Watching firefly

UPDATED: Thursday, August 27, 2009 02:49
VIEWED: 12548
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Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:57 PM


Wow! I just watched the first show sernity. The action,humor, and drama are amazing. I have seen so many shows that have hooked me in in season 1. This show hooks you in in episode 1. I think Jane is my fav so far. I can't wait to see where the show takes you. I will post on here as I watch each episode and would love to hear spoiler free thoughts on each episode from all you experts out here. Does the show stay as good as this first one was? I liked the Star wars the future is dirty and western feel to it. Some one said mal was like han solo. I so see that! How show that starts off this well got cancelled is beyond me. Wow! I can't say enough. The ship felt so real.
I am glad JAne didnt turn on Mal. Anara seems like a future geisha or somthing. The speak chinese so I am guessing china takes over the world in the future is what they are getting at. The priest should alot to the story as well. I would like one spoiler answered. Is River really his sister?


Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:33 PM


Yes, River is his sister.

You do realize that the DVD box set arranges the episodes in the order that Joss Whedon envisioned - not in the order they originally aired, right? The 'Pilot' episode you just watched did not air 'first'.

China takes over the world?

Is the rest of the show as good as the pilot? Well, why do you think the show is so popular ;)

Welcome to the party!


Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:41 PM


The rest of the show is extremely good....which is why here we all are still deeply attached to it etc etc quite a few years after it's unfair annihilation. warning: you will get hooked....and you will be as mystified as the rest of us re why it was ever cancelled. Enjoy!


Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:49 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

The pilot episode was the last one that FOX ran, if you can believe that. And they had already decided to cancel it at that point, even though they hadn't formally announced it yet.

Yes, it does get better. In my opinion it is as close to perfection as television has ever come. Character, plot, attention to detail, believability while still being totally imaginary.

There are two episodes that are consistently at the top of fan favorite lists, "Out of Gas" and "Objects in Space," but you will find a lot of support for just about every other episode as well. Note that "Trash," "The Message" and "Heart of Gold" were not aired by FOX, so were never seen until the DVDs came out.

Please be careful reading this site. Lots of spoilers, some even in the thread title itself. It might be best if you just go on a marathon viewing binge, making notes as you go, but not returning here until you've seen it all. Massive spoilers also abound concering the theatrical movie "Serenity," so watch out.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:53 AM



Originally posted by farscapeman:
Does the show stay as good as this first one was?

Dude, in case nobody has exactly said it, THE SHOW GETS BETTER.
Spider Robinson once wrote that one of the nicest things a person can say to another is, " You lucky SOB, you're about to be newly introduced to something I already know is great."

Welcome to the party, you lucky SOB...


Sunday, July 26, 2009 5:24 AM


Wow! Thanks for the great thoughts. Nice to hear the show will stay strong. With advice up top I will only go to this thread and post after I watch the show. Thanks making me feel welcomed.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:12 PM



Originally posted by farscapeman:
Wow! Thanks for the great thoughts. Nice to hear the show will stay strong. With advice up top I will only go to this thread and post after I watch the show. Thanks making me feel welcomed.

Yeah, welcome to the Verse! I'm almost as new as you -- friend of mine just gave me the Firefly series and Serenity movie about a month ago: I've watched seven top to bottom "marathons" of the whole thing to date. I still love it, will be running my next "marathon" in the next couple days or so.

If I may, and I mean no disrespect, I have to laugh a little at your comment that "the show will stay strong." Ummm, sorry, but the stupid television powers-that-be cancelled the show 7 years ago, and it only ran for one season. What's going strong still is the fandom, not the show itself, which is off the air, no new episodes being written/produced.

Now here's why I have to laugh (and it just so figures that I ended up falling in love with Firefly) -- kind of a personal observation really... what scant amount of commercial entertainment I noticed and got attached to -- it's all dead, except in the minds and hearts of the fans, where it lives intensely. Before Firefly, the only TV show I was ever a serious fan of (and I still am) was Star Trek (which died when the Voyager series died: post-Voyager wasn't Star Trek, it was goram crap) -- and still my favorite Trek is the original series. Also, the one computer game I play is The Sims, the original game! I didn't like Sims 2 when I tried it (at my friend's house on numerous occasions) and I'm not interested in Sims 3 at all. But, just like Firefly, old Star Trek and the original Sims live on strong in the minds and hearts of their fans, and on plenty of Internet forums.

