name five reasons why you hate fox

UPDATED: Thursday, April 22, 2004 04:20
VIEWED: 8002
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Friday, April 16, 2004 9:28 AM


Ok name five reasons why you hate fox and you cant say anything about FIREFLY thats to easy.
I think its a good way to get some anger out.
oh and it has to be five reasons not one great big one as I say again thats to easy.
Ok ready set GO!!!!


Friday, April 16, 2004 9:52 AM


1) Fox, like many networks, mishandles the majority of their shows

2) My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, and ALL the reality shows on FOX ("Americon Idol" "The Swan" etc)

3) Fox News sucks

4) MADtv

5) The upcoming, horribly innapropriate and in terrible taste feature film, "The Day After Tomorrow"-does this nation really NEED a movie about MORE horrendous events befalling us?

--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Friday, April 16, 2004 10:14 AM


1) Wonderfalls

2) Space Above and Beyond(I believe that was fox)

3) Reality TV shows NOT being canceled.

4) The simpsons still exists, along with family guy now, and futurama doesn't.(not that either show is bad, just futurama is better)

5) Gotta agree with the other guy, fox news.


Friday, April 16, 2004 10:28 AM


1) Firefly
2) Space: Above and Beyond
3) The 4 hour Star Trek Saturdays (That may just have been my local station who had that then stopped it)
4) Jon Doe
5) That Fox logo in all my Firefly DVDs and VHS copies reminding me what they done. (But it does give me a chance to boo at it!)

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Friday, April 16, 2004 10:33 AM


Aside from the obvious Firefly reason, I hate Fox because:

1) They cancelled "Wonderfalls";
2) They cancelled "Greg the Bunny";
3) Instead of letting the "X-Files" die a dignified death, they tried to carry on with Mulder AWOL most of the last two seasons and beat it into the ground in an attempt to milk every last shred of life out of it;
4) Their endless parade of obnoxious reality shows is ushering in the fall of civilization;
5) And because Fox news is NOT fair and balanced.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Friday, April 16, 2004 10:54 AM


1) The ruination of Sliders (I could fill a whole post with the laugh-out-loud stupid things they did to that show. In fact, maybe I will)

2) The premature cancellations of Futurama and The Critic

3) All their degrading reality shows... but especially Temptation Island (Eww.)

4) The encroachment of ads into shows themselves (as Early creeps aboard, we are warned that JOE MILLIONAIRE PREMIERES JANUARY 6, and when Simon gets shot, we learn of an ALL NEW JOHN DOE NEXT)

5) The shambling corpse of The Simpsons being permitted to go on making a mockery of itself, while one much worthier new project after another falls by the wayside because it can't instantly rival the Simpsons' ratings

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Friday, April 16, 2004 10:59 AM


1) Cancel shows before they have time to build a fan base or cancel them for no good reason
2) Titus (canceled)
3) Family Guy (canceled)
4) Futurama(canceled)
5) I hate all those "reality" shows and mad TV


Friday, April 16, 2004 11:05 AM


1) Cancelling Wonderfalls at episode 4

2) their love of low quality reality TV shows(i read somewhere on another forum that reality tv is for people who dont have windows in their houses!)

3) Their inability to sensibly promote a new show

4)Their clever tactic to stop new fans getting interested in new quality shows by screwing up the running order.

5)They start showing decent TV, then set it up to get cancelled.

I'm not bitter. grrrr.



Friday, April 16, 2004 11:34 AM


America loves a winner!

1) Cancellation John Doe. Next to another shiny show, I was a big fan of the concept, the actors, and the story.
2) Cancellation of Wonderfalls. After four episodes? Are you nuts ? Ok, I can see the point of those who cry 'copy cat/knock off of Joan of Arcadia' , but so what ? It was progressing at its own pace and giving some very good show. Hell, you tell me this show wasn't better than Malcome in the middle ? You're nuts.

3) Cacellation of Dark Angel. Taking Jessica Alba off the air is a crime in an of its self. Ok, I feel the writing was growing thin in it's 2nd season, but give the girl a chance.

