Celestial Navigation Chart of the Verse

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Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:39 PM


CNC (Celestial Navigation Chart of the Verse)
Version 1.07 Updated link May 17, 2014



Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:55 PM


Optional color background version will be available per request.

If you have a request of a background, please post the image you would like. It should be at around 1500x1500 or larger, the map is 4500x4500 so I don't wanna have to figure out how to add a background that is 400x400 lol


Saturday, January 21, 2012 5:27 PM


You outta change your name to VPS MAN -'Verse positioning system

I'm drivin'! You can read the charts
Hang a left!!! NOOO YER OTHER LEFT!!
You wanna drive??? THEN DRIVE!


Sunday, January 22, 2012 10:16 AM


I'm certainly okay with you using the ARC. It was meant to be used as a reference and a tool, so use it as much as you need. My one suggestion for your completed chart is that you correct the credit for the VIN. 'The Verse in Numbers' was/is authored by J. Chris Bourdier.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 10:56 AM



One crit: I can see what you're trying for, but I'd recommend against the starfield background (or at least that starfield background). It gets a bit distracting, even without the map's own planets/stars to keep track of.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 11:29 AM


Hmm my post didn't show up the first time, opps..

Thanks Jellowjacket!! Its a most excellent guide!! Cant imagine how long it took to make!

@Cybersnark, I used that image as it was the only real (Hubble Telescope) star image that was 3000x3000 so it filled most of the map, but I may change it, thanks for the input!

Updated the second map image above (Don't worry, I wont add anymore big images to this thread)

Added Credits, let me know if there correct
Added the three Asteroid Fields. (tried to make them look real)
Added a missing orbit for the Red Sun

Note: I will not be using QM's small image systems as I want this to be 100% original, so I'll be removing that part from the credits.

Now the hard part, adding the Suns, Gas Giants, Planets and Moons.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:14 PM


Almost hypnotic.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 1:19 PM


*Almost hypnotic.*
It is in a way isn't it lol

Updated the first image, shows the missing orbit for the Red Sun and has the asteroid fields (For those that don't like the color background) I'm actually building on that first image, then I'll release both versions. Added the suns as well.

Ive already started adding the suns, and working on the White Sun system..

BTW The asteroid field around the white sun, is it called the Halo or Hale?


Sunday, January 22, 2012 2:22 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ShadowTek:
BTW The asteroid field around the white sun, is it called the Halo or Hale?

It is Halo. My reference is page 5 of 14 in ARC of the Verse, version 2.0 Astrogation Reference Charts at

Halo Asteroid Belt
Primary: White Sun
Inner Boundary: 5,983,914,800 km (40 AU)
Outer Boundary: 6,432,708,410 km (43 AU)
Average Width: 448,793,610 km (3 AU)
Number of cataloged objects: 78,472,112
Asteroid designation uses numbers and letters (excluding i, l, o, and z). Example: A/2223(White Sun)3a45b

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 22, 2012 5:27 PM


Ok thanks, I have another question, in (ARC of the Verse) the white Sun system, (Im done for the most part) what is:
Dukkha and Ra Amiran? Are they large asteroids? They have there own orbits but not sure what they are?

Also there is text in white sun area:
4.722 AU Li Si
4.722 AU Zhao Gao
Tide (Fusu)4.722 AU
4.722 AUHuhai
4.722 AU Jianglu
Changjiao4.722 AU
4.722 AUIsis

Any idea what that is for?

Thanks for the info :)


Sunday, January 22, 2012 7:03 PM


I think so. One of the names there translates to "spoiled cake" in Chinese, a mild curse. Normally they seem to give names like that to unterraformed worlds (like 7th Circle around Coldstone in Blue Sun), but if it's not listed in main system descriptions, I'd imagine asteroids or other dead rock.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 7:27 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I think so. One of the names there translates to "spoiled cake" in Chinese, a mild curse. Normally they seem to give names like that to unterraformed worlds (like 7th Circle around Coldstone in Blue Sun), but if it's not listed in main system descriptions, I'd imagine asteroids or other dead rock.

Ok thanks for the info!! I dont plan to add asteroid orbits.

Image in first post updated:

White Sun System completed, (all planets, suns and moons added) removed two orbits that were not needed. Labeled the asteroid fields, expanded the legend. Added all sun names (with there AKA names)

Note: its taking so long as I tried a few things, also every planet will have a unique image (though some may look similar) also every typed name is given a black glow so that it is clearly visible (the black glow is not so much visible, but its there) to clearly define it from anything in the background.

If anyone sees any errors in the White Sun System let me know (But I believe its accurate and good to go)

NOTE: Im constantly updating that first image with new additions and fixes..

