Hayden Christensen now appears at the end of Return of The Jedi. Yikes!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:07
VIEWED: 16779
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Saturday, September 11, 2004 4:05 AM


I'm not the worlds biggest Star Wars Fan, but for all the people out there that love the original Trilogy but hate the new Trilogy you could only describe this as blasphemy. Let the shit storm begin.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:43 AM


WOW i have not posted here in soooooo long.

Oh yeh I tell you what dude. It is blasphemy. But my view is kinda double sided.

On the one hand yeh they're George's movies, they're his property yada yada yada.

What he hasn't got a right to do is change these things and then not offer us, the people that have made him utterly rich before these new movies, the actual ORIGNAL trilogy (the true Filmic Cuts). By releasing these and not saying boo about releasing the origianl filmic cuts he's basically giving his true fans the finger and saying take it or leave it.

There are more such horrible changes, king of which for me is the altering of Boba Fett's voice to Jango Fett's (clone's) voice

I'm not one of those people that nescessarily hates the Special Editions or the new movies either (although no where near the genius of the original trilogy, Attack of the Clones was entertaining and in any case a step in the right direction AWAY from the tragedy of Phantom Menace).

I am a pretty avid fan of Star Wars. But this is less of a Star Wars fan talking than a lover of Film that hates to see Classics (and they are classics) like the origianl Star Wars trilogy being butchered and altered and not offered to us in their original state. In the end Lucas has already been doing what he wants so there's no stopping him there, but I wouldn't really care about the changes if he just offered the Filmic Cuts in a seperate DVD package.

However don't jump all over him just yet. I'd say voice your concerns but there is always the chance he will release the filmic cuts at a later stage.
If you do want to help make sure this happens might I suggest visiting:

and signing your name on the petition.

As I await this particular DVD package's release in Australia I am extremely conflicted as to whether to give Lucas my money or not. On the one hand the movies are altered, but on the other hand I should really see them in order to speak of them further, and there are many extra's concerning the production of the original films etc. Im interested to see what others will do in this situation.

By the way I'm intrigued, (or confused) by the fact that there is presented here a YOUNG Anakin Skywalker and yet there is an OLD Yoda and OLD Obi Wan Kenobi.
There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, September 11, 2004 7:46 AM


I agree. Let Lucas have his digital playtime, but give the people a choice. I mean, what is there to lose by doing that? Many fans would buy both sets and Lucas would get twice the money. Worst case scenario: only the original trilogy is s bought and the New Special Edition is jettisoned into space.

Originally posted by Jumpy:
By the way I'm intrigued, (or confused) by the fact that there is presented here a YOUNG Anakin Skywalker and yet there is an OLD Yoda and OLD Obi Wan Kenobi.

I think this is Lucas' way of saying "this is the ghost of when Anakin truly died and became Vader." But who knows.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:12 AM


George Lucas is off his rocker.


Originally posted by Paladin:
I think this is Lucas' way of saying "this is the ghost of when Anakin truly died and became Vader." But who knows.

Nothing personal against you, Paladin, you're prolly right. But this is the kind of dumbed-down schematic absurdity that drives me crazy. So, there was no redemption for Anakin at the end when he sacrificed himself to save his son's life? Or, because he did find redemption, God let him appear as his "young, beautiful" self after death? These "spirits" are appearing to Luke Skywalker who never even saw his father like that. So, there's Luke at the end of RotJ and he's like, "Wow, cool, there's Yoda, man, and Obi-wan--excellent--and, and...who the is that?"

Edit: While you're at it, George, get rid of that old fossil Guiness and put in Ewan Macgreggor!


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:56 AM


The DVD's aren't actually out yet, so I sure hope this is all a hoax. Much like the early "Episode II" trailers that featured Christopher Walken, or whatever.

