Time for a nonsense questionaire. Anyone game?

UPDATED: Friday, November 28, 2008 01:54
VIEWED: 7004
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Monday, November 24, 2008 10:52 AM


Just thought I'd set another one of these for a bit of a lark... Please feel free to embelish if you wish.

1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?
2) Muppets or Ewoks?
3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.
4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?
5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?
6) Duvet’s or Blankets?
7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?
8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?
9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...
10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?
11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?
12) Best thing about life is…
13) Beanbags or Sofas?
14) Something you wish were true?
15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator
16) What invention would you like to see?
17) Can you Moonwalk?
18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?
19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)
20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

Cheers :D


Monday, November 24, 2008 11:19 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'll have to think about a lot of those, but wanted to answer one right now.

18) If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.


Monday, November 24, 2008 11:21 AM



1) I don't really know the difference...
2) Ewoks
3) Started a 3 alarm blaze with 2 other kids in a field.
4) Heroes
5) Fear of heights. Or maybe fear of idiots.
6) Blankets
7) No way; one of me is already too many.
8) army of A.I. Robots.
9) Getting old ain't so bad, as long as Rambo & Indy are older.
10) Yes, if my Wife & Son can go, and there's a DVD player to use.
11) Sense of humour.
12) Diversity.
13) Sofas
14) God/Santa
15) Ellen Ripley-ALIEN
16) Flying Delorean
17) of course
18) No, I create my own meaning.
19) No, I'd go the Heroes route.
20) Door One
21) I heard that, yes I am psychic.

The participating Chrisisall


Monday, November 24, 2008 11:33 AM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, Invented by cartoonists...nuff said.
2) Muppets or Ewoks?: Muppets. Ewoks are the hairballs Animal coughs up.
3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.: Doing dumbs things stops when you grow up?? Who knew?
4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?: Two and a Half men... HEY I think it's funny!
5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?: Spiders. But wait! They've already done that. It's called a shoe...
6) Duvet’s or Blankets?: Duvets :Blanket sized pillows? What's not to like??
7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?: No way, couldn't handle the competition.
8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?: Robots...yeah definitely robots...
9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...: It not that there are more stupid people than regular people, it's just that the stupid people are louder.
10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?: Umm... no. Last time I checked my shirt wasn't red.
11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?: Helmets are cool
12) Best thing about life is…: Everything
13) Beanbags or Sofas?: Sofas
14) Something you wish were true?: People learning from their mistakes. I think the problem is, they have to see their mistakes as...well... mistakes.
15) Best cinematic heroine:: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN Sarah Conner is a whiner
16) What invention would you like to see?:
17) Can you Moonwalk?: Ummm... NO!
18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?: Again, nope. Life is what you make it, and I choose to make it... different
19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe): YES!! Just no cape. Cape's are bad...
20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return: *Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end…. No questions asked, there is no challenge to having everything you want. It's the quest to get said things that makes them worth getting.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, November 24, 2008 11:38 AM


Why not, I got a couple minnits - I can hear ya laffin already.

1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?

Evil device built soley to deposit you embarassingly facefirst in the grass at the first humiliating opportunity.

2) Muppets or Ewoks?

Muppets, with Animal on drums, oh yeah.

3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.

Attempting to fly off the roof with a home made dragchute composed of four hefty bags connected to a wooden X and held open by bent coathangers - even dumber is that it WORKED, but was immediately confiscated by an irate mommy.

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?

Magical Meow Meow Taruto (do NOT laugh, I will kill you... with a plushie, slowly.)

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?

Other humans "good intentions".

6) Duvet’s or Blankets?

Blankets, thick ones.

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?

Err, they broke the mold when they made me - besides, it was kinda cracked to begin with

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?

Robots, they're far more reliable.

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...

Whenever all of society is encouraging you do something, do exactly the opposite - you'll be much happier for it.

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?

No, it's not NEARLY far enough away.

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?

OSHA regulations.
(I'll leave you to decide whether the question, answer, or theme is sillier)

12) Best thing about life is…

Watching the great dreams of the wicked crumble like a sandcastle at high tide.

13) Beanbags or Sofas?

Sofas can be shared easier.

14) Something you wish were true?

FTL space travel.

15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator

Hands down, Ripley.

16) What invention would you like to see?

A femalespeak translating machine.

17) Can you Moonwalk?

Nope, mechanical ankle doesn't work backwards.

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?

Not one bit, tis what we DO that really gives it meaning in the first place.

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)

An armored black snowmobile suit with red satin half-cape - I actually have this, sans armor, the snowmobile suit is for cold weather riding, and the half cape is a joke from a friend on domestic abilities, although I think "Domestic Dynamo" wouldn't be a very intimidating super...

