A question about everybody's screen names or whatever you want to call them

UPDATED: Friday, June 25, 2004 22:01
VIEWED: 37469
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Friday, May 28, 2004 3:08 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Hey, there. I'm near certain that vera is actually Spanish for side. And I am certain that verdad is Spanish for "true" and/or truth. Slight difference, but thought it worth mentioning. (snip)

umm... yeah... it's been a few years since i've studied Spanish, but you are right. However, in my defense if you look up the meaning of the name "Vera" it does say that it means "truth." I just jumbled it. Thanks for the info though -- it reminds me that i really should go back and study Spanish again -- you never know when it might come in handy...


Friday, May 28, 2004 5:00 AM



Originally posted by SamuraiX47:
Firstly the Legend of the 47 Samurai or 47 Ronins, the japanese title is Chushingura. A true story of a young brash lord who was provoked into drawing his sword within the Shogun's castle, a ritual-suicide (seppuku) offense. All of the young lord's samurai were now disbanded to wander as lordless Ronin, but they signed a pact to get revenge against the slimy lord who provoked their young lord. After several years of biding their time, they finally met back up and killed the slimy lord. They were all caught and because they showed such strong loyalty to their dead lord they were allowed to commit seppuku. many movies and tv series have been produced telling of their exploits.

Including the last story in Tales of the Slayers, Vol. 3; "The Code of the Samurai," by Nancy Holder.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, May 28, 2004 6:51 AM



Originally posted by Teela Brown:
Everybody's heard mine.

Actually, Teela, I don't think I ever have... could you tell us again?
Mine is a bit odd...

I was playing a computer game and needed to come up with a name. I started playing with the letters on the keyboard, and eventually came up with Astriana, after many iterations that just didn't quite seem to fit. So I've had this name for something like 8 years now. I've looked it up in naming references, I've Googled it, etc., but there doesn't seem to be any meaning associated with it. (I have found that I post on a lot of different websites, though ) I have also found it occasionally difficult to use as a login name, as there appear to be a few other folks using it as a role play or magickal name.

The nearest thing I can find to a meaning is that the root Astr- means "star" in the Romance languages, and the suffix -ana usually indicates a dimunutive, meaning that the word it's added to becomes "little ____". So, my best guess is that my name probably translates to "little star" in some other language - and being a singer, that's not a repellant concept...

El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems...

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, May 28, 2004 7:44 AM



TJACK's tagline...maybe...that thingy...
...just sliding down the razor blade of life.

Tom Lehrer fan, I presume?



Originally posted by Teela Brown:
Everybody's heard mine.

Actually, Teela, I don't think I ever have... could you tell us again?

Well, it all started...

Okay, I like Niven's Ringworld, and Teela Brown was my favorite character. So I use it a lot now.

To Okkay-- Animaniacs is one of my favorite shows! And they took it off the air...Man, all of my favorite shows, except for two, are off the air. Ugh.

And to Mistress of Useless Knwledge--That's one of my Unofficial Titles.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, May 28, 2004 8:44 AM


The Majic the Gathering makers, Wizards of the Coast, made a similar less complicated game system they named ARC. It was a common rule framework that would alow Fans of different series to play against each other. They had 3 different games that were tweaked to be compatible. Xena:Warrior princess,
Hercules:the Legendary Journies, C23. C23 was based on a scifi, comic book, series.
I would drive from McChord AFB to Seatle 2 to 3 times a month to compete in ARC system tournaments.
The game was very fun. It didn't catch on. Lack of advertising hurt it in a very Firefly way. They didn't even tell the players when the Launch event for the Xena expansion was going to take place. Two
people attended because they were lucky enough to walk in off the street. AND I HAD THAT SATURDAY OFF!!
Sorry, I didn't realize that that still hurt me as much as it does. You see the Battle Cry expasion for X:WP had the card for one of my favorite Characters, Callisto.
Anyway, for over a year, I was one of the best ARC
players in Seattle.

You wanna go, little man?
Only if it's someplace with candle light.


