You might be a browncoat if ...

UPDATED: Saturday, April 24, 2004 17:44
VIEWED: 16970
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Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:55 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
I read the first one, thought, "Hey, that's the Sentry they used in 'Aliens!', read the line after it, and literally sprayed a gorram bottle of water--through my nose, no less--onto the computer monitor at the office...

I admit it, I've seen "Aliens"--the Director's cut, that is--somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 times...

Best sci-fi action movie ever, til "Serenity" comes out.

And you own me a ruttin roll of paper towels for my desk...

--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne

For the rest of the people reading this who aren't Aliens fans, look at the computer readout on the sentry when Mal fires at the Alliance skiffs in the opening scene of "Serenity" (the pilot). The HUD (heads-up display) shows the equipment that Mal is operating to be a "UA-571D Ground Sentry".

For those who haven't seen James Cameron's Aliens director's cut, the UA-571C were the automatically tracking and firing robot sentries that held the Aliens off for a long time in the lower corridors.

It seems that the production artist team for Firefly either inserted the reference as a nod to the Aliens Universe or the Firefly Universe is descended from the grim, Corporation-loving, Weyland-Yutani saturated future of Aliens fame. Either way, they know their Aliens lore.

PS - If you don't have your Firefly DVD disk 1 on hand to see the HUD of the ground sentry, check out Saint Jayne's "Battle of Serenity" game on this site.

Kozure the Kamikaze Highlander

Proud Citizen of Canada-That-Was


Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:30 AM


If you watched all of A Knights Tale and the entire time you hoped that "Wash" would put on a shirt remotely similar to a hawaiian one.

you might be a browncoat...

If the entire time you watched Nathan Fillion as Caleb on Buffy the Vampire slayer you wondered how somebody so nice(Mal) could be somebody so evil(Caleb)

you might be a browncoat...

If you think/know you are becoming the Firefly equivilent to Star Trek's Trekkies

you might be a browncoat...

If you enjoy petty theft and getting hit with pool queues

you might be a browncoat...

If instead of doing your piles upon piles of homework you watch Firefly instead even though you've watched every episode probably 5 times this week already

you might be a browncoat...

If you are watching through Firefly and get to the end and everytime you see it you hope that you were only dreaming and that the show still goes on

you might be a browncoat...

If you share a name with any of the characters on Firefly

you are definately a browncoat...

if blue gloves scare the tzao-gao out of you

you might be a browncoat...

if you sit in your dark room, writing angry notes with letters you cut out of magazines to 20th Century Fox telling them that they are eternally damned...



you would be ME.

"Did I hear something about black market beagles? They have smallish droppings."


Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:15 PM



... For those who haven't seen James Cameron's Aliens director's cut, the UA-571C were the automatically tracking and firing robot sentries that held the Aliens off for a long time in the lower corridors.

It seems that the production artist team for Firefly either inserted the reference as a nod to the Aliens Universe or the Firefly Universe is descended from the grim, Corporation-loving, Weyland-Yutani saturated future of Aliens fame. Either way, they know their Aliens lore.

PS - If you don't have your Firefly DVD disk 1 on hand to see the HUD of the ground sentry, check out Saint Jayne's "Battle of Serenity" game on this site.

Kozure the Kamikaze Highlander

Proud Citizen of Canada-That-Was

Yeah, makes sense--was it earlier this season on "Angel" where Weyland-Yutani was mentioned in the opening teaser?

--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:09 PM



It seems that the production artist team for Firefly either inserted the reference as a nod to the Aliens Universe or the Firefly Universe is descended from the grim, Corporation-loving, Weyland-Yutani saturated future of Aliens fame. Either way, they know their Aliens lore.
Yeah, makes sense--was it earlier this season on "Angel" where Weyland-Yutani was mentioned in the opening teaser?

Aw, c'mon. Have y'all not yet realized what a total amazing geekyou apparently have to be work for Joss Whedon? It's one of my favourite things about the show(s) -- the "inside joke to the geeks like us" factor.

So anyhow, on subject....
If you know anyone on the Atkins diet and you giggle everytime they say they only eat protein.