So I guess I'm just totally and completely retro -- and that's why I gotta laugh.

"Call me if anyone interesting shows up..."


Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:45 PM


Welcome to the insanity, errr, the fanaticism.
You were lucky enough to see Serenity first. For the original airing, it was aired AFTER Fox had cancelled the show, Joss and Tim had rewritten some of the already aired shows/scenes, final filming had been completed, the entire cast had said their final goodbyes, and the show was wrapped on Dec 20, 2002, then everybody went home to find that Fox was finally airing the Pilot Serenity that night.
Pilot Serenity won the Emmy Award that season for Special Effects, and now most shows have copied the award-winning effects from that show.
The first aired episode was The Train Job.

Enjoy yourself.

If you haven't already, check out the deleted scenes or extended scenes from that Pilot episode. They should not detract from your enjoyment, and may add to it as you go through the rest of the show.


Monday, July 27, 2009 6:13 AM


FarScapeMan, Just a damn good show. Another one I liked for me was Special Unit Two. I like midgets on screen. Now I think after 9/11 people were not consumed with tv scifi. Everyone was into the fox network news.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Monday, July 27, 2009 6:36 AM



Originally posted by farscapeman:
Wow! I just watched the first show sernity. The action,humor, and drama are amazing. I have seen so many shows that have hooked me in in season 1. This show hooks you in in episode 1. I think Jane is my fav so far. I can't wait to see where the show takes you. I will post on here as I watch each episode and would love to hear spoiler free thoughts on each episode from all you experts out here. Does the show stay as good as this first one was? I liked the Star wars the future is dirty and western feel to it. Some one said mal was like han solo. I so see that! How show that starts off this well got cancelled is beyond me. Wow! I can't say enough. The ship felt so real.
I am glad JAne didnt turn on Mal. Anara seems like a future geisha or somthing. The speak chinese so I am guessing china takes over the world in the future is what they are getting at. The priest should alot to the story as well. I would like one spoiler answered. Is River really his sister?

I had a mini-marathon this weekend....watched all 4 eps. on disc 2, plus Objects in Space. It never gets old for me ....goin' on 3 years now, and it never gets old, it only still gets better. You always see different things, and you think about situations differently because of the posts that folks here write start you thinkin'!


Monday, July 27, 2009 8:00 AM


I meant the fandom is going strong. Where are the deleted scenes? I didn't see them on the disk? I saw some frefly fan docu on line is that any good?


Monday, July 27, 2009 8:25 AM


Hi there, Farscapeman! Welcome!

I know it gets a little confusing, but just watch the episodes in order as they appear on the the DVD's. Ignore the "originally aired" dates and just enjoy the awesomeness as it presents itself before you. I was terribly sad when I realized how short-lived the series really was, but I still find great enjoyment in watching the series over and over again. Don't forget to pick up the movie "Serenity" which was made two years after the series went off the air. It answers some questions raised in the series but still leaves many more to be pondered over.

If you're refering to "Done The Impossible", then yes. Definately watch it after you get done watching the series and the movie. It will give you some further insight to the show and the enthusiastic fanbase behind it. It has effected more folk than you may realize.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Monday, July 27, 2009 10:07 AM



Originally posted by RIPWash:
I know it gets a little confusing, but just watch the episodes in order as they appear on the the DVD's. Ignore the "originally aired" dates and just enjoy the awesomeness as it presents itself before you. I was terribly sad when I realized how short-lived the series really was, but I still find great enjoyment in watching the series over and over again. Don't forget to pick up the move "Serenity" which was made two years after the series went off the air. It answers some questions raised in the series but still leaves many more to be pondered over.

