Mal's Father

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 16:41
VIEWED: 15988
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Saturday, July 5, 2008 6:49 PM


IF another season of FIREFLY or a sequel /prequel to SERENITY is in the horizon , Who would you like to play the role of Mal's

My personal choice ... Mark Harmon (NCIS)or
Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs).

What about the rest of his family? The rest of the crew's family?

"I'm smelling a lot of IFs coming out of this plan"


Saturday, July 5, 2008 6:53 PM


Wait, MAL HAS A FATHER? I thought his was a virgin birth; that he emerged, fully formed and Godlike in his glory....


Saturday, July 5, 2008 8:23 PM


Harrison Ford

There's no way they could afford him, or if he's even heard of FIREFLY/SERENITY let alone would be interested. But it would still be cool if they could pull it off.

Either him or William Shatner. Mal has to be the son of either Han Solo or Captain Kirk. Just has to.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Saturday, July 5, 2008 8:29 PM


IIRC, it was mentioned somewhere that Mal was raised by his mother alone. Therefore, it's unlikely that we'd ever get the opportunity to meet the man who helped give life to our 'Captain Tightpants'. It is much more likely that we'd see his mother, even if she's dead by the time the events of the series (or even the movie) occur.

Check out the continuing adventures of the Big Damn Heroes of Joss Whedon's Firefly in [url=]Virtual Firefly: Here's How It Might Have Been[/url]


Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:19 AM


Lets see, just off the top of my head for starters,

1) Denise Richards; Kaylee’s sister
2) Robin Williams dressed in drag; Jayne’s mother



Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:39 AM


I agree with either Mark Harmon or Harrison Ford.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:56 AM


Yep, Harrison Ford would be awesome. I see Mal's Pa as a restless younger son of a wealthy family who pissed off and disappointed his parents and traveled around the 'verse for a while having adventures until finally settling down with a wife totally unsuitable to his parents but was the best thing to ever happen to him.

Any resemblance to any American, Aussie etc pioneers or baby boomers is totally not intended.

Mal's M is problem as I have a picture of her in my head. Attractive, yet a steely strength about her. Intelligent and able to discipline and be a Ma to a growing boy and to lead dozens of ranch hands. And an astute business woman.

No actress I know of can project all these qualities.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:04 AM


H'mm, I tend to picture mal's Ma as being a twisted cross between maggy thatcher and any number of stereotypical large farm cooks.

Soon as I saw the topic though, Mandy Patinkin came to my mind as his dad, if only for the revenge dialogue!

'That torpedo hit us hard. We've got serious damage to the thrusters, heat warping in the secondary camshaft and the right side emergency jets completely knackered. We can't thrust, our shafts bent, and we'll probably never shoot off from the right hand again!'


Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:30 AM


"My name is Mal.
You kill my father.
Prepare to die."


That's SO Mal.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:10 AM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:19 AM


Thanks Penguin! That's priceless.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:38 AM


Y'know, it hasn't been discussed in our writers' room over at, but I've got an idea for an episode involving Mal's dad and, although the actor is a little young, the guy *I* would cast is Briscoe County, Junior, himself -- Bruce Campbell!

In other casting choices, Joss Whedon has said that he'd imagined Tommy Lee Jones as Jayne's daddy. "Here's how it might have been..."


Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:45 AM


I was thinking Bruce Campbell would be perfect too but figured he was too young. But Hollywood can do wonders with makeup.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 7:55 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
Yep, Harrison Ford would be awesome. I see Mal's Pa as a restless younger son of a wealthy family who pissed off and disappointed his parents and traveled around the 'verse for a while having adventures until finally settling down with a wife totally unsuitable to his parents but was the best thing to ever happen to him.

Any resemblance to any American, Aussie etc pioneers or baby boomers is totally not intended.

Mal's M is problem as I have a picture of her in my head. Attractive, yet a steely strength about her. Intelligent and able to discipline and be a Ma to a growing boy and to lead dozens of ranch hands. And an astute business woman.

No actress I know of can project all these qualities.

I don't think anyone could really play Mal's father other than Harrison Ford. Who knows if he would be interested in this kind of role? (Maybe make up for his bad acting in Star Wars. He whined about it enough in the behind the scenes documentary in the collector's edition.)

Any time I've imagined Mal's mother, I always think of Katharine Hepburn filling the role because she was one of the toughest business women of her time. But, she's long gone.

If you want to go for a modern actress... eh, go with the SW theme and cast Carrie Fisher. I'd bet she'd love to work with the cast and crew of Serenity.

Darksiders can keep their cookies. We have better writers.

Grrr. Argghh.

Really can't wait to see Cap'n Tightpants sing!

