Greetings...and rambles.

UPDATED: Friday, January 11, 2008 20:44
VIEWED: 3513
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008 11:09 AM


New to the forum and I'm sure you've heard the following all before...but I need to unload ;-p

Bought myself the TV series at XMas and watched all eps within that same week. WOW. Bought the Special Edition movie. WOW. Bought another copy of the movie after reading a sequel would be based on sales of the S.E. release.

Never before have I developed such an emotional attachment, nor felt so strongly towards any show. TV, Film, Books. Period. (I'm sure I am not alone in this regard. )

Yet Firefly has pulled me into a world of believable fiction and exposed me to something I have never experienced before. Much like the outer worlds, this experience is uncharted territory and I'm not sure how to deal with it ;-)

Firefly is strangely powerful. Captivating and mesmerising without overtly appearing to be.

By themselves, none of the ingredients truly stand out. The concept of a [space] smuggler is fairly unoriginal. As Joss himself said, Mal and the Serenity are virtually a retelling of Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon during the "in-between" years...only with a Western premise in space (to paraphrase the stage-coach reference). Moreso, Mal's character and wardrobe come virtually straight out of a 90's computer game called Privateer (by Origin). Yet the way Joss presents the 'verse, characters and the attention to detail (oh the details), he transforms those plain old ingredients into an original, hugely engrossing and emotional recipe. Clearly the whole is far larger than the sum of the individual parts.

I considered the new Battlestar Galactica the best told story on TV...until I watched the first season of Firefly. I'm glad I watched each in that order, otherwise BSG would not have had the same impact I fear. Joss has taken storying telling to a whole new level.

After learning the show was cancelled, I felt a bereavement (and an overwhelming need to contribute). A death in the family. An unexplained emptiness and longing for more. I watched the movie last night and tried to squeeze every last bit of the experience from the special features. I hunger for more. More...gorran it.

Firefly is a sneaky emotional black hole of entertainment, sucking the unwary in and never letting go. That is a good thing. It creates an appetite that needs to be fed. I would be incredibly grateful for a sequel to the film...however, if Firefly returned as a TV show one day, I would lie prostrate in worship and make Joss Whedon a religion.

Thanks Joss, you are talent.



Wednesday, January 9, 2008 1:28 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Welcome aboard, futch. Glad to have you flying the 'verse with us.

You are correct that Firefly is nothing truly original, and it is probably a fact that nothing can be truly original anymore, it all builds on what has been done before. It is what each individual writer, producer or actor does with the material, that extra something that makes it their own, that sets it apart from whatever inspired it.

I've said this before, but I will repeat. Even though Firefly is set 500 years in the future and in another solar system, it is the most realistic depiction of average people coping with the tragedies of life that I have ever seen.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008 2:28 PM


Ni Hao , F-F !

Proud to have folk like you among our crew !

Please make yourself to home , post well and

often , and know that we all fly along with you !

Stay in touch...Send us a Wave , anytime...

" Quiet desperation is the English way..."
--Pink Floyd

" Will work for Bar Credit at The Brown Coat Pub and Theatre "


Wednesday, January 9, 2008 2:33 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

Well said, FF. Glad you're here and we hope we'll hear more from you!

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome aboard Futch! Good to have you here.

I think everyone here can appreciate your feeling of emotional attachment to the 'verse and crew. I for one have never been so involved with a fanbase of any kind. I never felt compelled to participate on message boards, go to conventions, or anything of the like until Firefly. The show just struck a chord with me and will be with me the rest of my life.

When the show was cancelled I leapt to the call to try to save it. I had never been moved to take part in such campaigns, but I did for this show. It had come to mean a great deal to me and it was worth fighting for. Been here since the show was unjustly cancelled and I'll be here when they turn off the lights.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:22 AM


nods head

Very eloquently put,The big damn show has become a big part of my life .Although it's set in the future its real people trying to be people and live free.


Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:55 AM


Howdy Futch, welcome to the boat
I hear what you’re saying and believe me all the browncoats here and on every FF/Serenity board know how you feel. Firefly wasn’t only a tv show, it was a message. It spoke of what was important, family and friends. It pulled us in and didn’t let go. Like so many others that have been bombarded with fancy packaging and limited depth of other tv shows I didn’t follow FF when it made it’s original run on the small screen. It wasn’t until later after the BDM that I found out what I’d missed. I am glad though that I did. This is a great forum with many good people. Enjoy the FF/Serenity fandom and post often. It’s good having new folk come aboard. I say again welcome “browncoat”.


Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:51 AM


thanks for the warm welcome. i wasn't sure how my odd ball comments would be received.

well, i've decided what my contribution to the 'verse will be. i make officially licensed studio scale model kits, primarily from the Maschinen Krieger universe out of Japan.

later this year i'm going to tackle the Serenity in 1/72 scale (thats roughly 2 feet long)
TV or Movie undecided.

i have scraped a bunch of schematics/images from the internet but could really use some hi-res studio files.

is there anyone here who can help me get the wheels in motion? I'd like to start with the agency who handles licensing or a contact at Firefly's CGI production team.

big thanks


Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:41 PM



Originally posted by futchfactor:
thanks for the warm welcome. i wasn't sure how my odd ball comments would be received.

well, i've decided what my contribution to the 'verse will be. i make officially licensed studio scale model kits, primarily from the Maschinen Krieger universe out of Japan.

later this year i'm going to tackle the Serenity in 1/72 scale (thats roughly 2 feet long)
TV or Movie undecided.

i have scraped a bunch of schematics/images from the internet but could really use some hi-res studio files.

is there anyone here who can help me get the wheels in motion? I'd like to start with the agency who handles licensing or a contact at Firefly's CGI production team.

big thanks

Odd ball comments ? That's how we know you're

' one of us '!

Oh , and it's not 'the' Serenity...It's just

Serenity ! 'Least , that's what Inara

says...I think most everyone concurs...

I think Serenity in 1:72 would work out to be

somewhat larger than roughly 2 feet long ,

whether it be the 'movie' version or the

Firefly 'TV' version...Licensing , I reckon ,

will determine what we get . Seems that QMx

probably has the license to do the 'movie'

stuff , and there have been occasional rumblings

that a Serenity ship model is something they're

going to do...

Meanwhile , I'm pleased as if Yo-Saff-Bridg were

nekkid in my bunk , that you mean to do a proper

rendition of the Shiny ship !

I used to have a LOT of reference

material collected also , but that computer was

stolen , and I had nothing backed up that I was

able to recover...

I want to see a mass-market model , with at least

20,000 units released from a first run !

Could you perhaps get a company like Fine Molds

in Japan to co-operate , if you are able to

secure a license ?

I'd buy several , even at $200 each ,

if they could be of quality on par with the FM

Star Wars kits of the Falcon , etc.

Do you have the QMx reference pack ? I doubt it

would be a huge amount of help , except perhaps

for initial planning purposes...

Have you ever seen the Thomas Models proposed

parts breakdown for Serenity ? I think they

intended to produce a resin kit , but I'd much

rather see 'our good girl' in styrene .

Probably Loni Perestere @ ZOIC would be your

best source of info...But I think 'Treybor' Sean

Kennedy , did some derivative Lightwave 3D

renderings that looked good...

Also , if you're going to make our model , it has

to have good-looking and recognizable crew

figures , at least a cargo hold's worth of cows ,

and perhaps some black-market beagles...

With 'smallish' droppings...

Oh yeah , join the Yahoo Group ,

'Modelling Serenity' !

I love the MaK stuff , and SF3D , and whatnot!

I always thought that MaK 'Firefly' looked like

something Wash might've flown in the past , maybe

even while still in flight school...

Ramble done...Over to you...

" Quiet desperation is the English way..."
--Pink Floyd

" Will work for Bar Credit at The Brown Coat Pub and Theatre "


Friday, January 11, 2008 6:15 AM



thanks for responding.

styrene would be great but styrene kits are way out of my league. the tooling alone (injection molds) cost 10's of thousands. then there's the artwork, marketing etc.

yeah, 1/72 would be 2.5 feet long - not practical in terms of mold making for resin kits. something closer to 1/144 perhaps.

don't have any QMX stuff, but do know the right people if i need something

re: Thomas Models - yeah i saw something, but i think it read 18 months before the kit was coming out... not sure when that was dated.

i've got some leads now that might provide access the files i need. lets see.



Friday, January 11, 2008 8:26 AM


Welcome Futch! Hope you have half as much fun here as I have and continue to have!


Friday, January 11, 2008 8:44 PM


Futch wrote in part:

Firefly is a sneaky emotional black hole of entertainment, sucking the unwary in and never letting go.
Beautifully put. So accurate.

I would lie prostrate in worship and make Joss Whedon a religion.
Whedonism has already been founded, and "ites"
are everywhere you turn. But no prostrating is
allowed. One must be vertical to march, watch,

Welcome home, futch. You are #29602 to sign on
aboard our shiny ship. We are right thrilled to
see you here. Pull up a box of strawberries and
a jug of Mudder's and make yourself to home.

We look forward to seeing progress on your models.

Frisky Browncoat
Bastards singed my turtle.






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