Pet Peeves

UPDATED: Friday, May 21, 2004 03:44
VIEWED: 12469
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Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:52 AM


What are your pet peeves? Some of mine:

When people say things like "everyone's not" when they mean "not everyone is"...

"The exception that proves the rule" -- this always annoyed me. You have to prove that it's really an exception first, which means you have to establish the rule too, so it always seems to be begging the question/using circular reasoning.

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:10 PM


"You can have your cake and eat it, too." Of course, you can. Have it, then eat it... but "You can't EAT your cake and HAVE it, too." Eat, then have? I think not.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour... The Galaxy Song, Meaning of Life, Monty Python


Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:57 PM



Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour... The Galaxy Song, Meaning of Life, Monty Python

I once was very sad, and my friend sent me that song. I was so happy after that!

Pet Peeves:

People saying "gots". It just annoys the heck out of me! I wish people would use proper grammer.

Other things, but those will pass. I was angered today.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:20 PM



Originally posted by TeelaBrown:
I wish people would use proper grammer.

Guess you aren't as strict on your spelling as you are on grammar.

"Wacky fun..."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:45 PM


The word irregardless. It's regardless. There's no such word as irregardless, yet I hear people say it all the time.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:57 PM


I really don't like people who think that in loosing their temper, they win an argument. It just doesn't work that way.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:04 PM


1. people who say liberry instead of library.
2. seeing a guy crying.
3. people who say its ok for men to cry.

"You gone got yourself lookin' mighty hideous" ~Jayne


Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:00 PM


"Axe" instead of "ask," and "know what I'm sayin?"


--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:18 PM


TV and radio personalities who say, "And also..."
Would they be saying "And, and" or "Also, also." ?

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour... The Galaxy Song, Meaning of Life, Monty Python


Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:17 PM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
"Axe" instead of "ask,"

I was just about to add that one!!! It's SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying! I was once stuck on a plane and the flight attendant was going through the safety procedures and said "aks" instead of "ask" about a billion times!!!

There's also an annoying Comcast Cable TV ad that ran in my area (Northern CA) with a black couple that spoke that way. Seems like people would find that portrayal insulting/offensive in addition to irritating.

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:19 PM


People who say that men shouldn't cry.

People saying "what it is is".

People making fun of another person due to the accent he/she speaks with and not understanding that some people can't form certain sounds that are used in English.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:12 PM



Originally posted by fireflywildcard1:
People making fun of another person due to the accent he/she speaks with and not understanding that some people can't form certain sounds that are used in English.

Eddy Murphy did an excellent comedy routine with that. I think it was in delirious. He talked as an American making fun of a Chinese guy in a restaurant and then the Chinese guy making fun of him later in the back. Very funny


Originally posted by BADGERSHAT:
"Axe" instead of "ask," and "know what I'm sayin?"

Add anyone that talks like fiddy cen, sorry, 50 cent. Those people make me so bloody angry

"If you truly love the memory, you must set it free()!" -Me
"Also, I can kill you with my brain." -River


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:30 PM


Nuculer ...


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:45 PM


Alot - I hate that, it makes me want to choke the crap out of the person who wrote it every time I see it- It's "a" *space* "lot" - A lot - Not alot -

And people who cant understand "your" and "you're" - It reminds me of that quote from the movie Pulp Fiction, when Sam Jackson is grilling Bret the burger-eating kid- "English, motherfucker, can you speak it?", except with me it would be: "You speak it, why the hell can't you write it?"

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:47 PM



Originally posted by Jasonzzz:

Nuculer ...

And this one- Makes me cringe every time I hear it- It's the most powerful, destructive force in mankind's history, and the man who has his finger on the world's greatest arsenal can't even say the word correctly- It's like nails on a chalkboard for me-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:44 PM


Okay. . .I HATE this. . .

I love movies. We watch movies alot here, especially during dust storms when we can't fly. . .

I hate it when we all sit down to watch a movie, we are all there together, and the ONE GUY who's been sitting there with us the whole time, keeps asking over and over, "Well, who's this guy?" "Why did she do that?" "Where are they going now?" Like. . .the rest of us WROTE the movie or something and have some secret information that he doesn't.

I hate it when we're sitting there watching a movie, and there's always the ONE dumbass that walks in, looks at the screen and has to ask, "So are there any titties in this movie? Does she get naked?" Then they sit there through the rest of the movie inserting dialogue that includes sexual innuendo, completely ruining the experience. We physically removed someone from our office the other day for doing that during "Serenity".

