Get off FOX!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:48
VIEWED: 11315
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Saturday, May 17, 2008 12:05 PM


I know you dont forgive FOX for canceling Firefly, I understand. But I think it's time to stop using FOX as a swear word, T:TSCC is on FOX, so is BONES and the upcoming Dollhouse. Everytime FOX cancels a show you like, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!! ABC, NBC and CBS does'nt get this kind of grief!


Saturday, May 17, 2008 2:14 PM


Yeah, right. I haven't watched CBS since they canceled Joan of Arcadia...


Saturday, May 17, 2008 4:18 PM


Heheh... Tell that to the legions of Jericho Rangers and Moonlighters... There's grief aplenty, there!

Why, the bungers even canceled Shark!

-Raycheetah ='[.]'=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Saturday, May 17, 2008 8:55 PM



whozit wrote:
Saturday, May 17, 2008 12:05
I know you dont forgive FOX for canceling Firefly, I understand. But I think it's time to stop using FOX as a swear word, T:TSCC is on FOX, so is BONES and the upcoming Dollhouse. Everytime FOX cancels a show you like, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!! ABC, NBC and CBS does'nt get this kind of grief!

FUCK FOX! and FUCK YOU whozit!.. Namby Pamby Asswipe strolling in here with shit like that...Who gives a fuck what you think..


Saturday, May 17, 2008 9:38 PM


I hear ya, if I have a vice it's holding a grudge for a LONG time and the cancellation of Firefly 'grudge' ain't goin' away.

Mal's expression in the scrapyard when he first see's Serenity says it all.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:03 AM


It's not like I won't watch FUX but I still hate'em not just for Firefly but for Drive, Family Guy, Futurama, Space Above & Beyond, & so many more, I know some have been resurrected on other networks but it doesn't excuse FUX.

Knightfly on Xfire,
Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly...


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:46 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm like Darkfly. I will never forgive them for canceling Firefly, but that does not mean I won't watch other shows on the network if they appeal to me. Their one saving grace is that they greenlight more good shows than most all the other networks combined. I just long for the days before they got to the point of not nurturing shows like they did with X-Files. In the era of American Idol and 24, they want not only instant hits, they want big hits. I'm totally surprised they renewed TSCC since the ratings declined so sharply from the premiere episode.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 7:35 AM


It'll be a long time before Fox comes off my sh** list. I have to wonder why anyone even offers their show to Fox when, like Wonderfalls, they have to start a "Save our Show" campaign after the first episode airs, out of order, in a hopeless time slot and with little promotion.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 8:27 AM


Get off Fox? Are you kidding? I never even Got On Fox, I doubt that even a condom would be enough to protect you from that diseased whore.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 10:35 AM


They just cancled Moonlight. There's nothing else to watch there.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:34 AM


do you work for fox or something? lol. Sorry, they've cancelled too many great shows to be forgiven, not to mention some of the reality crap they air. Like most people, I'll watch a good show if it shows up on fox, but I don't have to like them.

don't even get me started on fox news

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:46 AM


We'll get off fox when they stop cancelling perfectly good shows!!


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 1:25 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by KonstantinDK:
They just cancled Moonlight. There's nothing else to watch there.

Sorry, but you can't blame FOX for that. Moonlight was on CBS.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 2:00 PM


Children, play nice.
No need to go off fucking cursing at everything!


Late night, Brakes lock,
Hear the tires squeal,
Red light, can't stop, so I spin the wheel,
My world goes Black before I
Feel an Angel lift me up,
And I open Bloodshot eyes,
Into fluorescent White,
Flip the Siren, Hit the Lights,
Close the doors and I am Gone

The Band of the week is... Thrice

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:21 PM



Originally posted by Alliethorn7:
Children, play nice.
No need to go off fucking cursing at everything!


Hey, when it comes to F*X, there's ALWAYS a need for some fucking cursing....


