On Atherton Wing & Companion-ism

UPDATED: Friday, June 13, 2008 06:50
VIEWED: 9351
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:59 AM


A Companion can choose their clientele, so why Atherton? Was he a different guy in private with Inara? Seems like a worlds-class loser to me...

And is the whole Companion thing believable to you? Is it a worthy trade or just an added titillation in the show? What dramatic purpose does Inara's vocation serve in Firefly?

Discussion-minded Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:14 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
A Companion can choose their clientele, so why Atherton? Was he a different guy in private with Inara? Seems like a worlds-class loser to me...

And is the whole Companion thing believable to you? Is it a worthy trade or just an added titillation in the show? What dramatic purpose does Inara's vocation serve in Firefly?

I've written before that I thought the whole episode of Shindig is quite silly...not that I don't love the episode, just that life on Persephone is rather strange, to say the least.

They have slaves to make rich people's clothes ( no doubt slaves are supplied by Badger )
They duel to the death over a punch
They announce Lords & Ladies at the ball as if there was a monarchy in place, when we all know the Alliance rules. Wonder what the Alliance authorities think of Wing killing a dozen people for no reason?

As far as Inara....I think the other women at the ball ( she calls them friends ) look at her and think " Christ, there's that whore again!"). They don't like her or respect her; they're likely afraid that their men will want to be with a companion too.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:36 AM


Not only Atherton, what about that creepy guy in the new comics who uses her to get to Mal and Zoe? Or that weasel in the Pilot, that accuses her of cheating him, or the hypocritical Councilor that chastises her for coming to her home when Inara needs help in saving Mal's ear.

I think Companionship was a way to legitimize prostitution, in the core, and make it safe and honorable for those practicing, but as civilization moves out to the rim, its euphemism and stature is sorely tested (they are regulated to whores), much like Geishas were during WW2. They didn't weather the storm of Western influence and a changing culture.

Inara is still practicing the vocation SHE values, in the old traditions, and it does have merit and beauty, but not relevance in this newly explored world. It will change or disappear.

And, I think that's at the crux of the dramatic presentation of her persona, beyond creating romantic obstacles for her and Mal. Because in a lot of ways the things that she represents, nature, love, and beauty, are sorely missing from the rugged rim and of course Mal's life, hence, the lynchpin of his undeniable attraction to her.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:39 AM


Wow, thanks Platonist, very well thought out.

Really was curiousisall


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Platonist:

... or the hypocritical Councilor that chastises her for coming to her home when Inara needs help in saving Mal's ear...

Hey, I never saw that, and I've seen War Stories at least a dozen times. Is that a deeted seen you saw somehwere? If so, where?

Zoe: Don't think its a good spot sir, she still has the advantage over us.
Mal: Everyone always does; that's what makes us special.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Platonist:

... or the hypocritical Councilor that chastises her for coming to her home when Inara needs help in saving Mal's ear...

Hey, I never saw that, and I've seen War Stories at least a dozen times. Is that a deeted seen you saw somehwere? If so, where?

Zoe: Don't think its a good spot sir, she still has the advantage over us.
Mal: Everyone always does; that's what makes us special.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:01 PM


Thanks, chrisisall! Yeah, Inara, one of Joss's most interesting complex characters. I'm still waiting on her story and... Who knows? The Guild and the Companion thingy maybe a red herring and have nothing to do what's really going on with her and its impact on Serenity.

From the new comics, it looks as if there is something medically wrong with her. Is she Simon's patient? And, can Simon save her for Mal? Like Mal saved River for Simon? Where's our sequel?

Penthos, the deleted scene is in the shooting script from "Firefly Companion II". I'm pretty sure that's where I remember reading it.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:04 PM


what about that "ambassadorship"

she certainly walked in and saved mal and zoe in the train job

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:50 PM



Originally posted by Penthos:

Originally posted by Platonist:

... or the hypocritical Councilor that chastises her for coming to her home when Inara needs help in saving Mal's ear...

