Watching firefly

UPDATED: Thursday, August 27, 2009 02:49
VIEWED: 12550
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Friday, August 14, 2009 6:36 PM


The interrogation scenes held that ep. together and were also my fav. part. Especially liked jumping from Zoe being all closed mouthed to Wash's interview. In the extras on the fourth disk they have some outtakes of Wash from that scene that are hilarious (he's ad-libbing and trying to crack up the alliance officer). Seeing more about the reavers in Bushwacked was pretty cool (by cool I mean freaky) but it might raise some questions when you get to the movie.


Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:47 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I see I'm not the only one who appreciates the darkness of "Bushwhacked." I think it is closer to the feel Joss wanted for the show before FOX demanded more action and humor. Also, it is a good reason for my opinion that if Joss was not able to head up a revival of the show then Tim Minear is the only other person I would trust with the job.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, August 15, 2009 6:08 AM


I am so behind in becoming a part of this enthusiastic Firefly family, but better late than never!!
I became a fan through watching Castle, and have not looked back. I so look forward to reading your comments and analysis of episodes.
I am a proud Browncoat!!


Saturday, August 15, 2009 9:10 AM


It makes me sad thinking this show never made it to season 2. I just watched the entire season and BDM. I almost didn't watch OiS because I don't want the series to end, but sadly I had to.

Wash's dinosaur dialog is my favorite lines for the entire series. It's just funny and plain genius.

P.S. I'm new here too.


Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:43 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Welcome to all the noobs. Please join in the conversations in the various threads. We're friendly (mostly) and love to hear about what you think of the shiniest show in the 'verse.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 4:39 AM


Here's something to make your mind go - Hmmmmmmm.

Bushwhacked was the series second episode (as per Fox) and introduced the Reavers as the zombies/natives making live interesting for the crew (and others). It also gave us more insight as to River's character.

When I first saw this on network TV, I thought she was going to be 'someone special' to keep an eye on. But as I watched the series on DVD I noticed how little River appears throughout the series and that it kept building throughout.

What it also did was delve further into the characters for both what and how they saw their relationships. More is revealed in this ep than in the BDM (IMHO). Loved the responses by Wash and Zoe during the questioning. We see how in tune Kaylee is to Serenity (remember the pilot), we also see how Book thinks and his affect on Mal and the doctor.

We know that Mal is flawed but he thinks of his crew first and foremost, even Jayne. Jayne might be a mercenary and an opportunist, but he knows the chain of command (heh, heh!). But I don't think his loyalty is ambigious. He's loyal to captain and crew, for now, until something better comes along. Actually, I think he feels like this is family, not like the next heist at all. That one's hard to pin down.

That's what makes this show so gorram appealing.
There that makes 4 responses.

Enjoy noobs, one and all.




Sunday, August 16, 2009 5:06 AM


It's a toss-up between OMR, Jaynestown and OIS....wait there's OoG/

As u can see, not easy pickins'

No matter what, enjoy at your pace.

BTW love the fact that you're a newbie and reliving FF through your eyes. Thanks for posting.




Monday, August 17, 2009 8:42 AM


THANKS ALL! I am geeky enough that I am writing down your responses and keeping them by the dvd of what to watch out for. Thanks for the teasers.
Anything that adds to the fun of watching is cool!! Anyone have any good firefly song mp3's? I hear those are out there as well.

gorram appealing

What is gorram?


Monday, August 17, 2009 10:05 AM



Originally posted by farscapeman:
THANKS ALL! I am geeky enough that I am writing down your responses and keeping them by the dvd of what to watch out for. Thanks for the teasers.
Anything that adds to the fun of watching is cool!! Anyone have any good firefly song mp3's? I hear those are out there as well.

gorram appealing

What is gorram?

"Gorram" was one of Joss' ways of getting the characters to cuss without being censored (cussing in Chinese was the other way). "Gorram" as a replacement for the big G*d*mn and "rutting" (or "ruttin") for the F-bomb is how I always took it.

