Ron Glass Support Thread

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 17:30
VIEWED: 10482
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Monday, March 15, 2004 7:42 AM


To me, one of the maine running themes of Firefly was the juxtaposition of the young man (Mal) who has lost his faith in God, with the older man (Book) who appears to have found God later in life. The man who wanted more from his God, and the preacher who is more than he seems.

Firefly, or Serenity, just would not be the same without either Shepherd Book, or Ron Glass.

So here is a thread for all the browncoasts to post why Ron was so great as Book and why he belongs in the Big Damn Movie!

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Monday, March 15, 2004 7:45 AM


I don't have a lotta time right now, but I love Ron!

~lissa, spwhore


Monday, March 15, 2004 7:52 AM



Firefly, or Serenity, just would not be the same without either Shepherd Book, or Ron Glass.

Boy, you are absolutely right on this one.

Book's background and story were the most interesting of all the show's mysteries. If Ron Glass can't return, Joss will have to find a way to let us know who Book was, and keep his impact on the crew alive.

The reason the Blind don't parachute, is it scares the hell out of the dog.


Monday, March 15, 2004 7:56 AM


Got to agree with Duke. The show wouldn't be the same without him. Ron Glass has a sort of gravitas, both in his voice and his bearing, that a show like this, filled with young'uns, really benefits from.

Look back at his interactions with each character, and you'll see some of the best character development of the series. Glass brought the best out in everyone, I think. I noticed this trend upon re-viewing the series on DVD, beginning with "Serenity, Pt. 2," where he kneels before Inara and "confesses" his doubts (a scene of surprising intensity and vulnerability).

Of course, Glass benefitted from amazing writing and direction, but it takes an actor of great strength and sensitivity to make some of those scenes work.

Anyhow, good idea for a thread,

Photinus Pyralis


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:20 AM


I agree completely with everyone above, Book's faith was an important part, somewhere (in one of the commentaries?) someone said that Ron's personal leaning was towards Buddhist thought, but he was pushed in the role towards a more Protestant type of religion, which is (probably) what Mal is meant to have lost.

Also the mystery of what he was before needs to be solved (I favour police rather than judge unless they had judges like Judge Dredd since he had a lot of operational knowledge, but that's my inner nerd talking). Perhaps there will be a shadow character we don't find out about until the end of the movie, helping from isnide the system. Or perhaps Book will have gone back to the Abbey having decided prayer is the only thing which will help the crew of Serenity :-)


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:28 AM


I LIKE HIM AND HIS HAIR!!!! Reason enough to keep him around, methinks .

There's something about the character of Book that just has a real resonance - all the reasons heretofore mentioned, and more I can't quite put my finger on.


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:31 AM



Originally posted by MiloraDell:
I LIKE HIM AND HIS HAIR!!!! Reason enough to keep him around, methinks .

There's something about the character of Book that just has a real resonance - all the reasons heretofore mentioned, and more I can't quite put my finger on.

Oh yes! Forgot the hair!!

Photinus Pyralis


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:40 AM



Originally posted by PhotinusPyralis:

Originally posted by MiloraDell:
I LIKE HIM AND HIS HAIR!!!! Reason enough to keep him around, methinks .

There's something about the character of Book that just has a real resonance - all the reasons heretofore mentioned, and more I can't quite put my finger on.

Oh yes! Forgot the hair!!

Photinus Pyralis

I was hoping one of you'd mention Book's hair.

I love Ron Glass. He brings more depth and passion to the role of Book than anyone I can imagine. The Universal hiring types better realize that sooner than later, cause it's worth the extra few bucks Ron Glass wants and deserves to get him into the role.

Book is my favorite character. If Ron can't play Book, I will be extremely disappointed. I don't think I could even approach them as the same crew. They wouldn't be the same.

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:47 AM


Book has such great relationships with the rest of the crew. He is such a social, moral, and mysterious figure, he would be sorely missed. Plus the hair.


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:49 AM


One of the key dramatic themes in Firefly is the friction between the civilized views of characters like Simon and Book, and the quiet desperation of Mal and his "family."