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:35 PM


1) Ones - it is a singular, so you cannot have more than one of it.

2) All car drivers who are aged over 70 (especially if they wear caps). I think you should have to take a yearly driving test once you reach 70.

3) Spitting.

4) Having to pay for a tv licence when I never watch or listen to BBC channels.


Friday, April 16, 2004 1:30 AM


Fat women who wear men's clothing.


Friday, April 16, 2004 2:07 AM



Since this thread, and the related 'what's your politics, cause mine are better' threads, are my pet peeve (actually, somewhat deeper than just a peeve), I'll simply one-up Annigerria's tag:


Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour... The Galaxy Song, Meaning of Life, Monty Python

...with the concluding line from the same song (one of my absolute favorites from the movie, along with "The Penis Song"):

"And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!" (Slams fridge door)

"Makes ya' think doesn't it?"
"Yeah, makes you feel sort of, insignificant..."
(Pauses) "Can we have your liver then?"
"Yeah alright, you talked me into it."



"River? I thought she was a sweet girl. Of course, we were all sure she was crazy, too."

- Inara Reynolds, Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs
from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Friday, April 16, 2004 2:33 AM



I hate it when we all sit down to watch a movie, we are all there together, and the ONE GUY who's been sitting there with us the whole time, keeps asking over and over, "Well, who's this guy?" "Why did she do that?" "Where are they going now?" Like. . .the rest of us WROTE the movie or something and have some secret information that he doesn't.

Static, have you been watching movies with my mother-in-law?

My pet peeve, or rather, one of my pet peeves , are really, really loud car stereos where all you can hear/feel is the bass ratteling the pictures on the walls. It's illegal for someone to come into my house uninvited - what's so different about their noise coming into my house?? Trespassing is trespassing, far as I'm concerned. Show a little respect for your fellow human-beings, and turn it down!!!

I know your name, Jackass.


Friday, April 16, 2004 2:44 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Static:
Okay. . .I HATE this. . .

I love movies. We watch movies alot here, especially during dust storms when we can't fly. . .

I hate it when we all sit down to watch a movie, we are all there together, and the ONE GUY who's been sitting there with us the whole time, keeps asking over and over, "Well, who's this guy?" "Why did she do that?" "Where are they going now?" Like. . .the rest of us WROTE the movie or something and have some secret information that he doesn't.

I hate it when we're sitting there watching a movie, and there's always the ONE dumbass that walks in, looks at the screen and has to ask, "So are there any titties in this movie? Does she get naked?" Then they sit there through the rest of the movie inserting dialogue that includes sexual innuendo, completely ruining the experience. We physically removed someone from our office the other day for doing that during "Serenity".

Are you reading my mind Static? LOL

I hate it when people talk during a movie or TV show I am trying to watch. Of course there is that special Hell that Book told us about for those that speak during movies. I think the theatre part is optional.

Though bad grammar bothers me, it is not really a pet peeve. It is a bit too trivial for me to get worked up over.

What really bugs me the most is rude people. People who are inconsiderate, pushy, or just down right unfriendly. They cut you off in traffic, shove and cut in lines, they walk up to the counter while you are making a purchase and start asking questions of the clerk like you are not even there. People who make snide comments about everything and everyone. That is the sort of thing that really gets under my skin.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, April 16, 2004 3:33 AM


my biggest peeve is when people ask what do you do for a living? then I tell them I'm making a movie and I only ever get the following two responces

most common: is it a porno? *chuckle*

everyone seems to think they're the first one to ask me that. even if they were it's just not that funny

second most common: oh so you wanna be the next Peter Jackson huh?

Now I love Pete but every one in New Zealand seems to think he's the only New Zealand director in history, and that all other directors are just trying to ride his coat tails. it's almost like having the attitude of awww isn't that cute? he wants to make a movie, here does the diwector want a wowwi pop?



Friday, April 16, 2004 4:03 AM


the phrase "I could care less." Shouldn't it be "I COULDN'T care less."?


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:33 AM


Mine are:

-Being told to do something I was going to do anyway. Or worse, something that I am doing even as I'm being told. It makes me feel like Basil Fawlty.

-Suits. As in "people who wear." See, living in Ottawa (a Government town), it means that Suits have the right to shove in front of me in line, shout their orders over mine in restaurants, and crowd me off the sidewalk into traffic. No one can persecute them, because they own this town (they have money, I don't, Money = ABSOLUTE POWER), and I should be grateful just to bask in their briefcase-toting, cell-phone-talking presence.

