best sci-fi villans

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Friday, October 22, 2004 10:11 AM


i saw someone had posted an image they made concerning the aliens (from the aliens movie franchise) and the reavers (obviously, from the firefly series). it got me thinking, what are some people's favorite science fiction villan or bad guys (aliens or otherwise)? choose any kind you want! it does not have to be an alien that freaked you out or scared you. it can be one that you thought was just fun to watch or whatever!

i might have to choose the mangalors from the fifth element. they were pretty funny and kind of goofy, in a way. plus, they could change their appearance! what is better than that?! plus, they were pretty funny looking.


Friday, October 22, 2004 12:09 PM


Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner is one of my favourites. He's just so damn cool.

The Robot from Fritz Langs Metropolis is fantastic too although I'm not sure she's really a villain?

But for sheer menace it'd have to be The Predator - that design is inspired. The way the movements were crafted, the dreads, the weapons and that sound it made.... Absolutely brilliant. And all that comes before it takes the mask off!!!! Incredible!!!!

Recently for absolute style and panash... Jubal Early - a great Sci-Fi Bounty Hunter.

I'm sure I'll think of others but those immediately came to mind.



Friday, October 22, 2004 12:24 PM


I have to say Scorpius from Farscape. I mean, he's a villain, but there's part of him one can relate to. People can understand his motives and so forth. Those kinds of villains make the best villains.

Also, you gotta love the Daleks from Dr. Who. Those guys just rock. They never bothered assimilating...just exterminated! (Yeah, you know you can hear that metallic voice now!)


Uncharted Outlaw!
"The secret is understanding time."
See my Firefly Store:


Friday, October 22, 2004 3:20 PM


America loves a winner!

I'll go ahead and get this out of the way. Darth Vader. Can't say I care too much for the latter installments of the SW movies, but back in their day, the first 2 movies were ...well, classic.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 22, 2004 3:33 PM


Scorpius. And... no, Scorpius is the best.


Friday, October 22, 2004 3:57 PM


Dukat on Deep Space 9 was great...

and I always enjoyed Q on Next Generation

and the Borg

but I'll admit, Scorpius was really very cool!


Friday, October 22, 2004 4:52 PM


Oh Man - Scorpius - A Leather Fetishist version of Machiavelli - an intelligent evil not seen since the original concept of Ming.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, October 22, 2004 7:13 PM


Q! "Q get off my ship!" XD

In the realm of Star Trek, the Borg were pretty darn cool until someone thought up Star Trek Voyager. And then they weren't so scary anymore.

I can't say Scorpius because I've only seen an episode and a half with him in it.

The original (old movies) Darth Vader.

And Jayne. Can't forget Jayne. But he's only half bad.


Friday, October 22, 2004 8:35 PM


OK, first I have to agree with Vader as a great villain.

I also think that for sheer enjoyment, if not scariness, the Goa'uld should have a spot b/c they're just so much fun to mock.

Also, the T-1000 from Terminator 2 kicks ass.

I don't know if this is truly sci-fi, but on Alias, just about any bad guy should have a place on the list (Sloane, Sark, Laura/Irina, evil Francie)

Agent Smith in the 1st Matrix movie (not the other two)

The bug in Men in Black

I know it's not Sci-Fi, but Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs is just about the scariest character ever conceived.

And if anybody wants to see the absolute WORST villain ever (yes I know that's a hell of a claim, but it's true) just try to find a copy of "Wife of Boogedy" (possibly "Wife or Mr. Boogedy"). This could be the king of all MST3K movies if they ever used it.

Book: I'd forgotten - you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now.
Simon: No, but I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.


Friday, October 22, 2004 8:46 PM


I've always loved Captain Nemo from "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". Although, I'm not sure if he's a villain so much as an anti-hero or even a tragic hero.

Apologies for going 19th century .

There are three kinds of people: fighters, lovers, and screamers.


