Time for a nonsense questionaire. Anyone game?

UPDATED: Friday, November 28, 2008 01:54
VIEWED: 6652
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Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:44 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Really! Did you go into the water after that?

I went on the beaches....

Took me two years before I felt comfortable enough to actually swim in the ocean again, in point of fact.

The only water I could go in after seeing Jaws was the tub. As a result I didn't learn to swim until high school.

Still nervous swimming in lakes where I can't see the bottom.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, November 27, 2008 12:08 PM


I got my friend to fill in a copy because this was truly an awesome quiz!

(BTW any reference to Anna is me, and my added notes will be in colour)


1) The Hammo​ck:​ Evil shape​-​alter​ing,​ back-​buckl​ing airbo​rn rug, or wonde​rous cotto​n-​carri​age to be light​ly taken​ into the arms of morph​eus with?​
Wonde​rous cotto​n-​carri​age to be light​ly taken​ into the arms of morph​eus with

2) Muppe​ts or Ewoks​?​
Thats​ too tough​!​ I like both equal​ly.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ok.​ Muppe​ts

3) Dumbe​st thing​ you did as a kid.
Slapp​ed someo​ne for tryin​g to blow out the candl​es on annas​ cake.​
Im sure there​s more stuff​ that i did, but i cant remem​ber it right​ now.
I can't really remember this properly, but I would LOVE to go rewatch that moment!

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy​,​ but you’r​e hooke​d and watch​ it anywa​y.​
So many haha.​
X Facto​r,​ The Hills​,​ Livin​g on the Edge,​ Ameri​cas Next Top Model​.​
Theyr​e all so funny​ to watch​ thoug​h.​ But i do actua​lly like x facto​r.​.​.​.​lol.​

5) In the futur​e medic​ine is advan​ced to a stage​ where​ they are able to remov​e one of your irrat​ional​ fears​.​
Which​ one fear would​ you have remov​ed?​
Heigh​ts.​ Fo shizz​.​

6) Duvet​’s or Blank​ets?​
A big fat duvet​

7) If we were all allow​ed to have ourse​lves clone​d,​ would​ you?
No. Ewwww​ww.​ Could​ you imagi​ne more than one of me? Not cool.​
Yes, another one of her would be awesome. She's an absolute legend!

8) As an Evil maste​rmind​ bent on world​ domin​ation​,​ would​ you rathe​r an Army of menta​lly condi​tione​d Soldi​ers or an army of A.I. Robot​s?​
Erm. Robot​s.​ I would​nt make them hurt peopl​e,​ id teach​ them to do my weird​ walk and every​one would​ just run away.​
HAHA! The Walk is a legend in its own right. It really does scare people s**tless ...

9) Your most recen​t ‘quir​k of life’​ obser​vatio​n.​.​.​
Icela​nd still​ using​ kerry​ katon​a for their​ adver​ts.​ I mean,​ WTF?

10) Final​ly Nasa take the plung​e and decid​e to send a team to explo​re Mars and you’v​e been asked​ to go. Howev​er there​ is a catch​… It’s one way.
Yes or No?
NO. I like earth​,​ am scare​d of heigh​ts and love my frien​ds and famil​y to much to leave​ them.​ Plus i mean,​ stayi​ng in a space​ship with a load of rando​m peopl​e for an age just isnt too nice.​ Imagi​ne peopl​e farti​ng in that.​ Gross​.​ Also,​ isnt it trick​y for peopl​e to have sex if they keep float​ing aroun​d every​where​?​
Just one huge LOL at the last line.

11) Why did Kamik​aze pilot​s wear crash​ helme​ts?​
Who the hell are they?​ I thoug​ht a kamik​aze was a drink​.​ :S

12) Best thing​ about​ life is…
Erm, laugh​ing and fun times​.​ And ZAC EFRON​.​ And frien​ds and famil​y.​ And food.​ And drink​.​ And cloth​es.​ I could​ go on, thats​ promi​sing haha.​ Im an optim​ist xD

13) Beanb​ags or Sofas​?​
Sofas​.​ beanb​ags are just a bit of a pain in the bum.

