Summer Glau's new show: Sarah Connor Chronicles

UPDATED: Sunday, April 20, 2008 02:50
VIEWED: 40540
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008 9:53 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Sunday night's ratings were very high, approximately 18.3 million viewers, but I have been unable to find reports about last night's ep. I wouldn't be too quick to celebrate the seemingly good news about the pilot's reception though, considering it was the only new scripted show in it's timeslot, and it aired immediately following a very highly rated football game. They also promoted it very heavily during the game.

Poster over at Whedonesque said they got about 10mil viewers, 4.3 rating.

So, they lost about 45% of the audience that viewed the pilot.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:19 AM


ECGordon, Groosalugg thanks for the info.
Just as I’ve posted before it is no big deal, it just hit me as strange Sara Conner being considered 19 or younger in the original Terminator. Course I know that actors play younger roles all the time. For anyone who watches the show Tom Welling and Kristin Kreuk/ Clark Kent and Lana Lang in Smallville played teenagers for years and for any si/fi-fantasy type entertainment the viewer must let go the reality strings somewhat for them to work. After all it is about letting go for an hour or 2 and just relax and be entertained. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy science fiction/fantasy as much as I do. Writers don’t have to be as bound to events and circumstances as with true history or westerns. Anyway thanks for clearing up the timeline of events.

“Never give up! Never surrender!”


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:35 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I was cautiously optimistic about Sunday's ratings, and not too worried about the drop-off for Monday's ep. I would bet that a lot of people didn't expect it to be back on until next Sunday. When that day comes around and it isn't there they will probably go searching and find out about the Monday showing. That, plus the fact they will be repeating the pilot on the 28th, should help it retain viewers and possibly pick up some new ones.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 2:16 PM


T3 was an abomination if you kiss T2's boots, which I don't.

T2 was a fun time at the cinema but overall it was a glorified standard Hollywood shoot-em up with below average dialouge and human drama: Said Arnold the Terminator to Ed Furlong, "Now I know why humans cry." Gack! Gaaaack!!!

I like T3 for it's dark nonstandard Hollywood vibe and ending. According to me T2 is the abomination for retro-actively contradicting T3. Nonetheless, from whatever side you argue it's a geek's nitpick.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Free downloads of all Sarah Conner Chronicles TV episodes:

I prefer Firefly.
Hanoi Hannity: "I voted for the Sino-American Alliance."
"US ports owned by Commie China is good for me."
"Dead and disabled US soldiers are good for me."
"Outsourcing your job is very good for me."
"Sir Rupert dines with Hillary every week."
"Ron Paul does not exist in my 'Verse."

"As far as Chinese goes, I resented it."
-Adam Tudyk, The Making of Firefly


Does that seem right to you?
Firefly Music Video: Tangerine dream - Confrontation, Thief soundtrack


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:23 AM


The show isn't doing it for me yet. Cameron seems to pull off human with ease early on then later she's back to stunted terminator "I don't understand" type of acting. She just seems to switch back and forth way too much for my taste.

The evil terminators are not at all exciting. We know they can't succeed. We know that they will never kill John so they pose no real threat. I'm never worried. The worst they could do in this series is kill Cameron. Sarah Conner is the lead character. So, she's safe. John is the motivation for the whole show. Without him it would all be over anyway. So, he's safe. Just takes all the suspense out of it for me.

The actual story isn't doing much for me either. They want to take down sky net. You've done this before without any change. What the heck makes you think it will be different this time? The only thing that might impress me is if Sarah reveals to Cameron that they're just doing this to give John something to focus on and gain more field experience. Sort of a ruse to make him believe in his own ability so that he'll be ready when the inevitable judgement day arrives.

Oh and all I really hate how they're trying to put little familiar things from the movies into the series. "Come with me if you want to live" yuck. "Hey let's go visit that house from T2 even though it accomplishes nothing"


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:47 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
The show isn't doing it for me yet. Cameron seems to pull off human with ease early on then later she's back to stunted terminator "I don't understand" type of acting.

Excellent point! I had not thought of that, but you're completely correct.

She went from being able to flirt and converse to not knowing when to laugh in a conversation (with INFORMANT UNCLE).

Again, just shoddy writing.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:55 AM


Jeeeeesh...if we Summer Glau fans along with Terminator fans cannot seem to fully enjoy the show yet, imagine what the general public thinks? my book she can't do any wrong. No matter how she acts on the show I don't care. I just like looking at her and hearing her speak....truth is I actually turned the show off for a few minutes Sunday night, but then my Summer/River "guilt" set in and I put it back on. I liked Monday's show much more than Sunday's.
Second...I would have considered myself fairly well informed concerning the Terminator movies, but this show has my head a'spinnin'! It's hard for me to follow along, so I can only imagine what a newbie to this sub-genre would be thinking.
Fox should have aired them back-to-back on Sunday, and repeated the 2-hour show on Monday as well. With as many viewers dropping off from Sunday to Monday I hope they can find a large enough core audience to keep it on the air. other thing - can't that Dekker kid EVER brush or comb his hair? Is that how he's gonna go through life, looking like he just woke up?


