Serenity LOSING to Blade Runner in io9 Final Four...

UPDATED: Sunday, April 3, 2011 09:33
VIEWED: 5926
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Friday, April 1, 2011 9:31 AM


Polls close at 11pm! Go vote Serenity past Blade Runner to get our Big Damn Movie in the finals against Star Wars.!5787920/io9s-march-movie-madness-final-four-blade-run

Zoe: Don't think its a good spot sir, she still has the advantage over us.
Mal: Everyone always does; that's what makes us special.


Friday, April 1, 2011 9:56 AM


I prefer Blade Runner myself.

Though I have been giving folks over there a hard time for hatin' on Browncoats, but on the other hand, I kinda see their point.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, April 1, 2011 9:59 AM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.

Voted for Serenity but it doesn't look good.

I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.


Friday, April 1, 2011 10:07 AM


Doing it backwards. Walking up the downslide.

I honestly never saw the appeal of Blade Runner. I was either bored or creeped out the whole time (and the majority of that was bored.)

Facts are stubborn things.


Friday, April 1, 2011 10:33 AM


I love Blade Runner, but I can't let it beat out Serenity.

"Always be yourself. Unless You suck." - Joss Whedon


Friday, April 1, 2011 11:47 AM


Back on top!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, April 1, 2011 12:05 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Apologies to Joss and the BDhs, but I just can't do it. No way, in any 'verse, is Serenity a better film than Blade Runner.


Friday, April 1, 2011 12:22 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Apologies to Joss and the BDhs, but I just can't do it. No way, in any 'verse, is Serenity a better film than Blade Runner.

Agreed. But it'll probably win at this point, due to ballot stuffing fans.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, April 1, 2011 12:33 PM


Blade runner is a better film. I think if we only supported our people when they did things that we liked or that worked, they might do better. The idea of the movie, financially, was to raise money for a second season or second movie, at least, that's what sources tell me. In that, they blew it.

In the future, plan better: Make a movie that is accessible to the public, not just fans of the show. Or, if it's going to be for the fans, don't hedge.

ETA: I agree with about 90% of the match up choices, but fanboyz rule here, and so Serenity will oust bladerunner, and then it's FFF vs. Star Wars geeks.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, April 1, 2011 12:46 PM


We've pulled ahead, whoo!


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:37 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Make a movie that is accessible to the public, not just fans of the show. Or, if it's going to be for the fans, don't hedge.

The implication here seems to be that Serenity was inaccessible to someone who hadn't seen the series first. Say, for example... Me. I have to disagree with that. I found Serenity not only enjoyable, but more enjoyable than Blade Runner. Yeah, I said it. I didn't like Blade Runner and I don't care who says I'm out of my mind.

I do not need the written code of a spiritual belief to act like a decent human being.


Friday, April 1, 2011 3:01 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

As was pointed out in last week's thread, it's all just opinions. I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me in regards to the merits of the two films, but I have to be honest and give my real opinion. Firefly is still my favorite TV show of all time, but I don't hold the BDM in as high esteem. I wish it were different, and I wish there were a Serenity 2 and 3 in the brackets as well.


Friday, April 1, 2011 3:30 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

The implication here seems to be that Serenity was inaccessible to someone who hadn't seen the series first. Say, for example... Me.

And me! I love the movie! It wasn't so much that Serenity was a niche movie, it was that the advertising sucked.

"Always be yourself. Unless You suck." - Joss Whedon


Saturday, April 2, 2011 2:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ecgordon:
I have to be honest and give my real opinion. Firefly is still my favorite TV show of all time, but I don't hold the BDM in as high esteem. I wish it were different . . .

Joss said Serenity gave the appearance of becoming The Wild Bunch, where everyone dies in a blaze of glory. Joss dumped coldwater on that wildfire when the Alliance knocks down the wall behind River. Our exhausted heroes are under the guns of a fresh bunch of soldiers yelling 'drop your weapons and do it now!' I was disappointed when bleeding Jayne obeys. What a pussy! That was a sickly ending for the movie.

I wanted a bigger ending with more energy so I scripted a Liberty or Death finale: Our heroes don't drop their weapons because they don't act as if they're on their hospital deathbeds. The scene ends precisely the same as Joss's movie, but the crew gets to show their big brave hearts.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, April 2, 2011 11:20 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My opinion of Serenity has nothing to do with the ending, or at least that is not my main reservation. It is not whether Wash and Book live or die, or whether River can actually defeat that many Reavers at once, or whether Jayne and Mal are pussies. It's a very good action movie that has solid acting, writing and effects, it just falls short of the greatness that was Firefly, imo, and far short of the greatness that is Blade Runner, of which I have no complaints.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 8:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Blade is more artsy (NEON!!!), and has been played on TeeVee about 1,000 times. Ford's monotone was monotonous, like he didn't appreciate a post-Star-Wars downer. In fact, everyone was monotonous, because they were robots, cyborgs, mutants, cops or something. All Dark, no Light. The hero was on the side of Evil, with a little redemption, like The Operative. A Slasher/Cop movie, with ray guns. Timeless Vangelis.