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:36 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
I know you dont forgive FOX for canceling Firefly, I understand. But I think it's time to stop using FOX as a swear word, T:TSCC is on FOX, so is BONES and the upcoming Dollhouse. Everytime FOX cancels a show you like, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!! ABC, NBC and CBS does'nt get this kind of grief!

Perhaps some people here are like that. But, there are some of us that don't like F*X for other reasons. Like, perhaps, they are serial cancellers. So much so, that every time they come out with a new show, and it's good, I think, "So, when is this going to get cancelled?" Typically, very soon. So, I pretty much ignore them and don't really get invested in anything that they produce any more.

Too many times.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:24 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:

Originally posted by KonstantinDK:
They just cancled Moonlight. There's nothing else to watch there.

Sorry, but you can't blame FOX for that. Moonlight was on CBS.

Yeah , but they might've had something to do with it...

Prolly some of the 'brain donors' that cancelled Firefly went to work at SEE:B-s , ya know , 'cause they canceled Jericho , too , dinnit they ? Killed 'Shark', too , I fathom...

Sorry to all the ladyfolk and the younguns , we tried to get WhoZit back on his meds yesterday , but he slipped the restraints and went skippin' threads afore we could give him another injection...


Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:16 PM


Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS only care about making money. They couldn't care less about quality programs. Joan of Arcadia was one of the best shows CBS has had in a long time. So, of course, they cancel it. You are right "vulgar breath" we should stop complaining that such a good show was cancelled before its time.

Actually, I take that back. We don't want your kind around here, because we have every right to despise a tv station that eliminates good shows. You should take a Jubal Early walk through space.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Monday, May 19, 2008 10:15 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:

Originally posted by KonstantinDK:
They just cancled Moonlight. There's nothing else to watch there.

Sorry, but you can't blame FOX for that. Moonlight was on CBS.

Yes, but it's still FOX fault!


Monday, May 19, 2008 11:02 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS only care about making money. They couldn't care less about quality programs.

You started out good, but then...


You are right "vulgar breath" we should stop complaining that such a good show was cancelled before its time.

Actually, I take that back. We don't want your kind around here, because we have every right to despise a tv station that eliminates good shows. You should take a Jubal Early walk through space.

Let's not resort to trollish behavior, okay?


Monday, May 19, 2008 12:25 PM


I'll forgive FOX seventy times seven... if they repent. But they never do. Instead they proceed to cancel yet another show you like, just to show you.

I say, let's moon em! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:02 PM



I know you dont forgive FOX for canceling Firefly, I understand. But I think it's time to stop using FOX as a swear word, T:TSCC is on FOX, so is BONES and the upcoming Dollhouse. Everytime FOX cancels a show you like, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!! ABC, NBC and CBS does'nt get this kind of grief

You obviously have not watched the Firefly dvd set. Watch it and listen to the commentary. Then you will be properly educated without coming in and posting an ignorant dumbass thread like this.

FOX did not just cancel Firefly. They had Joss completely change the way that the series was to be show. Do you read a book and start at chapter 12, then read chapter 3, and then just for fun read chapter 1 but decided to not read the whole chapter and instead opt for just putting it down for awhile. Oh don’t actually answer that question whozit, the intelligence that you portrayed with the first post shows that you could possibly see this as completely normal. It was merely just a statement.

FOX told Joss that they did not like the pilot episode and wanted a different one. That’s where the “Train Job” episode comes from, which was written in a weekend. Then FOX, being the great geniuses of that they are, decided that the original pilot episode was to long and needed to be split into 2 parts. What FOX did by butchering the order that Firefly was meant to be played in the cursed it. People who I know that did not like the series when it was on FOX, but have now seen the episode in continuity, the way that they should and were meant to be shown, love the series. FOX’s decisions caused people to not know who the characters are, what are they doing, and why the hell it looks like some western / science fiction / slight Star Wars feel. So they did not watch, and FOX not knowing why no one was watching, canceled the show.

FOX did more then cancel Firefly, the fucked them, then fired them. Kind of like your mom, sorry I had to fit that one in there couldn’t help it.