EDIT: Modified first two posts and reduced the size of the second image (to save load times) as thats now simply to show a background that will be available.. (If you find a better background let me know) Or I can simply make requested backgrounds to make the map closer to what you individual members would like.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 9:38 PM



Originally posted by ShadowTek:
Ok thanks, I have another question, in (ARC of the Verse) the white Sun system, (Im done for the most part) what is:
Dukkha and Ra Amiran? Are they large asteroids? They have there own orbits but not sure what they are?

Thanks for the info :)

Dukkha and Ra Amiran are dwarf planets that were added as part of the 'Fan Content' expansion on The Verse in Numbers 2.0 and the ARC of the Verse 2.0. Chris Bourdier invited me to work on version 2 of his VIN and we agreed to include fan made worlds from such projects as 'Into the Black' and some of the comic books additions to the canon. I updated the ARC to reflect the changes to the Verse in Numbers. Like many of the planets that were added to round out the Complete and Official Map of the Verse, Dukkha and Ra Amiran are additions to the growing Verse. They are too small or too isolated from a primary or secondary star as a heat source to be terraformed, but they contain mining and research facilities and they have satellites. You don't have to include them in your map.

for those who are curious about some of the fan content, this is the writeup I did on the Cortex RPG site about the dwarf planet Ra Amiran and the satellite Namira.

Early in the history of remote surveying the region in and around the White Sun System yielded very promising results. Most of the planets and moons found there were of a good size and in close proximity to a primary (and later secondary) source of light, making most of them viable for an atmosphere and colonization.

Ra Amiran and Namira were only just counted among these.

The small dwarf planet Ra Amiran was discovered in White Tiger's Kuiper belt in 2190 by remote survey and it was immediately catalogued among the thousands of other remote objects orbiting White Tiger. The small body was numbered and its orbit was marked among so many other neighboring rocks. Early projections about this unremarkable chunk of ice and stone were poor at best, though it was large enough to sit at the bottom of a growing list of terra-forming candidates, and it was possessed of at least one documented satellite. As time passed the small planet was found to be so far removed from the system primary (and all later secondary stars of the same system) that it showed no promise of true surface habitation. Still, the small globe did fit neatly into the definition of a true dwarf planet by the rules of Astronomy as applied at the time. As such, it was decided that it should have a name.

In the mid 17th century of Earth that Was, a poet soldier named Khalil Nasir Mahdi lived among the many peoples of Egypt's Western Desert. He was a man of considerable favor, both in the high courts and hallowed halls of the Ottomans, and among the poorest of slaves and servants of his native Mut. As a Timariot of the Ottomans, Mahdi was favored with power and privilege and spent much of his time in writing and learning, and wherever possible, improving the lives of everyone that he knew. For himself, Mahdi seems by all accounts to have been a somewhat sad figure, for while he enjoyed many benefits of life and station he had lost his one and only treasure in the death of his lover, Sadeema. This was made even more apparent in his later years when he penned the fanciful tale of Ra Amiran and Namira known as the Ikhlaas, which most scholars agree to be a revealing, semi-autobiographical piece about himself and Sadeema.

In this classic tale of love and sacrifice, the hero Ra Amiran gives up his throne, kingdom and immortality to pursue a taboo love with a beautiful mortal woman named Namira. Ra Amiran makes this sacrifice to prove his undying love to the young woman, so that they might live out the course of their lives aging alongside one another. Of course, as with all tales of this kind and of this era, the story is fraught with many perilous obstacles and more than a few antagonists. The story is helped along by Mahdi's own personal experience and his obvious disdain for class systems and bigotry, as seen in his other writings. The story, much like Mahdi's own experience, ends in the tragic loss of his one true love when Ra Amiran and Namira flee their enemies to the frozen fortress climbs of the high mountains. Here the two perish in embrace, frozen forever in immortality one with the other.

This story was a favorite of astronomer and astrophysicist, Abu Omar Kareem al-Nidal ibn Kahaldun ibn Binyamin aal-Filisteeni, who often sited it as one of the finest examples of poetry from the period. Being a large fan of Mahdi's work, he proposed that the new dwarf planet and satellite be named for these figurative lovers, both for their pale, fair faces as described in the story, and for their immortality in ice. The names were placed on a short list and later pushed to the forefront by growing support in and outside of the astronomy communities.

So it was that Ra Amiran was named in 2198 and became forever engendered in the common vernacular. The planet was as much like the character described of old, pale, fair and finally, cold. Namira was no less fitting a name, though somewhat darker than her forbidding companion. Both were locked in ice and in a mutual orbit. Early images of these untouched orbs were sent back through the void and scrutinized by hundreds of scientists, politicians and hopeful pilgrims, alongside every other planet and moon in the Verse.