They need Book to bring that out. Not to dismiss Simon, but Book's the "big picture" guy --they need him to point the Serentity crew towards being what they can be.

And if nothing else, Book's secret is one of the main subplots.


One of these days you're gonna tell us how it is a preacher knows so damn much about crime.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I fully and wholeheartedly support Ron and am keeping my fingers crossed for him to sign on to do the movie. I am hoping that his not being signed on as of yet is merely some sort of negotiation snag or something.

I would still see the movie if Ron could not be in it for whatever reason, but it just would not seem like Firefly without him. There was just way too much mystery about Book to simply write the character off.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:58 AM


I wish I had more to add, but everyone seems to have summed up Book pretty well.
To me, he was a sort of conscience to the crew. The kind of conscience that could take out kneecaps, and had a suspicios knowledge of te criminal and military world.

If Book can't be in the movie, I hope he at least gets a heroic write-out. He deserves one!

Sudden idea-- maybe they could at least get Ron to record a message for the opening of the movie. "Anyone who speaks during the film will go to a special hell. Thank you, and enjoy Serenity."

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:21 AM


Book (Ron) definitely needs to be in the movie. It just wouldn't be the same.

As a person who practices faith, I loved how he was written. He wasn't sappy, or holier than thou. He was like most people of faith. Television rarely portrays people of faith well, but Book was a great example of many people who have some type of spiritual belief. Besides,
he seems to have many secrets which look like they could be interesting to learn.

Plus, he gave us some of the best lines of the show. I mean with the special hell and the kneecaps and such.


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:21 AM


Book (Ron) definitely needs to be in the movie. It just wouldn't be the same.

As a person who practices faith, I loved how he was written. He wasn't sappy, or holier than thou. He was like most people of faith. Television rarely portrays people of faith well, but Book was a great example of many people who have some type of spiritual belief. Besides,
he seems to have many secrets which look like they could be interesting to learn.

Plus, he gave us some of the best lines of the show. I mean with the special hell and the kneecaps and such.


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:26 AM


Everything everyone else has said, plus if Book's not there, who's Jayne supposed to hang out with? Who'll spot him?

By the Left Frontal Lobe of the Great Sky Demon, I shall obliterate them!!


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Paladin:
Sudden idea-- maybe they could at least get Ron to record a message for the opening of the movie. "Anyone who speaks during the film will go to a special hell. Thank you, and enjoy Serenity."

Abso-fraggin'-lutely! What a shiny idea!!!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:34 AM


... just want to say - I was THRILLED Ron Glass mosied up to Firefly. I'd be very sorry to miss him in the theatrical release of Serenity.

You know, everytime you looked at Book you KNEW he was thinking about more than frickin' Jesus.


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:35 AM


No, must have Book. He's the conscience of the group. Gotta have it. Must have Book. Only Ron Glass, no substitutions.

They say never judge a Book by it's cover But if the cover ain't Glass. Judge it to the special Hell.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:36 AM


Someone above wrote that he was not sappy and I agree.. he was a great character and showed that having faith didn't mean you were a pansy. I love when he shot the guys knee out in War Stories. He was not quite a pansy that day!

So, why has he not signed? Money? He seemed so emotional on the DVD interview that I thought he might do it for free if asked!

Anyway, it would not be the same without all of them... but I will still go see it!


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:44 AM


I love Book as a character, even though he was underused, and I'd hate for him not to be in the movie, as revealing more about his past is one of the things I hoped the movie would do.

Ron Glass is a wonderful actor; I've loved him ever since Barney Miller. And he seemed to love Firefly so much. They have to find a way to have him in the movie!



Monday, March 15, 2004 9:59 AM


Ron Glass has always been an excellent actor. Way back in the olden days, when he was on Barney Miller, his dapper, zinger-rific detective made my smile.

There was an episode where his character, Detective Harris, had to shoot someone. The pain, confusion, loss and anger Ron displayed deeply touched me and made it feel 'real' - not at all like a sit-com.

