UPDATED: Monday, April 28, 2008 11:29
VIEWED: 4767
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Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:54 PM



Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:38 PM


Petitions don't work. I've never seen an instance where they do.

Buying all 100 different versions of the show and the movie that are out and will probably come out within our lifetimes hasn't and won't do any good either.

Only one thing that I think would ever work and I mentioned that in another thread.

Start an escrow account (an interest bearing account would be ideal) and get as many people to fund it as possible. Get some lawyers to make it completely legit beforehand and promise a return of slightly less money (legal and administrative expenses) if it doesn't pan out. Get a couple of million together (shouldn't be too hard if there are really that many fans out there shelling out 15-45 bucks for each new BS rendition of the show/movie), and tell them that we've taken the money hostage and won't give it up until they release Serenity.

Other than that, they've never given any reason for anybody to have any hope that the show will ever come back on air, and if I didn't know that it was their jobs to be some of the slimiest exploitive scum on the planet, I would say that the execs, CEO and the board at FOX should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting such a loyal fanbase by waving a faint glimmer of hope of resurrection in front of their faces every time they want to get them to buy a 3rd and 4th and 5th copy of what they already own in a shiny new package.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:19 PM


Hey i love your enthusiasm...I haven't read the other posts so scuse me if I'm repeating some sentiments. We haven't given up we are waiting for the next opportunity (eg if Joss and co say they want to go again we'll go with them)..Petitions are futile, and anyway we the fans have already done some spectacular stuff ressurection wise. our previous devoted efforts got a movie made for chrissakes! how often does that happen? If our numbers keep expanding something is more likely to happen. So get more people to watch Firefly and Serenity. Eventually we'll have an unignorable Global mass of people going "why did they kill such a good series? this is unacceptable they have to remake it"


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:27 PM


The truth of it is that Fox is looking to squeeze as much as they can from the reselling of the movie and series.

At this point I think Universal has the rights. They have the HD version of the series on cable. It is my understanding that they want to see how many people will pay to see it and how many (more) DVDs they can sell before committing to another movie. The BDM only broke even at the box office, which in Hollywood means it was a failure. And so no studio would want to spend more money if they are not going to make tons of money (if they spend $50 million total the BDM would have to be double that). Still, I think that Universal, who got the BDM done, sees how much they can make from the fans of the "Verse" that our Firefly will come back in some form (perhaps as a miniseries on cable - hint, hint). They would be wise in brining it back because of the fan interest worldwide. Yes, I said it - WORLDWIDE! Are you listening good people at Universal? Don't make the same mistake Fox made.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Saturday, April 26, 2008 11:52 PM


wow, kinda weird. Feel a little bit like someone is readin my mind. I basically just did the same thing Comeonletsgetfireflybackon did. Watched the series and is all fired up. But i do realize that it will take time if it will happen. Its been almost 6 YEARS since the airing of firefly. I see that the best kind of support here is continued support.....I am officially a fan.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 2:45 AM


I'm just gonna repeat what I posted in another thread...

Go to the Universal HD Firefly forums and start posting...


Because Universal is a studio with the cashy money and power to give us more 'Verse if we give them enough reason to do so, because Universal continues to show interest in the 'Verse (They just donated 35mm copies of Serenity to the "Can't Stop the Serenity" folks), because Universal HD continues to show Firefly (as a full weekly series, in the correct order no less, and not a lame 5-6 episode marathon), because they made Serenity, and because on these forums we can be seen and heard by the folks who could help Joss push the button.

So go here and start posting gorram it!


Sunday, April 27, 2008 3:18 AM


Comeonletsgetfireflybackon. Eveyone is glad that you have finally discovered this incredible series. Everyone hesitates to respond in kind to your invective, because we need everyone on deck. But please don't join a group six years later, and ignore the efforts of everyone involved. I'll once again be at the summer showing of Serenity. I'll buy every product I can to show product strength. I'll watch reruns on Sci-fi, on UniversalHD. I'll sign whatever petition is lately going to come about. I'll do whatever I can legally to get another movie, mini-series, show, puppet show, saturday morning cartoon, whatever, back on. Maybe if you had been with us six years ago, or anywhere in between, like for example, gone to see Serenity at the theater five times, then maybe we'd have more now. Welcome on board, stop complaining, and think of something positive.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 3:33 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Welcome aboard the best boat in the 'verse. It is great that you love the show as much as those of us who watched it when it originally aired on FOX, bought the dvds when they were first released, bought multiple copies of the dvds as gifts, library donations, etc, and then saw Serenity in theaters (eight times myself) as well as taking four other people to see it, then buying that dvd (again multiple times) as well as the Collector's Edition when it was released last year.