4) The dumbing down of the American t.v viewer. ANY and I mean ANY GORRAM "reality" show that Fox shows is taking the collective I.Q. down another level. Reality T.V., not fast food , will sound the death knell for America.. you mark my words. Hey Reality shows... off and die!!!

5) For ever thinking that I'd give a damn about some cheesy Fast Lane show. Should have left what was on before that pile of go se aired. ( See? I didn't say it ! )

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 16, 2004 11:37 AM


Other than Firefly (and not just its cancellation, but almost worse, their extreme interference with joss's creative process, and 'watering-down' of the final product)...

1) Cancelling Millennium (and 'overproducing' season 2 and 3 ...particularly the 3rd).

2) Cancelling Wonderfalls and not showing a reasonable fraction of the already-completed episodes.

3) Reality tv. especially The Swan!!

4) FOX news

5) Not cancelling Tru Calling


Friday, April 16, 2004 11:40 AM


America loves a winner!

Oh, but I do have to say 1 thing. Not about Fox.T.V, but about Fox News. It IS fair and much as any news we're likely to see in this life time. And this coming from an Atlanta native who watched CNN from its infancy. Loved the idea of 24 hour news. But at least Fox tries to REPORT the news, and not morph it into a distorted agenda. I hate it when that happens.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 16, 2004 11:54 AM


1. Cancelling Brimstone (13 episodes)
2. Cancelling Firefly (13 episodes)
3. Not cancelling X-files after season 6.
4. Cancelling the Lone Gunmen (13 episodes)
5. ALL Reality-TV shows


Friday, April 16, 2004 12:24 PM



1: Firefly
2: Alien Nation
3: Futurama
4: Wonderfalls

Permitting to exist:

5: Fox News


Friday, April 16, 2004 12:46 PM


My top 100 reasons for 'deeply disliking' Fox, to put it tactfully, because children may be reading:

1 - They killed Firefly (begin iteration)
96 - They killed Firefly (end iteration)
97 - They didn't kill 'The Sawn', er, 'The Swan'
98 - They still show 'American Idolatry'
99 - All the other 'reality...' they show
100 - All the other 'TV...' they show

Please note, 'reality' and 'TV' are mutually exclusive terms, and should never be used together in the same sentence, similar to 'military intelligence' or 'Rush Limbaugh'...

Did I mention Fox killed Firefly? Yeah, well I 'deeply dislike' them for that, too.



"River? I thought she was a sweet girl. Of course, we were all sure she was crazy, too."

- Inara Reynolds, Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs
from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Friday, April 16, 2004 1:05 PM


1) Firefly Cancellation
2) S:AAB Cancellation
3) Dark Angel Cancellation
4) Wonderfalls Cancellation
5) American Idol *shivers* What a god-aweful show!

That's my five.

Dragon Lord

Summer: Jane's a girls name
Jayne: Well I ain't no girl! I can prove it!
Simon: I'm trying to picture you more vulgar... but, I can't


Friday, April 16, 2004 1:42 PM


Hate is a strong word. I don't normally have cause to even think about a network.. but Fox's bungling has earned them at least a special dislike in my repetitous thought.

1. Canceling of Firefly.. oh yeah I can't mention that.... Well indeed, their extreme impatience with anything new.

2. The way they seem more interested in leasing out or selling their properties then actually developing them themselves.. (Buffy, Angel, etc)

3. Temptation Island, My Fat Fiance, Joe Millionare's, etc.. they've over done the reality tv crude until Fox has become the 'Sureality' channel (yick).

4. Their scheduling hop scotch that makes it so impossible for anyone to find anything reliably.

5. I don't like the color scheme on their forum main page. :O)

Ok, I do like Fox News because I'm usually so ready to hear at least a conservative friendly show by the end of the day that they are the only fresh news I can find (I have to listen to CNN during the day.. yuck); but this is not Fox TV.. they're not really the same thing.


Friday, April 16, 2004 2:25 PM


Let's see, besides the fact that they tried to take the sky from us......

#5) Gorram "Reality" shows ad nauseum!

#4) They cancelled "Space Above And Beyond" (that was them, right?)

#3) They cancelled "Futurama" (Bite my shiny metal @$$!!)

