More Star Trek... sheesh.

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 04:30
VIEWED: 7089
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Friday, April 23, 2004 5:57 PM


Noticed the following posted on It's amazing they keep beating the dying horse when really great shows like Firefly are pushed aside.

""NEW TREK FEATURE: STAR TREK producer Rick Berman has finally dropped the first hints of a new theatrical project for the franchise. In the latest issue of "Dreamwatch" magazine, Berman confirms for the first time that he is now developing a STAR TREK feature film project: "I am involved in the very early stages of what could be the next STAR TREK movie," reveals Berman, in an excerpt provided by Dreamwatch. "It's something I will be producing with two other producers." He cryptically describes it as "a prequel" without any further elaboration. The names of his producing cohorts will have to remain unknown for now, as well. This follows a report earlier this week from Dark Horizons that Paramount may be working on a project the site described as "Starfleet Command." Coincidentally, former TREK producer Harve Bennett (STAR TREKs II-VI) revealed recently that several years ago he had pitched a Starfleet Academy-based STAR TREK movie concept. On the television front, while the future of their first series remains in limbo, Berman confirms that he is developing a non-STAR TREK sci-fi series with partner Brannon Braga. Both Berman and Braga have development deals with Paramount. If a new series begins development in earnest, TrekWeb insiders suggest Berman and/or Braga might take a reduced role in a fourth season of ENTERPRISE, though this is entirely speculation.”"


Friday, April 23, 2004 7:29 PM


Lots of people are starting to say, "Enough already!", Trekkies included.

Personally, I think this is in reaction to the fact that B&B have realized ENT's lifespan---or at least, thier control over it---could easily end. Soon. So they're trying to use what leverage they still have in Hollywood to set up other projects to keep them employed.


Friday, April 23, 2004 9:02 PM


oh, i really hope they will get their project and invest a lot of time into it. all of their time if possible if that keeps them away from ruining star trek any further (of course there's the small chance that they will be replaced by even worse people *shudder*)


Friday, April 23, 2004 10:11 PM


Enough already. I'm sure Mr. Roddenberry has been turning over in his grave since ST:Voyager.

'Nuff said.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Friday, April 23, 2004 10:11 PM


Enough already. I'm sure Mr. Roddenberry has been turning over in his grave since ST:Voyager.

'Nuff said.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:21 AM


OK, I am a Trek fan, but let me put that in perspective. I couldn't tape or watch this week's episode of Enterprise because where I live, Angel is on at the same time. So, I set the capture card PVR in my computer to record Enterprise while I watched and taped Angel. I have re-watched Angel once already, and have yet to watch Enterprise. What does that say about my priorities?
I'm ready to say "Enough!" Let Enterprise end after three seasons, and give it a better, more coherent finale than Voyager had. Then wait for at LEAST three years, hopefully five, before they start up the next series (which I would then dutifully watch, even if it mildly sucked, to get my Trek fix).
Now, if there was an alternitive space-based show on the air, a GOOD one, perhaps with a western feel to it.....

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:37 AM


I have also been a faithful Star Trek fan since the beginning (not a Trekkie since I never did conventions...but my sister was!), but 'Enterprise' just has never been a worthy addition to the franchise....
Basically it makes sense, the studio doesn't want the franchise to go away: they are selling DVDs (rereleasing the old shows over and over again), video games, books, comics, action figures, and all kinds of stuff...all over the world. It would be crazy to want that to end.

So they keep beating the dead horse...

In a way tho, it is this kind of thinking that works in our favor: I mean if they can be convinced that BtVS, Ats, and Firefly can produce more and more merchandising $ then they will move heaven and earth to have them back on the air (because you can't sell video games to kids who have never seen the show).


Saturday, April 24, 2004 6:08 AM


"It's amazing they keep beating the dying horse when really great shows like Firefly are pushed aside."

Well, they're not responcible for cancelling Firefly. I don't think we can blame them for wanting to keep Star Trek going even if sometimes their efforts are underwhelming.

StarTrek has done a few really good things for Firefly; one, it's set a norm or 'conventional notion' of space drama for Firefly to break out of. Two, it proved there is an audience for SciFi on TV.

I still catch occasional Enterprise episodes.. their not that bad.. I get frusturated by the time travel episodes but oh well... at least it doesn't air on Fox TV which is now blocked on my TV set.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 6:36 AM


Enterprise isn't that bad! Considering that with a show that’s had 4 previous incarnations it’s a littlie hard to create new and interesting shows, and I think the creative team is doing a fine job (Except for T'paul she’s kinda a space bimbo).