Yep, we haven't done a damn thing to try to get this ship back in the air. Bad for us.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 4:16 AM



Originally posted by ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:
One last thing I know Baldwin is on successful Chuck but nobody else seems to have anything serious so why don't we try?

Hmmm, let's see about that. For the most part, all the principle actors have gone on to showcase their talents in both movies and television. Except for Ron Glass, who is now in his 60's and probably not as interested in working hard, how can you say none of them seem to have anything?

Nathan Fillion, Desperate Housewives, Drive, Lost, movies...

Morena Baccarin, Stargate, Heartland, movies...

Jewel Staite, Stargate Atlantis, etc..

Summer Glau, The Unit, The 4400, Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles, movies...

Gina Torres, Justice League, Standoff, Alias, movies...


Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:07 AM



Originally posted by ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:
Have you people just given up?



Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:12 AM



Originally posted by farfly:

Originally posted by

Gina Torres, Justice League, Standoff, Alias, movies...

Didn't she also just have a baby? I realize that ain't as important as Firefly, but they do use up a lot of time.

Also, I'm in this for the long haul- remember, it took original Trek over 10 years in syndication Hell before they made the first movie, and a while longer before TNG.
Gonna hang on, wait around, she'll come 'round again.
All of the petitions, fanfics, books, charity showings, fattening of Fox and Universal, cons, fan gatherings will keep the name in folks' minds
Sooner or later ( probably later ) something will click in some studio guy's mind , and he'll say, " OK, let's try it again."


Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:07 AM


Almost all of those jobs are not running to this day


Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:18 AM


Oh excuse me im very sorry, not giving you credit for doing things over a year ago. How is that showing me you haven't given up? Oh but sorry I don't want to be a complainer so i'll give up sounds like the easy thing to due and i won't be negative. Sounds like a win win situation except Firefly isn't on. thanks milk, i'm negative.


Originally posted by Muddersmilk:
Comeonletsgetfireflybackon. Eveyone is glad that you have finally discovered this incredible series. Everyone hesitates to respond in kind to your invective, because we need everyone on deck. But please don't join a group six years later, and ignore the efforts of everyone involved. I'll once again be at the summer showing of Serenity. I'll buy every product I can to show product strength. I'll watch reruns on Sci-fi, on UniversalHD. I'll sign whatever petition is lately going to come about. I'll do whatever I can legally to get another movie, mini-series, show, puppet show, saturday morning cartoon, whatever, back on. Maybe if you had been with us six years ago, or anywhere in between, like for example, gone to see Serenity at the theater five times, then maybe we'd have more now. Welcome on board, stop complaining, and think of something positive.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:44 AM


Sweetie, welcome to the 'Verse, but please do be respectful of those who have done so much for us! You wouldn't have found it at all had they not, nor would I. I never heard of Firefly until after the Big Damn Movie came out on DVD. Had there been no fans, there would have been no Firefly DVDs, there would have been no movie.

Have you read the comics? Have you read all the scripts (including the unaired one)? Then you still have new wonders to explore.

Study up on the legalities. See what has been done before so you won't wear yourself out trying old strategies. Come up with something new and tell us about it and we'll try it.

People come in here every few months and rant just like you. It gets a little wearying. Just calm down, make friends, don your virtual Browncoat, learn some choice Chinese phrases to throw into conversations, and drink some mudder's milk. And play nice.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:48 AM


Internet petitions don't work, they just don't.

And I'm sorry, but to me, saying that we've given up is like a slap in the face. I have purchased at least ten copies of the series to give out, and about twenty-five copies of the Collectors Edition to give out.