I have a whole plethora of MP3's from the show I downloaded from the site that someone was good enough to post, but can't remember where at the moment.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Monday, August 17, 2009 10:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, my, I'm coming in WAAY late, apparently you started back in July, yes? Where are you now, and why aren't you telling us about each epi as you've watched them, huh, huh, HUH?? Don't you know some of us are DYING to enjoy vicariously what you're experiencing?

Okay, my grin got bigger and bigger as I read down this thread, then I realized I'd be reading all day and skipped down to reply. So I may repeat what others have said; if so, please excuse.

I, too, envy you mightily. I found Firefly last year, and it was the first time I've ever gone looking for a fansite to join, which speaks for itself.

I've been on another Firefly board ever since, and just "set up house" on this one a couple of days ago, so I guess I'm a "newbie-but-not-a-newbie", or something. Still "new" enough to know how you feel, but I've learned a lot from other Browncoats. You still have SO much fun ahead of you!

What I didn't learn until now was the sequence stuff mentioned early on in this thread. I'm just now opening up the 'verse to my husband, so I'm going to take notes too (and you don' hafta be a geek to do that, trust me, just a Browncoat!) so he sees it "right" the first time.

Me, I saw Serenity the movie first...bumped across it in the video store, looked interesting, rented, LOVED it and that was that. Being a fan of Buffy--well, the show anyway--and Joss as well, I heard about Firefly, rented it, and it seemed somehow vaguely familiar. When I rented Serenity afterwards, I laughed out loud: THAT was why it was familiar, and why I liked the movie so much!

I know the whole story now, and yes, do pick up "Done the Impossible"--it's cheap and there are people here and on other Firefly websites who are in it, and it tells the tale. Whether you see it before or after Serenity doesn't matter to me, but me, I had to eat every DVD, all the extras, everything I could get my hands on before I got around to DOD.

I'm still amazed at how new people keep showing up here and elsewhere who are just now discovering Firefly. Weird, isn't it? I don't know if anyone has given it a name or not, but I call it the "Firefly Effect"...'cuz it's not just Joss, it's the whole THING.

So here's my "Firefly Effect" story, for your entertainment.

I'm a sci fi buff, even bad sci fi, so it was no surprise Firefly knocked my socks off, or so I thought. I talked about it endlessly, and about the Firefly forum I was on, and joked to my husband that he knew I was going to make him watch it eventually, didn't he? He sighed and said yes (after 30+ years of marriage, he doesn't fight it anymore!).

Meanwhile, I had exposed my good friend who lives with us. This is someone NOT into sci fi at all. She fell in love. We started just night before last on our second go-around: AT HER REQUEST. If you knew her, you'd know how weird this is...she's only seen bits of movies her kids had on the TV as they grew up, rarely goes to movies, and before coming here never saw anything twice. That tells the tale.

So finally I got around to exposing Jim. Here's where it gets really funny. My husband is 70. He's always been a "world is half full" kinda guy. Negatives are BIG, positives are leeetle. He's not a fan of anything; he likes reading sci fi, but has walked out of many movies, is pretty picky, and doesn't particularly like sci fi series or movies.

So we watched epi 1. He's got hearing trouble, so half way through he took a break to mow the lawn and when I asked him what he thought, he said "I can't make out a lot of it and I'm confused". So I put subtitles on (which he religiously puts on now when he watches it...and ONLY then!) and gave him some background. When we finished the second half, I asked what he thought. First words out of his mouth: "And they CANCELLED THIS??????"

He is now "rationing" the rest of the DVDs (he's a stronger man than I!!!). He will only watch one epi a weekend, if that, and not another until he has rewatched that one at least once (sometimes twice). Every time he watches an epi, he comes away FURIOUS. Seriously! He loves 'em, of course, but he always starts in with "assholes", "pieces of shit", and many worse things...about Fox cancelling it. He shakes his head a lot and has MANY things to say on the matter, and every time he does, I laugh and tell him "welcome to the Browncoat world".