Whoa. You couldn't have put this better, Ripwash! When my friend gave me the DVDs of the show and movie, what I did EXACTLY was watch the episodes in order they were on the DVDs, starting with the pilot. Then at the end (i.e., after "Objects in Space"), I put on the movie. Definitely the optimal way to go! I ran FIVE consecutive marathons like that, then a couple days later, a sixth for my boyfriend who was here for that weekend (because I knew he'd love it too, and I was right!) -- and after he went home I had to go for number 7!

You know this puts me in a really odd position in terms of wondering what to think. I mean here we have this wonderful Firefly show on our DVDs which nobody would have seen if Fox hadn't put it on television in the first place -- yet this same Fox was STUPID enough to NOT broadcast the episodes as its creator intended (pilot first), which, if they HAD, probably would have hooked more people sooner/gotten the show better ratings which would have kept it on the air, right? But they didn't even broadcast it that way, they could't warm the audience/get good ratings so then they "had to" cancel it before it actually even quite goes a FULL season, why, because its ratings weren't good enough?! How much MORE frickin retarded can retarded even GET?

Or did Fox decide for some incomprehensible reason they WANTED the show to fail so they did this on purpose (but if so, then why take it on and broadcast it at all?!) -- or -- would it have gotten cancelled no matter what they did because the show was just too damn intelligent and thought provoking than what 99.9% of the American public can deal with?

Ehhh, who knows, and for all I care at this point, every single goram television network in existence can go bankrupt and disappear. At least I have the Firefly DVDs.

"Call me if anyone interesting shows up..."


Monday, July 27, 2009 12:09 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by farscapeman:
Where are the deleted scenes? I didn't see them on the disk?

All the deleted scenes, plus other extras, are on Disc Four. Unless you're watching the Blu-Ray set, then some of the extras are on each disc, and deleted scenes are on Disc Three.

Others have already said this, but I just wanted to reinforce the notion that Firefly never gets old, you can watch it again and again and it still retains its freshness and brilliance. In fact, you will appreciate it more as you watch it more.

I was one of the lucky fans (or unlucky I suppose) who watched the show from the beginning on FOX. The cancellation hurt a lot, but I got the DVDs as soon as they were released (December 2003) and have watched them at least twenty times. I still have the regular DVD set, but mainly to loan out to others I think will enjoy it, but I also have the Blu-Ray set, and have watched it completely three times so far. I've probably only seen the BDM twelve or thirteen times so far, but will continue to enjoy it as well.

By the way, in case you haven't figured it out or someone else hasn't already told you, the "BDM" is what we call the movie Serenity, and that stands for Big Damn Movie, which you will understand once you have watched the episode "Safe."

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, July 27, 2009 4:53 PM


Hello I'm new here...

Anyways, I was also introduced to this series after its cancellation by my parents, and it is definately the best show ever, and best watched in the order that Joss intended.

And I also flipped out when my momma told me that there wasn't another DVD set with more Firefly.

I have watched it too many times to count and I know you will also flip out after you watch "Objects in Space" and your journey ends.

Also, "Shindig" is my favorite episode.

"You don't seem to be looking at the destinations. What you care about is the ships, and mine's the nicest."


Monday, July 27, 2009 11:47 PM


Somebody said don't come here until you've seen them all.
But you can, while looking at this thread, make a shortcut, or bookmark, or favorites tab, which can then get you back right here in future days, without seeing other thread titles or forums which might have spoilers.

I know some people prefer the sequence listed on the DVDS, but I prefer the originally intended, written, and filmed sequence, which is the sequence on the DVDs until the last 4, changing from WS, Trash, Message, HoG, OiS to the original WS, HoG, OiS, Trash, Message. The included originally aired scene of OiS puts it together.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:29 PM


why watch in a diffrent order when you get to the last four? Why is it you do that? Does the story flow better that way?


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:14 PM



Originally posted by farscapeman:
why watch in a diffrent order when you get to the last four? Why is it you do that? Does the story flow better that way?