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

Door Two, what I really want isn't mere things, but somewhere real happiness is possible for everyone, and valued as a blessing rather than scorned as weakness - Door Two might lead there, Door One does not.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, November 24, 2008 11:43 AM


woot, questionnaires. I'm bored, so I'll give it a shot.

1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?
Well, they've never really bothered me, so I'd say the latter.
2) Muppets or Ewoks?
Ewoks. Definitely. They kick ass.
3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.
Well, I was never really given much room to do dumb stuff as a kid so...
4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?
tad dodgy? meaning questionable future, or questionable content? Used to watch Rescue Me (questionable content sometimes), but not so much anymore as it's on late sunday nights, and the only time i watched it was when i was in high school, so late sunday nights meant baaaad monday mornings. The show i'm really into now is Burn Notice, which has great content, but its future (which right now is lookin pretty good, second season's coming back and it's FORTUNATELY been signed on for a third) i'm fearing, cuz its a great show, but seems like one of those phenomenal shows that would get canned for no reason. fortunately, however, it's not a Fox show XD
5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?
Well, I've lived with them thus far without any setbacks, so I think I can continue with that. ^_^
6) Duvet’s or Blankets?
Duvets are blankets ;) thank you Tyler Durden.
7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?
No. wouldn't want to curse the world with another one of me.
8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?
mentally conditioned soldiers. robots can be so dodgy sometimes.
9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...
No matter how hard you try to sort things out in life, there will always be something or another to stand in your way, or cause you to have to go a different route than you wanted to go in order to achieve your goals, so you might as well just do your best and go with the flow, and not kill yourself over the little things in life.
10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?
hm.....judging from how Mission to Mars went...jk, there's something unsettling about a few thin layers of mylar and glass being the only thing separating me from, well, *nothing*
11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?
That is an excellent question. My guess is they didn't want to be unconscious for the last few seconds before they and their plane exploded. Helluva sight, no?
12) Best thing about life is…
Being able to decide what the hell you want to do with it, and hopefully making it worthwhile
13) Beanbags or Sofas?
futon ;) but since that's not an option, beanbag I guess
14) Something you wish were true?
The existence of advanced intelligent life, other than our own, on our very planet (if not other worlds, cuz if there ain't, seems like an awful waste of space) would be cool to have another humanlike species living here that we could talk to, no? EDIT: though FTL travel would be very cool, totally agree, Frem
15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator
Ellen Ripley.
16) What invention would you like to see?
The ability to terraform otherwise dead planets, but before that, the ability to travel there without it taking thousands of years (even though Einstein says that's impossible)
17) Can you Moonwalk?
Dunno, never tried.
18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?
19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)
Probably not, I'm not really a costumes type of person ;)
20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

*long drawn-out sigh while I think about it* Door Two.


Monday, November 24, 2008 12:04 PM


Chris. Holy crap! My brother did the exact same thing as your 3!

Flying Delorean *Snort*



Monday, November 24, 2008 12:04 PM


Look forward to your answers EC....


Monday, November 24, 2008 12:09 PM


Safe... Did you know I'm a cartoonist...? Coz otherwise your answer trips me out

Ewoks are hairballs that Muppets cough up. That's funny! Oh and the dumbest thing you did as an adult is yet to come :P

Oh and in ref to the doors, what if door two lead to things you couldn't possily imagine..?


Monday, November 24, 2008 12:13 PM


Fred. Classic kid thing to do by the way. Very funny indeed.


16) What invention would you like to see? A femalespeak translating machine.



Monday, November 24, 2008 12:19 PM



In ref to TV show - I meant questionable content. Mine is Smallville. I know I shouldn't like it but somehow I just do! BURN NOTICE, they've started to show here in the UK and I'm really enjoying it. It's great to see Bruce regularly on TV. The premise is strong too. I'm glad to hear it has been given a second season!


Monday, November 24, 2008 12:29 PM


ha, gotcha, then Rescue Me's as far out as I've gone XD

Glad you like burn notice. (did i say second season? oops ><) It's already in the second season, they just took a hiatus so it's coming back soon ^_^ (thank GOD) i'm THRILLED it's been given a third season *dances for joy* Michael Weston rocks, just the right amount of sarcasm, brains, and fighting technique. And all that comes with a crazy, trigger-happy ex-girlfriend XD


