "The Message" and "Heart of Gold" a lot, but I don't think they're in the upper echelon of FF eps. If all the eps were eligible this year I'd bet there'd be a Whedon sweep with FF getting four spots. It'll be interesting to see the nomination numbers once the winners are announced.


Monday, April 12, 2004 2:52 AM


Out of Gas and Objects in Space would be the next logical ones nominated for the Hugo next time around... I hope.


Monday, April 12, 2004 3:11 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Sniper, you should have read all the posts on this thread, then you would know that "Out of Gas" and "Objects in Space" were not eligible for the voting this year, since they aired in 2002.

"Serenity" and "Objects in Space" were nominated last year, with OiS not making it to the final ballot. The Buffy episode, "Conversations With Dead People" won that category.

"Heart of Gold" and "The Message" are on the ballot this year because 2003 was their official release year. And unless Joss releases something Firefly related to tv or dvd this year, there will be no Firefly eligible for Hugos next year, but of course, Serenity will be eligible in the "Long Form" category the year after that.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, April 12, 2004 3:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Good to see Firefly getting nominated for the award. I hope that one or the other episode takes home the award. It would help to spread the word on Firefly if one of the episodes wins, and could equate to more DVDs getting sold, and perhaps more movie ticket sales next year when the BDM hits theatres.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, April 12, 2004 6:38 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

This is one of the cases where I don't think winning is that important, but to have been nominated (and two episodes at that) is very significant. It means that Firefly has penetrated into the SF fandom arena and not just for followers of Joss Whedon.

The one and only time I attended a Worldcon was during the fourth year of Babylon 5's original run, and there were quite a few B5 viewing parties and other activities then. I am sure the same will be the case this year with Firefly.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, April 12, 2004 7:57 AM


I've voluteered to moderate or take part with any Firefly related discussions with the programming committee. Whether I'll get to do that is still to be seen, but I'm sure there will be something going on with Firefly fans... No one has suggested a shindig yet but if anyone wants to stop by the RISFC consuite you'll meet several whedonverse and Firefly fans.



Monday, April 12, 2004 8:38 AM


"Serenity" and "Objects in Space" were nominated last year, with OiS not making it to the final ballot. The Buffy episode, "Conversations With Dead People" won that category.

Whoops, my bad, I don't always read through things before posting


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:15 PM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

My problem with Chosen was it felt like just another episode, rather than what it was, a big damn episode.

that's actually how i felt the first time i saw it, and when i watched it on my crappy tape. then i got a really high quality download from my sister and cried through the whole thing. it was amazing. it just feels so epic to me...willow turning white (sound like micheal jackson lol), buffy giving the amulet to spike, the scoobies walking down the hall and leaving one by one, and the big-ass battle with that awesome score...they all make me freak lol.

~lissa, spwhore


Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:48 AM



Originally posted by lissa:
that's actually how i felt the first time i saw it, and when i watched it on my crappy tape. then i got a really high quality download from my sister and cried through the whole thing.

I'll get round to a rewatch one of these days, maybe I was in the wrong frame of mind.

"I threw up on your bed"


Friday, April 23, 2004 9:51 PM



Oh, and can someone please tell me why Out of Gas wasn't nominated? LOL. Sorry, I'm not making fun of the people who didn't read the posts before posting, just couldn't resist.

You know what? It's times like these that make you realize men have nipples. The fact that TWO episodes of a show that never made it to the public screen are nominated for an award that makes the mightiest of sci-fi/fantasy creators bow down is just so... IN YOUR F'N FACE FOX!!! Ah yes. Nipples.

I'm not too worried about the split vote, 'cause lets face it, "The Message" is the obvious pick of the two. Whenever I first saw it on DVD my first thought was, "Oh my God. How could they have not aired this ep' on TV?" It seemed to have everything Fox would've wanted: action, drama, humor, romance, and no horses.

I agree with you on "Chosen". It wasn't as big as the WB's finale. Few Buffy episodes were. But, it did reach the public screen which could prove a ringer. Wait a minute, it was on UPN, what was I thinking? But, it was also on FX. OK, that's not much more, but it is more than Firefly had. I'm hoping that the same fans who would've seen "Chosen" are the same fans who went out and bought the Firefly DVD's and their taste buds are all in working order.

I really can't remember if the Smallville episode in question is the one with Christopher Reeve or not. If it is, than we could possibly have a nostalgia/pity loss there. That and it was a very cool episode. But, my loyalties lie with "The Message" and that may leave me a bit biast (did I spell that right?)

As far as an acceptance speech even being considered for such an award is ludicrous. I didn't see it, but I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that it can't be THAT damn good. Even if it is LOTR. Of course, I've watched Firefly a lot more than LOTR anyway. Please don't flame me for that last sentence.

"Jayne Cobb in a show nominated for a Hugo. Me. Jayne Cobb." - Jayne
"I know your name, jackass!" - Mal

Oh yeah. And just one more time, FOX!!
Mmm. Nipples.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Friday, April 23, 2004 9:51 PM



Oh, and can someone please tell me why Out of Gas wasn't nominated? LOL. Sorry, I'm not making fun of the people who didn't read the posts before posting, just couldn't resist.

You know what? It's times like these that make you realize men have nipples. The fact that TWO episodes of a show that never made it to the public screen are nominated for an award that makes the mightiest of sci-fi/fantasy creators bow down is just so... IN YOUR F'N FACE FOX!!! Ah yes. Nipples.

I'm not too worried about the split vote, 'cause lets face it, "The Message" is the obvious pick of the two. Whenever I first saw it on DVD my first thought was, "Oh my God. How could they have not aired this ep' on TV?" It seemed to have everything Fox would've wanted: action, drama, humor, romance, and no horses.

I agree with you on "Chosen". It wasn't as big as the WB's finale. Few Buffy episodes were. But, it did reach the public screen which could prove a ringer. Wait a minute, it was on UPN, what was I thinking? But, it was also on FX. OK, that's not much more, but it is more than Firefly had. I'm hoping that the same fans who would've seen "Chosen" are the same fans who went out and bought the Firefly DVD's and their taste buds are all in working order.

I really can't remember if the Smallville episode in question is the one with Christopher Reeve or not. If it is, than we could possibly have a nostalgia/pity loss there. That and it was a very cool episode. But, my loyalties lie with "The Message" and that may leave me a bit biast (did I spell that right?)

As far as an acceptance speech even being considered for such an award is ludicrous. I didn't see it, but I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that it can't be THAT damn good. Even if it is LOTR. Of course, I've watched Firefly a lot more than LOTR anyway. Please don't flame me for that last sentence.

"Jayne Cobb in a show nominated for a Hugo. Me. Jayne Cobb." - Jayne
"I know your name, jackass!" - Mal

Oh yeah. And just one more time, FOX!!
Mmm. Nipples.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:54 AM



Then again, I'll bet Firefly will have another opportunity with the BDM, and wouldn't it just be sweet to ace the Hugo from Episode 3.

"Wacky fun..."

Actually given the rather lackluster support for the past two star wars movies I don't think Serenity beating out Episode 3 would be that big of a deal. The real competition for Serenity is going to be King Kong I mean it's Peter Jackson other than that I don't know of any big science fiction and fantasy movies co out in 2005 (Is a harry potter movie coming out in 2005? That certainly has a chance of winning). Although it's still too early to tell.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 10:55 AM



Originally posted by ShadowVessel:
But, my loyalties lie with "The Message" and that may leave me a bit biast (did I spell that right?)

Not so much

The plus is the general public don't vote for Hugos, just those attending the covention where the awards are given out - means its not simply a popularity contest.

"I threw up on your bed"






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