Why Fox did not like Firefly

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 4, 2004 18:12
VIEWED: 7144
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Monday, August 2, 2004 7:58 AM


I know we all would have loved to have been around to hear the execs discussions on the topic of Firefly.. but a notable thing..
Even when execs decide to cancel a series, than can bring it back if they find out the fan base was there.. and they found that out but did not bring it back...
Why not, you ask...
Perhaps it is the start of Unifacation. !!!!
Well, all know the media decides what slant to put on the news and to slant things to tell us how we SHOULD feel about a piece of news ( at least the way they want us to see it )... soooo
Perhaps they feared people would see that the Unifacation in Firefly is coming fast and wanted to buy time.. kill the series and let people forget ! Not let us see that the media already has more power than any politician or government. That business is in control.. think fossil fuel usage, alternate energy we do not have, cigarettes, wars ( makes money for business ) , airplane safety ( they can put off repairs or safety fixes ). Even make sure you only see/hear/read what they want you to, such as the local news about a cop vs civilian encounter.. and best friend of the arrested says his friend is innocent and did not resist.. and THAT gets all the news, but the 20 other witnesses that say the guy resisted and hit the cop is ignored.
yep... Unifacation.....
Any different ideas ???
Browncoats are bad... now you have Browncoats from the south !

The Journey is the worthier part.


Monday, August 2, 2004 2:38 PM


That's a good question. It could have been with ratings. They probably wanted something fast action to gain attention from some other shows.

I do think Serenity should have been an hour. It would leave us on a cliffhanger and we'd tune in for the next episode and possibily gain more attention.

But then again, Firefly isn't Fox material. It's more Sci-Fi Channel than anything else.


Monday, August 2, 2004 3:05 PM


somethin' strange going on fox pulling such a good show like that, the big fatcats didn't like how firefly played out maybe firefly was too much for their silly minds


Monday, August 2, 2004 3:22 PM


America loves a winner!

None of those execs had the twigs or berries to see this project through or present it as it was intended.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:13 AM


If there's any Americans here, remember that FOX is the network that put President Bush in power when you didn't actually vote for him. He didn't win that election and FOX is the major reason for his getting into the whitehouse.

Their remit after 9/11 was to provide television which kept the masses happy, didn't make them think too much (Oh, hello reality TV!) and which united them as a country (Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!).

Then comes Firefly. At a time when the American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt you suddenly have a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"

Seems pretty obvious why it was pulled.

Wouldn't happen on the BBC...


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:18 AM


I still can't believe the Fox execs didn't "get" the show. Everyone in my office that has watched it so far digs it. A minority of them have said "It's not bad.", but the vast majority have LOVED IT.
The characters are excellent, the dialogue is excellent, the story lines are excellent, the actors are excellent, hell, the whole damn show is EXCELLENT!
I'd buy every season that was released on DVD without hesitation RIGHT NOW.
This could have been/will be the next big series on TV. Question is, does anyone at Fox have the balls big enough to go along with the brains required to make it happen?
Maybe after the movie is released and they realize what a huge fan base this show has, they'll take it under advisement.
Idiots, the lot of them.

I'll be in my bunk.......


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 9:37 AM


O__o Is there a reason why X-Files stayed? It's kind of Government bad...

Damn it...I hope it was a "We don't want Joss to get bashed so we must pull the show!" instead of "We hate this show, it's talking bad about the government"

But I guess we'll never know the true answer...


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:08 AM


Bush wasn't in power and snuggling up to Murdoch when the X-Files was on...


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:36 AM



Originally posted by Littlemanlovesfire:
If there's any Americans here, remember that FOX is the network that put President Bush in power when you didn't actually vote for him. He didn't win that election and FOX is the major reason for his getting into the whitehouse.

Their remit after 9/11 was to provide television which kept the masses happy, didn't make them think too much (Oh, hello reality TV!) and which united them as a country (Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!).

Then comes Firefly. At a time when the American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt you suddenly have a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"

Seems pretty obvious why it was pulled.

Wouldn't happen on the BBC...

Well if you wanted a RESPONSE, you're going to get one from me. I would suggest you spend a little less money on your trash tabloids, and put a little more effort into making your aluminum foil hat.

"American", yes I am, and proud to be one. (Can I assume you are not? You didn't bother to mention where you are from. No pride for your own nation of origin?)

