Hypothetical Firefly Guest Stars

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 4, 2004 13:41
VIEWED: 4881
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Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:02 PM


Okay I know that a new series on TV isn't definate (yet, and my fingers and toes are
crossed most crossedly) but who do you think
would be good guest stars to pull on board. Not
just the actor but the parts that you think
would be cool to explore? Characters and actors,
make the call.

Here are some ideas that I had:

Phinneas Cobb: Jayne's uncle and a "dandified man", also the biggest huckster to
come down the pike. The sort of man that makes
the barker for the "alien" in The Message look
like an upright and honest man. A gambler, con-
man and general snake oil salesman of the
highest calliber. And since he has a reputation
as a low down dirty sidewinder he also happens
to be one of the fastest quickdraw artists in
the 'Verse. Think of a cross between every slick
schyster you ever saw mixed with a goodly dash
of the Doc Holliday wit/charm from the movie
Tombstone and you get the picture. For this part
I'd cast Garry Oldman.

Madagascar "Maddy" Cobb: Jayne's slightly
younger brother. Maddy had problems with the
Damp Lung, a degerative condition related to TB
and has just gone into remission long enough to
be out in the 'Verse to try to repay Jayne for
the cash he sent to help the family out when he
couldn't work. Maddy's developed another
condition though that's come from Jayne's fame,
a need to be thought of as just as much of a man
as Jayne. To this end he practices his
gunslinging and tries to keep his violent temper
in check when people mock him for either his
physical illness or being "the other Cobb". Sort
of like the problem the Younger brothers had
with being the "other part of the James gang"
combined with a John Wesley Harden-like drive to
prove he's as good a gunslinger as his idol, in
this case Jayne. Very quick on both the temper
and the draw but not precisely the best shot in
the 'Verse. For this part I'd Well okay if I wasn't available I'd get Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (Ride With the Devil)for the part.

(yeah I'm pretty sure it was Matty in the script
but Madagascar Cobb just sounds shiny)

Deacon Reynolds: Mal's younger brother,
Deacon being an allusion to the fact that he's
obviously a good and devout man; Mal before he
was all hollowed out. Although if Joss decides
that more will be told about Mal's past in the
movie Serenity and it's known he's an only child
then it works just as well as his cousin. Maybe
more in fact since the optomistic contrast of
Deacon to Mal would be sorta heavy handed
seeming if they were brothers. Anyhow he'd show
up at some point, perhaps as a postulant at
Bathgate Abbey, maybe he knows something about
Book? Maybe he can help Mal get back his faith?
Or maybe he can just wind up getting into a
whole peck of trouble and needing some rescuing
along the way. For this role I'd cast Breckin
Meyer (Road Trip, Rat Race) since he looks
enough like Nathan Fillion that them playing
brothers/cousins seems darn logical.

Saffron's Twin: Just to muddy the waters
even more at some point the crew could pick up a
Companion's Guild House Priestess from one of
the Core worlds. An infulential and powerful
woman who just happens to look exactly like
YoSafBridge and claims to be her twin, although
she'll say no more about the matter. Is it
really Saffron finally getting her revenge for
being left in a dumpster or is it really her
twin and all those cutting comments could cause
the crew some political blowback somewhere down
the line? Only time will tell. For this part I'd
of course cast Saffron herself, for the moment
though the actresses name eludes me. For this I
must make pennance by watching Our Mrs. Reynolds
again and braving the special hell.

Okay yeah I know it's kinda silly, but these are
the things that I think of from time to time.
Anyone else have some characters and actors
they'd like to draft for a Firefly season down
the line?

Edit: Darn formatting...can't fix it for some reason either.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:11 PM


Just started Our Mrs. Reynolds again, the lovely and talented actress playing Saffron is Christina Hendricks. Silly me.

Power's been bouncing on and off tonight so I wrote that post in wordpad so I could save every once in a while, again I appologise for how weird it looks.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:03 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Saffron's Twin: Just to muddy the waters
even more at some point the crew could pick up a
Companion's Guild House Priestess from one of
the Core worlds. An infulential and powerful
woman who just happens to look exactly like
YoSafBridge and claims to be her twin, although
she'll say no more about the matter. Is it
really Saffron finally getting her revenge for
being left in a dumpster or is it really her
twin and all those cutting comments could cause
the crew some political blowback somewhere down
the line? Only time will tell. For this part I'd
of course cast Saffron herself, for the moment
though the actresses name eludes me. For this I
must make pennance by watching Our Mrs. Reynolds
again and braving the special hell.

