Simon and Kaylee the whole she-bang

UPDATED: Monday, July 19, 2004 05:52
VIEWED: 10218
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Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:33 PM


This is a build from the Male Review thread. Namely on Simon and Kaylee (if you couldn't already tell by the thread name)

This is on the topic of Simon being a virgin or not and Kaylee being a nympho like person.

I personally don't see either working. But i just thought it'd be better to have the discussion here, rather than burried in the huge firefly Male review post.

so tag away.

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:43 PM


I think Simon has gotten around a bit. Before the problem with River, he seems to have had a normal college experience. Besides he would have been a big catch. I don't think Kaylee is a nympho. She just isn't afraid to act on physical needs or wants. She chooses her lovers. She doesn't need constant male intereaction--like Jayne needing female interaction--she just enjoys a good romp now and then.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:13 PM


Hmm, if I were more awake I could put some thought into this, since I'm not really awake I'll babble! Now there's a surprise...

Simon, well I doubt he's a virgin, I mean his daddy would have gotten him a Companion just so he'd have "done the deed", but even though he's wistful about his life in the Core he never mentions anything about it except for River and the Hospital. So I think the guy was conflicted, married to his work and being the stand in dad for River. But he never mentions any loves he lost back there, so I'm thinking he didn't get around all that much. So except for his big deflowering at the hands of some Companion I'm willing to bet that's probably about it. I mean he's like Ath almost, if he's relying on his cunning ways with women to get dates he's pretty much in the go-se because everytime he tries to hit on Kaylee he screws it up.

With Kaylee I have to agree with Thatweirdgirl, I don't think she's especially easy or anything but she likes to have a good time. Have to remember that Kaylee's all of 19-20, now when I was 19-20...nah not gonna go there.

She's normal for her age, and even a little less easy than normal because she's giving Simon more chances than he honestly deserves. I've seen crash and burns of Simonlike Epic Proportions, and lemme tell you in my experience you don't get a second chance, let alone a third and a forth and a...see what I mean?

So there it is.

EDIT: What the heck, I'll even go out on a limb here that will get me more rotten tomatoes thrown at me than a mime at a Nine Inch Nails concert. Simon doesn't deserve Kaylee. She's literally the only available woman in the 'Verse for him right now, and that little slip of his was, to me, very telling and very honest. I'm even willing to bet if there was a way for him to get out of having to take care of River to where she'd be treated right, he'd be gone. He misses the Core, he misses it something fierce, and someday he's gonna have to make some pretty heavy choices. I don't think he has it in him to do right by Kaylee.

There I admitted it, I'm not a Simon Tam fan, he's good to his sister and he's nice as is proper to Kaylee, but deep down I have the feeling he still thinks he can just go back to his old life, and that he's somehow superior to the rest of the crew.

I shall now report for the tomato tossing line...

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Friday, April 30, 2004 2:35 AM


America loves a winner!

While Simon and Kaylee might not be right for each other, I hardly think it's be cause either doesn't "deserve" the other. They just come from 2 different worlds. And lets not forget WHY it is that Simon came aboard Serenity ( and into the sights of Kaylee ) in the 1st place.

Simon is very young and very gifted. Understand, people like Simon are usually moved ahead and end up being the youngest kids in class.(Unless he was home schooled,privatly taught....) Often they don't have too many social friends. But when Simon became a Doctor,he probably finally felt accepted, among equals, - at home. This isn't a knock at Kaylee or anyone else, it's just a reality that Simon has lived through.

Now Simon has left the high position which he has been groomed for his entire life. He's on his own with no parents to help him, in an enviroment he's never known, on the run from the law, and all the while trying to figure out what they did to his sister and what, if anything, he can do to help her. Simon has alot on his table, and it'll take time for him to sort things out. I think it's very wise of him to play it cool with Kaylee, not because she's some prarie harpee, but because he has River to think about too.

