If Firefly was animé (fanvid alert)

UPDATED: Monday, August 30, 2004 10:44
VIEWED: 5867
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Monday, August 9, 2004 2:18 PM


Recently found this over on

Only downloaded it now, 'cause 54 megs is over four hours in dialup time.

The Ballad of Bebop. Technically I guess it's a Cowboy Bebop fanvid, but it's downright eerie how well this fits.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:16 PM


I actually got into Firefly because a friend of mine said it was the most Cowboy-Bebop-like show since CB itself. If I didn't have to wait two gorram weeks before I could download from, I'd be all over this.

Do you know anywhere else I can download it?


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:11 AM


Arrggh, having to wait 2 weeks until you can download? Bah!! Maybe the fanvid creator could post it somehwere else?


Vince in Rex the Runt


Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:02 AM


firefly is ALOT like cowboy bebop(bebop came out first), its my absolute favorite anime of all time. this show is too cool for school. all of your guys that are sleepin on bebop need to wake up.

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!


Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:16 AM


I sent off an Email to the creator, asking if I can host it on Kazaa, but like I said, I'm on diallup. Either way, waiting to hear back.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 9:20 AM


Hopefully you'll hear back, in two weeks I'll probably foget I signed up.
I like Beebop too but Lain and Neon Genesis are my favorites.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:29 PM


neon genesis evangelion is the greatest anime of all time. nothing in the anime genre comes close to it. sci fi fans should make it a priority to watch the series and the two movies.

but fans of firefly should check out bebop.

the opening sequence will beat your ass.

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!


Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:43 PM


I've heard that a live action movie of Neon Genesis is in the works.


Friday, August 13, 2004 8:15 AM


It is indeed, though I'm hearing conflicting accounts on if it's to be a Japanese-only thing, or if it'll eventually be exported to America. Hopefully it won't suck (since Death & Rebirth definitively proved that you can't compress the series into a two-hour movie). I also hope they somehow keep Asuka's crack about Shinji being an "animated turnip" intact. Best non-Joss line ever.

And yeah, I've heard back, and put "Ballad of Bebop" into my shared Kazaa folder. I'll be on later tonight (I'm working on something now, and Kazaa eats too much bandwidth to let me multitask) and on occasion throughout the weekend as JediBeast. Like I said though, I'm on diallup, so it'll be slow-going. Those of you who grab it are welcome to host it as well, to make my load easier.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, August 13, 2004 8:29 AM



Originally posted by Beatle:
I've heard that a live action movie of Neon Genesis is in the works.

i know, its horrible. theres no way this will be good. you cant compress the whole series in one movie. shoot, even a trilogy cant tell the glory that is eva.

im boycotting.

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!


Friday, August 13, 2004 9:34 AM


I've heard they are also thinking of changing the nationality of the pilots.
Here's where I read some of the info..

I would love to see a live action movie but I agree that it would be tough to fit all that information in two hours. I'd hate to be really disappointed.


Friday, August 13, 2004 10:05 AM



Originally posted by Beatle:
I've heard they are also thinking of changing the nationality of the pilots.
Here's where I read some of the info..

I would love to see a live action movie but I agree that it would be tough to fit all that information in two hours. I'd hate to be really disappointed.

yeah my friend told me that they might make them american and change their names which is total B.S.

i KNOW it will be dissapointing. and i just hope people go out and watch the anime series before they see the crap movie because if they see the movie first it will ruin it for them. man, what a way to taint the legacy of the greatest anime ever made.

thanks for the link btw.

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!


Friday, August 13, 2004 12:44 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I'll be on later tonight

It's later. Come and get it!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, August 13, 2004 1:58 PM


What should I search for to find it?


Saturday, August 14, 2004 4:29 AM


Should be findable via "Ballad of Bebop" or by my handle, "JediBeast."

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, August 14, 2004 6:12 AM


Whoa! There is another Lain fan out there. I think I'm the only one in my town who digs the series (that I know of). Once again proving that Firefly fans have good taste.

Sorry I don't have much to post about the topic directly, but Bebop is definitely awesome in all its forms and it sounds like this incarnation as an AMV does both series justice.

Oh, I've been trying to convert my Trigun obsessed friends to check out Firefly as well. Six words, DEEP SPACE PLANET FUTURE GUN ACTION. I hope that got the message across to them. So we'll hope and pray and quite possibly add two new fans to the series (they're my first converts).

