Favorite video games. Past, and present.

UPDATED: Saturday, February 12, 2011 16:58
VIEWED: 9030
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:02 AM


My all time favorites list:

-Legend of Zelda

-Donkey Kong Country(SNES)

-Resident Evil 2


-Tenchu(PS1, PS2, Xbox..all titles)


-Super MArio Brothers

-Metal Gear Solid(PS1)

-Lunar Silver Star Story(PS1)

-Tomb Raider(PS1)

-King's Field(PS1)

-Mario 64

-Resident Evil Zero(Gamecube)

-Buffy(1st XBox title)




-King of Fighters 95(PS1)

Current favorites:

-Gran Turismo 5

-Donkey Kong Country Returns(Wii)

-Way of the Samurai 3




Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:44 AM


Toejam and Earl.

Sonic and Knuckles + Sonic 3.

Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, and Monkey Island.

All of the Legend of Zeldas, I don't pick favourites, though some I haven't had enough time to complete.

Mechwarrior. I really enjoyed Mechwarrior 2 and 3.


Dance Dance Revolution.

Castlevania 3 and Castlevania Circle of the Moon.

Smash Brothers.

Pokemon Crystal.

Knights of the Old Republic.

Prince of Persia SoT. (tried the original, had trouble with the controls)

Some of the Final Fantasy games and I'm not saying which to avoid a flamewar.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:47 AM


Resident Evil 4
Final Fantasy VII
Tomb Raider 1


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:58 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Super Mario 64 is my favorite game of all time. Yus. I just played the DS version last year, and if anything it was even more fun. Good lord but I adore that game.

MarioKart, 64 and Double Dash.

Super Smash Bros. Melee.


Super Princess Peach.

Rock Band.

Robot Unicorn Attack.

Ecco the Dolphin.

I'm trying to remember anything else I've played with single-minded intensity. They probably exist, but that's all that's coming to mind just now.

I do not need the written code of a spiritual belief to act like a decent human being.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:58 AM


It's been a while since I've had the time/system to game, but my faves are:

LoZ: Ocarina of Time (N64)

LoZ: Majora's Mask (N64)

Star Trek: Elite Force (PC) (Which manages a more realistic take on Voyager than the TV series did.)

Star Trek: The Fallen (PC) (Like being inside a DS9 episode. Pity there was no multiplayer.)

X-Wing Alliance (PC) (Still the standard by which I judge space sims.)

Jedi Academy (PC) (Easily the best "Jedi Simulator" ever made [Yes, that includes "The Gary-Stu Unleashed"]. The only thing it lacks is good JK-style auto-aim --it's clearly not made for non-Jedi players.)

Wouldn't mind checking out Republic Commando if my system could play it without exploding. A non-Jedi-centric Star Wars game; we haven't had one of those since the 90s. The fact that it's tied to my favourite Prequel-Era novels is just bonus.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1:52 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Super Mario 64 is my favorite game of all time. Yus. I just played the DS version last year, and if anything it was even more fun. Good lord but I adore that game.

It is brilliant. Single handedly made the N64 system a huge success. No small task considering the PS1 was already dominating the market, and no one really wanted cartridge based games.
Mario 64 is thee high watermark for both innovation, and Japanese game development.
Oh, and the fun factor hasn't been rivaled since.




Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1:53 PM


Oh hey, Ecco the Dolphin. I forgot that one.

Should probably add Civilization, too.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1:56 PM



A non-Jedi-centric Star Wars game; we haven't had one of those since the 90s.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I normally don't like Jedi myself.

But Kotor, while being Jedi centric and having an annoying unexpected class change a quarter of the way through, has some plot stuff later on that totally redeems it.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 2:06 PM


Jade empire, tetrus, Halo, Space invaders. I haven't played halo since the first version on the old xbox...became a bit addicted to it so had to go completely cold turkey. I'm now addicted to "Flower Power". bad very bad I can't stop playing it

Rose S


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 2:22 PM


I would try to name some Atari and Colecovision titles - not to try to show everyone how cool my gaming leetness is and how OG I am, but because I sincerely had some major favorites - but I can't remember any titles off hand!

So, I'll stick with my most favorite PC titles:

Dark Forces
Descent Freespace
Mechwarrior 2
Knights of the Old Republic
Everquest II

And that's about it.



Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:42 PM


Many have been mentioned (Zelda series, Mario series) I tend to play some rather hardcore and adult games, but like the cutsie stuff as well. Recently played and finished:

Ratchet and Clank 1

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Mad weapons in those games.

A lovely game called Eco, the prequel being Shadow of the Colossus (of which I have not played yet)

Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64) If ANYONE has played this game you KNOW how hardcore it is. So funny and..... disturbing on so many good levels.

So many others I can't remember. At the moment however I'm in the middle of what is considered one of the best games out there, and damn me it's hard and very, very bloody. You may have heard of it, God Of War. Kratos is one sick mother.....

I have so many games to play, will I finish them in this lifetime? Hmmmm....

~~~~If I'm a bitch, life just got interesting.~~~~~


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:29 PM


My first favorite games were

X-Wing (the original)
Dark Forces
Microsoft Space Simulator (I think it was made in the 80's, almost older than I am. It took like 5 floppies to install).
Rebel Assault
Legend of Zelda

After I'd become an adolescent and started to understand and appreciate strategy a little, my gaming taste changed a mite

Civilization II
X-Wing Alliance
Myst (and later Riven, got Exile recently and am eager to begin playing)
Age of Empires II
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (which got me interested in joining band lol. This game might be responsible for choosing my Major).
Dark Forces II Jedi Knight
Mechwarrior, Mechwarrior II

Of course my high school and early college (As in before I realized I didn't have time to be a major gamer anymore College) games were mostly shooters, cause that's what everyone else did, but I also began to really like RPG's.

Super Smash Bros
Neverwinter Nights
Star Wars Battlefront
Jedi Academy
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

My current favorite games are probably Mass Effect I, II and X-Wing Alliance. I wish they'd make more games like the X-Wing series, nobody makes flight sims like that anymore. Probably the best part is the combat simulator, where you can create your own missions. It's far from perfect, but offers an exceptional amount of replay value. And with a little clever editing of the shiplist, you can fly any ship in the game! Even a Corelian Corvette or a Star Destroyer, though the larger ones are kind slow and boring.

For XWA'ers out there, my favorite ship is the Y-Wing hands down. With clever power management you can be agile and fast enough to 'fighter' while being extremely tough and difficult to kill. Also, the lasers are in the center so they're more accurate not having to converge from the wingtips. Anyone else have a favorite ship or mech or rpg 'class'?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:42 PM


A friend of mine had the first rendition of Populous developed by Bullfrog. I miss it.

After getting my first hard drive computer I bought Crimson Sky. It does not like my newer machine and coughs it up a lot. But I drag it out and play what I can.

Now I have Total War Rome. Keeps me occupied to until the Sun rises in the sky and I realise I have spent double digit hours playing this game.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:56 PM


Oh man, given the ludicrous amount of games I have, everything from a MAME32 Emulator with 558 Arcade ROMS, often stripped right from decommisioned boards, all the way up to my now en-route original spec Emotion-Engine PS3 (The one that can play PS1, PS2 *AND* PS3 games), I could go all day.

But I'll just throw in a couple.

For 4X game fans, Sword of the Stars (complete collection) with the Argos Naval Yard expansion, it's available via Amazon and is the epitome of 4X, everything Master of Orion III shoulda been, and wasn't.

And what convinced me to make the jump to PS3, is two games, one called Valkyria Chronicles, which looks right awesome given it's story + gameplay and setting which reminds me a bit of Last Exile...

And since I got em both as a cheap package deal, also Reasonance of Fate, which seems a halfsie realtime/turnbase bit of "Gun Fu" and that kind of all too entertaining cheese.

Good stuff, and I got tons and of it, all the way back to a functional Mattel Intellivision II with speech pack and 50 some working games.



Tuesday, January 18, 2011 6:20 PM


Zork (PC) Text based gaming at it finest.

Atari 2600
Combat and Air Sea Battle. Sure the graphics sucked but games on the 2600 were pure fun.

Atari 520ST
Leisure Suit Larry. Too funny.
Alternate Reality. My first RPG.

Sega Genesis