Hey, I never saw that, and I've seen War Stories at least a dozen times. Is that a deeted seen you saw somehwere? If so, where?

It's in the DVD extras. It was a deleted scene.

And don't think Companionship is just about sex, I do think its like old-fashioned Geishas. Its not just a job, its a lifestyle choice.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:17 PM



Originally posted by rivergirl:
what about that "ambassadorship"

she certainly walked in and saved mal and zoe in the train job

The sheriff stupidly believed her story, based on her credentials checking out, "they ran them twice", and her cleverly manipulating the situation. He probably had never even seen a Companion before, not being from the core. The Operative certainly didn't give her "Ambassador" status, when he occupied her Training House and coerced her into waving. It's a tenuous assumption at best that her clout is revered everywhere.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 9:18 PM


I agree with Platonist, who brought some very strong points.

Companions are likened to "ambassadors" partly because of the way in which they conduct their affairs, and partly because the alliance wanted to legitimize prostitution. In Joss's 'Verse remember, not all is as it seems; a theme that he admittedly injects in his stories. The Alliance's all-encompassing benevolence is called into question throughout the series and especially in the movie.

Inara indeed does follow the traditions and social mores of the Guild, but the reality of her position is always challenged by those of privilege. In the The Train Job it is established that she's a women of stature, but in Shindig she's treated like a "whore" and Mal comes to her rescue. But I firmly believe that Inara, despite her observences to the companion way of life, still values her freedom, autonomy and independence above all else; hence the attraction between her and Mal.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:31 PM


"Course they do, its the Core. Everyones rich and happy here, why wouldnt they smile?"

Well, the intigration of the Chinese culture (Though I know the premise I'm about to bring up is Japanese) might bring back the idea of the Geisha, and even take it a step further. I mean, don't get me wrong, but if I had the money and could pay a good looking girl to be on my arm for a night or two and make witty conversation and make me feel (how to put this delicately) better than the other men in the room, I'd be up for it. And most politicians/business men/higherups, if you notice, are rarely very attractive, hence the reason this "Guild" would hold so much sway, and be able to write their own laws.
Take to heart I'm only 19 and hardly know the workings of the world here, but this is how I see it from my eyes.
And on the Atherton thing, you could notice that in his wave he is much more polite and endearing, where as around everyone else he seems to be more, showing off a trophy if you will, much like Mal says. "The lie of it. This man parading you around on his arm as if he won you, as if he loves you.-" Just seems that public brings out the side of people that not everyone wants to see.

-A1C Browncoat

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: [on the ship's intercom] This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then - explode.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:05 AM


America loves a winner!

He engaged her for DAYS. The boy has .... stamina, and $$$.

Is it too much to believe that Inara just wanted to get her freak on ?

Why we still talking about this ?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:46 AM



It's in the DVD extras. It was a deleted scene.

You mean the deleted scenes in the Firefly Box set? Because I can't find that scene. There are only 4 deleted scenes in my box set. Two from the Pilot, one from Our Mrs. Reynolds, and one from Objects in Space.

Zoe: Don't think its a good spot sir, she still has the advantage over us.
Mal: Everyone always does; that's what makes us special.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:26 PM


I've always equated the guild with the Bene Gs. I think Inara is supposed to be on that ship. Some of her choices are her own and others are recommended to her. Why Ath? Not sure yet. But I'm sure there was a reason. Maybe she extracted info from him or something.

I think maybe she wants to distance herself form that control.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:28 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Penthos:

It's in the DVD extras. It was a deleted scene.

You mean the deleted scenes in the Firefly Box set? Because I can't find that scene. There are only 4 deleted scenes in my box set. Two from the Pilot, one from Our Mrs. Reynolds, and one from Objects in Space.