So what if they have messed with the timeline a bit, hay I wrap my head around continuity problems a lot, but considering what little info they had to play with they have done a fine job creating show.

Besides its better than anything on FOX!!

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:27 AM



Originally posted by Thundar:
Noticed the following posted on It's amazing they keep beating the dying horse when really great shows like Firefly are pushed aside.

""NEW TREK FEATURE: STAR TREK producer Rick Berman has finally dropped the first hints of a new theatrical project for the franchise. In the latest issue of "Dreamwatch" magazine, Berman confirms for the first time that he is now developing a STAR TREK feature film project: "I am involved in the very early stages of what could be the next STAR TREK movie," reveals Berman, in an excerpt provided by Dreamwatch. "It's something I will be producing with two other producers." He cryptically describes it as "a prequel" without any further elaboration. The names of his producing cohorts will have to remain unknown for now, as well. This follows a report earlier this week from Dark Horizons that Paramount may be working on a project the site described as "Starfleet Command." Coincidentally, former TREK producer Harve Bennett (STAR TREKs II-VI) revealed recently that several years ago he had pitched a Starfleet Academy-based STAR TREK movie concept. On the television front, while the future of their first series remains in limbo, Berman confirms that he is developing a non-STAR TREK sci-fi series with partner Brannon Braga. Both Berman and Braga have development deals with Paramount. If a new series begins development in earnest, TrekWeb insiders suggest Berman and/or Braga might take a reduced role in a fourth season of ENTERPRISE, though this is entirely speculation.”"

This is like the LAND BEFORE TIME movies only for Adults! Enough is enough already! There have been what like at least 4 spin-off television shows from the original, and at least 7 movies made. TPaB are idiots and they must think we are too!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:29 AM



Originally posted by Doran:
"I still catch occasional Enterprise episodes.. their not that bad.. I get frusturated by the time travel episodes but oh well... at least it doesn't air on Fox TV which is now blocked on my TV set.

The funny thing is, where i used to live Fox was the only channel i could watch Enterprise on!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:46 AM


I know I'm gonna get flamed and possibly banished for this, but I agree with Gunrunner.

I think Enterprise is actually pretty good.

I really don't get the "pissing on Roddenberry's dream" complaints: Enterprise is talking about effectively modern people (flawed, immature, sometimes dysfunctional) and mapping out how they became the enlightened, intelligent civilization that he himself explicitly designed humans to be in TOS. I honestly think Roddenberry would've liked this show. Yeah, they sometimes fail, but they have their successes too.

And the timeline has taken worse punishment in single episodes of TNG and Voyager than all of Enterprise so far. Besides, the Temporal Cold War gives Enterprise something that no other Trek has had before --a valid reset-button.

And I like T'Pol. Okay, the catsuits are eye-roll-inducing, but I've seen far, far more exploitative (TOS miniskirts? 7/9's corset? Troi's cleavage-tights? Every female guest star TOS ever had?). Yeah, T'Pol's not "Spock with boobs," she has a unique personality. There's a certain wildness to her --if she was a human she'd have brightly-coloured hair, naughty tatoos, multiple piercings (a nose-ring at least), and have spent at least one night passed out in a jail cell.

Could things be done differently? Of course. Same could be said for Firefly. Maybe Joss could've had the Browncoats win the war and have Mal as captain of a starship-of-the-line somewhere.

Sure, it's not Firefly, but that's like comparing indie comics to Shakespeare.

Besides: think about it rationally. Firefly, Wonderfalls, and the endless tide of less and less intelligent/classy "reality" shows should have proven to us by now how the entertainment industry works.

If Star Trek goes away for 5-or-6 years, it won't be coming back!!! That'll be it for the franchise.

I'm not willing to see one of the most inspiring, morally reaffirming stories in modern history die off like that. Someday, if I ever reproduce, I plan do indoctrinate my children into Star Trek right alongside Firefly (and the Buffyverse, and Star Wars, natch ).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:01 AM



Now, if there was an alternitive space-based show on the air, a GOOD one, perhaps with a western feel to it.....

I get what you're saying, of course. Still, I should point out that next year we'll have:

Stargate SG1 season 8
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar 2004
Farscape: Peacekeeper War (Mini)

And that's just the ones worth mentioning. So there are still a few alternatives. None of them are on broadcast networks, though......


Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:22 PM


I think that Enterprise is (gasp) actually pretty good. Did you see "Damage"? Archer and crew hijacked an innocent ship to steal it's warp coils.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 6:52 PM


I've been a fan of Trek since before I could walk. My father watched it and of course I ended up watching it. I loved TOS, TNG, DS9, and the first half or so of Voy. When Enterprise came along I was a bit wary but was glad that I was still able to get my fix. I beleive that it started out ok. I never did care for the vulcans have been holding us back plot. Lately, however, the show just hasn't seemed to click just right. I can see flashes of what would be a good show. The one "Damage" I think, had some interesting features. I just think they haven't gone in the right direction with the show. They keep focussing on time travel and bringing in alien races such as the Ferengi that we just shouldn't be seeing. I really don't know what Enterprise could do to improve. I just think they have been trying to build a show on a bad foundation and its going to bury Trek in a pile of rubble if they don't fix it soon.


Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:57 PM


I say ENOUGH! to the Trek Nay-Sayers!

Anyone who is genuinely a Sci-Fi fan wouldnt be Poo-Pooing Enterprise or any other Trek. Star Trek is no Firefly but its Sci-Fi (and NOT reality TV) so its OK by me. I've enjoyed all Star Trek (even Voyager), thats not to say I haved loved every episode but on the whole I think its all good.

Even if Firefly had of continued I still would have wanted other Sci-Fi stuff even if only to make Firefly all the sweeter.

With so little Sci-Fi on TV today i'll take whatever I can get.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 12:18 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
With so little Sci-Fi on TV today i'll take whatever I can get.

see? and others think "when sf is only x% of the stuff on tv it better dont be a completely waste and make room for a show with fresh ideas and decent writers that havent started recycling old scripts and ideas a long time ago".

just like i dont think "with so little star wars around i should be happy about clone wars". i cant watch it without wanting to cry and/or slap the responsible people from breakfast til dinner and i'd happily wait another 10 years if only ep3 doesnt turn out as shallow and without the slightest trace of a soul like the other 2.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:13 AM


Why are you still talking when its been decided?


Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:30 AM


I finally got to see 'Damaged' last night
(we don't get UPN in Iowa...don't ask me why)
and I have to agree with everyone who said that this was a really excellent episode!
Very dark and edgy...
And I agree Calhoun, 'Enterprise' still has a lot to offer...if just as an escape from all the lame reality shows, or tired unfunny sit-coms, or over-worked cop/lawyer/doctor dramas...


Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:08 AM



Originally posted by Lindley:
I should point out that next year we'll have:

Stargate SG1 season 8
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar 2004
Farscape: Peacekeeper War (Mini)

Unless you're in Canada.

We may be getting Galactica 2004 & Peacekeeper War, 'cause Space has maintained fairly close ties to those two.

The others. . .

Well, unless the rights to Stargate Atlantis manage to bypass Global (the Canadian equivalent to Fox), it'll probably be stuck in the same "we have the broadcast rights, we're just not airing it" abyss that swallowed SG-1's last few seasons.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:32 AM


Sad to see FF fans trashing a show so badly that others enjoy.

Never been a big trek fan but I think (and friends of mine) Startrek has never been as good as Enterprise is. Not brilliant but better than TNG, Voyager, DS9.

A coherent story which all ties together season to season, episode to episode. None of the PC bull**** of TNG and not the soapopera in space of DS9 and NO KIDS!!!.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:59 AM


It is all a matter of relative perspective.

But if you don't watch something - how can you have a {sorry for this harsh point} 'valid' opinon?

All shows have clunkers, some more than others.

For example I have watched around 60 episodes (out of appox. 125+) of Bab 5 - and never got into it.

Like Bab 5 or not - I still don't feel qualified to say too much on the shows merits or lack thereof. I lack the full experance of the show. However the ones I did see did not motivated me to suffer through the drenn I did not like. So I might have missed some pearls hiding within the offal.

But! I still will engage in a fun debate about them!

Sigh, but debate is alomst a lost cause. It seems a large portion of fans slip into the 'FANatic mode' and make it seem the show (any not just Bab5 or Trek) is the "BE ALL END ALL" {BAEA} of all shows.

There can never be a "BAEA" will never happen ... all because of relative perspective!

Well, unless the there is a nuclear holocaust and there is only one survivor - and he dos'na break his/her glasses!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:05 AM



Originally posted by Cleaner:
Sad to see FF fans trashing a show so badly that others enjoy.