He's always been a class act and I hope negotiations go well. His ability to portray a man of faith so well might stem from his schooling. He attended St. Francis Seminary.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Monday, March 15, 2004 10:40 AM


Book was the favorite charactor of one of my friends. I loved his being there, because he was such a contrast to Mal or Jayne. He was educated, and refined. If Inara really is leaving, than his being on the ship is doubly important. His relationship with Jayne was one of my favorite themes on the show.

Don't have much time now...but Book needs to be in the movie.


Monday, March 15, 2004 11:04 AM


Want to express your desire to make sure Ron is a part of the big damn movie? Here are some addresses to write to that might help:

Ron Glass (Shepherd Book)
2485 Wild Oak Drive
LA 90068

Barry Mendel Productions
100 Universal City Plaza
Bungalow 5163
Universal City CA

Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA

Mutant Enemy Inc.
PO Box 900
Beverly Hills CA

Mutant Enemy 1800 Stewart St.
Santa Monica Ca

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Monday, March 15, 2004 12:14 PM


To repeat an earlier question that I havent yet seen answered - why WOULDNT Ron Glass be a crew member in Serenity?
He really did seem, in the dvd interviews to be genuinely attached to the project, and certainly JWhedon had plans for his character. There was a fair amount of discussion thru the commentaries and interviews (and episodes!)about the mystery presented by his background and bearing. A season of build up w/no payoff? Ack.
To say nothing of the real loss Ron Glass's abscence from the crew would be. Kaylee may be the crew's heart, but only Ron Glass could be their conscience. The interplay between the actors would seem unbalanced w/o him.
So, again, why WOULDNT Ron Glass be there? I gotta tell you, if it's just the money, I'm going to scream.


Monday, March 15, 2004 12:24 PM



Originally posted by mlsvrksgn:
A season of build up w/no payoff? Ack.

Even if he were in the movie, there's no guarantee that his mystery would be revealed...there are too many plotlines to tie up in a single movie, particularly since Joss was asked to re-write the script to serve as a springboard to a series revival...

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Monday, March 15, 2004 12:51 PM


Aaaah, yes, the dangers of planning/writing for a series that may never come. Just a bit nerve-wracking, that.
And regardless, I'm not sure that even Mr Whedon can write a movie that will pull people in w/o doing some serious reveals on the characters.
Not everything, certainly, but some serious development just seems to be necessary. And if he's planning on writing for a new series, then there is the question of WHICH character's mystery to reveal.
River's looks to be the most complex, and therefore the least likely to be used. After all, word was that that was the original plan, w/c had to be scrappd once it was understood that he might be writing a new series springboard. So that really seems to leave Inara's or Book's background to go with.
Inara seems the obvious way to go, given that using her would give more screen time to the movie's "principal" (Mal/NFillion) because of their relationship. However, JWhedon may prefer to save that one for the series and that leaves....Shepherd Book.
Of course, he may blow ALL that off, and just write a two hour episode. It's just that, in the main, movies that just seem to be looooong episodes havent done very well (witness the first Star Trek flick [wince]).
Regardless, though, I regarded Book as a valuable player in the show, as I'm sure did we all, and I feel that his lack in the movie would leave a great big gaping hole in the character dynamics.


Monday, March 15, 2004 1:26 PM


America loves a winner!

yep, you nailed it. Book brings a sense of compassion to the crew that might otherwise be outweighed by the thieving, the killing, and the whoring. (heh hee)

I don't know all the particulars, but I really hope Ron ends up on Serenity , where he belongs.

They don't like it when you shoot at 'em.


Monday, March 15, 2004 1:56 PM


Without Book, it just ain't Serenity ....

If Book isn't there, I'll go see the movie, but I'll only see it ONCE ...


Monday, March 15, 2004 3:19 PM



Originally posted by MiloraDell:
I LIKE HIM AND HIS HAIR!!!! Reason enough to keep him around, methinks .

Does anyone know where I can get a long gray wig so I can look like Book?

I swear I'll wear it when the movie comes out.


Monday, March 15, 2004 4:48 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

I'm with Browncoat1 on this. I hope it's just a minor snag in the negotiations and that it gets resolved soon. Book (Ron) contributes so much to the show.

.."I said the Special Hell."