And if you like Bebop and Trigun and you're a Firefly fan as of now, I'm sure you do or should know of the infamous Tainted Donuts AMV.

Smooth space sailing folks.

P.S. w00t w00t to all the Eva fans out there, beautiful and shiny series that it is


Saturday, August 14, 2004 1:35 PM



Originally posted by standing8:
neon genesis evangelion is the greatest anime of all time. nothing in the anime genre comes close to it. sci fi fans should make it a priority to watch the series and the two movies.

but fans of firefly should check out bebop.

I am a die hard sci-fi fan. And I didn't like Evangelion at all.
Greatest of all time? Surely you're kidding. It was okay. It sort of misrepresented itself on a number of levels. I did like some plot points. But the whole thing starts to slowly fall apart after a while. Especially that Adam and Eve ending that one of the movies had. I'll give you this, it starts out great. The first seven episodes are great. As an overal series, nope. The movies they've made? Nope again. Not great. How much anime have you seen? We're talking about a great bunch of shows in the late seventies and early 80's. And a string of remarkable series in the 90's. We're talking about a medium that has thousands upon thousands of entries. And Evangelion is suppose to be the greatest? That nothing comes close? You're entitled to your own views. I just can't support them. Because it's not true. My disdain doesn't come from the show introducing a realistic hero. I liked that. I just think the show overall isn't great. It's original take of mechas but it's just not the greatest anime of all time. There's a flaw in the storytelling. Sure there are some interesting plots. Some we've seen before. Some we haven't.

How is Evangelion better than even Cowboy Bebop, which you have mentioned. The storytelling in that series is head and shoulders above Evangelion. How is it better than Rurouni Kenshin or Escaflowne for that matter? I'd say it's in the top twenty. But it's not the greatest. How is it even better than Chobits, which i also don't like. How can it leap frog over all the Gundams? Which at one time had a point! Greatest? To say that nothing in the anime genre comes close to Evangelion shows that perhaps you need to see more anime, friend. Which is not a slight. There were people proclaiming that DBZ was the greatest anime ever, when it was just something new to them. Heck, I liked Saikano better than Eva. And that show hurts my head. Let's just call it the best show you've seen in the anime genre. Because it's not the greatest of all time. That has to go to a series that has great art and tells an incredible story. Eva has great art, and tells an interesting story. But it does not keep you interested. It can rather piss you off. Even if the cold characters don't matter to you.

Besides Evangelion is not a better show than Trigun. And Trigun isn't the greastest anime of all time. So where does that put Evangelion. Goodness, why'd you have to bring up this show! I tend to babble on about how it's not the greatest show whenever somone says it is. That argument used to happen alot years ago. Not so much these days. These days you ask someone what's the greatest anime of all time they'll give you a bunch of different anime. There are alot of anime shows that have better storytelling going on then EVA does.

Okay, back to what I originally wanted to say. Cowboy Bebop would be a good show to recommend to any Firefly fan. Though they are two very different shows. There a few things that are similarities . [How Jet acts is similar to the way Mal does. But they aren't the same. Their two men harden but who seem to keep letting vagabonds onto their ships.] Also their planetary systems are similar. That's about it. Goodness, did I just write a novel, or what.


Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:00 PM


How is it a crap movie when it hasn't even been made yet. Last I heard Gainax is working with Weta to make it. If their names are going to be changed then they are going to be changed. It all depends on how they plan on marketing the film. Though I will concide that storyline wise it would be silly to set this in America. Because There is an America in the storyline. [Though most of the characters look american.]

And once again it's not the greatest anime of all time. :)


Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:08 PM


haha, you can find 20 MORE ways to say that eva isnt the GOAT but it dosent make it any less true.

pound for pound it has to be eva. i am far from what you call a "religious" person but the way religion is intertwined into this series is unlike anything ive ever seen in any other anime. very intelligent, very planned and thought out and at the same time its so off the wall. and how the series switched lanes on the audience from the start and how it finished. people thought it was your typical, simple "giant robot" anime but it became so much more near the end. the ideas thought up for this anime is either a mind of a genius or a madman. anno was both most likely.