Never been a big trek fan but I think (and friends of mine) Startrek has never been as good as Enterprise is. Not brilliant but better than TNG, Voyager, DS9.

A coherent story which all ties together season to season, episode to episode. None of the PC bull**** of TNG and not the soapopera in space of DS9 and NO KIDS!!!.

It's funny to see you contradict yourself in your own post.

I liked TNG and the first season of DS9. I also like Voyager when it first started, then I got bored with it and started watching again when Jeri Ryan joined. I watch Enterprise but almost every episode I've seen is a rehash of something that TNG or Voyager already did. I hoping it gets better. I haven't seen 'Damage' yet but I heard it's good.

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:06 AM


Well, Enterprise took it's time, but I've really liked the third season so far. The choices the crew has faced this season have made for some interesting storylines, compared to most of the stand-alone episodes of seasons 1 and 2.

What Enterprise needs to do after this whole Xindi storyline is wrapped up at the end of the season, is really take the plunge into biiig sweeping storylines that flesh out the Star Trek universe. These episodes have been the highpoints of the first seasons (Broken Bow, The Andorian Incident, Shadows of P'jem, Fallen Hero, Carbon Creek, Minefield, Dead Stop, Cease Fire, Future Tense, and First Flight).
Enterprise needs to find a voice that is dictinctively its own instead of singing in the TOS/TNG/VOY choir of space mystery/moral dilemma of the week. There have been plenty of those eps, and while ENT can do these kinds of episodes well (Cogenitor for example) tying them into an overall arc gives such episodes much more power, like Similitude.
I'm sad that the ratings for Enterprise this year don't represent the increase in quality the show has had, but I hope TPTB won't turn back to the more episodic format. Enterprise has a lot of potential. They should use it.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:52 PM


DS9 had evolving relationships, but it wasn't a soap opera. Not by a long shot. In fact, I think its the best of the Trek series.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:18 PM


Yes Lindley DS9 was the best of the ST shows, the entire show was one big sweeping story arc from the end of season 2.

As for the Post Xdni Enterpise storys I can only hope that it has lots of Romulans.

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:25 PM


I watch every episode of Enterprise. Watched every episode of Voyeur, DS9, TNG and ToS.

The problem, as I see it, with Star Trek, is Brannon and Bragga. They have or had a comfortable franchise and are afraid to take many chances. They rehash old storylines over and over. In Enterprise, they are putting a lot of storyline into the time-travel aspect and introducing races that should not be around then. There isn't much continuity in the Brannon-Bragga Star trek universe.

Good Sci-Fi is character based. Firefly, Star Trek ToS, Farscape, Star Gate SG1, etc. Sci-Fi like ST:TNG, DS9 and Voyeur seems to be based more on faux science and not the character interaction that makes good stories. Enterprise is struggling very hard to have good stories but it needs new writers and producers badly.


Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:57 PM


'Enterprise' is NOT in the continunity of classic Trek.

The writers were taking several 'somethings' from "First Contact" and extrapolating from it.

The Borg & Enterprise E crew is at fault for TOTALLY changing history.

What would YOU do if you found out you were the Leonardo DaVinci, Guttenburg, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison of your time.

Even to see {sorta} the future epitiom of your discoverys?

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, April 26, 2004 5:57 AM


I agree that one of the things I'd like to see next season is more of the Vulcan/Andorian relations, and how the humans manage to turn these enemies into neighbours, if not allies (doubt any real alliances formed until after the Romulan War).


Originally posted by CapnRahn:
'Enterprise' is NOT in the continunity of classic Trek.

The writers were taking several 'somethings' from "First Contact" and extrapolating from it.

The Borg & Enterprise E crew is at fault for TOTALLY changing history.

Arguably. Cochran's warp flight and first contact with the Vulcans went pretty much as planned (who's ever gonna remember the names of two random techs who flew co-pilot?)

TNG established the idea of being able to alter memories, so both Cochrane and Sloan could've been "reset" before Enterprise left. Even if they didn't, they could easily have sworn Sloan (a military girl) to secrecy. Who would've believed her anyway?

All anyone needs to know was that someone (either "Eastern Coalition," or random terrorists) attacked the Phoenix facilities. Most of the staff was killed off, but Dr. Cochrane managed to make the launch on his own with the help of a handful of passing strangers.

Years later, some unidentified alien cyborgs were found in some crashed wreckage, stole a ship, tried to send a signal to the Delta Quadrant, and were destroyed. No one expects anything to come of it.