Don't know if we'll see any further development of their relationship, but what ever happens, I say give Simon a break. He certainly doesn't have any intention of hurting her,and I think he's genuinely captivated by her ...shiny disposition. But, given the circumstances listed, he probably thinks that pursuing her romantically wouldn't be ...proper. ( not at the moment, at least )

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 30, 2004 4:57 AM


I think they're both quite captivated with each other because, as mentioned, they're from completely different worlds. I don't think either of them has ever known someone like the other. Also, their personalities are complete opposites - what with Kaylee being so open and Simon being so reserved. They're sort of... exotic to each other. I think in a way Simon wishes he could be as open and relaxed as Kaylee is - I think that's something he admires in her. Also, as mentioned, I think he is really captivated by her "shiny disposition" (well put!!) and I agree that one of the reasons he keeps his distance a bit is probably all the things he has on his plate. But I think he really likes her. I just get that impression from the look on his face when he's around her. I think he's really like to just jump into a relationship with her - he has to know that she's interested, he's neither blind nor stupid - but he can't change his personality. And someone mentioned her giving Simon more chances than he deserves - that's probably true, but I think she really, really likes him. I don't think she just crushes on him 'cause he hot. At first maybe she was just impressed because he's a surgeon and comes from the Core (where she'd never been until she got to hunt around the garbage dump on Ariel) but I think she's seen other sides to him and likes him more the more she sees. She tends to get over his bouts of Foot-In-Mouth disease pretty quickly and is back in pursuit. If she was only interested in him superficially, she wouldn't keep forgiving his nervous social stupidity.

"We're all dreaming. ...Don't make faces."


Friday, April 30, 2004 5:30 AM



Originally posted by Duckie:
I think in a way Simon wishes he could be as open and relaxed as Kaylee is - I think that's something he admires in her. Also, as mentioned, I think he is really captivated by her "shiny disposition" (well put!!) and I agree that one of the reasons he keeps his distance a bit is probably all the things he has on his plate.

wow. that's pretty much what i was about to write. Also that maybe he's keeping her at arm's length (so to speak) because he wants to do right by her but knows he can't right now. he knows he's too distracted with River and with learning how one survives out in the black. If he could i think Simon would let Kaylee sweep him off his feet but alas he cannot. Maybe he thinks she deserves more attention than he could give her.
Then again maybe i'm comepletely wrong and if he could he'd act like a noble from the days of yore who would have a romp with the kitchen wench then walk away to the privledged life awaiting him.

(that's it, no more coffee for me it makes me babble. sorry y'all.)


Friday, April 30, 2004 6:03 AM


Well, for one, I think they're perfect for each other, but then I'm a hopeless romantic.

Yeah, Siman has fumbled the ball al over the field, and, as Gunhand suggested, he would take off if he could get better care for River elsewhere (or if River made a miraculous full recovery). At least, he might now.

One of the things I love about Joss' shows is that, as in reality, people change. Give Simon & Kaylee some more time. Maybe another season's worth after the BDM (*hopes*).

One things for sure, if he did leave, you know Simon would be considering whether or not he's ever going to meet someone like her again. Girls like Kaylee tend to be one per generation; any more than that and their collective sweetness would cause space/time to collapse.

That's what'll end history: not the First Evil, not an army of demons, not a gaping Hellmouth, nor a rain of Hell-fire: Kaylee and Willow in the same room.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, April 30, 2004 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:

That's what'll end history: not the First Evil, not an army of demons, not a gaping Hellmouth, nor a rain of Hell-fire: Kaylee and Willow in the same room.

That would be cuty, fuzzy, pre-witch, high school Willow, right? Not scary, veiny, world-ending 6th season Willow?

As for Simon and Kaylee, I'm enough of a hopeless romantic (at least where fiction is concerned) to hope that they manage to get it all worked out. They compliment each other very well, and I think it's telling that Kaylee is the person Simon relaxes around (he's got an awful lot of his guard down in that opening scene in OiS).

I don't think he would go running back to the core if he could. Things have changed; he's seen a side of himself, his life, and his world (or however many worlds there are) that he didn't know existed. He is not the person they picked up on Peresphone, and I think he was on a path to figuing that out. We just didn't get enough time to see where the journey ended.


Friday, April 30, 2004 10:41 AM


Perhaps the fact that Simon is wanted by the Blue Hands and has a price on his head makes him reluctant to involve her in his rather desperate situation, however much he is attracted to her.


Friday, April 30, 2004 10:41 AM


I am gone. I am truly gone. I am not sorry.

Perhaps the fact that Simon is wanted by the Blue Hands and has a price on his head makes him reluctant to involve her in his rather desperate situation, however much he is attracted to her.


