Would You Watch 'New' Firefly If...

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 18:39
VIEWED: 9797
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Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:00 AM


So I've been reading a lot of things in regards to people wanting another network to pick up Firefly and make it a viable show again.

And this got me to thinking because I would love it, but what if...

What if Summer Glau, Nathan Fillion, and Adam Baldwin couldn't be in it because they are all now attached to shows and are or will be featured in vital roles.

Would we *really* want anyone else to be Captain Malcome Reynolds? And *is* there anyone else who could ever replace Summer as River? And, personally, Jayne just wouldn't be Jayne if someone else played him.

Now a TV mini-series, I think is do-able, but if Firefly fans are really pushing for Firefly to get back into a 22 or 23 episode a year television is that going to happen?

I for one, would feel weird about someone else trying to impersonate Nathan's Mal. And I'm not quite convinced that someone else could make River as good as Summer did.

Any thoughts on this because I find it fascinating what Browncoats think...?

"How come you're flying about with us brigands? I mean, shouldn't you be off bringing religiosity to the Fuzzie-Wuzzies or some such?"~Cap'n Mal


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:07 AM


Firefly without all characters is not Firefly.

The best option is a tv-film for SciFi channel, for example.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:11 AM


Oh, the characters would be there, just being portrayed by other actors....

And could Browncoats be satisfied with a mini-series (6 to 8) hours or Firefly or would we ALWAYS want more...and in weekly installments?

"How come you're flying about with us brigands? I mean, shouldn't you be off bringing religiosity to the Fuzzie-Wuzzies or some such?"~Cap'n Mal


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:13 AM


I still think we could get a new season on Fox during the summer, when all the actors could work on it. But that's only if Dollhouse did well.

I had a dream last night that Joss and Nathan were at a panel and said that there'd be new episodes. I was so happy, I actually woke up raring to get on here and start talking about it. Then I crashed. :(


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:14 AM



Originally posted by InstantKarmaGirl:
Oh, the characters would be there, just being portrayed by other actors....

And could Browncoats be satisfied with a mini-series (6 to 8) hours or Firefly or would we ALWAYS want more...and in weekly installments?

"How come you're flying about with us brigands? I mean, shouldn't you be off bringing religiosity to the Fuzzie-Wuzzies or some such?"~Cap'n Mal

No, the characters with their actors, not others.
And the only thing that I want is one film more, please (cine, tv, mini-serie....).
There are stories not finished (mal/Inara, Simor, River, Book....)


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:16 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I still think we could get a new season on Fox during the summer, when all the actors could work on it. But that's only if Dollhouse did well.

I had a dream last night that Joss and Nathan were at a panel and said that there'd be new episodes. I was so happy, I actually woke up raring to get on here and start talking about it. Then I crashed. :(

I don´t thing in new serie. The hope is new tv-film


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:26 AM



Originally posted by InstantKarmaGirl:

What if Summer Glau, Nathan Fillion, and Adam Baldwin couldn't be in it because they are all now attached to shows and are or will be featured in vital roles.

Would we *really* want anyone else to be Captain Malcome Reynolds? And *is* there anyone else who could ever replace Summer as River? And, personally, Jayne just wouldn't be Jayne if someone else played him.

Any thoughts on this because I find it fascinating what Browncoats think...?

Lots of stories in the 'verse, not just theirs. And yeah, the name of the show is the model of their ship, but adaptation is the key to survival. We fell in love with these characters because they were what we were given; if the same people gave us more and different and also just as interesting/funny/loveable/inscrutable/crazy, why wouldn't it work? And it doesn't necessarily mean we wouldn't be able to 'keep in touch' with the crew of Serenity; interplanetary gossip, the glimpse of a familiar profile or firearm as someone is escorted physically from a tavern, probably even a SPECIAL APPEARANCE BY.... during sweeps week, etc.

Big, big, BIG verse. And they're still in it, but they're not the only ones in it. I would LOVE this. Especially after wasting an hour of my life last night on a piece of dreck I won't name but hope improves or goes away real quick.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Walk tall, or don't walk at all...


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:28 AM


Fox is the only one actively working with Whedon, so as I see it, they're the best bet right now. One would hope the new people in charge can see what idiots their predecessors were, and at least have interest in capitalizing on a growing cult fanbase.

Universal doesn't seem interested at this point, Serenity didn't actually make much in the theatres, even though they made all their money back on the DVD sales. They're currently not doing anything with the franchise.

And, I also note, it was FOX who pitched the idea of a Firefly MMORPG computer game to Multiverse, before Universal started squabbling with them over the rights and banished that to development hell. Fox is the one with renewed interest in Whedon and Firefly. So I think if it's going to happen, it's going to be with Fox.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:32 AM


Sometimes I havent´any hope for another sequel..... :(


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:33 AM


Lots of stories in the 'verse, not just theirs.