They mispoke. It is not a deleted scene on the dvd set, but it is in the complete original script in the Firefly Companion, Vol. 2.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:22 PM



Originally posted by BrowncoatE3:
Well, the intigration of the Chinese culture (Though I know the premise I'm about to bring up is Japanese) might bring back the idea of the Geisha, and even take it a step further. I mean, don't get me wrong, but if I had the money and could pay a good looking girl to be on my arm for a night or two and make witty conversation and make me feel (how to put this delicately) better than the other men in the room, I'd be up for it. And most politicians/business men/higherups, if you notice, are rarely very attractive, hence the reason this "Guild" would hold so much sway, and be able to write their own laws.
Take to heart I'm only 19 and hardly know the workings of the world here, but this is how I see it from my eyes.
And on the Atherton thing, you could notice that in his wave he is much more polite and endearing, where as around everyone else he seems to be more, showing off a trophy if you will, much like Mal says. "The lie of it. This man parading you around on his arm as if he won you, as if he loves you.-" Just seems that public brings out the side of people that not everyone wants to see.

-A1C Browncoat

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: [on the ship's intercom] This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then - explode.

I have to say that the first thing I thought of when the NY Governor was caught up in the high class prositution ring a few months ago was..."where's a Companion when you need one."

Companions are discreet and can keep secrets. you wouldn't see a Companion do a tell all book. Sometimes you have more power when you don't "spill the beans", so to speak.

And also I've been rereading "The Mists of Avalon" for the first time in several years. I was struck by the similarity between the description and ways of the pagan priestesses of Avalon, who advised kings, kept secrets that could bring down kingdoms, had sacramental sex and acted as political movers and shakers behind the scenes and Companions. I think Companions have more in common with the priestesses than with geishas despite the veneer of eastern culture.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 7:43 PM


Inara works under contracts and money changes hands for her services. Companions are regulated by a Guild that she is a member of. She carries papers that give her creditability to conduct business in different settings. Clients apply for the opportunity to pay for her menu of services for long or short term engagements. A price is agreed upon. When services are rendered the contract is filled. Parties go their own way. No magic is implored communally or singularly. No faith based unworldly spiritual journeys are obtained by either party.

So, I don’t really see Inara as a priestess. My cousin is a nun who does charitable work and she is as poor as dirt and certainly doesn’t look like Inara. Plus, Inara is a Buddhist, fulfilling carnal desires as a priestess is not a ticket to Nirvana.

Geishas were living art (look at the dress) that entertained the wealthiest clients. Some sects also offered sexual services in the pleasure districts. Inara is more likely lifted from the pages of “Memories of a Geisha”.

Plus how can we forget “they were little Geisha Dolls with big wobbly heads” and “people love those!”, because that’s what Inara is.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:21 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
I've always equated the guild with the Bene Gs.

*does happy dance* Me, too! Absolutely.

Platonist, you are going to get flamed for even daring to suggest that her profession is about anything as sordid as cash...(*waits for AgentRouka, LeiaSkye etc to charge in* )

I've always seen the geisha analogy, too - Inara is definitely towards the Ta-yu class. But however the Core choose to regard it - spiritual connection, emotional therapy (has anyone written a fic called 'Sexual Healing' yet?) - once out of that sphere, it IS just about the money for sex.

(in fact, when I finish my collaboration, I'm going back to my Guild fic...)


Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:50 AM


Well, fans can inflate or deflate this character all they want, I'm just going by what Joss and Morena stated as their influences in bringing this character to life. And Joss does kind of refer to her as a whore on the Serenity comm. and Inara herself refers to those not registered with the Guild as "whores". I don’t feel the need to reconcile her behavior to fit into my moral belief system, just like I don’t need River to be healed, to value her as a person, as many fans need her to be.

I see the Guild as more or less an out growth of service orientated business. Any first year business student, at State, will concur that services are the fastest growing segment of business in the West. Wouldn’t it stand to reason that sexual healing and comfort would also keep the pace? And, I’m OK with that; I still love this character, because like Mal, she is a paradox. Subservient based on ideology, at times, but a free bird to the core.