#2) They cancelled "Greg The Bunny" (Eugene Levy, Seth Green AND "pre-fabricated Americans"!!)

And the #1 reason I hate Fox.....They cancelled "Wonderfalls" ('nuff said there)

Of course, that's not mentioning The Lone Gunmen and Dark Angel... both still had potential at least....

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Friday, April 16, 2004 4:25 PM


Glad I caught this thread before it went off to wherever threads go when they leave the bottom of the page

5. Greg the Bunny- It's nice to see this was posted on some other lists- This was a killer show that had a ton of potential - Are you listening Comedy Central, even though it's probably too late?

4. John Doe- Kall me krazy, but I was actually starting to like it as it went on- But then again, as with GTBunny, Fox has a habit of killing shows with great potential, which leads me to...

3. Wonderfalls- I'm glad I only got to see 4 episodes of this, because if I had grown any more attached to it, I'd probably have to be put on antidepressants- When the DVD set hits, I'm putting a shrink on speed dial-

2. The Swan - This show is simply disgusting- It's disgusting in its premise and execution- Young girls (and more mature women, too) have enough trouble with their self esteem and wanting to be respected for who they are, and Fox puts a show on the air that says mutilating your bodies for the sake of looks is important because that's the only thing that matters - The people who put this on dont need to be fired, they need to be brought up on charges-

1. Firefly- 'Nuff said-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Friday, April 16, 2004 8:29 PM


Just the shows that were original and interesting and then cancelled WAY too early before they were even given a chance to build an audience. I think there should be a cable channel devoted to Critically claimed television shows that get cancelled too early...they could call it Critics Choice. This is only Fox's is the longest, but there are shows on other channels that were cancelled too soon.

* Firefly
* John Doe
* Futurams
* Greg The Bunny
* Andy Richter Controls The Universe
* Arrested Development (we know it's coming)
* Wonderfalls
* The Tick
* The Ben Stiller Show
* Undeclared
* Dark Angel
* Keen Eddie
* Pasadena (OK, it was a soap opera, but the only one I've ever found interesting...introduced me to the great Alison Lohman)
* NEXT (the comedy sketch show by Bob Odenkirk, that never even aired)
* Cracking Up (Not sure about this show, but it needed more than 4 or 5's better than Bernie Mac)


Saturday, April 17, 2004 12:24 AM


1. Cancelling firefly, of course.

2. Cancelling Millenium, I loved that dark show.

3. Cancelling John Doe, liked the cast, the premise.

4. X-Files without David Duchovny, fools.

5. All the un-reality shows, which they call reality. True science fiction, these are, because no one I know would admit to being like them, not in this world at least.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:25 AM


1. Cancelling Dark Angel

2. Cancelling John Doe

3. Cancelling Futurama

4. "bringing back" Oliver Beene without actually showing it, only to put it back on "hiatus."

5. Reshuffling their affiliates, moving Ottawa from FOX31 (Rochester) to FOX2 (Detroit), which turns into a news network on Saturdays. No Sonic X, no Shaman King , no more Ninja Turtles. More, they did this two weeks after introducing these shows, as if taunting us.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:01 PM


which is obviously which is obviosly a bad thing to do especially when:

2. They Market Their Programs like crap
which they did for their friday night programs, one of which was:


4. They Cancell shows on CLIFF HANGER EPISODES, leaving fans wondering what the hell would happed next.... like when:


People only beleive something if it's in a movie


Monday, April 19, 2004 4:40 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

1) Cancelling Firefly. Sorry have to mention this as it the most important reason I will not watch Fox at all.

2) Cancelling Space: Above & Beyond. Loved that show.

3) Reality Shows. I absolutely despise reality shows. There is no reality to these shows and it is painfully obvious they are scripted.

4) Cancelling Greg the Bunny. This show was funny and something my wife and I could both agree on watching.

5) Cancelling Wonderfalls. Sure Fox has cancelled a lot of good shows, but Wonderfalls sticks out for me as it was recent and only 4 episodes was not enough to even give the show a fair chance, especially since they moved it to a new night after only three episodes.