"FOX is the network that put President Bush in power when you didn't actually vote for him. He didn't win that election and FOX is the major reason for his getting into the whitehouse."
This is so full of GORRAM CRAP that I don't know where to begin.
1.) Are you saying all our other major news networks have no marketshare or influence? Come on! Assuming FoxNews is as you would say, proBush, that still left ABCnews, CBSnews, NBCnews, MSNBCnews, CNNnews, HeadlineNews, and lets not forget the BBCnews, which were all proGore and/or antiBush. Either ALL THOSE other networks are REALLY BAD doing what they do, or YOU are attributing WAY TOO MUCH to FoxNews' influence.
2.) Yes, I ACTUALLY DID VOTE FOR HIM, and I'm glad I did!
3.) Yes, he DID win the election! Sorry if you don't like our electoral college system, but it was created to prevent mobs of idiots jumping to illogical and false conclusions, like yourself, from gaining control of our Government by simple majority, and trashing it into oblivion.

"Their remit after 9/11 was to provide television which kept the masses happy, didn't make them think too much (Oh, hello reality TV!) and which united them as a country (Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!)."
Alas, more GORRAM VOMIT.
1.) I'm guessing you are from, or favor, a socialist country because of your remark "kept the masses happy". Americans started out as, and hopefully will remain, a nation of INDIVIDUALS. We don't think in terms of being part of a "mass of people", we think in terms of being "individuals". Yes, it is obvious some Americans take that individuality, freedom, and liberty, for granted. And some do think the ways of governments that keep "happy masses" better. We'll see how it plays out this next election. I'm thinking President Bush will continue to be our President, because there are still more "individuals" in this country than "members of mass mobs".
2.) Its OBVIOUS your TV isn't exactly making you "think too much" either.
3.) Why the sarcasm in "(Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!)". Why don't you be OPEN about what you feel? If you HATE America, say it! Better yet why don't you say (Woooo! Go Whereever-you-are-from! Yeah!) Feel good because of where you live, not because of what you hate about where others live... (assuming you like where you live).

Then comes Firefly. At a time when the American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt you suddenly have a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"
Seems pretty obvious why it was pulled.

Yes, this is the kind of a conclusion an aluminum-foil-hat-wearing-type-person might make. But aside from your probable need to seek treatment for schizophrenia, or some other such condition that enables you to jump to conclusions that most people wouldn't think of jumping to, let alone attempt to reason to.
1.) "American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt"? Just which part of our government is it that manipulates, is evil, and is corrupt? Head on over to and you'll find a pretty thorough list of Departments and Agencies in our government. Then you can start creating a bibliographic database linking the evidence you have in hand to which of those departments or agencies are manipulative, evil, or corrupt! I should like to see how you've reached your conclusions, and just which departments and agencies you consider manipulative, evil, or corrupt!
2.) "a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"... oh, this is FUNNY... the person who likes socialist societies, is a fan of a show which says "don't trust Government!" Ha! Better not let your "Big Brother" catch you watching Firefly! Oh the IRONY of this line! If it wasn't so STUPID I'd be ROFL!

Wouldn't happen on the BBC...
Yes, we all know the BBC is almighty, correct and powerful in everything. What other networks do you watch to get alternative points of view? Would that be BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, CBBC, or CBEEBIES?

What I really don't understand, is where anyone gets off criticizing what America is trying to do to put an end to terrorism and such crazies as Saddam and Osama.
You say we're evil, and we're purposefully killing and hurting innocent people...
You say you care more, and your governmental system is more sympathetic to the plights of other peoples around the world...

And yet, look at Sudan and Chad... women are being raped, children and families killed, and human genocide, yet again... and which country is it that is pushing for something to be done, NOW?

Oh! I know, yeah, that pushy, evil, controlling America... and I suppose if we even thought about mounting any sort of forceful assistance to end that situation, you'd say BUSH was doing it for what? OIL? SAND? Or so his family can could get rich in the new slave trade they have going there!


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 11:15 AM


Read up about the Bush election buddy. Fox broke the news he had "won" first, before the counting was done and all the other networks panicked and followed them. He fiddled the Florida vote (of which his cousin is governer) and wrangled many of america's innocent blacks out of their right to vote too. I can't be arsed to go about it now but there's much more.

Isn't it weird how Futurama and Family Guy also got cancelled? Have you seen their last episodes. Some really nasty anti-Bush Government in there.

He has pissed on your constitution mate, and you're a cretin if you stand for it.

I'm surprised you watch Firefly!


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:08 PM


So much hostility...but I have to agree with Pother. It's easy to critique the American way of life. Our politics, ect. I think Bush has done a fine job; however, if Clinton, Kerry, Rush Limbaugh were in his spot the same critique would occur from the masses. THERE IS NO NON BIAS NEWS. They make their money off ratings. FoxNews, MSNbc, CNN you get my point. They are about ratings...they are about keeping their jobs. I see no difference in slanted media and slanted politics. They're all in bed togther. Its one jaded orgy.