Friday, April 30, 2004 10:52 AM


Perhaps, since Simon is wanted by the Blue Hands (who have no qualms about killing innocent bystanders) and there is a price on his head, he is just noble enough to be reluctant to put Kaylee in danger however much he is attracted to her.


Friday, April 30, 2004 10:52 AM


I am gone. I am truly gone. I am not sorry.

Perhaps, since Simon is wanted by the Blue Hands (who have no qualms about killing innocent bystanders) and there is a price on his head, he is just noble enough to be reluctant to put Kaylee in danger however much he is attracted to her.


Friday, April 30, 2004 12:43 PM


Could there be a twinge of guilt in Simon's conscience over having used Kaylee's agony to compel Mal to help him and River escape the Alliance cruiser that Dobson called? Maybe lurking somewhere at the back of his mind? I would like to think so; it would make him less of a heel. It is pretty clear that Kaylee, for her part, holds no grudge on this score--which should make Simon just that much more reluctant to do anything in any way that he might perceive as "using" Kaylee--such as jumping her luscious bones. Simon does seem to have a broad honorable streak.

Kaylee is too straightforward for the course of romance to run smoothly. The trick with Simon would be to get him to pursue her until she catches him. Not Kaylee's style but maybe Inara will give her some pointers.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Friday, April 30, 2004 2:13 PM


just wanted to share an epiphany I had about Kaylee last night (one that has made her character infinitely easier to write so it might help others. That sweetness is hard to replicate). Remembered that Joss mentioned during the commentary something to the effect of "Kaylee said it so we know that it's true". Kaylee states plainly the truths about situations and people but without any of Jayne's crudeness. Extend that to her interactions with people and you get someone that always acts on what they feel without reservation -- she feels it so it is true and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. Not a bad philosophy for life and not what I would normally define as "easy" although it can be misconstrued that way by stricter definitions.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 8:01 AM



Originally posted by ljosalf:
The trick with Simon would be to get him to pursue her until she catches him. Not Kaylee's style but maybe Inara will give her some pointers.

That'd make an awesome sequence in the BDM.

Inara and Kaylee having "girl talk" about how to catch a man, then a few scenes later, Kaylee makes a clumsily overt attempt at Simon (which he messes up in typical fashion), while Inara watches with a knowing Mona Lisa smile.

(Then later, the scene replays between Inara & Mal. Mal, like Simon, finds some way to swallow his foot. )

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 1:30 PM


I think Simon truly does like Kaylee considerably. His reaction to Early's threat of harming her seemed sincere. I don't think it was because he aimed to hurt "someone" as much as he tapped into Simon's feelings for her.

They do similar work, simply in different venues. She keeps the ship alive while he keeps people alive. In a way, I think he measures them equally in that vein.

Personally, I think he's just naïve when it comes to women.



Saturday, May 1, 2004 5:12 PM


I would HAPPILY take him whether he's naive or not!




"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Sunday, May 2, 2004 5:24 AM


I happened to be watching 'Jaynestown' this morning - which, of course, showcases another of Simon's great goofs, namely his "I would never - not with Kaylee!" babbling to Mal.

I always used to think (as Kaylee does) that this was just mean and slightly contemptuous of Simon. But this morning, seeing it again, it occured to me that the dynamic behind the scene is one that stretches back to the pilot. Remember that one of the first things that Simon sees of the crew's interaction is Mal's cold fury when Jayne insults Kaylee (the 'gynaecologist' line...). Simon clearly takes that to heart - a little later, he comments to Book about Mal's very protective attitude towards his crew.

So, looking again at Kaylee and Simon waking up together in 'Jaynestown', I reckon that Simon's babbling explanation comes because he's afraid that Mal is going to hit him again for taking advantage of lil' Kaylee.

That he thinks of it at all as 'taking advantage', while Kaylee clearly doesn't, is simply a measure of who they both are and the conditions they're used to - as they discuss right at the end of the episode. I don't think Simon considers Kaylee to be socially beneath him at all (although it may well have begun that way). I think he's just out of his depth, and trying to find a way to keep to his values after his world has been turned upside down.

Plus, they'd make such an adorable couple. And we know Joss loves adorable couples because then he can put them through HELL, muahahaha...