He knows everything now, all about it's history, about Joss, the cast, everything I've picked up over the year or so since I felt the Effect myself. We just finished Out of Gas (oh, damn, I just realized that was out of order? I'll have to check before he sees the next one!). I think it pissed him off even more.

He so liked the writing, by the way, that he actually said he wanted to try Buffy--ON HIS OWN! I told him what it was about and everythin, 'cuz I can't imagine it appealing to anyone like him, but he was determined. HE LIKES IT! There's no comparison, of course, but he says it's enjoyable and I've got the whole series, so he can eat them "like candy" to keep away from overdoing on Firefly, he tells me.

Now THAT is Firefly Effect at it's very best, in my opinion. It continues to amaze me, even after all this time, but between the way he and Choey reacted, and the fact I keep seeing new people arriving after all these years, I accept it. It's a small miracle that happened for a short space of time a number of years ago which just will not die. In a world of so many bad things, this is a GOOD thing!

Enjoy for us, and SHARE, 'kay??



Monday, August 17, 2009 11:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Okay, now double damn, I just went back and read through the entire thread. I missed some fun stuff...but you can be sure I've bookmarked this thread and will be with you to the VERY end, each epi, to see what you think.

I'm not talking about my favorite epi until you've seen them all, so there! But you just saw Bushwhacked, so okay. It's one of my least favorites, because of the darkness, but the interview scenes do knock my socks off.

And you are DEFINITELY not alone; as my previous post described Jim, you can get an image when I tell you Jayne is ABSOLUTELY his favorite character. I've been thinking since I've seen it this many times around; I think Jayne, in his way, fulfills somewhat the same place as Spike did in Buffy: the "outsider" who gets all the great throwaway lines. In Spike's case it's the "bright outsider" who sees what really is outside the teenage angst, in Jayne's, the "dumb outsider" who gets to make the stupid remarks but who also sees the "grittier" version of what's going on. What do you think?

I got to meet Adam briefly a few months back at our WonderCon; he's much better looking in person! A real sweetie, too...although I've been told his politics and how he posted got pretty "Jayne-ish". Can you imagine these lucky people getting to POST back and forth to these guys??? The other board I was on, Joss, Nathan AND Adam were at one time members...I'm sooo jealous!!!

One of the things that continues to blow me away is the cast themselves. I've now heard each and every one of them remark to the effect that Firefly was the best work they ever did; just recently someone posted Nathan mentioning at ComiCon that they'd just had a "reunion barbecue" years later?? When have you ever heard of such a thing?

They all seem so amazingly real, in the way they made it a family, not only cast (and of course Joss), but crew, writers...they all seem to respect each other and CARE about one another...again...what other series...?

Oh, I dunno if you picked it up or not, but in this thread anyway I didn't see any follow-up to your question about Chinese and why it's spoken. From background stuff I got that Joss decided the two existing superpowers, China/USA, would be the ones most likely to create the "Alliance" once we moved out into the 'verse. Ergo, while there are influences from all of Earth That Was (as you'll see in Shinding...boy, will'ya!), everyone speaks Chinese and English comfortably, and there's a strong Oriental influence to be seen everywhere. If someone else explained that to you, forgive my repetition.

Keep updating us, Far; I guarantee I'll be here, and we'll bring it to the top every time so others come by. It's wunnnnnerful to follow someone else's "first time thru"!

Enjoy Shindig; admittedly another not-one-of-my-favorites, but if you don't come away an absolute smitten softie about Kaylee, well, there's something wrong wit 'ya!


Monday, August 17, 2009 11:10 PM


What's going on?
Not a thing. Right Kaylee?
Nope. Not a gorram thing.
Looks like a thing to me.

He's just a mite suspicious.

Jayne. You'll scare the women.