Monday, November 24, 2008 12:37 PM


1. Hammocks are awsome
2. Muppets
3. Drove a car at age 7. Got lashed for it.
4. Dexter
5. I fear nothing.
6. Aren't devets blankets?
7. Nah, I'd annoy me.
8. Humans are better than any AI
9. Two weeks ago, a national event again proved to me that people are, and will always be, sheeple in Plato's cave looking at shadows.
10. No. But I'd watch on TV
11. To protect their heads from canopy strikes due to poor flying. Many were under 16 years old at the end of the war and couldn't fly. They were trained to take off, and dive.
12. Firefly reruns
13. Sofas
14. I wish for 3 more wishes....
15. Sarah in 1st film ONLY
16. Controlled Fusion
17. no
18. The philosophical answer is so long, I cannot begin to write it in a post.
19. No. But I'd still try to hide my powers from public knowledge.
20. I would take door 1 and proceed to the door at the end, since it has everything in it I can imagine and I can imagine an egress location.

Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.


Monday, November 24, 2008 1:52 PM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?

the Matrimonial can be quite relaxing

2) Muppets or Ewoks?

muppets in spite of Leland, Mississippi

3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.

stole 25 cents from Naomi Byers

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?

The CBS evening news with Katie Couric

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?

Naomi Byers

6) Duvet’s or Blankets?

thermal imaging

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?

wood eye? hump back, hump back !

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?

please keep your world and your dalmatians

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...

air holes

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?

can i take pillie?

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?

screwed on

12) Best thing about life is…

life itself

13) Beanbags or Sofas?

partial to Eames chairs

14) Something you wish were true?

how big i tell everyone my penis is.... really, i get that question all the time....

15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN orSarah Connor?-Terminator

Ripley in her underwear even

16) What invention would you like to see?

jet pack

17) Can you Moonwalk?

never been there

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?

dude ? u kidding ? i thought everyone knew tha...... oh, ok

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)

i am the SLEEPER - pj's from dusk till dawn....

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

the one with the Occupido sign on the door


Monday, November 24, 2008 2:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug!
2) Muppets or Ewoks? Muppets.
3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid. Stuffed a bunker (I lived on a military base) with weeds and lit it on fire. Pure assclownery, and no idea why the hell we did it or what we were thinking. Since it was almost 40 years ago, I'm pretty sure the statute of limitations has run out...
4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it? Dirty Sexy Money, but not for long, because it's been cancelled.
5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed? Public speaking. I sing, I dance (amazingly badly, but who cares?), but public speaking leaves me in a cold sweat and dizzy.
6) Duvet’s or Blankets? Blankets.
7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you? Nope. One of me is all this world can handle, at least at a time.
8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.? Robots. I don't have to feed them, and they never bitch about the conditions.
9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation... Why do they call it "common sense", when it's so uncommon?
10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No? Yes, absolutely.
11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets? In case they failed, they could try, try again?
12) Best thing about life is… it SOOOOO beats the alternative.
13) Beanbags or Sofas? Sofas, always. Beanbags are more evil than hammocks.
14) Something you wish were true? UFOs and aliens.
15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator Ripley. Baddest space-chick EVAR.
16) What invention would you like to see? The Firefly-class transport.
17) Can you Moonwalk? Yes ( I TOLD you I danced, and badly! And yes, I can moonwalk quite well. Too well for an old, overly tall white guy.)
18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today? Not one whit.
19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe) Nope. Best to blend in.
20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

Door one - everything I could possibly imagine would by definition have to include one hellaciously large room, at least the size of the universe, because I can imagine all the wonders therein! Although the other door in room two could well be the door into Room One, so there's a conundrum. Still, I think I'll take the room I *know* has all the goodies in it, rather than a chance at nothingness...



Monday, November 24, 2008 2:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Oh and in ref to the doors, what if door two lead to things you couldn't possily imagine..?

Oooooo - I hadn't considered that! Or at least, I hadn't imagined it...

I'd really like to SEE a black hole, a naked singularity, but physics says that's impossible, so it's left to my imagination...


Monday, November 24, 2008 2:48 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
BURN NOTICE, they've started to show here in the UK and I'm really enjoying it.

Weston rocks all right. Did ya know it was shot in 16mm to cut costs? I wouldn't have thunk it- it looks better than it should...

Funny end to my 7 year old firebug story- I ran home & told my Dad what I did, and he didn't believe me, but he gave me a phony non-painful spanking at my insistence...later when he found out I wasn't lying, he's already 'spanked' me, so I lucked out, heh heh.