Serenity actually had good acting with comic relief, and a little evil. A Slasher/AntiCop movie, where only the Bad Guys get slashed...except for One, er, Two. Series ensemble loved working together and with their Rocky Horror, without the pantyhose.


1. Blade Runner Vs. 8. Serenity (Poll Closed)

Blade Runner 42.94% (5,464 votes)

Serenity 57.06% (7,261 votes)

Total Votes: 12,725



Sunday, April 3, 2011 2:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ecgordon:
My opinion of Serenity has nothing to do with the ending, or at least that is not my main reservation. It is not whether Wash and Book live or die, or whether River can actually defeat that many Reavers at once, or whether Jayne and Mal are pussies. It's a very good action movie that has solid acting, writing and effects, it just falls short of the greatness that was Firefly, imo, and far short of the greatness that is Blade Runner, of which I have no complaints.

George R.R. Martin wrote recently: "Serenity has a lot to recommend it, but ultimately comes across as what is: the last episode of the ill-fated and much-mourned TV series Firefly. For those who never watched the show, the film has far less impact." -

I'll go further than George R.R. Martin and say that Joss would have written a better Serenity if he had used the exact same method used on Firefly. Firefly was great because a room full of respected writers criticized the story before the scenes were written and again, after. That method would have worked wonderfully on Serenity and could have worked with the Wonder Woman movie, too. Writing all by his lonesome self, Joss never got any traction with that screenplay. Joss's Wonder Woman years were between Serenity in 2005 and Dr. Horrible in 2008.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 3, 2011 6:15 AM


You really think the problem with SERENITY was that Joss didn't get any feedback during the entire process? I think you're underestimating Joss's intellect, as well as ignoring much of the process of making a motion picture (as compared with a TV show).

The issue, I think, is that Joss is a better TV writer/director than a movie writer/director. Although his "big moments" are great, they are often so because so many "tiny moments" led up to them. A movie has very little time for tiny moments.

Simply put, the skills Joss developed through more than a dozen TV seasons--the skills that make him an amazing TV storyteller--do not necessarily make him an amazing movie storyteller. Certainly, clever dialogue, structure, pacing... these all translate over, but they are used very differently in movies than in TV scripts.

Perhaps, however, it's not fair to lay blame on Joss himself, but rather on the story of Firefly, which is best told as a story of small and subtle details (TV) rather than using a broad palette (movies). In order to stay true to the TV series, Joss was "saddled" with a very large cast and a complex world that needed to be displayed for two distinct audiences (those who saw the show and those who didn't). In the hands of an experienced movie writer/director, that is a very difficult juggling act, but in the hands of a talented by largely neophyte movie writer/director... a titanic task.

Having prattled on, though, I must say that I really like SERENITY... I just don't think it's as good as FIREFLY. Doesn't mean it's a bad movie or that I think Joss did a bad job--quite the contrary. Given the fact that he doesn't have much experience working on movies and was working with a difficult concept that could be altered only so much, I think he did an AMAZING job. He just did a better job on the series. :)

Still, back to the original topic, I voted for SERENITY over BLADE RUNNER and felt absolutely no guilt about. Why? Not because I'm a Browncoat (which I am), but because I think SERENITY is a better movie than BLADE RUNNER. Just my personal opinion. I don't like BLADE RUNNER (and, to be honest, it annoys me whenever Hauer's line makes to "Top Ten Best and/or Most Memorable Movie Lines"). Again, just personal opinion. "Here's how it might have been..."


Sunday, April 3, 2011 8:41 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Opinion duly noted, and I agree that Serenity is a very good movie. I have on numerous occasions said that it is my third favorite SF film of all time, and it happens to rank right after Blade Runner, with 2001: A Space Odyssey on top of the list. When making that statement I neither ask that others agree with me or that they "tear me a new one" for my opinion.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 9:33 AM


Doing it backwards. Walking up the downslide.

No one here is tearing you a new one, EC.
You seem to be taking it rather personally whenever someone says they don't like Blade Runner, and I say that because you have responded to a few "I don't like Blade Runner" posts as though they were directed at you. I'm pretty sure they aren't directed at you so much as they are general opinion statements being released into the ether of the 'net. A couple were direct responses to what DT said, and nothing you said, and those weren't attacks or tearing of a new one for DT, let alone yourself. Take a few breaths, okay?

Facts are stubborn things.






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