The Bene Gs? In structure? Yes, but not in mission or intent.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:14 AM


Absolutely. The Guild was set up to protect folks in the industry - Joss' own words - 'prostitution (had been) abolished by the legalization and strict federal regulation of the sex trade'

Trade. Government regulated trade, even.

But the Bene Gesserit thing? - I just think they might have some political influence. Again, Joss-quote - 'they often rose to politcial or social prominence when they retired'.

Plus, the circles they move in? They would know a helluva lot of secrets.

'The Guild of Companions takes care of its own. Spread throughout the worlds, the Houses produce young women (and the occasional young man) of accomplishment and culture, fitting Companions for those of wealth and status. They move in the highest circles, mingle with the captains of industry and the policy makers, those people who determine whether whole planets will thrive or die. To provide service is their mantra; to contract with a Companion is to find anything from a perfect dinner guest for a company function, to solace for the loss of a long-cherished spouse. They comfort and heal. But the secrets they know - for some, those who come within a finger’s width of power can feel its infection.

... But the political reality is such that a Guild that wishes to keep its finger on the pulse of life in the ‘verse must necessarily dabble that finger in some murky waters.'


Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:03 AM


Where'd that quote come from, SpaceAngl? Oddly, it's the "occasional man" thing that interests me - I've always thought there should be male Companions, but never heard a thing about them.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:14 AM

SPACEANJL, quote is from Tic Tac Tao: Ch 1 A Game of You, actually...

There's some male Companions in the background/deleted scenes at the Training House in the BDM, though.(At least, that's what I think they are - they might be, er, teaching materials...)


Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:25 AM


A post from Serenity Browncoats:


(Jerah @ Jun 11 2008, 10:24 PM) *
"I never could believe in the companions he portrays; super elite call girls who are treated as royalty? Nope. I don't believe it."

That's the inner 16 year old in Joss that I can identify with- in our world super elite call girls are the highest of nobility, taking pity on us poor needy mortal guys for mere money.

Some day we might grow up.... icon_wink.gif

The human Chrisisall

The re-printing Chrisisall


Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:59 AM


Yeah, I think we should exercise caution, when making connections to other literary works, especially for Joss's sake, we don't want him accused of Intellectual Plagiarism. lol

And if I remember my Herbert lore correctly, the Bene ladies were essentially producers of well placed heirs. They married and imparted their wisdom and yielded political power through their offspring. Remember Paul A. and his importance to their continuity.

I always thought what Joss meant by that comment was that Companions could rise to political power after retirement because they are well educated and talented professional people.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:04 AM


The B.G were very political - and they were breeding for a very specific end ie the Kwisatz Haderach.

Joss has made acknowledgment that Herbert was a favourite author, but the Geisha are probably the closest inspiration.

Of course, the Companions could just have made some very good stock investments over the years, financial tips from grateful clients in the know...

(sorta off-topic - you ever considered that Simon might have been a trial run, genetically speaking, and that the desired result was next time round?)


Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:12 PM


I would tend to think that male Companions would be a source of controversy since the Guild was set up for females and in a way for their protection and independence from men.

I would think it the controversy would be analogous to women breaking barriers now, from attending formally all male schools, becoming priests, rabbis and ministers (I'm a proud Episcopolian, we not only have women priests and bishops but our Presiding Bishop is female, the first in the Anglican Communion) and in other areas.

I also want to say I that Joy Davidson's essay in "Finding Serenity" was what caused me to see the parallels from pagan priestess to geisha to Companion. It's a very interesting historical analysis of what we know of Companions. I just thought it interesting that other works showed women in powerful, sexual roles.

And Spaceanjl, I'm sure Companions have the best financial advice no matter how they pay for it.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:32 PM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
...since the Guild was set up for females and in a way for their protection and independence from men.