The naughty Chrisisall


Monday, November 24, 2008 2:56 PM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?- oh evil
2) Muppets or Ewoks?- definitely Muppets
3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.- set my m others expensive oriental rug on fire ( hey science teacher said old things burn is bad)
4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?- Redneck Wedding ( just fascinated that these people exist)
5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?- arachnephobia really I'd love to be able to just squish a spide
6) Duvet’s or Blankets?- blankets- duvets have uncomfortable buttons
7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?- no one of me is plenty
8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?- robots... I'm too critical of people
9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...that magazines run cover pages with diet tips and recipes for fattening foods..geez pick a side already
10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No? Not unless NV could come with me
11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets? tradition..useless useless transition
12) Best thing about life is… NV
13) Beanbags or Sofas? Sofas..cushy comfy sofas
14) Something you wish were true? magic weight loss pills
15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator Ripley( Sarah's a bit bonkers)
16) What invention would you like to see? Autochef or toning tubes
17) Can you Moonwalk? yeah but why would I
18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today? nope
19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe) Um not really a costumed/caped person... and my powers would be the ability to send the pain and misery a bad guy causes right back at him/her
20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter? Door 2... gotta see what else there is

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 24, 2008 4:57 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Safe... Did you know I'm a cartoonist...? Coz otherwise your answer trips me out

At the time, no. Now that you ask me, yeah, I think I did know. I like your work.

Ewoks are hairballs that Muppets cough up. That's funny! Oh and the dumbest thing you did as an adult is yet to come :P:

Isn't that the goal of life? To out dumb yourself and survive?

Oh and in ref to the doors, what if door two lead to things you couldn't possily imagine..?

I'm a writer, so you'd be surprised what stuff I can imagine

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, November 24, 2008 6:00 PM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?
I only slept in a Hammock once and I woke up with horrible pain in my neck and lower back. Jimmy Buffet is full of shit.

2) Muppets or Ewoks?

3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.
There are so many. I once took my school hostage during recess. When the first bell rang, we are all supposed to line up to go back into the school when recess ended. During one of these times, there was a particularly long wait while we stood in line, so I figured, “what the hell, why not pretend that I’m a alien from the planet Saturn and take over the school.” So I got out of line got up in front of the whole school and did my first political speech where I attempted to persuade many of the students to join me in world domination.

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?
I stopped watching TV after the writers strike. Like show type shows. I watch the Discovery channel, except during shark week, and the history channel, and the Disney channel. And stuff like that, but I really don’t watch shows any more.

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?
When I was very young my mother took me to see Jaws, since then I’ve had an irrational fear of large man-eating sharks. I would like that fear removed, so that I can watch the Discovery channel during shark week.

6) Duvet’s or Blankets?
Blankets, because it sounds more like it’s spelt.

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?
Sure. I would send myself for pizza.

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?
Mentally conditioned soldiers, for sure. All good evil masterminds must have evil henchmen with generic last names.

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...
I recently discovered that I don’t know what “quirk of life” means.

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?
No. Are you kidding me? We can’t even get Comcast at the farm, we certainly can’t get it on Mars.

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?
They didn’t. They wore fur lined, leather caps with radio in them.

12) Best thing about life is…
…to see your enemies driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women, duh.

13) Beanbags or Sofas?
Sofas. Beanbags aren’t all their cracked up to be.

14) Something you wish were true?
I am as big a stud as I think I am.

15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator
Sarah Connor, because Ripley was infested with stomach germs.

16) What invention would you like to see?
I think it would be fabulous if we could find some way of making transistors small enough and packed close enough together that we could use their semiconductive properties to relay sequences of on-off switches tied together in meaningful ways to produce a discrete logic that could possibly be used to process vast amounts of information quickly and effortlessly.

17) Can you Moonwalk?
Yes. Actually I can. Correctly, even.

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)
No. All that does is draw attention to you and let your enemies remember to bring the kryptonite. I’m going incognito the whole way. You won’t see me until you’re incapacitated by my super powers. And then you’ll be like, “Dude, where a f’ing cap!” and I’ll be like, “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

Door number One. Oh, by the way, one of the things that I can imagine is a door that I can leave through, with as much booty as I can carry.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, November 24, 2008 9:01 PM


Question 3) when I was about 4 we had a heater in our living room with thin vertical glass panes...I often wondered if it would make skin go stripey, so i got my brother who was 3 to pull down his pants, and put his derriere up against the panes...and yes his butt did get stripey...and I got into a tonne of trouble, and have forever been greatful that my brother was smart enough to move his tushie before it got seriously burnt.