If this is true, then sure, Lucas is nuts. He's making changes just to make them, when it all makes much more logical sense that a) Anakin would appear as a ghost AT THE AGE AT WHICH HE DIED (like, say, Obi-Wan), and b) GREEDO NEVER SHOOTS, DAMMIT!!!

This is too upsetting. Joss would never do this.



Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:14 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
So there's Luke at the end of RotJ and he's like, "Wow, cool, there's Yoda, man, and Obi-wan--excellent--and, and...who the is that?"


I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:25 AM



The DVD's aren't actually out yet, so I sure hope this is all a hoax.

Just because DVDs aren't available to the general public doesn't mean that reviewers can't get them early. That being said, The Digital Bits is also a very reliable source of information.

Read their review. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Now, personally, I have come to terms with these changes. I whole-heartedly support the restorative work they've reportedly done on these films, such as painstakingly removing imperfections from the negatives (dust, dirt, scratches, etc), removing matte lines and boxes, and other minor cosmetic changes.

I am a bit more troubled by the more major changes, but, I can live with them. The Han/Greedo scene, while not being restored to its original glory, has been changed to at least being bearable (according to TDB: "The Han/Greedo fight is still less than perfect, but it does look more natural. Han's head doesn't jerk like it did before - instead his whole upper body shifts over slightly. And the blaster shots are VERY close together now, so the encounter is not as implausible as it was in 1997"), and that is at least acceptable.

And, yes, Hayden Christiansen is seen as the ghost at the very end, but, I just thank God that George didn't try to replace him in the unmasking of Vader. I shudder at the thought.

But, in the end, I am willing to overlook these minor disturbances in the Force in exchange for being able to own these films on DVD. I am probably going to the special hell for it, but I am looking forward to owning these films looking as good as they ever have.

"You've just gotta go ahead and change the captain of your brainship, because he's drunk at the wheel."


Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:51 AM


Amen. I am going to buy the trilogy because we wants it precious. And all you other geeks can whine and deny all you like, but YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BUY IT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T NOT!!!! So quit yer bitchin' and move on. No sense in whining about something you can't do anything about.

-------------------------------------------------- Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices


Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:55 AM


"You can't not." The hype continues.

I already bought this trilogy twice-- individually on VHS (which I have since given away), then again in their original versions as a box set. I do not own the Special Editions, I am not going to buy a new box set EVERY TIME Lucas decides to release a new one. Oh, THIS one is the Special Edition. Oh, THIS one is widescreen!! Oh, THIS one has 38% more wookiee!

I don't care. I have the movie, George can screw with it all he wants, the original version that I love is in my possession, that THAT one is "The Precious." If I must ever purchase them again, I'll wait for all 6 movies in a box set.

On the other hand, that means owning something with Jar Jar on it. So, on second thought......


Saturday, September 11, 2004 11:54 AM


Yawn much. So, ok, why not go the full whack and make Obi-Wan young as well and put Ewan McGregor in at the end. Ugh, he has RUINED the films for me, totally now. They were my favourite films of all time, because of all the links to my younger years and a whole host of other movies, and billions of other things that are based on them, that came from them, but not now. Lord of The Rings movies are my favourite now. They are perfect and wont be changed ten times in the future by a weird bloke.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:05 PM


Just great. I was going to FINALLY get the Star Wars Eps 4-6 on DVD, but this change just had to happen! I could overlook the digitally remaster, but this is so ruttin' aweful! Why is he erasing the memory of the actors who played these wonderful characters?! This damn well better be a joke, b/c I ain't going to take this sitting down. Damn, Lucas is off his fuaing rocker....but you know, it just might be a plow just to rerelease it in it's original entirety.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 2:02 PM



Why is he erasing the memory of the actors who played these wonderful characters?!

As unsettling as the Hayden change is, you have to realize that it is still Sebastian Shaw during the unmasking. That is more important to me than his ghost.

I would prefer that the ghost remain Sebastian Shaw, but, if wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak.