By the time terra-forming and colonization had begun elsewhere in the system, outposts were already being established both in, on, and above Ra Amiran, but these were tentative ventures and few. The dwarf planet's climate was so horribly unwelcoming that most of the population there consisted of loose orbital facilities and a few entrenched stations deep within the planet's crust of earth and ice. It was realized that little could be done to change the atmosphere as it was, for much of it was frozen to the ground, but attempts were made to set up artificial gravity facilities wherever possible to shift the comfort of those on the surface.

Namira was not much different. She proved less habitable than Ra amiran, but in the end far more profitable. She was found to be possessed of many rich mineral deposits early on and she enjoyed more than a few suitors in the form of mining consortiums and core drilling companies.

Not much more can be said about their history apart from the great litany of mining disputes, claims, accidents, and so forth associated with such a place. Ra Amiran was the scene of at least one great adventure from the war, though even that has been exaggerated well past truth in most corners of the Verse. During the height of the Unification War, the Independents took the Depot at Ra Amiran by subterfuge, hiding an entire infiltration team inside a modified, unpressurized mining container ship. The pilots crashed the ship into the docks at Ra Amiran under the guise of an emergency landing in what was later described as a 'Forced Trojan Horse'. The Allied forces there allowed the burning ship to land as they scrambled their fire suppression crews and the place was taken with almost no shots fired. It was of course a sound victory for the Independents and proved a pivotal invasion that affected the outcome of four other engagements. Anyone visiting the planet can still see one of the containers from this operation. It now serves as a kind of pub for the Depot and bears the name 'On the Rocks'. This name stems from one of the earliest local colloquialisms and has nothing to do with the mission connected to the container.

As for the planet and moon, they appear relatively unremarkable when viewed from above. Ra Amiran is primarily white with a blueish green hue. Ra Amiran is relatively uniform in color apart from a dark swath across the southern hemisphere. There is also a noticeable depression on one side due to a large impact from a much earlier time. Namira is pale grey and covered in frozen deposits of water and ammonia. From high altitudes she is as unremarkable as her neighbor. Upon closer view however, the surface of Namira is littered with so many of the most spectacular impact craters captured in ice that she has been photographed three times as much as Ra Amiran.

Vargr did a wonderful render of the planet and moon based on the decription.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 9:44 PM



Originally posted by ShadowTek:

Also there is text in white sun area:
4.722 AU Li Si
4.722 AU Zhao Gao
Tide (Fusu)4.722 AU
4.722 AUHuhai
4.722 AU Jianglu
Changjiao4.722 AU
4.722 AUIsis

Any idea what that is for?

Thanks for the info :)

They are some of Qin Shi Huang's Lagrangian Asteroids. The VIN and ARC 2.0 both list the Lagrangian Asteroids of the various systems.

Did the original Savior version have the Georgia and Kalidasa systems swapped?


Sunday, January 22, 2012 10:53 PM



Thanks for all the info, I just wasn't sure what they were so wasn't sure what to add, thanks for explaining..

I have re-added the two orbits and added the two mini planets and moons, I think thats great that the community is keeping the verse going (Thats what I'm trying to do! fan content is great to add! ) Also I added a new designator (m) for mining.. I even used that image to make the planet :)

Thanks for all that great info, see updated map in first post :)

Speaking of the Kalidasa system, I'm dreading building that system, its huge

EDIT: CRAP!!! Uggg I see what you mean.. that will be fun to fix.. no thats a ME error, crap :(

Updated first map image Georgia and Kalidasa systems are where there supposed to be now. Thanks yellowjacket for pointing that out!! (And yes I'm a moron lol )


Monday, January 23, 2012 3:35 PM


Updated First image.

Todays Updates:
1. Swapped Georgia and Kalidasa systems (Cause I'm stupid)
2. Added Deep Space Stations
3. Added the Cortex Relay Stations
4. fixed more planet orbits (I was missing two and one system had one too many)
5. Finished The Blue System (all planets, suns and moons added) *geez Fury has allot of moons*
6. added the ships I'm gonna use in the map in the legend.
7. added Dukkha and Ra Amiran and moons as mentioned above

As usual please point out any errors you find (Like the HUGE one YELLOWJACKET pointed out)

EDIT: Updated first post image, Im 1/2 way done with the Red System, I finished the main system, but I still have the two outside suns planets and moons to add. (each has 4 planets + moons)

Also Added Reaver Ships to correct locations.


Monday, January 23, 2012 6:04 PM



Originally posted by ShadowTek:
5. Finished The Blue System (all planets, suns and moons added) *geez Fury has allot of moons*

Actually, Jupiter has 64 named natural satellites. Saturn has 62. This was major deciding factor to add fan content. Too few satellites in the Verse. Fury probably has three or four dozen more that have too little mass to terraform with an atmosphere.