What is the Southern Browncoat remark?


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:44 PM


Nary a coherent thought in the entire thread. You people should be ashamed.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:48 PM



Originally posted by ShepherdQ:
I know we all would have loved to have been around to hear the execs discussions on the topic of Firefly.. but a notable thing..
Even when execs decide to cancel a series, than can bring it back if they find out the fan base was there.. and they found that out but did not bring it back...
Why not, you ask...
Perhaps it is the start of Unifacation. !!!!
Well, all know the media decides what slant to put on the news and to slant things to tell us how we SHOULD feel about a piece of news ( at least the way they want us to see it )... soooo
Perhaps they feared people would see that the Unifacation in Firefly is coming fast and wanted to buy time.. kill the series and let people forget ! Not let us see that the media already has more power than any politician or government. That business is in control.. think fossil fuel usage, alternate energy we do not have, cigarettes, wars ( makes money for business ) , airplane safety ( they can put off repairs or safety fixes ). Even make sure you only see/hear/read what they want you to, such as the local news about a cop vs civilian encounter.. and best friend of the arrested says his friend is innocent and did not resist.. and THAT gets all the news, but the 20 other witnesses that say the guy resisted and hit the cop is ignored.
yep... Unifacation.....
Any different ideas ???
Browncoats are bad... now you have Browncoats from the south !

The Journey is the worthier part.

What on Earth are you talking about?

Aside from the contradictions inherent in your "treatise", what has any of this paranoia to do with FOX's cancellation of Firefly?

Chief Editor, AFM
Writer/Producer, The NUKE Brothers


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 1:57 PM



Originally posted by Pother:
Well if you wanted a RESPONSE, you're going to get one from me. I would suggest you spend a little less money on your trash tabloids, and put a little more effort into making your aluminum foil hat.

"American", yes I am, and proud to be one. (Can I assume you are not? You didn't bother to mention where you are from. No pride for your own nation of origin?)

"FOX is the network that put President Bush in power when you didn't actually vote for him. He didn't win that election and FOX is the major reason for his getting into the whitehouse."
This is so full of GORRAM CRAP that I don't know where to begin.
1.) Are you saying all our other major news networks have no marketshare or influence? Come on! Assuming FoxNews is as you would say, proBush, that still left ABCnews, CBSnews, NBCnews, MSNBCnews, CNNnews, HeadlineNews, and lets not forget the BBCnews, which were all proGore and/or antiBush. Either ALL THOSE other networks are REALLY BAD doing what they do, or YOU are attributing WAY TOO MUCH to FoxNews' influence.
2.) Yes, I ACTUALLY DID VOTE FOR HIM, and I'm glad I did!
3.) Yes, he DID win the election! Sorry if you don't like our electoral college system, but it was created to prevent mobs of idiots jumping to illogical and false conclusions, like yourself, from gaining control of our Government by simple majority, and trashing it into oblivion.

"Their remit after 9/11 was to provide television which kept the masses happy, didn't make them think too much (Oh, hello reality TV!) and which united them as a country (Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!)."
Alas, more GORRAM VOMIT.
1.) I'm guessing you are from, or favor, a socialist country because of your remark "kept the masses happy". Americans started out as, and hopefully will remain, a nation of INDIVIDUALS. We don't think in terms of being part of a "mass of people", we think in terms of being "individuals". Yes, it is obvious some Americans take that individuality, freedom, and liberty, for granted. And some do think the ways of governments that keep "happy masses" better. We'll see how it plays out this next election. I'm thinking President Bush will continue to be our President, because there are still more "individuals" in this country than "members of mass mobs".
2.) Its OBVIOUS your TV isn't exactly making you "think too much" either.
3.) Why the sarcasm in "(Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!)". Why don't you be OPEN about what you feel? If you HATE America, say it! Better yet why don't you say (Woooo! Go Whereever-you-are-from! Yeah!) Feel good because of where you live, not because of what you hate about where others live... (assuming you like where you live).

Then comes Firefly. At a time when the American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt you suddenly have a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"
Seems pretty obvious why it was pulled.

Yes, this is the kind of a conclusion an aluminum-foil-hat-wearing-type-person might make. But aside from your probable need to seek treatment for schizophrenia, or some other such condition that enables you to jump to conclusions that most people wouldn't think of jumping to, let alone attempt to reason to.
1.) "American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt"? Just which part of our government is it that manipulates, is evil, and is corrupt? Head on over to and you'll find a pretty thorough list of Departments and Agencies in our government. Then you can start creating a bibliographic database linking the evidence you have in hand to which of those departments or agencies are manipulative, evil, or corrupt! I should like to see how you've reached your conclusions, and just which departments and agencies you consider manipulative, evil, or corrupt!
2.) "a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"... oh, this is FUNNY... the person who likes socialist societies, is a fan of a show which says "don't trust Government!" Ha! Better not let your "Big Brother" catch you watching Firefly! Oh the IRONY of this line! If it wasn't so STUPID I'd be ROFL!

