How do you see yourself on Serenity?

UPDATED: Thursday, November 11, 2004 15:32
VIEWED: 9454
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Monday, October 25, 2004 10:32 AM


In the thread where we all talked about why we love Firefly and we pretty much all agreed it was at least partly because we all felt like we were another crewmember.

So that is where my thread comes into place, how would you want to be a passanger onboard Serenity?

Mine would be a passenger who would just but a passenger cabin with a priceless Game Boy Advance with games (the last surviving handheld from Earth-That-Was) and stay aboard there. Not going on any mission unless it would be necesary but playing chess or something with Inara and Book while they are out and I would definatly like playing a boardgame with all 10 crewmembers on that big table.

So how would you like to see yourself onboard Serenity?


Monday, October 25, 2004 10:38 AM


I definitely see me cleaning and doing dishes, cuz I'm a neat freak. I also see myself helping Kaylee in the engine room, fetching things for her while she's doing the worker-person stuff. I'd also cook or help others cook. Of course, I'd also be Mal's cuddle-buddy, which is why I'd be on the ship in the first place.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Monday, October 25, 2004 10:56 AM


I definitely see myself either as the cook or the computer guru. I think I would be from the same planet as Kaylee, because I see myself as being wonderful friends with her. I'd probably want to be the one who understands River...


Monday, October 25, 2004 11:03 AM


Well, lets see. If it was Me, with a captial M, then I suppose the Serenity crew would, while taking a long detour to avoid the feds, stumble across an abandoned wreck. Inside it a cryogenic pod, holding a person - me, a relic of the Earth That Was, cryogenically frozen before they really knew anyway to unfreeze people without killing them- most such people were lost in the destruction of Earth, or destroyed in the civil war as the designated repository for such people (until it was decided what to do with them) was blown up. Me, I was a rare exception and bound for a private collection when some disaster struck the ship. Wackiness ensues and they wind up reviving me, so, not knowing much about this brave new world, they let me stick around.

But, really, the question generally asks "if you were someone who was already in the Firefly 'verse"... so, I think I'd like to be a local planet bound guy, dreaming of the stars. The crew arrives on a job, and things get hairy as someone recognizes Simon and/or River. I wind up risking everything to help them get away when they tell me the truth, and, having nothing left and facing charges for aiding and abetting if anyone ever found out, they let me on.

Either way, I mostly keep to myself, but try to help out where-ever I can. I wouldn't do anything I think of as particularly immoral, though, which would put me out of some of the jobs, and I don't think I'd ever handle a weapon.
Maybe, to make myself useful, I'd see if I could get either Simon to train me as a medical aide or Kaylee to teach me something about engines, so I can fill in if there's an emergency.

As for interactions, I'd probably get along reasonably well with Kaylee, Simon, River, Book, and Wash. I'd not like Jayne too much (but might grow to appreciate him if he doesn't sell us out). I'd probably like but be faintly scared of Zoe cause she's the toughest, even more than Jayne. Like the Captain in general but not be too close on account of him being the local authority figure, and probably get along and like but not be terribly close with Inara. No particular reason, I just have that sense.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Monday, October 25, 2004 11:09 AM


I think I'd be Wash's sister trying to find out if this Zoe person was good enough for my big brother. LOL!! I know it's out there.
Well either that or I'd be a cook/herblist helping Simon and Kaylee get things together. I'd also be making a move on Jayne. ;) there is just something about tall men that seems so manly.

With Hope because love is nothing without hope.


Monday, October 25, 2004 11:26 AM


I'd be an old roommate of Wash's from flight school (he went on to stunning success - I flunked out after a few years). I'd bounced around the rim doing odd jobs and happened to hook up with Wash again when Serenity landed on a backwater moon. Got drunk and passed out somewhere on Serenity and wasn't found until after the crew had left on their next job.

They keep me around because I know a little bit about hydroponics (got this idea from other people's suggestions in earlier threads that this could be a needed skill on Serenity). Lots of early conflict because the only things I can initially grow successfully are potatoes, lots and lots of potatoes.

There are three kinds of people: fighters, lovers, and screamers.