John Madden football(the first one). Before sports games became overtly anal they were actually fun to play.
Toe Jam and Earl. Funny as hell.
Sonic the Hedgehog

Ridge Racer
Soul Edge

Any of the Grand Theft Auto games though Part 3 is still my favorite.
God of War 1 and 2

Metal Gear Solid 4
God of War 3

I also just started playing more current PC games because I recently discovered modding. Fallout 3 and Oblivion are escpecially awesome.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:30 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:

A lovely game called Eco, the prequel being Shadow of the Colossus (of which I have not played yet)

Shadow of the Colossus is a thing of beauty. Not many games have a strong "feel" to them anymore. If I could describe it, I would say it feels like a lazy Sunday afternoon in early Spring Exploring a lush(but desolate) mountainous region. With occasional giant monsters to battle if you so choose.




Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:45 PM


Due to my parent not giving in to the pleas of my brother and I until '97 to get ANY gaming console, I missed out on a lot of video gaming other than PC until we got an N64 for Xmas. Still, here's my list of favourite games...

1) Call of Duty 1 -> honestly preferred the campaign more than the Medal of Honor games that were released before it

2) Interstate '76 -> automotive combat game set in an alternative 1976 where the oil crisis got so bad people start turning their muscle cars into tanks and blowing each other up?! I'm there, baby!

3) Return to Castle Wolfenstein -> a lovely update to a seminal FPS classic

4) Crimson Skies -> one of the few times I will give props to Microsoft Game Studios for the sheer awesomeness of an arcade flight set in an alternative 1930s where the USA is a series of indvidual fiefdoms. Plus, I think Nathan Zachary and the Fortune Hunters are proto-BDHs

5) Command & Conquer: Red Alert series --> Westwood Games made the best RTS stuff that balance unit management with sheer fun of battling enemies with all manner of crazy tech

6) Deus Ex -> Eidos and Ion Storm captured lightning in a bottle with this RPG/FPS hybrid, especially in the way you could solve mission objectives in so many ways... or or (represents brains/skills)

7) Max Payne -> bullet time + pulp noir + trippy dream sessions = awesome 3rd person adventure

8) Half-Life 1 & 2 -> Valve made geeks into heroes with their decision to have their protagonist being a theoretical physicist instead of a cop, soldier or some other kind of badass. Plus who can dismiss the wonder that is the Gravity Gun in both offensive and defensive puzzles

9) No One Lives Forever -> did Austin Powers before Austin Powers came along, plus the main character was a female spy!

PlayStation 2
1) Grand Theft Auto Vice City - Miami Vice seen through the eyes of the kind of criminal Crockett & Tubbs were always busting? Schweet!

2) Red Faction 2 -> even for just the Geo-Mod tech, this game was a blast

3) Killzone -> space Nazis? Sold!

1) Black -> for FPR fanatics who just needed a basic reason to level various locations in Eastern Europe

2) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas -> a bit too involved with all the mini-games and character stat management, but I found game enjoyable

3) Secret Weapons Over Normandy -> WWII area X-planes and Nazis vs. Allies dog-fighting? You have me sold with X-planes, LucasArts!

4) Halo 1 & 2 -> as if I could leave off the landmark game for Microsoft's entry into the console market!

5) Need for Speed series --> crazy car chases and automotive hooing? Yes please

Nintendo 64
1) GoldenEye 64 --> the very first game I ever had with the N64 and it took me 8 months to beat! I occasionally ache for the good ole days of 4-player deathmatch and big head mode

2) Perfect Dark -> Rare, before becoming a part of Microsoft, was in a hot streak with GoldenEye, this, Banjo-Kazooie, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Still, Rare took the good of GoldenEye and made it so much better, with the crazy weaponry and various training sims

3) Turok -> dino dismembering and jungle stomping galore!

4) Resident Evil 2 -> not having a PS meant that I missed out on the first RE game, but damn was the Nintendo port of RE2 spectacular fun to get scared over. Plus the do over as Claire was a new twist to replay that was brought back for RE5

Xbox 360
1) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -> wasn't an early release for the 360 by a long shot, but it was the gorram reason I bought one! Amazing gameplay and an intriguing if a bit too Tom Clancy storyline

2) Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 -> plot got more gonzo but I loved the gameplay. First game I did online MP for too!

3) Halo 3 -> it's the Captain, Jayne and Wash! As Space Marines! You can't argue with awesome

