I have watched and wept for joy.

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 09:36
VIEWED: 7114
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Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:08 AM


"I don't care, I'm still free - you can't take my DVD..."

After the endless hours of waiting, I finally got my Firefly DVD on Thursday night. I had enough time that evening to watch the pilot, 'Serenity'. The following day I watched 'The Train Job' and 'Bushwacked'. Saturday, I beheld the glories of 'Shindig' and 'Safe'. Today I have just enjoyed 'Our Mrs Reynolds' and 'Jaynestown'.

In the moments of transition, the long silent struggle between episodes, I doubt a half-hour has passed where I have not thought about Firefly.

So what do I think of the show? Eight episodes in and I think it arguably - nay, is - the best American television series ever produced. I count myself a cultured fellow, I have demanding tastes. For a while I ruminated over whether Homicide: Life on the Street was the superior... but Homicide, though smart, tough, witty and thought provoking, never had the pure joy that Firefly has. Also, Homicide was a show that went on for too long and fell into ruin. Firefly's weakness is also its strength, it never had time to stumble or grow tiresome.

Not that it could have, with the talent involved. The entire show feels so fresh and revolutionary. Other contempory science fiction shows appear tired and formal excercises besides it. Look at 'Star Trek Voyager' and 'Enterprise'. They are playing the same riffs as the 'STNG', only far less competently. And these riffs are tired. The characters are cardboard, the plots recycled, the universe and concept apathetic. It is a brand with no ideas and too scared to evolve or die. 'Firefly', on the other hand, is as radical, precious and almost as inventive as the landmark television series 'The Prisoner'. 'The Prisoner', a short lived television series of only 17 episodes, detailed the fight of one man alone against a system designed to break him. Every week he awoke on the island village, ready to face whatever mental or physical tortures the mysterious guardians of the sinister and charming village prison had in store for him. Plus, there was a giant, murmuring, roaring, white balloon that chased after him - absorbing or suffocating its prey.

But enough about the utterly fantastic 'The Prisoner', back onto the equally fantastic 'Firefly' - and by stating my equal regard for them I hope you realise what high significance I hold the show in.

To be honest, there is so much to say about the show that I'm not sure if I can offer capsule reviews of what I have seen so far. Let me just say that there is not one weak character, not one stilted performance (well, maybe the bloke who holds up the river boat in the opening to 'Our Mrs Reynolds', but I forgive him for the impressive way he was blasted off his horse) and not one moment when I thought, "this is tired/ this joke is laboured/ this action is stilted/ this plot is silly." All the episodes are so perfectly paced, and pack more into themselves as far as wit, character, action, emotion and plot go than half a series of Star Treks or movies. The only flaw I can see is that the episodes end abruptly sometimes, but I can understand. There's so much story that things are significant to the last moment - there's no winding down. You care so much about these people that you are torn when each story ends. Only reams of fanfiction of my own devising and the promise of a movie will help me when this show painfully ends.

My previous favourite American sci-fi show was 'Babylon 5'. I loved the story-arc, the darkness, the mystery, the suspense. But lets face it; apart from Londo, G'Kar, Garibaldi and a couple of others... well, the characters weren't quite there. Sometimes they seemed too much like vehicles for the plot. It was a very good show, don't get me wrong, but they didn't always seem human - even in their flaws. And with the element of surprise removed, the show suffers when you know all the revelations by heart. And the humour, God, the humour was terrible in that show.

Unlike 'Firefly', where the humour says as much about the characters as their dark moments. Look at Jayne, his character escapes being a monster in the early episodes by his oddly skewed humour. And by the time of Jaynestown, he creates enough affection through the laughter that the ending is both true and deeply affecting.