I could go on all day about why Fox sucks, but then again, who couldn't.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, April 19, 2004 5:09 AM


I do not HATE Fox, but I think they have made some very poor choices that other networks have not:
1. Canceling of shows that are really good (Firefly, Futurama)
2. Reality shows that are in VERY poor taste and insulting to the contestants and to everyday people
3. Really strange specials like "Man Versus Beast". What the heck was that all about?
4. The local Fox weather guy (that is not really their fault, but it is still associated with them)
5. Giving some shows nine lives and giving other shows no chance

I will give them credit for at least trying to air shows that are not typical mainstream fare. I doubt very much that networks like NBC, CBS or ABC would pick up a show like Firefly. They have gotten away from doing this lately as it seems they have more and more sitcoms and less dramas (actually, have they ever had a true drama?).


Monday, April 19, 2004 5:24 AM


1. Killing shows too soon like Wonderfalls and John Doe.
2. Their biased news shows.
3. "Fair and Balanced" or their biased news shows claiming to not be biased.
4. The Swan, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, and every other low-brow, tasteless, mind numbing crap of the so-called reality genre.
5. Commercials for reality tv, you can't escape them even if you choose to not watch the actual show.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Monday, April 19, 2004 5:25 AM


1. Cancelled the Lone Gunmen
2. Cancelled Millennium
3. Cancelled Futurama
4. Cancelled Harsh Realm before I had a chance to watch it
5. Allowed Temptation Island and My Big Fat Fiance,and the Swan on the air in the first place



Monday, April 19, 2004 9:12 AM



Originally posted by est120:
I will give them credit for at least trying to air shows that are not typical mainstream fare. I doubt very much that networks like NBC, CBS or ABC would pick up a show like Firefly.

For a while (about a month ) ABC had Veritas: The Quest. With as much potential as Firefly, Wonderfalls, or any of the others, Veritas ran like a meld of X-Files and Indiana Jones, with a healthy dose of (movie) Tomb Raider's fancy tech.

They showed maybe four episodes (over a six-week period) before ABC switched to 24/7 coverage of the War on Terror(tm).

Can't blame Fox for that one, sadly.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, April 19, 2004 9:46 AM


While I don't actually hate Fox as I have a hard time hating a television network and I don't want to bother picking 5 things Fox has done badly I'll just post a recent grievance that has nothing to do with reality television or a cancellation.

Normally 24 airs on Tuesday's however the President's speach preempted 24 last week so what does Fox do rather than waiting 1 week to show the episode they air 24 on Sunday night when it's competing with Alias gosh I'm sure those two shows don't have similar audiences. Plus given the nature of 24 if you miss one episode it's hard to watch the next one.


Monday, April 19, 2004 9:46 AM


While I don't actually hate Fox as I have a hard time hating a television network and I don't want to bother picking 5 things Fox has done badly I'll just post a recent grievance that has nothing to do with reality television or a cancellation.

Normally 24 airs on Tuesday's however the President's speach preempted 24 last week so what does Fox do rather than waiting 1 week to show the episode they air 24 on Sunday night when it's competing with Alias gosh I'm sure those two shows don't have similar audiences. Plus given the nature of 24 if you miss one episode it's hard to watch the next one.


Monday, April 19, 2004 9:46 AM


Sorry about the double post.


Monday, April 19, 2004 10:26 AM



Originally posted by Ghola:
While I don't actually hate Fox as I have a hard time hating a television network and I don't want to bother picking 5 things Fox has done badly I'll just post a recent grievance that has nothing to do with reality television or a cancellation.

Normally 24 airs on Tuesday's however the President's speach preempted 24 last week so what does Fox do rather than waiting 1 week to show the episode they air 24 on Sunday night when it's competing with Alias gosh I'm sure those two shows don't have similar audiences. Plus given the nature of 24 if you miss one episode it's hard to watch the next one.

I don't want to defend fox, but if they had just pushed 24 back a week, I think the season finale would have aired one week after may sweeps ended.

As for my five reasons why I hate Fox:
1. Firefly
2. Wonderfalls
3. Family Guy
4. The way they treated (IMO) the two brightest minds in television, Joss Whedon and Tim Minear.
5. If you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. Fox never seems to learn from the mistakes they make year after year after year.