So, yeah. I take offense to the fact that you believe that we've given up, and to be honest you're starting to sound a little troll-ish.

Full moon waves
Slowly on the surface of the lake
You were there
Smiling in my arms for all those years


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:28 AM



Originally posted by ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:
Almost all of those jobs are not running to this day

Are we talking about the actors jobs? Or something else.

Cause like Nathan will be on Desperate Housewives tonight (USA) . This is a top 20 TV show and the man hasn't even taken his shirt off yet. Movie Trucker just premiered at a NY Film Festival.

Terminator has been picked up for another season.

Stargate: Atlantis has been picked up for another season.

Stargate: The Ark of Truth (Straight to DVD) movie sold at least 7 million dollars worth of DVDs in the USA only. Morena played the big bad villian. Remember Joss talked about Serenity Straight to DVD being a possibility.

I think Chuck was renewed with Adam Baldwin.

Joss Whedon's Doctor Horrible Sing-Along Blog with Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, Neil Patrick Harris as Doctor Horrible and Felicia Day as Penny will hit the internet as early as late May or as late as July.

The more people see of our Big Darn Heroes work, the more they want to see of our Big Darn Heroes work...which leads them back to Firefly/Serenity.

As for what Firefly/Serenity fans are doing, check out the Firefly and Serenity Guerilla Marketing forum:

Also check out
for what fans are doing with Universal's help and financial support.

Over $160,000 Raised For Equality Now Since 2006.
2008's goal is to raise $150,000 with 55 cities participating.

No giving up here. Not possible. Joss Whedon and the actors want to do more Firefly/Serenity with actors. They love Firefly/Serenity more than we do...really.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:30 AM


Alright not trying to offend you guys just want to do something. OK?


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:37 AM



Originally posted by ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:
Oh excuse me im very sorry, not giving you credit for doing things over a year ago. How is that showing me you haven't given up? Oh but sorry I don't want to be a complainer so i'll give up sounds like the easy thing to due and i won't be negative. Sounds like a win win situation except Firefly isn't on. thanks milk, i'm negative.

I'm thinking Troll as well. Apologies if I'm wrong, but to join a board and start 'having a go' like this definitely has that distinctive odour about it.
Welcome if you're a genuine fan.
Go back to the slime pit if you're a troll.

Coming from someone who watched the series for free I think the first positive action you should do is to go and buy the box set and the movie, at least one copy of each for yourself.
Tell others about it as well. Convert them. Get them to buy the box set and movie as well.

People here haven't 'given up'. The fact that this board is still going strong (maybe stronger), the Uni board is there, Firefly will be released in HD in the future, the comics continue, the screenings still occur every year, the conventions still on....etc etc etc.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:50 AM


We are all Firefly fans. No we haven't given up and we leap at any teeny tiny rumor of a possible 'resurrection.' I didn't know about the series until AFTER I'd seen Serenity on cable - now every day, I hope; I vote for Firefly on the Best TV Show poll - it may not do a damn thing; but it makes feel like I am doing 'something.' I've also bought many copies of the series and the film and given them as gifts to friends and family. I have all the 'companion' books and the comics; I have never been much into costuming, but I am now part of the 76th Independent Battalion and I've marched in a parade at Dragon*Con last year; I have never been so obsessed by a freaking television show! So, no - haven't 'just given up' - never will - can't.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:51 AM



Originally posted by ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:
Alright not trying to offend you guys just want to do something. OK?

Not all of us are guys you know. You can clearly tell from my can't...

Please check out the Firefly and Serenity Guerilla Marketing I mentioned.

See if there is a Serenity Charity Screening near you You can even arrange one "2008 - Want to hold a screening? Start here "
or "Want to participate but"

We spread the love of Firefly/Serenity wherever we can. We support the actors and Joss. We buy Official Firefly/Serenity merchandise. We donate DVDs to libraries and firefighters and troops and the Red Cross and wherever else we can. We support charities. We watch Firefly and Serenity on cable. We go to regular Serenity Screenings. We go to Serenity Charity Screenings. I know I'm forgetting some things.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:02 AM



Originally posted by ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:
Alright not trying to offend you guys just want to do something. OK?