With that I end with a simple 2 words of FUCK FOX

Sua Sponte


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:09 PM


You know, in looking at all the replies to your dumbass comments, I see that you have not replied to anyone. Is it that you have forgotten of you stupidity or simply that you can not read and the person that you hired to type what you dictated is now dead or actually watched the series after hearing what you said and then they too realized that your knowledge of the matter is, for a lack of a better word, bull shit.

Sua Sponte


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:20 PM



Originally posted by sirThomas:
FOX did not just cancel Firefly. They had Joss completely change the way that the series was to be show. Do you read a book and start at chapter 12, then read chapter 3, and then just for fun read chapter 1 but decided to not read the whole chapter and instead opt for just putting it down for awhile.

FOX told Joss that they did not like the pilot episode and wanted a different one. That’s where the “Train Job” episode comes from, which was written in a weekend. Then FOX, being the great geniuses of that they are, decided that the original pilot episode was to long and needed to be split into 2 parts. What FOX did by butchering the order that Firefly was meant to be played in the cursed it. People who I know that did not like the series when it was on FOX, but have now seen the episode in continuity, the way that they should and were meant to be shown, love the series. FOX’s decisions caused people to not know who the characters are, what are they doing, and why the hell it looks like some western / science fiction / slight Star Wars feel. So they did not watch, and FOX not knowing why no one was watching, canceled the show.

This part of your post was good, but the fact that you felt the need to resort to name calling ruined it for me.

Again, please don't resort to trollish behavior. Let's all try to keep this civil please.


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:21 PM


How 'bout instead of us hatin' on each other we hate on the corporate mindset that places profits over anything, especially quality and intelligence.

Infighting is another thing the Alliance/Blue Sun folks love; if we're engrossed in petty quarrels we perhaps won't notice how badly we're being humped.

FOX wants us to stay stupid and pulls shows that threaten to have us thinking for ourselves.


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:57 PM



This part of your post was good, but the fact that you felt the need to resort to name calling ruined it for me.

well he started it

Sua Sponte


Monday, May 19, 2008 6:36 PM


I think this is the most name calling and harshness I've seen around here in awhile.

It makes me uncomfortable and makes me not want to hang around this place I used to call home.

Shows get made, shows get canceled, shows do well and go on for awhile. Networks replace them, time passes and folks find things to interest them once again. This is the way of it. It's called business and it's the way the world works. Like it or no.

It's still not a reason for folks around here to be unkind to each other. This is a forum where we used to be able to express ourselves without resorting to name calling and ugliness. Where we accepted differences of opinion and let each other be ourselves.

I miss those days.


Monday, May 19, 2008 8:21 PM


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the "Bush Administration" conspiracy theory. Seeing how Joss' Alliance/Blue Sun quest for control of it's citizenry so closely mirrors the Administrations desire to remove our freedoms and civil rights while controlling the masses with mindless drivel.

Somebody may have noticed and pressured F** to intentionally screw it up. We've all seen how the Bushies deal with their enemies.
Luck for us, Browncoats die hard.

That's my girl, that's my good girl.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 7:57 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I think this is the most name calling and harshness I've seen around here in awhile.

It makes me uncomfortable and makes me not want to hang around this place I used to call home.

Shows get made, shows get canceled, shows do well and go on for awhile. Networks replace them, time passes and folks find things to interest them once again. This is the way of it. It's called business and it's the way the world works. Like it or no.

It's still not a reason for folks around here to be unkind to each other. This is a forum where we used to be able to express ourselves without resorting to name calling and ugliness. Where we accepted differences of opinion and let each other be ourselves.

I miss those days.


"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2:37 PM


Guys come on, you have to lighten up some. This site is fun. Just because people call people names, or pick on someone else because they have different views on something, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. What I was saying about the person that made the first post was supposed to be humorous.

Honestly, for this stuff to make you uncomfortable, you may want to consider not hanging around. I’m not saying this to harass you are to pick on you. I’m just saying don’t get so worked up over something this trivial. If your expecting for people who disagree not to start ribbing on each other then your living in a dream world. It’s going to happen, not just here, but every where.

