Do you feel like you failed?

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 04:11
VIEWED: 10102
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Sunday, September 28, 2008 5:08 PM


I feel like we failed getting another movie. All we heard was if there were enough sales there would be another movie however so far there has been nothing. Also at this point I don't see how they could get the cast back together to do another movie because a lot of them have moved on to new shows. How do you feel about it?


Sunday, September 28, 2008 5:53 PM


WE haven't failed. We have already " done the impossible," and that "makes us mighty." THEY just haven't completely caught on yet... Remember, it took original Star Trek 18 years. We just gotta " keep on holdin'.


Monday, September 29, 2008 1:23 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

We haven't failed. FOX and Universal have failed.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, September 29, 2008 3:06 AM


Not in the slightest, yes I am dissappointed the franchise didnt immediately relight, yes I was dissappointed when despite our best efforts FOx went ahead and cancelled it.

Look at yourselves, seriously, take a look around, this forum and the plethora of others out there. We are an active and growing fandom. Those new people, those are our angels, bolstering our lines, and increasing our numbers. If you dont believe the browncoats are mighty in numbers... you really need to attend a convention like DragonCon. or, if cons are not your thing, put on your favorite firefly or serenity tshirt, and walk around a mall, a movie theater, a park, or even ride an elevator around in a busy building, you will get nods and smiles of acknowledgement and sometimes even a new friend out of the deal. back following the DragonCon chain of thought, the dragoncon organizers had to scramble and change their plans to move the browncoat contingents to the largest rooms, bumping smaller (but expected to be larger) panels to other rooms this year.

Truth is, the big boards have grown quieter, but go check out the local group boards, the fanbase is definately still active, definately growing. yes, many of the older board members have drifted off the boards, but I can assure you,they are just waiting, lurking, and many have their fingers still in the pulse of the browncoat community they are just biding their time. I'm sure many of you think the older parts of this fandom may not rush back to the lines, but search in your heart, there was something about this show more than any other that resonated, or you wouldnt be here, old member or new (why search out a messageboard for a show that was cancelled years ago?). When they said, "once you've bene in Serenity valley, you don't leave, you just learn to live there." It's so true, this show is something amazing. The fact that all these big boards are still active, is really a testimant to the fandom, do asearch for other tv shows cancelled within a similar time frame as firefly, or movies around the time of serenity, you will be hardpressed to find more than empty shells of forums, I will use wonderfalls as an example, cute quirky show I really enjoyed, a quick search brought up this, look at teh last time the page was updated.

Did we fail? No, we got the show on dvd, we got a movie, it was one of the very first movies made into blueray format, comics, a bigdamn cruise, an award winning fan documentary, books, a
nd some incredibly shiny licensed merchandise.
Furthermore the fandom has raised some incredible amounts of money in the name of charities all around the globe, and those efforts are growing. Point and fact, cantstoptheserenity.

We have done more, in less time than many fandoms, I'm incredibly proud of what we have accomplished. Failure, would have been our show dying into obscurity never even making it to dvd.

We just have to hold the line. I'm thinking we will rise again.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Monday, September 29, 2008 6:07 AM


ArtCat - You Rock! How did you pick all those feelings from my heart and put them into words? I'm printing out your post and putting it in a place of honor.

In answer to the original question: Failed? New recruits coming every day doesn't coincide with failure. We'll keep our ship in the air with baling wire and spit if we have to.
"Not that you'd spit..."

"...I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Seattle's Serenity Forever/Equality Now!-a CSTS event - June 22, 2008 -- We did GOOD! --


Monday, September 29, 2008 6:12 AM


Awe! thank you hun, I feel honored. I am not a strong writer, just typed what i thought and felt, this was an excellent topic for a thread.

Sorry I am the queen of run on sentences, and thought / topic jumping. It has always been an issue. :)

wow and rereading the topic, i think I interpreted incorrectly, do I personally feel like I failed the browncoats?