Friday, May 28, 2004 10:22 AM


Once upon a time, I read The Art of War, Mastering the Art of War, and Teachings of the Buddha. While thinking of a screen name for myself, I looked around and saw a little jade Buddha figurine. The word HUMBLE immediately popped into my head because when I think of Buddha, I think of humility.

'Nuff said.



Friday, May 28, 2004 11:21 AM


I tend to use 2 handles all over the internet, the one I’m using here came about due to the literal meaning of the word noxious (harmful to living things; injurious to health; harmful to the mind or morals.) Lets just say I was not in my happy place when I began using it, back in the ye olde BBS days. I still have friends that call me Nox, and more annoyingly, Noxy.

Latter I began to use Aleric B. Which goes back to The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, when Douglas Adams wrote the original radio scripts for the show, the character known as Arthur Dent was originally known as Aleric B, but Mr. Adams changed the name because he felt it was too weird.

I still use both, depending on my mood.

Most Probably,


Friday, May 28, 2004 11:30 AM


I like penguins.


Friday, May 28, 2004 11:41 AM


Well, when the old man died they put me, Prince of the Mudders, in charge. So the name changed.


Friday, May 28, 2004 12:53 PM


I'm a big LotR freak. I'm a music major. Lindale is Quenya (High Elven) for music (or, technically, singing. There's no word, at least as far as I know, for "music", so I just use that)


Friday, May 28, 2004 2:22 PM


Lets see. Caldeen Sumal is a character I made up for Battlelords of the 23rd Century. A RPG that few play, atleast few that I can find. Later he became my rogue on EverQuest. Feel free to look me up on the Veeshan server.

I am not worried about the bullet with my name on it. Just the thousands marked "Occupant".


Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:46 PM


marv comes from marvin the paranoid android from H2G2 (here i am with a brain the size of a planet and i'm opening doors) and the 335 is the last three numbers of my service number (i'm serving in the UK air force)

i must not fear, fear is the mind killer.
i must face my fear.
i must allow it to pass through me and over me.
when it is gone, only i will remain


Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:25 PM


I think I explained in my first post, but here goes.

I almost never use least not since pre-internet bulletin boards. I occasionally use truthquest9 and I use one *docg* when I play on game webs. It stands for Dr. Geri...I'm geri > Hi!! I almost always use my name on the web because I really only log on to boards that have to do with my work or "serious" hobbies.

That is, until Firefly.

I spin yarn -- you know, with a spinning wheel or drop spindle or charkha. I first fell for Firefly at a spinning retreat. I brought the hubby's DVDs but had only seen a little of a cpl of eps, so I knew I could be hooked, but hadn't gotten hooked yet. A few of us became Browncoats that weekend. Anyway, that's why I chose spinner.

In my work I do a lot of theory of change, logic model and framework design for my clients. My professional tagline is: Innovation & Insight.

So that's how I came up with Insight Spinner. Which is actually a great way to describe what I do for work. Actually, I'm kinda diggin' Inspin as a nickname.


insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Monday, May 31, 2004 1:31 AM



Originally posted by SamuraiX47:
I've been SamuraiX47 since 1995. my fraternity chapter, we believe that the number 47 is the most common re-occuring random 2-digit number. Whether you want to buy into it or not, I have to tell you that I see it every day.

In Alias, Syd was involved in Project 47. I could go on and on.

That's quite a geeky frat you got there... and I'm glad you mention Alias, which actually has (according to JJ Abrams) the number 47 somewhere in every single episode!
The idea of reoccurring numbers you mention was best shown in the Illuminatus! Books by Shea and Wilson, with the number 23 - The formula goes "anything can be related to the number 23 *depending on the ingenuity of the observer*... for example, 47 is 23 plus 23 plus 23/23...
(Of course both 23 and 47 are both prime. Which is intrinsically cool.)

The deeper question is of course whether you just notice the 47s (or 23s or whatever) more because you're primed (forgive the pun) to do so or whether these numbers are more common... or whether by looking you *make* the numbers appear in a kind of magical-chaos-quantum kinda deal...