Please people, just relax a little bit. I’m probably more upset about the whole political post that someone put up more then I am the person that posted the original thread.
--if you don’t know what my signatures means then look it up and then you’ll see why, modern day politics has less of a place in this forum then any comments made good or bad, mean or happy that have to do with FF.

Sua Sponte


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2:49 PM


SirThomas, we used to keep stuff that was too combative and just outright mean in the Real World discussion forum. Folks there seem to really love doing this to each other.
Might be the spot to be upset about political posts and such.

I'm not going to leave or stomp off in a huff because folks here choose to be abusive in their language to each other, I usually ignore stuff like that. It usually doesn't escalate to the level that this thread did.

But the discussions about Fox and it's place in our world have done that a lot lately. I'll leave ya'll to your enjoyment of bashing each other and Fox ( which is extremely unproductive IMHO, since Fox is the sole owner of the rights to Firefly and has an association with Joss now.) I have much more pleasant conversations to attend to in other spots in the 'Verse and on this site. is losing some of it's friendly, IMHO.
Such is life.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:56 PM



Originally posted by sirThomas:
Guys come on, you have to lighten up some. This site is fun. Just because people call people names, or pick on someone else because they have different views on something, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. What I was saying about the person that made the first post was supposed to be humorous.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I fail to see how this comment is supposed to be humorous:

FOX did more then cancel Firefly, the fucked them, then fired them. Kind of like your mom, sorry I had to fit that one in there couldn’t help it.

If someone said that to you, would you be offended? All I'm saying is treat others with the kind of respect that you would want to be treated with.


Honestly, for this stuff to make you uncomfortable, you may want to consider not hanging around. I’m not saying this to harass you are to pick on you. I’m just saying don’t get so worked up over something this trivial. If your expecting for people who disagree not to start ribbing on each other then your living in a dream world. It’s going to happen, not just here, but every where.

I've been a member here for a little over a year and your posts are the some of the most rudest things I've read here. (I don't go into RWED) And ribbing someone and downright insulting them are two different things, and what you said was not ribbing.

The poster voiced his/her opinion, you voiced yours and then felt the need to insult his/her mother anong various insults to his/her intelligence.

And then you go on to say that if we don't like it we shouldn't hang around here? I don't even know what to say about this comment except this makes you look even more trollish.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:53 PM


This mutant WHOZIT just stopped in to cause trouble and left.

TV in general is a messed up commodity.
"Drive" lasted about three or four episodes.
TV news shows were originally informative and mature, but now they create sensational items just to get ratings because they need to make a profit. If I hear anything more about Britney or Paris I'll throw my can of cheesewiz through the picture tube.

The other networks are not much different than FOX. I just notice that FOX has a bad record promoting some of the best programs they get handed. I discovered Wonderfalls the same way I discovered Firefly; after the show was already off the air. This is FOX's track record. As I have read through this thread a number of other programs were mentioned that received this exact treatment. Someone at FOX is not getting it.

I spend far less time in front of my TV set then I used to because there is far less intellegent programing on the air. I'm sorry, but seeing a band of people eating rice on a island and plotting to remove each other from the island just does not appeal to me. Nor does watching some person pick one aluminum suitcase after another trying to find a million bucks. Who cares!

Thank God for Public Broadcasting. Just watched the program called "FDR". It was excellent. Public Broadcasting has programs like this all the time. If I measured my time I would say 80% of my TV viewing is Public Broadcasting. So if anyone from one of the commercial networks is reading this, I doubt it, learn a lesson and start putting some intellegent programing on the air instead of this infantile dodo you are feeding the masses.

So I am buying DVD's of the programs I like. The rest I leave for others to watch "Deal or no Deal". It is a waste of time convincing people, who only see dollar signs, that they have can produce quality programs and still make a profit. They just want quick and dirty programs without any brains attached to them. God forbid that a person needs to have a mind to watch TV any more. I can take some mindless programing to escape with, but this is overload.