I love your additions of space stations and cortex relay stations.


Monday, January 23, 2012 6:21 PM



Originally posted by yellowjacket:

Originally posted by ShadowTek:
5. Finished The Blue System (all planets, suns and moons added) *geez Fury has allot of moons*

Actually, Jupiter has 64 named natural satellites. Saturn has 62. This was major deciding factor to add fan content. Too few satellites in the Verse. Fury probably has three or four dozen more that have too little mass to terraform with an atmosphere.

I love your additions of space stations and cortex relay stations.

Thanks! For the cortex relay stations I loaded up my Serenity DVD and screen captured Mr Universe's planet and used that to make them, but I also added the asteroid in the middle so people have a better understanding of what they are :)


Monday, January 23, 2012 6:53 PM


*Actually, Jupiter has 64 named natural satellites. Saturn has 62. This was major deciding factor to add fan content. Too few satellites in the Verse. Fury probably has three or four dozen more that have too little mass to terraform with an atmosphere.*

So true, as far as I'm concerned, if its in the ARC or TVBN its official :) and will be added. Once the main systems are done, I may go back and add your asteroids that are in planet orbits as well, as I want it to be as detailed as possible.

Also note you can use my map in anyway you like, as it is a fan contribution to the Firefly community, Not that you may find a use for it, but just saying.

You or anyone here can modify this map as they see fit :) (just ask me for a non-compressed version of the image) I'm just making it as I'm new to Firefly and I'm hooked and love it!! But yeah I realize I'm a few years too late lol

NOTE: I only have 44 more planets to add and all there moons


Monday, January 23, 2012 9:33 PM


Added the following info to first post, I will probably add something similar to the map:

Important notes on below map:

1. Planets are NOT in there actual sizes in relations to each other, each planet is "Blown up" to show what they look like. However gas giants (like Fury) have been made big to show there size.

2. Obviously things like ships, DSS, and ACRS appear larger then they actually are, its to show what they look like and locations.. so you can find them :)

3. Automated Cortex Relay Stations are asteroids that were "Bumped" into orbit (in some cases) that were terraformed and have a crazy electric atmosphere, There purpose is to allow communication in all 5 star systems and anywhere in "The Verse". They all have massive communication base's built on them.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:21 PM


Todays update (first image updated)

One of the biggest pains in making this map is adding unique planet images, so I got it all out of the way..

ALL Planets have been added to all systems!!!!

Added that unique double planet orbit to 5th orbit of Georgia.

Added a missing orbit to the mini system in Kalidasa (Penglai)

I still have to name them all and add moons to Georgia and Kalidasa and the outside two orbits of the Red Sun System.

I gave all gas giants a slight glow to differentiate them from normal planets. (and made sure there all in the correct locations)

Update 2: Red Sun System is done!
Update 3: Fixed text color for two outside orbit systems in Red Sun System (opps)
Update 4: Named all stars, Improved the save quality (should not look so "J-peggy" now).. Fixed a error in White Sun System where I had a moon with same name as planet..

3 down, 2 to go...


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 6:33 PM


Georgia System Completed! (First post image updated)
Cleaned up overall image allot. Should look really clear, even for a jpg!

One system left, should be able to finish last system tomorrow, But its the largest one


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 6:45 PM


Small correction. You've named one of Liann Juin's moons Liann Juin.

It's looking fantastic. It's nice to see someone obsessing about the Verse.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 7:29 PM



Originally posted by yellowjacket:
Small correction. You've named one of Liann Juin's moons Liann Juin.

It's looking fantastic. It's nice to see someone obsessing about the Verse.

Thanks! Fixed! Also fixed all Blue System text to be clearer (I messed it up when I cleaned up the image)

Yeah obsessing is what I'm doing, having recently discovered the "Verse" and having allot of time on my hands ATM, It gives me something to do (I'm on a medical leave from my work, so have allot of time on my hands )

BTW, Its basically 100% based off the "Arc of the Verse" though the "Verse in Numbers" is a great guide, it doesn't fit into what I'm building..

This map is basically the ARC in graphical form. I'll probably name it as such.

PS.. Updated first image

EDIT: Actually, see image (top right corner, uploaded again) as this work is based almost fully on the ARC of the Verse, it would not be fair to not mention as much, I also posted a link to the ARC in the image.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 9:50 PM


All Systems Completed!!!!!

Please look closely at all planets/systems/moons etc and PLEASE post any errors..

Note look at Sigma Six.. is that correct? its look? Its posted as a asteroid cluster..

Let me know what you think...

I only have to add ships around the place (in fleet locations) and create the mini-systems showing there actual locations..

Please also post any additions you would like to see.. like maybe asteroid orbits and such..

Also If you would like a specific background added let me know..

Edit: If anyone knows or has suggestions on where Alliance fleets would be located at, please post your ideas..


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 11:07 PM


I have updated the second post to show a background image.. don't worry I wont update it again (as every time I do the cashe on your computer is updated, but once loaded, its there)

I uploaded that image to show how cool a background can look. But its compressed big time to reduce its size, the oriiginal looks allot better. The image is full size.. (right click open in new window/tab)

NOTE: I'm not done with the map yet, I still have to add the mini system images to show actual locations of the systems!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 4:52 AM



Originally posted by ShadowTek:
This map is basically the ARC in graphical form. I'll probably name it as such.

Funny, I keep thinking of it as the CNC (Celestial Navigation Chart of the Verse).


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:27 AM


Looking at how the border (teal) and rim (red) worlds are colour-coded; it might be best to find another colour for the core worlds other than white.

It can be hard to tell at a glance which are core worlds and which are uninhabited and/or being terraformed.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 11:22 AM


First image updated, I added the system locations.. After thinking about it, I didnt see the point in actually creating mini systems, I simply added the stars (you'll see)

The planets that are the core are in white, if there being terraformed they will have a (*) by there name and if they cant be terraformed they will have a (x) by there name. But I guess I could change the color (lot of work though lol)


Funny, I keep thinking of it as the CNC (Celestial Navigation Chart of the Verse)

Hey thats pretty good, can I steal that

EDIT: Opps I put Kalidasa in wrong orbit.. Have to fix that. "FIXED"

If anyone wants the 10 meg .tiff of the map in its current state as of this post, here it is:
*EDIT* See First Post


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 3:18 PM



Looking at how the border (teal) and rim (red) worlds are colour-coded; it might be best to find another colour for the core worlds other than white.

It can be hard to tell at a glance which are core worlds and which are uninhabited and/or being terraformed.

Actually I have a solution, I'll change the color of the text for the terraformed Info in the legend

EDIT: Updated first post image with both ideas, Yellowjackets cool new name and changed the terraformed text color :)

I also updated the .tiff link above with new version :)

Its pretty much done short of plucking down ships here and there..

Added one of each of the private and alliance ships to the map, added link to .tiff file in first post as well.. Its done unless you guys want more ships or want a background or something else added.

Changed name of the thread to "Celestial Navigation Chart of the Verse"

Thanks for all the help and support, let me know if you want anything added, Enjoy!


Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:35 AM


Big Cosmetic Update!

Hello, all links in first post have been updated.

One thing that had been bugging me was that some of the planets were sub-par, so...

I replaced more then half of the planet images, I wanted to make sure all were unique and I replaced all the crappy planet images.. Many had just looked like colored balls, now they all should look like planets (for the most part)

I also added shadows to many of the planets.

I changed New Canaan to a ring world as that planet has a ring around it (plus I really wanted to add a ring planet lol.)

Edit: Also note I made the red and blue stars a little bigger (and look better) and the rar download now contains a PNG file rather then a TIFF file as they look the same in quality but the PNG is 2 megs smaller.


Thursday, January 26, 2012 3:42 PM


Final Update *Its Really Done Now*
(sorry for all the updates, I just wanted it to be perfect, well as perfect as within my power to make it anyway)

Fixed a few more planets, Made another ring world I missed (was a normal planet before).
I couldn't let it go as final until I fixed all text to be clear (left over from when I was saving it wrong) all text is now crystal clear (re-did all white sun and most red sun text)

First Post updated for the last time (Short of any errors people find or requests)

It is 100% Finished! (For real this time lol)

BTW I just discovered this FFF.Net 2.0 very nice!!!


Friday, January 27, 2012 9:15 AM


I modified the first post and got rid of all the garbage there (text wise lol)and I removed the second background image (no need for it), I think you guys may be right, it looks better without a background, but I'll experiment, If you find one that might look cool but not be too intrusive, let me know.

On a side note, Are they gonna make this FFF.NET 2.0 the main site? I really like it and didn't even realize it existed until yesterday, Id been using that other site. This site is 100% better IMO Very cool :)

EDIT: I re-uploaded the large file download, I was able to reduce it to under 8 megs AND I went and by hand removed all JPG artifacts that were on the image, you dont have to re-download.. but its smaller, and more clear, and has no jpg artifacts.. its the same map.. just better, smaller and clearer..


Saturday, January 28, 2012 12:03 PM


You asked for mentions of errors.
This week is the first I've seen this, haven't been able to visit in a while.

If you were interested, some discussion of the map of the verse and VIN and Navigation and Travel in the Verse was done, and most af these threads are listed in Blue Sun Room in a thread titled Writer's Resource Package.

