Graduates from Star Wars to Firefly?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 20:36
VIEWED: 4780
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Friday, July 23, 2004 12:31 PM


I was just curious how many of you are, or once were, Star Wars fans. Whenever I show someone Firefly episodes, I always describe it as "the way Star Wars would have been if Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia left with Han and Chewbacca instead of fighting at the end of the first movie." I was always a big Star Wars fan, but the prequels have really distorted my view of the films. Hence, I'm counting the days to the BDM, but as for Episode 3, I'm thinking to myself "Oh right,that's coming out next year too." So I was just wondering if anyone would agree with the above description of Firefly, and if anyone else "matured" from Star Wars geek to Browncoat.
(And by this, I don't mean that you're now playing in the backyward with Mal, Wash, and Zoe action figures instead of Luke, Han, and Leia,, because that would just be really disturbing.)


Friday, July 23, 2004 12:36 PM


Also, we don't have Mal, Wash, and Zoe action figures.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, July 23, 2004 1:00 PM


Cybersnark wrote:

Also, we don't have Mal, Wash, and Zoe action figures.


But we do have the shrines with the candles and incense and crystals and...




Friday, July 23, 2004 1:16 PM


I still am a Star Wars geek. Even if you don't like the prequels, there are still many perfectly acceptable novels, many of which predate the prequels. It's a fictional universe: you can simply ignore them if you don't like them. I actually liked Episode II. It was a fairly good movie. While there wasn't much character for anyone, that's ok for such an epic-type story. The prequels are simply a different kind of story than the original trilogy, and while they suck in many ways, I don't mind them. I'm definitely going to see Episode III next year, though I'm not wildly excited.


Friday, July 23, 2004 3:37 PM


America loves a winner!

I grew up w/ the orignal SW's, but never considered myself a 'geek', having only saw the movies and never read any of the novels. But, I have hated everything since the first 3 movies came out. Remastered editions? Hate 'em. Prequels ? Hate 'em too. Episode 2 was ALMOST good, but it still had some annoying qualities. ( That Jar Jar didn't die is annoying enough.) I dread watching 3.

Not only am I ticked off that Ep. 3 is coming out next summer and may over shadow the BDM, I'm a tad concerened that some might just see it as a rip off of some sort, just trying to piggy back on the popularity of SW. In a industry that prides its self in studios mimicing each other: Deep Impact / Armageddon, and another year w/ those 2 damn volcano movies... etc, I just KNOW some clueless blunder of a movie critic will make some reference like '... if George Lucas were 25 yrs younger, he'd have made Serenity. ( Que predictable comparisons between Han Solo, the Millennium Falcon to Mal Reynolds, Serenity )

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, July 23, 2004 3:56 PM


I'm excited about two movies next year, and Serenity and Ep. 3 are two of them.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Friday, July 23, 2004 4:32 PM


I used to be a HUGE Star Wars fan, I first really got into it when the originals were re-released in 1997. I went home from the first one with this huge glowing smile on my face, and I eagerly snapped up the EU novels (a good deal of which are pretty good, BTW), the action figures, and anything to do with Star Wars. This interest soon opened me up to other science-fiction, like the X-Files, which in turn led to Firefly.

However, I cannot deny that the prequels stink. I still feel very sad about giving up the Star Wars fandom, as it was a part of my life for so long. But I can't really say that Firefly helped kill it, so there you are.

Now, if the Serenity movie is a disappointment, I don't know WHAT I'm going to do. . .


Friday, July 23, 2004 4:56 PM


Star Wars in 1977(I think thats when it came out) was the first cinema experience for me as a young lad and it transformed me into a lifetime Sci Fi fan. The original Star Wars films will always have a special significance for me.

As an aside I recently backed up my original (widescreen) Star Wars Trilogy video cassettes to DVD... they are sweet. envious?


Friday, July 23, 2004 6:21 PM


Star Wars was what got me into science fiction. I jumped from there to Star Trek; after a very long period of Trek-exclusiveness, I expanded outwards to Babylon 5, Stargate SG-1, and rediscovered Star Wars as well as a few others.

And yes, I consider the SW novels to be fully as much a part of the universe as the movies. And just like the movies, I just ignore the bad ones (which are thankfully very few). My SW fandom *might* not have survived episode 2.....but thankfully, I had The New Jedi Order to carry me through.

All that is pretty much what set the stage for checking out this new "space western" show. I was rather dubious, but the kick-through-the-engine won me over....


Friday, July 23, 2004 9:08 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?


I was just curious how many of you are, or once were, Star Wars fans. Whenever I show someone Firefly episodes, I always describe it as "the way Star Wars would have been if Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia left with Han and Chewbacca instead of fighting at the end of the first movie."

AM a Star Wars fan. :) And that sounds okay, 'cept the Millineum Falcon had hellashields and hellaguns. ;)


I was always a big Star Wars fan, but the prequels have really distorted my view of the films.