Firefly's characters are indeed the best yet seen on American sci-fi. I say American, because a british sci-fi mini series about a covert war against vampires called 'Ultraviolet', almost - and possibly does - match it. Check it out, you won't be disappointed... well, you will that there weren't more than six episodes, but you will love it. It's at But, heck, I even love the 'Firefly' characters more than those in 'Ultraviolet'. The 'Ultraviolet' ones were damaged goods, tortured and a little cruel - but with compassion and humour surfacing at the most unexpected of times. Complex and deep, they were, and it was hard to say goodbye to them. But there was not the glorious mixture that Firefly has. The enigmatic and fatherly Book, the sunny and adorable Kaylee (marry me Kaylee... please), the amusing brutish and selfish Jayne (love his confliction over loyalty and profit), the damaged atrocity exhibition that is the heart-rending River and her devoted and noble - but priggish and out-of-his-depth brother, the tough and wise Zoe and her light-hearted but slightly terrified husband, the cultured and oddly repressed Inora and finally... the captain.

And what a captain! No moral of the week spouting here, no implausible heroic stature or genius intellect! Just a guy trying to make a living and bury his past, whilst staying one step ahead of the authority. I watch 'Firefly' and I see no actors, only real people and their lives. People I want to be with.

I believe, that possibly, my favourite episode so far is 'Safe'. It's nigh impossible to choose, but that one really touched me with its portrayal of protection, abandonment and love. Simon and River are amazing, as are the actors that portray them. Each flashback was perfectly placed and executed. The scene where Simon is attempting to convince his parents that River's letters are a cry for urgent help made me weep. The frustration and horror were evoked so well, his parents... actors brought in for a few lines and half a day on set... became with such a script, direction and sense of purpose entire lives worth you felt worth following, fighting and loving. They were decent people, but blind and complacent, obsessed with shallow appearences. I saw then that Simon was not a man running, he was a man fighting every day and facing the facts. He was a true hero and I loved him for it.

And that is the primary strength of Firefly. Every supporting character, every setting - every second you feel as if you could suddenly walk away from the cast and join and follow the adventures of the people they brushed with. There are countless stories around them, evoked within a few looks and lines. And the concept of the universe, whilst appearing a little cheesy on paper, is so well evoked that it seems a living breathing reality - aided by the fantastic production and effects.

And Serenity. God, I want a Serenity of mine. The ship of course, not the soul-scarring, atrocity of a haunting battle in a valley.

In conclusion then, because I could keep on writing for another hour and not touch upon what I think of this...

Firefly is superb. And my favourite DVD now. And I can't wait to watch those other episodes.

But now, I have to visit my grandparents.


P.S: 10/10 and my rage at Fox knows no bounds. Literally. One of us WILL make the news headlines some day. Possibly with the aid of either a shotgun or spoons. Possibly both.

P.P.S: "Gnak. Shiny. Burble." Plus hopeless gesturing, that's all I can really truly say about this series.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:22 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm kinda wishing you had gone on for another hour or more with your thoughts, nervouspete. That was really good, and I look forward to any fanfic you care to produce.

I am now kicking myself for not watching or taping "Ultraviolet" when it was on the Sci-Fi Channel earlier this month. I just assumed it was another in their seemingly endless line of mediocre straight-to-video crap. Hope they repeat it sometime.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:05 AM


NervousPete, if this has not already been posted as an review, then please, please submit it. Loved every word of it.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:12 AM


Well said pete

I received my Firefly DVD's on Friday. I've watched them all, some more than once now

Ultraviolet was another program I didn't get to see when it aired the first time, but have since bought on DVD and that too is excellent.

Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation begets disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A=B=C=A, or whatever


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:17 AM


very eloquent observation. It's so gratifying to read everyday about someone else who sees what I saw in this show.

Thanks for the post.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:20 AM


Welcome aboard fellow Browncoat! That was very well said NP, eloquent prose indeed. Makes me ponder the notion of making a "recruitement" thread dedicated to hooking new fans. Just e-mail the link to someone you want to join the Browncoats and see if they would like to borrow your DVD set after they've read the post. Sounds just like a review per se, but I think it could be done a little differently (and without spoilers) by a tallented writer.

After you've watched the entire DVD set (several times) you should ponder your next step...start loaning it out to friends or buying a second set. Also, don't forget that the DVD set makes a great gift for friends and family!

P.S. I look forward to reading your comments after you've watched Objects in Space. I believe the last episode will blow you away.