It's not til centuries later that Q actually introduces the Borg that somebody looks at a history tape and makes the connection.

Same thing with the "Ferengi Kerfuffle." All Archer & crew know is that some unidentified aliens tried to steal their stuff. No one knows who they are until centuries later, when a ship belonging to someone called "the Ferengi" attacks Picard's Stargazer. It'll be into TNG before anyone sees a Ferengi's face and can make the connection to the wandering pirates who raided NX-01.


What would YOU do if you found out you were the Leonardo DaVinci, Guttenburg, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison of your time.
Iff I was as fame-shy as Cochrane was in FC ("Everyone who's ever had a statue built of them was some kinda sum'bitch or another" ), I'd hop the first experimental ship to unexplored space.

Probably ending up right where Kirk's crew found him in TOS.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, April 26, 2004 6:48 AM


Speaking as a Trekkie I think a new ST movie will be most welcome. If you don't like ST then don't watch the new movie, it's as simple as that.
ST has been around for over 30 years so there are plenty of fans who would still be excited for more ST. I admit Enterprise hasn't been up to par so far, but give it a chance. TNG was terrible the first couple of years.
Earlier on in this thread someone mentioned that we need to support all SciFi shows(I can't remember who, sorry :( . Especially with so few good SciFi shows on the air and shows that are barely given the chance to succeed.



Monday, April 26, 2004 11:35 AM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
What would YOU do if you found out you were the Guttenburg of your time?

For the good of humanity, I would throw myself from the tallest building upon being passed the script for Police Academy 2.

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, April 26, 2004 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Harpie:
TNG was terrible the first couple of years.

Was it? I'm trying to think back to when I first watched it, and I have to say that isn't my recollection - ignoring Shades of Grey and the like. You had episodes like Measure of a Man in there.

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, April 26, 2004 12:19 PM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

Originally posted by CapnRahn:
What would YOU do if you found out you were the Guttenburg of your time?

For the good of humanity, I would throw myself from the tallest building upon being passed the script for Police Academy 2.

HA HA! MBV - ya gymboyd!

I ment the inventor of the printing press!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, April 26, 2004 12:25 PM



Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!

So much for the principle of non-contradiction! Philosophy and rational thought are tossed out the window.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Monday, April 26, 2004 12:26 PM


Yes, the first season did officially suck, then the second season picked up steam. When they got the new uniforms with the crisp collars things really took off. That's just the way crisp collars work.

"Why're you arguin' what's already been decided?"
Mal to Jayne, "Jaynestown"


Monday, April 26, 2004 12:33 PM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
HA HA! MBV - ya gymboyd!
I ment the inventor of the printing press!

Ohhh - my bad. Always confuse him with Caxton, the guy from Aliens and Twister.

Game over man, game over.

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, April 26, 2004 12:59 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Arguably. Cochran's warp flight and first contact with the Vulcans went pretty much as planned (who's ever gonna remember the names of two random techs who flew co-pilot?)

TNG established the idea of being able to alter memories, so both Cochrane and Sloan could've been "reset" before Enterprise left. Even if they didn't, they could easily have sworn Sloan (a military girl) to secrecy. Who would've believed her anyway?

All anyone needs to know was that someone (either "Eastern Coalition," or random terrorists) attacked the Phoenix facilities. Most of the staff was killed off, but Dr. Cochrane managed to make the launch on his own with the help of a handful of passing strangers.

Years later, some unidentified alien cyborgs were found in some crashed wreckage, stole a ship, tried to send a signal to the Delta Quadrant, and were destroyed. No one expects anything to come of it.

It's not til centuries later that Q actually introduces the Borg that somebody looks at a history tape and makes the connection.

Same thing with the "Ferengi Kerfuffle." All Archer & crew know is that some unidentified aliens tried to steal their stuff. No one knows who they are until centuries later, when a ship belonging to someone called "the Ferengi" attacks Picard's Stargazer. It'll be into TNG before anyone sees a Ferengi's face and can make the connection to the wandering pirates who raided NX-01.


What would YOU do if you found out you were the Leonardo DaVinci, Guttenburg, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison of your time.
Iff I was as fame-shy as Cochrane was in FC ("Everyone who's ever had a statue built of them was some kinda sum'bitch or another" ), I'd hop the first experimental ship to unexplored space.

Probably ending up right where Kirk's crew found him in TOS.

LOL, meebe we should make another thread to tackle what I mean.

You bring up good points, but that is not what I was talking about.

