Another new browncoat is born...

UPDATED: Sunday, June 15, 2008 13:24
VIEWED: 4414
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Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:18 PM


Hey there - my name's Troy, I'm one of those new guys that probably pops up once every hour...

My grandfather used to say that the best way to introduce yourself to someone is to tell them a story so, with that in mind... here goes:

I'm a DVD content producer at a company in Los Angeles (sadly, a rival company of Ani's - whom I saw posted not too far down in this thread... but I won't hold it against her) and, because I'm a fanboy of immense proportions of so many properties that on most days I have every person's dream job. A few months back, I was sent up to San Francisco to WonderCon (rough, I know) to cover a few of the properties that we've been working on. Randomly, on Sunday - the very last day, I walked past the WonderCon/CCI booth and was asked if I'd like to draw for a chance to meet Summer Glau.

This is where things begin to become fortuitous. As if stars align...

Being a fan of Summer from Sarah Connor Chronicles (and, c'mon, let's face it - a healthy male of right mind that knows a beautiful girl when I see one), of course I said, "Sure, why not?" I pull a raffle ticket and am an instant winner, next thing I know they're strapping a wrist band on me and ushering me toward a line of folks waiting to head "backstage" to claim our prize.

In front of me were three absolutely cheerful and fantastic folks who, despite all the pomp and circumstance of winning this prize, didn't seem phased in the least. They were cool and collected, like meeting Summer Glau was an ordinary every day occurance. Long story somewhat abridged, the group of them were wearing shirts proclaiming themselves Browncoats and, not having seen the show (gasp) but knowing the ties of Browncoat to the show, I had to ask them the obvious stupid question... "What's a Browncoat?"

Expecting to get flogged, I was surprised when I was regaled with tales as if someone had just come back from a theater on May 25, 1977 and was energetically trying to explain Star Wars to their friends. Instead of "My God man, what rock have you been living under," I was met with enthusiastic and incredibly friendly, "You HAVE to give this show a chance."

So I near the front of the line and am handed a gigantic one-sheet sized Terminator poster and in what seems like a split-second, walk down the line meeting the major cast of the show, Summer included. She was incredibly gracious and humble, smiling the entire time, so refreshing for a cynical dude that works in this "industry" who sees cast and crew alike absolutely taxed when a fan approaches them for interaction let alone an autograph. She was sweet and kind... let's be honest with each other, I was enamored. But hey, another time... I digress.

Getting back to LA, and anxious to not let my new Browncoat fans down, I immediately popped into Target and to my surprise not only did that have the Firefly box-set in stock, but it was on sale! Rushing home I tore into the first disc and couldn't stop! How could I have missed out on this when it was airing? How could ANYONE have missed out on this when it was airing?

The next week, having to fly out to the midwest for more DVD production madness, I took the boxset and an extra MacBook battery. Between two canceled flights and the round trip, not to mention the downtime in between shoots, I was surprised to have realized that in the span of three days, not only had I finished the entire season. But had already started rewatching episodes, eager to relive them.

Returning back to LA again, what are the chances that Cinemax was airing Serenity, and in HD that very night I got back into town?

Remember what I said about this all being fortuitous? Of course... needless to say, the TiVo was set and Serenity in HD was enjoyed immensely. In fact, I called my fellow fanboy ex-roommate who is a fan of the show and the film and scorned him for letting me live with him for five years and never having had sat me down and told me, "Watch this... you'll love it."

Hooked, and jonesing for more I hit Amazon, I hit Best Buy, I added Better Days to my bi-weekly pull list from Graham Crackers and ordered the Things Left Behind trade. Before I knew it, I had the visual guide and the show compendiums and had torn through them all.

And all this juggling the insane and grueling hours of a Hollywood production slave.

Bookending this long-winded diatribe, last week I ordered the Done the Impossible DVD and after work and beers with the friends this evening, sat down and watched it... and despite not having slept more than 20 hours in the past week thanks to this project I'm working on about a duo of FBI agents, I immediately had to log onto the website and register.

There's a final bookend to this story, one that I can't get into quite yet, but needless to say it cemented my fandom for life and I'm just... ecstatic doesn't even begin to adequately describe how I feel. I can't wait to get to know you guys and hopefully meet a few of you at the SoCal screening on the 20th, but a little nervous being the new guy.

I'll just wear a t-shirt that says "I'm the guy that posted a novel for his first post, don't hate me."