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:26 AM


Pete, well said. This is my first post here... I did not watch the series while it was on TV, but a friend luckily got me into the show. We were going through the DVDs together, watching episode by episode. We weren't finished the 3rd DVD when I knew I had to buy a set for myself, so I did. I admit that at first I was a bit fangirlish (I mean, hello, you have SEEN Simon, right? ), but now that I've seen the whole series, I am in love with the show. I can't wait to go back and watch it again, from the very beginning.

I have always wanted a series like this that is very very dependent on the character of each person, at least as much as the current situation. I really got that feeling from Firefly, and watching the additional content at the end of the DVD made it clear that Joss Whedon intended to make the audience feel that way. Well, his message certainly got through to me. What a wonderful show...and such a great cast of characters. None of them are entirely unusual... (with exception of River, who was put in that state aganist her will) ... and for once, I enjoyed that.

So yes, from a new fan.... I wholeheartedly second your reaction!


AIM: KingArthursPiano


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:39 AM


Welcome to the fold NervousPete and Meneluin!

NervousPete, excellent critique. I whole heartedly agree... except for the rage part. They can't help being stupid, it's just the way they are


Originally posted by NervousPete:
'The Prisoner', a short lived television series of only 17 episodes,...

My God thank you! I've been trying to remember the name of this series for a long time now. Now my wife knows that it exists and I'm not just making it up

Again thank you, I can now sleep

Another show I might mention is Red Dwarf. It's another British comedy/Sci-Fi, too comedy to really be Sci-Fi. Well, at least as Sci-Fi as Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy and very funny in its own right as well. Anyone would do well to see it.

I'll be sure to check out "Ultraviolet". Thanks for the tip. TV has gotten so gorram .

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show
"Also, I can kill you with my brain." -River


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:05 AM



Originally posted by Davco92:
Welcome aboard fellow Browncoat! That was very well said NP, eloquent prose indeed. Makes me ponder the notion of making a "recruitement" thread dedicated to hooking new fans. Just e-mail the link to someone you want to join the Browncoats and see if they would like to borrow your DVD set after they've read the post. Sounds just like a review per se, but I think it could be done a little differently (and without spoilers) by a tallented writer.

P.S. I look forward to reading your comments after you've watched Objects in Space. I believe the last episode will blow you away.

OMG, NPete, you haven't seen the best yet: Out of Gas and, as noted above, Objects in Space. You'd better have a Valium/pub nearby because you will need to take the edge off the shock -- both from the episodes' brilliance and the need to "blow something up real good," preferrably the nearest Fvx exec office.

I'm nominating this thread as the Recruitment Thread of the Year. There are some mild spoilers in it but they capture feelings rather than episode facts. Besides, the goodness is in the viewing.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:06 AM


Well said, Nervous Pete, and welcome to the fold. I really enjoy your posts. You keep writing, and I'll keep reading, to paraphrase.

I'm glad you liked Safe -- it's one of my favorites. The moment Simon says "light it" always makes me cry. Thank Joss it's followed by a wonderful (and comic) entrance by Mal, Zoe and Jayne. Don't have time to get too gloomed.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:15 AM


Yeah, you should post that hour's-worth of writing you withheld; I can never read too much raving about my show.

I agree with all you said. Sage is among my top-three favorite episodes, along with Out Of Gas and Objects In Space. That's partly because Simon is my favorite character, and this episode focuses a lot on him (OIS is similar). Having a younger sister, I can relate to Simon's plight. I love his involvement with Kaylee; I've never cared more about a fictional relationship than I do about his and hers.

If you haven't yet seen them, I recommend you watch Joss Whedon's other shows, Buffy and Angel. The first seasons of both are a little weak, but they are my second- and third-favorite shows, no contest. Both make use of the same deep, imperfect, evolving characters as on Firefly.

Anyways, glad you enjoyed my show.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:58 AM


From Blazing Saddles, after a pep talk, the immortal words of Slim Pickens' character to Harvey Korman's character,
"You use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore."
Excellent review.

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:03 AM


NervousPete, wow that was a damn good review there and pretty much summed up how I feel about the show too.