"You've just gotta go ahead and change the captain of your brainship, because he's drunk at the wheel."


Saturday, September 11, 2004 2:28 PM



If I must ever purchase them again, I'll wait for all 6 movies in a box set.

There are only 3 Star Wars movies. There will forever be only 3 Star Wars movies.

There is only one Matrix movie too, while we're at it. :)

"You gotta hand it to the Watchowskis - it took George Lucas twenty years to screw up Star Wars - the Watchowskis managed it in three." - Simon Pegg


Saturday, September 11, 2004 4:05 PM



Originally posted by Littlemanlovesfire:

There are only 3 Star Wars movies. There will forever be only 3 Star Wars movies.

There is only one Matrix movie too, while we're at it. :)

"You gotta hand it to the Watchowskis - it took George Lucas twenty years to screw up Star Wars - the Watchowskis managed it in three." - Simon Pegg

Oh, man, you're so RIGHT! ARGGGHHHHH!!! Your signature is so right, too! Two of the best sci-fi movies ever and the sequels (and prequels) screwed them up and tainted our memories of the originals. I was such a huge Star Wars fan in 1997-- it changed my life, revolutionized my fandoms, rocked my world-- and now. . . now, I'm left with nothing but memories, action figures, a bitter heart and the shredded soul of a bona-fide science-fiction nerd. Excuse me while I gently weep. <:(


Saturday, September 11, 2004 4:05 PM


Double post, sorry.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:51 PM


What's the big deal? Now, I'm a bigger Star Wars fan than most, and I don't see any major problem. So the actor from Episode II (almost as good as the OT in my opinion, by the way) is in RotJ for a total of maybe ten seconds. It's still going to be the third greatest movie ever. (Until Serenity comes out, that is)


Sunday, September 12, 2004 12:23 AM


"Keep Ted Turner and his goddamned Crayolas away from my movie."

- Orson Welles about the colourization of Citizen Kane.

Maybe Lucas could have followed this same philosophy.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:21 AM


Quick thought about the who-shoots-first thing: presumably Lucas changed it for the kids, to make Han less of a murderer? In which case, having them shoot simultaneously (or near as dammit) goes back to square one, morally speaking. (If they're shooting at the same time, they're having the same thought - Han can't claim to be reacting to Greedo.)


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:53 AM


This had better be a joke. Otherwise Lucas needs to die.

Straws and camels backs and all that.



Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:03 AM


I can see by many of your posts that you are none too happy about the changes. As far as I can see, the changes are for real (for those of you that think it may be a hoax) and the original trilogy petition has been the biggest move to get George to give us the Filmic cuts (for the time being).

Definitely put your name down at

I feel I should also reiterate some main points:

A) Although they're George's movies and he has a right to change them, he should still offer the filmic cuts regardless because they are well loved, classic films (AND CINEMATIC REVOLUTIONS IN THEMSELVES IN MANY ASPECTS).

B) As unseemingly uncertain whether there are in fact such changes, it must be then more uncertain as to whether he WON'T offer the filmic cuts at a later time. Give George some breathing space but let him know we want them.

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:52 AM


If this change is real, and I'm not at all certain that it is regardless of the source, I wonder what Sebastian Shaw thinks of this? I mean he worked on that original trilogy, he only gets one 10 second spot where people see what he actually looks like (not the way Darth Vader looks) and they cut him out and put in the guy who can't act? Sorry but Hayden just can not act, most of the time in Attack of the Clones he looked like he wanted to actually physically eat Padme. As in, chop her up, cook her and digest the pieces.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:29 AM


America loves a winner!

I read this in the paper during the week. To be honest, I think Lucas has flat out lost it. ( No bold statement, I know. ) He's in love w/ the CG FX so much so that he's lost all ability to tell a story anymore. Did he just luck into the 1st three movies because he had no other options when it came to putting a movie together w/ puppets and limited FX (compared to today's standard ). Was he forced into filling on screen time w/ characters who might have a bit more substance than those found in a Disney cartoon circa 1950?