Cochran saw the Enterprise - would that not affect his design choices?

I know the E-NX01 is back-modeled from the Akira - but remember the only view of the E-E Cochran saw was a fuzzy image thu the telescope and a short view in space just before the Phoenix 'warped'.

That had to alter his actions in the future. After meeting the Vulcan ... well that is left up to speculation.

BUT, Cochran did hang around to work on the warp 5 development project.

Ah hell ... this is going to be long.

So, I'll say this - I do have a few friends and aquiantences'inside' Paramount and specifically the Trek arm.

And this WAS {the writers have seemed lose sight of it} the intention - Cochran was put on a different path than in the 'original' timeline because of his interactions with the E-E crew. Which is one of the reasons why he didn't scarper off at the same time as he did in the original timeline. Something to do with his interaction with Riker, LaForge and the rest making him want to insure that the future was better for these selfless folks who had helped him in his ... ahem enterprise.

It was a way to 'update' Trek and not seem so silly in this age of cell phones and non-velour clothes!

OK ... 'fore you ask. The folks I either know or have talked to - Larry Nemicheck, Dennis Tracy, Lolita Fatjo, almost anybody at HMS or the old dead PropER Effects, John Eaves, Wendel Phillips, Alan Simms, Chris Collins(deceased), Rene Auberjonois, Robert Blackman, Michael Westmore and Carol Kuntz.

Mostly folks from the crew side of the show, I'll admit.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, April 26, 2004 1:03 PM



Originally posted by Arawaen:

Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!
So much for the principle of non-contradiction! Philosophy and rational thought are tossed out the window.

Care to explain that remark?

Or are you just being techy?

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:18 AM



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:21 AM



Originally posted by WhooDahn:

Originally posted by Cleaner:
Sad to see FF fans trashing a show so badly that others enjoy.

A coherent story which all ties together season to season, episode to episode. None of the PC bull**** of TNG and not the soapopera in space of DS9 and NO KIDS!!!.

It's funny to see you contradict yourself in your own post.

I liked TNG and the first season of DS9. I also like Voyager when it first started, then I got bored with it and started watching again when Jeri Ryan joined. I watch Enterprise but almost every episode I've seen is a rehash of something that TNG or Voyager already did. I hoping it gets better. I haven't seen 'Damage' yet but I heard it's good.

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"

TNG, Voyager, DS9 aren't in production any more. At the time I lost interest in them after or during the first season and stopped watching.

I didn't jump online and start posting "Enough already!". I'm glad neither were cancelled as I enjoyed watching on video DS9 after Warf joined and Voyager when they entered Borg space.

The sad irony of FF fans calling for a show to be cancelled. Don't s**t where u eat, support Scifi.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:30 AM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
So, I'll say this - I do have a few friends and aquiantences'inside' Paramount and specifically the Trek arm.

And this WAS {the writers have seemed lose sight of it} the intention - Cochran was put on a different path than in the 'original' timeline because of his interactions with the E-E crew.

Ah, okay. Didn't realize you had inside data; I was just going by my own observations. Cool.


Which is one of the reasons why he didn't scarper off at the same time as he did in the original timeline. Something to do with his interaction with Riker, LaForge and the rest making him want to insure that the future was better for these selfless folks who had helped him in his ... ahem enterprise.
Okay, but aside from that, the timeline could restore itself. Cochrane leaves later, having done all he can, and then is restored to youth by the Companion (it's an energy being, it could do that).

I've just assumed the whole 60s-ness of TOS was just a brief swing of design philosophy. (Heck, bell-bottoms briefly came back into style in the 90s. Nothing can surprise me anymore. )

Plus, y'know, I tend to "re-visualize" things as I watch them, like mentally adding Westmorean aliens to the background.

Firefly is one of the few shows I don't end up making minor aesthetic changes to in my head.

(Hey look! we're back on topic! )

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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Mon, September 30, 2024 07:05 - 36 posts
CW app streaming Firefly for free
Fri, September 27, 2024 16:35 - 3 posts
WHY DID THEY CANCEL THIS??? *FIREFLY* Ep 14 Reaction Movie Night with Jacqui Episode -1-14 Reaction
Thu, September 26, 2024 12:40 - 12 posts
Why isn't this a bigger story?
Tue, September 24, 2024 06:55 - 4 posts
People do stop by
Mon, September 23, 2024 17:50 - 4 posts
Happy Anniversary XXII
Fri, September 20, 2024 16:16 - 5 posts
17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts