Cast Yourself In Firefly!

UPDATED: Monday, April 19, 2004 01:14
VIEWED: 14163
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Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:00 AM


OK, another fun "what if" thread.

What if:

Firefly is back on TV with new episodes. Joss is just rolling. In gratitude to the fans that helped make it happen, he offers some of them a chance to *be in the show*, as a Guest or Extra cast member. One episode. Let's go WAYYYY out there and assume that he lets you have some input into the type of character you would be.

Cast yourself. What sort of person would you play?

I would not mind being another Blue Hand Academy Dropout, like River. A Projecting Empath. Whatever I am feeling, you start feeling.
And I giggle alot. And it's not a nice giggle, not at all. Really a very nasty little giggle like schoolboys who pull the wings off flies and tie schoolgirls' braids to the flagpole, only all grown up. *gigglesnort*

Or a Port Inspector. So square I make Simon Tam look like a big bouncy ball. And this ship is not going anywhere until it meets spec.

MY spec.

Let's begin in the Engine Room, shall we, Captain Reynolds? I assure you, I DO have all day. And tomorrow.

Edit: White gloves. The Inspector would wear Pristine White Gloves. To check things for proper sanitation. He would keep several pair in his case.

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:09 AM


Coupla ideas for me. . .

I'd love to be one of Mal's soldiers in a 'flashback' scene from the war. Even better, someone who takes a hit, and as he lies there dying, tells Mal, "Listen. . .no matter what happens. . .you need to remember. . .ack" and dies. Comedy gold.

OR. . .an old flight-school buddy/mentor of Wash's. . .something of a Han Solo type, who bails when he gets his cut and then comes back in at the last minute to help save someone's arse.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:14 AM


I'd want to play either--

A really stonefaced, sinister creepy dude in a long black leather tranchcoat who everyone thinks is a bad guy but actually ends up saving the day (and kisses, and possibly gropes, Kaylee).


A pompous, arrogant, self-important Sigfriend or Roy character with a cargo hold full of highly trained performing poodles, which I am responsible for, as they are priceless and on their way to some galactic version of the Iams dog show. I'd be the handler, probably in some sort of pastel kimono and sandals.

The first would be the preference, but I think the second would be funkin High-sterikul.

--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:36 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would want to be a browncoat war buddy of Mal & Zoe's. Either they bail me out of a tight spot, or vice versa and we set around drinking & telling old war stories. Then we pull a job together.

If not that, maybe a client of Inara who shows up making a play for her, causing Mal to admit his feelings for her. There would be a big fight scene, I get the boot, Mal & Inara ride off into the sunset.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:38 AM


Just like real life. I'd want to be a lawyer. Defending Mal in a frontier lawsuit for some sort of cargo/delivery issue that is threatening to take his ship.

With a side story love interest for Kaylee.

Mal- "Look, we do a job, we get paid. Simple as that."
Me- "Maybe its simple in space, a lawless moon, or anywhere else in the verse, but in that courtroom nothing is simple."

Maybe be a regular. Back to defend Mal in his criminal trial in a corrupt Alliance court during the new season 1 finale.

Judge- "Malcom Reynolds, this court finds you guilty of conspiracy to..."
Me- "Your honor wait! I have new evidence!"



Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:43 AM



Nothing personal, but I must share what immediately came to mind.

Book: "This man is a friend. He's going to help the Captain."
Jayne: "Any friend o' Mal's is a friend o' mine!"
Kaylee: "He's a lawyer."
Jayne: "Where's Vera?!"

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:46 AM


OK, and one more, (Sorry, H)

Book: "His name is Captain Malcolm Reynolds, and I want you to prove his innocence. Well, no, that's impossible. I want you to prove he is not guilty of the crime of which he stands accused."

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:03 AM


I think I would have to be a villain of some sort. A dark figure from someone's past, possibly an assassin or a bounty hunter ala Juble Erle(sp?). Either way I think the story would revolve around Mal, Jayne, or Inara's past as opposed to Simon and River.

