Preview: Adam takes one of our own on tour of set

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 13:08
VIEWED: 9626
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Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:35 PM


One of the regulars at the Official FF Board was picked as an extra on the film Serenity. While he was there waiting to be called Saturday, he hung out for an hour and a half with Adam Baldwin who took him on an impromptu tour of the set of Serenity. Pictures taken.

ETA: TheDuke decided to post whole story on his experience at remote location. It's just amazing. Very mild spoilers. Direct link to OB post. Go here:

Amazing! Adam is a prince among princes.


Sunday, June 13, 2004 2:37 PM



I'm so envious!


Sunday, June 13, 2004 5:15 PM


My earlier post has been updated with link to post by TheDuke where he tells amazing story about his day on remote set.

An edit doesn't seem to bump thread to top. Thought you'd want to know, so I am bumping it myself.


Sunday, June 13, 2004 7:03 PM


Wow! Simply amazing. I can only imagine how many of us here on this board would have KILLED to have been in his postion. I know I would have!

"How drunk was I last night?"


Sunday, June 13, 2004 8:12 PM


Thanx for posting this info, MAKEROFPATHS.

Hey, ya'll this is a MUST read for all Browncoats!


Monday, June 14, 2004 12:30 AM


Mad, mad envy. Cheers for posting the link, MakerofPaths - and thanks to Bob/Duke (if he sees this) for posting the report. It completely made my day. LOL I can't believe you also get paid for that!

*happy sigh* I've got this huge grin plastered across my face... Adam and Summer both rock, it's so great that they appreciate the fans and will go out of their way to be accommodating and friendly.

Ah, shininess. But April seems so far away....

/ pure intentions, juxtaposed /


Monday, June 14, 2004 12:32 AM


Envy... Envy...

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Monday, June 14, 2004 1:26 AM


Whoa... good story.

Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."


Monday, June 14, 2004 3:32 AM


and the pics are where?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, June 14, 2004 4:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I am so envious of Duke. It looks like he had a day he will cherish for the rest of his life.

I must say I am not at all surprised on how great our BDHs treated Duke and made him feel at home. Just goes to show we have the best gorram crew in the whole verse.

Can't wait to see the pics.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, June 14, 2004 4:37 AM


Aw, I can't see the story or the pictures.

Well, now, that's not shiny in the slightest.



Monday, June 14, 2004 4:41 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by JK:
Aw, I can't see the story or the pictures.

Well, now, that's not shiny in the slightest.


Here is the story for those that can not see if for whatever reasons:

Duke wrote:


Ok I convinced my wife that she and the kids can go to dinner without me tonight. I want to start off by stating two things. First, I understand if you dont believe what im about to share with you. Secondly, Adam I really appreciate how you went out of your way to make this an experience I will never forget. That was cool dude. I have pictures I need someone to help me with. They are .JPG and I'm not sure how i can get them to you guys. OK, on with the experience.
I left my house around noon on friday the 11th (picture #1), It was just down the street from my house, and didnt take long to get there. When I turned up the dirt road to arrive on the set, the most unbelievable sight came around the corner...THE SET!!! Picture #2 (I have a long distance shot of this and dont think it is spoilerish, dont think I should post..suggestions???) When i arrived a security guard asked me my business and i mentioned im in the BDM and my call time is 1:30pm. He said well it is only 12:15pm your a little early and if I wanted I could just go on in and just wait?....heheheh. So I parked and walked up to the set. (picture #3) (the white tent is where the banner was on the other location) At this point I didnt know what to do, so i drifted towards the white tent. There was a big bucket of ice cold water so I grabbed one and tried to look like i belonged. As it turns out, lunch was being served and all these guys with earpiece walkie-talkie things were going in for lunch. So what was I supposed to do? thats right i had lunch!!!...LOL. That was cool. I had a great salad and took a seat at a far table by myself and looked at everybody (without looking like I was looking)

I didnt recognise anybody for about 20 minutes. ( about 50 ppl in there) and then it happened!!! My fears of not seeing anybody were happily stripped away....River walked in!!! right there not 20 feet away!! in line to have salad!!! right there... So I stared at here outright as she got her salad and went and sat by herself. I couldnt stand for this injustice!!! Now remember i have been a salesman for 15 years and i am quite comfortable approaching people. So I grabbed my salad and walked right over to her table. As she looked up i asked her if I could join her for lunch....and she said yes!!! Now this was wierd...her i am sitting 3 feet from Summer as she is eating her salad!!! We talked for about 15 minutes about the show, her dance lessons, how cool Joss is, and how pumped she is to be working on this show again. Towards the end of lunch i told her I have a picture that was drawn by an artist for the LA Comic-Con that she couldnt attend, and if time permited if she could sign it. She said SURE and were was it. I had it in the car with my disposible camera. She said well my trailer is right over there why dont you go get it and I can sign it for you!!! (I ran my happy rear to the car so quickly!!!) I approached her trailer and knocked, and she let me in and she went and washed her hands from lunch. I showed her the picture and she just loved it. There is a little desk in these trailers and as she was signing it I noticed her pillow on the couch that says "Summer" she noticed me and said she never goes anywhere without it..(Women...why do they do that?) anyway, after she signs it she notices that Nathan hasnt signed it and said she was positive he would. So she says that he is watching dailys and we can go over there and meet him!!! I know...i still cant beleive it either.