Off the top of my head:
The sun orbits seem too uniform, I didn't recall the distance from Halo to Yellow/Red Sun orbits to be similar to Kalidasa to Blue orbits, nor from Comm Satelite orbit to Kalidasa either - I was thinking the outer orbits were farther apart from each other than the inner orbit distances.
I'll need to get a better view of your image and recheck my maps.

You seem to have 16 Comm Satelites in that ring, and I was thinking it was less, like 6 or 12.

One thing which seems confusing is the different scales.
Perhaps, like on normal maps, show the Sun (like Yellow Sun) and it's orbiting planets in the same scale on the big map, and then have your blow-ups off to the side (outside the Blue Sun Ring) like maps have, like more detail of major cities, referred to as inserts.

Did you intend to show the offset plane of the tilted system? I forget which one, Red or Blue Sun? The orbital plane was like 15 or 30 degrees off of the plane of the rest of the system, which would show as elliptical when viewed from above the primary plane.

Of course, I don't think the wrong location of the planet Maidenhead Bar was on was ever corrected, so you likely have the same issue on your version.

I tried opening the fullsize of that image, and it was downloaded as a RAR file - what is that, and is there a free version of software to open it? What happened to the PNG version you mentioned above?


Saturday, January 28, 2012 12:27 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Perhaps, like on normal maps, show the Sun (like Yellow Sun) and it's orbiting planets in the same scale on the big map,

Well, realistically, a sun and its orbiting planets wouldn't be visible at the same scale.

See here for an example:

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, January 28, 2012 12:28 PM


Hi Thanks for the feedback!


You asked for mentions of errors.
This week is the first I've seen this, haven't been able to visit in a while.

If you were interested, some discussion of the map of the verse and VIN and Navigation and Travel in the Verse was done, and most af these threads are listed in Blue Sun Room in a thread titled Writer's Resource Package.

Ok I'll check it out, I'm new here so haven't found everything yet :)


Off the top of my head:
The sun orbits seem too uniform, I didn't recall the distance from Halo to Yellow/Red Sun orbits to be similar to Kalidasa to Blue orbits, nor from Comm Satelite orbit to Kalidasa either - I was thinking the outer orbits were farther apart from each other than the inner orbit distances.
I'll need to get a better view of your image and recheck my maps.

Yeah orbits are not in perspective, Nor is planet size or sun size. Maybe I could add a <--- distance ---> between each orbit? If you know what they are? Also I didn't want the image to be any bigger then it already is.


You seem to have 16 Comm Satelites in that ring, and I was thinking it was less, like 6 or 12.

Theres 11 in one ring and 4 in another, I got the info from this:

Is it wrong?


One thing which seems confusing is the different scales.
Perhaps, like on normal maps, show the Sun (like Yellow Sun) and it's orbiting planets in the same scale on the big map, and then have your blow-ups off to the side (outside the Blue Sun Ring) like maps have, like more detail of major cities, referred to as inserts.

I can try and make some mini systems in scale. I originally used the actual QM mini images they released to the public as the mini systems (see my old "Outdated map thread" for how I did it) But wasn't sure that would be cool or not to use them as there copyrighted.


Did you intend to show the offset plane of the tilted system? I forget which one, Red or Blue Sun? The orbital plane was like 15 or 30 degrees off of the plane of the rest of the system, which would show as elliptical when viewed from above the primary plane.

No, just that they were irregular orbits.
EDIT: Oh I see what you ment, I didnt know that, if you can figure out which one, I can make its orbit green (and make a new legend entry..


Of course, I don't think the wrong location of the planet Maidenhead Bar was on was ever corrected, so you likely have the same issue on your version.

Where should it be at? Let me know!

Thanks for the feedback and help :)



Well, realistically, a sun and its orbiting planets wouldn't be visible at the same scale.

See here for an example:

Wow thats one hell of a scale! Took me a bit to figure out I had to scroll right to see the scale lol, thanks for posting that, its very informative :)


Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:44 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Of course, I don't think the wrong location of the planet Maidenhead Bar was on was ever corrected, so you likely have the same issue on your version.

I tried opening the fullsize of that image, and it was downloaded as a RAR file - what is that, and is there a free version of software to open it? What happened to the PNG version you mentioned above?

I'm going to throw the hand grenade that JewelStaiteFan pulled the pin from. But first, open the RAR file with free The PNG version map is inside.

Mal said, "I'm sick a' carrying tourists anyhow. We'll be on Beaumonde in ten hours time, you can pick up your earnings and be on your merry." In ten hours, Mal goes from robbing Lilac to splitting the loot in Beaumonde with Mingo and Fanty at the Maidenhead bar. Lilac circles the star popularly called Blue Sun while Beaumonde circles the star Kalidasa. To go from star to star in ten hours isn't much time unless . . .
Beaumonde is in the wrong place on the official QMx map of the Verse. These kind of mistakes can happen in imaginary Universes.