-Snowplows (in Winter), street sweepers (in Spring/Summer/Fall), and random construction vehicles that come down my street to drown out anything quieter than an air-raid siren at 8:30 pm and make hourly passes until well after midnight. I don't know why I need the same vehicle (yes, I've checked, same driver) going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth (while there are other streets in town that aren't plowed/cleaned at all, and I especially don't know why it absolutely MUST be done when most people are trying to sleep.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, April 16, 2004 10:54 AM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:
"You speak it, why the hell can't you write it?"

Then why is it possible for anyone to be illiterate?


Originally posted by JASONZZZ:
Nuculer ...

Hee hee, I say it that way just to piss off the nuclear physicists

Oh, and people that pronounce gnu it 'gee-new' and other variants, it's 'guh-noo'. It's on there front page!

"If you truly love the memory, you must set it free()!" -Me
"Also, I can kill you with my brain." -River


Friday, April 16, 2004 3:46 PM


Some of my pet peeves:

1)Pants that don't fit right. I think it's highly important to to know what cut of pants fits you well and acentuates in all the right places... not something that is too tight or so loose you look like you could fit at least two of you in them. You would be AMAZED at how much more confidence one can gain in the simple act of having pants that don't dig in the crotch or bum, nor are so big you have to walk like you just got off a horse because your inner thigh has been chaffed!

2)Disorganized clutter! I DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY WITH THIS!! I just can't think straight until I get things into some sort of order. Although you would never know it by the look of my dorm room!!

3)People who are antagonists. Now come on! Why must youlook for a fight? Do you think it makes you look smarter or more special? Well they get the special part.. special dumb ass.

4)People who drive too close to the car in front of them and cut off other cars and especially big rigs. I mean HELLO!! i don't want to get killed thanks to them.

5) Litterbugs!! Too lazy to hold the trash till they get to a trash can... that's just sad.

Love is the gift at the end of a long journey of self exploration and inner peace.


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:07 PM


America loves a winner!

When folks misuse the word ' anymore'. I'm no English teacher, but it bugs me to hear folks say things like... ." It's all you hear on the radio anymore. " Now, all my life, I've used ' anymore' to describe that which was and is no longer like what it is now. Such as..., " Alice DOESN'T live here ANYMORE ". See, Alice USE to live here, but she no longer does live here. To say that is all one hears on the radio ' anymore' though, doesn't makes sense. ANY + MORE denotes that it no longer is heard.. not that it is ALWAYS being heard. Grrrr... wish I could explain better.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:09 PM


i definately cant stand the way peopel type without puncuation or any concern for spelling i always loose my place there really stupid


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, April 16, 2004 5:54 PM


Well, in addition to several of the ones already posted. I don't like it when people mess with my characters, or other people's characters. This goes back to a bad experience had while playing D&D years ago. Let a friend play my char one time and he messed up badly. From what others told me that were there, the DM not only allowed this but encoraged. This is why I have stopped reading the fanfic on this site. Some of it is excelent, but just don't like seeing chars done that way.

Traffic is another but that is on my webpage so not going to go into it here.

and jsut to anoie peeps we gots to stop doing this stuffs anymore

I am not worried about the bullet with my name on it. Just the thousands marked "Occupant".


Friday, April 16, 2004 6:10 PM


I used to work in this library. The head librarian had her desk in the back room right near the sink. Now, on a hot day in a building with no air conditioning that's filled with books, you tend to get thirsty, and ovf course you can't have a bottle of water or a cup of tea or something out in the stacks with you, so I'd wind up going for water pretty often. not like every five minutes, but every hour or so I guess. Everytime I went for water, or went into the back looking for scissors or something, my boss would go "Do you need something to do?" in this very patronizing voice. Being a truthfull sort, I'd say "well, no actually, I'm organizing the adult fiction and only came ba....."
"Good, because I need you to cut this coloured paper up for tommorows storytime craft"

It really started to get on my nerves after a while. eventually I took to making a big cup of tea in an insulated mug and leaving it just by the door to the back room. Even so, she still ambushed me on occasion, usually as I was getting a drink between patron questions or something.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Friday, April 16, 2004 8:16 PM


Pet Peeves?
I've got 6 of them.

1. People who repeat themselves

2. Pushy people who do rude things because it isn't politically correct to stop them

3. Someone who does something against your will or without your knowledge and tell you it's because they are doing it for your own good. Who gave them the right to run my life better than I do?

4. People who can't count

5. People who repeat themselves.

(I know it was a cheap joke, but I did it for your own good)


Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:16 AM



Originally posted by BlazingBug:

Originally posted by TeelaBrown:
I wish people would use proper grammer.