Monday, October 25, 2004 12:19 PM


Ideally, I'd be this guy who tumbles out of a wormhole, buys an older model Firefly ship, and gets into business like the folks on Serenity.

Were I just on the ship itself. I'm mechanically and computer-ally inclined, so I could hope I'd find work on those systems on the ship. I don't think they've much need for an English teacher otherwise.


Uncharted Outlaw!
"The secret is understanding time."
See my Firefly Store:


Monday, October 25, 2004 12:33 PM


I figure I'd be mostly like Tracey -- a Browncoat vet, a real cut-up, telling jokes, pulling pranks, etc. 'Ceptin' I wouldn't smuggle someone else's guts inside me. And I'd try to be a productive hired gun, not eatin' beans when there's killin' to be done. I imagine I'd spend most of my time on the bridge, staring out at the black.



Monday, October 25, 2004 12:42 PM


I'd be a restless young adult princess on some ambiguous planet. I hire the crew to do a job stealing from my daddy. In order to get in, Jayne poses as my bodyguard and starts to like my tough but sexy demeanor. When we have stolen the goods, the crew sweeps me away to a better place on Serenity, where I spend my ship time teasing the lustful Jayne and learning from Zoe how to kick ass.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Monday, October 25, 2004 1:06 PM


I'd be nekkid. Yep, that's about it. That and maybe have a pet chicken or something. Yeah. Nekkid with a pet chicken named "Bongo". And maybe some juggling geese. Bongo can collect tips from the crew while I juggle. Yeah, that's it... I'd be the entertainment and I'd only show up at really weird times. Especially when we land places... new people to juggle for and for Bongo to scam credits out of by playing that "find the queen" card game, except "find the plum" from the tall card deck.

~ Lost In The 'Verse

"About a year before we met, I spent 6 months on a moon where the primary form of recreation was juggling geese. My hand to god. Baby geese. Goslings. They were juggled!"


Monday, October 25, 2004 1:06 PM


I'd be nekkid. Yep, that's about it. That and maybe have a pet chicken or something. Yeah. Nekkid with a pet chicken named "Bongo". And maybe some juggling geese. Bongo can collect tips from the crew while I juggle. Yeah, that's it... I'd be the entertainment and I'd only show up at really weird times. Especially when we land places... new people to juggle for and for Bongo to scam credits out of by playing that "find the queen" card game, except "find the plum" from the tall card deck.

~ Lost In The 'Verse

"About a year before we met, I spent 6 months on a moon where the primary form of recreation was juggling geese. My hand to god. Baby geese. Goslings. They were juggled!"


Monday, October 25, 2004 1:17 PM


I can't imagine I'd fit in all that well in the firefly 'verse. I'd probably be just another person living out my life either in the Alliance or on some backwater, dreaming of a more interesting life flying around having adventures and shooting guns. I'd probably be on the rim, as I ain't too thrilled with oppressive governmental models.

I'd probably meet up with the crew of Serenity in some town when they're having a thing, and I'd dream of following them, until I got enough money together to get my own ship, try and find some friends to crew and take off into the black.

"Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine."


Monday, October 25, 2004 2:17 PM


Former Alliance officer. One of the ones what got left in Serenity. Smuggled off a prototype slug thrower, and also uses a regular pistol (ammo's cheaper). Leaves Serenity to find religion on his home world (core). Finds God again, but is approached by the New Inquisition. I'm put on the tail of Shepherd Book (insert reason here, but hanging around with known outlaws is decent enough reason). I make my way on board as a passenger, only to discover the much wanted Tam's! OMGWTF! In a tense moment in the cargo bay, pistols out, me with my beefy slug pistol, I hear the whole story. During the trip, I'd gotten to know Mal and Book. I give my story, and I harbor resentment towards the alliance for leaving our asses in Serenity. I had been ordered to find, detain, or even kill many people since joining the New Inquisition. I begin to question who those people were, and if I was doing the right thing. After, somehow, finding out that the New Inquisition is controlled by the same Blue Sun group that handled the Academy, I make up my mind to go AWOL and hide out with the crew on Serenity, assuming Mal's ok with it. I'd have a long way to go to earn everyone's trust, though.