... Oh, my gosh. I've turned into one of those people with a crazy signature! ACK!! O_o


Sunday, July 6, 2008 10:44 AM



Originally posted by teethgrinder:
IF another season of FIREFLY or a sequel /prequel to SERENITY is in the horizon , Who would you like to play the role of Mal's

uh, Mal doen't have a dad but what the hell;
Robbie Robertson. yeah, definitely.


What about the rest of his family? The rest of the crew's family?

you should really copy this to the BSR - see what the serenity family robinson types say - chances are they've cast the roles in their minds already.

uh, Tawny Cypress for Zoe's sister.

Brian Blessed for Monty's dad.

Ashley Scott - Saffron's sister

Gary Coleman - Book's evil nemesis

George C Scott - Wash's dad

Ellen Page - Kayee's sister


Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:07 PM


In my mind Monty is only distantly related to Mal and literally flies in every once and a while. And he takes the ranch's cattle to market. It would explain how Mal knows him so well and has so much respect for him.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:38 PM


Reading over the list of “family” candidates you guys sure have picked some good ones. Harrison Ford and /or Mark Hamill and yes even William Shatner all would be excellent bids for Mal’s father. As for Mal’s mother, a tough as nails yet deep with her love, Katharine Hepburn is a very good choice. To bad she has gone to that big other verse in the sky, so too George C Scott.

As for as Wash’s father ( or maybe uncle, on his mother’s side) I could see Slim Pickens, Maj Kong in Dr. Strangelove, do the honors. And James Earl Jones as Book’s pop.

Wytchcroft, Gary Coleman as Books arch enemy? Mini-Book? One thing is for sure, he wouldn’t have any trouble damaging knee-caps, they would be about eye level.



Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:50 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:

Wytchcroft, Gary Coleman as Books arch enemy? Mini-Book? One thing is for sure, he wouldn’t have any trouble damaging knee-caps, they would be about eye level.


keeping a straight face while typing was - cough! - a little hard


Sunday, July 6, 2008 1:05 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Reading over the list of “family” candidates you guys sure have picked some good ones. Harrison Ford and /or Mark Hamill and yes even William Shatner all would be excellent bids for Mal’s father. As for Mal’s mother, a tough as nails yet deep with her love, Katharine Hepburn is a very good choice. To bad she has gone to that big other verse in the sky, so too George C Scott.

As for as Wash’s father ( or maybe uncle, on his mother’s side) I could see Slim Pickens, Maj Kong in Dr. Strangelove, do the honors. And James Earl Jones as Book’s pop.

Wytchcroft, Gary Coleman as Books arch enemy? Mini-Book? One thing is for sure, he wouldn’t have any trouble damaging knee-caps, they would be about eye level.


How about Gary Cole as Wash's demented flight instructor? He does creapy evil really,really good (see the last episode of DH this year. He gave Nathan a good beating too.) but can also do comedy (Office Space).


Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:22 PM


I think people seem to be forgetting the average life expectancy of people in 500 years time. If I remember correctly, its about 120 odd years or so. And Mal himself is supposed to be middle aged, which I guess doesn't mean in your mid thirties anymore. So going on that then his father wouldn't have to look much older than him. So Bruce Campbell is a shoe in for my money. Course Mal would have to kill him, ain't no room in the Universe for two Reynolds'es.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:27 PM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
How about Gary Cole as Wash's demented flight instructor? He does creapy evil really,really good (see the last episode of DH this year. He gave Nathan a good beating too.) but can also do comedy (Office Space).


Darksiders can keep their cookies. We have better writers.

Grrr. Argghh.

Really can't wait to see Cap'n Tightpants sing!

... Oh, my gosh. I've turned into one of those people with a crazy signature! ACK!! O_o


Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:43 PM


I'd like to know where one came to the conclusion of life expectancy being 120 years?

I can't see Harrison doing it, it would be great but I don't think his ego would allow it.

As for his mother, I don't know why but I keep seeing Maggie Smith or Judi Dench (though I realize they may be too old. As a grandma maybe. To see where Mal's ma got her strength.

As for Jayne's Pa, there was only one person I saw who could pull off fathering such a tough, hardass man like him. Jack Palance. I mean think about it. He even has the same body structure as Jayne and can, I think, be quite intimidating to someone like him. It's too bad he's gone now. I can't see anyone else pulling it off well.

And quite possibly Bruce for Mal's dad. He can do older well. If anyone ever saw the made for TV movie about the blind mountain climber, Cambell played his dad, and pulled it off so well it took me a second to realize the man in the gray wig was Bruce. He's an amazing actor who can do comedy AND drama. So don't count him out for his age.

Though I agree, with so much awesome between the two of them it may cause a rift in the space time continuim.





Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:45 PM



Originally posted by Quietude:
Course Mal would have to kill him, ain't no room in the Universe for two Reynolds'es.