bla bla bla to your complaints about storytelling. im not even trying to hear it. at the end you get to know the characters every thought and feeling. you knew EVERYTHING about these characters. and anno dosent need a DBZ run of episodes for you to do it. and to top it off, it showed the depth of the relationship between the creator(s) of a series and its fans. how alot of the fans felt cheated and angry at anno and even made death threats to him. and anno responding with "the end of eva" as the big "FUCK YOU" to fans and critics. gotta love it.

the scene where "third impact" was occuring in "the end of eva" is the most AMAZING thing i have seen in any anime and maybe in any movie for that matter. the world ending while "kom susser tod" is playing in the background is genius.(such a happy song to have on while the world ends) when youre done watching that sequence, i thought to myself "theres no way, that actually came from the inside of someones mind. its too INSANE." the series, is pound for pound untouchable as far as originality, shock value and brilliance goes imo.

haha youre comparing to gundam?! and chobits?! lol! nice try. none of the shows you listed COMBINED are as deep and complex as eva. comparing series duch as gundam with episodes numbering into the hundreds and comparing it to anno's masterpiece which only has a run of 27 episodes and 2 movies just strengthens evas argument. you must like alot of filler anime where quantity of episodes equals greatness. anno did it with a handful and near the end ran out of money and STILL managed to pull it off.

people dissect and analyze eva and the themes and the characters and what everything means. people simply WATCH the animes you listed. so go ahead and make your claims about how i need to see more anime and this and that and bla bla bla. cause you not liking eva dosent change anything really.

but keep barking if you like...

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!


Saturday, August 14, 2004 3:14 PM


Nah I wasn't comparing it to Gundam or Chobits. I did say I didn't like Chobits. Perhaps you missed it.I very much dislike anything Clamp puts out. Though I have to say that there have been at least two Gundams that I have enjoyed more than this. I am saying that those names come up. Those are shows that people rank before EVA. For whatever reason. Heck, I enjoyed Stand Alone Complex more than EVA. And as we all know that pretty much stinks on ice. Many people do not like EVA because of the religious aspects that it takes. Which I think is interesting. Others like me just can't get into the story, because it's not a very good one. As I said, I liked some of the plots. The religous aspects didn't really bother me because it's nothing more than a tv show. I know some people theme the series as this complex work of psedu modern art. Which is fine. I myself liked the ideals that were instilled in some of the early Gundam series. Y'know things that actually can happen. That's the best sci-fi right there, chief. It's more believeble that a kid can pilot a killing machine in a war he wants no part in than a story that is basically about the destruction and recreation of the world. Because that's all Eva is. Rework it all you want, that's the story. There are some interesting plot points to it. Some very interesting things do happen. But at the end of the day anyone who watches has to look beyond a collection of ideas and see the overall picture. One has to ask one's self if the story itself is impressive. If it has moved you and made you care about the verse it takes place in. Can something be great if you don't care about what happens to anyone? Eva left me stone cold. I wished they all died. Well, except Misado, and the penguin. For something to be great, as in the greatest of all time it has to speak to you on a deeper level than depression. I am not saying everything has to be smiles. The greatest anything has to achieve greatness. It has to involve it's audience on an emotional level. It has to make it's audience think. It has to make them care. And it most evolve. It is true that Eva makes you think. But it never makes you care. It never draws you in that way. Instead you antiscipate what happens next in the plot. Not whether the characters live or die. Because it doesn't matter. Even if that's the purpose of the plot. You never care about the characters anyway.

Dude, how dare you dismiss the storytelling! At the end of the day that's what everything is about. The story! I am well aware of the years people have put into thinking what everything means. But a psychological question that does not relent does not match up with character developement. People have had those same discussions for silly animations such as .hack. Almost every good animation can be discussed on deep levels. That just falls into the realm of a plot point. Which are interesting. Some people, most just let it go. Others slide into an X-Files like , truth is out there scully existence. It's interesting. But still the story does not speak to every level of human emotion. Eva doesn't, and never has. It's a nice take on giant robots. It goes some places no one has gone. Well at least in the same series. It's interesting. But at the end of the day it's about story.

Of course you get to know the characters over the course of the series. But there's too many conspiracies, and bells and whistles. Perhaps too many characters. I know for sure there's too many characters that don't matter. Eva takes an interesting story and drives it into the ground. Where's the character developement? Some have it, many just seem like they were thrown against the wall to see if they'd stuck.

