Thoughts on Firefly's survival

UPDATED: Sunday, March 1, 2015 13:57
VIEWED: 7321
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 8:23 AM


Hi everyone, I'm a new Firefly fan :) (Yeah i know i'm pretty late, but i was too young to watch when the series aired) I LOVE Firefly!!! But i can't talk to anyone my age about it because its "old" and therefore uncool. It makes me think that there is no hope for Firefly in the next generation. I know that there probably won't be any sequels due to the time that has past (even though i hope against hope that more episodes will, eventually, be released) but i was wondering about the longevity of this fandom and wanted your opinion. Will Firefly die out with us or will it become like a classic sci fi like star wars, with a constant nerdy fan-base? (I don't know if it will gain such a following due to the shows more western feel.) Or will it (Gorram it! I don't want to say it!) die out as the fans grow old with no new ones to replace them. (me being an exception because i'm rather strange for my age) Your thoughts and opinions?


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 8:40 AM


Welcome Runeheart!
I'll bet if you got some of your friends your age to watch the series…they'd love it, too. As far as 'Firefly' for the next generation; who knows. But something as powerful as that series, with it's ability to entrance people of all ages will always be touching hearts and souls. I've never seen a brief t.v. series that continues to hook new followers like Firefly does.
We've got lots of 'fans' here who write fiction based on the 'Verse…and as far as I can tell, we're not going anywhere anytime soon.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 9:55 AM




Wednesday, February 11, 2015 11:02 AM


I think I've gotten a reputation for being pessimistic around here. So, it should come as no surprise that I believe the fandom will die out. I mean it's already pretty dead around here. Unless a spinoff or a "next generation" comes out then more and more will drop out.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 12:55 PM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome Runeheart! Always glad to have a new fan.

Not sure that Firefly fandom will "die out". Star Trek certainly did not, nor did Battlestar Galactica. While not wildly successful and despite cancellation both have endured and still have fan bases.

I think that Firefly will go down in sci fi history as a show that was mishandled and misunderstood by the network that carried it, and still managed to make it to the big screen. Is the story over? Maybe for the crew of Serenity, but that is not to say that there are not still tales out there in the 'Verse to be told.


Holding the line since December '02!

C.O. 76th Independent Battalion


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 2:54 PM


I don't know what to say about the rest of the world, but there is good hope for it here in my house. My two year old son was watching Thomas the Tank Engine earlier today and about 10 minutes into it he looks at me and says "starship TV please". I ask if he means Firefly and he replies "yes please".

Yes, his mom and I are raising him right.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 2:59 PM


...and, oh, here's a special welcome gift.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:13 PM


What Would Mal do ?

First off...welcome...doesn't matter if the DVD collection survives beyond've found it...and there are others like you out there....sometime down the road, someone will have reason to make a product like that tell a story like those again..and with any luck, will assemble the right cast, create the movie magic and we'll get to enjoy new adventures with new faces in a new verse.

in the meantime, the DVD collection still stis on my Walmart shelves..and that's amazing in itself.

I'm 58... the show hit me right on several levels... my kids range from 25 to 35 and appreciate the series...still send me posters, pictures, etc...for fun...

honestly I hope that when my grandkids are old enough, that their world will not be led by despots and warped leaders who seek to nanny state us...telling us what food our kids must eat in school, etc....because it's under rule like this, that story tellers feel the need to write Firefly stories...granted, Joss was kicking this up under a republican era...different people see things differently..but my point...politics that as long as there are those who wish to impress their ideaology upon the masses...there will be the few who would rather live on the raggedy edge than to be corralled like cattle. Might not be the same name, but there will be more Firefly...


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 6:54 PM


Thanking everyone for their kind welcomes and the opinions they gave! :) Shiny welcome song! :P

Wash: "Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction."
Zoe: "We live in a spaceship, dear."
Wash: "So?"


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 7:29 PM



Originally posted by TimInNC:
...and, oh, here's a special welcome gift.


Thursday, February 12, 2015 7:38 AM


You are more than welcome Rune. If you haven't listened to Marion's stuff you really should. Then I recommend catching her in concert locally. :)

For further hope lifting excellence you should look for "Motivated By Firefly" on youtube.


Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:07 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Just because I'm selling some of my Firefly/Serenity stuff, don't for one second think that I am not still a Browncoat through and through. I still have scores of other things, several other autographs, etc. I'll be a flan until the day I die, and if there is an afterlife I'm sure I'll have some interesting discussions with other Browncoats then.

While I would love for it to happen, if we don't ever get any more from the 'Verse except more comics or pricey items from QMX, I'm confident Firefly will still be a popular property for decades to come.

And don't forget it took over ten years for Star Trek's first movie, and that happened mainly due to the enormous popularity of Star Wars. As long as Joss is around, as long as fans clamor for more, I wouldn't be surprised of a reboot some time in the future. Will it live up to our expectations? Not sure anything could, but I'd watch it just the same.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, March 1, 2015 1:57 PM



Originally posted by Runeheart:
Hi everyone, I'm a new Firefly fan :) (Yeah i know i'm pretty late, but i was too young to watch when the series aired) I LOVE Firefly!!! But i can't talk to anyone my age about it because its "old" and therefore uncool. It makes me think that there is no hope for Firefly in the next generation. I know that there probably won't be any sequels due to the time that has past (even though i hope against hope that more episodes will, eventually, be released) but i was wondering about the longevity of this fandom and wanted your opinion. Will Firefly die out with us or will it become like a classic sci fi like star wars, with a constant nerdy fan-base? (I don't know if it will gain such a following due to the shows more western feel.) Or will it (Gorram it! I don't want to say it!) die out as the fans grow old with no new ones to replace them. (me being an exception because i'm rather strange for my age) Your thoughts and opinions?

Perhaps you can help the coolness of Firefly among your peers. When you see special effects copied from Firefly (Emmy Award for Special Effects for Pilot Serenity), you can point out "trivia" like that was copied from Firefly. Almost every Sci-Fi show/film has copied from Firefly, and Firefly is in effect the source of much current special effects, not only sci-fi but also all those hand-held wobbly-cam shots that Zoic developed for Joss in Firefly.
When viewing Castle, Chuck, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Gotham, The Last Ship, etc you could point out "trivia" like their big break (or biggest web following) was Firefly.

How many of those current offerings include a Map of The Verse like ours published in 2009?

Do these people not consider the Original Star Trek to be cool?
Sometimes, cool is what you make it.
Welcome aboard, and enjoy.






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