"Pain is scary..."

I liked your other ideas, but this one kind of seemed a bit soap opera-ish. its a classic ploy, when they don't know what to do with a character they bring in a twin to mix things up a bit.

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:13 PM


Yeah it seemed pretty soapy to me too but I figured I'd try to write up at least one female part. I'm just not very good at female parts, writing them that is. Hopefully someone else will come up with some good ones.

Just checked IMDB too, Adam Baldwin's 10 years older than me, so that locks it, gonna have to clear my schedule to play Maddy.

Then again if wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak.

My horse is gonna kill me for that comment...

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:35 PM


Interesting ideas, I like the one for Jayne's uncle the best. I can totally see him having a shyster in the family. LOL

I think it'd be fun to meet Jayne's Mom sometime.

I picture her as a somewhat delicate looking woman, kind of dainty and frail till she opens her mouth and starts hollering at Jayne. A "grab the kid by the ears and wash his mouth out with soap" woman.

I guess I just like the image of Jayne being all terrified of this bitty little woman.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:38 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Just checked IMDB too, Adam Baldwin's 10 years older than me, so that locks it, gonna have to clear my schedule to play Maddy.

"Pain is scary..."

Shall we start calling you Madagascar now or wait till the series returns to TV?


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:42 PM



Originally posted by Neroli:
Interesting ideas, I like the one for Jayne's uncle the best. I can totally see him having a shyster in the family. LOL

I think it'd be fun to meet Jayne's Mom sometime.

I picture her as a somewhat delicate looking woman, kind of dainty and frail till she opens her mouth and starts hollering at Jayne. A "grab the kid by the ears and wash his mouth out with soap" woman.

I guess I just like the image of Jayne being all terrified of this bitty little woman.

I was thinking along the same lines, as far as his mom being this little frail appearing woman, right up until Jayne walks into the room, gulps and does the darty eyed thing (like whenever anyone brings up Ariel) and says very, very politely/worriedly,"Ummm, hey...I mean hello there Mother. Ma'am." While Zoe and Wash exchange a significant look. Comedy gold and touching in a way.

For some reason I always figure Jayne would call her,"Mother." Not ma, not mom, not mommy but Mother. She signs her letter in the Message that way and I like that old fashioned, and dare I say it for the Cobb family, properness.

But who would have the screen presence to be Jayne's mom and make it believable? Hmmm...

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:48 PM



Originally posted by Neroli:

Originally posted by Gunhand:

Shall we start calling you Madagascar now or wait till the series returns to TV?

Madagascar Cobb. Sorta gives off a pulp action hero vibe if I say so myself. I could pull that off, but if we started that it'd jinx it. I know it would.

Then again if Firefly becomes the next Star Trek, as in cancelled then a movie then more series complete with spinoffs it could be Cobb: Pulping the 'Verse. That has sorta a ring to it...

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:48 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

I was thinking along the same lines, as far as his mom being this little frail appearing woman, right up until Jayne walks into the room, gulps and does the darty eyed thing (like whenever anyone brings up Ariel) and says very, very politely/worriedly,"Ummm, hey...I mean hello there Mother. Ma'am." While Zoe and Wash exchange a significant look. Comedy gold and touching in a way.

For some reason I always figure Jayne would call her,"Mother." Not ma, not mom, not mommy but Mother. She signs her letter in the Message that way and I like that old fashioned, and dare I say it for the Cobb family, properness.

But who would have the screen presence to be Jayne's mom and make it believable? Hmmm...

"Pain is scary..."

You know, you got a point about the Mother thing.

As for who could play her, I was oddly thinking of Ann Wedgewood as I wrote that. If you ever see her playing the Mother in "The Whole Wide World" you'd sorta get why. Plus she's from Texas so..she has that Southern thing going for her.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:52 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Madagascar Cobb. Sorta gives off a pulp action hero vibe if I say so myself. I could pull that off, but if we started that it'd jinx it. I know it would.