Wouldn't happen on the BBC...
Yes, we all know the BBC is almighty, correct and powerful in everything. What other networks do you watch to get alternative points of view? Would that be BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, CBBC, or CBEEBIES?

What I really don't understand, is where anyone gets off criticizing what America is trying to do to put an end to terrorism and such crazies as Saddam and Osama.
You say we're evil, and we're purposefully killing and hurting innocent people...
You say you care more, and your governmental system is more sympathetic to the plights of other peoples around the world...

And yet, look at Sudan and Chad... women are being raped, children and families killed, and human genocide, yet again... and which country is it that is pushing for something to be done, NOW?

Oh! I know, yeah, that pushy, evil, controlling America... and I suppose if we even thought about mounting any sort of forceful assistance to end that situation, you'd say BUSH was doing it for what? OIL? SAND? Or so his family can could get rich in the new slave trade they have going there!

Well... where do you even start? First of all, let me say that the BBC has never been "all pro-Gore and anti-Bush". That's a gross overstatement. If the BBC has been more critical of Bush than of any previous US President, it's only because (globally at least) Bush has given them more reason to be. Not just them, either - but almost every global news agency. But what do they know, right?

As a Brit I cannot comment with any certainty about American news coverage. I would hope, however, that you would admit the same regarding your knowledge of British news coverage. I'll just assume that you are aware that FOX is owned by Rupert Murdoch and that he HATES the BBC with a passion because he can't buy it out. The BBC is an affront to everything Murdock believes in, and he pounces on any and every opportunity to take a swipe at it. The BBC is one of the few things that prevents Murdoch from having a complete strangle-hold on the British news media.

I should also point out that no country was more united with the US than Britain after 9/11 - and NO news provider handled the coverage of that tragedy with more sensitivity or professionalism than the BBC. That I CAN say with certainty, because I was flicking between every news station available to me at the time, including US ones. That's not a criticism of the American media (before you accuse me of that), it's simply an observation of my own. In the aftermath of 9/11 there wasn't a single person in the UK who didn't feel for the American population. There was no anti-Americanism in this country then. But actions that came as a result of 9/11, either directly or indirectly - such as war on Iraq - were largely unsupported by a majority of the British public. That doesn't mean we turned anti-American overnight, or even at all. We just didn't agree with your president OR our prime minister. Anti-Americanism doesn't enter into the equation - though it is a convenient way to stifle genuine debate.

Regarding the press, whilst it is the job of the press to be objective wherever possible, it is equally the job of the press to be curious and to ask questions. It is the greatest shame that on BOTH sides of the Atlantic these days, to question the government is some kind of cardinal sin. To criticise Bush is to be anti-American; to criticise Blair is to be narrow-minded. It is not treason to criticise your president or prime minister if you feel he is doing something wrong or making the wrong decisions. They are, after all, answerable to the public who put them where they are. At least, that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be. If you know differently, then please enlighten me. I must have missed the memo.

Also, being uneasy about agressive patriotism is not, in itself, unpatriotic. The person you are responding to did not say he/she hated America. One can be patriotic without screaming about it, you know. I love my country, but I don't need anyone to TELL me that I SHOULD. And I don't need to see British troops sent out to die just to re-enforce my patriotism, either.

And before you say it, no I don't hate America. I liked the country when I was there and I liked the people. But if you truly believe that to love your country means denying any flaws or faults that may exist within its structure of government... well, frankly I feel sorry for you. Tell me: is it more patriotic, or less, for someone to try and improve their country? Is it not at all possible that to believe one's country is perfect - and that anyone who says differently is a traitor or something equally unfounded - may do more harm than good in the long term?

Feel free to respond to this in any way you see fit. Call me whatever you want and mock me if it suits you. Maybe it'll make you feel more righteous and patriotic. But what do I know? I'm not even American... I'm not supposed to have an opinion about your country unless it's a positive one, right?


"Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:07 PM


FOX cancelled Firefly because it got bad ratings, ratings that couldn't bring in anywhere near the advertising revenue necessary to pay for such an expensive show. (FOX may have done things purposely or incompetently that affected those ratings, but that's the bottom line.) Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best.



Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:09 PM


America loves a winner!