Again no, knowing the results, I would do everything I did again, I know I did everything I could do, and continue doing to promote teh show. soo no I dont feel like a failure, I take a great deal of pride in the browncoats, and things I have personally done and participated in over the years to boost the signal. When I write Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse I absolutely mean it.

Yall/ us are an incredible group of people around the world who have done something truly incredible, and I am just soo happy to be a part of it.

OK, off to bring religiousity (of firefly) to the fuzzy wuzzies!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Monday, September 29, 2008 6:57 AM


If you're ever feeling the blues about this, just remember that all love is unrequited.


Monday, September 29, 2008 9:58 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by artcat81:
... or, if cons are not your thing, put on your favorite firefly or serenity tshirt, and walk around a mall, a movie theater, a park, or even ride an elevator around in a busy building, you will get nods and smiles of acknowledgement and sometimes even a new friend out of the deal.

All well said artcat81, totally agree.

That quoted bit... makes me think we should have a "wear a Firefly/Serenity T-shirt day," once a year. Not a big to-do, just a simple, easy way to have a day of solidarity and a good guerilla marketing event. I know I would go out to a mall or other public place and see who turned up walking around in one!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, September 29, 2008 1:18 PM



Originally posted by artcat81:

We are an active and growing fandom.

Actually, after the last time this site went down, Haken himself stated that although new people are joining regularly, more, far more people are leaving. He stated that there has been a massive drop in activity on this site. Also, I've noticed the same thing on other forums that are FF/S or Sci-Fi or have some little corner to discuss it.

Sorry, but what you're saying just isn't so.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, September 29, 2008 2:01 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by artcat81:

We are an active and growing fandom.

Actually, after the last time this site went down, Haken himself stated that although new people are joining regularly, more, far more people are leaving. He stated that there has been a massive drop in activity on this site. Also, I've noticed the same thing on other forums that are FF/S or Sci-Fi or have some little corner to discuss it.

Sorry, but what you're saying just isn't so.

No prob hun and no need to apologise, but I keep in contact with many of the folks that are no longer active on the main messageboards, some have moved to the smaller local or regional boards, and others just stay in contact with the fandom via email with other browncoats, we may not be as in your face as we once were, but the folks that have left are still browncoats, just not as active on the message boards anymore. and Yes some folks have left, and others join, but thats the nature of things like this.

On a local level, my local Houston Browncoats, keep growing bigger, almost every shindig brings a new face, and our meetups keep growing, I know the same is true with the Austin Browncoats, and with the 76th battalion.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Monday, September 29, 2008 2:11 PM


Very true, ArtCat. My organization is growing every month!

We, Austin Browncoats, turned our fan power into a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, and will continue to do good works with or without a second big damn movie. So believe me, I do not think we've failed. We took our love for the 'verse that Joss created and have done amazing things for charity. Sometimes the end result isn't what you predicted, or even wanted. And sometimes it's even better. What we're doing now is better than a second movie. We're making the world a better place - one shindig at a time. And that makes us mighty.


Monday, September 29, 2008 2:47 PM


I have only come to the 'verse in this last year so I have not been at this as long as some of you. I have enjoyed and participated in the ongoing process that is Firefly/Serenity. I have spread the word to others and made many friends.
In my case I do not feel that any of my efforts have failed. Would I love to get another movie...hell yes....will I keep flying......damned straight I will.

gentle journey all,
twilight seeker


Monday, September 29, 2008 3:03 PM


Artcat summed it up pretty well! I don't frequent the big boards much these days, but I'm crazy active in one or two smaller ones... and they are still growing...


Monday, September 29, 2008 3:23 PM


I also am more of a lurker.


Monday, September 29, 2008 4:17 PM


One of the most common mistakes is to try to associate the true size of a fandom with how active the larger messageboards are. Active messageboard participants are only a fraction of the overall numbers. As evidenced by the tons of people that I meet at Cons or Browncoat events who are fans of the verse and have never been on the boards.