The one thing that a friend of mine commented on, and I agree with 110% when I was showing him the DVDs; it was the first time he heard of Firefly, 2 weekends ago he watched the first 3 episodes then his wife made him go home, last weekend he wanted to watch the rest, so we did, it was a looooong but good night of quality TV viewing there. Where was I? Oh yeah the comment, gonna seperate it out from the ramblings because it's so true...

The thing that seperates Firefly's cast from most TV and even most movie casts is the whole thing could be silent and they could tell the story just with their eyes and facial expressions.

I had to agree with him on that one. Sometimes you find things with great writing, sometimes things with great acting, and sometimes you find things that get inside your head and make you think. Firefly has all of that in spades.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:14 AM


Just wait until you watch Out of Gas, your love for this Show will grow even more. It is one of my favorites and even makes full-grown testosterone driven men choke up a little bit.

Thank you so much for summing all that up so beautifully! Welcome to our Browncoat ranks!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:19 AM


Very well put! With your permission I'd like to reprint your comments in the conversion stories section at

Do I have your permission?


Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:43 AM


You certainly do have my permission, Jaysedai! And thank you all for the lovely words you have given my burblings. I'm really thrilled to be here, you all seem like such intelligent, funky skillo people. I sometimes perilously disagree with some of your politics, but one thing I cannot fault any of you on, Democrat - Republican - In Between - Anarcho-Syndicalist, is your superb taste! And the fact that you actually seem to listen to others, and talk with politeness and respect, humour and warmth... and generally good grammer and spelling. I know I have found a home and shiny new brown coat.

I think I wept for joy when a poster in another thread cited me and my post about the British people purging themselves, stating that he felt the British had done just that with the amazing Firefly sales figures over here, and the enthusiasm we have for it. Thank you Mr Thingymabob. And thank you Prisoner fan tormented by being unable to remember its title. I'm glad to have helped you, and point to the fact that all dvds are available at and It is intelligent, buy it. BUY IT. And Ultraviolet.

And now I shamefully sit back and beg you to tell me how great I am some more, almost as if I secretly desire you to erect a statue of me and make up a folk song about my... erm... pithy reviews. Yes! Folk Song Me!



Sunday, April 25, 2004 12:52 PM


As another "The Prisoner" and "Homicide" fan, I concur that Firefly is the only series to blow me away in many years [I'm old, and have been sniffing at TV since 1958].

The cool part (for me, anyway), is that after watching the DVDs several times over several months, putting them aside and going on with my life - I still love the series, the characters, and the people here on the web site. I still feel as excited by this bit of "mass market entertainment" now as I did when I watched it the first time. When something tugs that hard at your heartstrings then there must be a lot of very deep, mythic, and psyche-altering story-telling going on in all those episodes that we will all love again and again as the years go by.

I really hope that Joss tells a good mythic story when the movie comes out, so that everyone who missed Firefly the first time round gets on the bandwagon headed for the next big shindig!

Thanks for your very impassioned review - it was wonderful to read!

-Ocelot Wreak.

"I figure you're here 'cause you need some whacko who's willing to stick his finger in the fan. So who are we helping?" - Mickey K., in 'The Equalizer'


Sunday, April 25, 2004 1:25 PM


Them some shiny words, Pete!

My story is similar to yours; Firefly is my new love, too! I really appreciate your post. I'm so new to this (and any other) fan site that I had no idea how useful your post could be in promoting our show and the BDM. I hope you will share these words in all of the venues that others suggest.

Please post more after you have viewed the rest and let us know what you think of the other eps. My favorite is Objects in Space, and I think Out of Gas is the "best", but I love them all.

You will find that the episodes continue to increase in quality, which seems so unbelievable that I belive watching them in long sittings might be dangerous.


In the moments of transition, the long silent struggle between episodes, I doubt a half-hour has passed where I have not thought about Firefly.

I know that it took me two weeks to come out of the spell (during which I, too, literally thought about Firefly every half hour -- found fan fic and tried to extend my experience, to no avail). I wept first for joy, then in anguish because I had loaned the DVD's to a friend, so I was also in some type of horrible withdrawl. My friend has nearly erected a statue to my husband, and thinks we should do something special for him because they are his DVDs.