Oh, and if you three Browncoats that were in front of me at WonderCon are out there, and still have your in with Summer... put in a good word, eh?


Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:53 PM


nods head

I relly enjoyed your "novel"Welcome


Friday, June 13, 2008 12:30 AM


Welcome home,, you do know that now you will never leave, don't you?

Slope on over to the Browncoat Bar and Grill some time, meet some of the nicest virtual drunks out there...


Friday, June 13, 2008 1:18 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Conquering the 'verse, one Browncoat at a time.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, June 13, 2008 2:59 AM


Howdy Netsolo, welcome to the FF verse.

Neat story btw. I really enjoy hearing when new people (browncoats) come aboard. You’ll find that this is one of the coolest places on the web and that there are tons of FF fan sites and plenty of Serenity sites too.

Enjoy the crowd, grab a mug of mudders milk and meet up with every one in the galley, btw since you’ve been bitten by the FF bug you may develop a case of Firefly-iteis and it won’t go away. It’s Ok though because it will only lead you share and spread the word about this short run but still going strong show. FF lives on through the browncoats and just so that you know, once you’re a browncoat, you’re also a recruiter.

Welcome aboard, Z


Friday, June 13, 2008 3:34 AM


Welcome, NetSolo!! You are SO right - how could we have missed this marvel when it aired??? - Well, I did too and came to the wonderful 'verse of "Firefly" through watching "Serenity" on cable! I cannot believe it was canceled; and I went through months of 'lurking' here before I registered as well. Glad to have you - hope you post often and hope to meet you in person someday!


Friday, June 13, 2008 5:41 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Great story NetSolo! Glad to have you here posting with us.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Friday, June 13, 2008 6:46 AM


Hey guys, thanks so much for the warm welcome (and humoring a 2am gushing rant of the recently converted) -


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Welcome home,, you do know that now you will never leave, don't you?

Slope on over to the Browncoat Bar and Grill some time, meet some of the nicest virtual drunks out there...

Thanks SpaceAnJL, hoping that never leaving ends up being the case! I do know that once you're bitten by the proverbial bug, it's for life (say the guy that's run a Ghostbusters message board for the past 12 years, believe it or not).


Originally posted by zzetta13:

Enjoy the crowd, grab a mug of mudders milk and meet up with every one in the galley, btw since you’ve been bitten by the FF bug you may develop a case of Firefly-iteis and it won’t go away. It’s Ok though because it will only lead you share and spread the word about this short run but still going strong show. FF lives on through the browncoats and just so that you know, once you’re a browncoat, you’re also a recruiter.

What's funny is that I hadn't even finished watching the series and just IMMEDIATELY felt the need to talk to someone about it. While it might sound like sacrilege, the exact same thing happened with BSG. After years of fans telling me, "Look dude, you need to watch this - you're going to love it," sure enough - immediately had to call every friend I knew that watched the show. Same thing with Firefly...

...and the series boxset was my Father's Day gift to my pops. Looks like it's already started!


Friday, June 13, 2008 10:36 AM



Originally posted by NetSolo:
Hey there - my name's Troy, I'm one of those new guys that probably pops up once every hour...

Would that that could be so...You get my nom for


My grandfather used to say that the best way to introduce yourself to someone is to tell them a story so, with that in mind... here goes:

...This is where things begin to become fortuitous. As if stars align...

Yeah , not just 4-2-it-tous , but SERENdipITY was at work , too !


Being a fan of Summer from Sarah Connor Chronicles (and, c'mon, let's face it - a healthy male of right mind that knows a beautiful girl when I see one), of course I said, "Sure, why not?" I pull a raffle ticket and am an instant winner, next thing I know they're strapping a wrist band on me and ushering me toward a line of folks waiting to head "backstage" to claim our prize.

In front of me were three absolutely cheerful and fantastic folks who, despite all the pomp and circumstance of winning this prize, didn't seem phased in the least. They were cool and collected, like meeting Summer Glau was an ordinary every day occurance. Long story somewhat abridged, the group of them were wearing shirts proclaiming themselves Browncoats and, not having seen the show (gasp) but knowing the ties of Browncoat to the show, I had to ask them the obvious stupid question...

"What's a Browncoat?"...

Only would have been 'stupid' if you'd NEVER asked it...Fortune favors the BOLD !