The original sequence as written was WS, HoG, OiS, Trash, Message. This was the original sequence of filming as well. HoG was the big stumbling block, the network refused to show it, and many feel it was the reason for cancellation (network despised western imagery). That sequence was the original story line, the original story arcs.
HoG was skipped while OiS was aired, while HoG was rescripted and scenes refilmed, several times. After cancellation, with Trash already in the can, Message was finished, and scenes rescripted and reshot for HoG, and a scene for the already aired OiS was rescripted and reshot. (DVD set includes the originally aired scene from OiS, but the show on DVD has the replacement scene in it). Joss then decided the most happy ending to the series would be OiS and then rearranged the order to WS, Trash, Message, HoG, OiS. This sequence creates some discontinuities, evident in many scenes. Many original browncoats suffered through great confusion because the original airings were presented out of order as well, so further confusions do not bother them so much. I prefer a neater, more orderly presentation.

Many feel Message has the most poignant and fitting end to the series. The reason why would be spoilerish.
Just like the Pilot Serenity is the most fitting beginning to the series, the best introduction to the verse. As well, seeing the original scenes from the Pilot would be entertaining, and not spoilerish.

Yes, because the story originally flowed that way from the start, I feel the story does flow better that way.

I also do endorse the documentary Done the Impossible. I have not decided whether that would be best seen between the end of the series and before the BDM Serenity, but I suspect that would be best. Don't hold off on the movie though if you don't have DTI yet.
edit: as mentioned below, there are spoilers in DTI, so watch it after BDM Serenity.

The following thread has a listing of episodal order. Do not go past the listing part until you've seen them all, the narrative portion starts to have some spoilerish details.


Thursday, July 30, 2009 4:37 AM


so as a newbie should I watch WS, HoG, OiS, Trash, Message in that order becasue that is best? I will trust you and watch in that order if you think I should.


Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:23 AM


I'm just jealous, I wish I was going to visit the verse for the first time.

Why have they taken the sky from ME


Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:49 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by farscapeman:
so as a newbie should I watch WS, HoG, OiS, Trash, Message in that order becasue that is best? I will trust you and watch in that order if you think I should.

Honestly, I don't think it really matters. You're gonna love them either way, trust me.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:42 AM


Welcome to the fan-addicts site, new peoples! I started watching almost a month ago, forced by my better half, and now he says I have a problem. I find this most amusing!

I watch over and over and over again. I find phrases from the show leaking into my normal conversations. It is a blissful insanity, and I'm enjoying the ride.

Glad to see more and more people discovering the show I love!

Day late an'a dollar short...Story of my ruttin' life!


Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:51 PM


Hey Farscapeman,

Don't do it. Watch it in the order that was intended by Joss and company. I will explain.

As has been mentioned by others, you will enjoy the series no matter what order but, and this I hope will make sense.

You watched the pilot episode first, correct? Ok, for me the stories just flow better from one episode to the next. There are certain things that are revealed that make sense only viewed in the originally conceived particular order. Joss wrote these stories and gave us these characters with a purpose in mind. Just what these 9 people see and what they mean to each other as time goes on.

I think you will "get it" once you see OoG (Out of Gas). Then you will appreciate what I, and others, are saying about story continuity. It is my firm belief THAT is what doomed Firefly at the outset. Fox aired the episodes out of sequence and butchered the intended continuity and flow of the story. For me, a die-hard sci-fi geek, I will follow almost any sci-fi adventure so long as it is entertaining, as well as, thought-provoking. Firefly has that in spades.

But for the average tv viewer who's looking for something new and interesting, it may take a few eps to get them hooked. So imagine, if you will, you're channel surfing on a Friday night back in 2002 and you come across Firefly. You enjoy the show and come back next week to see if it was really that good, but the show is pre-empted. And then the following week you see an episode that makes no sense because it doesn't pick up from where you left it.

I could just see Homer Simpson commenting, "Stupid show, doesn't make any sense. Why should I watch this crap. I don't get it. What's with this girl walking around barefooted? And since when does a whore get any kind of respect? Hey, the Gilmore Girls are on. I think I'll watch that."