(I'd better stop now before I start spouting Kaballah!)

"You are what you do."
Andrew Vacchs


Monday, May 31, 2004 5:24 AM


First off, howdy all. I am a new poster here. Been lurking for a while, but decided to join in after all. Let me first tell you about my orginal username which was Alicardi. It was 7 years ago and my first foray into the world of forums and live chat and this is the name I chose. However, after many countless private messages from men asking me if I was hot, because they thought the Ali portion of my username made me a female, I began to reconsider it. The nail in the coffin for me (no pun intended. You'll see) was when I was regularted hasseled by this young woman (let's call her GothChick) who kept telling me that I was spelling it wrong.

Spelling it wrong? Spelling what wrong I wondered. "You're trying to spell I Dracula bacwards, but you've spelled it wrong."

Ah.......I didn't realize she was crazy, so I corrected her by letting her know that Alicardi is actually my last name....spelled correctly no less. Her rantings did not cease and she leveraged some of her fellow goth resources so that I was now regulalry being harrased throughout the internet.

Change names....and go.

My first real forum that I joined was the old Tomarts board that is long since defunct. It was 1998 and I was highly anticipating the release of the new Star Wars prequal (hey, hind sight is 50/50 okay?) I wanted to choose a name that suited both my personality and had something to do with Star Wars. In Episode IV, A New Hope, Princess Leia calls Han Solo a Scruffy looking Nerfherder, so I chose NerfHerder. Registration process almost complete and Oops!, A Nerferherder already existed. Damn, my luck! This made me thnk more about Leia's names that she called Han over the years. In Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back, Leia refers to Han as a Scoundrel and so off I went to be Scoundrel, but Oops! number 2. Hmm....I bet no one has taken "Scruffy Scoundrel", which being unshaven at the time I was, and I was correct. I can still be found by that name over at

In late 2001 however I took a hiatus that would last nearly to years before I returned to posting.

When I returned to the internet, my tastes had changed. A lot had happened. I was now divorced, I was in a different line of work and George Lucas had an opportunity to ruin two movies in so many years. It was time to pick a new name, but what.

Since the Lucasverse came crashing down furiously, I needed a place to escape to, and I found it in the Wheadonverse. What name would I use. Spike, he's cool, but I am not a fanboy. Xander, I can really relate to him, but again, not a fanboy. Well, it hit me. When I was a wee lad and dating for the first time, I had my first girlfriend give me my first backhanded compliment. She told me that despite that fact that my eyes were a little too close together and kinda beady, I was handsome.

Now that I think about it, that was more straight forward that previously suspected.

Anyway, enter the Buffy Musical and this line during a crucial point in the shows closing scenes.

Giles - Will this do a thing to change her?
Am I leaving dawn in danger?
Is my slayer too far gone to care?
Xander - What if Buffy can't defeat it?
Anya - Beady eyes is right, we're needed

And there you have it. Anya, the one true love of Xander offering sound advice but not knowing that calling him Beady Eyes, as she had earlier in the show during their duet:

Xander - She clings,
She's needy
She's also really greedy
She never--
Anya - His eyes are beady

was actually not a nice thing to say. This was simlar to my experiences 15 years earlier, so I took it for my own.

Well, if you stuck with me this long, I thank you, and quite frankly, am a little disturbed by your dedication. I do not usually create opus length replies and in truth do not enjoy reading them myself.

Nice to be here. Seems cozy. I invite you all to the above posted link to join us. It is a predominantly male forum and revolves around Star Wars (although the link I posted is to the off topic forum), but we are a close community. Many of us have been posting together for 6 or 7 years and have met in person from all over the states.

See ya in the world.

'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn.'
-Joss Whedon


Monday, May 31, 2004 6:10 AM


Mine's easy enough. I had an ornery little gray cat that would come sit on me whenever I practiced zen, so she was my zencat. She's gone now - long and happy kitty life - but she lives on in my favorite screenname!