I follow her over to this huge trailer (purple one in the picture with white tents) and she dissapears inside to get the Captain. I cant beleive this is happening...Two minutes later River and Captain Malcom Reynolds come outside and approach me!!! He shakes my hand and i mumble something about how I was from the OB and how I contacted Background Players and jabber,jabber,jabber...I dont think it even came out right. So I hand him my picture (Picture #4) and he signs it and says he needs to get back to those dailies...I utter something and he goes back in. Wow that was cool. I got in this hazzy kind of incoherent state...really wierd... So I follow River away and we hear someone calling her, we turn and it's JOSS!!!! This simply isnt happening....He asks her about her last scene and when there finished she introduces me to him!!! I shake his hand and mumble stuff about how I came to be there again ( man I got star struck ) I pulled out the picture and he notices it from the convention and says " hey i got one of those too" I had him sign it at the comvention but i ask him "would a picture be inappropriate?" and he said sarcastically " oh entirely" he reached for the picture and i stood next to him (picture #5) He said he was happy i was there and he loves his fans. Or something really close I was numb!!!

He said have fun and went off with an assisstant guy. So now I can barely walk, in 10 minutes I met Summer,Cappy, and the Creator!!!! I float back to the white tent and stand there reliving what just happened. I look up and accross the parking lot towards the trailers I see a tall strong looking guy. I think it could'nt was....ADAM. I figured what the hell...I walked across the parking lot and approached him. As I got close and he started looking at me he saluted me and said "how goes?" I apologized for just approaching him, but i'm a big fan and started telling him about how i got there and the OB. When i mentioned the OB his eyes got allitle bigger and he had a big smile break out accross his face. I had the drawing with me and asked if he could sign it. He said why sure, and as I held one end and he the other he signed it. Ready for this??? Gina came around the corner with her finished lunch tray!!!! Adam turned to see who i was looking at and he called her over to intorduce me!!!! YOU RULE DUDE!!!!!! She was really wonderful and she signed it as well. Then i really pushed my luck....I asked Adam....any chance i could have a picture??? he turned to Gina and said "i'm game if you are" she said sure and we asked a passerby if he could take our picture (picture #6) I can honestly tell you i have never felt like that before!!! They both wish me good luck and had to go get ready...then it hit me that i needed to be somewhere at 1:30pm as well!! so I run off to wardrobe with picture and camera in pocket. The coordinator for extras took me from Wardrobe to a trailer to get changed in (Adam told me that only Joss,Summer,Nathan,and Gina were on set that day) so guess whose trailer i changed in????...Shepard Books!!!! (picture #7) How incredible..I change into my very cool ALLAINCE RESCUE WORKER costume...and head back to the tent.

The coordinator lady said she would put my picture in the Production Trailer for safe keeping for me (I was still worried)and to put my clothes in the tent somewhere. I was introdcued to three other rescue Workers and we were told to wait in the tent. We were there for about three hours. it didnt feel that long because i was still As me and the other extras were sitting there...Adam walks back in!!! he grabs a chair and sits down next to me and says " Bob, I have something to show you" he pulls out a digital camera and shows me probably 50 pictures from last weeks shooting!!! he decribes what Nathans doing there, why Gina was laughing in this one, what Wash was was unbelievable. At the end of the pictures, as i realize he is one foot from me i say " Adam, I cant believe how lucky i am " he bangs my knee and says dont worry about it and just have fun. What a cool guy... So this is where he asks me if i have seen the set yet!!!! I say no and he says "well come on let me give you a tour".. No we are leaving the tent he whispers to the camera? hehehe...I sure did.