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:19 AM



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:19 AM



Cameron seems to pull off human with ease early on then later she's back to stunted terminator "I don't understand" type of acting.

Agreed... However I pointed out earlier.. that she seems to pull off "human" with John.. but with other people or any other situation it's the "I don't understand". I have to believe there is a reason for this that we don't know yet. I just hope it's a good reason.

I also have to believe there is a reason he sent this exact terminator back. My thought is that there is a REASON John sent not just this model of terminator back to the past, but this EXACT terminator back. Is because he ALREADY knew her.. from his past.

He KNEW to send Kyle back... because he knew Kyle was his father... that's why he gave the photo of his mother to Kyle long before he sent him back and told him about her. He KNEW to send Arnold back.. and not just ANY T800 arnold terminator.. he KNEW the exact one to send back. There was a scene in the orginal shooting script of T2 that was never filmed. It was the resistance breaking into a terminator factory.. and John walking up and down rows and rows of Arnold T800 terminators... hundreds of them... maybe thousands... yet he finally stops at ONE in particular... looks it in the eyes... and smiles. How does he know to send not just ANY terminator... not just the arnold T800 terminator model.. but this EXACT terminator? How could he even tell.. when there are hundreds of them that look exactly alike? He knew... instintivily... because it already happened to him.. and his gut just told him.. that THIS was the ONE Arnold terminator to send back.

Which if the writers know ANYTHING about what they are doing... (which hasn't been shown yet).. the future John already KNOWS exactly why he sent THIS exact terminator back... and not just ANY of possbily 1000's of T900? Summer terminators.. but this EXACT one!


The evil terminators are not at all exciting. We know they can't succeed. We know that they will never kill John so they pose no real threat. I'm never worried. The worst they could do in this series is kill Cameron. Sarah Conner is the lead character. So, she's safe. John is the motivation for the whole show. Without him it would all be over anyway. So, he's safe. Just takes all the suspense out of it for me.

Good point. But remember that the whole idea behind terminator is that the future is NOT set. There is nothing to say that John can not be killed. Of course this would set up a time travel paradox.. but ANY time you deal with time travel.. you are going to run into a paradox. So the only thing that keeps him alive is that we probably wouldn't have a show without him. But that doesn't mean that towards the series finale (whenever that may be), that it could be revealed that John is killed. We have never seen what the future could be more than just a few years after Judgement day. We only heard about up to the point that John had defeated skynet and was about to deal the final blow.. until they realized at that point that skynet had develeped time travel and sent a terminator back in time. So in the future.. the war is over.. as long as that time line remains.. so the war is now in the past... so there is nothing to say that he can't be killed and the time line changed. The future is not set.

I just hope that they DON'T kill him... but then BRING him back through some time traveling device by someone ELSE coming back through time and STOPPING the killing. Like I said earlier.. the more they time travel.. the deeper the whole gets dug.

It's already getting pretty deep and is already a mess.

Let's see:

1) First we find out skynet sent 1 terminator back to 1984(?) To kill Sarah Conner before John was born. This was AS John in the future had defeated skynet but realized that there was a new war being waged in the past. At this point the time line has changed and John is aware of what's happened in his past and already knows what to do. He sends Kyle Reece back. Knowing it's what he needs to do.. but Kyle COULD still fail and John would never exist and the timeline would change AGAIN.

Kyle succedes.. time line remains.

2) We learn skynet didn't send 1 terminator back.. they sent another more advanced one (why didn't they send there most advanced one back to 1984 also?) into the early 90's to kill John as a young boy. John already knows exactly which terminator to send back. Arnold could fail.. and the timeline changes.. John doesn't exist.

Arnold succeeds... they distroy skynet.. hopefully the end of the war altogether.

3) I don't remember exactly what happened in T3.. but skynet had sent ANOTHER terminator back... blah blah blah.. John survives again.

4) Ok.. So now we find out that John had sent people back BEFORE 1963 to leave future technology around to be used later.

Skynet still gets built (we don't know how yet)

Skynet had sent yet ANOTHER terminator back to 1999 to kill John as an older teen. So "we" have no idea yet how many terminators skynet sent back to various times before John pulled the plug on it. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?

John sends Summer back to 1999.. knowing exaclty why he choose to send HER back.

Summer, John, Sarah jump from 1999 to 2007 in time thus erasing the timeline of T3 from existence. And possibly changing the future timeline in unpredicable ways.

Do to the change of that timeline.. MORE resitance figthers are sent back to 2007 or before.. a terminator was sent back to kill them that had no knowledge of Summer or John still being alive or anything. How would summer even know of the resistance fighters being there? They would have had to of been sent BEFORE she was sent back.. OR she would instally know once the future timeline was changed due to their jumping from 1999 to 2007. But if that's the case.. then she should know how Skynet2 gets built, but she doesn't.

Ok.. this is getting REALLY hairy.. my head hurts!! I better stop there..



