Firefly and Marijuana

UPDATED: Friday, April 25, 2014 15:42
VIEWED: 17551
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Friday, August 4, 2006 8:36 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

To say it isn't additive is not true - it can be psychologically addictive--

I am not sure we want to encourage pot smokers to embrace the verse. Got nothin against pot smokers, but imagine their distress when they day comes when they have to choose purchasing a nifty firefly bit o memorabilia - or a dime bag! What Horror!

Umm-does that mean Firefly is "Psychologically Addictive"? Indeed, the horror!

Brethren and Sistren, anything can be psychologically addictive, from gambling, to sex, to praying on Sunday morning. Taken in moderation, THC is no more harmful than relaxing with a cocktail--or less, as the effects of alcohol toxemia are well known in emergency rooms across the world, while the only known way to overdose on MJ is to have someone drop a bale on your head.

I'm honestly sorry to hear about your brother's problem, however. Still, I have a friend who developed serious medical problems from overindulgence in diet sodas. Just 'cause something's not 100% harmless doesn't mean it should be illegal.

"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.." -- Carl Sagan


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:18 PM


Um did I say it should be illegal?

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:36 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFillion:
To say it isn't additive is not true - it can be psychologically addictive,

I'm going to quible a bit on terms here. Psychological Addiction and Addiction are different, with a physical addiction your body chemistry changes so that your body can not operate normally without the substance in question. That's why nearly all physical addictions manifest in the same way:
Cravings (you're body always knows what it needs and will crave it),
Cold sweats,
Headaches and so on.

A pschological addiction is really more like a compulsion, you feel like you need X to get threw the day. This is also ussually a component of physical addiction, breaking the habit of smoking is a hurdle as well as breaking the addiction of Nicotine. Point is as was mentioned earlier not everything is adictive but pretty much everything is compulsive, from shopping to autograph hunting, A through to Z.

and to say it isn't harmful is also untrue
I never said that, in fact I catagorically did not say that, I said it wasn't AS harmful as Nicotine and Alcohol.

Bottom line, anything you inhale into your lungs that isn't oxygen - is harmful.
No inhaling anything is harmful. Oxygen is poisonious...

But on a non-serious note - I am not sure we want to encourage pot smokers to embrace the verse. Got nothin against pot smokers, but imagine their distress when they day comes when they have to choose purchasing a nifty firefly bit o memorabilia - or a dime bag! What Horror!
Yeah but think of the money that could be made from selling "Kaylee's inter-engine Bong" to the masses.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:41 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by SergeantX:
And I thought Inara's eyes were red cause she was worried about Mal, Tsk Tsk...


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith

Well, she must really be tokin' it up on this season's SG-1.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 4:23 AM



Originally posted by haidao:
Who on the ship would you want to smoke with?


Ahhh... I feel stoned just thinking about it.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:10 PM



Originally posted by haidao:
Who on the ship would you want to smoke with?

Yep, it would have to be Kaylee. Or Wash. I imagine smoking with Jayne would be hilarious, though. I can just see him getting fits of the giggles which are, of course, quite contagious.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:37 PM



Sorry to here about your brother. I also will be on meds the rest of my life. Between my fathers alcoholism and my own stupid efforts to experiment with drugs my brain is a road map of carnage. But they finally found the right mix of medications and I am functioning.

Well being addicted to Firefly may be adverse. But still it is a far better than my sorted past.

The one thing that I try to remember is that using drugs didn't only effect me. My family and friends were effected as well. You helped me remember this with your post. I'm sure your hurt by your brothers condition as well.

As far as pot being addictive or not does not really mean anything to me when I've seen the damage it has caused.

I hope the best for both your brother and yourself.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:44 PM


I don't really smoke pot, but I've seen a plant or two in my time and I swear at the end of Shindig, when we see Kaylee's bunk, there is a hanging plant. I looked at it and said outloud, "Fern or pot?" My best friend believes it's a fern, but I have my doubts.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:53 PM



Originally posted by Leighkohl:
I don't really smoke pot, but I've seen a plant or two in my time and I swear at the end of Shindig, when we see Kaylee's bunk, there is a hanging plant. I looked at it and said outloud, "Fern or pot?" My best friend believes it's a fern, but I have my doubts.

I remember Jewel saying something at Dragon Con last year about Kaylee being a pothead. Ahh... Kaylee and me, passing the bong. Just makes me grin thinking about it.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, August 5, 2006 4:26 PM


To those who have had problems with drugs (themselves or loved ones), I'm truly sorry for your sufferings.

But experiences differ. Many millions of people smoked weed in the 60s and 70s with little negative effect.

In my own case, I got high at least several times a week for around 20 years. In some stretches I smoked nearly every day. When I stopped, I just stopped. No big deal. I don't think I've had a hit for around 15 years now, and never really missed it.

I can understand why you feel moved to warn of the dangers. Just be aware that it's not the road to perdition for everyone.

In a rational world marijuana would be as legal as alcohol, and as controlled. My feeling is that keeping it forbidden only adds to its allure to young folks -- yet they seem to be the most likely to suffer harm from its effects. Bad policy.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Saturday, August 5, 2006 5:24 PM


Who on the ship would you want to smoke with?