Why do you say this? Really, is there something particular you've read or seen to make you believe that the Guild is so gender specific?

I mean, sure we've only seen female Companions, but does that necessarily mean there are no men? And I don't mean only men for gay men to hire - might there there women in the `verse who'd hire a male Companion? (And wouldn't that make a fun fun episode - a hunky male Companion friend of Inara's who's hired by some high power wealthy woman...)

I guess that, until I get word from Joss specifically saying different, I see the Guild as a protectorate for Companionship, for this Geisha/counselor/sex partner/escort/whatever you call it service. In my mind, it is the service that is taught/sold/protected, not the gender role.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:37 PM


off topic... no, neither Tam strike me as being genetically enhanced, Simon was top three percent in his class because of hard work and his socio economic opportunities, as we see him studying in Safe, and getting a dedicated source box.

River on the other hand is a gifted Genius, IQ probably over 200, less than 1% of our current population. She was probably identified early through testing and recruited for the Academy. In Serenity, she was shown as a one bright and insightful little girl.

And, I don't know how much more Joss was planning on adding to their life histories. He got a lot of mileage out of their story in the BDM and at some point that can start to get convoluted and lose its appeal to viewers. With the comic series he seems to be moving in a Book and Inara direction. Maybe all these stories converge at some point. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Which reminds me, I have to go and YOUR fanfic.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:38 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
...since the Guild was set up for females and in a way for their protection and independence from men.

Why do you say this? Really, is there something particular you've read or seen to make you believe that the Guild is so gender specific?

I mean, sure we've only seen female Companions, but does that necessarily mean there are no men? And I don't mean only men for gay men to hire - might there there women in the `verse who'd hire a male Companion? (And wouldn't that make a fun fun episode - a hunky male Companion friend of Inara's who's hired by some high power wealthy woman...)

I guess that, until I get word from Joss specifically saying different, I see the Guild as a protectorate for Companionship, for this Geisha/counselor/sex partner/escort/whatever you call it service. In my mind, it is the service that is taught/sold/protected, not the gender role.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


I don't know if there are male Companions either. I was just speculating about one gender tying to break into a specific job that look gender specific.

Hey, I'd love to see male Companions too. As a heterosexual single female that hasn't been in a relationship for a while I'd be first in line to hire a hunky male Companion... just for dinner of course.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:38 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
...since the Guild was set up for females and in a way for their protection and independence from men.

Why do you say this? Really, is there something particular you've read or seen to make you believe that the Guild is so gender specific?

I mean, sure we've only seen female Companions, but does that necessarily mean there are no men? And I don't mean only men for gay men to hire - might there there women in the `verse who'd hire a male Companion? (And wouldn't that make a fun fun episode - a hunky male Companion friend of Inara's who's hired by some high power wealthy woman...)

I guess that, until I get word from Joss specifically saying different, I see the Guild as a protectorate for Companionship, for this Geisha/counselor/sex partner/escort/whatever you call it service. In my mind, it is the service that is taught/sold/protected, not the gender role.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Joss is pretty clear about most Companions being female. The rule mentioned in "A Brief History" about a House never being run by a male seems to indicate that the predominate gender is female.

I don't know if there are male Companions exist in any other role either. I was just speculating about one gender tying to break into a specific job that is traditionally gender specific.

Hey, I'd love to see male Companions too. As a heterosexual single female (but neither powerful or wealthy)that hasn't been in a relationship for a while I'd be first in line to hire a hunky male Companion... just for dinner of course.


Friday, June 13, 2008 1:32 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Something I found interesting is the offer from Atherton to make Inara his personal companion, but, not his wife. I ask you, which would be the more socially upward?

A man with his own companion, or a man who got a companion to marry him? If they marry, she loses her status as a companion, but, it can't be unprecendented, you know?

So, what is the analog to asking a companion to contract with you alone?

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, June 13, 2008 1:57 AM


Of course, it was never made clear if Atherton was already married...