I hope this drives off even more SW fans and they find their way in our 'verse, and flock to see Serenity - several times too.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:01 AM


I think (but don't quote me) what happened with the OT was that, after writing the scripts, Lucas had someone go over them and alter the dialogue 'cause he knew he couldn't write it. Nothing wrong with that; some people write good plots, others write good characters/dialogue. I still think that Lucas writes some of the greatest plots in SF, but he just couldn't do the dialogue.

Then the Prequels roll around, and Lucas has started buying his own hype. He says to himself "I don't need script-doctors; I'm GEORGE FRICKIN' LUCAS!!!"

End result, the prequel plots are great, but the script itself stinks.

Also, Lucas has always been a special-effects guy; ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) was pretty much his brainchild. As he's watched technology advance, he's gotten more and more obsessed by the idea of "synthespians."

He's said on the record that he wants to get to the point of doing a movie with characters that only exist in CGI (like Jar-Jar, but without an Ahmed Best on-camera as a stand-in).

IOW (as I understand), he wants to do a cartoon.

Lucas is big on spectacle which, sadly, does make a Blockbuster. Unfortunately, it doesn't replace good writing (as we of all people oughta know, with our lack of aliens and flashy energy-weapons).

This, BTW, is why I consider SW novels to be superior to the movies in every way. You'll never see Lucas "wasting his time" with such "obsolete" Storytelling technology. When/if the Original Trilogy SW books are reprinted, they'll likely be the exact same editions I bought in the 80s (and subsequently replaced with the "Special Edition" covers, only 'cause the old ones were falling apart).

And my imagination can still do better FX than ILM, or even Zoic (no offense to either of them).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:51 AM


I'm not exactly worried about it. Yes, I love Star Wars. I know that Han shoots Greedo like a badass, and Hayden Christensen shouldn't be there. So, I'm not going to buy these dvds. Sci-fi has never really been my genre, but I've been able to accept it when it's great. These are losing their appeal in that way. Simple.

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:31 AM



Originally posted by Jumpy:
I can see by many of your posts that you are none too happy about the changes. As far as I can see, the changes are for real (for those of you that think it may be a hoax) and the original trilogy petition has been the biggest move to get George to give us the Filmic cuts (for the time being).

Definitely put your name down at

I feel I should also reiterate some main points:

A) Although they're George's movies and he has a right to change them, he should still offer the filmic cuts regardless because they are well loved, classic films (AND CINEMATIC REVOLUTIONS IN THEMSELVES IN MANY ASPECTS).

B) As unseemingly uncertain whether there are in fact such changes, it must be then more uncertain as to whether he WON'T offer the filmic cuts at a later time. Give George some breathing space but let him know we want them.

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...

Well, it's worth noting that the DVD editions of both "Legend" (an '80's fantasy film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Tom Cruise) and the "Alien" saga offers 'director's cut editions' for their films, but they also offered the original theatrical editions as well.

I must admit that I am rather conflicted as to the "Special Editions" of the SW films. On the one hand, I'm a fan who became a fan when the SEs were re-released in theatres in '97, so I saw and loved the films when they were already altered. I loved the extra Rancor footage in ROTJ, I loved the enhanced Max Reebo band scene in ROTK, and the infamous 'Greedo shoots first' flap passed mercifully over my head. The thing about the human Jabba being replaced with a CGI Hutt didn't bother me either, because I thought it was confusing that Han would call a human 'Jabba', when obviously he wasn't.

But. . . these new changes-- well, they stick in my craw because I don't like the prequels. I don't like Jar Jar, I don't like that they explained Boba Fett's origins (and in such a lame way, too), and I don't like the Anakin backstory.