I'd love to see stories that focused on other people in other areas.
We know life on the rim is tough, but what about in the inner planets?
What's life like in the perfect world(s) AFTER the 'signal'?


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:35 AM


Without Nathan, Adam, Alan, Gina, Morena, Jewel...etc......the show is not Firefly. I don´t like the idea


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:35 AM


Howdy IKG,

I would love, LOVE seeing FF fly again!!

Now saying that, would it do well as a new series? Would it be the same?

I can not speak for everyone here but having someone else playing the part of MR, JC, Zoey, RT or any one of the vast characters known and adored by the fans would be an outright travesty . No!! no new faces in the parts of our BDH. Either get them all back or develop a storyline where Mal is off visiting his mom, Jayne has come up with a bout of Damplung and has been dropped off at Jaynestown for the folks there to take care of him and River has been left on the planet of Whitefall where she is teaching martial arts to the kiddies there.

As far as I’m concerned the actors of FF own those characters ( maybe not in a legal sense but in a endearing and believable one anyway)

Heck, Joss may be right. Would the magic of the first season of FF be able to be captured again? If all the main characters, even Badger, Saffron and Niska all came back I would be willing to watch every episode ( of the second season) no matter if it sukked or not. But I personally think it would be FANTASTIC!!

The networks have no idea the impact FF has made. Every person I’ve shown Firefly to has been bewildered has to why the show isn’t still running. Of course they may not join fan forums or buy tons on merchandise but that’s for me to do ( the HC FF nut, or browncoat if you wish)

Anyway, guess that you can see that my answer is YES, well sort of. The lucky people involved in that show would come back too I assume because they were fans and they really enjoy each other as members of the human race ( tv executives consider themselves gods I take it).

Anyway hope this gives you an answer to what you’re asking.

Z, out


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:50 AM


Of course they could capture the magic again. It took a couple years for the movie to become a possibility, and when they met up all the actors were amazed how quick and easy it was to fall back into their roles. Plus, all of them love Firefly.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 7:08 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I wouldn't be interested if they tried to do another version of Firefly without the actors we know and love, but a "Tales from the 'Verse" kinda show would be doable. Other than the main characters, one of the best things about the series was how real it was, how fully formed a vision of the future, with even supporting characters being ones we would love to have more information about.

I'd like to see a partnership between Badger and Saffron, or a follow-up to what happened to the "Heart of Gold" girls following Nandi's death, or Commander Harken's growing realization that the Alliance is not all it's cracked up to be. I'd also like to see a prequel concerning the war and what led up to it, or even go back far enough to the exodus from Earth and the establishment of the first colonies.

What really needs to happen, that is if Joss doesn't think he will ever return to the story, is let writers loose to create a series of novels or collections of short stories. And no offense intended here, but I don't mean fanfic, I mean established authors like KRAD and Steven Brust who have already contributed to that effort, along with many more who I am sure have an affinity for the 'Verse. Don't forget that Orson Scott Card is on record as saying Firefly is the best SF series ever created.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 7:20 AM


America loves a winner!

Different folk acting as if they're the captain ?

How do ya figure ? The BDHs ARE the crew. Can't nobody come in off the street and expect us to call them Captain or River when they're not. What a silly notion!

Now, if others came in as different folk.... then you're talkin' about a horse of a different color. Or at least something I'd be open to checkin' out. But as for pullin' a Darren Stevens on us with 1 or any of the main characters ?

Count me out!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, February 14, 2009 8:13 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

3 words: Dukes of Hazard

Scabs are quickly forgotten as ratings crash, even as "cousins".

Substitution only works after 30 years.

If I recall, the original Dukes were invited to play in the movie, which appeases the fans. Like BSG2.

I never even heard of the last scabs.

But sex always sells...


Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:21 AM


I always thought Jonathan LaPaglia, the chrononaut in 7 Days, would make a good Capt Reynolds.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1:42 AM


Well, I don't think you could ever replace the crew. It's like trying to replace Serenity herself with a different ship (with a Capison 38 engine, you know what happens to them!).

If they could not get the original crew back then FF would need an overhaul, a complete new crew, new adventures in the 'verse. And even then it would be hard to accept anyone else. It's like Joss said in his commentary on the Special Edition DVD, these actors were meant to play these characters.

Maybe if Monty took over until Mal got back, then maybe.




Wednesday, February 18, 2009 5:28 AM


I'm an old legit theatre guy, trained to deal with different actors playing the same character. Could there ONLY be 1 Hamlet? Always and forever played by Mel Gibson? Basic notion, NO. and this leads to leads to a bunch of discussion--

Is Branagh's Hamlet better than Gibson's? How about Derek Jacobi? Christopher Plummer? Richard Chamberlain? If not better, how are they different? What do they emphasize?