Vote for Firefly at Wherever

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Monday, September 29, 2008 5:44 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Actually, after the last time this site went down, Haken himself stated that although new people are joining regularly, more, far more people are leaving. He stated that there has been a massive drop in activity on this site. Also, I've noticed the same thing on other forums that are FF/S or Sci-Fi or have some little corner to discuss it.

Sorry, but what you're saying just isn't so.

I disagree. I've been a member here for a long time, but I've posted maybe twice (including this one) in the last 18 months. Does that mean I'm not a Browncoat? Not in the slightest. I'm more vested in the fandom than I ever was when I was active on thie board, but I have the 76th Battalion, and its boards, filling up my time.

And the drop off on the larger boards is to be expected. Spend five minutes in the Real Word board and you'll see what I mean. Once a board gets really big, you run into more personality clashing and bruised egos than most people want to deal with, so they either just lurk or leave entirely. Hell, you get that on the smaller boards, but its ten times worse on the bigger ones.

And as others have said, go to a Con. The amount of Browncoats at D*Con this year dwarfed the number just last year. And there were Jedi, Stormtroopers, Colonial Marines and Colonial Fleet wearing Jayne hats. And when the 76th was in uniform, we were recognized, and more than a few of us were approached by people wanting to talk about FF/S.

We haven't failed. We, as a fandom, have done all we can. Ultimately, the decision was not ours to make, and the ones left to make that decision made the one they thought was right. We may not agree with it, but we aren't in their shoes and don't know all the information.

I hope one day they'll revisit the 'verse we love, but I'm not expecting them to.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, September 29, 2008 6:18 PM


I went to D*Con (my first Con BTW and going back next year!) and couldn't get into any of the Firefly/Serenity panels because there were so many people. The Shindig was by far the largest party and I saw 'coats every where!

Lots of us have gone on to do other things that are associated with Firefly/Serenity. Right now I'm helping with the Raleigh CSTS showing in June.

We've gone from one night to two and our Christmas party will be at a showing of "Serenity" Dec 4. I expect a full house.

I'm also involved with KidsNeedToRead, Nathan Fillion's literacy charity. Come and join us at


Monday, September 29, 2008 8:05 PM


good posting topic and a very good question
other than the fox fiasco, i don't think anyone has failed. i think that this is a very special franchise that sadly happens to be a cult (albeit a pretty darn popular one!) thing, and that serenity, despite being a movie of exquisite beauty and care (least that's how i viewed it) just didn't stand a chance of being a commercial hit in the conservative, formulaic movie industry.

like i said, the only fail, and it was a doozy, was on the part of the idiots at fox. yeah, it does sadden me to think that realistically, the chances are great that there won't be anymore films, but overall, this franchise has been an artistic triumph and a pretty darn tenacious commercial one (escaping the jaws of commercial death by having a canceled tv show continued as a major feature film- props to mary parent!).

think of it this way- there's like 14 hours of scifi storytelling perfection there for our viewing enjoyment!


Monday, September 29, 2008 8:47 PM



You're making two assumptions that you can't really make:

1) That the increase in local growth and/or the people that stay in contact is the same in number as the decline in on-line activity, and,

2) Every (or most) local groups are like yours.

The way Haken stated things left no uncertainty about the level in drop off. As in, unless your local group has exploded over the years, you can't assume (1).

It is trivial why (2) can't be assumed.

Now, I'd like more quality FF just like everyone else. But, the likeliness of that happening is pretty much nil. Don't let a lot of people here telling you different delude you into thinking that. Because, without massive amounts of people spending massive amounts of money proving the financial viability of a sequel to the movie, we aren't getting anything.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, September 29, 2008 9:06 PM


Assumptions that can't be made:

1) That everyone (or a lot of people) is like you.

2) That I'm questioning people being Browncoats or not.

3) That I don't know about RWD even though I post there (I've done so recently actually).

4) That you can base an opinion of how healthy a fandom is as a whole based on the presence of the extremists (e.g. at Cons).