Personally, the old films had an ambience that the new ones lack, and being reminded of them is rather... painful. I think that Lucas would have been better off leaving the backstory of Boba and Anakin to the imaginations of his fans. Sometimes a little mystery (and both Darth Vader and Boba Fett had that in spades, and that's what them cool) is a GOOD thing.

I'm also conflicted because these films ARE George Lucas' creation, just like Middle-earth was JRR Tolkien's creation... but I think that there is a time when an author just has to let things go. Too many cooks spoil the broth, and an author can re-work and re-work and re-write and change things so that the original story is mangled and ruined for those who loved it when things weren't as spelled out and had some mystery to them. Tolkien came dangerously close, in a certain sense, to this; in the later years of his life, he found that there were elements of his universe that he could not reconcile, and so there are several theories as to the origins of Orcs, and so on. To me, though, Lucas is perilously close to wrecking his legacy with the prequels, and he should just leave well enough alone.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:31 AM


Oh, and I just found out that the 'celebration scene' from the end of ROTJ will have. . . GUNGANS!!!!

Now, personally, I LIKED that new scene. The one shot in Coruscant where we see the Emperor's statue being pulled down by the mob was very cool and reminiscent of the fall of Communism (and now, of course, the fall of Saddam Hussein).

But, Gungans?! I'd been hoping that Palpitine would've wiped them out already.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:49 AM



I wonder what Sebastian Shaw thinks of this?

Probably not much, since he died in 1994.

"You've just gotta go ahead and change the captain of your brainship, because he's drunk at the wheel."


Sunday, September 12, 2004 11:09 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

New Hope Special Edition was was the way he had intended the movie to be. Cool, fine, glad you did it. Should have stopped the wet dream there Mr. Lucas. I was once one of the most avid fans of Star I am ashamed to admit I had ever seen any of them (especially Episode II).

I should not, can not, and will not buy this idiot-crack Lucas is putting out now. I wanted the movies...not the re-edited movies, not the re-re-edited movies, and I expect I will be watching Serenity for the 10th time instead of Episode III for the first time (because I'd rather have a psychotic episode than suffer through whatever nonsense Episode will be on the screen next in the Star Wars universe).

Mr. Lucas, you once created something worth you have something not worth having created. I hope this is your FIRST LAST and ONLY time your recycled garbage is on DVD. Hell, at this point, I wouldn't even buy the true originals if you put them out. I am going to hit you where it counts...the wallet. I will be hurting you at the Box Office AND in sales by watching other movies and not buying anything Star Wars ever again. Congratulations on turning away a once loyal fan.

Those of you who remain Star Wars fans can expect to see my stuff on e-bay in the near future.

Now where is my gorram Browncoat...

Not yet an OFFICIAL BROWNCOAT? Well join up and swell the ranks 'cuz I am thinkin' we will rise again!
Show your Browncoat pride! I have original (meaning: designed
by me!) T-shirts and posters for sale at:


Sunday, September 12, 2004 11:34 AM


What? The movies are suddenly completely worthless now because a few changes (most of them insignificant) have been made to them? Bravo on your superb reasoning.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:38 PM



Originally posted by MohrStoutbeard:

I wonder what Sebastian Shaw thinks of this?

Probably not much, since he died in 1994.

Oh. Didn't know he'd died. But still I wonder what he would have thunk if he was still around?

Personally, I wouldn't have minded adding in Gungans (how the heck did they end up on Ewok world though?), but replacing a character entirely just doesn't sit right with me. Especially since, so far, he's only planning on releasing this version on DVD. It's disrespectful to Shaw. He put in hard work on the three original movies. He did a damn good job of it too. Way better than Hayden did in the Attack of the Clones.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:50 PM


Shaw is still in the movie as helmetless Vader, he hasn't been replaced entirely.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:27 PM



Originally posted by Gnarsh:
Shaw is still in the movie as helmetless Vader, he hasn't been replaced entirely.