These are but a few of the myriad reasons why I hate how the Fox network is run.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 3:09 AM


1. Firefly mismanagement. Cancellation's only fair after all those low ratings, but they really didn't give this show a chance.

2. Dark Angel mismanagement. It's my 2nd favorite show, and it was really good. At least they gave it 2 full seasons and a decent finale.

3. Those stupid filler TV shows they air, like "world's most hilarious wedding outtakes," or "100 things removed from the human body". They could've aired unaired Firefly episodes instead of this crap, or at least late at night so we could tape them.

4. Futurama cancellation. At least we can see the reruns on Cartoonnetwork

5. Fox news. Some reputable site did a study linked to on here, saying that people who watched it were more likely to have false conceptions.

Reality TV shows aren't too enraging, seeing as they're simply good business sense. Fox does push the limit of tastefullness, but not as much as "Fear Factor."


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:16 AM


Respectfully submitted:

1. Courting a creative person and appearing interested in their product (e.g. FF and most recently WF) and then stabbing them right in the back just before going to air by putting it into the TSoD (aka Fri night)

2. Not giving a show a chance to find its audience. To wit: FF, WF, Keen Eddie, TLG etc

3. Sucking me in once again with WF and then pulling the rug out just as I was getting comfy.

4. Not realizing that UnReality TV has more than used up its 15 minutes. Please, if there's a merciful deity anywhere in the 'verse, please quit beating that dead horse - it ain't gonna go no more!

5. Not letting XF exit elegantly. Oh no, we had watch and watch and watch their tortured death throes. And, WTF was with killing the Lone Gunmen? So now only the pretty people are left.

I hate FX !

Nothing is ever so profoundly regretted as a kind act.
Robertson Davies


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:33 AM


Well, doesn't look like I can come up with much NOT already said. I agree with most of you about cancellations and 'reality' TV. I remember when FOX was the new kid and made it by showing edgy, unconventional shows...but now they are 'leading' the pack and we all know where they are heading (land of mindless drones). Funny how that works.

I will say this about FOX news...with the qualifier that I abhore politics and there are NO trully unbiased news networks ANYWHERE...they are probably the least politically aligned.

"Be careful when staring into the darkness, that you do not become what you see."


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:50 AM


They showed maybe four episodes (over a six-week period) before ABC switched to 24/7 coverage of the War on Terror(tm).

i like how you trademarked that phrase.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:40 AM



Originally posted by LtNOWIS:
5. Fox news. Some reputable site did a study linked to on here, saying that people who watched it were more likely to have false conceptions.

I don't think that it was Fox News in particular but the whole Broadcast news as a source of daily news that people get, that those people have false or misconceptions about news events.

For people who read the newspapers or listen to radio for news, not so much.

I get my news when I drive to and from work listening to a local talk radio station.



Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:42 AM


I for one do not HATE FOX, but I do have issues with their decision making.

1) 'Reality' Shows, which are nothing even close to reality. (Reality is boring, we all live in reality. This goes double for other people's 'Reality')

2) The idea that FOX executives know what is 'more likely' to grab the viewers than the creators of the show. Like the music industry, heads so far up their @$$ they can almost see daylight again.

3,4,5) See reason number 1

Cal Jeddah

"Is it bad that what she said makes perfect sense to me?"


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:36 AM


5 reasons:

1.) My big fat obnoxious fiancee
2.) The Littlest Groom
3.) Oliver Bean
4.) John Doe (this kind of has something firefly related, i'm just ticked off that John Doe outlasted it!)
5.) their newscast LOVED the war in iraq

"Did I hear something about black market beagles? They have smallish droppings."


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:31 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

1) Firefly

2) Firefly

3) Firefly

4) Firefly

5) Firefly

"Why're we still talkin' about this?"
~ Mal

Anything after that is giving gorram fox more attention than they deserve.

Stop capitalizing their name, people. They don't deserve that kind of respect either.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:42 PM


What?! Only five?!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:20 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by SouthernSlayer:
What?! Only five?!

well... you could write quite the dissertation with five reasons, really. Start with a main point, then rant on for a couple hundred words per point. If you're the ranting sort.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche






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