Friday, October 22, 2004 9:26 PM


Nobody has said Niska yet?
Niska, of course!
Baron Harkonnen (sp?) from Dune.
General Sarris from Galaxy Quest.
The Four from Planetary.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 1:47 AM


Original Vader no question

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, October 23, 2004 2:11 AM


Hudson Leick as Callisto on Xena: Warrior Princess. Complete psycho that never dies. Nuff said> :D

Claire Stansfield as Alti, an evil Shamaness on Xena too. Can kick the crap out of you using the memories of past and future battles and pain you've endured or will endure with her mind. Wouldn't like to mess with her. A chilling character!

Q is a great character. Lovable and yet annoying! :D

Sloane, Sark, The Francinator, and Lauren from Alias are amazing.

Totally agree about Rob Patrick as the T-1000!

William B Davis as the Cancer Man in the X-Files. Nic Lea as "Ratboy" Krycek from the same show. Too many other X-File villains to mention, but Eugene Victor Tooms stands out from season one.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 3:37 AM


Classic Vader is the best. More man than machine, but all bad-a** Sith Lord.
I also liked Magneto from the X-Men movies, the T-1000, classic Boba Fett (not new idiot-clone version), the Predator, Lord Zedd from Power Rangers (if you've seen him you know what I mean), and the grand-daddy of all supervillains....Count Dracula.

and kudos on the nomination of baddies from Alias.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Saturday, October 23, 2004 8:38 AM


Hmm. . .

People've already mentioned Darth Vader, Jubal Early, and Scorpius, so I'll add Crais (also from Farscape).

The one bright (dark?) spot in either of the Star Wars Prequels has been Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus. Jus because his siding with Sidious is so justified. And more, it's the same thing I'd be doing if I was there (I have issues with the prequel-era Jedi and their hypocrisy).

Stargate has had some cool ones: Apophis, the Replicators (millions upon millions of little metal bugs *shudder*), Anubis.

Andromeda (before it sucked) gave me the magog, who're like alien, acid-spitting, can-track-you-by-the-smell-of-your-blood reavers. They also created the Nietzscheans; genetically-engineered supermen, bereft of morality, religion, compassion, hope, or law (i.e., stripping away everything that makes us human to reveal what [if anything] is underneath). I weep for how incredibly cool that show could've been if the PTBs hadn't ruined it.

On Disney's Gargoyles (it was both fantasy and sci-fi, so I'm counting it) had possibly the best tragic villainous motif ever; as both Demona and the Hunters justified themselves through denial. "What have I. . . What have they done!?!"

Star Trek has had so many for me:

Dukat on DS9 (I agree with Marc Alaimo; he's not a villain, he's a patriot, which makes him even worse). Followed closely by Damar, who was just like him (thus the tragic irony of Damar's redemption and Dukat's willing self-damnation).

Shinzon of Remus, because he represented an issue that I've been struggling with for most of my life (do we have the capability to improve ourselves, or are we just trapped by the circumstances of our lives?). (Nemesis)

Degra, who we first met as a mass-murderer, an enemy to all of Earth. Then he betrayed his own people and everything he believed in for something greater, and who will be remembered as the hero who made it possible to save Earth. (Enterprise)

Dolim, who so personified the concepts of racism and bigotry, while having absolutely no redeeming qualities. (Enterprise)

Silik, who I was just starting to like (ruthless, merciless, but honourable to a fault) when they killed him. (Enterprise)

The Borg up until First Contact, when they were so intimidating and alien (that's my problem with Voyager; the writers stopped trying to write them as aliens and turned the Collective into an Empire).

All the Jem'Hadar, because I'm so fascinated by their acceptance of their slavery. They exist to Obey, to fight, kill, and die at the whims of beings that they acknowledge are their inferiors, because that is the "Order of Things." Also, because they're cowards. (Jem'Hadar say they know no fear, but how can they know courage without fear? And they do fear: they fear disobedience and chaos. They fear it so much that they can't even conceive of it.)

Also the Remans, for being such perfect "evil" stereotypes (tall, nocturnal, deep-voiced, vicious, untrustworthy), but being motivated by something as noble as freedom (however misguided).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:31 PM


Darth Vader is my favourite.

The alien from Alien takes second place.

Jubal Early wins the Firefly Category (IMHO).

