River/Jayne Fanfics.

UPDATED: Monday, October 9, 2006 07:11
VIEWED: 5124
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Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:39 PM


Y'know, I read Firefly fanfic from time to time, and it amazes me that so many of these stories are River/Jayne pairings.

Now, I recognise that on first glance it's JAYNE, and that's enough to kill a good fanfic right there usually, but the Thing is, the more you think about it, it actually makes a degree of sense.

See, River is a reader. She sees into people's minds.

Now, everybody, escpecially on Serenity, they say one thing, and think another. They feel one thing, and act another. Mal and Inara, Simon and Kayleee, Zoe and Wash, and Book, well...

Jayne doesnt. What you see is what you get. He says what he thinks, when he's mad he punches, when he's got the hots for someone he says so. It isnt pretty, but it's genuine, and when you can see through Masks, genuine would count for something.

Plus, well, if Jayne ever did go too far with her, then she could break him into forty or so pieces. We learned that in the movie, and we never went further than that, because nobody's picked up the tab yet, but smart money says when Jayne saw the admittedly attractive girl giving a first class butt-kicking to a room full of Reavers, he's gonna be somewhat bewitched by her.

Plus, the others find out, they're gonna have their eyes on him. Mal will throw him out an airlock. Zoe will shoot him. Kaylee will slip with a wire and Jayne's room will suddenly be a hard vacuum. I imagine Inara knows some pressure-point tricks or have some untraceable poisons. Simon will accidentally slip with the scalpel next time Jayne is injured. And River can kill him with her brain.

So he'd have to be on his best behaviour.

Now, as for the age difference, well, River is a supergenius. People like that are never young. And what she's been through has gotta count for a few extra years surely.

A good fanfic, with a good writer, with these facts in mind, could make a very good story out of it. I'm still looking for them though.

Anybody know where I can find some?


Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:19 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have yet to read a really good Rayne fic. There are many fans of the pairing, and almost any fic that's halfway decent works for those folks, but I am not one and I haven't found one that really seems to truly fit the characters. Something like what you brought up would make a lot more sense than "Jayne is just a big teddy bear underneath and River (or Kaylee) can bring that out in him". I've called for stories of different pairings that are actually convincing over in the Blue Sun forum. There have been a few, not many. But I know how it is to be a fan of a particular 'ship and just love to see anything to do with it, so *shrug*. Let me know if you find any really good ones. - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:04 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Here here PR! Sorry but in my deepest Jayne fantasies the idea of him being with River is impossible! ...and I have tried! (with me being River of course... )

I think Jayne s the sexiest beast in the show - but he is not the kind of guy to be with River! In every scenario I have tried to imagine River just laughs at him... I needed to come up with a whole new character in order to create a scenario that worked... and I am certain that if there was a snowballs hope in hell of Jayne suceeding with any of the current women in Firefly he would have already hit on them!!

But that's just me...

Want to know what I do think would work...? I might just get around to posting a fan fic I'm working on one of these days!!

I love my Jayne! - Magda x x x


Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:09 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

If I can see anything working, it would be with Zoe. Not even sure about that, since she's bound to be in mourning for quite some time. But if anything, then it would be Zoe. She's strong and he's honest, and they're warriors in their own way. I'd love to see a long-arc story going through her grief and possible connection to Jayne. It would take a writer of Joss's caliber to do it, though...

Let me know when your fic is up, sweet one! But watch out for those Mary-Sues, yeah? - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:30 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Actually Mei Mei... Zoe is the only 1 I could see working, but I am not ready for that and neither is the character of Zoe - and it wouldn't be love like with Wash/Zoe - it would be pure physical pleasure... and the Jayne not having hit on her yet would be coz she was married/involved when he arrived on the scene...

I will not be the one to write it though...


Monday, September 25, 2006 2:53 AM


The best one I know of in that regard is Next of Kin, at in chapter reverse order due to Lj's post setup. The first chapter was posted in early November 2005. The opening isn't brilliant but from about chapter 2 onwards it's very good, with a long look at the Rayne relationship via consistent characterisation.

There are examples on this site that keep them both in character as you define it, normally but not exclusively where Rayne is a peripheral pairing. Have a look at Kaynara's longfics, for instance.


Monday, October 9, 2006 1:31 AM


If you’re interested in the Jayne/River pairing (Rayne) check out the Rayne shippers community @ Live Journal. Also, Tea & Dumplings is an extensive Rayne archive that makes it easy to find the stories. There are a lot of good fic’s, if you need more recommendations let me know.

The first story I read that got me hooked on the pairing (and is probably the majority fav) is Little Things by Michmak and it can be found here at fan, start with Expert #37.



Monday, October 9, 2006 2:43 AM


I remember how shocked I was the first time I read a Jayne/River and then I thought....but that kinda works!
it was before the movie, so Zoe & Wash were togther
and we all knew that Simon & Kaylee would (eventually) hook up
and Mal and Inara would get together
and it is lonely in the black...
so unless you were going to pair Book w/Jayne (mmmmm Bayne! LOL)
then it was worth considering that Jayne & River might find some comfort within one another.

for one thing: River is tormented by the thoughts and inner angst of others,
but Jayne really doesn't think all that much,
he would be like...a relief!

so here is a great site:
(I can't find the early fics I first read here at fff, but that site makes it easy to find fics by pairing)

edited to add: personally I like short/one off fics
(I have no patience for long rambling WiP)
I just found this one:

thinking on it...River and Jayne are my two favorite characters, so I enjoy reading about them most of all... I don't need it to be romantic, I just enjoy the interchange between the two....


Monday, October 9, 2006 3:03 AM


You're right about Jayne saying what he thinks, but there's another issue. Jayne is a violent man, with a violent past. I'm not saying he'd ever hurt River, but he's killed a lot of people and he's pretty much okay with that. Heck, he's proud of quite a few of those kills. Is River really going to like a guy who thinks like that all the time? I think she's had more than her fill of violent thoughts.

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Monday, October 9, 2006 4:45 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
If I can see anything working, it would be with Zoe. Not even sure about that, since she's bound to be in mourning for quite some time. But if anything, then it would be Zoe. She's strong and he's honest, and they're warriors in their own way. I'd love to see a long-arc story going through her grief and possible connection to Jayne. It would take a writer of Joss's caliber to do it, though...

I don't thing Zoe/Jayne would work, yes, they're both warriors, but completely different traditions.
Zoe is samurai, disciplined, loyal and cool. Jayne on the other hand is a brigand, barely more civilised than a barbarian, he is rude, crude, and the antithesis of Zoe's calm detached warrior. Even with the whole "opposites attract" thing that people allude to, there is a snowball in hell's chance of Zoe and Jayne getting together. They're just not compatable at all.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Monday, October 9, 2006 6:58 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
You're right about Jayne saying what he thinks, but there's another issue. Jayne is a violent man, with a violent past. I'm not saying he'd ever hurt River, but he's killed a lot of people and he's pretty much okay with that. Heck, he's proud of quite a few of those kills. Is River really going to like a guy who thinks like that all the time? I think she's had more than her fill of violent thoughts.

Jayne is a violent man, but I don't think he spends any time contemplating violence...
I don't think he spends anytime contemplating anything at all...
and River has her own violence permanently in her head...being with someone who doesn't think many thoughts at all would be like a vacation.

But as far as liking goes...sometimes we end up liking who is available.
17 and never been kissed, and the only men available, out in the black are
celebate preacher
married guy
and a captain whose head is full of thoughts of Inara...
that all kind of makes Jayne the only one available.

besides, she can totally take him - she knows he couldn't hurt her if he wanted to - and you know he'd never want to:
remember when she was triggered and taking everyone out? Jayne didn't try to hurt her, he only tried to hold her and stop her....

But regardless, here is a really nice Jayne & River story which is not in any way romantic:


Monday, October 9, 2006 7:11 AM


Embers - Jayne does mention violence in casual conversation a lot. Talking about where he got Vera from and telling Book about the "miracle" he performed are two that spring immediatly to mind.

I know he didn't hit River in the BDM, but I think this was a case of him not seeing a need to. True, she'd taken out most of the room, but he still assumed he was just a kid and he could take her. And don't forget that he *did* try to sell her out to the Alliance in 'Ariel', and seems to have planned something similar when he decided to take River for a "nice shuttle ride" in the BDM.

As for liking whoever is available, I think Kaylee had a thing or two to say about that in 'The Message'!

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!






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