-------------------------------------------------- Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices


Monday, October 25, 2004 2:28 PM


Cool! Nobody's claimed it yet! Here goes:

After Wash's tragic and heroic death (because Alan T. has become a fabulously successful movie star and can't stay with the show) sometime around the end of the 4th season, my character falls into their lap as a replacement pilot.

I was an Alliance troop transport pilot during the Unification War (as we called it), but got cashiered for repeated acts of insubordination, a plea-bargained lesser charge I copped to after being originally indicted for seditious speech. Unable to find suitable employment in the Core with my record, I've moved to the Rim, where I've been working as the equivalent of a leased-rig long haul trucker. Mal pitches the Serenity job to me, but I accept only on the understanding that I'm unapologetically sympathetic to the Alliance ideal. I feel mistakes were made on both sides of the conflict (hence my seditious speech charge), but I'm loyal to the memory of my fallen comrades and the sacrifices they made in the name of Unity.

Zoe and I fall in love, and are married, on or about the final episode of season 5. Mal performs the ceremony as ship's captain, at my request, since he has become my best friend, even though we still have deep philosophical differences. Book does not feel slighted; I am a devout Catholic and have confessed my quandary to him -- torn between my faith and my loyalty to my new compatriot. Zoe is pregnant, and will give birth to our child midway through the following season.

My character's name is Ware Schmöeh. My new bride decides to revert to her maiden name, with my complete understanding and approval...



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity

Only 178 days, 4 hours, 57 minutes, and 40 seconds left until The BDM!


Monday, October 25, 2004 2:59 PM


WASH CAN'T DIE ZOID! (Ahem, just had to get that off my chest)

Anyway, I've had dreams before where I've been on the crew for whatever reasons and usuasly in these dreams I'm very brave and heroical, with lots of beating people up and shooting.

In 'real life' though, I don't think that's how it'd work out. I'd probably get on the crew by sneaking on board, then finding ways to be usefull so that they wouldn't drop me off at Beaumont...

I see myself spending a lot of time keeping Wash company in the bridge, just becuase he's so damn funny and probably filled with lots of equally funny stories. Might even pick up some piloting skills and/or navagion skills. I'm sure I could find ways to be usefull...or at least excuses to hang out on the bride. I'd probably also end up spending a good deal of time with Kaylee tinkering in the engine room. I might steal Jaynes hat every now and then too, and avoid any religion speaches Book might have in store for me, but definatly grill him to show me that ID card of his.

I'd also find some excuse to cary a gun, becuase I've always wanted to do that.

Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, October 25, 2004 3:25 PM



As all the long-time JW fans like to point out, Joss has a penchant for killing off his characters, especially the happy ones. My guess-timate says Wash will likely be first to die, leaving Zoe widowed. Of course, that would only be true if Firefly were to return to series TV, which ain't bloody likely.

So, I'll leave it as I proposed: Wash dies because Monsieur Tudyk is rolling in plum acting parts, more so than because JW is a sadistic bastard who enjoys torturing his adoring audience. Whedon has been favorably compared to Shakespeare, and who was better at killing off his main characters -- believably, convincingly and unassailably -- than Will Shakespeare? Maddening as hell, yes; but, from a logical standpoint of plot resolution, inescapable as well.

The good news: With only the 6 movies -- umm, I mean the three movies -- maybe we can hope he'll keep everybody alive through the finale.



"Money may not buy you Happiness; but it will buy you a yacht big enough to sail right up next to that sucker." David Lee Roth


Monday, October 25, 2004 3:32 PM


yeah...thats what I keep hearing, that someone will definatly die...I just keep hoping its not Wash. Therefore...WASH CAN'T DIE!


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, October 25, 2004 3:46 PM


Okay, Neezie. Zoe and Wash have a baby. Then Zoe gets tragically and heroically deceased, leaving Wash a widower and single parent.

Happier now?




Monday, October 25, 2004 3:48 PM


YOu are not an exceptionaly wonderful motavational speaker...


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:03 PM



I'm just trying to think like W. Shakespeare's current incarnation, Joss Whedon. Don't hate the playa, hate the game...