So do I hate FOX. Lets just say I am angry with them. I know every season they are going to do the same thing. Bring out a superb program and pull it off the air before it has a chance to create a following.

Meanwhile I'll just keep finding gems like Firefly and buying the DVD's.



Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4:44 AM


I'm like some of the other people. I still hate FOX they're a horrible network. It seems there's a major disconnect there. I often wonder if there's one team who greenlights new shows and a whole other team that determines what to keep showing and what to cancel. The greenlight team seems to have a chance at being human. The other team not so much.

As for the sarah conner chronicles I fully believe that was renewed because the writing for that show is so awful. Plenty of the things said on the show make no sense at all if you take a second to think about them. This pleases Fox executives. They like knowing that the show will make thinkers cringe and run away. Therefore it got the nice renewal stamp.

I honestly believe that dollhouse will be canceled. It can't picture it getting renewed for a second season.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:08 AM



Originally posted by traveler:
Thank God for Public Broadcasting. Just watched the program called "FDR". It was excellent. Public Broadcasting has programs like this all the time. If I measured my time I would say 80% of my TV viewing is Public Broadcasting.

I do the same, Traveler. I scout PBS, Discovery and all the educational programming I have on my cable service and watch it. Line it up, literally. I watch tv on pay channels as well and I watch regular tv too. But the bulk of my tv watching other than picking the scifi shows I love and making time for them is PBS or educational.
I loathe reality and game shows. Personal opinion: I won't waste my valuable time on them.


So if anyone from one of the commercial networks is reading this, I doubt it, learn a lesson and start putting some intellegent programing on the air instead of this infantile dodo you are feeding the masses.

I don't think they're listening, Traveler, but I'm right there with you wishing they would!


So I am buying DVD's of the programs I like.

Me too. Just read on another board that my fave from last year Life will be out on DVD! YAY!


So do I hate FOX. Lets just say I am angry with them. I know every season they are going to do the same thing. Bring out a superb program and pull it off the air before it has a chance to create a following.

This is the way of all the networks. CBS canceled Moonlight and Jericho. NBC canceled Bionic Woman. Fox renewed T:TSCC, but canceled New Amsterdam. Not much we can change about it, only enjoy what they give us, miss what goes away and look forward to the new stuff. Which I'm consistently doing now.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:43 AM


You're all a series short of a cancellation.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:54 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by traveler:
Thank God for Public Broadcasting. Just watched the program called "FDR". It was excellent. Public Broadcasting has programs like this all the time. If I measured my time I would say 80% of my TV viewing is Public Broadcasting.

I do the same, Traveler. I scout PBS, Discovery and all the educational programming I have on my cable service and watch it. Line it up, literally. I watch tv on pay channels as well and I watch regular tv too. But the bulk of my tv watching other than picking the scifi shows I love and making time for them is PBS or educational.
I loathe reality and game shows. Personal opinion: I won't waste my valuable time on them.


So if anyone from one of the commercial networks is reading this, I doubt it, learn a lesson and start putting some intellegent programing on the air instead of this infantile dodo you are feeding the masses.

I don't think they're listening, Traveler, but I'm right there with you wishing they would!


So I am buying DVD's of the programs I like.

Me too. Just read on another board that my fave from last year Life will be out on DVD! YAY!


So do I hate FOX. Lets just say I am angry with them. I know every season they are going to do the same thing. Bring out a superb program and pull it off the air before it has a chance to create a following.

This is the way of all the networks. CBS canceled Moonlight and Jericho. NBC canceled Bionic Woman. Fox renewed T:TSCC, but canceled New Amsterdam. Not much we can change about it, only enjoy what they give us, miss what goes away and look forward to the new stuff. Which I'm consistently doing now.

FM, will you crew on my boat? Seems like we have similar tastes in TV.