If a bounty hunter, I would actually get away with my prize and the crew would have to figure out where I was going and hunt me down. Maybe with Simon and River finding the critical piece to the puzzle to juxtapose the normal scenario.

When they finally found me there would be a big showdown, maybe some sort of pistol duel, winner take all.

The possibilties are endless..hmmm

"I do have a mighty roar"


Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:05 AM


I am Kaylee's sister, Just like her only a wee bit older. Much to her shagrin Jayne and I fall in love We live happily ever after and River babysits our children and Wash and Zoe's too!

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:12 AM


One of Inara's customers, please! Pretty please?!

Simon: I've never shot anyone before.

Book: I was there, son. I'm fair sure you haven't shot anyone yet.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:47 AM


I want to be Inara's secret love-child. Yeah, I'm actually *older* than MB but b/c Inara's been taking all those anti-aging drugs I now look like her older sister. Because of this, I have issues.

Also, I work for the Alliance - but in an unofficial capacity. ...cough... spy ...cough......cough...

Naturally, I am unmasked doing something all despicable-like! My identity as her bastard daughter and Alliance mole prove too much for Inara and she turns to Mal for comfort. They finally get the words out.


Nothing is ever so profoundly regretted as a kind act.
Robertson Davies


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:49 AM


Serenity has docked on my current planet; Mal's lookin' to scare up work. Others are checkin' out the sights. I'm sittin' tanked outside a dive when several crew members, including Book, stroll by. Glance up, do double-take.

"Ta ma duh. Book, you old bastard! What the hell are you doin' here?"

Book's look of shock and consternation is not unnoticed by his mates.

He tries to walk on, but I stumble up and pursue.

He gives in and faces me down.

"Lynne, I'm a Shepherd. I put all that behind me..."

My own look of shock and consternation.

"Jien tah duh guai! Not the Toumoule Slayer!"

He looks disgusted while the others begin to share significant glances...


Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:52 AM


Gee, can I play too? I come from a middle class family, close to the core planets. My academic and athletic skills qualified me for a scholarship to the Alliance Academy River was at, only I'm in the pilot academy, not the torture division (I'm not THAT smart). I flew for the Alliance, 'cause I didn't know any better and they gave me ships! I finally realize I'm on the wrong side after the Alliance kills my folks for feeding some Browncoats! I go AWOL, take the money I earned and buy a "Ladybug" class freight hauler. I scratch out a living under a false identity by hauling cargo, until my ship gets impounded for being over max weight on a run (my false identity still secure though). Serenity just happens to be docked at the spaceport too and as I'm cursing in my best Chinese, Jayne sees me and says "I love a girl who talks dirty". I pull my gun, since I'm in no mood after seeing my ship locked down but Jayne wrestles it away from me. He finally sees the situation and releases me and gives the gun back. We get to talkin' and I request an introduction to Mal to see if I can join the crew to do some "petty theft" to get enough money to buy my ship back. Of course, Mal is taken with the smartass, bright, adorable pilot before him and welcomes me with open arms into the Serenity fold (after all I haven't tricked him into marrying me). Fan response will decide whether I make my money and run or become a somewhat permanent crew member.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:52 AM



Originally posted by Talvin:

Nothing personal, but I must share what immediately came to mind.

Book: "This man is a friend. He's going to help the Captain."
Jayne: "Any friend o' Mal's is a friend o' mine!"
Kaylee: "He's a lawyer."
Jayne: "Where's Vera?!"


I can never figure out why I have to keep telling people, I'm one of the good lawyers (there's two of us I know of). I work for my city. I don't make much money. I do a good job. And only try to screw those who deserve it most. I coulda gone another way, made alot more money, and sued everyone under the sun and the sun and the person responsible for us being under the sun, ethics be damned, show me the money...but I found my nitch.

Now leave me be.

As for Vera, none of my guns have names. But I do name the bullets.



Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:56 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
I can never figure out why I have to keep telling people, I'm one of the good lawyers (there's two of us I know of). I work for my city. I don't make much money. I do a good job. And only try to screw those who deserve it most. I coulda gone another way, made alot more money, and sued everyone under the sun and the sun and the person responsible for us being under the sun, ethics be damned, show me the money...but I found my nitch.

Just realized. Come the revolution, I'd still be against the wall.

Maybe I shouda signed up for the truck driving school...



Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:21 AM


On a whim, Mal decides that Serenity needs a ships cook. He scoops me up off some backwater colony where I've been growing a really big vegetable garden, the products of which Iuse to stock the mess. When Kaylee realizes I have no strawberries, she knocks me out, drops me in the spare shuttle and sets it on a course back to whatever moon they hired me on/

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:23 AM


*wry grin*

Yes, well, I would probably be standing next to you, H. Not from my profession (homemaker at present), but just because I usually manage to irritate Politically Important People. We can make fun of the firing squad. ("Wait! You, third from the left! You call that aiming? What are you shooting at, my toes? I should be able to see down that barrel, you fool! Where do you have to go to find good thugs these days?")

A clarification: *I* know there are good lawyers. I have met a few. I have also dealt with some real shysters. Never yet with either in their professional capacity, thankfully. What struck me funny was the thought of Jayne's inevitable reaction.

Just as fun would be if you asked for a chance to join the crew:

Mal: "Look, pal, I'm grateful and all, but why would I need a lawyer in my crew?"
Book: "Oh, why indeed?"

Less funny, but very, very interesting, would be if you decided, pro bono, to take up the cause of Simon and River Tam in a nice public court somewhere. That could be rather dramatic (albeit a bit hazardous to the solidity of your brain). Before we do that, though, we need to know exactly what that warrant says. Hmm. It doesn't exactly sound like they believe in Habeas Corpus, does it?

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:21 AM


Okay, another idea--

I play a real sadistic with a perverse side.. and I know Mal from the war, and we dislike each other immensely.

I figure out the unsaid between Mal and Inara, and, after craftily capturing the entire crew, put a knife to Kaylee's throat, and tell Mal either fess up to Inara, or Kaylee gets the sharp edge.

Eros ensues.

--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:55 AM


since my character ideas aren't necessarily for women, i'm going to adjust the thread to a more me applicable query, what new people would i want to write about?

there was a thread a while back that made me fall in love with the idea of a native americans firefly ep. i'd have to know exactly how the world ended in order to guess what might have happened to the world's indigenous people. and they're myths are seriously connected to their ecology, so i would have to decide what was possible on a terraform planet and how myth and culture would reflect that kind of ecology as opposed to holding on to cultures reflecting earth that was. my mouth waters with the fun that could be had.

i have another fireflyable idea that i won't explain, 'cause it's mine mine mine, but it involves monks, so i would write about those monks as well.

- emily


Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:17 AM


I think it would be fun to turn up as Badger's new girlfriend. Somebody fairly highbrow who's fallen on hard times and is working very hard to make Badger more "respectable" (by her definition of the word, which probably excludes petty theivery). It would be especially fun if (through some convoluded, Whedonesque happenings) she and Badger wound up stranded on Serenity for an episode. Because I'm fairly certain the crew wouldn't much like her.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:18 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Owner and bartender of the next place to receive Malcolm Reynolds on U-day.

Watch me get out a baseball-bat-looking stick and pound on the fellas who make the mistake of pounding on a browncoat. They can toast U-day all they want, but when they commence with the browncoat thrashing - look out.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:42 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
Owner and bartender of the next place to receive Malcolm Reynolds on U-day.

Watch me get out a baseball-bat-looking stick and pound on the fellas who make the mistake of pounding on a browncoat. They can toast U-day all they want, but when they commence with the browncoat thrashing - look out.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche

You rock, deary.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour... The Galaxy Song, Meaning of Life, Monty Python


Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:05 PM


Me personally, hmmm, I would like to be an apprentice, or Shepherd in training, put under Book's tutelage, but of course, it has to be more interesting than that. So I would wanna be someone who embodies what he once was and its possible this young man could go either way. So someone who has had their fair share of disappointments and is full of anger and hate, and he is trying to teach this person to become a better man and rise about it, to be a Shepherd and guide others, not give in to the hate like the person, we all suspect he once was.