/pure intentions, juxtaposed /


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:40 AM


Hi, everyone. Go here to vote for your favorite Firefly cast member. I know that Howdy already voted for Simon!


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:27 AM


Yep well here's my to cents.

I personally love Kaylee and Simon, like CYBERSNARK I too am a helpless romantic.

My generally philosophy is that pretty much everything effects everything. So when Simon acts like a moron its for lots of reasons.

For one he's just nervous around Kaylee because he likes her so much.

Second he's a very proper sort of guy from a "proper" background so yeh he's going to try and act as "proper" as he can around Kaylee cause that's how he feels he's supposed to. I seem to recall (i really hope i didnt read this off a post or something) that he says basically acting "proper" (theres that word again) is just his way of showing that he likes her, of showing respect.

Thirdly he's usually preoccupied looking out for River and trying to help her.

And then there's the other stuff like as NIKOLACLARKE said with Simon waking up with Kaylee and worried Mal's gonna open up a can of woopass for "taking advantage" of her (which I feel is a good point.)

And also when LJOSALF talk about Simon's guilt using Kaylee's pain (from getting shot) to make Mal take him and River with them.

DROKKA was saying their work is very similar as well, just in kind of different mediums.

As for them being different well maybe Kaylee's just the girl to loosen Simon up a bit!

Joss meant for this to be a show where the characters go through an "evolution" I spose and improve themselves, or get worse whatever So i think most things you see are all contributing factors to a rich tapestry!

Kaylee and Simon 4EVA LOL

BTW: As for Simon not deserving Kaylee I think that's a bit harsh considering what he's oing through and everything. His sister needs a lot of care and attention and lets face it when she's trying to dice up the crew with knives thats gotta put a bit of pressure on him (I realise thats the last episode but there mighta been other instances similar)

i reckon they both see the good in eachother (Kaylee has to work a bit harder to see the true good but its there )

Mercy is the mark of a great man…*stab*…I guess I'm just a good man…*stab*…Well, I'm alright.


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:37 AM



Originally posted by Jumpy:

Second he's a very proper sort of guy from a "proper" background so yeh he's going to try and act as "proper" as he can around Kaylee cause that's how he feels he's supposed to. I seem to recall (i really hope i didnt read this off a post or something) that he says basically acting "proper" (theres that word again) is just his way of showing that he likes her, of showing respect.

Yeah, Simon specifically says it while Kaylee nurses his wounds at the end of Jaynestown. just thought you'd want to know that it wasn't from another thread

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:06 AM


Jumpy, does that mean you're officially voting for Simon and Kaylee?

Hi, HowdyRockerbaby!


Monday, May 3, 2004 12:28 PM


yeh hell yeh ELWOODMOM.

thanks for that HOWDYROCKERBABY1 i was pretty sure it wasn't from another post

Mercy is the mark of a great man…*stab*…I guess I'm just a good man…*stab*…Well, I'm alright.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:23 PM


Hi Elwoodmom! How are ya?

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:43 AM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:

Hi, everyone. Go here to vote for your favorite Firefly cast member. I know that Howdy already voted for Simon!

Those who haven't voted have until Sunday May 9th to do so. It's a long thread, but it's fun to read, and it's a close race! (Between Mal and Jayne, that is. Simon could use a few more votes!) :)


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:50 PM


I've always felt that Simon and Kaylee were a train wreck waiting to happen. Kaylee just seems to like Simon a lot more than he likes her. In fact, there's an "out of sight, out of mind" element to the way he regards Kaylee, while she moons over him frequently. We never see Simon musing out loud about what /Kaylee/ would like. And he associates her with a way of life he'd rather not be living.

Socially and intellectually, the two are worlds apart. The girls who snubbed Kaylee in "Shindig" are probably closer to the type of women Simon is used to, and I always saw that bit as foreshadowing. It's doubtful that Kaylee would fit into Simon's world.

I do think Simon has affection for Kaylee, as one would for a friend or a "little sister" type, and I think he finds her attractive, especially in the absence of competition. His life is now out of his control, with all his life's ambitions up in smoke, so I think he figures, "Why not?" But that's really the key. Would he choose her if she were among women his own speed? I say no way.