Too true. It would fulfill the mythic cycle.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:57 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
I'd like to know where one came to the conclusion of life expectancy being 120 years?

I can't see Harrison doing it, it would be great but I don't think his ego would allow it.

As for his mother, I don't know why but I keep seeing Maggie Smith or Judi Dench (though I realize they may be too old. As a grandma maybe. To see where Mal's ma got her strength.

As for Jayne's Pa, there was only one person I saw who could pull off fathering such a tough, hardass man like him. Jack Palance. I mean think about it. He even has the same body structure as Jayne and can, I think, be quite intimidating to someone like him. It's too bad he's gone now. I can't see anyone else pulling it off well.

And quite possibly Bruce for Mal's dad. He can do older well. If anyone ever saw the made for TV movie about the blind mountain climber, Cambell played his dad, and pulled it off so well it took me a second to realize the man in the gray wig was Bruce. He's an amazing actor who can do comedy AND drama. So don't count him out for his age.

Though I agree, with so much awesome between the two of them it may cause a rift in the space time continuim.

The life expectancy came from Joss's backstory memos (or mee-mos), relating to the advanced medical technology - which we don't see. If you have OVC, check around page 13 I think.
But I don't see that changing aging, skin weathering, etc.

I conjured Mal's dad as Cliff Robertson/Monte Markham/Sam Neill. Alternative to Bruce would be Bill Pullman - Mal's dad coulda been President....

But trying to conjure Janye's dad (other than above listings), I get actors who could also play Mal's dad, they've had the range in past roles: Chris Cooper, James Cromwell, Marshall Bell.

Kaylee's sister would be Lori Loughlin. Remembered her with black hair, recently saw pics of her that I assumed were Jewel until enlarging and reading the cutline.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 8:45 PM


Let me say this up front - Great thread.

Mal's dad: Well, Harrison Ford is a great choice. Same quick draw, steely jaw and a penchant for smuggling. Bruce Campbell, my second choice.

Mal's Mom: First person that came to mind was Meryl Streep. She could play a tough-minded woman and also be soft and vulnerable when need be.

Zoe's Dad: The incomparable Morgan Freeman, 'nuf said.

Zoe's mom: Dianne Caroll, tall stately and a looker.

Inara's Mom: Isabella Rosellini, the only actress I thought of that can match her beauty.

Inara's Dad: George Hamilton, no reason. He just looks good.

Jayne's Dad: Tommy Lee Jones is perfect. He seems like he would have Mal's character. I have this theory that Mal is a lot like Jayne's father, because, despite his lapses of greed, he ultimately respects Mal. Jayne respects strength (see Zoe, Inara, even Simon). So having said that...

Jayne's Mom: Cloris Leachman or Kathy Bates. I keep thinking of the Water Boy movie, Bobby Bouchet's mom telling him he's not gonna play any Foosball (lol) funny sh*t! Come to think of it - Kathy Bates wins this one. I could just see her pulling Jayne's ear and washing his mouth out with soap for cussing in the house. "That boy ain't never had a lick of sense."

Book's Dad: James Earl Jones. Just thinking of him saying "Ain't gonna happen" makes me giddy with excitement, if the miniseries were to ever happen.

Book's Mom: Need some time to think about this one.

Wash's Dad: Brian Denehy, I just like this actor.

Wash's Mom: Jessica Lange, a knockout. I remember her role in Rob Roy. Wow.

Kaylee's Dad: Liam Neeson, why not? He's strong and influential. He looks like he could handle any situation.

Kaylee's Mom: Natasha Richardson. I remember them playing opposite each other in "Nell" great chemistry. Of course it helps that they're husband and wife, but Jewel bares a resemblance to her.

River and Simon's folks we already met.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Sunday, July 6, 2008 10:45 PM


Now I'mma thinking R. Lee Ermey for Jayne's dad, in his Marine mode, or Mal's dad in his southern gent mode.


Monday, July 7, 2008 2:15 AM


Ermey? Oooooohhh! He's a better actor than you'd assume. He can do the tough guy one minute then be sensitive the next. Did you ever see Dead Man Walking? All around great film!

Darksiders can keep their cookies. We have better writers.

Grrr. Argghh.

Really can't wait to see Cap'n Tightpants sing!

... Oh, my gosh. I've turned into one of those people with a crazy signature! ACK!! O_o


Monday, July 7, 2008 4:00 AM


Given that Mal comes from a ranching background I'm thinking Clint Eastwood and Loretta Lynn.

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Monday, July 7, 2008 6:13 AM


Nah, Eastwood is one of the Cobb clan. I'll go with the Ford vote. Or possibly Michael Brandon.