And actually, we have failed. You see, an actually active fandom doesn't just wear out there DVDs, etc. They produces content. Now you're going to point to the Blue Sun Room and say there you go, right? But, that isn't what I'm talking about. The fan fic/pics/etc produced here is nothing compared to an actual active community. The various web pages scattered across the net are nothing. What is actually needed to prove an active fandom is not waiting for those bit products to be produced, but to make it ourselves. Starwars, Wing Commander, and Star Trek are great examples of communities that are actually active. They have fan produced mods for games, and even entirely new games totally fan produced! They have books written in there respective 'verses among others things. What does FF/S have? QMX? The effectively cancelled game from MV? A few comics? What else? Nothing.

I've said it before and it bares repeating: If you sit around waiting for others to produce something for you effectively doing nothing, that's exactly what you'll get.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, September 29, 2008 9:46 PM


No, not by a longshot. Failure? No way! We're temporarily grounded making repairs, she's busted up pretty good but she'll fly true!

These things take time, mainly because a few execs at Fox and Universal need persuading. The way I see it, the Blu-Ray Firefly sales will be a good jumping off point. Browncoats all over the world buying up this version will send a clear message to those folks that there's money to be made. Think about it - millions $$ in sales and no more episodes. Some smart exec will say "Hey, if we make more episodes, we'll make more money."
Well DUH!

Like I said, logic will prevail, if not they do not know how to add. Universal would be smart to pick up on the Theme Park aspect. Imagine Serenity Valley hotels, Heart of Gold Motels, Maidenhead Bar, Inara's Honeymoon Shuttle, Kaylee's Room, Jayne's Bunk, The Bridge, Whitefall Dude ranch, Shiny hats from Londinium and in the middle of the complex a replica of Serenity. A Browncoat's Paradise! (A man can dream, can't he?)

What was the question again? Oh yeah, no we haven't failed. Many new recruits and tons of sites - so much so - that 20th Century Fox made a Blu-Ray version of the very show they cancelled 6 years ago (to this day that amazes me). I would say that's success! So don't fret, everything's shiny!

So we hold, we hold until the Captain gets back!


Monday, September 29, 2008 10:01 PM


As long as i keep trying to get another person to watch the best damn tv show i ever did see then i can honestly say i haven't failed. As for if Browncoats in general have failed, not even slightly. If they had i likely would have never heard of Firefly, the fact that we're still here is success enough in my opinion.

Just wearing a Sereni-Tee or making your sceptical friend watch the pilot all these are us winning that couple with the fact that people still haven't given up with getting themselves more of the 'verse, well that makes me damn proud to call myself a Browncoat


Monday, September 29, 2008 10:08 PM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
No, not by a longshot. Failure? No way! We're temporarily grounded making repairs, she's busted up pretty good but she'll fly true!

These things take time, mainly because a few execs at Fox and Universal need persuading. The way I see it, the Blu-Ray Firefly sales will be a good jumping off point. Browncoats all over the world buying up this version will send a clear message to those folks that there's money to be made. Think about it - millions $$ in sales and no more episodes. Some smart exec will say "Hey, if we make more episodes, we'll make more money."
Well DUH!

Like I said, logic will prevail, if not they do not know how to add. Universal would be smart to pick up on the Theme Park aspect. Imagine Serenity Valley hotels, Heart of Gold Motels, Maidenhead Bar, Inara's Honeymoon Shuttle, Kaylee's Room, Jayne's Bunk, The Bridge, Whitefall Dude ranch, Shiny hats from Londinium and in the middle of the complex a replica of Serenity. A Browncoat's Paradise! (A man can dream, can't he?)

What was the question again? Oh yeah, no we haven't failed. Many new recruits and tons of sites - so much so - that 20th Century Fox made a Blu-Ray version of the very show they cancelled 6 years ago (to this day that amazes me). I would say that's success! So don't fret, everything's shiny!