Monday, November 24, 2008 11:42 PM


15. Between Alien and Terminator, I'd have to go with Sarah in Terminator. Ripley was basically who is left standing.
Aliens vs Terminator, whole different story. Ripley takes the cake there. Most above responses make me think they are being confused.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:30 AM


I'll play,

1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with, but not the aweful knotted rope hammocks, give me the south american style hammocks anyday!, also fun play toys of inversion[
2) Muppets or Ewoks? Dude Muppets, how can you not love Fraggles?
3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid. Ran into an airconditioning vent with my shoulder, that required an ER trip
4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it? *head down in shame* Samantha Who
5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed? Absolutely not, they are boundaries, limitations to force myself past, plus, i feel a fear of heights is healthy :D, and I doubt medicine ever reaches the point of removing terrors my brain creates as I sleep, also some fears provide amazing creative energy I find help my art
6) Duvet’s or Blankets? BLANKETS! Nice big snuggly warm ones
7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you? yes, so we can take over the World
8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.? Mentally conditioned soldiers, computers and I do not get along
9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation... quirks, I tend to take entirely too much on and work myself into the ground
10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No? Nope, they would send me there to halt my plans for world domination, and while Mars scarcely habitated would be an easy dominion, my goal is the third rock from the sun
11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets? well the obvious answer is safety compliance :p, but the morbid side of me wonders... body identification?
12) Best thing about life is… Life itself
13) Beanbags or Sofas? sofas!
14) Something you wish were true? Artcat as a famous artist getting to create fulltime
15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator Umm.. can't really answer, never seen either movies all the wall through, I've only seen Alien Vs. Predator.
16) What invention would you like to see? waterpowered car from the Lonegunmen episode
17) Can you Moonwalk? with all the skill and grace of a white geeky girl
18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today? I think the meaning of life is defined by how you live it, soo your actions define your life and echoes ripples in those around you, soo the question as stated, no I would not change the way I approach life
19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe) Dude! an Excuse for a costume? me? of course I would have a costume... As for what... not sure would depend on the super powers
20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter? Door one if it somehow contained the very universe including the people, though, door two intrigues me greatly, and if door one only contained material things with no other doors, I would choose door 2

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 12:03 PM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?
Evil - unless it comes with a cute mechanic lying in it.

2) Muppets or Ewoks?
A toughie but The Muppets just win coz of Statler and Waldorf.

3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.
Blew up the wall of a bridge crossing a train track by placing a lot of fireworks in the cracks (it was an old wall).

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?
Fear of heights.

6) Duvet’s or Blankets?
Duvet's. No contest.

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?
Yes. One copy. See final question for reason.

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?
Robots are cool.

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...
That there is a theory of Inverse Actuality. The more you plan on achieving something, the less likely you are to achieve it. For example: The earlier I plan on going to bed (because I am tired) the later I actually end up going.

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?
Screw that. What's the point if you can't come back and talk about it or remember it.

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?
Flight regulations state that all fighter pilots must wear a helmet regardless of their destination or mission.

12) Best thing about life is…
Waking up next to my girlfriend in a nice warm bed and not have to get out of bed for any reason (like work).

13) Beanbags or Sofas?

14) Something you wish were true?
Santa Claus but that might change at other times of the year.

15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator

16) What invention would you like to see?

17) Can you Moonwalk?
No and fhank tuck that I can't!

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?
There is no meaning to life so no it wouldn't change anything.

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)
No costume as such but I would wear dark clothing to hide in the shadows.

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

My clone (see earlier question) would go in one door, me in the other. If one door turned out bad they would then commit suicide, leaving the other with the good bit.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:23 PM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?

Evil: sleeping on the ground can't hurt more than falling on the ground from several feet up. (While I'm at it: umbrellas... why? Clothes dry out - eyeballs don't grow back!)

2) Muppets or Ewoks?

Farscape proved that Muppets can kick ass too.

3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.

Growing up.

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?

I vote for the favorite: Smallville.

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?

I'm terrified of going near the doctor, you insensitive clod!

6) Duvet’s or Blankets?

Duvets - but see (16) below.

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?

No way. What if he didn't like me? There are some home truths you really don't want to know.

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?

Impertinent worm! You ask me, ME! the rightful ruler of the UNIVERSE to CHOOSE!? IF I DECREE THAT I SHALL HAVE BOTH THEN NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN DENY ME!!! MWAHHAHAHAHAH!!!! (But I'll take the soldiers - intelligence, artificial or otherwise, is not a good thing in a minion).

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...

The world of finance is much more interesting when it all goes to hell.

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?

Not when the robots are doing such a wonderful job.

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?

What would happen if they hit some turbulence and banged their bonce on the windshield before they got to the battle? To quote Arthur Dent: "I don't want to go to heaven with a headache - I'd be all cross and wouldn't enjoy it!".

12) Best thing about life is…

Those little critters with five cells that whizz across the screen:

13) Beanbags or Sofas?

Sofas, but either one is preferable to a hammock.

14) Something you wish were true?

"Money is the root of all evil" - because then the world would have got so much better in the last few months.