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:33 AM


All you nerds just forget racking your brains... trying to make sense of a time-traveling storyline is an oxymoron. Time travel is impossible and contradictory to begin with.

Time is a relative measurement measuring rates of change. There is no record of a past or future you can visit apart from the present. Ironicaly it took a silly pedestrian scifi movie like Galaxy Quest to grasp the truth which is in order to recreate the past you need a matter reorganizer. A third grader could tell you a lump of dung in the past my end up contributing to the very important make-up of parts of your body in the present. A matter reorganizer would have to deconstuct any parts belonging to you into it's past state in order to recreate the past. Anything in the present would be destroyed to recreate the past including you and the matter reorganizer itself!

So to all you geeks moaning about the inconsistencies and the destruction of your precious Terminator canon there you have it. Even a dumbass Tim Allen movie like Galaxy Quest out classes the so called James Cameron masterpiece when it comes to scifi sophistication. So how does your canon taste now? Mwahahaha!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:52 AM


Feel better now Ethan?
Just for the record...I'm a GEEK and I LOVE Galaxy Quest and I LOVE all the Terminator movies. I also like to rub oatmeal all over my face sometimes too.

I find nothing "pedestrian" about Galaxy Quest ( pedestrian means average, common...right?) so tell me what has ever been like Galaxy Quest that makes it pedestrian?

And honestly, you don't really know jack squat about time travel...or at least don't know any more than anybody else, and likely less.

Also...what's the problem? It bothers you that other people like things you don't? Grow up and lighten'll live longer and be happier...that's my time travel advice.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:18 PM


For those looking for an explanation of why Cameron (Summer) can be very human in some scenes, and very Terminator-"I-don't-understand" in others, try this:

She'd been sent back 60- or 70-something days before John showed up, waiting for him. She knew she was going to have to blend in at school to get close to him, so she spent all (or at least, most) of her time observing how high schoolers interact with each other, and that's her biggest database of human behavior to draw from. Other situations, like how to behave when visiting a retired guerilla, or how to act in front of a gang house in the barrio, are things she didn't have experience with.

And as for why she acts Terminator-y when alone with Sarah and John, they know who and what she is, so there's no need for her to do the fake 'human' act in front of them...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:36 PM



She'd been sent back 60- or 70-something days before John showed up, waiting for him. She knew she was going to have to blend in at school to get close to him, so she spent all (or at least, most) of her time observing how high schoolers interact with each other, and that's her biggest database of human behavior to draw from. Other situations, like how to behave when visiting a retired guerilla, or how to act in front of a gang house in the barrio, are things she didn't have experience with.

That's actually a good theory. That fits if she was a T800 model who is NOT in read only mode. However she directly tells John that she is "Different" and doesn't answer what model she is. The other T800 that was sent back to 2007 to kill the resistance fighters did not recongonize what type of terminator she was. This indicates that she is more advanced than a T800. Weither she is more so than a T1000 or whatever the chick was in T3 remains to be seen.. but she does not seem to have the weapons technology of those terminators.

So while this idea makes sense... even if Summer is a more advanced terminator (T900?).. I think they have something else up their sleves. Or they are just being inconsistant with no game plan at all.. which could be a possiblity.



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:38 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Feel better now Ethan?
Just for the record...I'm a GEEK and I LOVE Galaxy Quest and I LOVE all the Terminator movies. I also like to rub oatmeal all over my face sometimes too.

I find nothing "pedestrian" about Galaxy Quest ( pedestrian means average, common...right?) so tell me what has ever been like Galaxy Quest that makes it pedestrian?

And honestly, you don't really know jack squat about time travel...or at least don't know any more than anybody else, and likely less.

Also...what's the problem? It bothers you that other people like things you don't? Grow up and lighten'll live longer and be happier...that's my time travel advice.

I actually agree with all your opinions. I just get testy when people diss on T3 and Summer's new show because of contradictions with the alleged holyness of James Cameron's movies. Titanic and the Abyss sucked. Massively.

My background in astrophysics says I at least know more than James Cameron about time travel. Did I mention I don't like James Cameron? If he had his way no one would have the chance to spend a nucleur winter with Clair Danes.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:07 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
i think there was one in the scene with the chair that bullets couldn't penetrate

Not sure if you caught it, but the police officer inspecting the house does say:

00:27:16,465 --> 00:27:17,719
It's kevlar in that chair.


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:13 PM



Originally posted by ethan:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Feel better now Ethan?
Just for the record...I'm a GEEK and I LOVE Galaxy Quest and I LOVE all the Terminator movies. I also like to rub oatmeal all over my face sometimes too.

I find nothing "pedestrian" about Galaxy Quest ( pedestrian means average, common...right?) so tell me what has ever been like Galaxy Quest that makes it pedestrian?

And honestly, you don't really know jack squat about time travel...or at least don't know any more than anybody else, and likely less.

Also...what's the problem? It bothers you that other people like things you don't? Grow up and lighten'll live longer and be happier...that's my time travel advice.