So we hold, we hold until the Captain gets back!

while it's great in theory to be an optimist, it's also good to be realistic and realize that most of the world doesn't even know this franchise exists. the things you are suggesting are for blockbuster franchises. serenity will never be that.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 1:14 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

Imagine Serenity Valley hotels, Heart of Gold Motels, Maidenhead Bar, Inara's Honeymoon Shuttle, Kaylee's Room, Jayne's Bunk, The Bridge, Whitefall Dude ranch, Shiny hats from Londinium and in the middle of the complex a replica of Serenity. A Browncoat's Paradise! (A man can dream, can't he?

That sounds like Paradise. And don't forget the Reaver Rollercoaster Ride.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 2:25 AM


Here's the problem with you definition of failure.
The fandoms that have books and the like actually published in their respective verses have the rights to do so, and authors willing to write them. We have plenty of talented writers here, but most of them will tell you they'd never get published and therefore never try. And the already established authors are either too mired in the universe they're writing in, have no idea what Firefly is, or have no interest in writing for it. And even if they did write one, the fandom can't force the studio's hand to allow the thing to be published. And before you call anyone here out about not producing content, tell me, what exactly have you contributed? You're quick to call us all failures, but I don't see you tauting anything you've created. You know the answers, so why not lead the way?

And you're making a lot of assumptions too. You seem to think that a majority of people in the Firefly fan verse are like you. And you seem to think that there is no gray area. You can't even concede that there's even a possibility that ArtCat or I might be right to a degree, not even a little.

And you ever think that maybe people left because of people like you? It's why I did. I have no expectation, even if we did all the things that, to you, define a 'good', 'active' fandom, that there will ever be another series or movie. I just don't see it happening. The networks have final say in what happens, and being that we live in a world where The Hills and American Idol could last more than an episode but quality programming is being pulled off all the time, its obvious the networks' finger is so far off the pulse of the viewers (or just too many stupid people are watching TV) that they are not going to make the right choice.

However, what you don't see though, is me coming into threads to tell people they're deluding themselves. I don't trample other people's hopes, because hope is the only thing that has even allowed this fandom to become what it has. You consider the fandom a failure, but I look around and I see a group of individuals that have done alot to keep Firefly alive, even if only for themselves. If everyone had your cynical, negative attitude, this board wouldn't even be here for us to have this discussion.

Thank you though, for reminding me just why I left here in the first place.


Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
And actually, we have failed. You see, an actually active fandom doesn't just wear out there DVDs, etc. They produces content. Now you're going to point to the Blue Sun Room and say there you go, right? But, that isn't what I'm talking about. The fan fic/pics/etc produced here is nothing compared to an actual active community. The various web pages scattered across the net are nothing. What is actually needed to prove an active fandom is not waiting for those bit products to be produced, but to make it ourselves. Starwars, Wing Commander, and Star Trek are great examples of communities that are actually active. They have fan produced mods for games, and even entirely new games totally fan produced! They have books written in there respective 'verses among others things. What does FF/S have? QMX? The effectively cancelled game from MV? A few comics? What else? Nothing.

I've said it before and it bares repeating: If you sit around waiting for others to produce something for you effectively doing nothing, that's exactly what you'll get.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:41 AM


from the first moment I read the title of this thread, I avoided the whole thing for a while. Then curiosity got the best of me

my first instinct was right-- this whole topic has troll written all over it, just trying to stir up trouble and get people upset. As someone said, "thanks for reminding me why I left in the first place."

this is not a topic of "discussion" it's a "give it up folks" thread disguised in a form of a question. I say we let the topic fade away

after all, those of us who believe, believe hard.

for the starter of this thread- if you're not a troll, you're certainly coming off as one. If you are a troll... go off and try to bring religiosity to the fuzzy wuzzies or something

Shiny stuff for not a lot o coin:


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:54 AM


I'm just going to say this, and let it go as I think many of my opinions have been expressed by others about our growing fandom.

So our 'Verse hasn't been around as long as Star Wars and Star Trek, but it is strong and many folks from that fanbase are a part of this one as well.