Again how is this better than Trigun? A show that makes you feel for the characters and their plight. A show that makes you care about what's going on. About who lives and dies. How is Eva better than that? Answer it isn't. Back when the internet boomed there were two shows people just had to see. I just mentioned one of them. You praise the other. At the end of the day it's all about the story, chief.

I liked the Shinji character . Some of the Nerv stuff was interesting. I liked the way the series had a vintage feel. Vintage sci-fi not anime. But at the end of the day, it's about storytelling. At the end of the day it's a good series. It's just not the greatest of all time. :) There's a point in which the series basically tells you what's going to happen. When it does it's grim, it's cold. And it does not matter. It's a good series. Prehaps even great. Yet, I don't think it is factual to call it the greatest. People dissect, and analyze more manga than just EVA. As you can see people like to yap about nothing in general for the most part. [This might throw you for a loop. But I like EVA's manga. And it's only slightly different. But we don't call that the greatest manga of all time. Now do we.] It's also not that complext of a story. If you know different versions of the creation story then you know the story. I think religious people who have seen it were pissed because in some ways it does take some of those themes and shake them up. Me, I don't really care. It's just a story people. A good one. Just not the greatest of all time :P

I love lively discussions [there's no need to get anyone's feathers in a bunch] but Toonami's on :P
And the girlfriend's giving me the evil eye. Which I fear more than the third impact. She's saying something at this very moment. But I've tuned her out. BTW, everyone knows the greatest animation of all time is...... Pokemon Advanced Generation!!!! [just kidding... maybe.] Actually my vote for greatest animation series of all time doesn't even go to a Japanese series.


Saturday, August 14, 2004 9:18 PM


Are you kidding Firefly is more like the show Outlaw Star with the baunty hunters who found an android that leads to a treasure and brings trouble with her.

But i think the idea of the badguys or "legitamit bussiness men" being the stars or heros like Lupin the 3rd who is a master thief that is allways with his pals a samari Goemon and a marksman Jigen while being hounded by a cop named zenigata

Oh God, Oh Crap, Mommy help Me!!! -Lupin


Saturday, August 14, 2004 9:26 PM


I would have like Bebop a lot more if it weren't for the awful opening music with trumpet fanfare. The cacophony drives me nuts.


Saturday, August 14, 2004 10:10 PM


I actually wonder if Joss was inspired by Cowboy Bebop to do Firefly, as there are quite a few simularities between the two series.

The music vid is downloading now..I'll let you know what it's like when it finishes...

Life is but a dream...


Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:19 AM



Originally posted by greateacher:
Nah I wasn't comparing it to Gundam or Chobits. I did say I didn't like Chobits. Perhaps you missed it.I very much dislike anything Clamp puts out. Though I have to say that there have been at least two Gundams that I have enjoyed more than this. I am saying that those names come up. Those are shows that people rank before EVA. For whatever reason. Heck, I enjoyed Stand Alone Complex more than EVA. And as we all know that pretty much stinks on ice. Many people do not like EVA because of the religious aspects that it takes. Which I think is interesting. Others like me just can't get into the story, because it's not a very good one. As I said, I liked some of the plots. The religous aspects didn't really bother me because it's nothing more than a tv show. I know some people theme the series as this complex work of psedu modern art. Which is fine. I myself liked the ideals that were instilled in some of the early Gundam series. Y'know things that actually can happen. That's the best sci-fi right there, chief. It's more believeble that a kid can pilot a killing machine in a war he wants no part in than a story that is basically about the destruction and recreation of the world. Because that's all Eva is. Rework it all you want, that's the story. There are some interesting plot points to it. Some very interesting things do happen. But at the end of the day anyone who watches has to look beyond a collection of ideas and see the overall picture. One has to ask one's self if the story itself is impressive. If it has moved you and made you care about the verse it takes place in. Can something be great if you don't care about what happens to anyone? Eva left me stone cold. I wished they all died. Well, except Misado, and the penguin. For something to be great, as in the greatest of all time it has to speak to you on a deeper level than depression. I am not saying everything has to be smiles. The greatest anything has to achieve greatness. It has to involve it's audience on an emotional level. It has to make it's audience think. It has to make them care. And it most evolve. It is true that Eva makes you think. But it never makes you care. It never draws you in that way. Instead you antiscipate what happens next in the plot. Not whether the characters live or die. Because it doesn't matter. Even if that's the purpose of the plot. You never care about the characters anyway.