JewelStaiteFan figured it out long ago: "If Beaumonde is in fact in the Blue Sun system, then all onscreen portrayals of travel and elapsed time are reasonable. . . . From Lilac, 10 hours is not even enough to leave the Blue Sun system, so this further adds weight to the idea that Beaumonde is not located in Kalidasa, but in Blue Sun." -

Kaboom! goes the hand grenade, but no one's mind is changed about which star Beaumonde orbits.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity", where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 29, 2012 10:33 AM


Ok, Does anybody disagree that Beaumonde should be moved?

In the meantime heres the PNG for those that want Beaumonde in the Blue Sun System:
EDIT: Fixed a error


Sunday, January 29, 2012 1:02 PM



Did you intend to show the offset plane of the tilted system? I forget which one, Red or Blue Sun? The orbital plane was like 15 or 30 degrees off of the plane of the rest of the system, which would show as elliptical when viewed from above the primary plane.

Assuming its the Blue Sun System, Ive added a green glow and made a new entry in the legend, its not elliptical from above (I dont want to re-draw the whole system), but its shown as a irregular orbit.. Below is a PNG showing the new entry (With Beaumonde in the Blue Sun System) If anyone wants it(Edit: Fixed a goof):

EDIT: I actually could show it as a elliptical from above if you guys really want that..

EDIT 2:Added below


Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ShadowTek:
Ok, Does anybody disagree that Beaumonde should be moved?

In the meantime heres the PNG for those that want Beaumonde in the Blue Sun System:
EDIT: Fixed a error

If you're doing parallel universes, I've got a suggestion.

I've always championed Sygnus as the name for Mr Universe's moon. The official description does not roll easily off the tongue: Kalidasa + 150 degrees, A/2260(White Sun)r25m9 in Cortex Relay Station Ring 2. I think it is the relay station that's 1000 pixels from the left edge and 1500 pixels from the top, which puts it right where it needs to be for the Reavers to chase Serenity.

Sygnus can be confused with the word Cygnus, the Swan constellation. Mr Universe spells everything phonetically. He was on a crusade to rationalize spelling.

And besides, Sygnus sounds like sickness, which describes Mr Universe. He probably played retro-games written on Earth with his humping robot, Lenore. With her quick reflexes, Lenore could always win, but the robot knows it is better to let Mister win. It makes him feel good about himself, which means he will buy her more pretty dresses and refill her K-Y lubricant reservoir.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity", where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:30 PM


Hi, Ok here is a PNG where the Blue Sun has a elliptical from above orbit. I'll probably make this the official version unless people really disagree with Beaumonde in the Blue Sun System.


If you're doing parallel universes, I've got a suggestion.

I've always championed Sygnus as the name for Mr Universe's moon. The official description does not roll easily off the tongue: Kalidasa + 150 degrees, A/2260(White Sun)r25m9 in Cortex Relay Station Ring 2. I think it is the relay station that's 1000 pixels from the left edge and 1500 pixels from the top, which puts it right where it needs to be for the Reavers to chase Serenity.

Sygnus can be confused with the word Cygnus, the Swan constellation. Mr Universe spells everything phonetically. He was on a crusade to rationalize spelling.

And besides, Sygnus sounds like sickness, which describes Mr Universe. He probably played retro-games written on Earth with his humping robot, Lenore. With her quick reflexes, Lenore could always win, but the robot knows it is better to let Mister win. It makes him feel good about himself, which means he will buy her more pretty dresses and refill her K-Y lubricant reservoir.

Hi not so much off a Alt Verse, though there is at the moment.. I can look into adding that :)

EDIT: Here You Go:


Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:39 PM


In OMR they are 6 days from Beaumonde after leaving Triumph. It takes about that long to cross the verse meaning Red Sun is not near Beaumonde in Kalidasa but opposite the verse like Blue Sun.
This is not canon, the Map of the Verse is. I mentioned it due to your request for input and how you deal with it, or not, is your choice.

Blue Sun is perpendicular so would look like a flat line, and red Sun has only one protostar with planets with offset orbit plane
Hope that helps.


Sunday, January 29, 2012 6:21 PM


Beaumonde is the one that people talk of most when they talk of the Complete and Official Map of the Verse. When making the ARC I chose to follow the Verse in Numbers which follows the Complete and Official Map, but the Beaumonde issue remains.

Still, the CNC is a beautiful layout and I like what you've done with it. On another note, are you getting my messages?