Kaylee and Wash. They seem like a couple of tokers, and I bet they would be fun to hang out with. But once the munchies kicked in, I would go and find Jayne. He seems like he always has food to snack on.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 6:16 PM


Hey Traveler,

I'm not trying to minimize addiction, but it's important to remember that not everyone responds to drugs the same way. I first smoked pot when I was sixteen, and I continued to smoke it until I was about twenty-five. It didn't harm me, nor did it impede me from doing something with my life. I earned a Masters of Arts in English (while I was still toking regulary), and now I teach freshman composition courses at a university. I hadn't smoked pot for over nine years, until I was traveling through Amsterdam last Fall. Well, it was Amsterdam. My point is that drugs and addiction take on many different forms: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, food, sex etc. Not everyone who drinks is a drunk. Not everyone who gets stoned is a pothead. Not everyone who eats is obese. The key to enjoying things that bring pleasure is moderation. After all, you can't protect people from themselves, and prohibition doesn't work.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:01 PM



You are right. I know people who have smoked in their youth and quit without being harmed. Most people can drink alcohol without ant ill effects.
But this fansite has people who are 10 and 12 years old. I don't think this type of thread is appropriate when people that age can see it.

I wanted to even the scales out.

Also I will admit I'm a bit touchy about the subject. I know so many people who are fighting addiction and losing. I have actually been pretty tame about in my posts. I have seen things I wouldn't tell a priest. It is imposible to explain to someone on the outside of addiction how ugly it is.

I'm one of the lucky ones. I have often asked why I survived while I see other so tormented by addiction.

I don't want people thinking I'm preaching. But it is hard not to when something has effected your life like alcohol and drugs have mine.

So if I have offended anybody please accept my apology. I just have seen some of the worst things imaginable and it was caused by drug use.

When I was in treatment there 18 year old kids in the hospital suffering from alcoholism and they weren't even legally old enough to drink.

I have done work in our county jail system and the inmates were so disfunctional you couldn't hold a decent meeting.

We have club houses that are not owned by AA but they give support to those trying to find sobriety. I was working behind the counter serving coffee and cheeseburgers to to people who come in to have a safe place to socialize.
There was this guy who sat there through my entire shift and drank coffee at the counter for eight hours. I'm used to that so it didn't surprize me. But when finally got up to leave he thanked me. I said, "anytime." He said, "no I was thinking of drinking and I rushed here and just held on to this counter affraid to let go."
I know that sounds silly but it is the little things that work the best. Some days you just have to hang on till the urge leaves you. You can be sober for twenty or thirty years and still have days like that. Just hanging on. I was sitting in a corner just white knuckling it at that very same club when someone spotted me and sat next to and smiled and told me, I have days like this to."

We have a bond that is hard to explain. We share a lot of experiences and that holds us together.

I've read through several threads at this site where they have discussed God and let me tell you I have seen his work through the acts of some the most wonderful on this earth since I sobered up.

So if you haven't gone through the shakes or panic attacks I can't explain to you what this means to me. I can just say it life and death.
I'm serious. I've seen some nasty shit. We have people who actually have stayed sober for years with severve brain damage you would think they should in an institution. But they manage. Can't hold a job. Some can't even read. Have to receive money from the government to pay the rent. But they stay sober. Sometimes when I see some post here and there spell a three letter word I begin to wonder about them. But I a suspicious old fart with alot of imagination.

So forgive me my faults and next time I see a thread running in this direction I'll run the other way. There are plenty of other threads to enjoy. You guys have a good thing going here. This world could use more sites like this.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:08 PM


Every browncoat that I know personally is a pot smoker or was at one time. Err... Except me of course. I refuse to engage in such illegal activities.

"Well, here I am."


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:15 AM


I agree that this thread isn't the most appropriate for kids, and I'm certainly not endorsing anyone using drugs. But for myself and I suspect many other Browncoats, it's the freedom to make these choices ourselves and not have them dictated to us by a government steeped in hypocrisy that really matters. That said, I'm sorry to hear what you've been through. And when you see the occasional thread like this, please join in. As a society, we all need to learn be more receptive to the opinions of others. Take care and stay sober.

"The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation."
- Bertrand Russell

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:00 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Wow, that was a great walk down Memory Lane. This thread predates my joining the site by about four months, although I lurked for a month or two before that. There are only a couple of people I noticed that still post here with any regularity, Traveler and SergeantX. So many people that were once very active but haven't been around in a long time, unless they forgot their login for their accounts and had to create new usernames. Succatash was the life of the party back in the early days, always bringing a unique and wacky perspective to the conversations. Miss him and so many others, and I wish they would return.

FWIW, I haven't smoked pot in many, many years, and never experienced Firefly high. I'm not sure it would have enhanced my enjoyment of it. I told my son recently that there were a lot of things I used to think were terrific but my current perception is not the same, and it might have been because my faculties were impaired when I first saw them.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:17 PM


My first thought at seeing this thread was "Succatash is back! Yay!"
But, being a seasoned pro around here, checked the dates of the thread as soon as I opened it.


Friday, April 25, 2014 3:42 PM


I generally asumed the proponents of this thread topic were hanging out in RWED as libtards.






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