Maybe so, but his eyebrows are missing now. (See the link in the first post.) Now that's just gratuitous.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:30 PM


wow. at first i thought this was joke...but it's real...sad,sad,sad.

Conquering the galaxy with terrifying space monkeys, one ship at a time...


Monday, September 13, 2004 3:48 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

No they are comlpetely worthless now because the changes are gratuitous (as Stizo said) and are obviously done with disregard to what the fans like. Lucas is no longer creating a vision, he is simply creating a piggy bank...and the newest changes reflect his greed, not his creativity.

Episode I was barely tolerable, Episode II was a joke, so in order to keep interest, he FINALLY allows the Ep. IV, V, and VI movies to be released on DVD and is marketing them essentially for those fans who jumped on the Ep. I and II bandwagon. It's all about the money now. I even hear there are NDA's for Ep. VII, VIII and IX...the three he said he'd never make. So fine, he can go make his movies (can't wait to laugh at Episode III and you KNOW he'll likely use it to make MORE changes to IV, V, and VI, so you'll have to buy the *ahem* "classics" for the FOURTH time to get the "whole thing", not to mention all the new toys, because hey, now we have a ghostie young Anakin)

Face it. Star Wars has become a circle jerk, and I am tired of being jerked and am no longer gonna circle around waiting for this thing to finally come to rest. So you can cry about me becoming disenchanted by what you term as trivial, but I believe the evidence dictates otherwise, and you can look forward to, like I said before, my Star Wars stuff going up for sale on e-bay, so I can be just like Lucas, and make a mint off the rest of you who don't realize when an old horse is too tired to run anymore races.

So go, enjoy the "who's-the-ghost-on-the-left?!", enjoy the "little-Sarlaac-of-horrors-plant", enjoy the "Death-Star-II-blew-up-and-the-whole-galaxy knows-instantly-and-even-the-rich-people-who-benefit-from-the-Empire-celebrate-its-downfall", enjoy the "crappiest-cgi-band-in-Jabba's-palace-that-completely-diminishes-the-efforts-of-the-original-puppeteers-and-actors", enjoy the "laser-guns-now-have-big-booming-sounds-like-50-caliber-rifles", and enjoy the fact that I will be selling my stuff so you can have the opportunity to get some of the original stuff that was not saturating the market like the "rip-off" classic trilogy figures they put out now in the "collector's plastic" for $12.99 a pop and look nothing like the originals.

So yeah, I reasoned this out a WHILE ago, this recent incarnation of Lucasism is simply the last straw for me on a laundry list of complaints.

If you need me, I'll be in Serenity...

Not yet an OFFICIAL BROWNCOAT? Well join up and swell the ranks 'cuz I am thinkin' we will rise again!
Show your Browncoat pride! I have original (meaning: designed
by me!) T-shirts and posters for sale at:


Monday, September 13, 2004 3:55 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

No they are comlpetely worthless now because the changes are gratuitous (as Stizo said) and are obviously done with disregard to what the fans like. Lucas is no longer creating a vision, he is simply creating a piggy bank...and the newest changes reflect his greed, not his creativity.

Episode I was barely tolerable, Episode II was a joke, so in order to keep interest, he FINALLY allows the Ep. IV, V, and VI movies to be released on DVD and is marketing them essentially for those fans who jumped on the Ep. I and II bandwagon. It's all about the money now. I even hear there are NDA's for Ep. VII, VIII and IX...the three he said he'd never make. So fine, he can go make his movies (can't wait to laugh at Episode III and you KNOW he'll likely use it to make MORE changes to IV, V, and VI, so you'll have to buy the *ahem* "classics" for the FOURTH time to get the "whole thing", not to mention all the new toys, because hey, now we have a ghostie young Anakin)

Face it. Star Wars has become a circle jerk, and I am tired of being jerked and am no longer gonna circle around waiting for this thing to finally come to rest. So you can cry about me becoming disenchanted by what you term as trivial, but I believe the evidence dictates otherwise, and you can look forward to, like I said before, my Star Wars stuff going up for sale on e-bay, so I can be just like Lucas, and make a mint off the rest of you who don't realize when an old horse is too tired to run anymore races.