The tent is about 100 yards from the actual set. As we are getting close to the set the coordinator lady says "Bob, did they call you on set?" we were almost by her...Adam threw his arm over my shoulder and says to her "dont worry hes a friend of mine and he'll bring me right back" rule!!!! she gives us a pissy look and we keep walking. The set is incredible. remember we are not in studio and this is out on location. I wont spoil it, but will love we are walking up the set Adam notices they are still filming up ahead, she he says to follow him and we duck between some stuff and continue around from the outside. We get to this really cool set thing and he whispers..."wheres that camera?" I hand it to him and he takes this really cool shot of me in costume in front of this bitchen set piece.(pretty spoilerish I should save that one) we work our way back around and as we are in a different part of the set he waves over another costumed extra and has him take another picture of us. Adam is so hooking me up!!!!! we go back to the tent. We stand in front of the tent for about 30 minutes talking about everything (no politics) and he says that he thinks my scene is coming up and he will check in on me later (SCORE)

So I go and sit back down again and I am so high on live i cant believe it!!!!

Not 10 mintues later we get called to the set and i think I need to go to the bathroom...dammit!!!! I was fine the whole time and now we are walking to the set and i have to i was able to hold it and we walked up to the set where we will be filmed. there he is...JOSS WHEDON....he is sitting in front of some monitors asking for things to be moved around. All I can say about my scene is...I wont be cut out. it is a very important part of what is happening. it needs to be in there. The first thing we do is a rehersal. i am standing next to Joss and he turns to me and says " can you see without those glasses? i said something like HELL YEAH!!!! and he says " good, because no one in the Allaince wears glasses" and smiles at me. How cool...I will be in the BDM!!!!!! nice... OK i'll tell you, I am the rescue worker who is on one end carrying a hospital gurney. I am towards the end with the persons head. It took about seven takes and then we were finshed. I cannot begin to explain how bitchen it was to hear him say "Action" Just amazing....

Everybody started walking back to the tent area and i did the same. i got my clothes, changed in Books trailer (cool) and turned in my costume. I went back over to the tent after i changed and just sat down ( those boots were killing me) and guess who....Adam walked back in. He walked up to me and handed me something. it was his Daily call schedule and he signed it "To Bob Duke333, Thanks for flyin with us! Serenity always....and signed it" I have a picture of it i will send but the flash kinda washed it out. And then he hands me a 3x4 thin metal chinese poker card. it was from an episode where they were playing Chinese poker!!! ( I will also send that picture along as well, but the flash kinda messed it up also) He shakes my hand and says take care....Adam thank you made my day, and i could never repay you. You took me in as a fellow browncoat and I will root for you always...Offer for dinner still stands...just email me and its lobster on me...:)

I have the coordinator lady fill out my paperwork (there gonna pay me...LOL) and i went and sat down in my car and took a picture of myself to remeber how i was feeling after that day(Picture number something cant keep track) I will send all non-spoilerish pictures to you guys.

Please ask me any questions you have, it will help me remember more. i will answer everybody. Someone please help me with these pictures. i have them from Walmart on a CD and will send them to someone to post for you guys. I hope you have felt like you were there with me. i truly wish you all were. Adam, thanks again it meant so much to me.

Take care my fellow browncoats

Still Flying


AKA TheDuke333

Pics are not posted yet, but I hope they are soon, as I am really looking forward to seeing them.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, June 14, 2004 4:53 AM


a-maze-ing. (speechless pause)simply incredible.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Monday, June 14, 2004 5:12 AM


You know, I think these people realise SO much more than most just what a thin line divides them, as producers of a product, from us, as consumers of that product.

How many people here want to write, or film, or act?

If Joss, or Adam, or any of our BDH hadn't made it as heros, wouldn't they be hanging around internet boards wanting to be a part of whoever had made it?

Duke/Bob has made it over a fine line that divides us and them. Which just shown there IS no us and them, just WE.

And all the people he met have gone out of their way to step over the line in the other direction.

Can you imagine ANY better publicity for the film than this?

Joss, Adam, Chris B. and the whole team may think they are creators of fiction - but they also have good buisness sense. I do NOT mean this in any sort of negative way - we WANT to love them, they make themselves lovable - what's not to like?

By the data to date, there is only one animal in the Galaxy dangerous to man - man himself. So he must supply his own indispensable competition. He has no enemy to help him. (R.A.Heinlein)


Monday, June 14, 2004 6:10 AM


what's not to like? um... OH! i got one. they make such a wonderful product (or in this case group of products) that are so amazing and so unlike anything else on TV and Cinema that we get spoiled and feel cheated and ripped off every time we catch a glimpse of "reality TV" and "Summer Blockbuster" pictures. they have spoiled us to the point where nothing is good enough anymore, and yet to bring us these scraps of shiny they have to align themselves with the evil empire that is bound and determined to take away all that is creative and new in this world.