And on the topic of Alias; It's filled with cool bad guys. Don't forget Gina Torres as Anna. Oh, and Quentin Tarantino as Mckenas Cole.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 4:51 PM


Hey y'all!
I've been lurking around here for a while, but I felt like I had to join in cause no one has mentioned my favorite villain yet:

Zorg, from Fifth element! Man, Gary Oldman rules

Also, Mad Props for Scorpius. The scene where Harvey is playing "Home on the Range" on the harmonica is one of my favorite TV moments ever.

And, I feel there needs to be a mention of Angelus in the second season of Buffy. He was just so evil...

Have fun y'all!


Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:02 PM


HAL 9000.

The best there shall ever be.

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Saturday, October 23, 2004 8:48 PM


Everyone keeps saying Darth Vader. I agree that he was ONE of the best, but The Emperor was the one pulling all the strings throughout the whole series. That's why my vote goes to Palpatine. Bad from beginning to end.

If you're going for Fantasy as well as Sci-Fi, then I have to go with Sauron, and Voldemort.

If you're counting Video game sci-fi, then the Flood from Halo.

If you're counting comedy sci fi then the Vogons from Hitchhikers.

Let's also not forget Smith from the Matrix.

And if Comics count as Sci-fi, which lets face it how can they NOT, then the ultimate would be Dr Doom. He could take on any of these mentioned above and any of the ones mentioned so far, and even if somehow he lost it would be in such a way that it would only serve to further his evil machinations. (stolen from 8-bit theater.)

"I gotta say, your talent for alienatin' people is near miraculous."


Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:26 PM


That's all fine and good, but I'm a big fan of three dementional villians. Two dementional "just bad" villians are boring and aren't nearly as interesting to watch.

*snaps fingers* I forgot Magneto from the X-Men movies. I loved him for the exact reason above... dynamic.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 10:34 PM


Probably one of the best sci-fi villians ever was the AI run amok, "Shodan," from the "System Shock" computer games. That thing was scary as hell.

Other than that, they've already been mentioned:

Darth Vader (pure genious)
Hal 9000


Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:03 PM



Welcome. Just wanted to say hi. I'm relatively new here myself.

So... hello.

I just wanted to say how diverse interests can be. I say this only because you mentioned Gary Oldman in the Fifth Element, it's weird, he is one of the reasons I didn't get on with that film.
I'm not trying to stir up trouble, i just find it interesting how we both view the same thing from such very different points of view.

I kinda like Gary Oldman too but I think Luc Besson gives him too much range and Gary ends up being far too cartoonish - just my thoughts hope you don't mind.

I'm with ya on the Angelus thing though - that is a great character.

Regardless to all the above, welcome anyway :)



Sunday, October 24, 2004 5:23 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

I just wanted to say how diverse interests can be. I say this only because you mentioned Gary Oldman in the Fifth Element, it's weird, he is one of the reasons I didn't get on with that film.

Yarr! You obviously lack the maturity to appreciate the brilliance of his nuanced performance! If there was a "fist shaking" emoticon I would inert that right here. I'm pretty sure nothing more expressive than a good fist shaking!
I guess I understand where you're comming from though. And, not that any of you care, but I had a dream with scorpius in it last night. I was supremely freaked out! Have fun everybody!


Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:45 AM


My nominee's an unlikely one: Jonathan Harris as Dr. Zachary Smith, from Lost in Space.

Wait! Put down the weapons! I can justify it.

Watch the first six episodes of LIS. Harris constructs a competently evil self-server who has a surprising amount of charm, but is perfectly willing to kill -- and capable of doing the job personally! (He karate chops a security guard in the first five minutes of the first broadcast episode, and stuffs his body down a disposal chute. Okay, it's not spelled out that the guy is dead, but it's still hours to launch -- if he wasn't dead, he'd have shown up to blow Smith's cover. QED, he's all corpsified.)

The scene where he realizes he is trapped on board the Jupiter II during the sabotaged launch is a good example of Harris' skill; he goes almost instantly from blind panic to a cold grace-under-pressure as, with seconds to launch, he suppresses his terror, strapping himself into an acceleration chair without a wasted movement. A dispairing shriek as he launches demonstrates the character's inner cowardice, but, considering his cold self-control just moments earlier, the viewer is prone to forgive him the flaw.