So go, enjoy the "who's-the-ghost-on-the-left?!", enjoy the "little-Sarlaac-of-horrors-plant", enjoy the "Death-Star-II-blew-up-and-the-whole-galaxy knows-instantly-and-even-the-rich-people-who-benefit-from-the-Empire-celebrate-its-downfall", enjoy the "crappiest-cgi-band-in-Jabba's-palace-that-completely-diminishes-the-efforts-of-the-original-puppeteers-and-actors", enjoy the "laser-guns-now-have-big-booming-sounds-like-50-caliber-rifles", and enjoy the fact that I will be selling my stuff so you can have the opportunity to get some of the original stuff that was not saturating the market like the "rip-off" classic trilogy figures they put out now in the "collector's plastic" for $12.99 a pop and look nothing like the originals.

So yeah, I reasoned this out a WHILE ago, this recent incarnation of Lucasism is simply the last straw for me on a laundry list of complaints.

If you need me, I'll be in Serenity...

Not yet an OFFICIAL BROWNCOAT? Well join up and swell the ranks 'cuz I am thinkin' we will rise again!
Show your Browncoat pride! I have original (meaning: designed
by me!) T-shirts and posters for sale at:


Monday, September 13, 2004 3:56 AM


Well, you can't buy the original Star Wars cuts on DVD, but you can download some superb (from what I hear) LaserDisc transfers of them, complete with 5.1channel surrond, some very proffesional looking menus, subtitles, etc, etc. There are bittorent links over at They're in the form of 3 4.7gb iso's, so you'll need a fast internet connect and a DVD burner to use them.

Now, from what I understand, it's not illegal to download these as long as you own the original movies in some other medium (currently VHS cassette or LaserDisc are the only ones I know of the un-butchered Star Wars movies being released in). However, I am not a lawyer, your millage may vary, etc, etc.


If you can't run, you crawl, and if you can't crawl, well, if you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.


Monday, September 13, 2004 3:57 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

okay, that was weird...sorry about the deja vu. :)


Monday, September 13, 2004 4:59 AM



Originally posted by TenthCrewMember:
"Death-Star-II-blew-up-and-the-whole-galaxy knows-instantly-and-even-the-rich-people-who-benefit-from-the-Empire-celebrate-its-downfall",

Well, that much at least I accepted as artistic time-compression.

The riot on Coruscant could've come three-four years down the road, after Rogue Squadron takes Coruscant (the X-Wing: Rogue Squadron novel series).

It could also have been a spur-of-the-moment demonstration by a handful of resistance/dissenter groups ("true believers"), all of whom were rounded up and executed almost immediately.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, September 13, 2004 7:21 AM


I'm still flying in 2021. How about you?

I honestly never liked ROTJ as a wrap up for the series. Some good scenes, but unrealized potential. I saw the refurbished rerelease..rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It was a definite improvement. Not a prob here. But, when you put lipstick on a pig, what do you get?

Vilavon AKA Claude


Monday, September 13, 2004 8:45 AM



Lucas is no longer creating a vision, he is simply creating a piggy bank...and the newest changes reflect his greed, not his creativity.

How exactly are these changes going to make him anymore money than he would already make by releasing them on DVD? I would assume most people, like myself, want to own the films in the best video format possible.

Am I bothered by some of the changes? Yeah. Am I disappointed in the prequels? Yeah. Does that mean I absolutely hate Star Wars now? Hell no. The original films are still where it's at, and I think these changes Lucas is making are small potatoes. Is it enough to make me not want to own the DVDs? Again, hell no.

"You've just gotta go ahead and change the captain of your brainship, because he's drunk at the wheel."