Then again if Firefly becomes the next Star Trek, as in cancelled then a movie then more series complete with spinoffs it could be Cobb: Pulping the 'Verse. That has sorta a ring to it...

"Pain is scary..."

Ok, not going to say what my poor, tired, Jayne obsessed brain saw instead of "Pulping" when I first read this...

But I do like the idea of a Jayne/Maddy spinoff down the road...would prefer a couple of seasons of Firefly returning first though.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:53 PM


Hmm, never saw that but definately like the idea of a Texan actress, or at least a woman that can pull off a credible Texan as Mrs. Cobb.

Intersting indeed.

And speaking of Texas, he isn't from there but John Mellencamp, yeah Mr. Lirrle Pink Houses, would be a good choice for Jayne's dad. You said Texas and the first thing I thought of was Lone Star State of Mind and he would be hi-lerious as a sorta whipped Mr. Cobb.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:00 PM


Other then John Mellencamp being so darn short, I can see him as Jayne's dad.

He really should have one parent over 6 feet tall. LOL

"The Whole Wide World" is a very small movie, awesome though, it chronicles the relationship of pulp fiction writer Robert E. Howard and a Texas schoolteacher named Novalyne Price. Very sad story, a bit of a "chick flik" but if you have some intrest in Robert E. Howard it makes for a good rental...if you can find it.

To those that don't know, he's the creater of Conan The Barbarian.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:01 PM


Gunhand wrote:

But who would have the screen presence to be Jayne's mom and make it believable? Hmmm...

I think he'd call her 'Ma'. One good choice might be Linda Hunt of The Year of Living Dangerously, Dune and Silverado fame. The idea of this articulate and very small woman giving birth to the humongous, man-ape-gone-wrong would be excellent... Especially if you could play it up for a while first. You know, "My Ma's one tough customer! You watch out, she's meaner'n a rattle snake!". Then we meet her and she's urbane, petite and soft-spoken (sort of the Anti-Jayne); but every time Jayne walks past her, he flinches and grabs his ears, like he's had 'em tweaked a few times.



"River and me was best friends, back then. I named my first-born daughter after her. 'Course, you can't swing a dead cat 'round here on I-Day without hittin' a River..."

- Kaywinnit Tam, wife and mother of 6, A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:05 PM



Originally posted by Neroli:
Other then John Mellencamp being so darn short, I can see him as Jayne's dad.

He really should have one parent over 6 feet tall. LOL

"The Whole Wide World" is a very small movie, awesome though, it chronicles the relationship of pulp fiction writer Robert E. Howard and a Texas schoolteacher named Novalyne Price. Very sad story, a bit of a "chick flik" but if you have some intrest in Robert E. Howard it makes for a good rental...if you can find it.

To those that don't know, he's the creater of Conan The Barbarian.

There's a Robert E Howard movie?!?!? And I didn't know about it?!?!? Okay need to find my credit card and start looking at Amazon...

As for the size thing, over 6 foot eh? Well we'll just need a reaaaal tall acress, Jayne can take after her. I'll take after Pa Cobb somewhat, although I believe I'd be taller than him as well.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:08 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
Gunhand wrote:

But who would have the screen presence to be Jayne's mom and make it believable? Hmmm...

I think he'd call her 'Ma'. One good choice might be Linda Hunt of The Year of Living Dangerously, Dune and Silverado fame. The idea of this articulate and very small woman giving birth to the humongous, man-ape-gone-wrong would be excellent... Especially if you could play it up for a while first. You know, "My Ma's one tough customer! You watch out, she's meaner'n a rattle snake!". Then we meet her and she's urbane, petite and soft-spoken (sort of the Anti-Jayne); but every time Jayne walks past her, he flinches and grabs his ears, like he's had 'em tweaked a few times.



"River and me was best friends, back then. I named my first-born daughter after her. 'Course, you can't swing a dead cat 'round here on I-Day without hittin' a River..."

- Kaywinnit Tam, wife and mother of 6, A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard

Yeah I can see Linda Hunt, most definately. And she was simply incredible in Silverado, perfect mix of tough as nails and motherly in a delicately sweet fashion.