Equally impressive is the oddly rightous anger he demonstrates a commercial break later, as, perceiving betrayal at his employer's hands, he screams his outrage into a dysfunctional communication device.

Unfortunately, after those first six episodes, the writers (and admittedly Harris himself) began playing the character as pure comic relief, part of the program's rapid slide from gripping action/adventure to sixties sitcom. By the end of the first season, Smith was nothing but a buffoon, playing second fiddle to a man in a robot suit. Thus are opportunities lost.

"Hermanos! The Devil has built a robot! Andale!" -- Numero Cinco


Sunday, October 24, 2004 10:00 AM


Even though I agree with most of the above, here's my extended list.

comics- Dr. Doom, he's just too stinkin evil. Also Mordath from the CROSSGEN SERIES, Sojourn
video games- all the alien swine from Half-life
Fantasy- Sauron
Movies that haven't been mentioned yet: Gort from THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, That evil Samara from THE RING (that movie still freaks me out, and now there's a ring 2 coming out... ill be sleeping with a night light for a month), and finally BILL, as in KIll BILL!!! Come on people, he was one cold heated son of a motherless, bow-legged elk. Well, thats it.

And Melkor fled before the laughter of Tulkas, and hated him ever after


Sunday, October 24, 2004 2:48 PM


Well, if we're gonna include fantasy, I'll have to make some additions.

Sesshoumaru, InuYasha's half-brother. His very name means "Perfection in Killing." He is ruthless, brutal, excruciatingly calm, and very polite when needed, like a blend of Niska and Early. He's also not entirely Evil, as his grudge against InuYasha is so reasonable (InuYasha is the one who's committed the crime). I especially like his adoption of Rin, and the simultaneously sweet and creepifying master/pet relationship between them.

And Naraku (again from InuYasha) is possibly the most ruthless, sadistic bastard I have ever encountered. This guy could teach Joss a thing or three about cruelty. It's not enough to kill Kikyo and InuYasha, he has to break their hearts first (which kinda backfired, admittedly). Then, he doesn't just kill Sango's family, he uses the youngest child to slaughter them, but only wounds Sango, then releases his control just in time for Sango to watch her little brother die. Then he brings the kid back to life and uses him as an assassin, again releasing his control just as Sango, blinded by tears, is about to murder her own brother. . .

He also breaks off pieces of himself to turn into servants and either sends them off to die or tortures them to ensure their obedience.


Originally posted by MrGosh:
And, not that any of you care, but I had a dream with scorpius in it last night. I was supremely freaked out!

If you've watched the series you might wanna consider the possiibility that that was neither "Scorpius," nor purely a dream. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, October 24, 2004 3:25 PM


Evil Spock from "Mirror, Mirror".

In this day of lame Star Trek, I dream of a show set in this alternate universe with Evil Spock doing cool but evil stuff.

(By the way, I heard that a spin-off was pitched featuring Harry Mudd. Although he's more anti-hero.)


Sunday, October 24, 2004 4:12 PM


More of an anti-hero guy myself and Harry Mudd would fit in the Firefly 'verse pretty well. I wouldn't mind being on a ship run by fun-loving hedonist - except for that darn untrustworthiness.

Avon on Blake's Seven - villian or anti-hero? Any fans of B7 recall when he was searching a shuttle to throw Villa overboard to make orbit? This scene sticks in my mind.


Sunday, October 24, 2004 5:35 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
If you've watched the series you might wanna consider the possiibility that that was neither "Scorpius," nor purely a dream. . .

Eek, now that's a thought that's going to fester...

I also have a fantasy addition. I don't know if any of you have ever read the Tad Williams series, Memory, Sorrow, and the Thorn, but the Storm King from that series has always been a favorite of mine. You never actually get to meet him, but he inspires some pretty evil happenin's, and there is an interesting backstory as to what led him to his evil ways.

Also, any talk of great villains needs to mention Iago from Shakespeare's Othello. That guy had some mad manipulation skills.