Monday, June 14, 2004 7:24 AM


Hello my fellow Browncoats,
I have the pictures on a CD on my desk now, and i am going to figure out how to put them up for you guys. I have a few that are kinda spoiloerish that i shoulod hold onto. Should i share a picture in my costume? I have one of me in my costume in front of the set Adam took with me. I just dont want to ruin anything for anybody. but rest assured getting these pictures up taody is the only thing on my to-do list...:)



Monday, June 14, 2004 7:50 AM



Originally posted by TheDuke333:
Hello my fellow Browncoats,
I have the pictures on a CD on my desk now, and i am going to figure out how to put them up for you guys. I have a few that are kinda spoiloerish that i shoulod hold onto. Should i share a picture in my costume? I have one of me in my costume in front of the set Adam took with me. I just dont want to ruin anything for anybody. but rest assured getting these pictures up taody is the only thing on my to-do list...:)


Hey Duke,

Let me know if you need somewhere to put the pics. I have a server with plenty of space and bandwidth. I've sent you a PM. If you didn't get it and are interested post here.



Monday, June 14, 2004 7:57 AM


ooh yay, thanks for sharing your amazing story! If you post spoiler-ish pictures, please keep them seperate from non-spoilerish ones. Maybe you can make two seperate albums for the people who want to see the spoilers.

Personally, I like to stay spoiler-free but I know there are many people who don't mind so much. :)

Again, thank you thank you for sharing! What an adventure!


Monday, June 14, 2004 8:00 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Hey, Duke, you lucky devil.

Haken has a great system in place for sharing your pics. It's called the Blue Sun Room. If you go back to the mainpage, just click on that menu item across the top just under the banner image and quote. Once there, look on the left side of your monitor underneath the screen-cap image. Select "Add Image."

There is a browse button there for you to select which image from your computer you want to upload. Please only include pics that your are comfortable sharing, us browncoats understand the non-spoilerish wish of most fans. When you've found the pic you want click the upload button, and if you see a thumbnail of the image on the next screen, just click "Save."

I've just uploaded some images myself of Jewel at Dreamcon this past weekend. Wasn't lucky enough to have been there myself, but a friend was.

BTW, are you through with your scenes in the BDM, or will you be going back for more Serenity goodness?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, June 14, 2004 8:03 AM


How many pictures and what size?

You could ask Haken and possibly email them to a few at a time.

Depends whether you ISP has a limit on email sizes. Most ISPs limit email attachments to 2mb.


Monday, June 14, 2004 8:11 AM


Opps, and congrats.

I hope you give them their money back getting paid for an experience like that is criminal!


Monday, June 14, 2004 9:33 AM


OK guys,
I have posted non-spoiulerish pictures in the Blue Sun room for you. i hope enjoy them..



Monday, June 14, 2004 11:19 AM


Can't wait to the pictures

Out of curiousity, how much did you make for your extra work?


Monday, June 14, 2004 11:40 AM


I made $115.00 plus 62 miles worth of gas. I think it is like .30 cents a mile. They said i should recieve it in the mail. I would of done it for free.



Monday, June 14, 2004 1:01 PM


Thanks for sharing your tale and photos. I've been following it since the beginning and have just recently emerged from lurking on the various boards.

"Take me out to the black. Tell them I ain't comin' back."


Monday, June 14, 2004 2:17 PM


Well, I'll say thanks - but it's really inadequate. You could have kept all that to yourself - but you SHARED it with us... kept the dream alive for that long 300+ days ahead.

Thanks, Duke333. I, for one, don't care about the spoiler issue. Post away with the costume or more, if you've got it. BUT I might say that others here are more cautious, and there's always Joss's attitude about spoilers - perhaps there's an issue of repaying Universal's trust in you/us by NOT posting spoiler info.

Aw, heck, you can just email anything (set, costume) you're willing to to ME (please, please, please :)

I PROMISE I won't post them anywhere if you do.

- Forrestwolf, in awe of the insider-browncoat.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by TheDuke333:
I made $115.00 plus 62 miles worth of gas. I think it is like .30 cents a mile. They said i should recieve it in the mail. I would of done it for free.


So that is a total of $133.60. That should buy you & your family several trips to see the movie when it comes out, right?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:34 PM



Originally posted by TheDuke333:
I made $115.00 plus 62 miles worth of gas. I think it is like .30 cents a mile. They said i should recieve it in the mail. I would of done it for free.

What a day!! Your best day ever?
Thank you so much for sharing!! I have really enjoyed reading your story. And the pictures were great too!!
Is there more on the OB or is it all pretty well captured above? I don't want to miss anything.
Also, you should really work on coming out of your shell. :)

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:48 PM


Wow! Congratulations on an incredible day----maybe you can even be in the sequel.

The Strawberry Monkey


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 1:08 PM


In the beginning of the original post I start from the very beginning. From my decision to take my picture down to BackGround Players in LA, to me recieving the phone call from Judy Cook telling me I'm in. pretty much every step of that journey. The above post is just the actual day of filming. You might find it interesting.







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