Monday, September 13, 2004 10:12 AM


IMO, if Lucas stays true to what he's said before in the press, (i.e. that the Special Edition releases are his "true" vision of what he wanted to accomplish) and the classic will never be released on DVD, I mourn the millions of little kids who will never get to see the amazing movies I ate, slept, and breathed in the 80s.

I was so excited to see Star Wars again on the big screen when the special editions came out, but when I saw what he had changed, I couldn't believe it. The Jabba scene was especially disappointing; it stood out and looked completely fake. A lot of the other "additions" didn't add to the magic. They took away from it because they were so obviously CG. I read Lucas tweaked the Jabba scene for the DVD release to "enhance" it. I think he meant "make it look less fakey."

I never even bothered to see the Empire or RotJ special editions since I was annoyed with SW. Then I read about the digital Hayden, and I freaked out.

Yeah, Lucas claims the films are his, blahblahblah, but *no movie* belongs *only* to the director/writer. There were hundreds of people, from artisans to actors that labored to make these films amazing back in 1977. Lucas didn't do it alone. He never would have made the movie if not for those people. What do they think of Lucas playing with a classic?

There were also the millions of fans that launched this little film into the stratosphere, and allowed Lucas to create ILM, Skywalker Sound, THX, Pixar (before it was sold) and umpteen other creative outlets.

Star Wars belongs to all of us. All of the fans who bought toys and memorabilia and spent millions on merchandise, and saw the classic films multiple times, and have a love affair with the original films despite its age today.

I would love to hear the deep timbre of James Earl Jones in my subwoofer, sit open-mouthed when that first star destroyer comes rumbling almost over my head, and experience TIE fighters and X-Wings buzzing around my bedroom in glorious digital surround, but as a longtime fan of a true classic film, I refuse to purchase a DVD that has been "super-sized" for the 21st Century.

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Monday, September 13, 2004 11:07 AM


You know, what I find most ridiculous about all of this is not the fact that Lucas has apparently completely lost his mind and sold his soul to CG. No, I find it ridiculous that some people are actually so upset that they can't bring themselves to enjoy the originals anymore, or to enjoy much of anything to do with the original fandom.

The originals will always be the originals, no matter how many times Lucas re-releases them with silly changes. Getting overly bitter about it is no better than lapping it up. Honestly, no matter what happens, they are only tarnished if you allow them to be. It's really not as hard as people think to like what was originally released while ignoring the crap that's being put out now (for example, along with ignoring everything relating to 'Star Wars' that came out after 1997, I ignore everything that came after season 6 of 'The X-Files.' I also ignore 'Matrix Reloaded' and 'Matrix Revolutions,' as I see do some other people on this thread.) There's no need to stop liking something that was truly amazing just because that which succeeded it was sub-par.

The only thing that really bothers me at this point is the fact that, since TBS hasn't shown the original versions since the "Special Editions" came out, it stands to reason that they might now replace the "Special Editions" with the "New Special Editions." But I can always change the channel, or watch my old VHS copies instead.


Monday, September 13, 2004 6:19 PM


is there anything i can add to this group rant? Nope.

well there is the whole star wars web stuff might as well be porn thing. he wants me to pay him another $40 just to look at fan stuff? not happening.

btw, I owe haken some money. gotta go do that.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 5:56 AM



Let the shit storm begin.

Boy, you said it Chewie. (not that you're Chewie, just had to make a statement.)

They were little geisha dolls with big heads that WOBBLED!


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:01 AM


please please please let it be a hoax.

ben and yoda are the ages they died at... why isnt anikin?

replacing old anikin soesnt sit right with me either.


“With the first link the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, changes us all irrevokably. The first time any man’s freedom is trodden on, we are all damaged."


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:07 AM



please please please let it be a hoax.

My bologna has a first name, it's D-E-N-I-A-L.

"You've just gotta go ahead and change the captain of your brainship, because he's drunk at the wheel."






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