I rarely watch any of the alphabet networks, History Channel,TLC, BBC America, Discovery, Discovery Health (yes, I do watch a "reality" show over there..."John and Kate make 8" but watching parents cope with a set a twins plus 6 three year olds has me saying that I'm glad it's them and not me!)and DVD's have been it except for selected shows like "Chuck", "Life" "SCC" etc.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:16 AM



Originally posted by traveler:
This mutant WHOZIT just stopped in to cause trouble and left.

TV in general is a messed up commodity.
"Drive" lasted about three or four episodes.
TV news shows were originally informative and mature, but now they create sensational items just to get ratings because they need to make a profit. If I hear anything more about Britney or Paris I'll throw my can of cheesewiz through the picture tube.

The other networks are not much different than FOX. I just notice that FOX has a bad record promoting some of the best programs they get handed. I discovered Wonderfalls the same way I discovered Firefly; after the show was already off the air. This is FOX's track record. As I have read through this thread a number of other programs were mentioned that received this exact treatment. Someone at FOX is not getting it.

I spend far less time in front of my TV set then I used to because there is far less intellegent programing on the air. I'm sorry, but seeing a band of people eating rice on a island and plotting to remove each other from the island just does not appeal to me. Nor does watching some person pick one aluminum suitcase after another trying to find a million bucks. Who cares!

Thank God for Public Broadcasting. Just watched the program called "FDR". It was excellent. Public Broadcasting has programs like this all the time. If I measured my time I would say 80% of my TV viewing is Public Broadcasting. So if anyone from one of the commercial networks is reading this, I doubt it, learn a lesson and start putting some intellegent programing on the air instead of this infantile dodo you are feeding the masses.

So I am buying DVD's of the programs I like. The rest I leave for others to watch "Deal or no Deal". It is a waste of time convincing people, who only see dollar signs, that they have can produce quality programs and still make a profit. They just want quick and dirty programs without any brains attached to them. God forbid that a person needs to have a mind to watch TV any more. I can take some mindless programing to escape with, but this is overload.

So do I hate FOX. Lets just say I am angry with them. I know every season they are going to do the same thing. Bring out a superb program and pull it off the air before it has a chance to create a following.

Meanwhile I'll just keep finding gems like Firefly and buying the DVD's.


Sorry, the Mutants been busy. I was also P.O'd when Firefly & DRIVE were canceled, but atleast FOX gave these shows a shot, if you remember no one picked up Firefly after FOX caneled it, Joss went to ABC, CBS, NBC and the Sci-Fi channel and they turned him down. If it was'nt for FOX we would'nt have the few episodes we have. P.S. Joss is back at FOX.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:36 AM


I am in general agreement with everyone who hates Fox, but there is one tiny thing I agree with the person who started this thread about- don't use Fox as a swearword. It's not this poor guy's

fault that some stupid cooperation took it's name for itself.

But otherwise, yeah. I've never had cable, and so wasn't subjected to reality shows, but from all descriptions they are incredible stupid, and I'm not going to go find out for myself. I trust in smart opinions .


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 12:59 PM


I always just write "F*X."

Any obscenity should be expurgated in mixed company.

Cute li'l fox you have there, though, Leopard!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:12 PM


All capitals vs. all lowercase works as a distinction, though, so I suppose I could live with that. It still p*sses me off that F*X took that name, because they don't deserve to be associated with foxes.


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:13 PM


Hello FollowMal:

I did not hear that FOX canceled "New Amsterdam". Why I am surprised? Shows how much attention I pay to commercial TV. I just thought "New Amsterdam" was suffering from the writers strike. That strike really through off my TV viewing, as far the few network shows I watch.

I was happy to see "Medium" return and finish their season. It looks like they are going to continue into another season. YAY!

Is "Chuck" returning? I have not seen anything from that direction. I thought they had a good audience share. I loved the episode where they blew up Adam's car.

The list of programs I watch on network TV get smaller every season.

Before I leave I would like to say that I have been part of this forum for more than a year and I know we have stomped on FOX here. I've said my share against them, but this has been a small fraction of the threads I have shared here.