Bush was elected by the process in place well before FOX, or any other t.v. , was in existence. You want to make furhter political comments, I'd suggest you post over at the Real World Event Discussions board, not here. FOX TV had no role in electing President Bush, but FOX TV still sucks.


" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:14 PM


If I've helped to clog up this thread with political debate, then I apologise.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 5:36 PM


Sorry to say....
Many missed the point at the start of the thread and decided to vent in one manner or another.... I will say it all over..
I did NOT say the government had anything to do with it..
I did NOT say anything about Bush ( it is not about Bush )
I did NOT say it was about ratings... nor about campaign to get it back...
I DID say that perhaps NEWS MEDIA ( I did not say FOX alone ) is scared about the secret that the corporations are pushing to take over...
Think about it folks.. who owns thew news media ( coporations ) who gives the money for the elections ( coporations.. big business , special interests ) who uses power to get the politics to swing one way or another ( not the public opinion .. but big business ) see the big business control yet?
Big Business tells you what is fashion to wear, what to drink, what to eat, your car and on and on and on.. NOT the government...
One point if Firefly is that Coporations control everything ( Unifacation )....
MY point was ... perhaps it has already started.. and everyone gets distracted by the puppets in government , not seeing the puppeteer!!!
NO MORE BASHING !! It is NOT about Bush, nor which country..
I did give an example about media coverage of local and national events...and FOX is only a small part.. but a part... The government is not telling media what to do.. MEDIA is telling all of us and the Government what to think and do... and THAT is the start of the unifacation.... It is late and I am a bit tired so pardon the typos..

The Journey is the worthier part.


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 5:43 PM


::Stands and Begins Clapping, both Patriotically and Emotionally:::

Amen Shephard!!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 6:18 PM


Bless you

The Journey is the worthier part.


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 11:11 PM


For my part I can only apologise again for not really responding to the original question of the thread. But sometimes you just have to respond, you know?

For the record, though, I think the reason FOX didn't like Firefly is simply because, as has been stated numerous times before, they just didn't understand it. Joss gave them something different from what they were expecting. I daresay it was better than they were expecting; FOX just couldn't see that.

Ultimately, the ratings didn't justify the money being spent on it, though from what I hear from US fans, the show wasn't promoted very well and was put into a death slot on FOX. That surely re-enforces that they couldn't figure out what the show was or who would like it.

It's odd that Sci-Fi Channel UK promoted the show quite vigorously, even though they knew it had already been cancelled befre they started airing it. Hell, they even made sure to ask Mutant Enemy which order the episodes were supposed to be shown in. They made a big deal at the time that the show helped pull in some of SFC UK's biggest ratings to that point. Go figure.

"Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Wednesday, August 4, 2004 2:36 AM



Originally posted by Littlemanlovesfire:
If there's any Americans here, remember that FOX is the network that put President Bush in power when you didn't actually vote for him. He didn't win that election and FOX is the major reason for his getting into the whitehouse.

Their remit after 9/11 was to provide television which kept the masses happy, didn't make them think too much (Oh, hello reality TV!) and which united them as a country (Wooooo! Go America! Yeah!).

Then comes Firefly. At a time when the American government was manipulative, evil and corrupt you suddenly have a show which is saying "Government is evil, don't trust Government!"

Seems pretty obvious why it was pulled.

Wouldn't happen on the BBC...

Funny how you failed to mention the other mainstream networks that called the election for Gore before all of the votes were tabulated. There were also instances where news anchors (Peter Jennings in this case, if I recall correctly) said, "It looks like WE'RE winning, folks!" when Gore was showing as slightly ahead. I thought the media was supposed to report in a balanced manner, not interject their own personal beliefs and philosophies into the information that they convey.

You weren't looking for truth though, just something to back your own preconceived notions which are founded in your own ignorance and bias. You might want to loosen that tin foil beanie of yours, I suspect it is pinching your brain. You're not smart enough for the government to waste their Orbital Mind Control Lasers on, I promise.



Wednesday, August 4, 2004 6:12 PM


It is a sad state of affairs when you start a thread with a touch of tounge in cheek, a touch of irony.. and some have to pounce as if it were life and death to change the concept and bash other and side track to over strong politics...
To those that saw and understood the start.. bless you.. to the others.... ya really need to burn the soap box and learn to relax.. bashing others is NOT a pretty sight, nor does it make you appear any better. Learn to let go when people saw.. : "Hey, ya missed the point at the start."
Matter of fact, I think there is a Special level of hell on here were bashers can talk among themselves..
Now shake hands, smile and try to find something in common to be happy about like the rest of us do.
( Either that or get kneecap guards )

The Journey is the worthier part.






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