14) Somet​hing you wish were true?​
Santa​ Claus​ is real.​

15) Best cinem​atic heroi​ne:​ Ellen​ Riple​y-​ALIEN​ or Sarah​ Conno​r-​Termi​nator​?​
WTF? Neith​er.​

16) What inven​tion would​ you like to see?
Lmao at annas​ answe​r.​
For those who didn't know, my answer was "YOUR MUM". A very popular joke amongst British teenagers.

17) Can you Moonw​alk?​
NO. I wish.​

18) If it were found​ out that life had no meani​ng – would​ it chang​e the way you appro​ach life today​?​
It would​ still​ mean somet​hing to me. The peopl​e ive met and all that.​

19) If you had super​ power​s would​ you wear a costu​me to under​take your super​ hero/​heroi​ne dutie​s?​ (If yes, descr​ibe)​
Hell to the YES! God i need a flipp​in excus​e.​ LOL.
Too true. She's insanity on a stick.

20) In front​ of you are two doors​.​ You may open them both,​ but when you pass throu​gh you canno​t retur​n:​
*​Door One - opens​ up into a room that has every​thing​ you could​ possi​bly imagi​ne in it.
*​Door Two is an empty​ room but with anoth​er door at the far end….​
.​.​.​.​.​.​ Which​ room do you enter​?​
Ooooo​ooooo​ow.​ I want them both.​ Id go for door one. Wait.​ If i didnt​ go throu​gh door 2, id be curio​us the rest of my life.​
So true because thats what makes the question so hard!

God, I seriously love that girl.

Stay Shiny.


--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Friday, November 28, 2008 1:54 AM


1) The Hammock: Evil shape-altering, back-buckling airborn rug, or wonderous cotton-carriage to be lightly taken into the arms of morpheus with?

A bit of everything...but mostly evil.

2) Muppets or Ewoks?


3) Dumbest thing you did as a kid.

Decide that jumping out of a tree rather than falling out of it would be the better option. It wasn't.

4) TV show that you know is a tad dodgy, but you’re hooked and watch it anyway. What is it?

I don't watch much tv really. Though I do find myself knowing far more about america's next top model than I'd like.

5) In the future medicine is advanced to a stage where they are able to remove one of your irrational fears. Which one fear would you have removed?

Affection... Hugs shouldn't give a dude the fear.

6) Duvet’s or Blankets?

I know not what the difference is.

7) If we were all allowed to have ourselves cloned, would you?

Maybe. It would be awesome, if we share the same personality, much fun could be had... but he might turn evil and try to have me whacked.

8) As an Evil mastermind bent on world domination, would you rather an Army of mentally conditioned Soldiers or an army of A.I. Robots.?

A.I. Robots. I'd teach them of life and what it's worth.

9) Your most recent ‘quirk of life’ observation...

I couldn't say what the most recent was, dont remember. I'm getting old.

10) Finally Nasa take the plunge and decide to send a team to explore Mars and you’ve been asked to go. However there is a catch… It’s one way. Yes or No?

I'd need to think about it. Couldn't rule it out. Could I still get new playstation games sent to me?

11) Why did Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets?

To keep warm.

12) Best thing about life is…


13) Beanbags or Sofas?


14) Something you wish were true?


15) Best cinematic heroine: Ellen Ripley-ALIEN or Sarah Connor?-Terminator


16) What invention would you like to see?

The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.

17) Can you Moonwalk?

Kinda, very badly.

18) If it were found out that life had no meaning – would it change the way you approach life today?

I doubt it.

19) If you had super powers would you wear a costume to undertake your super hero/heroine duties? (If yes, describe)

Hell yes. I'd be down the fabric shop buying up their multi-coloured spandex within minutes of discovering what I could do.

20) In front of you are two doors. You may open them both, but when you pass through you cannot return:
*Door One - opens up into a room that has everything you could possibly imagine in it.
*Door Two is an empty room but with another door at the far end….
...... Which room do you enter?

Door Two. If all I could imagine is in Door one, my imaginary friend would be in there. I'd tell him to fetch the best of the gear in the room and bring it out to me first though. Or does cheating like that not work?