Anyway, since I am longwinded, but no where near as eloquent as you, I say, welcome, even while I am still feeling my way around and becoming part of this web.

Please post more of your thoughts and you will get all the praise singing you desire and more.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Sunday, April 25, 2004 1:54 PM


I was meaning to post on the Brit apology thread too, just never got around to it. No need to apologise for being a Brit and unleashing reality TV on us, I've had plenty of friends from the UK, all portions and points of view, they're all shiny folks. And they all hate reality TV too.

I watched the Prisioner too, although that was after being introduced to it from the Iron Maiden song of the same name. No need to appologise for Maiden either.

Other TV things we can thank the Brits for:

Blackadder, which held the highest place of honor in my DVD collection until Firefly came out. Still I think in that company a respectable 2nd isn't anything to sniff at.

Also loved 'Allo 'Allo and Father Ted. Was really choked up to hear that the actor that played him had died, which was why there wasn't another season of it. But what there is is top notch, nearly wet myself several times watching that show.

Ultraviolet looked very cool as well, I saw one episode when it was on Sci-Fi but missed the rest, gonna have to pick that one up on DVD too I think. And Dog Soldiers was a great movie, looking to get my hands on the full British version instead of the Sci-Fi one I taped.

So all in all, don't appologise for anything.

Well, maybe haggis and kilts, but hey I'm half Scots so I guess that's my fault too.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:03 PM


I have just watched another episode.

"Out of Gas"

*Contains spoilers for new bugs*

Oh my! Wow! Arguably the best single television episode of the last decade. The ending did bring tears to my eyes, you all were right! So many fine moments and a superb way of letting us know how the crew met. Catching Kaylee in the act of sexual congress... ha! That's surely Jos's way of saying... "Aw, isn't she sweet. Just like Willow, you are right my friend. Aw. What's she doing now? Oh, she's screaming an orgasm in the engine room, being 'serviced' by some long haired incidental character. Aw! How cute, eh? MUAH HA HA!" ... whilst, bizarrely, not at all contradicting or betraying her character, only strengthening it.

Seriously, is Jos some sort of God? Is he? More importantly, does he have two 's's in his name? I forget.

The tension was nigh-on unbearable, would have been were it not for the perfectly placed flashbacks. Beautifully done, and each character is remembered in the right spot. Kaylee in the engine room, Wash in the cockpit, Ienora (I shall continue to comically misspell her name until I have watched all episodes and learn, I promise) in her shuttle and Jayne down and dirty outside. Their lives as inextricably linked to Serenity as Mal's is. Which is as much why they came back as their love for Mal.

And such beautiful acting! Ron Glass didn't leap out at me at first. I thought he was a good actor from the beginning but I didn't really notice him. I call it 'the Morgan Freeman curse'. A great actor whom you just become too used to because such seasoned, dignified looking black actors are cast as seasoned, dignified characters. But seeing Book with his bible and his pain and fear for the coming end... wow. Good work Ron! You have fully won me over.

Wash I enjoyed from the start, but in a superficial early Buffy 'Xander wisecracks' sort of way. Y'know, ha ha! Say something funny again Wash! But in this his frustration, fear and love were amazing. And I loved his expression giving blood in the med-room. Can't describe it.

Anyone notice that whenever anyone is in the med-room, and people are watching over them, Kaylee is always seen by the patient first: through the same window at the same angle in the same spot? It is her 'vigil crate.'

Another reason for you lot to watch it, then.

And the moment the explosion hits, amazing effects that you don't notice as amazing effects simply because you are thinking... "NO! This cannot happen! It's Simon's birthday... and... and... Serenity! Serenity can't be hurt! No! Zoe! Fire everywhere! Man, I hope they're okay!" Compare this to the exponetially bigger budgeted Attack of the Clones, where I was so emotionally engaged by the story and the use of effects that at one point I thought, "Hmm, nice use of lighting."

But that ending, eh? Really is the stuff of legend. It did make me cry, I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Damn this show is good, and that episode was flawless.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:21 PM


And now I have watched another episode.