Monday, August 17, 2009 11:21 PM


After NIKI2's post, I think a good suggestion for those who are rationing themselves would be to take each opportunity to re-watch the episodes they have already watched, or at least the last few, leading up to the newest one. Like when watching Shindig on Saturday, watch Pilot Serenity on Thursday, Train Job and Bushwhacked on Friday, and then the new one on Sat. Or similar.
Just thought of it, and wanted to pass it along. Never would have thought of it because the concept of rationing out a show this good is beyond my comprehension. But good luck to you with it. I am far too impulsive and impatient with quality works, gotta immerse myself in it, and many here were like junkies, watching marathons to get through all the eps. I'm thinking another catchphrase would be "Firefy junkie" but I suspect it was already coined before my time.

I am making this point to you newbs because this is one of those rare shows which you can rewatch many times, and still see new things in each episode, and see things differenty after seeing the following episode or 2, or the whole series. So reviewing the last few episodes before the new one should be enjoyable - many of us still enjoy the 50th viewing, still catching things we didn't before (how did I miss that?).

And NIKI2: it seems like you have not read the Official Companions or Visual Companions (one for Serenity, 2 Vols for Firefly), and I think you would really enjoy them. Should still be able to order them from your bookstore.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:07 AM


Hello everyone I have a different view because I used to work night shift and did not know firefly existed and had seen the movie in dvd only. A few months ago I started to watch firefly on reruns in Australia and was hooked! I cannot believe such a great show was canceled. When you look back and see the first season of star trek TNG and think this was crap with their gay music in the back ground, I think how was this left on the air and firefly was not? They would have made a lot of money if firefly was to continue for a few years. The writing and camera work was far superior than anything else out there.
btw went out and bought the dvd's so i can watch the show over and over

I love it! It's like wiping your ass with silk.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:33 AM


Wow! SOme great threads. Like the thought own why chinese. If gorum is a replace meant swear what is it's meaning. Is gorum chinese for god? or is the meaning never told. I don't want firefly to go to quickly so the once a week alows me to l ive with each show longer. Mull them over. Think about em before going on to the next one. Thanks For taking the time to post I reall, really enjoyed reading t hem.

peacekeeper, is that a farscape refrence?


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:52 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by farscapeman:
Wow! SOme great threads. Like the thought own why chinese. If gorum is a replace meant swear what is it's meaning. Is gorum chinese for god? or is the meaning never told. I don't want firefly to go to quickly so the once a week alows me to l ive with each show longer. Mull them over. Think about em before going on to the next one. Thanks For taking the time to post I reall, really enjoyed reading t hem.

peacekeeper, is that a farscape refrence?

Do you mean the tag line about the grace of age?.If so,yes.It's from Chricton Kicks.(s4,ep1).It's what the female pilot of Rovu(leviathan that John has been trapped on)says to him when he apologises for having to take her away from the burial space.Full quote is,"No dream is guaranteed Commander.With the grace of age we learn to accept."

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:31 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
After NIKI2's post, I think a good suggestion for those who are rationing themselves would be to take each opportunity to re-watch the episodes they have already watched, or at least the last few, leading up to the newest one. Like when watching Shindig on Saturday, watch Pilot Serenity on Thursday, Train Job and Bushwhacked on Friday, and then the new one on Sat. Or similar.
Just thought of it, and wanted to pass it along. Never would have thought of it because the concept of rationing out a show this good is beyond my comprehension. But good luck to you with it. I am far too impulsive and impatient with quality works, gotta immerse myself in it, and many here were like junkies, watching marathons to get through all the eps. I'm thinking another catchphrase would be "Firefy junkie" but I suspect it was already coined before my time.

I am making this point to you newbs because this is one of those rare shows which you can rewatch many times, and still see new things in each episode, and see things differenty after seeing the following episode or 2, or the whole series. So reviewing the last few episodes before the new one should be enjoyable - many of us still enjoy the 50th viewing, still catching things we didn't before (how did I miss that?).