That sorta nixes John Mellencamp for Pa Cobb then. Sorry John, maybe if Oldman isn't available he could be Phinneas Cobb. Actually...I kinda like that idea. Quite a bit.

So now we need a Pa Cobb. Sheesh gonna be a full thread before we even get just the Cobb Clan cast.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:12 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

I think he'd call her 'Ma'. One good choice might be Linda Hunt of The Year of Living Dangerously, Dune and Silverado fame. The idea of this articulate and very small woman giving birth to the humongous, man-ape-gone-wrong would be excellent... Especially if you could play it up for a while first. You know, "My Ma's one tough customer! You watch out, she's meaner'n a rattle snake!". Then we meet her and she's urbane, petite and soft-spoken (sort of the Anti-Jayne); but every time Jayne walks past her, he flinches and grabs his ears, like he's had 'em tweaked a few times.



"River and me was best friends, back then. I named my first-born daughter after her. 'Course, you can't swing a dead cat 'round here on I-Day without hittin' a River..."

- Kaywinnit Tam, wife and mother of 6, A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard

OH Perfect Zoid!!! Yes, I think Linda Hunt would be most excellent!


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:16 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

There's a Robert E Howard movie?!?!? And I didn't know about it?!?!? Okay need to find my credit card and start looking at Amazon...

As for the size thing, over 6 foot eh? Well we'll just need a reaaaal tall acress, Jayne can take after her. I'll take after Pa Cobb somewhat, although I believe I'd be taller than him as well.

"Pain is scary..."

Yes, there is a Robert E. Howard movie.
That you did not know about.
I think you need to watch "Trash" now in penance.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:19 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Yeah I can see Linda Hunt, most definately. And she was simply incredible in Silverado, perfect mix of tough as nails and motherly in a delicately sweet fashion.

That sorta nixes John Mellencamp for Pa Cobb then. Sorry John, maybe if Oldman isn't available he could be Phinneas Cobb. Actually...I kinda like that idea. Quite a bit.

So now we need a Pa Cobb. Sheesh gonna be a full thread before we even get just the Cobb Clan cast.

"Pain is scary..."

I like the idea of John Mellencamp as the uncle better then Oldman.

Here's an idea for Pa Cobb, what about James Garner? Or would he be too cultured? hmmmm


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:31 PM


Hmmm James Garner would work, that's for sure. He's a sophisticated man about town I'll grant ya but I thought he did a good job as Brett Maverick in both the TV show and the movie version. So he has experience playing the cowboy. Good call.

And the more I think about it I'm definately thinking Mellencamp as Phineas Cobb. Could even work in something about him having a metal plate in his head or somesuch.

As far as watching Trash, that was next on my list. Seems to be a Saffron night.

Now I have to work in Madagascar Cobb into my bios. Maybe even feel a story coming on.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:46 PM


Well, let's just say it's a good thing you started talking about credit cards and Amazon right away or I'd have said you had to watch "The Swan" as penance instead.

James Garner sure has the right look for Pa Cobb, so long as we can get him to say "ain't" and "gorramit" a lot, it could work.

And I would love to read the "Ballad Of Madagascar". Or whatever it would be called...LOL


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:51 PM


Here's a new one:

Colonel Jefferson Tsao

"For some people the war will never be over."

Col. Tsao is a hardbitten yet vaugely arristocratic and gentlemanly soldier still fighting the war. A man haunted by the things he's done and those which have been done to him and his. Even though the war ended Col. Tsao never gave up "the cause" as he calls it and he and his small band of cavalry troops continue to raid Alliance bases on the more remote frontier planets. The Alliance calls them outlaws, the people he helps call him a savior, and more than a few on both sides of the line call him a madman. Mal gets a wave encoded in an old and disused code simply saying,"Need immediate evac. Tsao." What will Mal do? Go to the rescue of a man that is wanted dead or alive and who's very presence on his ship could mean even more peril for Serenity? Or out of concern for his ship and crew leave someone still fighting the good fight to his own devices? In the Colonel Mal sees someone who's still digging in and never surrendering, and at the same time has gone even further than Mal into the black places in a man's heart where he doesn't want to look.