Sunday, January 29, 2012 9:03 PM



Originally posted by yellowjacket:
Beaumonde is the one that people talk of most when they talk of the Complete and Official Map of the Verse. When making the ARC I chose to follow the Verse in Numbers which follows the Complete and Official Map, but the Beaumonde issue remains.

Still, the CNC is a beautiful layout and I like what you've done with it. On another note, are you getting my messages?

Your Msgs? No how do I get them.. sorry man.. I would never ignor a msg from you, just tell me where to find them. Also what do you think of the points made about the location of the Beaumonde planet in the Blue Sun System.. you have to admit they have one hell of a good case for its relocation.. Please let me know why you DONT feel it should me moved? Im just asking as Im a graphics/programmer fool and I dont want to cause any issues.. but to be honest, from what I read.. Beaumonde seems like it should be moved... If you think different, could say why?

Thanks for the kind comments about my map, Im truly honored to get that kind of comment from you. I checked the comments supporting it myself, and it seems valid.. (that its in wrong place)


Monday, January 30, 2012 5:01 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ShadowTek:
Hi not so much of a Alt Verse, though there is at the moment.. I can look into adding that :)

EDIT: Here You Go:

Mr Universe would be very pleased that his moon is now officially called Sygnus on the Map of the 'Verse. He always wanted to live on a little world all his own.

The Alliance bureaucracy told him that he was trespassing on A/2260(White Sun)R25m9 and would not change the moon's name based on a written petition with only two signatures, his and Lenore's. Mr Universe called them Fascists, using the old word the bureaucrats do not understand. Then he ran away from the government office before the police, with their guns, arrived.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 30, 2012 5:25 AM



Originally posted by ShadowTek:

Your Msgs? No how do I get them.

Messages should be going to the email for your account.

As for Beaumonde, I don't disagree. Based on all of the arguments for travel, Beaumonde is in the wrong place. I wouldn't base your decision solely on my opinion or in keeping with the Verse in Numbers. The common opinion is that Beaumonde should be in the Blue Sun System.


Originally posted by two:
Mr Universe would be very pleased that his moon is now officially called Sygnus on the Map of the 'Verse. He always wanted to live on a little world all his own.

I'll put that in the hopper for the next update of the ARC as well. I like the name.


Monday, January 30, 2012 5:35 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
In OMR they are 6 days from Beaumonde after leaving Triumph. It takes about that long to cross the verse meaning Red Sun is not near Beaumonde in Kalidasa but opposite the verse like Blue Sun.
This is not canon, the Map of the Verse is. I mentioned it due to your request for input and how you deal with it, or not, is your choice.

Blue Sun is perpendicular so would look like a flat line, and red Sun has only one protostar with planets with offset orbit plane
Hope that helps.

Hi, I appreciate it and I agree, its been moved, but I think your mixing up your stars, the Red System is the one on the same orbit as Kalidasa, The Blue System is the one in the far orbit and has a different orbit from all the rest. (The Red star has two protostars, the Blue star has only one)


Monday, January 30, 2012 5:40 AM



Originally posted by yellowjacket:

Originally posted by ShadowTek:

Your Msgs? No how do I get them.

Messages should be going to the email for your account.

As for Beaumonde, I don't disagree. Based on all of the arguments for travel, Beaumonde is in the wrong place. I wouldn't base your decision solely on my opinion or in keeping with the Verse in Numbers. The common opinion is that Beaumonde should be in the Blue Sun System.

I'll put that in the hopper for the next update of the ARC as well. I like the name.

Ahh ok, I saw them, I'll make those changes :) I was looking on the site for them, I didn't realize the msgs came as e-mail.


Originally posted by two:
Mr Universe would be very pleased that his moon is now officially called Sygnus on the Map of the 'Verse. He always wanted to live on a little world all his own.

The Alliance bureaucracy told him that he was trespassing on A/2260(White Sun)R25m9 and would not change the moon's name based on a written petition with only two signatures, his and Lenore's. Mr Universe called them Fascists, using the old word the bureaucrats do not understand. Then he ran away from the government office before the police, with their guns, arrived.


EDIT: I fixed up first post and uploaded latest version, also as Ive been naming the image everything under the sun, I'll always call it CNC, I also added a version number so that people can tell when its updated (I'll also name the rar with version number)

Another Edit: I re-did the blue star in its new orbit to be more professorial looking (I was being lazy lol)

Also I fixed Angel & Zephyr to share the same orbit in Kalidasa (Thanks Yellowjacket)


Monday, January 30, 2012 9:06 AM



Absolutely brilliant! Good job Shadowtek.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Monday, January 30, 2012 11:08 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Absolutely brilliant! Good job Shadowtek.


Small Update:
I added the 2 missing (x)'s to the gas giants in Georgia.

That should be it unless someone finds any more errors or wants something else added






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