And NIKI2: it seems like you have not read the Official Companions or Visual Companions (one for Serenity, 2 Vols for Firefly), and I think you would really enjoy them. Should still be able to order them from your bookstore.

Jewel, I agree with every word. I'm enjoying watching them again with both Jim and Choey, and I would add that watching them once with the subtitles on opened up whole new doors for me in things I missed, throwaway lines, and things I didn't hear correctly before.

Yes, I bought both...haven't read them, and they turned out to be something I'm not all that interested in. Given your comments, I may now. BUT, I also got "Finding Serenity" and "Serenity Found", and have read those from cover to cover and adored both. I can't describe what they are, perhaps "essays on everything Firefly & Joss" is the closest I can get, but they're GREAT.

I wouldn't advise getting ANY of the above before seeing the entire series and the movie, tho', for obvious reasons.

I haven't the self-control you do, either, once I'd seen the first epi, I gobbled like crazy. Didn't sit through it all in one night, tho', recognizing if I did I'd be too overloaded and groggy to appreciate it, but it didn't take a week, fer shore!

Jim said yesterday that rewatching them right away was something he enjoyed, that he got a fuller appreciation before moving on to the next one. I was in too much of a hurry! After "Out of Gas" this weekend by the way, he was angrier than at any previous epi--I assume it will be one of his favorites--saying it was so well done, he's amazed all over again at the stupidity...etc. Of course he's right. Never seen him so head-up about ANYTHING before; have to admit, while it makes me angry too, have to giggle at his level of anger. Fascinating.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Farscape; I admire your self-control as I am admiring Jim's. It's a good thing...unfortunately some of us don't possess it!

Yesterday I went to some sites which deal with Chinese from Firefly (there are numerous ones, natch). They said gorram is a made-up word, a replacement for "goddamn" used by Joss to avoid censorship, just as "frik" was used Battlestar Gallactica.

BSG, by the way, is why I forked out the extra dough to get more cable. It didn't catch me, but I ended up with BBCA as well, which brought me Torchwood and Dr. Who, which I thoroughly enjoy. Interesting what you find by accident. An Ozzie friend had recommended Torchwood, but I'd figured I'd have to rent the DVDs...what a treat to find it on TV, except that there was only the last epi of that season then it was gone (until Children of Earth), so I ended up having to rent it anyway. Still, fun!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:19 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Jim said yesterday that rewatching them right away was something he enjoyed, that he got a fuller appreciation before moving on to the next one. I was in too much of a hurry! After "Out of Gas" this weekend by the way, he was angrier than at any previous epi--I assume it will be one of his favorites--saying it was so well done, he's amazed all over again at the stupidity...etc. Of course he's right. Never seen him so head-up about ANYTHING before; have to admit, while it makes me angry too, have to giggle at his level of anger. Fascinating.

I have to say, Niki, that I can truly sympathize with Jim. Out of Gas is probably my absolute favorite episode. The editing and storytelling are just phenomenal. The ending, when Mal is remembering the first time he sees Serenity . . . just puts a smile of pure unadulterated joy on my face. You see the "love at first sight" look he has and you feel the same thing.

On my first viewing of the series, that episode was when I really started to get flustered. One would expect that a cancelled show would have declined in quality over the run (and thus the reason for cancellation), but GORRAMIT!!! this show just kept getting better and better. By the last episode I was like, "Wha . . . ? But . . . . How could . . . . . ? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Fortunately we got Serenity. I do think, however, the movie lost a bit of the spirit of the series and I think it's because part of the heart was missing. Greg Edmonson's music really made the series, so why Joss didn't push for Universal to sign him on as composer for the film makes me scratch my head. Perhaps he did. I dunno.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:43 AM


You took the time to look up the word for little old me ?thanks!

A farscape fan is here!! Great show huh?

I am going slow and rewatching the episode later down the week. As good as I heard the show was I didn't want a poof then it was gone kind of thing. Glad I have the movie to wrap it all up with.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:02 AM


I do believe gorram does mean 'goddamnit' and rutting is one for 'effing'. Yeah it's like ''frak' was for BSG.