I think Joss was building up to a heartbreak in the long term.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 1:43 AM


I thought Simon and Kaylee had a great future.

Simon feels he has nothing to offer Kaylee, and knows he might have to take his sister and run. After being on Firefly for a while, and realizing the crew (for the most part) would stand behind him and his sister, I think he would have relaxed a bit.

Again, as mentioned above, he is showing his respect for Kaylee, not his lack of interest. Whereas others may use Kaylee for a roll in the hay, Simon wants to offer her something.

I think he felt out of place because of his intellect growing up. Then spent time being protective of his sister. Then trying to find his place in the world with his professional skills. While not a virgin, he is inexperienced, I am sure. He probably also learned romance from books, and has an idealized version of it.

I think if the show had made it to the end of the season we would have seen some true evolving of this relationship. Simon being more comfortable showing his appreciation her talent with machines, her genuiness, her love of life. Book learning isn't everything. Kaylee would find his sensitivity, his devotion and loyalty more enchanting than his intellect.

Both of them are very loyal individuals, both have talents that are above standard (his with medicine, hers with machines), both are attracted to each other. These two have loads in common, and they can learn the rest from the other as they go.


Friday, May 14, 2004 8:40 PM


I'm sure that he likes her just as much as she likes him. The problem is he has a weird way of showing it and it takes a lot for him to let his "proper" guard down. I think it was in Objects in Space where he almost kissed Kaylee but Book walked in and they stopped and he broke off to go to bed. And it took Simon getting drunk to tell Kaylee what he thought about her in the Jaynestown episode. I think they would've ended up together. Or maybe even keeping their relationship a secret from the captain for some humour in the show.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:35 PM



Originally posted by Saffy:
I've always felt that Simon and Kaylee were a train wreck waiting to happen. Kaylee just seems to like Simon a lot more than he likes her. In fact, there's an "out of sight, out of mind" element to the way he regards Kaylee, while she moons over him frequently. We never see Simon musing out loud about what /Kaylee/ would like. And he associates her with a way of life he'd rather not be living.

Socially and intellectually, the two are worlds apart. The girls who snubbed Kaylee in "Shindig" are probably closer to the type of women Simon is used to, and I always saw that bit as foreshadowing. It's doubtful that Kaylee would fit into Simon's world.

I do think Simon has affection for Kaylee, as one would for a friend or a "little sister" type, and I think he finds her attractive, especially in the absence of competition. His life is now out of his control, with all his life's ambitions up in smoke, so I think he figures, "Why not?" But that's really the key. Would he choose her if she were among women his own speed? I say no way.

I think Joss was building up to a heartbreak in the long term.

Yes I agree with this. Simon likes Kaylee. But It would not work. The difference between "sweet" and "irritating" is not much.

Simon is much tougher than Kaylee. I don't think he wants to hurt her. I think he can see a shot gun marriage kind of thing happening if he is not careful. Can you imagine what would happen if Kaylee sits down at dinner one day and says they are engaged! What could he do ? Politness can be a terrible burden. He really doesn't want that!

But he is young and if someone he likes wants a elationship what he going to do. As he said there is no one else avaliable.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:35 PM



Originally posted by Saffy:
I've always felt that Simon and Kaylee were a train wreck waiting to happen. Kaylee just seems to like Simon a lot more than he likes her. In fact, there's an "out of sight, out of mind" element to the way he regards Kaylee, while she moons over him frequently. We never see Simon musing out loud about what /Kaylee/ would like. And he associates her with a way of life he'd rather not be living.

Socially and intellectually, the two are worlds apart. The girls who snubbed Kaylee in "Shindig" are probably closer to the type of women Simon is used to, and I always saw that bit as foreshadowing. It's doubtful that Kaylee would fit into Simon's world.

I do think Simon has affection for Kaylee, as one would for a friend or a "little sister" type, and I think he finds her attractive, especially in the absence of competition. His life is now out of his control, with all his life's ambitions up in smoke, so I think he figures, "Why not?" But that's really the key. Would he choose her if she were among women his own speed? I say no way.

I think Joss was building up to a heartbreak in the long term.

Yes I agree with this. Simon likes Kaylee. But It would not work. The difference between "sweet" and "irritating" is not much.