I actually agree with all your opinions. I just get testy when people diss on T3 and Summer's new show because of contradictions with the alleged holyness of James Cameron's movies. Titanic and the Abyss sucked. Massively.

My background in astrophysics says I at least know more than James Cameron about time travel. Did I mention I don't like James Cameron? If he had his way no one would have the chance to spend a nucleur winter with Clair Danes.

Your response here is a kindness. In a previous post here I too went to bat for T3 'cause I love that movie. Funny, because the first time I saw it (like a lot of things)I wasn't all that impressed, but on subsequent viewings the whole thing fell into place for me, AND I actually for the first time ever really liked Clare Danes. Also, about time travel...when we look up at the sky at night we all time travel; whether it's looking at a nearby star that appears to us as it existed hundreds or thousands of years ago, or to nearby visible galaxies like Andromeda that shows us it's magnificance from some 2 million years ago.


Monday, January 21, 2008 3:25 AM


I like the show...

I have another theory on the Summer human and not-human mode.

I think she killed(maybe not really) the real Cameron and replaced her as the real Cameron on the 2nd day of school when the bad-acting, lame-written terminator tried to kill John at school. I may not be able to support this theory because I am not sure I've watched the second episode enough times. I'll try and watch it again.

I also agree with the point that Future Resistance Leader, John Connor knows that Summer terminator is the RIGHT terminator for the job. This Future John is also the result of the 2007 time line.

Although, I see that this series will go in a way that most wouldn't expect, I'm still going to wait for the next episodes and see where it truly leads. Despite the plot holes, and weak script, I still think Summer is the star of the show. She's doing her job amazingly well. Loved the human side so much in the first episode.


Monday, January 21, 2008 6:59 AM



Originally posted by ethan:

So to all you geeks moaning about the inconsistencies and the destruction of your precious Terminator canon there you have it. Even a dumbass Tim Allen movie like Galaxy Quest out classes the so called James Cameron masterpiece when it comes to scifi sophistication. So how does your canon taste now? Mwahahaha!

T2 was a Cameron masterpiece; and T3 can't be bashed enough. And Galaxy Quest was a masterpiece of irony.

As for the rest of your rant: I don't fight in no war. Best of luck, though.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, January 21, 2008 9:30 PM


So, anybody watch it tonight and have a theory on what-the-hell? As if we didn't get enough of these types of crazy mysteries on "Lost"...

About the only thing I can think is that possibly the blonde girl John talked to a couple of times is a bad Terminator, and was trying to draw him and Summer--err, I mean, Cameron--out by driving that other girl to suicide and hoping they'd step out and try to stop her. 'Cause other than that, I got nothin'...


Monday, January 21, 2008 10:51 PM


I realize this is a novel approach, but it is a new series so:

Have any of you thought about just trying to enjoy the show?




Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:11 AM


Watched the 3rd epsiode last nite....not really sure what the hell I'm seeing or what is going on. I like Summer...that's all I really need for now....but the show needs help...and fast...
Opening intro is lame: Lena's voice-over is feeble and weak.
Dialogue is mundane and a tad boring.
Plot....yikes, where do I start? Seems like all the elements of everything that preceded it are right there for them to interact with; Dyson's widow, programmer guy, etc. This show needs to go It needs to get us to care about something, or someone. Right now I don't...again, except for Summer ( I love her look in this) I'm hangin' on out of respect for the Terminator sub-genre.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:16 AM


I lover River, but I think this show stinks, its written badly, the visual effects aren't great and I am tired of the whole terminator thing, its old... I think that this show can't last for another season.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:35 AM


I think this show needs some new elements. If the show could occasionally jump ahead to the future and we could see SkyNet, that might be interesting. Might also be interesting if we could see how changes in the past(our present) affect changes in the future. What does SkyNet look like? How are it's commands carried out? Show us the time travel apparatus, or at least explain how it wasn't destroyed by the resistance as Kyle Reece originally described.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:36 AM



About the only thing I can think is that possibly the blonde girl John talked to a couple of times is a bad Terminator, and was trying to draw him and Summer--err

Very doubtful.. if she was a "bad" terminator.. ALL she would do was aquire her target and KILL with no regards to anyone or anything else unless it was in the way. Terminators don't play "games". They only have one purpose.

After last nights episode.. I think they really need to find a direction.. FAST. The show seems to be all over the place with no real "feel" to it yet. It doesn't have a rudder yet.

I am beginning to see that Summer's ability to smile, flirt, engage in a real human like way... was simply a device in the first episode to temporarily decieve the "casual" audience who didn't already know that Summer was playing a terminator.. and doesn't seem to have any real plot reason behind it.

If she was able to act so "human" like in the first episode.. even if it was to get close to John... she sure couldn't pull it off last night when she was at school with the other kids. Actually she didn't act "human" at all.. even when just talking to John. As a matter of fact John had to keep telling her to not act like a "freak".