Sunday, October 24, 2004 5:37 PM


Hmm... I like pretty much any villain that Gary Oldman plays. That guy can do baddies.

Silik from Enterprise. He was just fun.

Jubal Early, of course.

Smith from the first Matrix.

Father from Equilibrium.

Eh, can't think of any others that I really, really liked.

Does Blue Sun sponser the Blue Man Group?


Sunday, October 24, 2004 5:56 PM


Angelous(sp?)was a favorite because he liked the pain....emotional. Now THAT'S a villain! Gleefully enjoying hurting people and watching them suffer. That is just mean.

And Calob was scary. Rightous, smiling and making the bible seem like a very scary book. Scary religious people still scare me....


Monday, October 25, 2004 2:56 AM



"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Monday, October 25, 2004 3:35 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."



Monday, October 25, 2004 3:36 AM


Deacon Frost from blade is my pick he is so fucking cool and evil he got my vote

Kv. Kelimar


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:39 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by CosmicFugitive:
Hudson Leick as Callisto on Xena: Warrior Princess. Complete psycho that never dies. Nuff said> :D

I am surprised more people did not mention Hudson. Not only is she off the scale in the hotness factor, but she was by far the most memorable, and most maniacal villian ever on Xena. Hudson Leick has the range to play the whole spectrum, which made her a great choice as the arch nemesis of the Warrior Princess.

Have to give it to Lucas, Darth Vader was an excellent fallen hero/villian for the Star Wars series. The films would not have been as good without him.

The Alien from the first movie in the franchise was the scariest thing I had seen in a sci fi movie. I go to see them all just to see the bugs.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Monday, October 25, 2004 11:02 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by RocketJock:
Unfortunately, after those first six episodes, the writers (and admittedly Harris himself) began playing the character as pure comic relief, part of the program's rapid slide from gripping action/adventure to sixties sitcom.

Yup, same thing happened to Time Tunnel, from the same creator/producer. I don't know if that was all part of Irwin Allen's evil plan, or whether he just lost interest & turned the shows over to a bunch of mindless ninnies.

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 12:27 AM


Hands down - Vader.

He *DEFINED* "Villan" for an entire generation, and you gotta really have something behind it to be able to do that.

Even now, you say "Villan" and it's the first image to pop into most folks heads.

To leave that kind of an impression, well, you either 'got it' or ya don't, and Vader had it in spades, folks.

And a nod to Khan here, cause Ricardo was just plain awesome, between him and the soundtrack, at least they made ONE Star Drek movie worth a watching...

Oh.. and I might note - Sauron is a pansy compared to Morgoth, he was just a Maia flunky who took over when his boss got cacked.
Morgoth was THE badness of middle earth, period.



Tuesday, October 26, 2004 12:31 AM


Oh, yes, and my girl adds this note.

From the X-files.

Cancer Man.

The very normalcy of him is what made him uber-heavy creepy, because unlike most villians, we could look into him.... and find part of ourselves.



Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3:00 AM


Another great sci-fi villan (I thihnk) is Carter Burke from Aliens. That guy was a lowdown slime-rat only interested in two things: (1) corporate profit (2) saving his own butt. He was so good at being bad that, to this day, my dad cannot stand Paul Reiser (the actor who played Burke).

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:57 AM


You know, I personally liked Graza and Breca from farscape.....

Darth Maul was bad a$$ from the newer starwars.....

Blue Hands from ours truly....

Lionel Luther from Smallville....

Johns from Pitch Black.....

The Lord Marshall from The Chronicles of Riddick....

The Master from Doctor Who....

I second (or third, fourth, etc....) all of the others mentioned

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:42 AM


oooo! i forgot about that movie. i would take riddick (from pitch black, he was somewhat different in the sequel). he is more of an anti-hero as opposed to a villain. i always loved his line:

so. finally found something worse than me.

loved that.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:47 AM


Finally! Somebody mentioned Darth Maul!