I'll leave it for now, and start a separate thread on the subject of "Ironic Deaths for Firefly Crew".

Sounds like fun, jahwohl?




Monday, October 25, 2004 4:06 PM


I'd have the same role I do in every job i've had in real life,


Somebody's got to fix it once it's fubar.


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:11 PM


I can't believe you're asking for MarySues! Dude, that's like planting kudzu.


Monday, October 25, 2004 9:03 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by zoid:
Zoe and I fall in love, and are married, on or about the final episode of season 5. Mal performs the ceremony as ship's captain, at my request, since he has become my best friend, even though we still have deep philosophical differences. Book does not feel slighted; I am a devout Catholic and have confessed my quandary to him -- torn between my faith and my loyalty to my new compatriot. Zoe is pregnant, and will give birth to our child midway through the following season.

Nice one, Zoid, but can we not use this as an opportunity for Firefly to explore different stories? How 'bout this:

Zoe is pregnant, with Wash's child

You are a chick

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Monday, October 25, 2004 10:16 PM


I think I'd be a lot like Simon, only freakin' useless. I'd more-than-likely try to learn as much as I could and make myself useful, but something tells me I'd fail more often than I succeeded for quite some time until I finally found a way to fit in and contribute.

But let's say I were writing a character for myself into the show... at my age, I'd want to be Mal's illegitimate son or a cousin of Tracey's.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would be an old war buddy of Mal & Zoe's. We were separated at Serenity Valley and I was presumed dead. I was wounded and left behind, unconscious, coming to after the med ships had picked up the survivors and departed.

I managed to patch myself up enough to get moving and was later found by the burial details sent by the Alliance. I had dressed in an Alliance uniform in order to get off world and avoid imprisonment, not sure that the war was over.

Once I made it to the next planet, I disappeared and set off to hook back up w/ the Independents. I find out we lost and float from job to job, planet to planet, looking for a purpose. My friends are dead or gone off avoiding the Alliance. My family farm is gone, seized by the Alliance for nonpayment of taxes. My father died trying to keep the farm away from the Feds, and my mother died of the damp lung. Alone, I set off for the Rim.

Later I run into an old Independent buddy who is still involved w/ an underground movement of Browncoat leaders who avoided capture by the Feds. Feeling like I have a purpose again, I sign up. Needing transport for a mission I book passage on a Firefly class ship named Serenity (thinking the name odd) w/ a pretty young mechanic named Kaylee.

Once onboard I meet the captain of Serenity only to find it is my old buddy Malcolm Reynolds. I am hardly surprised when I see Zoe is still with him as they always were inseparable. We spend the better part of a day drinking and regaling the crew w/ old war stories (much to Wash's dismay).

What happens next? Who knows? Maybe I stay onboard, maybe I enlist Mal's help in some small way, perhaps Mal declines to help the Independents because he harbors resentment at command over what happened in Serenity Valley. Perhaps he chooses his new family, his crew, over any feelings of loyalty he once held to the Independent cause. Perhaps in Serenity he finally found the freedom he so desperately sought and no longer needs the cause.

Would make for an interesting season finale, no?


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:59 AM


YT wrote:

...You are a chick

Trust me, dude, no one is going to believe me as a 'chick'. I'm too masculine (i.e., ugly) to play 'matronly babushka', let alone 'cheesecake' suitable for your lesbian fantasy. Adam Baldwin as 'Buffy' -- as I explored, tongue-in-cheek on the 'Is this a change of heart?' thread -- would be more workable.

So, I'll stick with me being a dude and married to Zoe, with all those difficult bedroom scenes. It's tough, sweaty, distracting work; but, I'm willing to pitch in when the chips are down. That's just the kind of guy I am.

You're just jealous you didn't think of it first.




"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity

Only 177 days, 16 hours, 13 minutes, and 51 seconds left until The BDM!


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 4:19 AM


I'd be the well-meaning but naive poli sci grad student from a rich central planet who just got a government grant to record oral histories with former independents on the outer colonies. In order to stretch my grant money I hire out with Serenity as it travels from world to world, interviewing various colonists and writing my thesis "Class identification as a determiner of independence allegiance". As time passes I come to identify more and more with the Serenity crew and find myself getting involved in their hijinks, all the while changing from a ivory tower academic to a firey supporter of independent's rights and future political leader of the new independence movement (around season seven... :).



Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:05 AM



Originally posted by Daikath:

So how would you like to see yourself onboard Serenity?

I see myself as the starboard stabilizer (ie right wing). Without me the ship don't fly. Besides, there are plenty of port stabilizers on this board. We need some balance.



Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:18 AM


Hero wrote:

I see myself as the starboard stabilizer (ie right wing). Without me the ship don't fly. Besides, there are plenty of port stabilizers on this board. We need some balance.

Actually, the ship would fly with only the left wing, but it would only go around in a huge circle (like a) jerk.




Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:45 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

Hero wrote:

I see myself as the starboard stabilizer (ie right wing). Without me the ship don't fly. Besides, there are plenty of port stabilizers on this board. We need some balance.

Actually, the ship would fly with only the left wing, but it would only go around in a huge circle (like a) jerk.

Thats the way left wingers are. They argue in circles and behave like jerks. If you wanna get where your going you need a right wing to make it happen.

Must be the season, can't order dinner without considering the politics...



Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:50 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by zoid:
Adam Baldwin as 'Buffy' -- as I explored, tongue-in-cheek on the 'Is this a change of heart?' thread -- would be more workable.

Yah, I liked that one, on two levels. And he's got the acting chops to pull it off, or wherever.


You're just jealous you didn't think of it first.

Curse your sudden but inevitable disclosure.

Well, I thought of it the first time I saw the show. But I ain't gonna mess with the dude who taught Captain Neo everything he knows.

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:11 AM


YT wrote:

...I ain't gonna mess with the dude who taught Captain Neo everything he knows.

Indeed. And lest we forget, he also taught PeeWee Herman a thing or two about being a cowboy.

I'm not saying I would get carried away in the role; but, as jobs go, it would not suck (maybe I should just pull a King of Comedy on Alan Tudyk). I figure it would be strictly on the up-and-up and professional, so long as she could overlook the occasional "gallant reflex", as Heinlein put it...

I've never had stage fright, which might make for the random awkward moment, when they have to cut because my voice has suddenly broken. I'm sure she'd just find it amusing, by comparison.

Very Respectfully,



Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:57 PM


Since the mention of character's siblings popped up, I'll create another.
I think I would be Mal's younger sister, maybe I have a run in with Badger after incurring a large debt and he waves Mal and says I can't pay so he'll have to, knowing Mal would. Anyway, my purpose would best be served by becoming Inara's best friend and tell her all sorts of things about bout Mal. I'd tell things he did when we were kids, and any tidbit that might embarrass him or just irritate the heck out of him. All done in an innocent and kindly manner, of course. :) Mal would then wish he could find reasons to leave me on the nearest planet every episode.

Had no siblings, I think I missed out!

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:03 AM


needleseye wrote:

Since the mention of character's siblings popped up, I'll create another.
I think I would be Mal's younger sister, maybe I have a run in with Badger after incurring a large debt and he waves Mal and says I can't pay so he'll have to, knowing Mal would. Anyway, my purpose would best be served by becoming Inara's best friend and tell her all sorts of things about bout Mal. I'd tell things he did when we were kids, and any tidbit that might embarrass him or just irritate the heck out of him. All done in an innocent and kindly manner, of course. :) Mal would then wish he could find reasons to leave me on the nearest planet every episode...

Very well done! Your character would fill a needed role by providing us with some background on the less-than-forthcoming Mal. You could not only point out the embarassing moments of Mal's past, but also his inherently courageous nature. Like, when he saved you from drowning, or when he rescued Ma Reynolds' pies from that pesky Finn kid from the neighboring ranch.

I've always seen Mal as a less optimistic version of Tom Sawyer...



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:12 AM


Well, since this is a complete fantasy...

I'd be a passenger come aboard Serenity, and reveal myself as an Angelic Messenger from God. Book would be all excited, and Mal would be durned pissed.

But that would be too 'out there' for Joss, so in reality I would be exposed as an alien posing as an angel.