Guess you aren't as strict on your spelling as you are on grammar.

Stupid me! I know that! I'm trying. I somehow got into a spelling bee. *shrugs*

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:35 AM


People that overuse the word 'and' and try to get everything into one sentence and end up losing track of what they are trying to say and end up creating more confusion for the reader and not really making their point and just really making a mess and then not knowing when to stop.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:46 AM


people who can't keep their pet peeves to themselves...


Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:50 AM



"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Saturday, April 17, 2004 1:35 PM



Originally posted by est120:
the phrase "I could care less." Shouldn't it be "I COULDN'T care less."?

I'm a little bit nervous about replying on this thread (due to my poor grammar, spelling etc. so please forgive me any mistakes I make)but this has been bothering me for ages! Is it supposed to be 'I couldn't care less' because that would explain what someone was trying to say in a tv programme (sp?) I was watching the other day? I think it might have been in Buffy, I can't remember but I spent ages trying to work out which side of the argument they were on.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:27 PM


My biggest pet peeve is when people say "bolth" instead of "both"


Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:53 PM



Originally posted by TeelaBrown:

Originally posted by BlazingBug:

Originally posted by TeelaBrown:
I wish people would use proper grammer.

Guess you aren't as strict on your spelling as you are on grammar.

Stupid me! I know that! I'm trying. I somehow got into a spelling bee. *shrugs*

Heh-heh, don't worry about it. I just found it especially funny because it's my wife's pet peeve. She hates any bad grammar and spelling (makes her a GREAT editor for my writing though). Sometimes she just stops reading emails in disgust. I'm slowly weaning her from the idea that humans are capable of perfection.

"Wacky fun..."


Saturday, April 17, 2004 4:33 PM


BlazingBug wrote:
Quote:'s my wife's pet peeve. She hates any bad grammar...

In which case, don't let her see that sentence:
'bad grammar' is poor English.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:11 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
In which case, don't let her see that sentence:
'bad grammar' is poor English.

But "bad grammar" isn't bad grammar. It's an adjective and a noun, nothing wrong with using them together.

And it may not even be "poor English." I'd like to hear your reasoning for that.

"Wacky fun..."


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:11 PM


My pet peeve is people who don't use turn signals. Like when your sitting at intersection waiting for this car to go by and suddenly they turn meaning you have been waiting for no reason. If they had just used there turn signal you could have gotten on with your life.

That and artificial pine scents fake pine is just nasty.

And lets not forget people who leave cigarette butts everywhere. The world is not your ash tray. Smoking doesn't bother me cigarette butts everywhere does.

And what I really hate is people who drive around in artifical pine scented cars who don't use turn signals and throw cigarette butts out the window.
Those people are just plain no good.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:17 PM



Originally posted by est120:
the phrase "I could care less." Shouldn't it be "I COULDN'T care less."?

My understanding is it was originally a Yiddish/Jewish phrase, meant sarcastically. (Imagine Mel Brooks's voice) "I could care LESS?" The emphasis has been corrupted and now it doesn't make any sense.

My pet peeves:

1) SUVs. I think a special driving license should be required to drive those things. So many drivers act like they're zipping around in a little sports car.

2) People who don't know how to drop an argument. There's a point where the other person isn't going to agree with you but no longer wishes to discuss it. Learn to recognize that point.

3) People who interrogate me about my job. I get the feeling they just want to compare my income and employability with theirs to see who "wins."


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:04 AM


Another pet peeve of mine is mini-vans. Lets say your at a left hand turn stop light and three mini-vans are in front of you. What do think your odds of of making it through the green arrow?

If you said zero to none you guessed right. Mini-vans allways react slow they are very carefull so carefull in fact as to insure you won't make it through that light. In fact they are so carefull that they act completely illogically they slam on the brakes at random in fact they are the number one cause of accidents. More accidents involve mini-vans than any other type of car.

Thats why I say ban the mini-van.

You know perhaps the fact I respond to a thread like this shows a negative attitude, but it makes me feel beter.


Mini-Vans and their incompetent dangerous drivers are a pet peeve of mine.

And Mini-Van drivers who hate the goodness that is lemony fresh and use artifical pine scents, don't even get me started on them.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:33 AM



Originally posted by Malora:

3) People who interrogate me about my job. I get the feeling they just want to compare my income and employability with theirs to see who "wins."