Monday, May 31, 2004 10:15 AM


My screenname comes from the last name of a very minor character in the David Weber novel Echoes of Honor. "Citizen Captain DeSangro" isn't a very nice person in the book, but don't worry about me... I'm quite friendly!


Monday, May 31, 2004 1:02 PM


Well being tremendously unoriginal I just used the past tense of "fly" to change Firefly into Fireflew.

Not really the whole story but. No, wait, yes it is.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Monday, May 31, 2004 2:25 PM


Well, mine has someting of a dual meaning. On the one hand, it reflects the fact that I am a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School, and get to wear a Ranger Tab (or did when I was still on active duty). The second comes from the older meaning of the term ranger, as opitimized in TLOR I, when the barkeep tells Frodo about Strider "He's one of them Rangers. Dangerous folk; wandering the wilds on their own" (or something to that effect). Kind of sums up how I have felt for much of my life, taking on the dangerous world by myself.

Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the Law commands.


Monday, May 31, 2004 3:57 PM


America loves a winner!


"He's one of them Rangers. Dangerous folk; wandering the wilds on their own"

Ah yes, awesome moment in FOTR. As a devout Tolkienite here, I must commend you onr your fine choice and take this time to thank you for your service.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, May 31, 2004 7:20 PM



Was originally Ithorian or Ithor (hammerhead alien from Star Wars cantina scene), but had to keep puting an 'x' in front of it to avoid being Ithor23587621588. It just kind of stuck form there


Monday, May 31, 2004 7:33 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Well, I am a man...And, I have a lot of Pez. Its true...You can look it up.

"You would've lied anyway..."


Monday, May 31, 2004 8:08 PM


I've gone with the same screenname since my first aim conversation (six years ago), faeryjulia. Faery is my way of spelling fairy/faerie, and I do love faeries. But when I signed up for this board, I was getting really sick of that name and decided it was time for a change. I almost went for "Serenity", but I figured that was taken, so I just translated it to Chinese. (Or rather, did.) Granted, if you pronounce it with the wrong tones, you're probably saying something completely different...


Mal: "Petty?"
Inara: "I didn't mean petty."
Mal: "What did you mean?"
Inara: "Suo-shee?"
Mal: "That's Chinese for petty."


Monday, May 31, 2004 9:08 PM


My name isn't near as intersting as some others that I've read. It's simply a play on a nickname I had since I was a teen. (Not to date myself!) It has to do with my pre-married initials...L and Wood. Since the Blues Brothers had been out, a friend started calling me Elwood. He still does today, 20 years later. (Now I really dated myself!)


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:43 AM


Well, my full screen name was made up for me by one of my friends, based on different aspects of me, which I then shortened after I got bored of typing the full thing, but here goes:

Silver- as I'm a Cancer sign, it represents water and the moon for me.

Cross- a nod to my Celtic heritage, the celtic cross is a hugely recognised design.

(of the)

Huntress- my first ever original character from a really bad story I wrote when I was about 12. The story is long dead, but I always has a soft spot for Huntress!

hence Silver Cross of the Huntress, now shortened to silverCross!

Jayne: "Pain is scary" (serenity)


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:35 AM



Originally posted by TeelaBrown:

TJACK's tagline...maybe...that thingy...
...just sliding down the razor blade of life.

Tom Lehrer fan, I presume?


Yup! By the way, "Life is skittles and beer now that spring is here..."
Originally posted by Teela Brown:
Everybody's heard mine.

Actually, Teela, I don't think I ever have... could you tell us again?

Well, it all started...

Okay, I like Niven's Ringworld, and Teela Brown was my favorite character. So I use it a lot now.

To Okkay-- Animaniacs is one of my favorite shows! And they took it off the air...Man, all of my favorite shows, except for two, are off the air. Ugh.

And to Mistress of Useless Knwledge--That's one of my Unofficial Titles.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard

When faced with a moral question I ask myself; "What would The Lone Ranger do?"


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:41 AM


To TeelaBrown:
By the way, since "Life's skittles and beer, now that spring is here" will you join me in poisioning pigeons in the park?