Still too out there, the final unexpected twist would seem to be that (since there are no aliens), I'm really a ROBOT posing as an alien posing as an angel.

Then, just before the creedits roll, (since even robots are too unbelievable), it would all have to be some strange illusion created by my totally human but utterly powerful telepathic abilities - as it turns out I am actually River's even crazier cloned twin brother!

Oh, and play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space.


Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:20 AM



Dude... Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side...




Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:30 AM


wydraz, you're my kinda stupid.

(And I mean that as a compliment.)

Are you a Southern Ohio Browncoat? If so, join our Yahoo group for news and events:

And if you're a Cincinnati Area Browncoat, join our meetup group at


Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:18 AM



Originally posted by wydraz:
Well, since this is a complete fantasy...

I'd be a passenger come aboard Serenity, and reveal myself as an Angelic Messenger from God. Book would be all excited, and Mal would be durned pissed.

But that would be too 'out there' for Joss, so in reality I would be exposed as an alien posing as an angel.

Still too out there, the final unexpected twist would seem to be that (since there are no aliens), I'm really a ROBOT posing as an alien posing as an angel.

Then, just before the creedits roll, (since even robots are too unbelievable), it would all have to be some strange illusion created by my totally human but utterly powerful telepathic abilities - as it turns out I am actually River's even crazier cloned twin brother!

And all this happens in one episode? Wow. Sounds a bit dizzying. But amusing.

I've been trying to come up with some role I could play, but nothing that isn't so Mary Sue-ish I can't bear to type it has come to mind. I guess I'll wait till Zoid and Zoe's baby needs to do a book report for school. Then I can play the sp'librarian that helps him/her find something to read.

Off to grade papers.


Giles: Don’t taunt the fear demon.
Xander: Why, can he hurt me?
Giles: No, it’s just . . . tacky.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:25 AM


Okay, here's mine...and in Fan fic form no less [in case it ain't obv-e-us, I'm Captain Grace]

Mal stepped down the last metal stair from the upper decks to the cargo bay, Zoe close behind, rounding to the console he depressed the button to lower the cargo bay door. He stood with his arms at his sides as the cargo bay opened fully with a dull thud and the orange light of dusk spilled into the area of the cargo bay just inside the opened door.

Moments later two people, a man, average in size, brown hair a pump action rifle slung low over his shoulder and a woman, tall, curvy, with blonde hair and a large hand gun strapped to her hip. Mal moved toward the duo as they stopped just inside the ship and looked around as if accessing it. His hand extended toward the man.

“Captain Grace, I’m Captain Reynolds. I trust you got the cargo here safely.”

The man looked down at Mal’s hand and snarled a bit as the woman stepped forward to take it.

“I’m Grace, Captain. And we are your cargo.”

“Shuh muh?” Mal face fell in slight confusion.

“I said we are the package that you are meant to deliver to Whitefall.” her voice had an air of a challenge on it. “Is that a problem Captain?”

“Yes it’s a gorram problem! We don’t take on passengers. We usually run into a heap ‘a trouble when we do and something tells me you’re trouble is already heads above a heap or you wouldn’t be passing yourselves off as a package.”

Captain Grace smirked at Mal and took note of Zoe as her hand slipped to the but of her gun. Turning her attention back to her fellow Captain she smiled.

“Yes I suppose your right but, my man and I don’t have a lot of time. We need to get off world approximately yesterday and I mean to pay you well for this job.” slowly, so as not to get shot she slid her hand inside her jacket and pulled out a large coin bag and tossed it to Mal. “And there’s one of those for each of your crew when we set down in Whitefall.”

Mal looks up from the bag, his eye brow raised in silent questioning.

“It’s best if you and yours know as little as possible about the whats and whys Captain. Let’s just say the feds are looking to pinch us and good.” She turns to her man and starts giving him orders about their baggage.

From behind them a deep grumbling voice entered the cargo bay just before the large, always impressive figure of Jayne. He was looking down at the orange beanie in his hands and muttering under his breath in Chinese.
“Mal that gorram doctor’s looney bird sister has been in my bunk again," he looked up to the Captain as he reach him. "I swear to God Mal if she don’t stay outta there I’m gonna hang her upside down from the cat walk.”
“Jayne.” Mal says through clenched teeth, looking to the mercenary without turning his head. “In case you haven’t noticed I’m right in the middle of something.”