Yeah, Ep. I was okay, and Ep. II would have been better if they showed more political backstabbing (which is how the Emporer becomes Emporer!) and less romance...bleah. Even my wife was like "oh please..."


Hence, I'm counting the days to the BDM, but as for Episode 3, I'm thinking to myself "Oh right,that's coming out next year too." So I was just wondering if anyone would agree with the above description of Firefly, and if anyone else "matured" from Star Wars geek to Browncoat.
(And by this, I don't mean that you're now playing in the backyward with Mal, Wash, and Zoe action figures instead of Luke, Han, and Leia,, because that would just be really disturbing.)

Still a SW geek, because Ep. III should, and I say should be awsome with lots o' Jedi duelling. Actually matured from a Star Trek geek because I wish ST had been more like Firefly. (And you're right, playing with Firefly Action Figures in the backyard would be disturbing...but setting them up in dramatic poses on the shelf by my computer would be "art". )

Obi Wan: "May the force be with you."
Mal: "It is. See Jayne over there? (thumbs at Jayne) You best come up with that 15 grand...ain't my fault it became an asteroid field while you was gone(smiles). We got you here as promised."
Jayne:(strokes Vera)
Luke: (muttering) "I knew I should have just gone to Toshii Station...stupid droid..." (kicks R2) "Ow."


Friday, July 23, 2004 10:23 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Not only am I ticked off that Ep. 3 is coming out next summer and may over shadow the BDM, I'm a tad concerened that some might just see it as a rip off of some sort, just trying to piggy back on the popularity of SW. In a industry that prides its self in studios mimicing each other: Deep Impact / Armageddon, and another year w/ those 2 damn volcano movies... etc, I just KNOW some clueless blunder of a movie critic will make some reference like '... if George Lucas were 25 yrs younger, he'd have made Serenity. ( Que predictable comparisons between Han Solo, the Millennium Falcon to Mal Reynolds, Serenity )

I've had those same fears myself, man. We can only hope that the BDM will be so brilliant that, when Episode III is released, any critics who accuse Joss of attempting to cash-in on Lucas' baby will look backward and realise how much better Serenity was.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that Episode III is going to be dreadful. Let's face it here, Lucas just doesn't have it anymore - if, in fact, he ever did. I think that, whilst some of the more ignorant critics will look down their nose at the BDM, most of them will see the light when they compare the two.

Ain't no way in the 'verse that Episode III will be better than Serenity, no matter how good it is.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Friday, July 23, 2004 10:55 PM



Originally posted by SopranosBrowncoat:
I was just curious how many of you are, or once were, Star Wars fans. Whenever I show someone Firefly episodes, I always describe it as "the way Star Wars would have been if Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia left with Han and Chewbacca instead of fighting at the end of the first movie." I was always a big Star Wars fan, but the prequels have really distorted my view of the films. Hence, I'm counting the days to the BDM, but as for Episode 3, I'm thinking to myself "Oh right,that's coming out next year too." So I was just wondering if anyone would agree with the above description of Firefly, and if anyone else "matured" from Star Wars geek to Browncoat.
(And by this, I don't mean that you're now playing in the backyward with Mal, Wash, and Zoe action figures instead of Luke, Han, and Leia,, because that would just be really disturbing.)

I couldn't agree with you more. I've been telling everyone I know that I'm a thousand more times excited for our BDM than Star Wars. I actually ended the thank-you letter I mailed to Mary Parent & Scott Stuber (the execs at Universal) with:

"I’ll be there. But I’ll be there many, many, many times over on April 22nd, 2005 and for several days after that. To hell with George Lucas. Thanks to the both of you and Universal Pictures, the fans of Firefly have their own, one-of-a-kind space epic next spring."

I'll see Lucas's CGI-fest. But I'll more than likely buy a ticket to see our BDM instead. And after I see Episode III, it'll be right into another showing of "Serenity". Thankfully, Joss lets his story guide his characters, not the way Lucas relies on overuse of digital effects and all other movie-making principles be damned.



Friday, July 23, 2004 11:09 PM


America loves a winner!

Outsider wrote:
Friday, July 23, 2004 22:23

Ain't no way in the 'verse that Episode III will be better than Serenity, no matter how good it is.

You got that right. But lets look at it this way. SW is clearly part of Americas Sci Fi culture, heck, our pop culture. It has almost 30 yrs of history from the original movie, in the form of books, posters, action figured....even a disco themed dance version song. Part of me says that it'll be hard for Serenity to make its self known in the midst of all that fanfare over Ep.3.

However, this MAY play into our favor here. Lucas has lost his abilty to tell a story. His prequels have become dreadful, and most critics won't even pretend to say otherwise. If all goes well, and Joss and Co. do a very good job on the movie ( crosses fingers ), we could reap the benefit of those folks who simply have had enough of what SW has become, and find something new and worthwhile to watch..... Serenity!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, July 24, 2004 1:27 AM


Certainly not. But then, I'm one of those Brits who distained the Daleks and who maintain that the only true HHGG is the original radio version. So you guessed, right?