15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator

There's only one way to find out: FIGHT!!! I'll be in my bunk.

16) What invention would you like to see?

Device for putting duvet cover on duvet.

17) Can you Moonwalk?

Only if my trousers fall down.

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?

The great thing about life having no meaning is that nobody can tell you that you're doing it wrong.

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)

If flying is involved then something thick, warm and windproof, with some padding at the knees and elbows to cope with the occasional botched landing.

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

Neither. Run away, very fast. No one with any imagination would want to go into a room with everything they could possibly imagine in it. If you really want to play, I imagine a big notice board in room 1, easily visible from the door, which explains in large friendly letters where the door from room 2 goes.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 2:03 AM


1. Hammock
2. Muppets (Grover, Animal and Beaker crack me up)
3. Stole a typewriter and then put it back (long story)
4. Got hooked to the Surreal Life for a minute or two about 2 years ago. The one with Chris Knight.
5. Fear of talking to a woman within a group of women.
6. Blankets
7. Yep, just to see what I would do.
8. Army of AI Robots
9. Need more time to answer
10. No
11. It's gotta be tradition.
12. love
13. sofas
14. Need more time to answer.
15. Ellen Ripley (this was a close one).
16. Jetsons flying car.
17. No.
18. No.
19. Will answer later - I need some time.
20. Door Two.

Do or do not, there is no try


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 9:54 AM


1) Wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with
2) Ewoks
3) Technically, I'm still a kid ... but I've done a lot of crazy stuff. Hurmmm ... how about the time I got my church group to watch Shaun of the Dead, and then got the priest to turn the volume up just at the word c**t? That was pretty bad.
4) Strictly Come Dancing. Its highly addictive.
5) Fear of Dogs. *shudders*
6) Duvet
7) Nope. There are all sort of philosophical arguments against that.
8) Mentally conditioned soldiers. At least there's a chance of them being returned to normal.
9) The most comfortable position for doing homework at dinner is lying on your back with your feet in the air resting on the underpart of the stairway. (Y)
10) No. I like Earth.
11) What are Kamikaze pilots?
12) Best thing about life is… all the random little quirks that people have. The ones which define them as different to others.
13) Beanbag!
14) Firefly had lasted longer.
15) Sarah Connor?-Terminator
17) Yes. xD
18) No. I don't think it would.
19) Hell yeah! Any excuse to wear a cape.
20) Door Two the one with another door at the far end…. the second door intrigues me. && the other room would be too big.

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:07 AM


Finn mac Cumhal -

Apparentl hammocks work well if you sleep across them diagonally so that your back actually rests flat across it...

As for discovery channel and sharks. I don't get it either. What's the big deal about sharks anyway. They get so excited over them! I'm so fed up of shark week, or camera on a shark, or sharks leaping out of the water. Those guys are obsessed... Much prefer Meerkats. Those fellas got personality!

..Out of curiosity how old were you when you went to see Jaws?

and I love the sending yourself out for Pizza! Classic reason for a clone!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:09 AM



Originally posted by boris:
Question 3) when I was about 4 we had a heater in our living room with thin vertical glass panes...I often wondered if it would make skin go stripey, so i got my brother who was 3 to pull down his pants, and put his derriere up against the panes...and yes his butt did get stripey...and I got into a tonne of trouble, and have forever been greatful that my brother was smart enough to move his tushie before it got seriously burnt.

Dude.. Has your bro forgiven you yet? Eeeouch!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:16 AM


artcat81 wrote:


also fun play toys of inversion[

Sooo true!!!


Dude Muppets, how can you not love Fraggles?

Nooooo Fraggles were just the Muppets embarrasing cousins...


, also some fears provide amazing creative energy I find help my art
Hmmm. Sound observation.


I've only seen Alien Vs. Predator
Paul W.S. Anderson you have a lot to answer for....


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:26 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

..Out of curiosity how old were you when you went to see Jaws?

I don't know about him, but I was 16, and I saw it at a little theatre on Long Island's south shore, near where Jaws was supposed to take place (!)

The quivering Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:26 AM


Lwaves wrote:


Evil - unless it comes with a cute mechanic lying in it.

If only it were so....


Blew up the wall of a bridge crossing a train track by placing a lot of fireworks in the cracks (it was an old wall).
Bloody! Hell!!!


I know, know... Weird eh?


Flight regulations state that all fighter pilots must wear a helmet regardless of their destination or mission.
So what if you were a rebel and just went up to your flight officer and said:

"Hey boss! I aint flying with this girly head dress! I'm going up sans helmet!"

What are they going to do, not let you take off?!