Also last night... the whole terminator "getting" a new skin. Ok.. I thought the "science" behind it was fine... what I didn't buy though was this Scientists willingness to just blindly go along with this masked stranger who broke in and assaulted him. ESPECIALLY after seeing the terminator endoskeleton. Ok.. I can see him facinated of course by both the skin "forumula" and a fully autonomous android.. but I would have to believe survival instincts would intially at least make you causious and asking a million questions first before just jumping in and "helping".

I just thought him helping so fast and not being freaked out at all was a little weak. I think it would have been better for the terminator to simply remain covered in clothing and never getting "skin" back.

The best part of the episode was the brief moral delima they showed of weither or not to kill someone who they don't have absolute proof weither or not that person has anything to do with the building of Skynet2. Weither he is "innocent" or not.. he will most likely be dead in 4 years anyway if you don't stop it... so do you just kill him just in case... or do you try to find out for sure?

Ok... maybe that is the SECOND best part of that episode.. with the first one being the 2 seconds of Summer walking by in her underwear.

Saying this now.. I realize this is probably going to be the "direction" of the show. They have several photos of people who SOMEHOW may or may not be connected to Skynet2.. so that's probably going to be an ongoing thread to one by one investigate each of them.. with the moral delima of weither or not to kill them based upon what limited knowledge they can find out. Second ongoing story will be weaving in the mundane aspect of everday life (jobs, school, etc.). Third aspect will be staying on the run after they find out the terminator who was chasing them in 1999 is still alive.

But who knows... like the show just seems to be a little all over the place right now.. but I will still continue to watch to see if they get there legs...



Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:33 AM


I thought it was the best episode yet, but that's still not going to make the show good..

The "grow skin instantly through bloodbath" thing was LAME. They should have just left him skinless..but I'm assuming budgetary reasons dictated him being human again.

I'm also waiting for an explanation as to why Summer can be flirty and cool the first episode, and completely high-school socially inept now..


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:06 AM


Zeek, I agree with everything you said. The show just ain't doing it for me yet, either.

Lets face it, Summer is cute as punch. But if it weren't for her, I wonder how many peeps would love it equally as they do now. Also, "Come with me if you want to live." Yeah, it was funny. But it weren't meant to be funny. It was comical, almost; but in a bad way.

And I'm a sucker for canon. Call me spoiled after Firefly, but it's hard going back to watching shows riddled with holes. And severe internal conflicts or highly sloppy plotlines, like leaving a whole cache of future stuff in a vault. I'm sorry, but my mind needs a modicum of internal consistency. And plausibility. Terminators walking around with no head, then walking into a house and grabbing it off the mantlepiece, I'm not sure what target group they had in mind that will go: "Ooo, good SF!" But I'm fair certain I'm not not in that category. You think that's a commentary on me? Why, I hope it is!

I really don't wanna stomp on this show. In fact, I *wanted* it to be really good; unfortunately, it ain't.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:08 AM



Originally posted by Smaug:

About the only thing I can think is that possibly the blonde girl John talked to a couple of times is a bad Terminator, and was trying to draw him and Summer--err

Very doubtful.. if she was a "bad" terminator.. ALL she would do was aquire her target and KILL with no regards to anyone or anything else unless it was in the way. Terminators don't play "games". They only have one purpose.

Unless she didn't know what he looked like and was hoping to get him to reveal himself. Yeah, probably unlikely, but it was the only thing that occurred to me at the time (or since, in fact).

There's just gotta be something more important to those paintings than simply a fellow student taunting that girl after finding out she had an affair with a teacher or something. Why include it in the show at all if that's all it was? And there's something odd about that blonde girl. She's too stiff, and too serious. I say she's either a Terminator, or a resistance fighter... or just a regular ol' manic-depressive teenager.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:53 PM



There's just gotta be something more important to those paintings than simply a fellow student taunting that girl after finding out she had an affair with a teacher or something. Why include it in the show at all if that's all it was? And there's something odd about that blonde girl. She's too stiff, and too serious. I say she's either a Terminator, or a resistance fighter... or just a regular ol' manic-depressive teenager.

Well.. I'm starting to think the whole "John going to school at ALL" is really wierd. I mean.. why? What is high school going to teach John about guerilla warfare, surviving after an appocolpse, and leading resistance fighters? Plus just being in public like that is just more visiblity where they could get caught? Isn't John still on the wanted list for blowing up Cyberdyne? Let alone staying low in case there are more terminators.

There just seems to be lacking a sence of urgency in this show. I don't think they have to tone it down just because it's in a longer format. I mean... 24 is a full throttle every episode. I would think that Sarah would have John learning (with Summer's help), how to build bombs out of everyday chemicals, how to lay low, how to pick locks, how to survive with no food, etc. etc. Basically a combination of survival and guerilla warfare. Not english lit class.. or high school chemistry.. etc.

Yea... and the whole lead up to some girl commiting suicide at school just to have a 2 second conversation about being a hero? That was just plain wierd.

I don't know how much the writer's strike is effecting the show. I read that it was being made without a show runner. So I don't know how much that is effecting the final product.