When faced with a moral question I ask myself; "What would The Lone Ranger do?"


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:41 PM


I'm a big fan of the Cardassians in Trek. My fanfic pseudonym is Cardie-ologist, meaning a person who studies "Cardies," but also a pun on "cardiologist" (heart specialist) because I write about their emotional lives.

I got tired of using the whole thing as my screen name and shortened it to Cardie.


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 5:38 PM



"Life's skittles and beer, now that spring is here" will you join me in poisioning pigeons in the park?

Of course! "All the world seems in tune on a spring afternoon when we're poisoning pigeons in the park..."

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:01 AM


my handle is fairly old, and comes from the fact that when I was a student I was working on sound processing routines, hence the first part of the name. the latter is because at my school "hack" meant to do something cool (not the traditional negative meaning of today)

not too exciting, i know, but you asked :)


Thursday, June 3, 2004 8:50 AM


To TeelaBrown: A woman who knows of Tom L.!!!
Do you like Pina Coladas? Do you like getting caught in the rain?

When faced with a moral question I ask myself; "What would The Lone Ranger do?"


Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:47 AM


I picked mine up from the Chinese translation thread.

whoo dahn = stupid

I like to think that I'm 'stupid for Firefly', as in 'crazy for Firefly'

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:50 AM



When faced with a moral question I ask myself; "What would The Lone Ranger do?"

I use to ask myself
"What would Larry, Curly and Moe do?"

Now I ask myself what Jayne would do. It's not always the best answer but it's a lot more fun!

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Saturday, June 19, 2004 3:22 AM


Ran across this old thread and so decided to contribute. Interesting to see some of the origins of names, and a special pleasure to see a number of them from books I've enjoyed a great deal (Catch-22, Seafort series, etc).

Anyway, my name is also from a book series, the 'Hooded Swan' series of the 70s, written by Brian Stableford. The main character, narrator, and pilot of the ship in question, is Grainger, a cynical, acerbic, misanthropic near pacifist pilot(the author said he wanted to write a space opera character with views of violence that matched his own). He, like Mal, likes his freedom to do as he wants (and hates either owing or being owed), but because of an accident he was stranded for 2 years on a desolate planet, acquired an alien mental symbiote (that he resents and can't leave him) there, and, when he was rescued, was sued for the salvage cost and so would have to take piloting jobs that he considered virtual slavery to pay it off. (These aren't significant spoilers, they take place in the first chapters of the first book)

Except for the 'aliens' part (which wouldn't exist in Firefly), I'd always thought someone like him would make a good addition to Firefly's 'verse, he's just a great character. So, on a lark, when I needed a name, I chose his.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."


Saturday, June 19, 2004 4:23 AM



The name I picked, "The Real Me", is doubly significant.

Of course, there is that bit from "War Stories" when Mal comes up to Niska and says "Wanna meet the real me, now?" (or whatever the actual quote is).

The other bit is personal. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not elderly, but from where I am, I can see what that might be like.

Most of the years of my life I have not been happy with who I was or what I have been doing. There was something missing. I never figured out "what I wanted to be when I grew up", even though I knew since I was a child.

It is only in the last couple of years, in fact, that I have become in tune with the things that I really like. The things that I really want to do, even if they might be considered by some to be childish and silly or worse, unprofitable.

In a nutshell, I want to be more artistic than scientific.

I have come closer to understanding The Real Me. I like him. Hopefully, I'll get to meet him one day...

The Real Me

Got Mudder's Milk?


Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:23 PM


Well... mine isnt as interesting as all the others.

After I left the Army, I attened college, meet some guys that were in a Fraternity. They asked me to join and seeing as how I wanted the "Full College Experience" I joined. A few months later, I atteneded the Fraternity Convention in Reno, NV over spring break and drank quite alot. (When I say quite alot, I am using Army terminology, not college terms... by college terms it would be lethal amounts) I usually didnt drink alot when the Fraternity had parties... I learned those lessons in the Army. When we returned, I went back to my mostly non-drinking ways in the Fraternity, but the stories remained. They called me DECKROID: Half man (last name is Decker), half machine. It stuck.