..."Yes, but it's somewhat fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps."


Monday, March 15, 2004 5:16 PM


I hope Ron Glass makes it to "Serenity". He gets some of the snappiest lines, and his delivery of them is just priceless.

I especially like the one about the kneecaps

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Monday, March 15, 2004 5:23 PM


I would be truly disappointed in a Firefly movie without Ron Glass.

I would still see the movie, but honestly not enjoy it as much unless Book (played only by Glass) is included.

It would be a little like your favourite meal, made without one of the key ingredients. What could be great would only be good - and just not quite what you wanted.

Well, not quite what I'd want anyway - I don't mean to speak for anyone else. But for me, it truly makes the news of the movie a little less joyful.

Here's to hoping this sorts itself out in the best way possible.


Monday, March 15, 2004 6:29 PM


While I would be disappointed if Shepard Book wasn’t able to be in the “big dam movie” however neither was he in “Ariel” or “Heart of Gold” as I remember so you can have a good showing none the less and I’m sure all us Firefly Fans will be waiting outside the cinema when it opens the doors on the first day..or you wouldn’t really be a true fan would you? weather or not Ron is in this Version( hoping we see Serenity2, etc) because the world needs to see Joss’s Movie no matter what!

Just hope it gets shown in Australia!...or I’ll move!


Monday, March 15, 2004 6:39 PM



He was in "Heart of Gold." He said he would with the fortifications; he had been following a carpenter for years.

Jon loves Book.


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:10 PM


Call me an optimist .... Maybe they're saving Ron/Book for the new series next year ???


Monday, March 15, 2004 11:00 PM


I'm far from convinced that Glass won't be in the movie - so I think you should hold your horses on the fan letter writing.

If he isn't in the movie, I think it will be because of one thing only: a movie cannot give due credit to the same amount of characters or have the same number of story lines a series can. The movie will probably (purely my own speculation) concentrate on the River/Blue Sun story line, which should take up the better part of a two hours movie. The rest of the time will be used to introduce the characters and the world, and probably one romantic subplot (most likely Mal/Inara, as Mal is (I guess?) the movie's main character but not directly involved with the main plot - so they need to put a little spotlight on him). There's just not time enough for dealing properly with the Shepherd's mysterious past - and I'd rather not know than have a rushed explanation. Hopefully, we'll see it unwind in the next season of Firefly

Even though we don't have the time for the full story of Book, he could of course still be on board with a mysterious yet unresolved past, but that wouldn't be satisfactory for the movie as a whole. Last option would be to have him on board but not giving any clues as to his non-shepherdly past, but that wouldn't really be Book then - it would just be some boring preacher.

I have complete faith in Joss Whedon &Co - they can probably come up with a better idea than me for how Book's character can be dealt with in the movie. If they decide he doesn't fit in it I'm sure they have their very good reasons (perhaps something along the lines of my explanation here, but probably something much more complex) and that the movie will be better for not having him. That doesn't mean I won't miss him and I'll definitely look forward to learning about his secrets when the series is picked up again (talking about it as a certainty is sure to make it more likely :p).


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:56 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by mlsvrksgn:
Aaaah, yes, the dangers of planning/writing for a series that may never come. Just a bit nerve-wracking, that.

Chin up Browncoat! No need to be pessimistic. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for Firefly to return to the small screen after the movie.


And regardless, I'm not sure that even Mr Whedon can write a movie that will pull people in w/o doing some serious reveals on the characters.
Not everything, certainly, but some serious development just seems to be necessary. And if he's planning on writing for a new series, then there is the question of WHICH character's mystery to reveal.

Have to disagree w/ you on this point. The thing that ropes me in and has many of us forming multiple theories is the mystery behind these characters. I think hinting at secrets and mysterious pasts will get more people interested in seeing the series when it comes to TV after the series than wrapping up most of the questions.

I for one am still very curious as to who Book really is and why he is on Serenity. Who was he before he joined the order? Why is he so devout now? Why is a companion like Inara on a freighter? Why did she leave her home when she was about to become the head of her temple? What was done to River, and why is she so important to the Blue Hands? What is their tie to the Alliance? And of course, we all want to know more about the War and how it changed Mal & Zoe.