I personally find character stories about redemption and walking a fine line in the grey area more interesting than just clean cut villains or whiter than white hereos.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:39 PM


hm .. i would want to write an episode and maybe even direct you all ( if you let me) .. but after a couple of Joss epis of course...

They say it’s the last song
They don’t know us, you see
Its only the last song
If we let it be


Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:13 PM



Originally posted by Hero:
Just like real life. I'd want to be a lawyer. Defending Mal in a frontier lawsuit for some sort of cargo/delivery issue that is threatening to take his ship.

As soon as I read your first paragraph I flashed on a scene from Serenity. As I can recall the passengers are stowing their stuff and Zoe turns to Mal and says "If the feds find the goods we'll lose the ship." Mal replys,"Ain't gonna happen". This always struck me as a sorry bit of false bravado, now I know it's not! Mal's got an ace in the hole, a brillant and righteous lawyer. Hero = Mal's lawyer. Congratulations, you've made it into Firefly's 'verse, my version of it anyway.

“but I’ve been sane awhile now and change is good” …Wash


Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:54 PM


I would be a remittance woman, traveling the outer planets, collecting the inheritance my wealthy and socially well connected family keeps sending as long as I stay far, far away from them. I would cheerfully seduce Jayne, Mal (thereby pushing Inara into his arms) Kaylee, Jayne, Jayne, and Jayne.

Sorry, got stuck there for a moment.



Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:57 PM


Howdy, 'coats:

I'd be the powerful and -- as is invariably the case -- wise programming director of an enormous multimedia outlet on the Cortex.

After a full day of mentoring worthy artists, I would pay my usual visits to the orphanage and the homeless shelter on the way home. As is habitual for me, I would donate all my income to these unfortunate souls, except for the pittance required to heat my 1 room cold-water flat, and provide my Maruchan noodle rations, which I would be portrayed sharing with my only companion, my lovable cross-eyed ginger tabby, Mr. Whiskers(tm).

Then, one day several seasons later -- during which I would have become the main character of the series -- it is discovered that my blood contains a cure to all of Mankind's known diseases. I hang supended, my arms outstretched, my feet bound together, as my precious life's blood flows out to heal all of humanity. As I die, Inara and the other chicks flail around beneath me, gnash their teeth, rip their garments, ya-da, ya-da; meanwhile, the menfolk hang their heads in shame that they can't be more like me, except Jayne, who runs away saying, "I swear I never knew that feller!"

That's the character I'd like to play.

(I had a completely different version of the same character, but I figured I'd never get it past the brass...)

Archly yours,


"River? I thought she was a sweet girl. Of course, we were all sure she was crazy, too."

- Inara Reynolds, Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs
from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:11 PM



Ok, another possibility for me to play:

Investigative Reporter. He's doing a piece on "Independent Ships On The Rim: Criminals or Victims?" and he picks Serenity as a good subject. Of course, he is working undercover (until he is found out).

Obviously, this is something that Mal & Co. canNOT allow. Their daily lives plastered all over the Cortex? Ohhh, bad juju. Killing him and dumping the body is a bit out of the question, though. Time to get creative.

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."


Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:27 PM


Gorramit Talvin, you stole my idea!

But mine was more of a conspiracy-type story.

The new guy books passage (with Mal complaining that their passengers keep ending up as crew ). He's obviously hiding a secret, which makes Book, Inara, and the Tams get all suspicious and furtive.

Basically a tongue-in-cheek replay of "Serenity," but with the new guy as the victim of everyone else's increasingly paranoic reminiscences.

In the end, they manage to drop the guy off at his destination, resupply, and head for space. Everyone's speculating about what the new guy's secret was (with Book and Inara desperately doing damage control to whatever vitally important details they've let slip about themselves). And then, someone's reading the cortex and does a spit-take. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:50 PM


Originally posted by Talvin:


Less funny, but very, very interesting, would be if you decided, pro bono, to take up the cause of Simon and River Tam in a nice public court somewhere. That could be rather dramatic (albeit a bit hazardous to the solidity of your brain). Before we do that, though, we need to know exactly what that warrant says. Hmm. It doesn't exactly sound like they believe in Habeas Corpus, does it?

Sorry to go off on a tangent for a moment, but
that's a question that has bothered me since the
lawman in serenity tried to arrest simon.How
can you arrest someone who was not detained
leagally and committed no crime to begin with?

If the academy wishes to maintain a low profile,
then a high-profile manhunt is a silly way to go
about it.

I'd be happy to see this discussed in another
thread if someone with a leagal background would
start one.

If history is remarkably clear on one point,
its that people don't learn from history.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:54 PM


Here's what I would want to do: I'm finishing up my training at the Companion Academy, and in order to graduate, I have to spend some time shadowing a licensed Companion. Since I'm not exactly the top of my class, there's no way they'd send me to a high-class cruise line or anything. No! I get to shadow Inara on a piece of go-se (not really! don't hurt me!) at the edges of the 'verse.

I kinda thought someone would have had an idea like that already, but I suppose everyone's so eager to be Inara's client that they wouldn't want to be her student.

"What'd you all order a dead guy for?"


Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:26 PM


I'd be some kind of space mexican; floating from port to port in a poncho and a sombrero, speaking spanish and misunderstanding all the chinese.

Good stuff.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:33 PM


Well, it's a weird idea, but I kinda got it stuck on the brain when I think about this.

An alliance soldier in The War, perhaps undercover - a spy? - is injured in an explosion, and gets. Ok, so it's mass cheesy, but here it goes. Mal and Zoe who fnd her unconcious - an injured civilian apparently. She wakes up with amnesia, joins the Independents, and fights as a browncoat for about a year. Her memory returns in the middle of a heavy firefight, and she ends up back with the Alliance - although Mal & Zoe think she got killed. Problem is, her loyalties have been affected by her time among the independents, and she ends up discharged from Military service.

Years later, she is captain of her own ship, something along the same level as Serenity, although not the same kind of ship. Her crew is small - the bare minimum. Mal and Zoe see her and recognize her just as she has a run in with some unpleasants, nearly getting herself killed. The crew get mixed up a little adventure as they get unintentionally involved in the trouble, and help her save her butt and her crew - and her ship.

From then on, I never really thought too much about - I'd be happy to make it through one episode..

And much as I'd like to see her come between Mal and 'nara, I just couldn't do it. :P


Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:35 PM



Originally posted by TheSkipper:
I'd be some kind of space mexican; floating from port to port in a poncho and a sombrero, speaking spanish and misunderstanding all the chinese.

Good stuff.

ROFLMFAO!! that's great! hahaha!

"I prefer the soup thing, it's always a hoot and you don't die from it"


Friday, April 16, 2004 3:49 AM


this maybe a little over ellaborate

I'd be a reaver that gets captured by the crew. Simon using the brain information he'd gained from studying what the blue hand guys did to River, would find a way to block the characters memories back to before he was captured by the reavers so it would essentially be like being in a happy family enviroment one day and waking up the next mutilated beyond description and finding out everyone you ever loved were brutally raped to death. never having heard of reavers beforebeing turned into one the character would not trust the crew of the serenity, instead thinking they are the ones that did this to him. slowly the memory blocks would come undone and the character would essentially be mentally tortured all over again as the memories of everything came flooding back. before eventually being put out of my missery


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:46 AM


(Going OT for a moment)


Originally posted by dbell46:
Sorry to go off on a tangent for a moment, but
that's a question that has bothered me since the
lawman in serenity tried to arrest simon.How
can you arrest someone who was not detained
leagally and committed no crime to begin with?