Sorry, I took off on a tangent. But I think that Joss had a particular vision in mind of how this story should be told. Fox, in their infinite wisdom, thought differently. Fox cancels the show because of poor ratings (Quiel surprise!). The fans go ballistic on Fox and demand satisfaction. Fox, to salvage the cost of production and to try to make some cashy-money off this clunker decide to release a DVD box set.

Sales go through the roof. Fox execs gasp in amazement.
Exec wiseman #1: "How could this be? This show sucked big time."
Exec wiseman #2: "Shut up and keep counting."
They can't keep them on the shelves long enough.
Fox later teams up with Universal to create Hulu and put Firefly on the Classic TV section. CLASSIC! Is that rich or what. Fox knows where the money is coming from. Browncoats.

The fans rally and fight to get their heroes back. Along comes a nice and very smart Universal exec who gets it. She sticks her neck out and we get Serenity. Except, of course, we still don't get any respect and it's released in September 2005. Ok, the Revenge of the Sith was released in May of that year, and Batman Begins in June.

But those were the only movies of any consequence during the Summer of 2005. To jog your memory, here are just a couple of others from that summer:
The Longest Yard, Memorial Day; Mr. & Mrs. Smith 6/10; BB, 6/15; Bewitched, 6/24; War of the Worlds, 6/29; Fantastic Four, 7/8; Wedding Crashers, 7/15. Ok, I'll stop here. You get the picture. Why, in heaven's name, didn't they release it during the summer that year? It could have done much better at the box office (Serenity broke even, which, by H-wood standards means it was a flop).

Sorry about the length of this. It just irks me that there's so much crap out there and we can't have our heroes back. Just a shame, is all!

Oh, BTW welcome aboard and enjoy.




Saturday, August 1, 2009 3:29 AM


know wonder it was taken off. That makes no sense. I guess if the movie didn't do well we won't get anymore.


Saturday, August 1, 2009 4:26 AM


Actually, the reason I heard for the episode order on DVD was that OIS was intended to be the end of one "arc," with The Message being pretty much stand-alone before the next arc kicked up.

Since the "next arc" ended up not happening, Joss himself decreed that OIS worked better as a series finale (since there's a definite sense of the characters having reached a certain equilibrium, moreso than in The Message [it's still there, but it's not the focal point]).

I'd say just watch the DVD order.

Then read "Dead or Alive," the unfilmed script:
(Uh, may need some formatting, since the HTML is. . . odd.)

(Oh, and see if you can pick up some of the Serenity comics [sorry, "utterly respectable and mature Graphic Novels" ] before the BDM --they're not necessary, but they do bridge the gap between the series and movie.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:24 PM


hoping watch the train job this week. Is it as well done or better then serenity? What do you all think.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 5:08 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by farscapeman:
hoping watch the train job this week. Is it as well done or better then serenity? What do you all think.

The Train Job is perfect as a second episode for me.But perhaps you may get a different perspective if you watch it as if it was the pilot.This is what was aired first and you do get the feeling as if you're missing something.But that was down to Fox.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:29 PM


Awesome as a second episode. Knowing mall from the pilot show makes his move at the end that much better. I may be the only one but I really like Jane. HE is a riot. But I don't trust him. THe scene in the bar was great! The humor so well timed. The end when he kicked the guy into the engine and started talking to the next guy cought me off guard. So funny. When Mal finds out the guy is dead and asks if that job is open. Wow I sooooooo dig this show. You guys r so right!! FIREFLY ROCKS!!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 11:52 PM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Hey Farscapeman,

Don't do it. Watch it in the order that was intended by Joss and company. I will explain.

As has been mentioned by others, you will enjoy the series no matter what order but, and this I hope will make sense.

Why do you make a statement AGAINST watching the episodes in order, but then make an argument FOR watching the episodes in original order?

You watched the pilot episode first, correct? Ok, for me the stories just flow better from one episode to the next. There are certain things that are revealed that make sense only viewed in the originally conceived particular order. Joss wrote these stories and gave us these characters with a purpose in mind. Just what these 9 people see and what they mean to each other as time goes on.