"But wait a second, Pete! You couldn't have had! In your previous post scant minutes ago you had said that you had just watched 'Out of Gas', so you must have watched this other one as well and then pretended to be completely fresh from the experience of its wonderousness. You shameless liar, you! You low down deceiving dirty... deceiver!"

To which I have three answers my friend.

1: Dramatic license.

2: Out of Gas deserved a post of its own.

3: Blue Gloves.

Cheers 'Ariel'. I decide to watch you just before going to bed and this is the thanks I get? The promise of hideous nightmares? I thought the interrorgation scene in 'The Matrix' was creepy, but this!

Agent Smith: "You are in the... wrong film, Agent Blue Gloves. This is... my territory. You are... (significant pause again)... trespassing."

Agent Blue Gloves: (Smiles gently, takes out a plastic rod) "Hello."

Agent Smith: "Aieee!" (Runs away)

Agent Blue Gloves: "I don't know why he ran. It's a biro, I was going to ask him for his autograph."

Reader: "Pshaw! I am reassured. Agent Blue Gloves has been effectively utilised as a comedy device by Nervous Pete. I feel I can sleep safely again now."

Agent Blue Gloves: (Looking at YOU, yes YOU! Out of this very page, his face hidden in the black background) "Hello."

Reader: "Aieee!" (Runs away, etc.)

The blue gloves agents and their calm, deliberate method of killing are undoubtably the most terrifying creatures in the history of television science fiction. Really. Even a rogue roaring killer weather balloon pales in comparison. I really am genuinely creeped out by them. Hence I bet that 'Ariel' is the least watched of the episodes. Frankly, I suspect that the Fox executives pulled the plug because Joss had handed them a script concentrating massively on them, and they got so scared that they axed it immediately, even though they loved and understood it. They feared the result. And then, through watching 'Ariel' in the rough cuts, they had so many nightmares that they decided to spare the rest of the populace the ordeal by ordering the episodes as shoddily as possible, barely advertising or promoting it and genuinely trying their best to bury it.

Actually, that is sinisterly likely.

Agent Blue Gloves: "Personally, I am fond of lemon cake."

Shopkeeper: "Aieee!" (Runs away)

Agent Blue Gloves: "Why does that keep happening? God... I'm so lonely." (Cries)

All this chipper humour still cannot mask my deeply disturbed state. Gagh.

Well, 'Ariel' then. Moving, exciting, tense, great ending. I like to think that Jayne's conscience was heavily troubling him, and that experience was the effective killer blow on his old ways. That he has become a better and wiser person... by a small degree. And that he has learnt some compassion. Yes, a really good episode.

And I cannot look at blue gloves ever again. If I have to buy new washing up gloves, some one else is doing it for me, and get me YELLOW ones. I'm not going down that shopping aisle!

P.S: Brrrr.

P.P.S: Thanks, Gunhand. You are a chap with taste. Though Allo Allo is terrible. And Father Ted is brilliant. As is Blackadder. I say again though, 'Brrrr'.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 3:23 PM


Can't wait to see what you have to say about

If history is remarkably clear on one point,
its that people don't learn from history.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 3:52 PM


Well to be honest I haven't seen Allo Allo since High School, which was a longer while ago than I'd care to admit to. But the one German lieutennant with his little tank never failed to crack me up.

And yeah, Objects in Space will make the poor guy quiver for a while I reckon. But in a good way methinks.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:51 PM


Howdy from Texas!! Hey Nervous? Been reading your posts. You don't sound so any longer! How 'bout comfortedpete instead? :-) Or, relaxedpete? Anyway, welcome! Hope you enjoy your shiny new browncoat. Lookin' forward to your other reviews.

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:00 PM


Pete, can we call you Pete?

I've been following this thread all day, love your brilliant observations and witty way of expressing them....especially regarding the Blue Hands guys. No more will I fear the Blue Hands for each time I see them I shall think on your post here and be laughing to hard to run screaming.