The term "failure" is a realative one. Different people measure success and failure in different ways. Which is why folks might agree to disagree here.

I think our 'Verse is strong and true, and as long as people keep Firefly close to their hearts and on their minds, it is still alive.

I've seen a two year old ask for more Firefly when an Episode ended, so that to me is proof that our fanbase is ever growing, even with the young ones. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:50 AM


And keep in mind, there are a few fan-based Firefly projects in the works. Video and Audio dramas.

Keep your eyes on Between The Lines Studios, for the audio drama.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:16 AM



We haven't failed. FOX and Universal have failed.


And just cause folks leave a board, don't mean they leave fandom - there's not really anything short of Joss suddenly acting like George Lucas that would cause me to not be a fan anymore.



Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:16 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Do I feel we failed? Nope, sure don't. The majority of the fans went above and beyond in their efforts, participation in various campaigns, bought numerous movie tickets, held screenings, and then bought multiple copies of dvds. Many of us pushed the movie like it was our very own project.

Failed? Not in the slightest. We should all be proud of our efforts and the gains we made from said efforts.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:13 AM


Lurkers of the web unite! If we just could get up the nerve ;-)


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:43 AM



Originally posted by earthgirl:
from the first moment I read the title of this thread, I avoided the whole thing for a while. Then curiosity got the best of me

my first instinct was right-- this whole topic has troll written all over it, just trying to stir up trouble and get people upset. As someone said, "thanks for reminding me why I left in the first place."

this is not a topic of "discussion" it's a "give it up folks" thread disguised in a form of a question. I say we let the topic fade away

after all, those of us who believe, believe hard.

for the starter of this thread- if you're not a troll, you're certainly coming off as one. If you are a troll... go off and try to bring religiosity to the fuzzy wuzzies or something

Oh please!! It was a good soul searching type of question. Every time someone posts a relatively controversial opinion on here, someone yells Troll. It garnered exactly what I thought it would: thoughtful responses from both sides of the and the other boards are not the be all, end all of this fandom. Think about it people: It barely lasted a season. And the fandom, from what I'm seeing IS growing.

Vote for Firefly at Wherever

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:03 PM


We may never see more Firefly produced, but that does not make the original any less. Life in all its forms comes in waves. It was years between the first Alien movie and the second. Ther have been shows that have lasted years that never got the attention this program has.

I keep reminding myself the Joss has many projects in his head. We are now waiting for Dollhouse. So it may not be Firefly, but this could be another exception show.

I have spent a lot of time looking for things that do not exist, while wonderful things pass me by without notice. Widen your view and you may find glimpses of Firefly in other pieces of Joss's work. Even some of the other writers from the show may create things that may come from the influence of working on Firefly.

I am sure Summer is using her experience as River as she works on the Terminator series.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:47 PM


Firstly, I would just like to make a distinction between the how the term "failure" is perceived.

Do you all remember being a newcoat? And having that passionate, nigh-rabid adoration for our beloved verse? To a new member of our fandom, especially during the post-Serenity era, one might feel let down that things are very slow at the moment. It may feel like noone is doing anything to relight her. And that is understandable right?

Now an Oldcoat, who has been with Firefly since it's brief foray into networks around the world (I believe we had Firefly here in New Zealand, mid 2003.) Has seen the rise and falls, knows that we now have several amazing comics, a movie,
a Visual Companion, a pletohra of fanbased material and merchandise. Where was that four or five years ago?

I feel that there is no "failing" to this.
from what I see. We have achieved so so much. And that is something that cannot be undone.

The fanbase is definately, growing. Why, last year, I had the largest number of converts since I started all those years ago, when I bought my first boxed set(now adorning the scars of each convert's possession.)

We have done a lot, and as most Oldcoats now know, it's time to rest, and to hold. To the newcoats, do not fret, Oldcoats know how much you want change, and they have given ALOT for you all to have what you have. Change will come.

We are all out there. And we are waiting. All we need is that first little spark, from then on, well...