Most threads are about the Firefly itself or our good natured threads like "Improbables".

The FOX bashing threads are a very small minority. I do not see us focusing on it like maniacs.

It usually happens in the spring when FOX introduces us to a new show like "Drive" and then cancels it after three episodes. So when they do this I think we are justified in grumbling about it. FOX just keeps doing again and again. But for the rest of the year we return to positive things like, "What does a space monkey look like?"

As always;


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2:21 PM



Originally posted by traveler:

The FOX bashing threads are a very small minority. I do not see us focusing on it like maniacs.

It usually happens in the spring when FOX introduces us to a new show like "Drive" and then cancels it after three episodes. So when they do this I think we are justified in grumbling about it. FOX just keeps doing again and again. But for the rest of the year we return to positive things like, "What does a space monkey look like?"

This might be a " terrifyin' space-monkey ". The stick up the pi-gu may be a sign that these critters are in control of programming at that infamous , network-that-stole-the-cute-animal's-name...This one's mutated...Only 3 fingers on the right hand...No core containment , ya know ?


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 6:12 PM


Good Evenin', all...

I've got one more year then I've decided not to subscribe to cable anymore.

Sooo many shows cancelled, so many chapters left unfinished. The journey is not worth the heartbreak.

Every network is culpable.

Call me pretentious but I actually liked Judging Amy and Crossing Jordan and what they have done to so many like those is attrocious. Seems lately, even the writers are jaded. Why pour your soul into a story the number men won't let you finish?

Only staying another year for ER and I don't really even like the soap opera that has become, just sticking around for the last season 'cause I started watchin' when it began, 14 season's ago is a long time....

Who knows, maybe I'll even go out and get a life!


Thursday, May 22, 2008 3:53 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by whozit:
I know you dont forgive FOX for canceling Firefly, I understand. But I think it's time to stop using FOX as a swear word, T:TSCC is on FOX, so is BONES and the upcoming Dollhouse. Everytime FOX cancels a show you like, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!! ABC, NBC and CBS does'nt get this kind of grief!

Perhaps some people here are like that. But, there are some of us that don't like F*X for other reasons. Like, perhaps, they are serial cancellers. So much so, that every time they come out with a new show, and it's good, I think, "So, when is this going to get cancelled?" Typically, very soon. So, I pretty much ignore them and don't really get invested in anything that they produce any more.

Too many times.

SigmaNunki is right; Fox is a network that is guilty of serial cancelling. Lots of great shows and damn near every sci fi show they ever aired all cancelled and relegated to the trash heap.

Get over it? Who are you to tell anyone else what to do? Live and let live. You want to watch Fox, feel free. If others here don't want to watch them, that's fine too. Free country last time I looked. Seems the only one here spoutin' off is you.

Me personally I dropped Fox after they cancelled Firefly. The only things on Fox I have watched since are shows that had our BDHs in them. The rest Fox can shove in their uncomfortable spot where the sun don't shine.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Thursday, May 22, 2008 5:39 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Me personally I dropped Fox after they cancelled Firefly. The only things on Fox I have watched since are shows that had our BDHs in them. The rest Fox can shove in their uncomfortable spot where the sun don't shine.

I'm pretty sure their heads are taking up too much space in there.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:41 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by whozit:
I know you dont forgive FOX for canceling Firefly, I understand. But I think it's time to stop using FOX as a swear word, T:TSCC is on FOX, so is BONES and the upcoming Dollhouse. Everytime FOX cancels a show you like, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!! ABC, NBC and CBS does'nt get this kind of grief!

Perhaps some people here are like that. But, there are some of us that don't like F*X for other reasons. Like, perhaps, they are serial cancellers. So much so, that every time they come out with a new show, and it's good, I think, "So, when is this going to get cancelled?" Typically, very soon. So, I pretty much ignore them and don't really get invested in anything that they produce any more.

Too many times.

SigmaNunki is right; Fox is a network that is guilty of serial cancelling. Lots of great shows and damn near every sci fi show they ever aired all cancelled and relegated to the trash heap.