4) Battlefied: Bad Company -> destructible environments? Check. Firepower that would make Jayne going into a mental orgasm? Check check. Brilliant dialogue and character relationships? Check check check!

5) Resident Evil 5 -> miss the claustrophobic levels of earlier games, but I gotta say I was thoroughly entertained start to finish

PlayStation 3
1) Killzone 2 -> more space Nazis!

2) Resistance: Fall of Man -> apocalyptic UK and alien hoards = gaming gold for me!

3) Fallout: New Vegas -> buggy, yes...but I have been having a blast!

4) Call of Duty: Black Ops -> loving the MP specialty matches...and the main campaign was super awesome as well!

"The revenge of the beaten comes in refusing to fall." -- Mal, in "The Losing Side - Chapter 45" by jetflair


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:32 AM



Daytona USA


Head Over Heels
The Hobbit


Monkey Island series
Lotus Turbo Challenge series
Cannon Fodder


Half-Life 1&2
Deus Ex
Jedi Academy
Unreal 1+2
Unreal Tournament (several versions)
GTA: Vice City
GTA: San Andreas
Tomb Raider (just the first one)

XBox & XBox360

Battlefield 1943
Forza 3
Burnout Paradise
PGR 3&4
Just Cause 2

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 4:37 AM


Super Mario Bros.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic 3
Shining Force
Space Quest 5
Shining Force 3
Counter Strike
Diablo 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Starcraft 2


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:03 AM



Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:
My current favorite games are probably Mass Effect I, II and X-Wing Alliance. I wish they'd make more games like the X-Wing series, nobody makes flight sims like that anymore. Probably the best part is the combat simulator, where you can create your own missions. It's far from perfect, but offers an exceptional amount of replay value. And with a little clever editing of the shiplist, you can fly any ship in the game! Even a Corelian Corvette or a Star Destroyer, though the larger ones are kind slow and boring.

It also has (well, had) a kick-ass editing community.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:04 AM


You know? I left something off and I cannot believe I did!

Battlezone(s) (the original wireframe arcade game, as well as the PC incarnations) I loved them all.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:37 AM


Battlezone WAS fun, combining both vehicular ground combat and elements of RTS in surprisingly straight forward gameplay.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:06 AM


I'm feeling a bit lazy, so, without sorting them by time, platform, genre or greatness... here is my list:

The Metal Gear series
Deus Ex
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Super Meatboy
Half-Life Series
Spyro The Dragon
Streets of Rage
Tekken 2
Syphon Filter
Left 4 Dead
Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic
Mass Effect series
Star Wars Galaxies(Pre-CU)


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:15 AM


All the games that are listed are some of the worlds best games especially all the classics.

I do think u all did miss the best game in the last decade.

Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age

I think these games are the best because of the awesome storyline behind the games. Hope u enjoyed these games as much as i did.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:39 AM


I SHOULD play Dragon's Age and Mass Effect... But I haven't yet.

However, in a show of good faith to the game designers and based on the trusted advice of a good friend of mine, I'm willing to to make the logical argument that "Bioware games probably appear on everyone's list of favourite games, except for a few people who not played any Bioware games yet."

We cool now.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:40 AM


As a really old guy, I played ( and still play) some really old games.
BattleZone has been mentioned.

Classic Tetris, and Minesweeper.

I love EA's old Hacker, and even more, Hacker2.
How much gameplay and excitement can you pack into 64K of RAM, which ain't even enough for 1 good JPG these days? With some originality, and a little tech wizardry, a lot more than you can put into this week's shooter.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 3:42 PM


You know, going back and reading all the games played I may have you all beat. I remember playing Pong. Pong, THE FIRST ever video game that at the time wowed everyone when it came out. That wonderful amazing game that had the incredible graphics of a ball (represented by a dot) and two paddles (represented as two vertical slashes) Ah yes, NOTHING can beat the awesomeness that is Pong.... until Coleco and Atari came out. But hey........... PONG!