Again, further explanation for watching the episodes in the originally scripted, filmed order, although your statement was to watch them in the re-arranged, re-sequenced, inconsistent order. Not logical.

I think you will "get it" once you see OoG (Out of Gas). Then you will appreciate what I, and others, are saying about story continuity. It is my firm belief THAT is what doomed Firefly at the outset. Fox aired the episodes out of sequence and butchered the intended continuity and flow of the story.

Nobody is saying to watch the episodes in the order of airing. The only re-sequenced and rearranged episodes are the last 4, which werre not aired, only OiS was of those 4. Why are you talking about watching the broadcast sequence when nobody is suggesting that? Are you trying to confuse new browncoat recruits?

But for the average tv viewer who's looking for something new and interesting, it may take a few eps to get them hooked. So imagine, if you will, you're channel surfing on a Friday night back in 2002 and you come across Firefly. You enjoy the show and come back next week to see if it was really that good, but the show is pre-empted. And then the following week you see an episode that makes no sense because it doesn't pick up from where you left it.

Again with the argument to watch in the original order with the greatest continuity, even tho you stated they should be viewed in rearranged order with the worst continuity and greatest confusion.

Sorry, I took off on a tangent. But I think that Joss had a particular vision in mind of how this story should be told.

Again with more argument for watching in the original order, which is the order Joss envisioned, the order Joss wrote the scripts, the order Joss filmed the episodes. But your statement was to not watch in the original order, but to watch in the rearranged order. If Joss had envisioned the show in the rearranged order, he would have written them in that order, and shot them in that order, and that order would have the most consistency instead of the least consistency.

Sorry about the length of this. It just irks me that there's so much crap out there and we can't have our heroes back. Just a shame, is all!

Oh, BTW welcome aboard and enjoy.


Cybersnark mentions that the Message was an episode after OiS, but neglects to mention that both Trash and Message were the episodes after OiS.

Farscapeman: If I could do it over, I would do it the first time in the sequence I mentioned. But I did not know what was the best way of viewing it when i first saw it, and the inconsistencies bothered me - when they didn't need to be.


Thursday, August 6, 2009 3:37 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

JSF, I think you're being a bit harsh. I certainly didn't read into his suggestions anything about the original broadcast order, he's talking about the order of the episodes on the dvd. You remember Joss, the guy who created the show, and the one who picked said dvd order? There is nothing wrong with viewing the episodes that way, even if there are a couple of inconsistencies. "Objects in Space" is the better ending, and a better lead-in to the BDM, imo.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, August 6, 2009 12:52 PM


so can we talk about the awesome train job I posted on above? I want to know what others think. What are u uberfans thoughts?



Thursday, August 6, 2009 1:22 PM


Keeping order in every verse

You get a real good perspective on Mal in this ep,Farscapeman.You see Mal as a man of moral substance by taking the bootie back to the townsfolk and then you see what a badass he is when he boots Crow into the engine.One of my favourite moments of the show. And by the way,I suggest you ignore all the confusion about the playing order.Watch them as they are and get to know the show.Once your up to speed ,you can then argue the finer details like the rest of us.By the way,you've got Bushwhacked next.You'll see how dark the show can be aswell.As a side note,watch for Jayne's reaction to questioning.Priceless.!!!!Glad your sticking with it.I'm jealous that you're watching it fresh.Enjoy.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, August 6, 2009 1:28 PM


Keeping order in every verse

Farscapeman,I think it would be great if you posted something after each episode.It's great to hear thoughts from a fresh perspective. There's a big dusty brown coat waiting for you at the end of the ride,dude.!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, August 6, 2009 5:39 PM


THanks. My plan is to watch atleast 1 a week and post in here to get everyones thoughts. I agree with what you said about mal. I will look for jane scene u mention. I really like jane for some reason. I may be the only one.


Thursday, August 6, 2009 6:59 PM


I guess I didn't finish my post, sorry.