If the academy wishes to maintain a low profile,
then a high-profile manhunt is a silly way to go
about it.

Well, it wasn't exactly "high profile," considering that the only witnesses were a bunch of fringers, a nomadic Companion, and a Shepherd. A group small and low-profile enough to be disappeared without much trouble, IOW. Just blame Reavers/pirates/any of a million dangers in space.

As for arresting Simon, I'm no legal expert, but the charge could easily be something like "theft of Alliance property" (assuming that Blue Sun is part of the Alliance proper and not just a private MegaCorp), "flight to avoid prosecution," "resisting arrest," Heck, even "wrongful endangerment" (if not for him, the Serenity crew wouldn't have to be brain-melted).

Heck, the Alliance could even say that Simon was the one responsible for River's condition (not like they have to be honest; they own the Legal System), and take River into "protective custody."

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:46 AM


I'd be a tough, kinda bitchy princess who hired the crew to do a job. Jayne has to pretend to be her bodyguard, and in the process falls in love with her. But all she'll do is kiss him on the cheek and flirt with him, so he's forced to follow her around, constantly requesting sex in really innapropriate ways.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Friday, April 16, 2004 6:42 AM


I step onto the platform, resplendant in my black pants, polished black boots and red tunic. The other five take their places. This is my first such asignment as part of the survey team. The captain says, "energize."

The room begins to fade out of existance. Suddenly the klaxon blares.


The terrain fades into existance, mostly of scrub oak and rolling hills. I suddenly find myself alone. Well not alone. To my left is a small but motley band of thugs carrying an assortment of antique weapons. Anchient but effective. To my right is a man in a long brown coat, an attractive dark skinned woman, and a big scary looking man carrying a really big gun. The man in the brown coat with a shocked expression on his face says, "te ma da."

Suddenly hands go to weapons and gunfire erupts. About half of the gunfire is exchanged between the two groups and the other half at me. I duck and roll aiming for some cover. "Dang," this tumble weed doesn't offer much cover so I duck and roll again behing a small boulder. This red shirt makes me nothing more than a target. I tear off the shirt and before I can throw it away a bullet snatches it from my hand.

I hear a high piched whine and instinctively my hand goes to my belt. The pistol grip is hot to the touch. "GORRAMIT, OVERLOAD...gorramit? I heave the pistol away. An explosion rocks the ground showering me with rocks, body parts and other debris.

I lay on the ground, stunned and staring up at the sky. A face comes into view, the man with the long coat. A boot steps onto my chest and a pistol swings into my face.

"You saved my life. Now give me a good reason that I don't kill you," the man says.

"I like your coat."

I like crossover episodes.

We got you partially surrounded


Friday, April 16, 2004 7:04 AM



Originally posted by dbell46:
Sorry to go off on a tangent for a moment, but
that's a question that has bothered me since the
lawman in serenity tried to arrest simon.How
can you arrest someone who was not detained
leagally and committed no crime to begin with?

If the academy wishes to maintain a low profile,
then a high-profile manhunt is a silly way to go
about it.

1. How can you just arrest someone who has committed no crime?

Easy. Thats what tyranny's do. Sure, we have a nice Constitution that protects our rights and preserves our liberty. So did the Germans in the 1930's. Iraq was a Democracy, Saddam got 99% of the last vote, probably because of the popularity of his program to save cemetary space by burying thousands of people in the same spot. The Soviet Union had an popular elected assembly, which helped send thousands of "insane" people to "hospitals" in beautiful Siberia.

And in the United States of America you can be detained indefinately without charges or a hearing or even reasonable access to legal counsel if you are a "witness", "Suspect", or "person of interest" in a national security investigation. Not saying right or wrong, just saying thats the law, at least until the Supreme COurt sets us straight as to what the Constitution says about it.

Yup. Tyranny and due process don't get along.

2. Why high profile manhunt for low profile agency?

There is no high profile anything when the Govt controls the media, as I'm certain the Alliance does.