Here's another two nobody's mentioned: Dark Willow from season 6 Buffy; and General Grievous from the animated Star Wars, Clone Wars, who will be three dimensional in Episode III. I'm not sure if Lucas is gonna wussify him for the movie or not, but I know he was 100% pure ass kicking death in the cartoon. He took on 5 or 6 Jedi and ruled ass, after he outmanuevered them in the field of battle. I don't think I need an explanation for Dark Willow.

Got some more, but gotta go now.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:47 AM


Finally! Somebody mentioned Darth Maul!

Here's another two nobody's mentioned: Dark Willow from season 6 Buffy; and General Grievous from the animated Star Wars, Clone Wars, who will be three dimensional in Episode III. I'm not sure if Lucas is gonna wussify him for the movie or not, but I know he was 100% pure ass kicking death in the cartoon. He took on 5 or 6 Jedi and ruled ass, after he outmanuevered them in the field of battle. I don't think I need an explanation for Dark Willow.

Got some more, but gotta go now.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:24 AM


I love Riddick too, but he's always been the anti-hero to me....that's why I said Johns....Johns is the really evil one, as I found out looking into his background. He shot children (children on a holy pilgrimage no less) to capture Riddick in the first place.

And Darth Maul is just as cool a Darth Vader. I really wish they had not killed him off. He could have pulled a bad ass factor into the new starwars big time.

Gosh, I was thrilled to see Callisto from Xena mentioned. I loved her in that show. She was just so cool, and mean.

Wow, I forgot Dark Willow....Pulled off to a tee. Great Baddy....

What about Fred's dark turn in Angel?

Check out the improved
Gallerys, massage boards, Chat and more...


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:53 PM



Avon on Blake's Seven - villian or anti-hero? Any fans of B7 recall when he was searching a shuttle to throw Villa overboard to make orbit? This scene sticks in my mind.

Avon wasn't a villain!
Well, not all of the time.
Yeah, I remember the episode, but I don't recall the name of it. as I recall, they found what was weighing the ship down just in time. That was post-Blake as I recall.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:33 AM


Well, hey, Shadowvessel, that just triggered the creeps in me...seeing those gorramn Shadow ships coming out of hyperspace....brrrrrr! Yep, the Shadows from B5 are one of the nastiest villains for me!

Movies: the Alien is still numero uno big bug, but Hannibal Lecter is the best psych villain. The Predator is a great one, but I actually respect them rather than see them as evil...they have a society and intellectual reason for what they do, rather than just being driven to reproduce and destroy (oh, yeah, remember the Swarm alien in Voyager? Kinda the same instinctual hive mind as Aliens).

Books: I'm sure there are other really good ones, but in the 'verses I spend time in, Baron Harkonnen is especially perverted and twisted, and unpredictible (which makes him even more evil) and I love that Jessica's mother is who's responsible for making him so "semi-corpsified" and even more warped and gross.

----edited to add TV: Scorpius...all hail Scorpy/Harvey!!! Agree...a leather fetishist's dream (err...nightmare?) come, funny, calculating, cruel and with a great back story to boot...gotta love him!

Firefly: Early is certainly creepy, but I like the business-like way that Niska goes about his particular brand of evil (If nothing else, you know *exactly* where you stand with him, and what will happen if you piss him off!) The Blue Hands guys have great potential, but we didn't get to see them in action was very "X-files" in execution, and I would have liked to see that side story develop more.

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:53 AM


I'd say taht my favorite Sci-Fi villain is Scorpius. I like Vader, he was pretty cool and menacing, but I think that Scorpius is evil, creepy, super intelligent, tricky, and just full of personality.

Also I don't think anyone mentioned Spike. I thought Spike was the best part of Buffy when he was a bad guy. Plus he made Angelus cool.

"Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine."


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:42 AM


Well I just rewatched Leon and sorry but Gary Oldman overacts in that too...

.. in The 5th Element: his approach is perhaps better suited to the genre, but he aint in the least bit villainous to me. More like a cartoon stoodge.....No, as villains go he don't do it for me.

On a different note did anybody ever watch that show Brimstone with John Glover as the Devil ? So matter of fact about fate and destiny - gave me chills. Great show too.