~~~~If I'm a bitch, life just got interesting.~~~~~


Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:01 PM


Super Mario
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
FFX 10

[Inara: It's all right. I mostly keep to myself. When I'm not whoring.]


Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:12 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
You know, going back and reading all the games played I may have you all beat. I remember playing Pong. Pong, THE FIRST ever video game that at the time wowed everyone when it came out. That wonderful amazing game that had the incredible graphics of a ball (represented by a dot) and two paddles (represented as two vertical slashes) Ah yes, NOTHING can beat the awesomeness that is Pong.... until Coleco and Atari came out. But hey........... PONG!

I definitely remember Pong. My father brought that system home from Sears and things were never the same. Not on my favorites list but without Pong home gaming might still be in it's infancy today.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Saturday, February 12, 2011 2:15 PM


there is a bunch of the old games i never really got the chance to try like the indiana jones, search for atlantis or some such.

but love Return to Castle Wolfenstein, first time I tried it, i made the greath mistake(to me atleast) to think of the knife as useless as it seemed to be in the first, and tried to kill the first enemy with the little Luger, and the 8 shot or so i had(i think i used 2-3 shots on him(the doctor in the first level)and then I got overrun by 3 enemies where one of them had a machinegun, and they actually moved to try and dodge shots(i ran out of ammo, and... well lets just say it was not pretty, included lots of holes, in me, not in them, not that i had not tried some of the other rather more modern FPS-games where they too moves to try an avoid getting shot, but it was just then i sat down to play that the first time, all of that experience, with the more modern FPS-games just went out of the window with thinking of that knife as useless

I too likes the C&C/Red Alert series.

I also like games like master of Orion 2 and 3(in MoO3)there is sometimes when you start a new game you start out with one or maybe in very rare cases 2 more low level techs than the ones you usually starts with, these are told to be found on newly discovered planets in a solar system(the starting system, can also happen in other systems when you get so far) but sometimes you end up getting the first stardrive after the basic one, that all players starts with, and as luckilly as it is, I always seems to envision a scene, with the leader of the people you are playing, a millitary advisor, and the scientific advisor(a real Einstein lookalike), probably with bald patches, with red iritated skin, on his head from hair ripping, working on the first stardrive, he comes tiredly to meet with the leader, to tell that it finally succeeded in making a FTL drive, and the military advisor, arriving at the same time as the other, but letting the other speak first, to report on the tech find(the seecond gen FTL-drive)I always wonder how the science dude, that might have driven himself nearly mad to get this 1-gen FTL-drive to work, and then get told that one of three little frigates protecting the system has found a second Gen. FTL drive on one of the planets in the same system.


Saturday, February 12, 2011 2:26 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
It's been a while since I've had the time/system to game, but my faves are:

LoZ: Ocarina of Time (N64)

LoZ: Majora's Mask (N64)

Star Trek: Elite Force (PC) (Which manages a more realistic take on Voyager than the TV series did.)

Star Trek: The Fallen (PC) (Like being inside a DS9 episode. Pity there was no multiplayer.)

X-Wing Alliance (PC) (Still the standard by which I judge space sims.)

Jedi Academy (PC) (Easily the best "Jedi Simulator" ever made [Yes, that includes "The Gary-Stu Unleashed"]. The only thing it lacks is good JK-style auto-aim --it's clearly not made for non-Jedi players.)

Wouldn't mind checking out Republic Commando if my system could play it without exploding. A non-Jedi-centric Star Wars game; we haven't had one of those since the 90s. The fact that it's tied to my favourite Prequel-Era novels is just bonus.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.

Star Trek: Elite Force(PC)
done that, very good, done ST-EF2 also, was a bit peeved you could not choose which gender you wanted to play, probably because it should, end with main characther ending up with either: Telsia, or the other(quite scantilly clad, blonde with strikingly blue eyes)humanoid archeology-female


Saturday, February 12, 2011 2:38 PM


Oh, oh... I've recently discovered that you can play all the old Sinclair Spectrum Games from the 80's online!

I'd forgotten just how playable those old games were and the best of which were the wonderful Isometric games:

Knight Lore
Head Over Heels
Alien 8

Absolutely enjoyable.

Cartoons -


Saturday, February 12, 2011 2:41 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Navyseils:
Streets of Rage

OMG! I remember that game! Games, plural, actually. I played them with my brother when I was, like, eight. May have been the first games I played obsessively all the way through.
Oh man, I want to play some Streets of Rage, now. Too bad my Genesis broke down ten years ago.

Ritual is what happens when we run out of rational.


Saturday, February 12, 2011 4:58 PM


No problem, PR, grab thyself a copy of Fusion.
(Excellent Sega Emulator)

And if you owned/purchased the game, which you obviously did, then you have a legal right, IMHO, to the ROM data of the cartridge in any form, electronic or otherwise - if ya can't find it anywhere else, lemme know, cause I sure as hell have it.







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