River's looks to be the most complex, and therefore the least likely to be used. After all, word was that that was the original plan, w/c had to be scrappd once it was understood that he might be writing a new series springboard. So that really seems to leave Inara's or Book's background to go with.
Inara seems the obvious way to go, given that using her would give more screen time to the movie's "principal" (Mal/NFillion) because of their relationship. However, JWhedon may prefer to save that one for the series and that leaves....Shepherd Book.
Of course, he may blow ALL that off, and just write a two hour episode. It's just that, in the main, movies that just seem to be looooong episodes havent done very well (witness the first Star Trek flick [wince]).
Regardless, though, I regarded Book as a valuable player in the show, as I'm sure did we all, and I feel that his lack in the movie would leave a great big gaping hole in the character dynamics.

I can see your reasoning on wanting to pull new fans in w/ some revealing of secrets of certain major characters, and the fear that a movie may be nothing more than a two hour episode.

Joss said that he intended to make the movie more epic than anything he could he do on TV and I trust in him to make the best movie he can. The cast has the talent and the chemistry to work magic on film, and if Universal does not second guess Joss or the script, I think we will have a great movie to see in 2005.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:58 AM


i love ron, if he's not in the movie...i hope they do not replace (recast) him! they should have him visiting the abbey.

badger my ass, that's probably just milhouse!


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:54 AM


I think that Ron will find his way back. I just have a feeling that his emotions in his commentaries were real.

But, if he does not return for Serenity, JW & Co could add a short scene with a friend or relative of Book to give the fans an update. Perhaps someone Mal contacts to check up on Book, that way the fan base can know all is well in just a few moments of screen time, without detracting from the plot.

Recasting.... NO, NO, NO!

Eight is not Enough


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:18 AM


Eh - maybe I'm just slow - but for all of us Barney Miller fans - the first season is out on DVD!!!!!


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:38 AM



Originally posted by Lindale:
Everything everyone else has said, plus if Book's not there, who's Jayne supposed to hang out with? Who'll spot him?

By the Left Frontal Lobe of the Great Sky Demon, I shall obliterate them!!

That's what I'm talking about!
I'm thinking Jayne has a friendship with Book because he senses at least a soldier, if not a fellow mercenary, is hidden underneath that collar.
Plotwise, are so so many little things about Book that can be fleshed out. We can find out at least a little bit about where he was and what he did before he went into the monastic life.
And just what *was* on that Ident card that got him VIP treatment at that Alliance infirmary? (Episode: "Safe")

And besides, knowing what we do about Mal's character (loss of faith, etc.) Book *has* to be there.
I believe in the DVDs someone mentions that each character in Firefly represents some aspect of Mal that he's either completely lost, or has lost touch with. Book, obviously represents Mal's faith (in "God", in people, whatever).
Mal knows it, too.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:28 PM


Firefly(Serenity) won't be the same without Ron Glass(Book). He always brought a certain mystery to the show. Like, How he was able to get Alliance help with just him showing an ID. Or, how he knows so much about the darker side of life in the Alliance and in Space.

He also brought a great deal of "doing the right thing" through many of the episodes. And a bit of comedy when telling Simon that "he was quite sure he hadn't shot anything yet". That brings a chuckle everytime I watch that episode.

So, Mr. Glass, if you read this board, please come on back to Firefly(Serenity). If not, you will be sorely missed by many a fan.


Dragon Lord

Summer: Jane's a girls name
Jane: Well I ain't no girl! I can prove it!
Simon: I'm trying to picture you more vulgar... but, I can't


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:05 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
[ I can see your reasoning on wanting to pull new fans in w/ some revealing of secrets of certain major characters, and the fear that a movie may be nothing more than a two hour episode.

