are most men like the man show?

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 16:45
VIEWED: 5165
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Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:08 PM


we all know all men like tits and ass forvie me for my strong lanuage but are all men like the man show thr reason Im askini Is because well Im a woman or going to be and like all women I need love and its comen sese that most men have no idea what love is tyo me love is liking someone very much by liking I mean well to love a person and all that pearson to love the little things the big things and in between to love someone non-sextualy.

I love comedy central and for a while now I have known what the man show stands for sex,boobs and non feminisem i hate all of these things well almost every thing in a non/sexutial way of course. most women need love to survive its a everlasting hope we carry with us all our lives the hope that one man one day we will be complet that we are not alone in life that life can be like the movies or the romance novels.
the reason I an writing is because i need a little hope and that love is real and yes i know that this has nothing to do with firefly and that my spelling is a bit of.
well that is all I have to say.


Monday, April 26, 2004 1:12 AM


The Man Show is an odd thing. While it has every right to exist, that doesn't hide the fact that it is disgusting and degrading on some level. What's even worse is what it can do to the mind of an impressionable person watching it. It's hard not to think you need to look/act a certain way after watching something like that. That's mostly what I don't like about it.

I don't think most guys are like that, but I do think that most guys have a dirty little Jayne-like place in their mind where they can kind of ignore that ignorant behavior just because sex is involved.

I would suggest simply turning off that crappy show. Shame there's not more quality TV on nowadays, but that's what Firefly DVDs are for.

AIM: KingArthursPiano


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:06 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Are all men like the ones on The Man Show?

Let's hope not, or else we are all doomed.

I am as interested in women and sex as the next man, but only in the context of someone I care for emotionally as well. I have never watched a complete episode of that show and can't understand why it is still on and also has a dvd release. I'm just glad that Comedy Central also brings us some good shows, like South Park, The Daily Show and Chapelle's Show.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:25 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would not worry too much about it Sanmi. The Man Show only represents a small percentage of the male population.

Everyone wants love and a meaningful relationship. Sometimes it takes time to find that special someone, and you may make some bad decisions along the way, but when you find them, it is worth all the wait and searching.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:36 AM


First, I have to say, I have not seen this 'man show' but I'm assuming its a comedy. If this is the case is it not just people poking fun at supposed stereotypes or do the men around you behave in the same way?


Monday, April 26, 2004 3:28 AM


'The Man Show' is the locker room talking, hard drinking, gross kind of aspect... made even louder and grosser for the sake of comedy.

But remember that most of the great music, poetry and art has been made by men. So men are good...they do have souls and brains and hearts...

But you're not likely to find any of that depicted on 'The Man Show'... better to watch 'Firefly'!


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:20 AM



I like the original "Man Show" with Jimmie Kimmel and Adam Carolla; the new hosts, not nearly so much. I've also liked "The Daily Show" since its inception. But I realize that these shows are exaggerating issues for the sake of comedy, and doing it well.

As to your other concerns, my advice is that guys are visually motivated; but, not exclusively driven by images. Say -- for instance -- you like cooking shows; are you going to seriously cook then eat everything presented on your favorite show? Probably not (although you might commit the instructions to paper). Just because they're on the menu, that doesn't mean you've got to try them all. Same with virtually every guy. We like pretty girls; but it doesn't mean we want to touch 'em, especially if we've been lucky enough to find a woman who'll tolerate us on a long-term basis. But being tolerant is as key to any relationship as is being sensitive to the other person's feelings.

With any luck, you'll find someone with a decent soul (especially since physical beauty eventually fades), and forgive them their minor errors. Emotional or physical abuse, or infidelity are not minor, and a decision would be required. Looking at a little cheesecake -- or beefcake for the ladies (some guys?) -- without sticking a finger in for a surreptitious taste, is only natural and should not be taken as a crushing defeat to your self-image. It only means that your significant other has a healthy appetite and the correct sexual orientation for your relationship. (Edit, for clarification) If your 'man-animal' likes curling up next to you on the settee with a cup of cocoa while y'all debate the merits of Brad Pitt's buns or Ben Affleck's eyes, there's probably a storm on your horizon. (End edit)

As long as you don't try to 'wall off' a man's essential nature from his married behavior, and he makes concessions to your essential needs by including you in his emotional life, it's fairly easy for two folks to become partners for life. You've got to have your own self-esteem though, not just become a satellite of the other person; one must be a viable entity on their own, before they are ready to enter a partnership of equals.



(Of River) "Little Sis? I could see big things for her all along. Her and her brother both. I always knew they'd be worth something, y'know?"

- Jayne Cobb, Game Warden and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:46 AM



Originally posted by Meneluin:
The Man Show is an odd thing. While it has every right to exist, that doesn't hide the fact that it is disgusting and degrading on some level. What's even worse is what it can do to the mind of an impressionable person watching it. It's hard not to think you need to look/act a certain way after watching something like that.

Wow. I feel exactly the same way about the Oprah show.



Monday, April 26, 2004 6:16 AM


Samni, you seem like a nice asian girl with that great romantic attitude many girls have. Reminds me of the time I'd spent in Japan. In an effort to break the ice with my female english students in Japan I would ask them what was the most important thing, for them, in a man.