"That'll be an interesting day."


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:27 PM


Some actual sales numbers I pulled off of Amazon today that y'all might find interesting:

SERENITY DVD Sales Rank: #2,299 in Movies & TV (See Bestsellers in Movies & TV)
Popular in these categories:
#8 in Movies & TV > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Space Adventure
#8 in Movies & TV > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Futuristic
#8 in Movies & TV > Animation > Science Fiction

FIREFLY DVD Set Sales Rank: #225 in Movies & TV (See Bestsellers in Movies & TV)
Popular in these categories:
#1 in Movies & TV > Television > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Firefly
#7 in Movies & TV > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Series & Sequels
#12 in Movies & TV > Television > Fox TV

Considering the sheer weight of DVD titles that are offered on Amazon, combined with the fact that both Firefly and Serenity are not new titles anymore, these sales rankings are mighty impressive! Look how high those rankings are... this points to ongoing healthy, current(!), sales. Also, it can be safely said that both Firefly and Serenity are not exactly being heavily promoted by the studios anymore. At this point, these sales are powered by a solid fan base and great word of mouth.

The activity on message boards is not an accurate indicator of the overall audience of a movie or show. I was a loyal Buffy and Angel fan for years, yet never had the inclination to seek out a message board. There are lots of fans who love shows, but are not inclined to seek out message boards. I think that most of the drop off on the FF/S message boards has to do with many people not knowing what to discuss because we're going through a quiet period, as far as new things happening in the 'Verse. Also I have noticed that when folks don't have too many new things to discuss, often some members get negative or mean tempered to others. Is this some general lashing out in anger because the future of the 'Verse got stalled? Are other fans getting picked on because they happen to be handy? Who knows for sure. But I've seen the corrosiveness of this negativity and it does drive some nice fans away.

I happen to think there are always new ways to discuss Firefly and Serenity, it just will take a bit of imagination to come up with a new take. Just lately I began some discussions on another board and was fascinated to discover just how much more I could discuss and discover about the episodes and characters. The writing is so well done, there's plenty of creative ways to explore the layers in the show and movie.

There are very realistic reasons to believe that the 'Verse can be revived in some form in the future. The healthy and continuing DVD sales point to a continuing audience interest. Joss still says that he would love to return to the 'Verse, and the cast also say that they'd also love to play their roles again. Taking the long view, and considering Joss's willingness to try new entertainment business models ("Dr. Horrible"), it's not out of the realm of possibility that Firefly/Serenity will return in some form. Probably not a theatrical movie, perhaps a mini-series, direct to DVD, or new kind of online/DVD production. Personally, I think it will take a little more time because certain circumstances have to be right. As long as Joss, the cast, and the audience still want it to happen, then the rest is just building the audience and finding a way to finance it.

In the meantime support the 'Verse where we can, and get creative in our discussions about Firefly and Serenity. Also, just keep spreading the word about FF/S and help keep the audience growing. When there's a big enough audience and demand for more, then there's real money to be made, and a revival will happen... and that ain't just crazy fan talk.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:45 PM


Nope. We didn't fail. F*X failed to give Firefly a real chance right out of the gate, and the Big Damn Movie was less than adequately promoted by Universal (especially to viewers otherwise unfamiliar with the 'Verse, thanks to F*X's folly).

On the other hand, the Firefly and Serenity DVDs had AWESOME sales figures (haven't checked on 'em, lately,) and that was in part due to Browncoat recruiting efforts (check the Firefly for Firefighters link in my sig, for an example of a campaign to spread the signal). Joss still has stories to tell; he just does 'em in ink and paper, for now.

Firefly is still aired (though not constantly, of course) as a valued part of Universal's HD lineup. And...

Firefly is also available for on-demand viewing through an increasing number of online resources, such as Those on-demand viewings are still generating advertising revenue, which makes Firefly a viable commercial commodity.