If one of your D&D friends thinks you're "pulling a Saffron" with your character -- and more than one other person in the game gets it.

If you now think that Super Soldier on the X-Files probably just got greedy, but might be redeemable after all.

If you've ever used the word "purplebelly"

If you could find your way around Serenity with a minimum of getting lost (I could so do this. heh)

"We're just happy to be doin' good works."


Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:01 PM


America loves a winner!

Own 2 copies of the DVD. 1 for loaning out to your friends, and one to keep 'safe'.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:03 PM



Originally posted by Delia:

. . . you've ever gotten through a really boring class by watching Shindig on your laptop (sound on mute, subtitles on).

Wo de tien ah! That is one of my favorite ways to spend classtime! Especially during study hall! Either that or if i'm in a room with internet ports i'll get on here to talk to all these fine people!

"Heres to Jayne, the man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:51 PM


If you have had the following conversation with your friends. (This was last Spring, during Angel, just after the important characters, were freed from Jasmine's sway, but Conner was being a little bitch.)

My Friend: Man, that sucks. They should go to Sunnydale.

Me: Why, everything is FUBAR there, too.

My Friend: Yeah, but the Capitan is there. He'll straighten Zoe out.

Hilarity ensues.



Friday, April 23, 2004 4:47 AM

CELTICSUNCAT want to plan a Firefly-themed wedding (bride and groom as Inara and Mal, Companion bridesmaids, Browncoat groomsmen...) and your fiance thinks that's a shiny idea.'ve converted enough people you know that your father, best friend, the best man, your sister, brother, and cousin all think that's a shiny idea as well and other friends are asking if they can come to the wedding dressed up.

...your fiance has decided all theoretical future children will be named after Firefly characters. randomly hand your DVD set to friends and scream "This is the best thing ever! Watch it! NOW!!!" at them.

...fiance refers to you as "Lammytoes." were pleased as punch to find posted on this very board somewhere to buy a replica of Mal's coat and are considering ordering enough of them to outfit your own Browncoat squadron...

"I got stabbed, you know. Right here."


Friday, April 23, 2004 5:29 AM



Originally posted by Ankhagogo:
If you could find your way around Serenity with a minimum of getting lost (I could so do this. heh)

So could I, probably, but then I do that everywhere. Seriously, I have this almost precognizant sense of direction.

I keep hoping Wash or someone'll hand River a map/starchart at some point. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, April 23, 2004 6:22 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I keep hoping Wash or someone'll hand River a map/starchart at some point. . .

If you watch Safe... Mal and Wash are discussing places to go to take Book for medical treatment and Wash is holding in his hand a shiny sheet of plastic with the system chart on it. Had 4 overlapping circles.

I saw it on E-bay, but i think it's sold by now.



Friday, April 23, 2004 6:27 AM


...if when presented with a birthday cake you hide under the table with a fire extinguisher and scream "open the door NOW!"


Friday, April 23, 2004 10:42 AM


…If on the side of your computer tower you have a symbol indicating it was once alliance property.

Yep I’m a Browncoat!

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Friday, April 23, 2004 11:39 AM


got another one.

you might be a browncoat if you're packing for a one week trip to florida (yippee!!) and the last thing you pack is you're firefly dvd's. it's the last thing to pack because you've been watching them till time to leave.

catch you all in a week!!

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:44 PM


thought of a couple more -

all your IM away messages are Firefly quotes (partly because FF rocks but also so your friends will IM you and say "whats that from?" and you'll have an excuse to rant and rave)

you might be a browncoat if...
your friend in Boston says she missed Firefly when it aired and you are now trying to figure out when is the soonest you can drive up there with your DVDs

you might be a browncoat if...
you are out job hunting and vow as soon as you start getting a decent paycheck you're buying an extra set of DVDs..

you might be a browncoat if...
an entire folder in your favorites/booksmarks is dedicated to random Firefly sites.

you might be a browncoat if...
you spent over two hours learning how to do animated in adobe imageready so you could make a firefly icon for you IM...

you might be a browcoat if...
you think this is one of the shiniest threads you've ever seen!






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