Saturday, July 24, 2004 2:22 AM



Originally posted by SopranosBrowncoat:
"the way Star Wars would have been if Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia left with Han and Chewbacca instead of fighting at the end of the first movie."...So I was just wondering if anyone would agree with the above description of Firefly,...

Agree? Nope. But then I know how difficult it can be to describe Firefly to someone who hasn't seen it, and I don't have much better.

Why nope? Because the differences are bigger than that. In Star Wars all the human worlds are pretty much at the same technology level. Oh sure Tatooine has a lot of sand, junk, and slaves, but the humans and the technology they do have is about the same as what they have on Coruscant, or on Naboo. The humans just use their tech differently based on the climate of the world they are on. And because of that, there are droids everywhere.

What makes Firefly/Serenity so unique in SciFi Entertainment is the complete mix of human technology levels. The Mudders, Prods, and Magistrate in "Jaynestown" are making ceramics at a tech level WAY LOWER than how they would attempt the same on a core world. The main human characters are riding horses and getting crap all over their spaceships because they're hauling livestock. Energy weapons are the exception in Firefly. Some of the moons/worlds on the rim in Firefly barely have squat.

All that mixture of tech levels is a main part of the storytelling in Firefly. In StarWars it only comes as a sidestory, and the main characters never deal with it for long before they're back to the high droid-having tech level of StarWars humans. (Luke fighting a Tusken Raider, and Anikin rescuing his mother.)

The main thing is, WHEDON is WAY BETTER of a writer and storyteller than LUCAS.

With Firefly you watch, discover, and think.
With StarWars you watch and hope the ride will be good.

That's my 2-cent contrast.

Oh and:
Firefly is for adults, and the stories are not easily simplifiable for children to consume.
StarWars is for 10yrs+, and the stories can and have be watered down for even younger kids.


Saturday, July 24, 2004 4:00 AM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
Certainly not. But then, I'm one of those Brits who distained the Daleks

Hear hear. Delighted Davies is dropping them for the new Who. But maybe I'm too young to appreciate the whole hiding-behind-the-sofa thing. In my day, the scariest thing on TV was Thatcher, and we just hit the off switch.


Saturday, July 24, 2004 6:10 AM



Originally posted by nedward:
... Thatcher, and we just hit the off switch.

Thatcher, off switch; not in the same sentence often enough.
Glad to see it's not only US citizens who can politicise these threads


Monday, July 26, 2004 6:56 AM



Originally posted by TenthCrewMember:

Obi Wan: "May the force be with you."
Mal: "It is. See Jayne over there? (thumbs at Jayne) You best come up with that 15 grand...ain't my fault it became an asteroid field while you was gone(smiles). We got you here as promised."
Jayne:(strokes Vera)
Luke: (muttering) "I knew I should have just gone to Toshii Station...stupid droid..." (kicks R2) "Ow."

Teehee! Anybody remember the Mad Magazine spoof of the orig. SW movie? Obi-wan & Luke in the cantina talking about finding a suitable pilot - and in the cantina is Kirk & Spock, West & Robinson, the guys from Forbidden Planet, etc. Can now add Mal & Zoe .(snicker)

"They've gone to *plaid*!"


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:59 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?


Originally posted by Pother:
Oh and:
Firefly is for adults, and the stories are not easily simplifiable for children to consume.
StarWars is for 10yrs+, and the stories can and have be watered down for even younger kids.

Heh. My 8 year old loves Firefly. Serenity comes out on his birthday, and *sigh* I will have to take him to see it. LOL

The best part, and I think this is something alot of people overlook when it comes to the quality of Firefly as a show, is that my son asks questions. It stimulates the mind to say "how? why? what if? can it be possible?", and I love that about it. It's more than just entertainment, it touches you in some fashion. Whether that be spiritually, emotionally or intellectually, it draws you in and holds you there. Firefly is, to me anyway, very 'real' in the sense that you think "Yeah, I could see that happening." or "That is just like the time I..." or even "I am so gorram glad I don't have their ruttin' luck!" :)

So I guess I agree, except with the part about it being for adults. I think a child raised on more than just Disney/Lucas/Speilbergisms can enjoy the show.

There you have it, my wooden nickle's worth. ;)

Suddenly I wonder if the agents' hands are blue because they drank too much of Aunt Beru's milk...


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:36 PM


Aim to Misbehave

I agree about Lucas relying too much on CGI these days but SW and Empire were purer and do have that mechanics-rather-than-computer lived in look much like Firefly does today.

"I like a hard world, but I like a hard world that molds good people and people with a sense of humor about the world they're in." - Joss Whedon

I think is very apropos to quote on this thread. I like the hard, mechanical world of SF and Firefly has the best writing I've seen for anything heading in that direction.

...and maybe I would play with FF action figures...Wash would!

"No power in the 'verse can stop me"






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