"Nah, I had to ground Johnson.. that crazy idiot don't want to wear his helmet!"
"I know, I know. These young guys are getting crazier and crazier!! Right tell the other's to take off, and not come back..."


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:29 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

..Out of curiosity how old were you when you went to see Jaws?

I don't know about him, but I was 16, and I saw it at a little theatre on Long Island's south shore, near where Jaws was supposed to take place (!)

Really! Did you go into the water after that?

I think I was ten or eleven. I don't remember being particularly scared at the shark, but I didn't like the girl screaming at the beginning.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:36 AM


ImNotHere wrote:

I vote for the favorite: Smallville.
Wow Smallville is racking up the percentages. I don't feel so bad now. :D


Impertinent worm! You ask me, ME! the rightful ruler of the UNIVERSE to CHOOSE!? IF I DECREE THAT I SHALL HAVE BOTH THEN NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN DENY ME!!! MWAHHAHAHAHAH!!!! (But I'll take the soldiers - intelligence, artificial or otherwise, is not a good thing in a minion).

Ha,ha I had an image of Grouch Marx speaking this. Made me laugh!


If flying is involved then something thick, warm and windproof, with some padding at the knees and elbows to cope with the occasional botched landing.
He, he - there's a new breed of superhero right there!


Device for putting duvet cover on duvet.
Ah! Good idea.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:39 AM


Shinygoodguy wrote:


14. Need more time to answer.

OK how about now, you ready?


16. Jetsons flying car.
Yes - why don't we have these yet?!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:44 AM


Wakeupsoon wrote:

"3) ... how about the time I got my church group to watch Shaun of the Dead, and then got the priest to turn the volume up just at the word c**t? That was pretty bad.

As Hedly Lamarr say's in Blazzing Saddles "Kinky"


9) The most comfortable position for doing homework at dinner is lying on your back with your feet in the air resting on the underpart of the stairway.
Cool quirk. I like that.


19) Hell yeah! Any excuse to wear a cape.
Nice attitude. I'm liking your reasoning on this one!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:52 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Really! Did you go into the water after that?

I went on the beaches....

Took me two years before I felt comfortable enough to actually swim in the ocean again, in point of fact.

The scardey Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:56 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
..Out of curiosity how old were you when you went to see Jaws?

I was 5.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:02 AM


Originally posted by chrisisall:

I went on the beaches....

Took me two years before I felt comfortable enough to actually swim in the ocean again, in point of fact.]

That's fair enough. I think I was just too naive as a kid to really know what it all meant in terms of swimming in the ocean and coming across a great white. Kinda why I never worried about bumping into Kong while playing in the woods...


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:04 AM


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

I was 5.

Oh crap!! That's too young!!!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:09 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

I was 5.

Oh crap!! That's too young!!!

No kidding. I’ve been terrified of large man-eating sharks ever since.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:16 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?
Depends on the shape, but I've always liked them. Haven't slept in one, I don't think... might have dozed.

2) Muppets or Ewoks?
Doood... that's actually pretty tough for me... They're all so cute.

3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.
I know I did some dumb things, but nothing is really springing to mind... Oh, I found out later that hiding in the dryer was a very bad idea, even though it didn't end badly for me, does that count?

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?
I really don't watch much TV... I'll watch That 70s Show whenever I come across it, though, even though I think it's pretty dumb, it makes me laugh.

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?
Rejection of the sudden, unwarranted, and devastating kind.

6) Duvets or Blankets?
That's a rather fine distinction. I find blankets to be more warm and snuggly.

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?
Hmmmm... Perhaps. One would assume that a clone would understand how you think and feel, and vice versa. That could be comforting to have around, actually. Is that weird?

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots?
Robots. Despite Hollywood, they are much less likely to develop independent thought and turn on you. They will do as programmed, for the most part, and could be fitted with some sort of fail-safe self destruct. The ones with corrupted files double as bombs!

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...
No matter how much you'd like it to remain just as it is, it won't. Wonderful moments seem hardest to hold. I still don't understand that.

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?
Suffocation isn't the most dignified way to go...

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?
... Habit?

12) Best thing about life is…
It doesn't have to keep sucking.

13) Beanbags or Sofas?
LoveSac (built like a beanbag, just bigger and squishier)

14) Something you wish were true?
You just have to want it enough and you'll get it.

15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator
I haven't seen Alien. Please don't hate me.

16) What invention would you like to see?
Ice cream that would pass right through the body without being absorbed into unsightly jiggle.

17) Can you Moonwalk?
Only on a slick surface.

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?
Life only has the meaning we give it.

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)
I've always been a fan of red leather.

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

I can imagine quite a bit. Including happiness. Bliss, even. I'm either shallow, not curious enough, or very sensible... Door One.



Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:24 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I was 5.

God DAMN....that's like, child abuse (unless you snuck in by yourself, in which case I have no pity- I snuck into Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was 14, and I deserved what I got).

The bug-eyed Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:32 AM


RE: Brother and burn't buttocks...he and can barely remember it, but I think the experience made an impression. About a year later we were camping, and our dad went to great lengths to warn us that if we touched the gas lamp we would get burnt. I got the message: touching=burning=pain. about 20 minutes later we heard brother had put his whole hand over the top of the lamp to see if a) it really would hurt and b)if it would leave a circular pattern on his hand. I think I started something.
We are actually thinking about writing a book about this and the many other stupid and sometimes gutsy things we did when we were kids.There's the "How the stick got in the eye story" the "why I(my brother) bit my sister(me) for no good reason in full sight of our "sensitive" Sicilian mother" story and the "time we became neighbourhood heroes for about 5 minutes when we (at age 8 and 9)annihilated two local teenage bullies. ooh I just had a thought: maybe all of us could get together and contribute to such a book, and dedicate it to the spirit of Firefly, raise millions of dollars, and fund the next installment.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:35 AM


PhoenixRose Wrote:

Doood... that's actually pretty tough for me... They're all so cute.
Hence the very reason for the question :D


I know I did some dumb things, but nothing is really springing to mind... Oh, I found out later that hiding in the dryer was a very bad idea, even though it didn't end badly for me, does that count?
Yeah that'll do.


Rejection of the sudden, unwarranted, and devastating kind.
Hmmm. I hear ya.


LoveSac (built like a beanbag, just bigger and squishier)
Pheeeew. Glad you explained that! Due to a little show here in the UK called 'Men Behaving Badly" that word has a very different meaning!


I haven't seen Alien. Please don't hate me.
Oh I wouldn't hate anyone don't worry. How about best TV Heroine: Miss Piggy or Buffy Summers? :D


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:38 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I was 5.

God DAMN....that's like, child abuse (unless you snuck in by yourself, in which case I have no pity- I snuck into Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was 14, and I deserved what I got).

My Ma was 20 at the time. She had only been old enough to legally see that film for a couple of years.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:43 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Glad you explained that! Due to a little show here in the UK called 'Men Behaving Badly" that word has a very different meaning!
They're awesome. Always had kind of a dodgy name, but awesome nonetheless


How about best TV Heroine: Miss Piggy or Buffy Summers? :D

They're both a little high-strung and bitchy How about Willow?



Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:49 AM



Originally posted by boris:
RE: Brother and burn't buttocks...he and can barely remember it, but I think the experience made an impression. About a year later we were camping, and our dad went to great lengths to warn us that if we touched the gas lamp we would get burnt. I got the message: touching=burning=pain. about 20 minutes later we heard brother had put his whole hand over the top of the lamp to see if a) it really would hurt and b)if it would leave a circular pattern on his hand. I think I started something.
We are actually thinking about writing a book about this and the many other stupid and sometimes gutsy things we did when we were kids.There's the "How the stick got in the eye story" the "why I(my brother) bit my sister(me) for no good reason in full sight of our "sensitive" Sicilian mother" story and the "time we became neighbourhood heroes for about 5 minutes when we (at age 8 and 9)annihilated two local teenage bullies. ooh I just had a thought: maybe all of us could get together and contribute to such a book, and dedicate it to the spirit of Firefly, raise millions of dollars, and fund the next installment.

Oh man. You did start something! That to my mind would be a most wonderful read! Kids do the most insane things.
My brother tended to be the crazy sibling, unusual for an older brother who usually acts as a guiding light for his younger sibling. My brother tho, gave me beer when I was four. I got horrendously drunk/intoxicated and was out of sorts for two days. My brother although drunk was just sleepy - so my folks didn't catch on as he slept a lot anyway. For me on the other hand it was most unusual, so when the doctor was called out to look me over and came back with the answer :
" Well of course he's sleepy - he's drunk!"
You can imagine my parents horror/anger/confussion and subsequent understanding of my state....

...erm I also jumped into an empty swimming pool because I thought I was Superman and could fly.... (My brother had nothing to do with that mind)....


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:54 AM



Thanks for that link - I've been wanting one of those ever since I went to Melbourne Australia and to a cinema called the 'Half Pipe' where they have these. About twenty or so. They're great you can literally summersault into them!!! Not that my girlfriend appreciated that at the time - but y'know I couldn't resist.
Cheers. That name though *chuckles*


Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:27 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?

The great thing about life having no meaning is that nobody can tell you that you're doing it wrong.

DAMN!! I wish I said that!!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."






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