Joss said that he intended to make the movie more epic than anything he could he do on TV and I trust in him to make the best movie he can. The cast has the talent and the chemistry to work magic on film, and if Universal does not second guess Joss or the script, I think we will have a great movie to see in 2005.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

You're probably right. I have enormous faith in Joss Whedon. I think I'm just torn between wanting the movie to be a commercial success (to better the chances for a 2nd season) and wanting it to be absolutely true to the small screen version I was so in love with. Bigger? No problem. But I'd hate to see the CHARACTERS change.
Still, Joss successfully transplanted one story line from the large screen to the small one; now that he has the director's chair, I cant imagine why he couldnt do the same thing in reverse.
It just so often seems that if I REALLY love the makes no money whatsoever. The commercial stuff grabs me less and less over time.
But our shot at a new Firefly season pretty much hinges in Whedon and Co raking in the big bucks for this one.
No use anticipating trouble, though. I keep reminding myself to be happy there's a movie in the first place, God knows the odds were against that one, too!


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:16 PM


You just gotta have Mr. Ron Glass.
Besides being a solid actor that's also extremely versatile, Rom character brings the religious aspect to the table. Doing that lifts the show up a notch or two. I don't even want to think about a movie without him.

Can I get an AMEN?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:16 PM


It looks like Ron Glass is in the movie after all. Over at the official board they have listed postal addresses for some members of the cast as a promotional thing for the movie and Ron's address is one that is listed.

Some more news:

In preparation for the Firefly promotion and publicity wave, the Big Damn Heroes (The Cast!) have been instructed to make sure they have a mailing address that fans can access to share the excitement. Here are the first of these:

Sean Maher (Simon)
PO Box 5617 Beverly Hills

Gina Torres (Zoe)
9220 Sunset Blvd # 311
LA 90069

Ron Glass (Shepherd Book)
2485 Wild Oak Drive
LA 90068

Adam Baldwin (Jayne)
1301 Carlyle Ave
Santa Monica 90402 – 2125

These are separate from the studio addresses, and talent agents etc.

More address info will posted as it is available.

If you plan on writing to the studio, make it Universal as opposed to Fox which has been relegated to distribution. Barry Mendel is a good person to send the kudos to at this point as well.

These are the addresses for Universal, Barry, Mary, and the rest of the prod crew


Barry Mendel

Barry Mendel Productions
100 Universal City Plaza
Bungalow 5163
Universal City CA

Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA

Joss Whedon/Chris Buchanan

Mutant Enemy Inc.
PO Box 900
Beverly Hills CA

Mutant Enemy 1800 Stewart St.
Santa Monica Ca

Now what should you be sending?
To the studios? Thank you cards, letters, that kind of thing.

To the production team?
Notes/cards expressing the Firefly love, and anything that will help them gauge the interest/expectation of the FF fandom.

To the actors/Joss/Chris?

They get a big kick out of original fan art...and positive feedback is always welcome.

The purpose is to illustrate what the series means to the growing fanbase...particularly to the Pas, office folk, studio scribes etc who are not familiar with Firefly. Joss can tell them how special it is. But when they see all manner of love and admiration coming forth, they will feel more inclined to invest themselves in the project.

“We need every person involved in this project to make it their passion. It’s everything or nothing with this movie. The story, the characters, the fans, they deserve it. We can not let them down.”


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:10 PM



Originally posted by T:
As a person who practices faith, I loved how he was written. He wasn't sappy, or holier than thou. He was like most people of faith. Television rarely portrays people of faith well, but Book was a great example of many people who have some type of spiritual belief. Besides,
he seems to have many secrets which look like they could be interesting to learn.

As a person who doesn't practice faith, I love the way Book is written as well.
I live in the Bible belt, and it's far more common here for people to wear their religion like a big neon sign and then get all humpty and judgmental if they find out you don't agree with their theology.
I wish more of the people around here were like Book. He's secure in his faith, and a) doesn't shove it down anyone's throat or b)doesn't think everyone but him's going to hell for not believing the same way he does.

He's an extremely cool guy,played very well by Ron Glass and I'll be disappointed if he's not in the movie. There might be cussin', and perhaps hurlin' things about.

I'll also be disappointed because I feel fairly safe in saying Whedon would have put in a whole bunch more "now how would a Shepherd know that?!" moments -- moments deeper than him knowing guns. I like those moments.

"Jayne is a girl's name."






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