Jayne huffs and then turns his attention to the new comers. His eyes land on the Captain Grace and his body freezes, mouth half open as the words he was going to say die on his lips. Grace, satisfied that her man new what to do, watched as he vanished from sight.

“I’m afraid I’m going to need an ans...” her head was turning as she spoke and her gaze locked on to the stunned form of Jayne and she halted mid sentence.

The two stared at one another for what seem like hours before Grace moved toward him, slowly, provocatively, as if she’d completely forgotten where she was. Mal watched, his confusion growing by the minute.

“Sir, what’s going on?” Zoe asked from over his shoulder.

Mal shrugged “tyen shiao duh”

They watched as Grace reached Jayne and in one fluid motion wrapped her arms around his neck, her hand cupping the back on his head and pulled him down into a fiery kiss. Jayne seemed stunned for a moment and then his own arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her flush to him as he returned the kiss.

After a few moments Grace broke the kiss and pulled back from Jayne who was now smiling. She smiled up at him.

“Jayne Cobb,” and then suddenly her fist flashed out and connected with his jaw hard enough to send the large man spinning on his heels. “You lying, no good hwoon dahn!”

Mal reached out his hand to still Zoe as she sought to raise her weapon. “Guess that’s why he don’t kiss on the mouth.” He had a slight grin on his lips for a brief moment as Jayne whirled around, his hand held to his jaw.

“What in the rut’n hell’d ya do that for!”

“Don’t you play dumb with me Jayne.” Grace sneered.

“He ain’t playing I’m afraid.” Mal said finally deciding it was time to get to the bottom of things “Now, someone want to tell me what the hell’s going on here. Jayne?”

“I don’t know Mal. I think every female in the ‘verse is going loopy.”

“If he’s on you crew Captain you’d better watch your back, he’ll turn on you as soon as the money’s good enough.”

“Ya don’t say.” Mal smirked.

“Even if you’re sleeping with the jerk.” She added under her breath.

“Hey! That ain’t kosherized. I never turn on you Vera.”

“Wait!” Mal held up his hands “Vera?! She’s Vera? As in ‘I call it Vera’? Jayne you named your gun after this lady?”

Vera’s attention snapped back to Mal “He what?”

“Yeah, his favorite one apparently. It’s real sweet”

“Gwon nee tze-jee duh shr.” Jayne growled at Mal.

Vera turned her head back to face Jayne. Her face still set in hard anger but her eyes softening. “Why’d you do it Jayne?”

“Do what? I ain’t got no rut’n idea what your talking about.”

“You ditched us, back on Orpeuis, the job was prefect then Pen and I got back to the rondeaux and you, the shuttle and the loot were gone. You left us, me, dangling like fresh meat for the feds.”

“I didn’t ditch you!” Jayne told her incredulously “Pen radio’d, said you got pinched and he was going back for ya. Changed the meet up. He said...” Jayne trailed off as realization hit him like a ton of Alliance food stuffs. “Gao yang jong duh yang.”

Vera whirled around and made for the ramp, just as Pen came into view. With lightening speed she pulled her weapon from it’s holster and fired. Pen screeched in pain as he collapsed to the deck clutching at his shattered knee. Vera moved over him menacingly, the barrel of her gun inches from his face.

“You low down dirty deceiver! Give me one good reason I shouldn’t blow your brains outta the back of your skull?”

Pen looked as if he was going to say that he had no idea what she was talking about as Jayne, arms crossed over his chest came into view. The gun shot had since brought the rest of the crew running to the cargo bay, and they all stood in shocked silence watching the strange events play out before them.

“What’s going on. Who’s the blonde” Wash asked his wife quietly

“Old girlfriend of Jayne’s it seems.”

“Ah. That explains the gun fire and the slightly crazed look.”

Pen’s eyes widened as he looked at Jayne and realized that they must have figured it out. After 5 years he’d simply firgured that Jayne Cobb was dead or in prison but, there he stood before him and now Vera’s gun was pointed at him, throwing heat on his face.

“Vera, I...he was dangerous. I didn’t trust him. I...he was in the way of what I wanted.” he admitted finally.

“Yeah and what was that?” Jayne asked the other man.


Kaylee and River both jumped as the sound of a second blast rang through the metal walls of Serenity and the half headless body smacked the deck with a wet thud.

“I said a good reason you Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng” she sent the body rolling off the ramp and into the dirt with a booted foot.

“Sorry about the mess. Looks like it’s just one traveler but, the price is still the same. So, do we have a deal Captain?” she asked as she made her way back to Mal.

Mal gave her a considering look and then nodded. She smiled and gave a small bow before turning and leaping into Jayne’s arms, her long legs coming up to wrap around his waist. She leaned into his ear and whispered something that Simon was certain couldn’t be very polite as Jayne’s eyes widened and a leering grin appeared on his face.

“We’ll be in my bunk.” Jayne told them as he wrapped her in his arms and headed off in that direction in haste.

“The big one’s not angry anymore.” River observed randomly

“No, River I don’t guess he is.” Mal responded.

If life is what you make it I want Cheese Cake!


Wednesday, November 10, 2004 2:05 PM



That was AWESOME! Why didn't I see this when you posted it?? I'm glad I was bored and clicked on this archived thread. What a happy brought a tear of joy to my eye (sniff).


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Wednesday, November 10, 2004 11:56 PM


I would be Inara's sister, rent the other shuttle from time to time, but I wouldn't be a space-whore. I'd just go for business trips and to visit my sis and try to experience how they live and then return home to big city and to my job as a highly successful businesswoman on one of the central planets, working to effect change in the Alliance through my highly influential, political contacts. Then I would hire Serenity for more legitimate jobs, have them find other scavengers like them and build a secret fleet of space ships, then plant moles who have earnest appearances and are highly effective speakers, and who believe in what they are doing into the outer rim planets who would then become beloved heroes by gifting these planets with valuable technology and foodstuffs (I'm rich), introduce new ideology, promote economic growth and self-subsistence so the planets would function on their own w/o alliance help, but remain thankful for our help, and then create the beginnings of a new society from the outer rims loyal to this "new alliance" which would slowly enclose and suffocate the 'Old alliance" And then the repressed and poor from the old alliance would defect or follow our example, refusing to submit to tyranny, Then shift their political system into something much more more democratic, with slight socialistic characteristics (cuz people need help to get started after they've been neglected by the alliance for so long.) Then once this new alliance has been established, my successor (i'd be dead by then) would die from exhaustion after trying to keep it all together, cuz its way easier to conquer a universe than to sustain one. And then I dunno what... Star Trek?


Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:41 AM


Wow. Can I hang out with you? While you're rich and before you die, of course.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:22 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Daikath:
In the thread where we all talked about why we love Firefly and we pretty much all agreed it was at least partly because we all felt like we were another crewmember.

So that is where my thread comes into place, how would you want to be a passenger onboard Serenity?

Funny thing - I wrote an essay about this very thing for my English I class just last quarter. The quarter before that, I did a drawing about it.

The premise for the drawing was that we were to create a map. The qualifications were a starting point and a final destination, but the means we used to travel were entirely up to us. I decided I was traveling by space ship. On which space ship? Oh come on, we're Firefly fans. Do I really need to answer that?

Suffice to say, I was a passenger, but was able to interact casually with the crew. Didn't take part in any special jobs or missions or deals or what-have-you. Strictly a "point A" to "point D" passenger by way of points B and C. I wasn't able to expand on points B or C at all because of the word limit... at least, that's what I told my instructor.

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, November 11, 2004 1:16 PM


I wouldn't be on Serenity. I'd be mudder. Not by choice mind you, I think it's just my lot in life. Se that guy sitting on the stool playing the guitar in the middle?

Yep, you got it. That would be me.


Thursday, November 11, 2004 3:32 PM



If you liked that you'll need to check out the thread for the Virtual Series that My Friend Holly and I are working on.

Thread's called Firefly the Virtual Series

LInk to the site is there.

If life is what you make it I want Cheese Cake!






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