Dude, how dare you dismiss the storytelling! At the end of the day that's what everything is about. The story! I am well aware of the years people have put into thinking what everything means. But a psychological question that does not relent does not match up with character developement. People have had those same discussions for silly animations such as .hack. Almost every good animation can be discussed on deep levels. That just falls into the realm of a plot point. Which are interesting. Some people, most just let it go. Others slide into an X-Files like , truth is out there scully existence. It's interesting. But still the story does not speak to every level of human emotion. Eva doesn't, and never has. It's a nice take on giant robots. It goes some places no one has gone. Well at least in the same series. It's interesting. But at the end of the day it's about story.

Of course you get to know the characters over the course of the series. But there's too many conspiracies, and bells and whistles. Perhaps too many characters. I know for sure there's too many characters that don't matter. Eva takes an interesting story and drives it into the ground. Where's the character developement? Some have it, many just seem like they were thrown against the wall to see if they'd stuck.

Again how is this better than Trigun? A show that makes you feel for the characters and their plight. A show that makes you care about what's going on. About who lives and dies. How is Eva better than that? Answer it isn't. Back when the internet boomed there were two shows people just had to see. I just mentioned one of them. You praise the other. At the end of the day it's all about the story, chief.

I liked the Shinji character . Some of the Nerv stuff was interesting. I liked the way the series had a vintage feel. Vintage sci-fi not anime. But at the end of the day, it's about storytelling. At the end of the day it's a good series. It's just not the greatest of all time. :) There's a point in which the series basically tells you what's going to happen. When it does it's grim, it's cold. And it does not matter. It's a good series. Prehaps even great. Yet, I don't think it is factual to call it the greatest. People dissect, and analyze more manga than just EVA. As you can see people like to yap about nothing in general for the most part. [This might throw you for a loop. But I like EVA's manga. And it's only slightly different. But we don't call that the greatest manga of all time. Now do we.] It's also not that complext of a story. If you know different versions of the creation story then you know the story. I think religious people who have seen it were pissed because in some ways it does take some of those themes and shake them up. Me, I don't really care. It's just a story people. A good one. Just not the greatest of all time :P

I love lively discussions [there's no need to get anyone's feathers in a bunch] but Toonami's on :P
And the girlfriend's giving me the evil eye. Which I fear more than the third impact. She's saying something at this very moment. But I've tuned her out. BTW, everyone knows the greatest animation of all time is...... Pokemon Advanced Generation!!!! [just kidding... maybe.] Actually my vote for greatest animation series of all time doesn't even go to a Japanese series.

i didnt mean to say that the story is not important, its very important. i think the story is great. the premise itself on the surface might just be troubled kids forced to pilot robots to save the earth from angels but thats the great thing about it imo. when i first saw it i dismissed it as just another giant robot anime, whooptie do. but anno does a COMPLETE 360 on the audience and makes the audience either PRAISE and LOVE the series or HATE and DESPISE the series. with the exception of those in the middle. i think the majority either love it or hate it.

i like trigun, i think trigun is great. but at the end of the day, im not amazed by it like i am eva. at the end of the day peolpe arent furious at it like they are at eva. no one sent the creators of trigun death threats because of the tv ending. trigun didnt incite that kind of emotion out of its fans. you may not have cared much about most of the characters but its obvious that there are those out there that do.

you didnt like it cause at the end you didnt care for the characters but thats just you. end of eva left you cold. you know what it did the exact smae thing to me, i felt really disconnected to the characters at very end. but that didnt make me love the overall experience any less. the way anno made me like and care for the characters at the start and slowly once you got into their heads and anno started revealing their faults and insecurities, you almost started to hate them. then at the very end, anno decieded to end the world and it didnt matter whether you liked them or not.(that was his F.U. to the whiny fan boys that hated the tv ending) so yes you can think something is great but feel disconnected from it. anno was a messed up person and had a mental breakdown while making this anime and it translates perfectly into his work.

eva is SHOCK VALUE to the 10th degree. its contraversial. gainax pumps out animes that change genres and eva was by far its flagship. up until eva, giant robot animes were plain and gundam like. anno came in with eva and made eveyone think this was cookie cutter like the rest and ended up shocking people by taking it to another level. and even now giant robot animes arent like eva, cause they dont have the genius/maniac that is hideaki anno. no i dont think the eva manga is the greatest manga of all time. why would you think i think that? theyre two different medias. reading the manga is not the same experience as watching the anime. so its not gonna create the same reaction the anime would, chief.

theres no doubt in my mind that its the GOAT. you dont think it is, thats fine. im totally okay with you being wrong haha.

and no pokemon advanced generation is NOT the greatest of all time. digimon: the movie is.

for the record, bebop is my FAVORITE anime of all time. its not the greatest of all time but it ranks second to NGE. <--- oh yeah.