Farscapeman, I'm not telling you what order you need to view them. You can make that decision. I'm only providing the information about one path. Whichever you decide upon, it is likely you will re-watch the eps repeatedly, so you can always watch the future viewings in a different sequence.

Regarding TTJ, you may have noticed that, since it was the "second Pilot" it had many of the same introductory elements. All the verse, Alliance, Rimworlds, Reavers, Firefly and crew had to be explained all over again, and the choices had to be made (Deal with Patience even tho it's known to be an ambush vs take the loot back to Paradiso, and kill the Fed vs FOD Crow), the importance and status of Registered Companions, the place that Jayne should hold - and what he thinks he should, all retold in TTJ.

edit- I haven't conjured the emails here, what you said in your email is correct.


Friday, August 7, 2009 12:00 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by farscapeman:
THanks. My plan is to watch atleast 1 a week and post in here to get everyones thoughts. I agree with what you said about mal. I will look for jane scene u mention. I really like jane for some reason. I may be the only one.

Believe me,you're nowhere near being the only one when it comes to Jayne.And bythe way,you may see from my handle that I'm also a staunch Scaper.Roll on the webisodes.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, August 9, 2009 1:28 AM


If you had to pick one favorite episode what would it be? Can u say why without spoiling me?


Sunday, August 9, 2009 3:07 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by farscapeman:
If you had to pick one favorite episode what would it be? Can u say why without spoiling me?

Objects in Space is my favorite, followed by Serenity (pilot) and Out of Gas.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, August 9, 2009 6:41 AM


Keeping order in every verse

For me,it would have to be War Stories. IMHO it is the one episode where we see the true nature of every single character in the ensemble.A lot of questions are answered and it would have beeen a great set up episode for what,sadly,should have been!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, August 9, 2009 4:23 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

I also do endorse the documentary Done the Impossible. I have not decided whether that would be best seen between the end of the series and before the BDM Serenity, but I suspect that would be best.

Actually, I would recommend watching the Serenity movie first and then watching the documentary Done the Impossible afterward. Spoilers abound in Done the Impossible and seeing the movie for the first time is something you definitely don't want to have spoiled.

I read a suggestion that you read the graphic novels between watching the show and the movie. I would second that recommendation -- especially "Those Left Behind". It ties up some loose ends between the show ending and the movie beginning.

You'll find that everyone here has their own favorite episode for reasons that we don't want to share with you just yet. And there are some folks like me who can't even manage to choose a favorite.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Sunday, August 9, 2009 9:12 PM


There are other threads around which discuss favorite episode, character, scene, quote, etc etc. You can visit those when you've finished the series. I don't want to spoil them for you.
However, I can say that every episode has a fan who listed it as their favorite. Also every episode has at least one scene which some fan listed as their favorite in the whole series. Some episodes and scenes you might not rank as high the first time, but appreciate more on future repeat viewings.
The thing is, for many of us fans, the worst episode of Firefly is just so far above the fray of all the other shows on TV, that it is very hard to rank them for fear of omitting one which is really just such a gem among many in this show.
Have you invited some friends to gather round and watch the upcoming episodes?


Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:52 AM


It's never my intention to tell anyone what to do, however I was referring to the DVD release. My guess is that Joss wanted us to see it that way.

So if it sounded like I was trying to confuse or order anyone around - then no, that was not my meaning. I wanted to share the experience that I had when I first bought my set.

My reasons for were perhaps not clear and probably somewhat confusing. Ok, if that's the case - I apologize.




Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:13 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
It's never my intention to tell anyone what to do, however I was referring to the DVD release. My guess is that Joss wanted us to see it that way.

So if it sounded like I was trying to confuse or order anyone around - then no, that was not my meaning. I wanted to share the experience that I had when I first bought my set.

My reasons for were perhaps not clear and probably somewhat confusing. Ok, if that's the case - I apologize.