Ah, who am I kidding, I'll still be running, there will just be laughing mixed in with the screams.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:47 PM


It's always a delight to experience the joy of a new fan, specially one that truly embraces and appreciates the unique nature of this show. Oddly enough, I am looking forward to reading NP's reaction to disc 4. I think he will continue to be amazed and emotionally blown away. He just THINKS that it can't get any better, that he can't fall any further in love with this show.

Remember NP, pass it on. By my reconing we all have the privelage and responsibility to bring new crew members on board. With your exceptional writing skills you should find this a pleasure, not a burden. Put on your brown coat and slap some iron on your's time to go duck huntin'.

Can somebody across the pond coordinate with NP's viewing of disc 4 and please send him a box of kleenex (tissue)? He ain't seen nothin' yet, and fortunately for all of us, neither have we...TBDM!!!!!!!

P.S. TBDM - The Big Damn Movie

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome NervousPete and Meneluin! Good to have you with us.

Pete, I enjoyed your insights into the episodes you have viewed, and the series so far. It is great to see that like so many of us here, the show is still touching people in a way that a TV show so seldom does these days.

I had two close friends that did not understand what they called my "Firefly obsession", that is until I had them set down & watch "Serenity" & "The Train Job". They are both now firmly hooked and quote the show nearly as much as I do.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, April 26, 2004 7:03 AM


By the way, Nervous, I just bumped a post from a fellow browncoat over in Afghanistan (otherwise known as the 'Stan). Hope you get to reading it. It's called "I Hope Joss Reads This." Good stuff.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:25 PM


Wow Pete,

I love your reviews. The first was great; it made me cry just remembering. Then I thought you still have so much to see. I am looking forward to your review of War Stories.

Joss is god to many whedonites. He is the creator of this Firefly 'verse and he has a story to tell. I recommend looking into Buffy and Angel. I have watched Buffy from the beginning I loved the first 3 seasons and Firefly won me over in record time. Joss just keeps getting better and better. Firefly is the best television ever made. I think it's because Joss and Co. care about the stories. They put everything they have and look at all the details.

Looking forward to reading more.

Rosie aka Fireflypsngrr


Monday, April 26, 2004 11:21 PM


Welcome NervousPete and Meneluin

It's always great to read posts from new people to the board.

Pete, I am totally loving reading your insights, first impressions and reviews of the eps. Talk about spreading the Firefly love and excitement and enthusiasm.

Perhaps you might think about recapping the eps you've already seen too? I'm sure it would spur further lively discussion.

So many stand out episodes. Out of Gas also made me tear up, I felt like Serenity was a person it hurt to see her stranded and 'wounded'. Simon and River in Safe, what can I say, the nuances of their relationship continue to delight me (my biggest laugh ever watching the show was when Jayne hastily returns all of their things when they are rescued!). Ariel - finally more of the blue hands (was intrigued by the River/BlueSun arc), but ultimately a great meaty conflicted Jayne episode.

Amazing that you have mentioned so two shows that I myself have stumbled upon over the years and counted myself extremely lucky for it: The Prisoner and UltraViolet.

Firefly just socked it to me. I was an Angel/Buffy/Babylon 5/Farscape fan and a DVD buddy said to me, I just got Joss Whedon's new show on DVD - you HAVE to watch it.
I'm not a fan of westerns so I dragged my feet for a week. Then he brought them over, and after watching the first 3 I was online ordering my own copy. Like Mal it really was love at first viewing. After watching the Making of, I was cursing the suits and crying like a baby.

Like the others have said though - we're still flying. The Big Damn Movie is getting made, and the DVD was made and is rustling up more and more Browncoats as I type.

You can't keep a good show down.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:35 AM


That was so elegant. Hope to hear from you after you’ve seen OIS.
Thanks again for the shiney words and welcome to OUR community



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:36 AM


I've just finished the last episode. I've posted a new thread for my thoughts and feelings upon having done so. I shall keep this thread to gradually address my reactions to each specific episode.

I'll be rewatching them of course.

And there will be fan fiction from me, you can rely on it. And I want to make it something special, I will try really hard at it - despite being in the middle of writing my own novel at the moment.

Speak to you soon and bless all of you who have welcomed me and shared my views.


P.S: Reader: "Christ, he sounds melancholy."






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