I know what you mean Malora these people are swine! All I can say is when people treat you in such a manner make sure you treat them with contempt,it's what I do. And I realize people who would dare interrogate me about my job are usually people who have nothing else but their pathetic job. Me I've got a lot more going on in life and feel free to use that weakness against them.

If someone feels the need to try to seem richer or more employable than me I know it's not a sign of strenghth.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:43 AM


wow. i definitely agree with alot of these... but no one has mentioned this one (my biggest pet peeve):
"nother" (usually used in the phrase "a whole nother")
There is no such word! There is a compound word "another" which, if broken down would be "an" and "other."
It makes my skin crawl when i hear it!


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:40 AM


English Major on a Rampage. Not a pretty sight.

Reading "would of" instead of "would have" - harder to tell them apart when spoken.

Hearing "What it is, is ..." is idiotic yet will suck you in if you hear it repeated too often.

Reading "loose" instead of "lose".

Oh and the posters who said MiniVans and SUVs - I agree 100% with you on this one! They are dangerous, they obscure the view for others in front and behind - making a left turn with a MV or SUV facing you is a freakin' nightmare. Can't really see beyond your hulking shell of a car!!!

Plus as an added bonus if we get in a head-on crash your GD SUV is going to drive up over my hood and kill me. How do you sleep at night? Why don't they pay double insurance plus extra charge for the gas they waste? Do you really need 8 cylinders dragging your sorry a$$ down the street? And another thing, most SUV drivers would stroke out if a speck of dirt got on their precious vehicle so who's kidding whom?

Nothing is ever so profoundly regretted as a kind act.
Robertson Davies


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:59 PM


My #3 pet peeve is when people get louder and louder during a fight, repeating something over and over,like a mantra, rather than listening to the other HUMAN BEING'S perspective, as if the loudest repeater wins, or something. It's a no-win situation.

My #2 pet peeve is the littering/cigarette butts one someone said previously. People can be such pigs.

My #1 pet peeve, after having just been awakend from a sound sleep again, is people letting their dogs bark!

I wish I could just scare them with some pain! (Saying that anywhere else would be taken wrong, but not here!)



Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:45 PM



All I can say is when people treat you in such a manner make sure you treat them with contempt,it's what I do.

LOL. Yes, I'm sure that'll work. When in doubt, use contempt. ;)


Oh and the posters who said MiniVans and SUVs - I agree 100% with you on this one! They are dangerous, they obscure the view for others in front and behind - making a left turn with a MV or SUV facing you is a freakin' nightmare. Can't really see beyond your hulking shell of a car!!!

I forgot about that part! And of course the windows are all tinted, so you can't even see through the car. I was behind a Humvee once and had to stick my head out my window to see anything. Of course, when the windows aren't tinted, my vision is blocked by the TV hanging from the ceiling. All I can say is:

1. Can your children survive without TV for five seconds?
2. Have you considered not carrying around the contents of a small house when you drive?

If you have more than two kids, I can understand. But 2 kids or less? Learn to rough it without the TV, the DVD collection, the two strollers and a playpen, the piles of sports equipment, etc.

Something else that bugs me about SUVs: when the drivers have been watching too many of those ads where the car glides over a muddy field, a desert, a pile of rocks, or a mountaintop. It's just an ad. It doesn't mean you can make U-turns over lane dividers when there's a traffic jam up ahead, or drive over those pie-wedges of grass when you realize too late that you've missed your exit. But hey, why stop there? Why not just drive a straight line from your house to your job? After all, if your car doesn't need roads, why use them?


My #1 pet peeve, after having just been awakend from a sound sleep again, is people letting their dogs bark!

I have a neighbor like that. It's a decent dog, but they'll just leave it outside in the cold and rain, and he'll bark because he's probably miserable. For Pete's sake, build a damn doghouse at least!


Friday, April 23, 2004 12:53 PM



Add anyone that talks like fiddy cen, sorry, 50 cent. Those people make me so bloody angry

"If you truly love the memory, you must set it free()!" -Me
"Also, I can kill you with my brain." -River

fo' shizzle!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Friday, April 23, 2004 1:25 PM


I hate people who are fake. Who's beliefs rely soully on those around them.

Lifted cars. How stupid are those? They look dumb and they are gas guzzlers!

People who use the word gay as in "Well that is gay!" about things they don't like, how rude is that? This is just as bad as calling somebody the N word, or descriminating somebody because of their religion.

another thing, i hate reversed racism. Why is it bad for somebody to joke about the bad things about a black person, but its all fun and games when a black person jokes about the downfalls of white people?

ugh... now i'm all worked up

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"






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