I have to say that my favorite episode was Ariel. Simon's one of my early favorites of the show and I like how he dominated on this episode. Much was revealed about him. Seeing the city in Ariel is like seeing what the central planets/moons are like. We were used to seeing the canyons and the dirt and the third-world-ish ways for the border planets.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ah, Patchist, you caught one I missed. Yes, when I went to that Chinese translation website, they said that as well. About "rutting". I actually hadn't noticed the term when I watched the series--several times--until I saw it in the subtitles when I watched it with Jim. It's pretty obvious in both cases, actually, "gorramit" is so close to "goddamnit" and "rutting" is another word for "effing".

I'd like to find the time to learn Chinese, or at least the stuff used in Firefly, if nothing else. The problem is, I can't find anything on the net that's VERBAL...they "explain" the various intonations (since Chinese is a language where intonations can be everything), and it was too I have no way of knowing if I'm speaking it right. If I could find a site with verbalizations of the words, I'd go for it!


Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:43 PM


That's how I took it as well, RW.

"Gorram" was one of Joss' ways of getting the characters to cuss without being censored (cussing in Chinese was the other way). "Gorram" as a replacement for the big G*d*mn and "rutting" (or "ruttin") for the F-bomb is how I always took it.

Zoe: "Take me, take me hard, Sir"




Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:32 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Ah, Patchist, you caught one I missed. Yes, when I went to that Chinese translation website, they said that as well. About "rutting". I actually hadn't noticed the term when I watched the series--several times--until I saw it in the subtitles when I watched it with Jim. It's pretty obvious in both cases, actually, "gorramit" is so close to "goddamnit" and "rutting" is another word for "effing".

I'd like to find the time to learn Chinese, or at least the stuff used in Firefly, if nothing else. The problem is, I can't find anything on the net that's VERBAL...they "explain" the various intonations (since Chinese is a language where intonations can be everything), and it was too I have no way of knowing if I'm speaking it right. If I could find a site with verbalizations of the words, I'd go for it!

If you're only looking for Firefly translations, I thought you said you had the 3 Companion Books - the script usually has the translations right there.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:38 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Yes, I bought both...haven't read them, and they turned out to be something I'm not all that interested in. Given your comments, I may now. BUT, I also got "Finding Serenity" and "Serenity Found", and have read those from cover to cover and adored both. I can't describe what they are, perhaps "essays on everything Firefly & Joss" is the closest I can get, but they're GREAT.

Have you got a copy of Map of the Verse yet? It comes in foldup or rolled up version. I got one of each.


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:03 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Many feel Message has the most poignant and fitting end to the series. (...)

Yes, because the story originally flowed that way from the start, I feel the story does flow better that way.

'Many' has a way excluding many. :) Like yours truly. Despite The Message being a possibly good end, OiS, to me, is by far the best finale: it's grand, epic, and with the one "I can win this!" -- which still gives me the chills -- Joss brings a measure of resolution and closure, not just to River, but to the crew as a whole: you'll know they'll keep flyin'. It's like hearing the voice of Joss, gently whispering: "Do not worry so; it's going to be alright."

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, August 21, 2009 2:39 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

"Gorram" was one of Joss' ways of getting the characters to cuss without being censored (cussing in Chinese was the other way). "Gorram" as a replacement for the big G*d*mn

I believe Joss meant to do more than just evading the censors. I strongly believe 'gorram' was supposed to be how actual Chinese folks would pronounce 'god damn'. The sinocized version of the English cuss, as it were; much like 'Godzilla' is the anglicized form of the Japanese 'Gojira'.

Much as I love Firefly, gotta say though, frak and frakkin' work better. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, August 21, 2009 6:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Like I said, I got 'em but just glanced through 'em and discovered they were mostly the script, then when I got Finding Serenity and Serenity Found and LOVED those, I never went back.