He's based on one part Micky Rourke's character in The Last Outlaw, one part the real William Quantrill and a splash of the Outlaw Josey Wales.

Played by Tom Petty.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:59 PM



Originally posted by Neroli:
Other then John Mellencamp being so darn short, I can see him as Jayne's dad.

He really should have one parent over 6 feet tall. LOL

Holy comedy gold batman! Cast John Mellencamp as Jayne's dad and a little, tiny petite woman as Jayne's mother. Then cast a big tall strapping man as their neighbor.

Watch the reactions fly between Mal, Zoe, and Wash. Book of course would step in and ease the awkwardness.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:01 PM



Originally posted by Hardware:

Originally posted by Neroli:
Other then John Mellencamp being so darn short, I can see him as Jayne's dad.

He really should have one parent over 6 feet tall. LOL

Holy comedy gold batman! Cast John Mellencamp as Jayne's dad and a little, tiny petite woman as Jayne's mother. Then cast a big tall strapping man as their neighbor.

Watch the reactions fly between Mal, Zoe, and Wash. Book of course would step in and ease the awkwardness.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

Okay I just about spit beer on my keyboard through my nose for that one. Luck was with me and I missed, luck kinda failed me because now the dog is annoyed and damp. That there is a good one.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:21 PM


Ok, all this talk of John Mellencamp and Tom Petty got me thinking...Maria McKee needs a role on Firefly too!!!

I'm thinking, Mal's fiance from before the war. He left her at the alter to join the Independants. A deeply religous woman, with a serious grudge against Mal. So what would she do for revenge? Marry Jayne, of course!


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:29 PM



Originally posted by Neroli:
Ok, all this talk of John Mellencamp and Tom Petty got me thinking...Maria McKee needs a role on Firefly too!!!

I'm thinking, Mal's fiance from before the war. He left her at the alter to join the Independants. A deeply religous woman, with a serious grudge against Mal. So what would she do for revenge? Marry Jayne, of course!

Okay now I need to go look up someone else who's famous and I probably should know the name of. This must be my night for being thick in the brainpan or something.

Work, work, work.

Doubt I'd call it the Ballad of Madagascar though. Thinking more along the lines of those old 19th century penny dreadfuls of the sort that Wyatt Earp put out about himself.

"The Amazing Absolutely Autobiographical True Tall Tales of Madagascar Cobb!" or something completely idiotic, over the top and suitably cheesified like that.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:36 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Okay now I need to go look up someone else who's famous and I probably should know the name of. This must be my night for being thick in the brainpan or something.

Work, work, work.

Doubt I'd call it the Ballad of Madagascar though. Thinking more along the lines of those old 19th century penny dreadfuls of the sort that Wyatt Earp put out about himself.

"The Amazing Absolutely Autobiographical True Tall Tales of Madagascar Cobb!" or something completely idiotic, over the top and suitably cheesified like that.

"Pain is scary..."

Maria McKee, former lead singer for Lone Justice, their first hit was "Ways To Be Wicked", written by Tom Petty and Mike Campbell ...hence the Tom Petty bit jogging my brainpan.

Actually, that song was their only true hit. ~sighs~ Sometimes I just don't get the music industry.

I love that title for Maddy's story, btw. So, when are you going to write it?


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:42 PM


Glad ya liked it.

Well I suppose I could bang it out sometime this week. Never posted any fanfic before. Sorta squidgy about people seeing what I've written. It's one thing to have two people at a publishing house comment on a thing, and another thing altogether having a couple hundred people tell me it sucks. In Chinese.

But I'll see what I can figure out.

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:44 PM


Well, in my experiance, the readers here are very gracious in their reviews.

Especially gentle with first time posters of FanFic.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:55 PM


Walken- If you're going to have any villainous roles, Christopher Walken is the go-to-guy. I could picture him as a crazy Alliance general very easily.

Tom Petty would also be an excellent choice to guest-star-

I could see Morgan Freeman as Book's brother also- One who doesnt think he made the right choices

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:01 PM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:

I could see Morgan Freeman as Book's brother also- One who doesnt think he made the right choices

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

His Alliance General brother, perhaps?


Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:08 PM


Christopher Walken definately would have to make an appearence sometime. Good call. As one of my friends always said about him,"If there is one actor that can do bat crazy and make you believe it, it's him." And I agree 110%.

Since I'm not right in the head know where I'd use him? Niska-land. In War Stories Mal lets Niska live, he says he's probably going to regret it. Why's that? Not because Niska will do anything to him, without the henchmen's guild backing him up (and he's lost 2 main henchmen in 2 episodes so they ain't gonna be sympathetic) who's he gonna turn to to lay the smack down?

Anton Niska, his little brother that is so bat crazy he even scares Niska himself.

He doesn't want to meet people in a Shan-Yu kinda way, he wants to become drinking buddies with their spleens, by having said organ in the glass when he drinks. Oh yeah, that would definately work...

"Pain is scary..."


Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:15 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Anton Niska, his little brother that is so bat crazy he even scares Niska himself.

He doesn't want to meet people in a Shan-Yu kinda way, he wants to become drinking buddies with their spleens, by having said organ in the glass when he drinks. Oh yeah, that would definately work...

"Pain is scary..."

Now, that's just downright unsettlin'. ~shudders~
But perfect for Walken.


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:32 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:
Deacon Reynolds: Mal's younger brother,
Deacon being an allusion to the fact that he's
obviously a good and devout man; Mal before he
was all hollowed out. Although if Joss decides
that more will be told about Mal's past in the
movie Serenity and it's known he's an only child
then it works just as well as his cousin. Maybe
more in fact since the optomistic contrast of
Deacon to Mal would be sorta heavy handed
seeming if they were brothers. Anyhow he'd show
up at some point, perhaps as a postulant at
Bathgate Abbey, maybe he knows something about
Book? Maybe he can help Mal get back his faith?
Or maybe he can just wind up getting into a
whole peck of trouble and needing some rescuing
along the way. For this role I'd cast Breckin
Meyer (Road Trip, Rat Race) since he looks
enough like Nathan Fillion that them playing
brothers/cousins seems darn logical.

Actually, Ben (or "Benny") would be a better name for Mal's brother. Just for the Latin pun ("Bene" = "good")

As River pointed out "Mal" = "bad."

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, April 26, 2004 7:39 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:
Madagascar "Maddy" Cobb: Jayne's slightly
younger brother.(yeah I'm pretty sure it was Matty in the script
but Madagascar Cobb just sounds shiny)

Sorry if this has been discussed before - and that it's slightly off topic - but how do you know "Matty" is a boy? I always imagined Matty to be Jayne's younger sister. I guess I was thinking that, among other things, if Jayne's a girl's name but Jayne ain't a girl...well, you get the idea.


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:17 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Gunhand:
Madagascar "Maddy" Cobb: Jayne's slightly
younger brother.(yeah I'm pretty sure it was Matty in the script
but Madagascar Cobb just sounds shiny)

Sorry if this has been discussed before - and that it's slightly off topic - but how do you know "Matty" is a boy? I always imagined Matty to be Jayne's younger sister. I guess I was thinking that, among other things, if Jayne's a girl's name but Jayne ain't a girl...well, you get the idea.

Well that was all manner of unsettling, if it's a girl then there goes my chances.

Here's the letter from Jayne's mom:

"My dear boy,

I hope you are well and you get this soon in your travels. Thank you for the credits you have forwarded. They have helped as Matty is still sick with the (Chinese). I made you the enclosed to keep you warm in your travels. Hope to hear from you soon.

Your Mother"

So it doesn't say either way about it being a brother or sister, and what I thought was "damp lung" meaning some sort of respiratory condition is actually Chinese that sounds like "damp lung", so no clue what that would be.

So it's up in the air. But if it is a sister well...I'll have to start crying.

Oh and I like the idea of Benny Reynolds, good call there. Bene and Mal, nice contrast.

"Pain is scary..."


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:37 AM


Tom Petty! What a concept!

OR, someone who was a tad psychotic, but who could engender fanatic followers easily. How about William Shatner??

As for other characters, I'd like to see our crew encounter someone from Book's past, like Dietrich from Barney Miller as another shepherd.