I just stumbled back into this thread, and there's been a lot of posting since I did last read of it. Hell, dude (said WnW presumptuously), I thought you made a good, tight, and even entertaining case. I felt neither confused or as if I was being lectured to. (The 4th or 5th post I read after yours did give me the feeling that God's Own Hall Monitor was in a smiting mood, but oh well. Had it in mind to type this even before reading said post. )

ETA: Hail and well met, Farscapeman! (Or "peace and a bottle of hair grease" - whichever you prefer.)


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Thursday, August 13, 2009 5:05 PM


Thanks for the greeting. I was hoping to here from more people about each show but not alot of people want to talk to the newbie I guess. lol
Is their another one thats more active?


Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:51 PM


We enjoy talking with the newbs. But we do not want to spoil your enjoyment with spoilers. You also said you would not watch more than one episode per week. Which episode were you up to?


Thursday, August 13, 2009 10:59 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
We enjoy talking with the newbs. But we do not want to spoil your enjoyment with spoilers. You also said you would not watch more than one episode per week. Which episode were you up to?

Agree, completely. Let us know what show you just watched and give your take so we can reply. Some of us have have read about a lot of the backstory and know where the plotlines are leading and don't want to ruin anything for you (some issues are still up in the air).

I was kind of excited when you first started posting this as seeing a fresh perspective on the episodes brings back some of the feelings I had when I first saw them. Please, don't be affraid to post your ideas or opinions (we actually want to get your 'take' on the show).


Friday, August 14, 2009 3:41 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Farscapeman,have you watched Bushwhacked yet?.Let us know your views when you have.And don't feel pushed out coz your a newbie.I am a relative newcomer myself and you will notice that a lot of Browncoats on here have been with the forum from the very start.So it stands to reason that a lot of discussions will tend to flow between the established people.Having said that,when I have ever posted I have never been ignored.Sometimes the conversations may have a tendency to wander off track a little,but that's the nature of conversation.Basically,the more you post the more your views will be heard.They are a fine bunch of peeps on this site,all with wide ranging and diverse opinions.You get the odd sledger who likes a good poke at people,but if you give as good as you get,nobody will knock you for it.Please keep returning with your views(and they are allowed to be negative ones aswell.Don't be afraid to express them).We're all adults and every view is valid.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Friday, August 14, 2009 5:28 AM


Well three responses. Maybe I was a bit hastey.

I just watched bushwacked. Some grreat Jane in this one. We got a little more insight into the reavers. Mal saves the day. And walsh had me rolling with laughter. Very Dark compared to the last two and had a somber melencholy feel. But was broken up well with the nice bits of humor.
Kaylee upset when they called the ship junk then that's all she could talk about when questioned was a riot. They all seemed to have accepted the doc, but jane. He doesn't seem to ba a fan. PLaying pranks and everything.

So how do you guys like this episode?


Friday, August 14, 2009 6:11 AM


Don't wanta spoil your fun or give away much, but Bushwacked and The Train Job are the 2 episodes I never watch, sadly. I know there's good stuff in them, but over all, I think they're TOO dark. I look upon them as sorta teething pains, where everybody was figuring out what did and didn't work. IMHO, things got better, quickly, with Shindig, Our Mrs. Reynolds, JaynesTown, and Safe, as the team hit its stride. A little bit lighter touch, a little more relief from the dark stuff.


Friday, August 14, 2009 6:40 AM


Keeping order in every verse

I love that ep.As I pointed out before F-man,the reaction of Jayne when he was being questioned by the Alliance Commander was classic.This is where you see some of Jayne's conflicting qualities.He comes across as mercenary and entirely self-absorbed most of the time.But in that instance you realise that he does have some strong loyalties.Or maybe he just despises the Alliance authority more than he has loyalty to the crew.It's ambiguous and that's what is interesting about him.Jayne is mine and you will find a lot of peoples' favourite character in not just this show,but in any show.Glad you're still with us dude.I'm swatting the mothballs off your coat as we speak.!!You've got Shindig next,and this is where you will fall head over heels in love with Kaylee.The line that I'd like you to watch out for is where the old gentleman in the episode comes to her rescue.(any more than that I cannot say.)

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!






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