Further: "All personel be on the lookout for a Simon Tam. Dr. Tam is wanted in connection with the kidnapping of his sister, theft of Alliance property, and assault on Alliance citizens. (Add in murder for what happened on Ariel. Damn Doctor killed a whole Hospital security staff before making off with a fortune in medical supplies.) BE advised suspect is considered armed and highly dangerous."

Now thats not too high profile, we hear worse out of Cleveland every couple days.



Friday, April 16, 2004 8:16 AM


I simply AM "Mr. Universe."

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Friday, April 16, 2004 9:15 AM


Since someone else wants to be Inara's love child, I want to be cast as Book's illegitimate daughter. I show up in search of my dead beat dad and offer lots of cryptic hints about Book's past.

And I get to make out with Simon.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Friday, April 16, 2004 11:56 AM


OK, I am going to step slightly out of topic, here, and issue a casting call for the Ladies. This role is...well, let's just say I don't qualify, hmm?

Anybody want to be an old flame of Wash's from before he met Zoe?

"Beautiful woman...who can...kill me with her pinky!"

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."


Friday, April 16, 2004 12:19 PM



Originally posted by Talvin:
Cast yourself. What sort of person would you play?

I would have to be another ships captain, struggling to meet ends meet. Like Mal, not liking sitting planetside for long periods of time and finding myself in the depths of space. And of course I'd have a Firefly class ship just because they look the best.

Or an Empath. Maybe one born on the border moons that had never been picked up by Blue Sun because they don't bother looking beyond the wealthy females from the Core (yes they ignore all the boys as well).

I like both of them but I think I'd like being Captain better because then the ship would be mine and I could go anywhere I wanted to *sighs dreamily*

Watch your steps in the dark and beware of where you wander, because you do not want me to appear behind you in a dark, deserted alley way...


Friday, April 16, 2004 3:38 PM


Well, I'd be Mal's surviving independence superior officer acquaintance who buys passage. Mal will not be happy to see me as he holds a grudge for what he saw as abandonment during the war. We're at odds until Mal discovered I have plans to try to restart the war... at which point Mal goes to war with himself over what to do about it. In the final analysis Mal ends up fouling my plan and letting me get taken by the alliance.. not for the grudge he bares but instead because he knows that at the moment restarting the war will only end with disastrous loss of life and still a loss for the independents. Mal would have joined me but only if he had thought my efforts would result in a win.


Friday, April 16, 2004 6:02 PM


I'd have 2 say id like 2 b a 16 year old pilot and hacker that got in2 Serenitys mainframe and they wound up puting me on the ship. But thats just me.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 2:55 PM



Originally posted by Talvin:
Anybody want to be an old flame of Wash's from before he met Zoe?

I love this idea. Not me though, I'm really too old, but I love the idea of Wash being able to say "You know, Zoe, Karenkay and I have a history and I know you're wondering what that history is ..." Wacky fun!!

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:37 PM



Originally posted by Talvin:
Anybody want to be an old flame of Wash's from before he met Zoe?

OOOooo! Pick me, pick me! The things that man could do with shadow puppets--the thought of it still makes my toes curl.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 4:24 PM


I would be Jayne's backstabbing older sister, named Tyler.

Hey, he had to learn from someone.



Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:36 PM



.Book: "This man is a friend. He's going to help the Captain."
Jayne: "Any friend o' Mal's is a friend o' mine!"
Kaylee: "He's a lawyer."
Jayne: "Where's Vera?!" ..

Someone has to write this fanfic!


Sunday, April 18, 2004 3:11 AM



Originally posted by heb:

.Book: "This man is a friend. He's going to help the Captain."
Jayne: "Any friend o' Mal's is a friend o' mine!"
Kaylee: "He's a lawyer."
Jayne: "Where's Vera?!" ..

Someone has to write this fanfic!

Not me...I think Hero is already renaming one of his bullets.

"I give up. I admit it. I'm a Browncoat."






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