Get over it? Who are you to tell anyone else what to do? Live and let live. You want to watch Fox, feel free. If others here don't want to watch them, that's fine too. Free country last time I looked. Seems the only one here spoutin' off is you.

Me personally I dropped Fox after they cancelled Firefly. The only things on Fox I have watched since are shows that had our BDHs in them. The rest Fox can shove in their uncomfortable spot where the sun don't shine.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company

You people are rite! How dare FOX dump great shows like "A minute with Stan Hooper" and keep garbage like 24 & HOUSE on the air. We should send FOX blistering E-mails!


Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:19 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by whozit:

You people are rite [sic]! How dare FOX dump great shows like "A minute with Stan Hooper" and keep garbage like 24 & HOUSE on the air. We should send FOX blistering E-mails!

For every "Stan Hooper" that deserved cancellation (not actually sure it did since I never saw it) there are many more that deserved a better fate. Not only Firefly, but also Wonderfalls, Futurama, The Lone Gunmen, Brimstone, Space Above and Beyond, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., Sliders, The Tick, VR.5, etc, etc, etc. While FOX is not alone in this practice, they certainly have done more than their fair share considering the age of the network compared to the Big Three.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:27 PM



Originally posted by zerokiryu:

I've been a member here for a little over a year and your posts are the some of the most rudest things I've read here. (I don't go into RWED) And ribbing someone and downright insulting them are two different things, and what you said was not ribbing.

The poster voiced his/her opinion, you voiced yours and then felt the need to insult his/her mother anong various insults to his/her intelligence.

And then you go on to say that if we don't like it we shouldn't hang around here? I don't even know what to say about this comment except this makes you look even more trollish.

He probably came here, thinking his excessive name-calling would grant him instant super-hero status among the avid Firefly folks. The irony of it is, though, that peeps like FollowMal and I tend to call this place "home" because it's a kind of a boat, in its own right, not unlike Serenity itself, on which the Firefly love becomes manifest, as it were, in the way we choose to treat each other: as if the other were crew, so to speak. You won't find this in the forum guidelines: it's an unwritten rule -- but one that's being adhered to quite faithfully by those with enough respect to the series and what we've built here.

So, his ridiculous lambasting of this guy/girl could not have been more out of place, here. And a true 'coat knows this. Really, sometimes 'brown-ish' is not enough.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:32 PM


You know, in my other life I'm running for President and I was practising my Hillary flip-flop (Oh no he didn't). Besides Mr. Whozit started it, so there! He laid down the guantlet and someone had to respond in kind.

Seriously folks relax, return your snack trays to the back of the chair in front of you and adjust your seats to the upright position - it was a joke. I was attempting to bring some levity to a rather touchy subject - Fox TV or as we in Trollandia like to call them ^$#@&$^+^*% Fox.

What I would like to know is how Zerokiryu knew I was from Trollandia? Are you in congress? What gave it away?

Oh yeeaaaah, it was my trollish behavior. I hate when that happens.

OK, the thing is my love for our BDH far exceeds my dislike for some of the most peculiar decisions in television today. The fact that its Fox on the other end of those deisicions has nothing to do with it. FF is one of the top 5 best written shows EVER. Fox has placed it on as a Classic TV series (Hello, do you see that). Peculiar indeed. They are making a mint from the DVD sales fueled by US - the Browncoats of America and beyond, yes even in Trollandia we love us some Serenity.

Sorry for the rant. Did you know that on some planets they juggle geese?

Hey guys, stay frosty.


Originally posted by zerokiryu:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS only care about making money. They couldn't care less about quality programs.

You started out good, but then...


You are right "vulgar breath" we should stop complaining that such a good show was cancelled before its time.

Actually, I take that back. We don't want your kind around here, because we have every right to despise a tv station that eliminates good shows. You should take a Jubal Early walk through space.

Let's not resort to trollish behavior, okay?

Everybody's making a fuss!






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