I mean.. I want to like the show.. I really do.. but they better find their groove.. FAST. All the loopholes, inconsistancies, disregard of canon (even there own), lame elements, etc. is going to kill it quick. I don't know how many episodes they have in the can.. but even if ratings are "ok".. I am not getting a vibe of a show that's strong enough to last.

Because it's fox... maybe that means it will be on for years...



Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:04 PM


I am not sure if anyone has ever read my post about the Cameron smiling, flirting Cameron from the first episode and the current robotic Cameron, and that they are not the same Cameron. No one seems to want to indulge me in this. Hehehehe...

Although, the Summer line, "I fooled you", seemed to contradict my theory on the 2 Camerons. But it would be really a good direction to have 2 Camerons. Or the writers sure fooled us with directionless plots.

The skinless terminator, should just remain skinless. I don't get the idea of presenting formula to the FEARLESS scientist just to get his skin back. Although, this would lead to Cameron might lose her skin one of these days and they'll use same tech to restore her a possibility. But it still, it was awful writing.

My fave scene was the metal detector. Bad delivery but enjoyable to watch. Conversation is awfully weak all throughout the episode.

The jumper - another direction. The writers are trying to say something but we're having problems listening. Or they're totally talking in gibberish.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:18 PM


I love my captain

So far I've only caught one and a half episodes of this show (not the premier) but it's just not catching me. I'm giving it a shot for Summer, as I would a show starring any of our BDHs, but so far it's a miss for me. None of the characters are working with my conceptions of them and the show keeps throwing wierd and confusing things at me.

My personal irritant is Sarah. These are supposed to be post T2 characters and that Sarah was intelligent, tough, physically intimdating, and, at times, downright scary. Where did that go? I guess commando Sarah was too intimidating and not pretty enough for a TV audience.
John, so far, has left little impression for me except that of an annoying and useless twerp.

Here's hoping it improves.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:58 AM



My personal irritant is Sarah. These are supposed to be post T2 characters and that Sarah was intelligent, tough, physically intimdating, and, at times, downright scary. Where did that go? I guess commando Sarah was too intimidating and not pretty enough for a TV audience.
John, so far, has left little impression for me except that of an annoying and useless twerp.

Yea.. Sarah is a big departure from what she should have been after the events of T2. She should be MUCH tougher and harder than what they are showing. I can BELIEVE that the Sarah from T2 could fight off a terminator (even the T1000), but I just can't see this Sarah lasting 2 minutes.

And you would think that John, who thought his mom was crazy, but realized she was right after the events of T2 would "get it" by now.. but all he has done is been kind of a whiny brat who just "can't take it anymore" and expects his mom to take care of it? If this is the guy who is supposed to lead all of humanity.. they've got a LONG way to go.. and they better show us something fast. Heck.. wasn't it John's idea to take out Miles Dison and blow up Cyberdyne in T2? I can't see this John doing anything but whine.

What would have been better than the "jumper" at school.. would have been to see some bullies picking on some kid at school and John going to step in to try to defend the person. Cameron seeing this and at first trying to stop him from getting involved or getting hurt, but then calculating that John can't be protected from everything.. and as long as his life isn't in danger he needs to learn to fight. So she lets him take on the bullies.. and not opening up a can of whoop a&& or anything.. but at least we see him holding his own against 2 or 3 opponants while Cameron calmly stands by making sure none of them pull out a gun/knife or anything. That would have been 100 times better.

The whole jumper thing was a LONG set up for a two second payoff of a discussion about being a hero? Lame.

About the only thing I have liked that John has done or said so far is when he told Cameron "I should have figured the hot girl wouldn't really be interested in the wierdo". Mostly because I have probably thought that 100 times myself.

People have posted many theories about Cameron.. but I haven't seen this yet. I am beginning to be on board with the idea that maybe Cameron wasn't built by Skynet2 and reprogrammed by the resistance... but that she was maybe BUILT by the resistance. That could be an interesting twist IF they have a good solid idea behind it.. but so far there hasn't been too many solid ideas... but I will keep watching for now.



Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:11 AM


I agree with most everyone here about the third episode. They need to get some focus to the series and fast. Right now there are way to many things being thrown at the viewer and we have no real reason to care.

There's 1999 terminator
There's FBI guy
There's Sarah's old flame
There's skynet
There are resistance fighters running around
There's some odd girl at John's new high school
There's the Dyson widow
There's Cameron being a "different model" of terminator and that other terminator not recognizing what type of model she is

There's just way too much going on right now and the show isn't doing a good job of engaging the viewer.

I'll still watch another week but I'm not really looking forward to it much.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:11 AM


Smaug......I think you're being a bit too hard on the kid.
It was not his idea to kill Dyson, it was Sarah's, and then she changed her mind at the last minute.

John was a whiny little puke throughout T2 and was a little less of a whiny little puke in T3. He doesn't "get it" until he and Kate Brewster are in the nuclear bunker and the missles start flying. Then he grabs the command microphone when their "base" is hailed by some desperate civil defense person. That's the moment he becomes a man, and accepts his destiny.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:30 AM


Summer is on the TV guide cover. Oh, those other people in the show are too, but who cares:)

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:45 AM


I love my captain


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
John was a whiny little puke throughout T2 and was a little less of a whiny little puke in T3.

That may be true but he was rescourceful whiny little puke. He made himself useful and gave the impression of being at least somewhat self sufficient. I'm not getting that in the show.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:29 AM



Originally posted by Kayna:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
John was a whiny little puke throughout T2 and was a little less of a whiny little puke in T3.

That may be true but he was rescourceful whiny little puke. He made himself useful and gave the impression of being at least somewhat self sufficient. I'm not getting that in the show.

Well, like I said before, John Connor is NOT going to be a man with leadership and fighting skills UNTIL he gets into that command center bunker with his future wife Kate Brewster.

In T2 the only example I remember of John being "resourceful" is when he hot-wires an ATM machine. In T3 John is painfully wounded in the leg by the Termanatrix, and he actually picks up a machine gun and destroys other attacking machines....he's getting tougher & stronger all the time. Kate will also help him because she is one tough & fearless. At that point she's lost far more than John has, and I believe she is what drives and trains him to be prepared for his role in history. He's a RELUCTANT hero. He really doesn't want to be what he knows he's destined to become. I'm not expecting anything from this kid in SCC, except maybe to occasionally comb his hair...actually I think there was one scene so far in the 3 episodes where he had groomed hair.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:34 AM


Something else they need to do, which they should have done in the pilot.. is LET Summer fight. I mean you have this actress that can fight in such an elegant way (as proved by Serenity) unlike just about any fighting style you typical see in TV or movies, and what do they do? She grabs the other terminator and does the typical let's bash each other through walls to show how strong we are. Which really isn't a fighting style.. the "style" of the T800 is just brute strenght. The T1000 actually started to have a "style" that was a little more elegant and utilized his abilities. Like being thrown face first against a wall and rematerializing 180 degrees so that he doesn't have to turn around.

Why would anyone make a teenage sized terminator.. only for her to have the same brute stregth fighting style as the big tank like T800s? Then when they do fight they show the fast paced MTV style editing that more or less takes the place of any kind of chorographed fight. I understand for deadline and budget.. a lot of fighting is probably going to take place this way. But it all happened so fast and furious with the editing that you could hardly tell what was going on. Maybe Summer got a couple of good kicks in there.. but you couldn't even tell.

What they need to do, and should have shown in the pilot, is utilize Summer's graceful fighting ability to show that while she may be super strong compared to a human, she may not have quite the brute streght of the T800 tank, but has speed, grace, and ability FAR beyond any terminator we have seen to date which more than makes up for the lower brute strenght.

Like it would be cool, and not very expensive F/X wise, for her to have almost super speed. Maybe not quite bullet time speed.. but still super human. Like maybe she can run at 100mph. Or maybe she's fast enought to avoid almost any punch a t800 could throw at her.. but not fast enough by a long shot to dodge a bullet. SOMETHING!

I know I sound like I am really bashing the show, but I really want it to succeed. Not just for Summer's sake, but because I loved the first two terminator's so much. The story of the first terminator movie is probably one of the better Sci-fi stories ever written. So good in fact that a 5-7is million dollar budget (which is NOTHING by hollywood standards), with no name actors (even Arnold was pretty much a no-name at the time) generated one of the better Sci-fi movies of all time.

Say what you will about James Cameron.. the boy KNOWS how to make a sequel. He knows that a sequel has to be a natural progression of the story. It doesn't HAVE to be bigger.. just a good story that is a natural progession. The bigger part of his sequals just has to do with more money to do it with rather than some insane idea the movie MUST be bigger. And if there is no natural progression of the story... then don't make it.

But anyway... I really want this show to succeed, and it's not that I HATE it at all.. it's just that I am so very disappointed in that there really could be something there.. but they seem to be missing almost every target.



Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:22 PM


Just to let you guys know, they're putting this show in a separate timeline... and by Terminator Canon it'd put this show in the sixth timeline... it originally was supposed to completely set right after T2... but it was scrapped.

As for the show... it is all over the place but I find that is how most serials start nowadays, Prison Break never found it's wheels until halfway in to the first season. Take a look at the first Heroes episode... that was unbelievably all over the place and didn't really tie anything up. The idea is to keep you in the dark until they're ready to progress those storylines.

As for Cameron, her learning process is by mimicry all of her human interaction is by trying to copy what everyone is doing... so with that stated... I think she might just go out for Gymnastics in school and it will translate to her fighting... like muscle mimicry.


Friday, January 25, 2008 4:06 AM



Originally posted by RazgrizDemon7:
As for the show... it is all over the place but I find that is how most serials start nowadays, Prison Break never found it's wheels until halfway in to the first season. Take a look at the first Heroes episode... that was unbelievably all over the place and didn't really tie anything up. The idea is to keep you in the dark until they're ready to progress those storylines.

So shows that hit the ground running like Firefly get canceled while shows that start with no direction get to hang around to see if they might find their way?