^shit gets deep

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!


Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:22 AM


See, this is why I try to never identify anything as the "best." I only say "my favourite." That way I never have to justify anything, 'cause it's purely a matter of personal taste.

Personally and at the moment, my fave animé is InuYasha. I love Eva too though, don't get me wrong. Never seen Cowboy Bebop since I'm in gorram Canada (I only know it by magazine article/summaries and AMVs). I do like Eva though, in fact I have a couple of (non-Eva) fanfic characters (auditioning to be "real" characters, in a publishable story) who're based on Asuka & Rei (with a little bit of Rika & Jeri from Digimon S3 thrown in).

Also, for AMV fans, I'd recommend looking for "Gendo Ikari: Son of God" (Gendo wearing a ridiculous, gaudy crown) or "Eva Science Theatre 3000" (Shinji as Joel) on the org. They're freakin' hilarious.

And I'm on Kazaa again, from now until about 5 or 6, no doubt being ignored again. C'mon people hit me!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:38 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
See, this is why I try to never identify anything as the "best." I only say "my favourite." That way I never have to justify anything, 'cause it's purely a matter of personal taste.

Personally and at the moment, my fave animé is InuYasha. I love Eva too though, don't get me wrong. Never seen Cowboy Bebop since I'm in gorram Canada (I only know it by magazine article/summaries and AMVs). I do like Eva though, in fact I have a couple of (non-Eva) fanfic characters (auditioning to be "real" characters, in a publishable story) who're based on Asuka & Rei (with a little bit of Rika & Jeri from Digimon S3 thrown in).

Also, for AMV fans, I'd recommend looking for "Gendo Ikari: Son of God" (Gendo wearing a ridiculous, gaudy crown) or "Eva Science Theatre 3000" (Shinji as Joel) on the org. They're freakin' hilarious.

And I'm on Kazaa again, from now until about 5 or 6, no doubt being ignored again. C'mon people hit me!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.

i like throwing around the word "best", if its what i believe i dont mind stating and arguing it. if people disagree thats cool too haha.

yeah you should check out bebop. that s**t is just too cool for school.

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 8/14/04!


Sunday, August 15, 2004 7:51 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Should be findable via "Ballad of Bebop" or by my handle, "JediBeast."

Could'nt find it tonight. Please let me know when you have it on, or anyone else that may.

BTW, my fav anime so far is:
Neon Genesis
Cowboy Bebop
Bubblegum Crisis
City Hunter
Voices of a Distant Star
Outlaw Star
Perfect Blue
Infinite Ryvius
Generator Gawl

Almost in order of my fav.


Monday, August 16, 2004 3:05 AM


I can't stand anime, but I own the entire Cowboy Bebop series and the movie.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:51 AM


Beatle (and anyone else who still cares), I'm on now (Thursday PM, 1:40-5:30), and I'll come on again later tonight (round 7:00-10:00).

I'm leaving town tomorrow and won't be back 'til Thursday, so be patient.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, August 30, 2004 10:44 AM


Okay, so it took me a little longer to get back.

I'm on Kazaa now. I'll be on again tonight (7-10) and tomorrow morning. Thus far, no one has started a download. I'm startin' to lose interest.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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BROWNCOAT BALL October 25-27, 2024 – BETHLEHEM, PA
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What is your favourite historical or war film/television show???
Mon, September 30, 2024 07:05 - 36 posts
CW app streaming Firefly for free
Fri, September 27, 2024 16:35 - 3 posts
WHY DID THEY CANCEL THIS??? *FIREFLY* Ep 14 Reaction Movie Night with Jacqui Episode -1-14 Reaction
Thu, September 26, 2024 12:40 - 12 posts
Why isn't this a bigger story?
Tue, September 24, 2024 06:55 - 4 posts
People do stop by
Mon, September 23, 2024 17:50 - 4 posts
Happy Anniversary XXII
Fri, September 20, 2024 16:16 - 5 posts
17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts