Your ideas for Whedonesque spin-off series....

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 00:18
VIEWED: 4200
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Monday, November 17, 2008 11:44 AM



Was just thinking... Let's say you were able to commission some spin-offs from the Joss world. Which characters would you use and what style of show would you go for?

As an example.

Buffy : Spike leaves L,A. and goes to fight the good demon fight back here in England (Sort of back to his routes kinda thing) but to Spike's annoyance Andrew insists on taggin along, siting a keen understanding of the British way of life (he ate 'Bangers and Mash' once) as criteria in helping Spike. Plus - Andrew's now 'watcher' style knowledge - arms him with enough background on Spike to inject in him a sense of attonement, and begin to maybe right some wrongs aswell as fight some ancient and dark, supernatural medieval evil!

Angel: (well there aren't many left really) but let's say Lorne and Harmony, as a kind of His and Her 'caring' demon detective agency. Out to help demons with problems adjusting to living in a human world. This would really use demons to illustrate just how vile humanity can really be. So often we're on the side of the demons - or in this case Lorne and Harmony.

Firefly: (somewhat sacriligeous I must admit) but Jayne and Simon end up reluctant partners in the outer worlds. Sometimes scamming, sometimes legitimately helping folk out - but always at odds with each other's ideals and yet strangely aware that they need each other if they are to survive the hostile 'verse they have found themselves in. Brain and Braun basically.

Anyone else have any thoughts? Just wondering...?


Monday, November 17, 2008 12:18 PM


I actually thought about a show that could be pretty cool as a Firefly spin-off.

I think a show about the underground movenemt, the group that helped Simon break River out, would be cool. From the first time I saw the Firefly pilot Serenity, in the scene where Simon is talking about the underground movement that helped him, I pictured this group that was going around and pretty much being a pest to the Alliance. Then we got a glimps of one of their ships in Serenity at the beginning.

I can just kind of see it as being like a Mission Impossible show. Maybe they have different little missions they are trying to pull off in each episode. Breaking an innocent person out of prison. Intercepting a bribe on it's way to an Alliance official. Gathering evidence to be given to a defense lawyer to help out a wrongfully accused Browncoat.

Each character in the group would have their own strengths and weaknsess obviously. There would be some drama, like in Firefly. And of course, you have to have the funny. Now that I think a little more about it, it would be more like the A-Team...but in the 'Verse.

Cool huh?


Monday, November 17, 2008 1:08 PM



Originally posted by Slowhand:
it would be more like the A-Team...but in the 'Verse.

Awesome idea. A Team in Space!!


--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Monday, November 17, 2008 1:55 PM


River captaining her own ship.

A few years down the road, a more mature, sane, driven River Tam splits up from her Serenity Family (with their blessing, particularly Mal's) to buy her own Firefly and gather up a crew made exclusively of young readers. The crew, all prodigies from different backgrounds, some with clashing personalities, all are brought together by the fact that there kind, as rare as it is, is being captured and turned into lab rats by the Alliance and Blue Sun Corporation. Robbing from the government, selling goods to the poor and information to a new Browncoat uprising, they slowly free other readers and put together the pieces of information as to the motivations of the government.

I'd like to think of it as like the Scoobies in Space, with the occasional reaver slaying in substitute for a vampire.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Monday, November 17, 2008 2:37 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Faith - the story of her life before she met Buffy.

A Scent of Saffron - the many adventures (and husbands) of YoSaffBridge.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 5:58 AM



Originally posted by Slowhand:
I actually thought about a show that could be pretty cool as a Firefly spin-off.

I think a show about the underground movenemt, the group that helped Simon break River out, would be cool. From the first time I saw the Firefly pilot Serenity, in the scene where Simon is talking about the underground movement that helped him, I pictured this group that was going around and pretty much being a pest to the Alliance. Then we got a glimps of one of their ships in Serenity at the beginning.

I can just kind of see it as being like a Mission Impossible show. Maybe they have different little missions they are trying to pull off in each episode. Breaking an innocent person out of prison. Intercepting a bribe on it's way to an Alliance official. Gathering evidence to be given to a defense lawyer to help out a wrongfully accused Browncoat.

Each character in the group would have their own strengths and weaknsess obviously. There would be some drama, like in Firefly. And of course, you have to have the funny. Now that I think a little more about it, it would be more like the A-Team...but in the 'Verse.

Cool huh?

Yeah I always wondered about those guys who helped release River... They would seem fairly heroic, much like the crew of Serenity. However for such a highly secretive government facility, security appears to have been somewhat lax. I wonder if River was 'allowed' to escape.... *Rubs Chin*

In reference to the A-team; I always felt Hearts of Gold veered a little too close to the A-Team.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:01 AM



Originally posted by TuJiaoZuo:
River captaining her own ship.

A few years down the road, a more mature, sane, driven River Tam splits up from her Serenity Family (with their blessing, particularly Mal's) to buy her own Firefly and gather up a crew made exclusively of young readers. The crew, all prodigies from different backgrounds, some with clashing personalities, all are brought together by the fact that there kind, as rare as it is, is being captured and turned into lab rats by the Alliance and Blue Sun Corporation. Robbing from the government, selling goods to the poor and information to a new Browncoat uprising, they slowly free other readers and put together the pieces of information as to the motivations of the government.

I'd like to think of it as like the Scoobies in Space, with the occasional reaver slaying in substitute for a vampire.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,

TuJiaoZuo - That there is a nice idea. I wonder if so many 'readers' wouldn't need a 'Book' type character just to reel them in when they go a little loony. But yeah - would be a nice 'edgey' show.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:04 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Faith - the story of her life before she met Buffy.

A Scent of Saffron - the many adventures (and husbands) of YoSaffBridge.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

Faith before Buffy? What as a Slayer or Non Slayer? Or I guess maybe her becoming a slayer?

As for Saffron - anything with Christina is good, but yes her back story would be very interesting.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:29 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Originally posted by TuJiaoZuo:
River captaining her own ship.

A few years down the road, a more mature, sane, driven River Tam splits up from her Serenity Family (with their blessing, particularly Mal's) to buy her own Firefly and gather up a crew made exclusively of young readers. The crew, all prodigies from different backgrounds, some with clashing personalities, all are brought together by the fact that there kind, as rare as it is, is being captured and turned into lab rats by the Alliance and Blue Sun Corporation. Robbing from the government, selling goods to the poor and information to a new Browncoat uprising, they slowly free other readers and put together the pieces of information as to the motivations of the government.

I'd like to think of it as like the Scoobies in Space, with the occasional reaver slaying in substitute for a vampire.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,

TuJiaoZuo - That there is a nice idea. I wonder if so many 'readers' wouldn't need a 'Book' type character just to reel them in when they go a little loony. But yeah - would be a nice 'edgey' show.



They would need a Book type character and maybe Jayne could put in an appearance or two. Just for firepower of course.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:27 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:

Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Originally posted by TuJiaoZuo:
River captaining her own ship.

A few years down the road, a more mature, sane, driven River Tam splits up from her Serenity Family (with their blessing, particularly Mal's) to buy her own Firefly and gather up a crew made exclusively of young readers. The crew, all prodigies from different backgrounds, some with clashing personalities, all are brought together by the fact that there kind, as rare as it is, is being captured and turned into lab rats by the Alliance and Blue Sun Corporation. Robbing from the government, selling goods to the poor and information to a new Browncoat uprising, they slowly free other readers and put together the pieces of information as to the motivations of the government.

I'd like to think of it as like the Scoobies in Space, with the occasional reaver slaying in substitute for a vampire.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,

TuJiaoZuo - That there is a nice idea. I wonder if so many 'readers' wouldn't need a 'Book' type character just to reel them in when they go a little loony. But yeah - would be a nice 'edgey' show.



They would need a Book type character and maybe Jayne could put in an appearance or two. Just for firepower of course.

Oh most definitely they would need someone older and wiser and possibly philosophical to anchor them down. The rest of the crew would probably be readers that didn't go through the academy, therefore not made crazy, but we're talking a group of young pirates between the ages of teen and late twenties. All readers, without someone to ground them (including River) they would in all likely not last that long either against the Alliance or even against themselves. But then again the contrast between the crew would also be something to focus on, like the Crew of Serenity, they would all be different in some way with various ticks and personalities and positions that are possibly ironic considering their appearance and disposition.

Guest appearances by other BDMs would be a must (we'd need some scenes of Mal or Simon once and awhile talking to the new captain via a wave, giving her advice or encouragement). In fact, there would have to be some way for both crews to band together for possibly a few heists and schemes I mean think of the beauty of that, two Fireflies in an episode. Captain River Tam in her brown coat (Mal's parting gift for her) with her ship and Captain Malcolm Reynolds with Serenity right alongside in the sky.

And of course throughout the entire series there would be a major arch about River and growing up, flashbacks of her past, her becoming more social around people her age (the crew), dealing with being the authoritative figure, dealing with the consequences of her actions, possibly even learning to fall in love. There would be some great material Summer could work with, because while River would be pretty much sane, and very much so strong, she would still be very vulnerable and coming into her own.

Also a requirement would be some of Wash's Dinos would have to litter the helm of the new firefly.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:02 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Faith before Buffy? What as a Slayer or Non Slayer? Or I guess maybe her becoming a slayer?

More her life before slayerdom. How did she become so closed-off and cynical?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:19 PM


This idea isn't mine, but one I saw posted here a long time ago. I probably don't remember it word for word, but this is the general idea.

The captain of the alliance vessel from Bushwhacked has his eyes opened by his run in with our BDHs. He takes a whole new approach to his first command in the outer rim. He begins to see that the world isn't as black and white as his Alliance training had taught him. He goes on to struggle with ethics and morals. Possibly eventually even losing his command and going out on his own to either try to take down the alliance, help out the people of the rim, or just to survive the Alliance trying to track him down.

As an added bonus you could throw in either the dirty Alliance cops we saw in the Message, or maybe have him make a deal with the crew of the vessel we see in Out of Gas (once he has a falling out with the Alliance).

I think Joss could take a story like that all sorts of places.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:09 PM


Joss already alluded to River captaining her own ship at the end of the BDM, on the CE commentary, as she pilots Serenity into atmo.

River is one character that could definitely carry her own spin off and Summer has the recognition and talent to be successful. And the guest appearances from her extended family which have grown older, wiser and possibly settled, would work well.

Maybe after The Chronicles.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:18 AM


Shiny idea! I often thought about just that - would Joss ever show anyone from the people that broke River out of the Alliance' grasp.

That takes guts, planning and a whole lotta balls.

Awesome idea Slowhand.

P.S. After reading the other ideas, you guys are good. Some very shiny ideas to continue the 'verse. I really liked the one with River having her own FF and the one about the Aliance commander.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!






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