Maybe it's a bit like the hetaeira (did I spell that right?) of Ancient Greece - they did the social butterfly bit, whilst the wives stayed at home, raising the heirs. There are quite a few cultures that have that sad little idea kicking about - it's all about 'purity'.

He's basically asking her to be his mistress. The whole thing is all about exclusivity and possession. I don't think men marry Companions - they are the party girls, the fun, the status symbol. But you get your heirs from a nice, safe, untouched woman, where you can be sure of the provenance.


Friday, June 13, 2008 4:34 AM


Good point, SpaceAnJL, and I agree, this culture identifies two different roles in Companions and Wives, much like European Courtesans and spouses of the 17th century.

And, it is Mal who actually brings this issue to Inara's attention (the line was cut) because he can't fathom why she would even consider being a man's mistress or plaything and actually believe that to be acceptable arrangement.

Companions probably don't marry unless they opt for retirement.

Shindig is written to show the differences in the way they view her work, remember it is fairly early in the timeline of their relationship. Things are just starting to become complicated.


Friday, June 13, 2008 4:43 AM


I also think that Inara is just starting to come up against the differing perceptions of Companions. In the Core, particularly on Sihnon, they do have that mystique, a role beyond the physical. But outside that sphere, there are some nasty shocks waiting. The Guild has influence in certain spheres of Persephonean society, certainly, but what about the circles that don't give a damn about the spiritual empathy, and just see a pretty whore in a sparkly dress? Inara could go flouncing out into a back moon border town, and expect to be greeted with some degree of respect, and it could all go horribly wrong, horribly quickly. I'm not sure she quite grasps that to begin with, though her wielding of that knife in 'HoG' indicates that she learns fast.


Friday, June 13, 2008 5:32 AM


That's exactly what I get from her experiences. I wouldn't call Inara's time on Serenity a smashing profession success, at times she had trouble finding clients and when she did she was met with ignorance and prejudice.

And that's why the new Training House on the border moon makes sense. To redirect some of that misunderstanding of what they are. And even there, originally, Joss was to have one of the girls taken and gang raped. **shudders**


Friday, June 13, 2008 5:46 AM



Where was that from? Nasty. But unfortunately probably a fair reflection of what could happen. However, I think the Training House must be on a planet that has some pretensions to culture and civilisation, since the girls' families are willing to let them attend, and take up the profession.

There's obviously a nasty trade practised elsewhere, from Mal's reaction to the 'girl-in-a-box' in Serenity I&II, and the mentions of slavery in other episodes. Inara was bloody lucky she got on Mal's ship - that could have gone badly from the start.

edit: even more disturbing thought. There's a whole collection of women and wealth in one place, and no-one guarding it...? Here's hoping some slave traders don't do what the Vikings used to do. Monastic communities and convents were like one-stop shops, especially around holy days. Wine, wealth and slaves, and no real opposition (since the monks/nuns did not bear arms)


Friday, June 13, 2008 6:16 AM


where was that from?...the 190 page script for Serenity, I read it on line one day when I had a lot of work to do... didn't want to do it. Ya know... the one where Book and Wash are still alive at the end, and Mal and River fly Serenity back to the Training House to help the girls with the locals and Jayne is unbelievably happy because there lays his reward for his good deed!

No one dies and it’s Mal's idea to take some time off and camp out at the House. OK now I'm freaking crying...


Friday, June 13, 2008 6:26 AM


...I'm gonna have to look for this.

But...Joss, with the happy ending and all? Not buying it. (Did you ever read his original Aliens 4 script?)


Friday, June 13, 2008 6:50 AM


good luck with that, I think all the links have been disabled.

Yeah, it’s truly sweet and endearing and Mal's all sheepish about going to the House and Inara thanks him and he says, "Thank me later" or "you'll be thanking me later", I can't remember which. And everyone is happy and ready for sexin, oh, why Joss? why?






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