So, every board I go to, every email account I have is deckroid.

I call her "Vera"


Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:55 PM


Mine is a phrase Jayne would utter.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 1:30 PM


Whenever I get onto a new message board, I don't want to just use my own screen name (c. I want it to be something relevant to the board. I tried to come up with something that nobody else would use for their handle, and something that fans of the show would get.

Tall Card is a game that Simon, Jayne, and Book play in "Shindig." I can't tell how to play it, but it seems to have something to do with the distribution of chores. Simon was the dealer. Simon isn't my favorite character or anything, but "Ariel" is one of my favorite episodes.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:31 PM


Sorry for the double post... this post has been edited to the post below...


Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:37 PM


Cool thread. Very interesting.

My screen name comes from the Buffy season 5 ep "Crush" as well as my undying love for Spike. Drusilla and Harmony meet for the first time in this ep and Harmony in true Harm fashion utters this line to Spike's former love...."'Cause Spikey don't play that anymore, Morticia".
From thereafter I became known as Spike's Morticia.

I also love Morticia Addams and consider her a great role model

Being a hero doesn't mean you succeed in saving the day.... it just means you tried.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 3:06 PM



Originally posted by SpikesMorticia:

My screen name comes from the Buffy season 5 ep "Crush" as well as my undying love for Spike.

*Whisper* Spike is mine....*smirk*

Onto the real topic of the thread...a perididdle is a technique of drumming, or, uh, however you would say that. Something about how you actually drum the snare...anyway, I'm a flute in the Jr. High band. My band instructor always yelled at the percussion, and it almost always included, "Per-i-didd-le!" He was one of my favorite teachers, and since he left this year, I chose to name a story character's ferret after his percussion rants. Ever since I use it as a login name and here, a username...though I always want to change right after I've signed up.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Sunday, June 20, 2004 11:01 PM


well Raven was my CB handle for years (hair used to be very plus I have an elf named that in D&D and the myth part comes from a shortened version of my hubby's and mine's favorite city to start our D&D adventures from... Mythyca....hence Ravenmyth. I am Ravenmyth something everywhere I go online.


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:06 PM


Mine's simple ^_^. They're my initials. I would go by my first name, but since I sign my artwork with just my initials (hate to sign my name since I'm not good at replicating anything), I'm sure people will only know me by what I sign.


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:19 PM


Wow...I guess mine's not that exciting...I just love how our BDH used Shiny all the time in the series, and the 4004 is just because unlike things like 2004 or various numbers, most people don't go as far as 4004 so if you put that by your name, it's almost a guarantee that you'll get the one you want. But now that I've released that information, I'll naturally have to kill you all lol jk.

"Oh I'm going to the special hell"-Mal


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:46 PM


About 10 years ago I awoke from a dream and said this name out loud. I always said that when I had children that I would name one that. I have looked for the meaning for years and never found anything; but the other day I googled it for the millionth time and it came up, but with a different speeling. It was the name of the Jewish priest responsible for crucifying Jesus. I have no idea why it can to me (i have no religious back ground) or why I felt compelled to use it but now that I know the meaning all I can do is hope that I am not offending anyone.


Friday, June 25, 2004 6:43 PM


It's my name.

Yeah, I'm deep like that.


Friday, June 25, 2004 7:47 PM


My name comes from the title attached to the late-great-vaudevillian magician Thomas Nelson Downs, who was called such because of his talent with those little metal discs (his Miser's Dream in particular). I use the name because I was formerly a magician who specialized in coins. I haven't done so for a few years, as I lost the creative energy, but I decided to keep the name because I still like it.

And yes, Downs spelled it with a K.

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Friday, June 25, 2004 10:01 PM


well mine is pretty simple ... the creative part of my brain was broken when i decided to start posting so i used mai.. which is i am backwards.pretty clever huh?

have a firefreakin'flytastic day






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