...So I near the front of the line and am handed a gigantic one-sheet sized Terminator poster and in what seems like a split-second, walk down the line meeting the major cast of the show, Summer included. She was incredibly gracious and humble, smiling the entire time, so refreshing for a cynical dude that works in this "industry" who sees cast and crew alike absolutely taxed when a fan approaches them for interaction let alone an autograph. She was sweet and kind... let's be honest with each other, I was enamored...

Mei-mei Love...Ain't it sweet ! We've all got it for Summer ! She's made of gold , and can't be sold !


...Returning back to LA again, what are the chances that Cinemax was airing Serenity, and in HD that very night I got back into town?

Remember what I said about this all being fortuitous? Of course...

No 'triskadeikaphobia' for You !
"You're gonna come with us , 'cause it's the ships you like " , and this one's the nicest !


Bookending this long-winded diatribe, last week I ordered the Done the Impossible DVD and after work and beers with the friends this evening, sat down and watched it... and despite not having slept more than 20 hours in the past week thanks to this project I'm working on about a duo of FBI agents, I immediately had to log onto the website and register.

WELCOME To the OBSESSION ! Ni hao ma , di-di !


There's a final bookend to this story, one that I can't get into quite yet, but needless to say it cemented my fandom for life and I'm just... ecstatic doesn't even begin to adequately describe how I feel. I can't wait to get to know you guys and hopefully meet a few of you at the SoCal screening on the 20th, but a little nervous being the new guy.

No need to be nervous ! You're in one of the finest worlds of the 'Verse , there in SoCal !

Folk will make you all manner of welcome ! I envy you , more than a little bit...Join the SoCal Browncoats Yahoo group !

"See You in the World"...


Friday, June 13, 2008 12:28 PM


Welcome aboard!

Loved reading your "novel." Anytime a new convert joins the crew I really get a kick out of it.

Well, take your shoes off and set a spell...

Serenity is the nicest ship in the 'Verse.


Friday, June 13, 2008 12:47 PM


Great story and we're so glad you're here:) Welcome


Ain't Love GRAND!!!


Friday, June 13, 2008 1:55 PM


Welcome to the 'verse NetSolo!


Wash is the tater to my tot! <3

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, June 13, 2008 4:00 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

No need to be nervous ! You're in one of the finest worlds of the 'Verse , there in SoCal !

Folk will make you all manner of welcome ! I envy you , more than a little bit...Join the SoCal Browncoats Yahoo group !

"See You in the World"...

Literally JUST signed up on the SoCal Yahoo Group, can't wait for next weekend!


Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

Serenity is the nicest ship in the 'Verse.

I couldn't agree more- it's usually so common place for the newbie to be generally scorned when they first arrive and start posting on a message board, but you guys (like the awesome 'coats in front of me at WonderCon) are all so warm and welcoming. It's such a refreshing change of pace from the usual fandoms. So cool and friendly - I love it! If only half my ex-girlfriends would have been as cool as a Browncoat... ha!


Sunday, June 15, 2008 1:24 PM



Originally posted by NetSolo:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

No need to be nervous ! You're in one of the finest worlds of the 'Verse , there in SoCal !

Folk will make you all manner of welcome ! I envy you , more than a little bit...Join the SoCal Browncoats Yahoo group !

"See You in the World"...

Literally JUST signed up on the SoCal Yahoo Group, can't wait for next weekend!


Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

Serenity is the nicest ship in the 'Verse.

I couldn't agree more- it's usually so common place for the newbie to be generally scorned when they first arrive and start posting on a message board, but you guys (like the awesome 'coats in front of me at WonderCon) are all so warm and welcoming. It's such a refreshing change of pace from the usual fandoms. So cool and friendly - I love it! If only half my ex-girlfriends would have been as cool as a Browncoat... ha!

Welcome home, NetSolo. It's just *so* shiny to have more crew aboard. We'll not scorn you unless you do something scorn-able, and you can tell there's a lot of latitude (just read some of the captions in our contests -- add your own, too). Well, there's a fair amount of latitude...

Ennyhoo, pull up a jug of Mudder's and fill up this mug that has your name on it -- and grab a bowl for these berries which are chilled and waiting.

Make yourself at home and don't step on ShipsCat or into her dish. :;-)
ETA you're #31924 aboard!! (we growin' still)
Frisky Browncoat
bastards singed my turtle






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