Jayne' father looks like Jayne will in thirty years. A grey, gaunt man, weathered and worn by time until there’s the fierce ghost of strength left. But the same wolfish line to the jaw, and the seamed face holds the same blue eyes.

Kris Kristoffersen is another contender for Cobb Sr. And that guy from Numb3rs, the marine cop Granger (Dylan Bruno)? That's Matty Cobb.

Mark Harmon is the hard-bitten sarge who got stuck with the raw recruits off the gorram prairie planet. Well, it's either him, or Philip Glenister...


Monday, July 7, 2008 6:36 AM


No! Eastwood would be a Reynolds! Have you ever seen Unforgiven? He plays a Mal-type character in that movie! Especially the darker, more dramatic version of Mal in the original pilot before Fox told Joss to reshoot some scenes to make him "jollier".

Darksiders can keep their cookies. We have better writers.

Grrr. Argghh.

Really can't wait to see Cap'n Tightpants sing!

... Oh, my gosh. I've turned into one of those people with a crazy signature! ACK!! O_o


Monday, July 7, 2008 6:39 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Nah, Eastwood is one of the Cobb clan. I'll go with the Ford vote. Or possibly Michael Brandon.

Jayne' father looks like Jayne will in thirty years. A grey, gaunt man, weathered and worn by time until there’s the fierce ghost of strength left. But the same wolfish line to the jaw, and the seamed face holds the same blue eyes.

Kris Kristoffersen is another contender for Cobb Sr. And that guy from Numb3rs, the marine cop Granger (Dylan Bruno)? That's Matty Cobb.

Mark Harmon is the hard-bitten sarge who got stuck with the raw recruits off the gorram prairie planet. Well, it's either him, or Philip Glenister...

Oh yes, Mark Harmon for Mal's first sarge. He used to be a pretty boy but ever since his turn as the womanizing Dr who gets AIDS in St. Elsewhere (dates me doesn't it) he's really impressed me with his acting.

BTW I can't decide whether Gary Cole would be totally crazy as Wssh's flight instructor or in his evil mode. Although in the humorous mode he could be Wash's father with Sally Field as his mother.


Monday, July 7, 2008 8:01 AM


I've never quite got over Gary Cole as Sheriff Lucas Buck. Seriously scary. Given the idea floating about that Wash had an abusive father (he is the space-Xander, after all) evil!GC would do as Washburne Snr.

Other Cobb types - Jason Statham, Ron Perlman, Kurt Russell.

How about Charlize Theron? She does steely intelligence. Or Felicity Huffman? Or, of course, Lena Headey? Older ladies, we can give you Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins.

My take on Mal - his father was a city boy, sent out to teach school in a rural area. The daughter of the area's biggest rancher fell for the man, and married him despite protest. He didn't last too long - nothing to do with being weak, and everything to do with being principled - but nobody ever saw Etta Reynolds cry for him. She raised her son to do as his daddy did, and follow his own idea of right. 'Course, that led to a showdown, when she had set aside a stack of cashy money to send him off-planet to a fancy college, get him following his father's footsteps, being a teacher. And he went and enlisted. (NF vibe...) I think Mal inherited his father's ability to teach and inspire - he was good with the troops. And he inherited Etta's strength, too. 'Cos it took burning the gorram planet to bring the Independents to their knees, and even then, that woman sat in her rocker on the porch and watched the firestorm come. Ain't nothing in the 'verse could make her leave her home.


Monday, July 7, 2008 9:32 PM


Hey SpaceAnJL, that was really good, did you write that?

My take on Mal - his father was a city boy, sent out to teach school in a rural area. The daughter of the area's biggest rancher fell for the man, and married him despite protest. He didn't last too long - nothing to do with being weak, and everything to do with being principled - but nobody ever saw Etta Reynolds cry for him. She raised her son to do as his daddy did, and follow his own idea of right. 'Course, that led to a showdown, when she had set aside a stack of cashy money to send him off-planet to a fancy college, get him following his father's footsteps, being a teacher. And he went and enlisted. (NF vibe...) I think Mal inherited his father's ability to teach and inspire - he was good with the troops. And he inherited Etta's strength, too. 'Cos it took burning the gorram planet to bring the Independents to their knees, and even then, that woman sat in her rocker on the porch and watched the firestorm come. Ain't nothing in the 'verse could make her leave her home.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Monday, July 7, 2008 9:38 PM


If Gary Cole is going to be Wash's dad then I would think that Felicity Huffman's husbadn, William H. Macy could be his flight instructor.

Flight Instructor, Second choice: Bruce Campbell.
He could also be Mal's Drill Instructor when he voluteered.

Man, this is fun!

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Monday, July 7, 2008 10:55 PM


Yeah, that's all mine. I have a lot more where that came from. (I'm really a Jayne fan, but I get distracted by the tight pants on occasion. )

In the AnJLverse, I have a complete capsule backstory for all of them. Dunno how close to Joss' vision it is, but I've guessed pretty right so far.

What, nobody wants to suggest Dwight Schulz for the flight instructor? For shame, guys.


Monday, July 7, 2008 11:27 PM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:
Ermey? Oooooohhh! He's a better actor than you'd assume. He can do the tough guy one minute then be sensitive the next. Did you ever see Dead Man Walking? All around great film!

I've always enjoyed his work, since Apocolypse Now.
I figured his Mayor in Mississippi Burning would be like Mal's dad. Maybe his D.I. in Full Metal Jacket would be Jayne's dad. If he can be Briscoe County Sr. he should be able to be a dad in this verse.
He was grand in the Frighteners.

How about Kareem abdul Jabar as flight instructor?

William H Macy would be cool. Not sure if his Cellular/Air Force One type character would be best, or his Mystery Men, or his Things Change/Fargo type character.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 6:22 AM


Mal's mom- Dame Judy Dench. She's tough, strong, loving, but could kick your ass if she had to. She's smart and no nonsense and still a good mom... so perfect:)


Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 6:34 AM



MSB wrote:
Tuesday, July 08, 2008 06:22
Mal's mom- Dame Judy Dench. She's tough, strong, loving, but could kick your ass if she had to. She's smart and no nonsense and still a good mom... so perfect:)

in that case

helen mirren for saffron's mom

bianca jagger for inara's mom

light the blue touch paper and watch em go!:)


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 7:05 AM


Mal's father?

I say the Sundance Kid himself-Robert Redford... rugged but artistic, maybe a bit too old?

And SpaceAnjl, your back-story for his parents is perfect,

The teacher and the Rancher's daughter.... that explains Mal well. He is more educated than he lets on (the poem) and 40 ranch hands is no small ranch. He had educational opportunity presented to him, but chose to enlist, based on idealism; he probably got from his Dad.

Any plans to write this?


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 7:36 AM


Well, if you insist, Platonist... I may fill out my version of the back stories some time, when I get done with the Zen sequel, the Jayne on Londinium fic, the cracktastic other idea I've had brewing for a while, the WytchAnjl much 'Verse to explore.

I'm a bit like a fanfic Intersect - a name or place, and I get a whole little scene pop into my head. It's getting a bit crowded in there.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 11:58 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
I've never quite got over Gary Cole as Sheriff Lucas Buck. Seriously scary. Given the idea floating about that Wash had an abusive father (he is the space-Xander, after all) evil!GC would do as Washburne Snr.

Other Cobb types - Jason Statham, Ron Perlman, Kurt Russell.

How about Charlize Theron? She does steely intelligence. Or Felicity Huffman? Or, of course, Lena Headey? Older ladies, we can give you Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins.

My take on Mal - his father was a city boy, sent out to teach school in a rural area. The daughter of the area's biggest rancher fell for the man, and married him despite protest. He didn't last too long - nothing to do with being weak, and everything to do with being principled - but nobody ever saw Etta Reynolds cry for him. She raised her son to do as his daddy did, and follow his own idea of right. 'Course, that led to a showdown, when she had set aside a stack of cashy money to send him off-planet to a fancy college, get him following his father's footsteps, being a teacher. And he went and enlisted. (NF vibe...) I think Mal inherited his father's ability to teach and inspire - he was good with the troops. And he inherited Etta's strength, too. 'Cos it took burning the gorram planet to bring the Independents to their knees, and even then, that woman sat in her rocker on the porch and watched the firestorm come. Ain't nothing in the 'verse could make her leave her home.

I differ only in the picky details of Mal's family. Having Mal's Pa from a wealthy Core family gives all sort of possibilites for interesting Core cousins (and perhaps grandparents?) to pop up and if the Reynolds were Alliance it could make things REALLY interesting.

BTW Margaret(Meg)Reynolds is the daughter of the local general store owner and learned the business well from her father.

When Tom Reynolds landed on Shadow with a half baked plan to start a ranch and access to a respectable Credit account her Pa helped him as much as he could. They were thrown together many times and he proposed right after the house was finished.

But Tom was shot and killed by a drunk ranch hand who had just been fired. It just a week before his son was born. Then very pregnant Meg killed the ranch hand.

And I agree Charlize Theron would be fantastic as Mal's ma/

I have it all down in one of my first fics.


Friday, August 15, 2008 9:59 PM


Love everyone else's... but my take:

Elmarie Jacobson was the ranch owner, a no nonsense woman who could rope a steer with the best of them.

Then Hershel Reynolds rode in.

He was younger, a bit of a showboat, charming through and through with a rather handsome cut to him. Their relationship started in a rubbing-her-the-wrong-way sort of way, but he grew on her and soon they were deep in the throws of careless romance, hiding it poorly from the other ranch hands. One day Ellie wasn't feeling to good, and the bad feeling happened every morning for a few days till she road to the town doctor to learn of her expectant condition. Determined to do the right thing (Shadow was a bit more old fashioned than those other planets), Hershel dropped to one knee, they wed and did their best to settle into wedded bliss.

They hated one another.

Elmarie and Hershel fought like cats and dogs, even when hormones weren't invovled. They had different views on nearly everything, and day after day they fell out of love. Hershel stood strong though, he took the flack he best he could and tried to hold his tongue. One day his son was born, little Malcolm Reynolds, as cute as a button. Hershel hoped that since the boy was out everything could be smoothed over, but that wasn't the case. He and Ellie just were't in genuine love. One night Hershel made a decision as Elmarie would never divorce regardless of their disaster of a marriage. He didn't want her to be miserable with him, and he didn't want Mal to be caught in the crosshairs. So when they slept he left a note, saddled his horse and road out of their lives.

Elmarie never told Mal though, as far as he knew, his Pa died in a stampede before he was born. She figured it was for the best.

***Hershel Reynolds being Tom Selleck (ala Quigley Down Under)

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Saturday, August 16, 2008 3:36 AM


I've got even more back ground on Mal's family now.

A steely grandmother who rules with an iron fist. She even picked the wives for her sons.

Good thing Tom was more than a bit independent and left Londinium on the eve of his marriage to Louise Fou, the daughter of Fou Wang, head of Fou Industries. It would have been her best "merger" yet.

She was so mad with her son that she disowned him and cut him off financially. She even invented a face saving story to explain his sudden absence.

What she didn't know was that her son had already stashed away quite a bit of money and had inherited quite a bit of the audacity that served the Reynolds family well in the corporate board rooms.

She was more than angry when she found out that he had married a "no body" on some god forsaken rural planet and even refused to come to her son's funeral when he was shot and killed while protecting his pregnant wife (she picked up the gun her husband had dropped and killed the drunk ranch hand that was threatening them) or acknowledge her grandson who was born a week or so later.

Judy Dench would be awesome in the role.

I'll go into Meg's family later.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:32 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
My take on Mal - his father was a city boy, sent out to teach school in a rural area. The daughter of the area's biggest rancher fell for the man, and married him despite protest. He didn't last too long - nothing to do with being weak, and everything to do with being principled - but nobody ever saw Etta Reynolds cry for him. She raised her son to do as his daddy did, and follow his own idea of right. 'Course, that led to a showdown, when she had set aside a stack of cashy money to send him off-planet to a fancy college, get him following his father's footsteps, being a teacher. And he went and enlisted. (NF vibe...) I think Mal inherited his father's ability to teach and inspire - he was good with the troops. And he inherited Etta's strength, too. 'Cos it took burning the gorram planet to bring the Independents to their knees, and even then, that woman sat in her rocker on the porch and watched the firestorm come. Ain't nothing in the 'verse could make her leave her home.

Wow. That's my fav version, sorry Ash. Also, with that large stack of cashy money (I figure it probably wouldn't take a whole lot of money to enlist, the Independents WANTED soldiers), and thinking about another (I think it may have been archived by now) thread about where Mal got the money for Serenity; Mal could have used that cashy money plus whatever he earned in the war to buy Serenity!


Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:09 AM


I think for Mal's mom, or any of the character's family members for that matter, I would love to see some of the supporting players on DEADWOOD play those parts. Like Robin Weigert as either Mal's mom, or just reprise her role as Calamity Jane, but in the future. I always thought Calamity Jane is so extreme of a female character that not even Joss could have come up with her. I mean, even Zoe has some level of femininity to her. Jane on the other hand has intentionally purged herself of an x chromosone. Jayne vs. Jane. THAT'S the crossover I want to see. Or William Sanderson, or the guy that played the preacher that had the seizures. Just anyone from DEADWOOD. But not Ian McShane, Tim Olyphant or Molly Parker. I think that would just take you out of it to see those bigger names on the show.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Saturday, August 16, 2008 10:41 AM


Gotta say...having Harrison Ford be Malcolm's dad would be freaking awesome. Though having flasbacks with Indiana Solo himself wouldn't work quite right for the background I dreamt up for Mal in relation to this multi-part tale I wanna tell... Me? I like to think that Mal's background would definitely put Simon's to shame and would drive the dear Doc to fits trying to fathom how Mal's parents produced our dear Capt'n Tightpants.

To me, Mal's dad is son of a 26th century verison of Daniel Day-Lewis' Daniel Plainsview from There Will Be Blood...the black sheep offspring of a ruthless businessman, a kind and brilliant man who inherited his father's mind and skills but none of the dark cruelty, greed and cynicism that Mal's grandfather used to become one of the wealthiest men in the 'Verse not directly invovled with Blue Sun.

Mal's mom? Maybe it's an weak attempt to replicate Joss Whedon's knack for the brilliant twist nobody anticipates, but I think she's older version of Inara....creme de la creme former Guild Companion who met a man who simply couldn't be easily pigeon-holed and drove her nuts at first but eventually fell in love with him because of the same reason Inara truly wants to try something with Mal 'now': the ability to See the deeper natures of people and call them to his banner. Of course, having Mal's mother be ex-Guild raises the questions of Mal's distate for Inara's work - I picture something 'big' involving Mal's mom having to choose between the Guild and their rules and doing the right thing that leads to her expulsion - and realistically figuring out how to transition Mrs. Reynolds to being comfortable and capable of life on the Rim, even if Shadow was a world where terraforming caught on well and resources were not as scare as they would be on a planet or moon like Whitefall.

And to counterbalance Mal's secret blue-blood origins, I think Inara being Mal's opposite would be interesting to play with...a sort of Eliza Doolittle, but with much earlier access to refinement via the Companion's Guild, though through proxies until her 12th birthday, when she started her Guild training. Something like having a childhood like Kaylee's but her savant skills being in areas that draw in the attention of the Guild. Helps explain Inara's bond with her mei-mei, but her early removal from her family would allow for Inara's general outsider perespective when spending time with the crew on ship and when dirtside.

"The revenge of the beaten comes in refusing to fall." -- Mal, in "The Losing Side - Chapter 45" by jetflair


Saturday, August 16, 2008 12:50 PM



Originally posted by BlueEyedBrigadier:
Gotta say...having Harrison Ford be Malcolm's dad would be freaking awesome. Though having flasbacks with Indiana Solo himself wouldn't work quite right for the background I dreamt up for Mal in relation to this multi-part tale I wanna tell... Me? I like to think that Mal's background would definitely put Simon's to shame and would drive the dear Doc to fits trying to fathom how Mal's parents produced our dear Capt'n Tightpants.

To me, Mal's dad is son of a 26th century verison of Daniel Day-Lewis' Daniel Plainsview from There Will Be Blood...the black sheep offspring of a ruthless businessman, a kind and brilliant man who inherited his father's mind and skills but none of the dark cruelty, greed and cynicism that Mal's grandfather used to become one of the wealthiest men in the 'Verse not directly invovled with Blue Sun.

Mal's mom? Maybe it's an weak attempt to replicate Joss Whedon's knack for the brilliant twist nobody anticipates, but I think she's older version of Inara....creme de la creme former Guild Companion who met a man who simply couldn't be easily pigeon-holed and drove her nuts at first but eventually fell in love with him because of the same reason Inara truly wants to try something with Mal 'now': the ability to See the deeper natures of people and call them to his banner. Of course, having Mal's mother be ex-Guild raises the questions of Mal's distate for Inara's work - I picture something 'big' involving Mal's mom having to choose between the Guild and their rules and doing the right thing that leads to her expulsion - and realistically figuring out how to transition Mrs. Reynolds to being comfortable and capable of life on the Rim, even if Shadow was a world where terraforming caught on well and resources were not as scare as they would be on a planet or moon like Whitefall.

And to counterbalance Mal's secret blue-blood origins, I think Inara being Mal's opposite would be interesting to play with...a sort of Eliza Doolittle, but with much earlier access to refinement via the Companion's Guild, though through proxies until her 12th birthday, when she started her Guild training. Something like having a childhood like Kaylee's but her savant skills being in areas that draw in the attention of the Guild. Helps explain Inara's bond with her mei-mei, but her early removal from her family would allow for Inara's general outsider perespective when spending time with the crew on ship and when dirtside.

"The revenge of the beaten comes in refusing to fall." -- Mal, in "The Losing Side - Chapter 45" by jetflair

BEB, extremely good to see you!

It seems like we think something similar on Mal's father's background. I guess that Mal's grandmother is a good match for your ideas on his grandfather.She's a matriarch that's very ambitious and likes to run every aspect of her childrens' lives. She enjoys her money and power over other people.

Mal's Ma is different altogether. She came from sturdy pioneering stock. Her grandparents were original Shadow settlers, looking for a place to set down roots and raise their family.

Her Pa ran the general store, he was a widower of middle years and his daughter and only child ran it with him. (BEB maybe you could insert your Companion here, but the only way I can see that is if she somehow makes her way to Shadow).

Being the owner of the store, Malcolm Tully knew everyone. When Tom Reynolds landed on Shadow after a year or two of wandering around the 'verse with ideas of starting a cattle ranch he naturally looked to Mal Tully for guidance on where to buy the best cattle, buy land and meet people. Tom was immediately smitten with Meg.

Then throw in a little UST for a while and the rest they say is history. Gotta stop now because I'm giving away one of my old fics and I think parts of others.

Ed Harris or Bruce Campbell would be great as Mal Tully. Crusty, more than a bit western and great actors.

Another actor good as Mal's dad would have been a young Russell Crowe.

I'm also in the middle of a fic about how Mal gets Serenity. It came to me because I just got a new (new to me anyway!) car today. I'm sure Mal felt the same way when he first saw Serenity.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 1:06 PM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:

Originally posted by BlueEyedBrigadier:
Gotta say...having Harrison Ford be Malcolm's dad would be freaking awesome. Though having flasbacks with Indiana Solo himself wouldn't work quite right for the background I dreamt up for Mal in relation to this multi-part tale I wanna tell... Me? I like to think that Mal's background would definitely put Simon's to shame and would drive the dear Doc to fits trying to fathom how Mal's parents produced our dear Capt'n Tightpants.

To me, Mal's dad is son of a 26th century verison of Daniel Day-Lewis' Daniel Plainsview from There Will Be Blood...the black sheep offspring of a ruthless businessman, a kind and brilliant man who inherited his father's mind and skills but none of the dark cruelty, greed and cynicism that Mal's grandfather used to become one of the wealthiest men in the 'Verse not directly invovled with Blue Sun.

Mal's mom? Maybe it's an weak attempt to replicate Joss Whedon's knack for the brilliant twist nobody anticipates, but I think she's older version of Inara....creme de la creme former Guild Companion who met a man who simply couldn't be easily pigeon-holed and drove her nuts at first but eventually fell in love with him because of the same reason Inara truly wants to try something with Mal 'now': the ability to See the deeper natures of people and call them to his banner. Of course, having Mal's mother be ex-Guild raises the questions of Mal's distate for Inara's work - I picture something 'big' involving Mal's mom having to choose between the Guild and their rules and doing the right thing that leads to her expulsion - and realistically figuring out how to transition Mrs. Reynolds to being comfortable and capable of life on the Rim, even if Shadow was a world where terraforming caught on well and resources were not as scare as they would be on a planet or moon like Whitefall.

And to counterbalance Mal's secret blue-blood origins, I think Inara being Mal's opposite would be interesting to play with...a sort of Eliza Doolittle, but with much earlier access to refinement via the Companion's Guild, though through proxies until her 12th birthday, when she started her Guild training. Something like having a childhood like Kaylee's but her savant skills being in areas that draw in the attention of the Guild. Helps explain Inara's bond with her mei-mei, but her early removal from her family would allow for Inara's general outsider perespective when spending time with the crew on ship and when dirtside.

"The revenge of the beaten comes in refusing to fall." -- Mal, in "The Losing Side - Chapter 45" by jetflair

BEB, extremely good to see you!

It seems like we think something similar on Mal's father's background. I guess that Mal's grandmother is a good match for your ideas on his grandfather.She's a matriarch that's very ambitious and likes to run every aspect of her childrens' lives. She enjoys her money and power over other people.

Mal's Ma is different altogether. She came from sturdy pioneering stock. Her grandparents were original Shadow settlers, looking for a place to set down roots and raise their family.

Her Pa ran the general store, he was a widower of middle years and his daughter and only child ran it with him. (BEB maybe you could insert your Companion here as Mal's gradmother, but the only way I can see that is if she somehow makes her way to Shadow).

Being the owner of the store, Malcolm Tully knew everyone. When Tom Reynolds landed on Shadow after a year or two of wandering around the 'verse with ideas of starting a cattle ranch he naturally looked to Mal Tully for guidance on where to buy the best cattle, buy land and meet people.

Tom was immediately smitten with Meg.Then throw in a little UST for a while and the rest they say is history. Gotta stop now because I'm giving away one of my old fics and I think parts of others.

Ed Harris or Bruce Campbell would be great as Mal Tully. Crusty, more than a bit western and great actors.

Another actor good as Mal's dad would have been a young Russell Crowe.

I'm also in the middle of a fic about how Mal gets Serenity. It came to me because I just got a new (new to me anyway!) car today. I'm sure Mal felt the same way when he first saw Serenity.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:46 PM


Sam Elliot, Kris krisstoferson, or Fred Ward...or how about Michael Rooker? They'd all be great choices for Mal's dad, Even Though Mal's dad doesn't seem to have been involved in his upbringing.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 6:42 PM


Just a thought. How about a young Mel Gibson? I'm thinking in between "Tim" and the beginning of "Mad Max" Mel.






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