It's worked for Batman and James Bond, too. Was Connery better than Daniel Craig? Was Clooney sexier than ___ ( Forgive me, I haven't seen ANY of the Batman movies. Not my cup of tea ) ?

Strange that it never caught on in television Darrin in Bewitched and Lionel in All In the Family are the only 2 times I can think of.

That said, it doesn't mean that you can't accept only one actor playing a role, emotionally, "He's my favorite. Nobody else can do it as well, nobody else brings the right chemistry with the other actors. He's just the best."

So, yeah, I'd watch it, try it out at least. Might get half way thru the first episode and say, "Nathan was so much better than this guy," and turn it off, but I'd try it.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 5:58 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by InstantKarmaGirl:
What if Summer Glau, Nathan Fillion, and Adam Baldwin couldn't be in it because they are all now attached to shows and are or will be featured in vital roles.

Would we *really* want anyone else to be Captain Malcome Reynolds? And *is* there anyone else who could ever replace Summer as River? And, personally, Jayne just wouldn't be Jayne if someone else played him.

Now a TV mini-series, I think is do-able, but if Firefly fans are really pushing for Firefly to get back into a 22 or 23 episode a year television is that going to happen?

I for one, would feel weird about someone else trying to impersonate Nathan's Mal. And I'm not quite convinced that someone else could make River as good as Summer did.

Any thoughts on this because I find it fascinating what Browncoats think...?

As much as I would love to have Firefly / Serenity back in some form, I don't think I would want it without the BDHs. I don't want to see anyone else playing Mal, Zoe, Jayne, Inara, River, Simon, or Kaylee. The cast made those parts their own and honestly I just could not see anyone doing the roles justice.

I don't think Joss would be willing to consider doing it without the cast either.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:23 PM


I'd vote for either brand new Firefly/Serenity with the BDHs [possibly 2 new members to replace the fallen].


Something like 'Tales from the 'verse' - new characters, new adventures. Some or all of the BDHs appearing from time to time, singly or in groups.


Very simple 'yarns' spun to camera/recording equipment by one or more BDHs. Could be podcast audio dramas.

Devout Keeper of Jayne's Lunchbox


Friday, February 20, 2009 11:14 AM

FREELANCERTEX, dont really think i'd watch o.<


Friday, February 20, 2009 2:18 PM


My friend taimdala on LJ once said that the great thing about the Firefly'verse is it doesn't necessarily have to revolve around Serenity and her crew because there's a whole galaxy's worth of stories there. A spin-off series is completely possible here, so you don't need to recast actors. You just need a new story to focus on.


Friday, February 20, 2009 2:59 PM


Joss said in an interview on Youtube that he could not make the same Firefly show ever again since many of the elements which made the show what it was are now gone, and he said I believe that it could come back to television, but not as the same show and it would have to be somehow derivative of the original Firefly. If you want to see what I am talking about go to Youtube and search for Joss Whedon Australia or something like that.


Friday, February 20, 2009 6:29 PM


Can't help but be amused by all of this. If only you people had access to a time machine like me you wouldn't waste time with all this ridiculous speculation. *Sigh *Roll eyes for effect.

Joss gets five good seasons with Dollhouse. All the original Firefly cast happens to be available. Fox THROWS money at Joss and begs him to bring back the verse and the thing actually takes this time. Seven seasons and movies for fifteen years afterwards. In 2029 it's SERENITY IV- THE WRATH OF NISKA.

You guys are gonna be so pissed at me when this all comes to be.

You are an ugly-looking little quim. You know that?


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 6:16 PM


i don't think it would be as good but it still would have alan and gina but with out summer nathion and adam it would not be as good

"I can't keep track of her when she's not incorporeally possessing a spaceship."


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 6:22 PM


I'd watch it, but I wouldn't want the characters replaced by different actors, I'd want all new characters. It's a great world with a nice story arc, there's a lot of potential there. If dollhouse fails and Joss wants to make another firefly story, I'm game, and the known characters can probably make guest appearances, but it should be a new story with new characters, and not just stand ins, not a new jayne, a new Mal, but totally different characters.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 6:39 PM


I haven't been waiting the years other people have, being a newcomer to the 'verse myself, so I'm not sure I know how to answer like a Browncoat yet. But at this point, I can't imagine anyone else filling the original cast's shoes (or boots). That sounds too much like compromise, and *that* sounds like... unification or something.

Maybe that's a compelling argument because I *AM* so new to all of this. It's not like I've been watching Firefly 3 times a year for the last 7 years with that cast in mind. I just started a few weeks ago, and even now I can't imagine placing other actors as those characters. I'd much rather have something along the lines of the "Tales from the 'Verse" (including guest star possibilities) that someone proposed earlier rather than replacing the cast, even though the former idea itself doesn't quite get me fired up.

I think it's got to be the original BDHs or no one... For what it's worth. ;)






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