Wednesday, October 27, 2004 1:52 PM


Okay, I'm gonna list some of my favourite films /TV shows / comics and my favourite villain from each.
Buffy - Angelus
Angel - Lyndsey McDonald
Firefly - Saffron
Deep Space Nine - Dukat
Star Wars - Darth Vader
Voyager - The Borg Queen
X-men - Apocalypse
Spider-man - Norman Osborne (when he's just plain Norman Osborne, not when he's being the Green Goblin)
Superman - Lex Luther
Oh, and let's not forget the all-time king of the bad guys, a character who has been in more comics, movies, books and TV shows than I can count: satan

All right, some of those were pretty obvious, but they're all cool villains. Spike would have been my favourite Buffy villain but I see him as more of a tragic anti-hero. Same with Darth Vader actually.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:53 AM


I can't believe I didn't even think of the Shadows! I think it's because, technically, they're not villains. They did villainous things, no doubt, but in the end we discovered they were only "caring" for us. Tough Love I guess you could say.

...'re right, they were freakin' awesome villains.

I guess when you think about sci-fi villains the biggies come to mind: Predator, Aliens, Darth Vader. These are the baddies I think everyone loves (or fears). So naturally I don't even think of them when a question like this arises. They're givens.

But yeah, Angelus (in Buffy season 2) was awesome and possibly one of the freakin' coolest villains ever. I mean, what kind of balls did that take to turn one of the main heroes of the show into the Big Bad of the season? And boy, was he bad. I loved how they didn't hold back with him, offing Jenny Calender like that and then putting her in Giles' bed! And then sitting outside the window to thoroughly enjoy the pain he'd caused with the sight of Buffy and Willow breaking down. And that brings us to Dark Willow. Remembering her from that afore mentioned scene and then fast forwarding to the end of season 6. Whoa. As a person with an addictive personallity myself, it was just so awesome to see how Allison Hannigan pulled that total role reversal off. Oh yeah, Tom Welling does the same thing in Smallville. By the end of that first episode when he went bad (not the numerous follow-ups), I actually had chills. To see Clark almost willing to kill, and believing it. Again...Whoa.

I don't know, maybe I've just got a thing for good guys who go bad. Perfect Joss fan, I'd say.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:53 AM


I can't believe I didn't even think of the Shadows! I think it's because, technically, they're not villains. They did villainous things, no doubt, but in the end we discovered they were only "caring" for us. Tough Love I guess you could say.

...'re right, they were freakin' awesome villains.

I guess when you think about sci-fi villains the biggies come to mind: Predator, Aliens, Darth Vader. These are the baddies I think everyone loves (or fears). So naturally I don't even think of them when a question like this arises. They're givens.

But yeah, Angelus (in Buffy season 2) was awesome and possibly one of the freakin' coolest villains ever. I mean, what kind of balls did that take to turn one of the main heroes of the show into the Big Bad of the season? And boy, was he bad. I loved how they didn't hold back with him, offing Jenny Calender like that and then putting her in Giles' bed! And then sitting outside the window to thoroughly enjoy the pain he'd caused with the sight of Buffy and Willow breaking down. And that brings us to Dark Willow. Remembering her from that afore mentioned scene and then fast forwarding to the end of season 6. Whoa. As a person with an addictive personallity myself, it was just so awesome to see how Allison Hannigan pulled that total role reversal off. Oh yeah, Tom Welling does the same thing in Smallville. By the end of that first episode when he went bad (not the numerous follow-ups), I actually had chills. To see Clark almost willing to kill, and believing it. Again...Whoa.

I don't know, maybe I've just got a thing for good guys who go bad. Perfect Joss fan, I'd say.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:38 AM


Ah finally someone mentioned the Shadows from B5 - they give me the heebie jeebies, I love the daleks but it was the Cybermen that really freaked me out when I was a kid - hid behind the couch I did.

For me it has to Scorpius not that I don't love Vader and the Alien and Predator but Scorpius was just unbelievably evil and nasty.

And Avon wasn't not villain, anti hero maybe but not a villain. Servelan - now she was a villian and a damned good one too.

And not in the sci fi area at all but Billy Zane in Dead Calm - he just wouldn't die! Yep kept coming back.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.






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