The only thing I can add beyond what previous poster's have mentioned is that the whole connection to building the atomic bomb was lame too. It seemed the only purpose was so that, at the end of the episode, Sarah could say "we're all bastards." Even then, it didn't make any sense because she

Select to view spoiler:

didn't even kill the guy. What's to keep him from rebuilding his computer?


Anyway, the show is extremely bad.


Sunday, January 27, 2008 5:13 AM



Originally posted by pachelbel:

Anyway, the show is extremely bad.

Just saw T1 again; nicely, in 1080p. :) I had actually forgotten how good it was. But this show? If it weren't for Summer...

Actually, I'm beginning to feel a bit sorry for Summer. She's such a great actress, and a creature of extraordinary grace. But instead, they're letting her be another Buffy like slayer-type: just another girl kicking ass. People love those! But in earnest? I think they're selling her short. Nobody's gonna notice the excellent, subtle facial expressions of her as Terminatrix; all they'll remember is seeing her shove other Terminators through walls, in a show that will go down as... well, 'that will go down' suffices. :(

I recall her stating she thought she wouldn't get the part. Now I thinkin' that very thought is the one I'm placing value on today.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:41 AM


About The new terminators being different. One of the T2 books has a new style terminator, an I model instead of a T model. I standing for Infiltrator. Designed to pass as human for as long as possible.

Any way's I quite like the show and the voice overs in the beginning are good in my opinion. They add a depth to it all. There are some points were they kinda stray from things but they still keep pulling me in.

Also whats with that creepy flesh that Cromartie(the one that pretended to be the teacher) had at the end of episode 3. Well I guess he needed new skin but he needs a little "detailing."

Finally each book, movie, and now show changes the time line from the others and that is to be expected. Also trying to understand temporal paradoxes is enough to...



Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:37 AM


Appears to be a lot of naysayers here ?

For my 2c, As the show doesn't air in Australia for a few weeks yet, I downloaded the first 2 eps & thought they were quite entertaining. I'll be watching it when it goes on air here.

Will take a while to get used to Summer as a Terminator as each time she says a line I half expect to hear Arnie's voice. I also keep relating all she does back to River Tam - type cast or what !!

I think Lena is playing her role really well, the John character is a bit weak so far and Summer is of course outstanding. I wish the show every success.

I want my trilogy, and Season 2, and a plastic rocket...


Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:40 PM


This was featured in yahoo...
I already posted a thread... but if anyone didn't see it. Well, check this out..



Tuesday, January 29, 2008 6:46 AM


Ok I'll make a reply to my own post...

Just some links that will keep us a little busy.. I was in youtube for a few mins today got to watch some interviews with the cast of SCC. A little way of keeping myself entertained until the 4th episode comes out.

I noticed most questions were directed to Summer.
River was mentioned in some parts of interview. Fun interview to watch. Joss was also mentioned somewhere.

Maybe this would be of interest to some of us here..

Here are the links. Q and A parts 1 and 2. Have fun.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:49 PM


Great clips Windstruck. I dig this show, and I'll watch it until the end, or until Fox cancels it. Whichever comes first!

"Housekeeping from 1987 on dvd....c'mon people let's make it happen"


Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:54 PM



Wednesday, February 6, 2008 5:11 AM


Hey guysss...

A bump and a little something...

A rumor is said that summer will be doing ballet on TSCC?

Any confirmation on this?


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 2:23 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by Windstruck:
Hey guysss...

A bump and a little something...

A rumor is said that summer will be doing ballet on TSCC?

Any confirmation on this?

From the last link above:


"Well there's a little something that I'm working on right now with dance," [Glau] said, slightly hesitant to go into detail. "It's a little thing that Joss Whedon is working on. We've had this idea for a while, and we haven't had the opportunity where both of us are available, but it's something that we're working on as much as we can."


Originally posted by Muggi:
I'm also waiting for an explanation as to why Summer can be flirty and cool the first episode, and completely high-school socially inept now..

My mom floated a theory on that during the last episode. Cameron talks about the Terminators being programmed to carry out missions. Well, Cameron's first mission was probably to find John. Then, the second mission could have been something like "get close to him," which is what the flirting and acting normal were for. And, now, with that mission complete, the next mission is help John.

Maybe the future John forgot to give her orders to blend in after she found (the past) him? Or, maybe it wasn't important - that as long as Cameron doesn't draw too much attention to herself (and she hasn't yet), then her oddities are acceptable, given that she doesn't interact a whole lot with anyone beside John and Sarah anyway. And, it also frees Cameron to be herself more, instead of having to switch back and forth between personalities for an indeterminately long period of time. Maybe the future John thought that would be helpful, and that has something to do with her being a new sort of Terminator.

Or, maybe she has free will and doesn't have to stick rigidly to her mission (which is what it sort of seems like), and she doesn't consider blending in a priority.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 6:53 PM


"Blending in" or "finding John" are tasks that have a need for the ingratiating aspects of her programming. As stated, once that task is completed and the target (John) is acquired, no need to regress to that wasteful programming.






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