Where are you from? Maybe there's a Serenity screening in a city near you.
You'll get a chance to see Serenity on the big screen -- a rare event for a film released in 2005. And you'll get to watch it with some of the shiniest folk in the 'verse. There's nothing better to help soothe the ache that Firefly leaves.
Tell us about yourself. We'd love to hear.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:07 AM


"Hmmm, let's see about that. For the most part, all the principle actors have gone on to showcase their talents in both movies and television. Except for Ron Glass, who is now in his 60's and probably not as interested in working hard, how can you say none of them seem to have anything?

Nathan Fillion, Desperate Housewives, Drive, Lost, movies...

Morena Baccarin, Stargate, Heartland, movies...

Jewel Staite, Stargate Atlantis, etc..

Summer Glau, The Unit, The 4400, Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles, movies...

Gina Torres, Justice League, Standoff, Alias, movies..."

And it's worth noting that Morena Baccarin and Adam Baldwin did a made for SciFi TV movie "The Sands of Oblivion" that was universally panned by everyone. However, as a Netflix subscriber I ordered the film to watch for no other reason than to look at one of the most beautiful actresses around as well as see both her and Adam act. It had such a long wait on the Netflix list that it took 2 months before I could get it. That alone should make one wonder about the profitability of another Firefly movie/series.


Only when love and need are one
And the work is play for mortal stakes
Is the deed ever really done
For Heaven and the future's sake.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:07 AM


LOL Anony :)

Ok, well hopefully ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn, you have an idea now that people have not given up and have tried many, many ways to get the show back and showcase their support.

And also learnt how to make friends and influence people.

There's lots going on in the 'Verse so look around, take a deep breath and join in. You're all fired up - that's good! Use it wisely and get the rewards. Can't Stop The Serenity ( is a great way to join in.


You are beholden to no man


Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:16 AM


I've done and will continue to do everything everyone here has testified to doing.

Having said that, I'm also taking the same attitude I took when the Beatles broke up. Yes, I would have liked for them to have done a dozen more albums but it just wasn't going to happen. Therefore, I was thankful for what they gave us and to this day, I still listen to their music.

I imagine that the same will be true of what Joss and the crew have given us in Firefly. I will more than likely watch the episodes we have for the duration and be thankful for what we have.

Great art always leaves you wanting more.


Only when love and need are one
And the work is play for mortal stakes
Is the deed ever really done
For Heaven and the future's sake.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 12:56 PM


Welcome ComeOnLetsGetFireflyBackOn:

Don't fret. All of us are willing to try anything to see new Firefly episodes. This site, and several others like it, is our petition. The popularity of the sale of DVD's is our petition. The charity screenings across the nation and I suspect around the world is our petition.

You never know what lies ahead. It may not be Firefly. Joss must have fresh ideas in his head everyday. He may come out with something as equal to or better than Firefly, but I doubt he could produce something better than this excellent piece of work. And Joss knows were here and is greatful to us. He did not make the film "Serenity" on a whim. He knew Firefly had fans an we got another taste of it because Joss knew we were here. So Joss may try again if FOX will let him. As far as I know FOX has the rights to the show. And yes FOX profits from our buying the DVD's. We are honest and will not bootleg them. Even so it is located on for anyone to see. It is your choice.

This is my little parable on it.

Fox threw this tiny gem on the ground and walked away and you are one of the fortunate ones to have discovered it lying there. Rejoice in your discovery. It may be small, but it burns so bright.

Welcome again;


Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:02 PM


Wow! There have been a lot of replies! (excuse the noob plz) ME. I noticed you guys mentioned screenings. I'm in Southern CA I'm sure there's screenings, anyone care to tell me off the top of there head where one might be? Otherwise I'll just hunt it down


Monday, April 28, 2008 11:29 AM



Originally posted by WildKarrde:
Wow! There have been a lot of replies! (excuse the noob plz) ME. I noticed you guys mentioned screenings. I'm in Southern CA I'm sure there's screenings, anyone care to tell me off the top of there head where one might be? Otherwise I'll just hunt it down

It was mentioned above in this thread but you probably missed it: keeps a digest of current charity screenings.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.






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