Almost all of them said; "kindness". Those Japanese girls aren't dummies.

And yea, the "Man Show" is really just a boy show. After all, if you are a man you don't need a TV show to tell ya that. It's sorta like men with big giant cars... they are lacking big things in thier romantic life. Get it?


Monday, April 26, 2004 6:19 AM


Never seen "The Man Show" - but from the descriptions I've heard, no. We aren't all like that

Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation begets disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A=B=C=A, or whatever


Monday, April 26, 2004 6:20 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Meneluin:
The Man Show is an odd thing. While it has every right to exist, that doesn't hide the fact that it is disgusting and degrading on some level. What's even worse is what it can do to the mind of an impressionable person watching it. It's hard not to think you need to look/act a certain way after watching something like that.

Wow. I feel exactly the same way about the Oprah show.


Me too... and Dr. Phil.

Sex with Sue is still the best show a girl could possibly watch. Not that I'm a girl lol!


Monday, April 26, 2004 6:40 AM


I had high hopes for the man show before it aired because I thought the original hosts were both pretty smart and funny on their own. I had hoped the thing would be satirical, at least a little bit. But no, it turned out to be this achohol soaked pitty-party for immasculated men who are frightened of real, intelegent women their own age, so they pay hookers or exotic dancers or Comedy Central to give them their effing superiority back (Oh, wait, Comedy Central is free, so that could explain its appeal right there).

It simply perpetuates some ugly myths like, "See, women really are dumb and compliant!" and "See, women really like to be objectified and humiliated, why just look at this one here whom we're paying to have mud spread over here lovely thonged buttocks!" It's just the Howard Stern Show with two Howards. Sure, there are some women who out of a funny kind of rebeliousness will "enjoy" the festivities because they aren't supposed to, but there are some women who date only imprisoned serial rapists, so what does that tell you?

As somebody up above said, it's not the Man Show, it's the Boy Show and even some boys want to have real relationships with real people. Hang in there. Life gets better.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, April 26, 2004 6:53 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Wow. I feel exactly the same way about the Oprah show.

dude, oprah rocks!

~lissa, spwhore


Monday, April 26, 2004 7:36 AM


The thing about the man show to me is the second brain to guys. we have two brains the big brain and the little brain. when the big brain is doing the work we are pretty normal but when junior is in control we are pigs. no not all guys are like the guys on the man show. the man show is just one of our more extreme forms. we, for the most part dont focus on that stuff as much as is projected by shows and the media in general. we like to look at stuff like that but we dont love it and we certainly dont live for it. well most of us dont anyways.


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:20 AM


What you are doing is stereotyping. I myself am male, and seek a love relationship. (Which is ever elusive, driving me nuts, and depressing the hell out of me.) So for you to suggest that we are just machines driven by sex.. well, it's just wrong. So, in answer to your question, big damn NO!

Keep flying


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:49 AM


Sanmi, love is real! Don't worry!

Look at Zoe and Wash, they have such a deep love and respect for each other. They also love to make flippy floppy, but they love each other's minds and hearts as well.

And I'd go as far to say that the majority of mature men over the age of 17 are caring, reasonably intelligent and affectionte. True, we also hunger from time to time... (marry me Kaylee!) ... (be in my bedroom tonight obscure eccentric beautiful 1980's period artist songstress Kate Bush!) ... but we also think and feel deep thoughts. We're not all like Jayne! And look to Mozart, Van Gough, Charles Dickens, John Steinbeck and Joss Whedon for evidence to the contrary.

And some men are gay, too. Not every man is a tits and ass man. (See Jack Keorac, Oscar Wilde...)


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:54 AM


^^^ I heard that brother. It's funny, getting a girl to perform esoteric sex acts with (on? In? Hm.) me on the first date (who am I kidding... it's some chick at a party) isn't nearly as hard as finding one who can actually talk.

Girls just want one thing. Where's the love gals?

And then they rush out of your flat promising to call. Hey, don't bother sweetie!

Oh... and Oprah is to women what the Man Show is to men: Stereo Type Reinforcement. Sorry spwhore, but Betty Friedan would be ashamed!


Monday, April 26, 2004 11:10 AM


Well, I reckon you've got to consider the source.

That there "Man Show" thingie ... it's a show. I've never seen it, but I'm guessing the actors are actors, and the host is reading from a script.

Think about the funniest comedian you've ever seen. Somebody who always makes you laugh. He's got those jokes inside himself, see? And he can speak to you, and make you see the funny things that he sees.

But it's not "what he is". It's a piece of himself, but not the whole thing. He's not always happy, and he isn't always saying funny things all the time.

It's a show. You came to see him be funny, so he shows the funny part. Same thing with this Man Show: people are watching it to see these guys act this way, so that's what they do. It's only a little part of them, though. A show.

Human Beings (whether men or woman) are infinitely complex things, and they grow more and more complex each day. Don't worry; there's more to Men than a silly TV show ... just like there's more to women than talking on the phone and the color pink.


Monday, April 26, 2004 1:28 PM


These shows *are* meant to be funny, humorous, and definitely over-the-top satirical look at certain segments of the population. Not everything can be related to or understood by everyone.
For the folks who have seen "The Man Show" (I guess, for the folks who haven't as well), there are male and female audiences as well. Some women do find it funny, *and* we don't have to denigrate them just because those women find it funny - different people find different things to be funny or entertaining.

Everybody is a bit different, some people are completely all about pure "love", some people are completely "intellectual", some "passion", some "logic", some are a mixed of this and that. Some men are completely animalistically grunting and humping, slap-ass, burping, belching, farting, butt-pinching, crotch grabbing maniacs (As are some women ). Some are not... some only do it at the privacy of their own kingdom.

Me? I like my men just like my coffee: Black, full of cream, and flamin' hot!


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:09 PM


Whoa! Zoid,


As long as you don't try to 'wall off' a man's essential nature from his married behavior

Good Bible...

You really need to have a chat with my wife for me. Seriously!


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:10 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

I like the original "Man Show" with Jimmie Kimmel and Adam Carolla; the new hosts, not nearly so much. I've also liked "The Daily Show" since its inception. But I realize that these shows are exaggerating issues for the sake of comedy, and doing it well.

I like those two crazy guys too. They are funny as heck.


Originally posted by zoid:

As to your other concerns, my advice is that guys are visually motivated; but, not exclusively driven by images. Say -- for instance -- you like cooking shows; are you going to seriously cook then eat everything presented on your favorite show? Probably not (although you might commit the instructions to paper). Just because they're on the menu, that doesn't mean you've got to try them all. Same with virtually every guy. We like pretty girls; but it doesn't mean we want to touch 'em, especially if we've been lucky enough to find a woman who'll tolerate us on a long-term basis. But being tolerant is as key to any relationship as is being sensitive to the other person's feelings.

Behavoral research concludes that most men are more aroused by visual sexual stimuli than women, and conversely that women are more aroused by fantasy than men. Like all the movies we love, there has to be room for imagination and time for story telling. That's right, women actually like their dirty movies to have a plot. As with real life, women need a context for their arousal, whereas men are more responsive to raw sexual activity.

There are plenty of softcore erotica nowadays that are produced by women (with both male and female actors) and are directed at these female market segment in mind. More stories and a little blurry of the hump and bump. More relationships and less corny pickup lines.


Originally posted by zoid:

With any luck, you'll find someone with a decent soul (especially since physical beauty eventually fades), and forgive them their minor errors. Emotional or physical abuse, or infidelity are not minor, and a decision would be required. Looking at a little cheesecake -- or beefcake for the ladies (some guys?) -- without sticking a finger in for a surreptitious taste, is only natural and should not be taken as a crushing defeat to your self-image. It only means that your significant other has a healthy appetite and the correct sexual orientation for your relationship. (Edit, for clarification) If your 'man-animal' likes curling up next to you on the settee with a cup of cocoa while y'all debate the merits of Brad Pitt's buns or Ben Affleck's eyes, there's probably a storm on your horizon. (End edit)

As long as you don't try to 'wall off' a man's essential nature from his married behavior, and he makes concessions to your essential needs by including you in his emotional life, it's fairly easy for two folks to become partners for life. You've got to have your own self-esteem though, not just become a satellite of the other person; one must be a viable entity on their own, before they are ready to enter a partnership of equals.

I agree, it's not a complete mind-meld, and neither is it two separate individuals. A little of both - more like a set of binary star.


Originally posted by zoid:





Monday, April 26, 2004 2:27 PM


The man show is capitalizing on something that you will never get away from. And that is that all normal men are attracted to features of a woman’s body that represent reproductive strength. Men don't even understand what it is that draws them sometimes but young, well developed, trim, curvy women are the most suited to have children. Heck the men may not even want children.. but it's instinct.

You may find your dream partner.. he may love you dearly in every way you wish him to.. and he will still 'notice' other women. There is nothing he can do about it; I remember my mother being very upset with my father for his looking at others.. my father never cheated and I'm sure he loved my mother very much but he couldn't help but notice.

The man show capitalizes on this instinct and behavior and embraces it. Your job is to find a man who has good self control, is committed to you and your marriage, has good values, and who loves you. good luck.,


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:02 AM


I believe the Brits are refering to things such as the Man Show as "lout culture". Pretty clever those Brits.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:30 AM


As a man I like to feel that I am a carring sensitive person who cares for others and feels that the degredation of women in shows like that is appalling. But, I would be lying if I didn't say that there is at least a little bit of truth in that show. Almost every heterosexual males brain stops functioning at the sight of an attractive woman. In the words of Jeff Foxworthy "Men are simple they want a beer and to see something naked".


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:45 PM


Pretty clever from the same folks who did Benny Hill. Yeah, so the same people who don't like "lout culture" don't like Benny Hill - what's the diff? These smart folks are as capable of producing the same "lout culture" as the rest.


Originally posted by Ghoulman:
I believe the Brits are refering to things such as the Man Show as "lout culture". Pretty clever those Brits.






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