As for the state of the fandom, it IS growing. I'm on like 8 bajillion forums and email groups, and there is a constant stream of new 'Coats joining the fandom, either recent converts, or folks who have liked Firefly all along, but were unaware of all their shiny brothers and sisters.

Artcat's mention of Dragon*Con was an apt example of the state of the fandom. Six years since any episodes have been filmed, and the biggest fandom con in North America has to keep expanding the Firefly coverage. I know. Except for 2007, the missus and I have attended Dragon every year for about 14 years, and the presence and impact of the Browncoats has grown and grown. You don't see that for with LOTR fans, you don't see it for with the 'Scapers, you don't even see it with the Harry Potter fans.

But we Browncoats actively seek to increase our numbers, to share with those who aren't already aware of the 'Verse. We don't keep to ourselves.

So, the fandom is healthy and growing, and we are all doing our best, holding the line, and enjoying what we have, sharing it with anyone who will let us, and bein' Browncoats.

ETA: Thanks, 11th Hour, for the DVD sales stats!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:14 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Hi Ray! Hi 11th!(its Adams Hot Pearls from OB)

Thanks to both of you, you said it well,...I don't understand why this questions was asked in the first place??? TROLL?(in hiding) JMHO

my answer...if we had "failed", you wouldn't have this board (or most of the others) to post on.

To repeat my ST hero...'get a life',...if this is all you want to post, please don't.
If that was rude, then so was your insinuation of failure.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 4:11 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I joined here at 2am just over 2 years ago.. why? Because I had just watched the best damned show I had ever watched and was completely at a loss to know why it was cancelled!

What did I find? Browncoats, welcoming me with open arms...

I posted and posted and found friends, and learned a lot I couldn't have known from watching the DVDs again and again alone!

Do I still post here as often as I did then...?

NO WAY! I couldn't keep up that level of time and energy, many of the debates I enjoyed I have now explored and many of the fun things I continue in other forums and other websites...

Through this fandom, actually through this site I have leared to enjoy the internet and to keep in touch with friends near and far! I have now attended two D*Cs and am planning to attend next year again, this time with my boyfriend whom I first met online - here on!

I am also a founding memeber of the 76th battalion, which was started here on

I am also on facebook - with heaps of friends on there from

I am also on myspace - with heaps of friends on there from

I am also writing a blog - which I first came across through a friend from

I also spend time taking photos and uploading them to the net - which I learned how to do through a friend from

This December I will be bridesmaid to two of my dearest friends - both of whom I met through

Last year I stayed with friends in Georgia, Washington DC, Nth Carolina and NYC - all of whom I met through!

I regularly talk on the phone with friends in the USA... all of my friends in the USA I initially met through!

I had never even thought of visiting the USA until I got to know folk who lived there - through! I am now planning my 5th trip in less than 18 months!

I own 3 copies of the Big Damn Series on DVD, and 3 copies of the BDM, I have attended 3 CSTS screenings, I have introduced at least 6 true blue Browncoats to Firefly - all of whom have bought their own copies of the series & movie themselves - none of whom ever post here in

I have become a staunch supporter of Equality Now, through CSTS, through

I have also joined other firefly fan sites and spend varying amounts of time on them, depending of what's happening in my life, and what events are occouring in real life! Eg: I joined Serenity Oz, and made a lot of Australian friends before moving to England - I still keep in touch with them too!

I joined the British Serenity site recently in order to get to know some local browncoats, as I now live in the UK

I also check out the NEBC browncoats as my boyfriend is a memeber and I have attended a shindig and a CSTS screening with them - they are also friends of mine, many of whom I first met through

Damn - I could go on and on about this - many of the folk who have posted above me with wonderful, positive comments are people I have met in real life! We are glass half full people - we are not defeatist and we are not going to 'give up' just coz we didn't get an immediate response to our efforts!

In the words of Mal Reynolds... "I'm thinkin' we'll rise again!

P.S. Browncoats are my world wide family whom I chose for myself!

CPT Magda Martin, CO of India Co. (Australasia)






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