Will do so, but like I said, I won't even try if I can't find something which gives me the actual oral translation...too much intonation for me to think I got anything right.

Tho' I did finally figure out what "gou se" means, watching an epi with Jim or another one with Choey, forget which (I insist on watching with them whenever they watch an epi, of COURSE!).

And no, haven't gotten map. Not particularly interested, and trying to save money. If I buy anything more FF oriented, it will be more books on Joss, etc. Those two were fascinating.

Together we are more than the sum of our parts


Friday, August 21, 2009 6:55 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Asarian: Hey, I hadn't caught the potential of "gorram" being how Orientals would pronounce "goddamn"...very good! I think you're right, by the way.

Together we are more than the sum of our parts


Saturday, August 22, 2009 12:50 PM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

"Gorram" was one of Joss' ways of getting the characters to cuss without being censored (cussing in Chinese was the other way). "Gorram" as a replacement for the big G*d*mn

I believe Joss meant to do more than just evading the censors. I strongly believe 'gorram' was supposed to be how actual Chinese folks would pronounce 'god damn'. The sinocized version of the English cuss, as it were; much like 'Godzilla' is the anglicized form of the Japanese 'Gojira'.

Much as I love Firefly, gotta say though, frak and frakkin' work better. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I always liked FRell and Dren myself.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:34 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by farscapeman:

Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

"Gorram" was one of Joss' ways of getting the characters to cuss without being censored (cussing in Chinese was the other way). "Gorram" as a replacement for the big G*d*mn

I believe Joss meant to do more than just evading the censors. I strongly believe 'gorram' was supposed to be how actual Chinese folks would pronounce 'god damn'. The sinocized version of the English cuss, as it were; much like 'Godzilla' is the anglicized form of the Japanese 'Gojira'.

Much as I love Firefly, gotta say though, frak and frakkin' work better. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I always liked FRell and Dren myself.

you must be farbots.don't be such a trelk.!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:34 AM


I know what did this...

you will find, as many browncoats have, that your fav will change many, many times throughout the course of the series

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:02 PM



Originally posted by peacekeeper:

Originally posted by farscapeman:

Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

"Gorram" was one of Joss' ways of getting the characters to cuss without being censored (cussing in Chinese was the other way). "Gorram" as a replacement for the big G*d*mn

I believe Joss meant to do more than just evading the censors. I strongly believe 'gorram' was supposed to be how actual Chinese folks would pronounce 'god damn'. The sinocized version of the English cuss, as it were; much like 'Godzilla' is the anglicized form of the Japanese 'Gojira'.

Much as I love Firefly, gotta say though, frak and frakkin' work better. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I always liked FRell and Dren myself.

you must be farbots.don't be such a trelk.!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!



Monday, August 24, 2009 2:06 AM



Originally posted by peacekeeper:

Originally posted by farscapeman:

I always liked FRell and Dren myself.

you must be farbots.don't be such a trelk.!!!

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not your kid, I'm not your sister, and I'm only your tralk in your dreams."

(Guess who said that? Hint: it starts with 'Chi' and ends in 'ana')

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, August 24, 2009 4:20 AM


What are you guys talking about?


Monday, August 24, 2009 4:52 AM



Originally posted by Patchist:
What are you guys talking about?

Farscape, of course. You'd think that 'farscapeman' and 'peacekeeper' gave it away. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:01 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by peacekeeper:

Originally posted by farscapeman:

I always liked FRell and Dren myself.

you must be farbots.don't be such a trelk.!!!

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not your kid, I'm not your sister, and I'm only your tralk in your dreams."

(Guess who said that? Hint: it starts with 'Chi' and ends in 'ana')

Was it Dargo? lol
"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:20 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Come on Farscapeman,what happened to watching firefly? I'm itching to talk about Shindig!!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:49 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Farscape, of course. You'd think that 'farscapeman' and 'peacekeeper' gave it away. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

Uh sorry, I'm not a Farscape fan. Haven't watched it yet.






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