Seriously, I think Simon and River's parents should make another appearance. They should beg River's forgiveness and apologize to Simon for not believing him about what the Academy was doing to her. However, the Alliance/Blue Hand guys would most likely have them under surveillance, so any contact with them would put the Serenity crew in jeopardy once more. Maybe they (the senior Tams) could put their lives on the line to save our guys and possibly make up a little for their previous callous (selfish) disregard?



Monday, April 26, 2004 9:46 AM



Originally posted by Malicious:
Tom Petty! What a concept!

OR, someone who was a tad psychotic, but who could engender fanatic followers easily. How about William Shatner??

As for other characters, I'd like to see our crew encounter someone from Book's past, like Dietrich from Barney Miller as another shepherd.

Seriously, I think Simon and River's parents should make another appearance. They should beg River's forgiveness and apologize to Simon for not believing him about what the Academy was doing to her. However, the Alliance/Blue Hand guys would most likely have them under surveillance, so any contact with them would put the Serenity crew in jeopardy once more. Maybe they (the senior Tams) could put their lives on the line to save our guys and possibly make up a little for their previous callous (selfish) disregard?


Hehe, I really like the Dietrich idea. To this day when people ask me what's a good cop show to watch I tell them Barney Miller. Still the best. Good call!

Tom Petty's done some acting before too, he was (in my opinion) the highpoint of The Postman. I can see him as a slightly psychotic soldier just not giving it up out there.

Hmmm William Shatner...I bet he'd be willing to do it, finding a part for him though, that'd be a mite tricky. It'd have to be something anti-Kirkish but still have a few inside jokes. This one could take some thought.

"Pain is scary..."


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:14 PM


I know this is a bit off topic but...just had to say THANKS Gunhand, for making me listen to Tom petty all day at work! My fellow employee's were all manner of "delighted" by my CD choices this evening.


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:18 PM



Originally posted by Neroli:
I know this is a bit off topic but...just had to say THANKS Gunhand, for making me listen to Tom petty all day at work! My fellow employee's were all manner of "delighted" by my CD choices this evening.

You're definately welcome ma'am. And Tom Petty is...well he's a true musical genius. I know this by not being one. Although my band way back when in college did a pretty wicked cover of "Don't Come Around Here No More".

Hope they were really delighted, not likeing Tom Petty is like not liking...air. Or other good things.

"Pain is scary..."


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:27 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

You're definately welcome ma'am. And Tom Petty is...well he's a true musical genius. I know this by not being one. Although my band way back when in college did a pretty wicked cover of "Don't Come Around Here No More".

Hope they were really delighted, not likeing Tom Petty is like not liking...air. Or other good things.

"Pain is scary..."

Actually, they handled it fairly well until I put in "Southern Accents" for the second time because we got so gorram busy the first time that I couldn't properly hear "Spike"...I always picture Jayne when I hear that song for some odd reason...


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:38 PM


I'd like to see Jay Mohr play an Alliance officer.


Monday, April 26, 2004 6:01 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:

I'd like to see Jay Mohr play an Alliance officer.

Yep, he'd make a good one. There is something a tad bit creepy about that man.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:36 PM


I picture Jayne calling his mother Mama, goody goody but still with the southern flare. i also can see his Mama yelling at him using his middle name, which of course will have to be something very embarrassing... i mean, if you are a guy as scary as Adam Baldwin is you can carry the name Jayne without being to girly, but what if his middle name was something floral? Maybe his mom was really drugged up when she gave birth to him (i can see Jayne being one BIG baby!) and told them the girls name choice rather than the boys!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 1:41 PM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:
I picture Jayne calling his mother Mama, goody goody but still with the southern flare. i also can see his Mama yelling at him using his middle name, which of course will have to be something very embarrassing... i mean, if you are a guy as scary as Adam Baldwin is you can carry the name Jayne without being to girly, but what if his middle name was something floral? Maybe his mom was really drugged up when she gave birth to him (i can see Jayne being one BIG baby!) and told them the girls name choice rather than the boys!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"

Jayne Bluebonnet Cobb. Just so wrong but I watched Open Range again today.

Of course on all his ID cards it'd be Jayne B.B. Cobb. Which is kinda cool actually...

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:






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