Simon is much tougher than Kaylee. I don't think he wants to hurt her. I think he can see a shot gun marriage kind of thing happening if he is not careful. Can you imagine what would happen if Kaylee sits down at dinner one day and says they are engaged! What could he do ? Politness can be a terrible burden. He really doesn't want that!

But he is young and if someone he likes wants a elationship what he going to do. As he said there is no one else avaliable.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:12 AM



Originally posted by flametree:
I think he can see a shot gun marriage kind of thing happening if he is not careful.

Yes, and Mal's the one holding the shotgun.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:04 AM



Originally posted by flametree:
Simon likes Kaylee.

Simon loves Kaylee. Simon loves River. Simon isn't sexually attracted to either of them.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:59 AM


No, Simon is attracted to Kaylee. He almost kissed her in the Objects In Space Episode but Book walked in and ruined it. The thing thats gonna suck is the movie Serenity is taking place 6 months after the show. And they're just going to be picking up Simon and River so that whole Kaylee/Simon romance thing is going to be starting all over again. GORRAM IT


Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:12 AM


Simon definatly feels for Kaylee. In Objects in Space when River is telling Early that she will be his Bounty she says people will be able to be with who they want to be with. While she is saying that their is shots of Simon and Kaylee. Considering River reads minds I think she is being accurate.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:43 AM



Originally posted by Jmuduke:
No, Simon is attracted to Kaylee. He almost kissed her in the Objects In Space Episode but Book walked in and ruined it.

No, Simon was going to tell Kaylee he is gay.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:46 AM



Originally posted by DarkHood:
In Objects in Space when River is telling Early that she will be his Bounty she says people will be able to be with who they want to be with. While she is saying that their is shots of Simon and Kaylee.

But the relevant quote from Simon is "I would be _there_ right now"; not with Kaylee.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:02 AM


There is no quote that is more relivant then the other. They were both said by River (or her mind in one case). Besides we don't even know if either of the quotes are even true. Seeing as Simon said neither of them.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:25 AM



Originally posted by DarkHood:
There is no quote that is more relivant then the other. They were both said by River (or her mind in one case). Besides we don't even know if either of the quotes are even true. Seeing as Simon said neither of them.

"I would be there right now if they had left her alone" is said by Simon to Kaylee in Objects in Space when he affirms that the hospital was where he felt most at home; it is quoted in the "ballet" sequence.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:27 AM


Ahh sorry I was thinking about when he said it at the beginning of the episode.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:33 PM


He could very well be saying thats where he would be, that doesn't mean that he feels nothing for Kaylee


Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:17 PM


Yes, Simon would be back in the hospital like a shot if he could.

Yes he likes Kaylee, who doesn't, but that doesn't mean he has to spend the rest of his life with her !

Doesn't mean she wan't to spend the rest of her life with him ever.

"Sometimes girls (and boys) just want to have fun"


Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:20 PM


That just because he's a bad man who likes upsetting Simon. Can you imagine if Mal told Simon he had to marry Kaylee. That would be an expression worth seeing!


Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:21 PM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:

Originally posted by Jmuduke:
No, Simon is attracted to Kaylee. He almost kissed her in the Objects In Space Episode but Book walked in and ruined it.

No, Simon was going to tell Kaylee he is gay.

Could be bi not that there anything wrong with that :)


Monday, May 17, 2004 5:24 AM


Simon had been living on Osiris for years. Yet he has only known Kaylee for just about a year. Would you be ready to forget your life long ambition after just a year with a girl? I'm not saying that Simon / Kaylee is the perfect couple. I'm just saying if they are given time they could be.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.


Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:22 PM


While reading everyone's posts, I thought about how Simon being stuck on Serenity impacts the chances for him to have a relationship with Kaylee. If he weren't stuck on Serenity, would he stick around to see if something develops with Kaylee? Or, as he said in the scene where they were looking at the cow fetus, does Kaylee being, in effect, the last woman on earth for Simon have something to do with their budding relationship?


Saturday, July 17, 2004 6:00 PM


I think that, in effect, Simon thinks that his relationship with Kaylee is like what "Our Mrs. Reynolds" purported to be--that is, that he'd be on the Special Hell Express if he took advantage of the naivete of someone whose feelings he does not reciprocate.


Saturday, July 17, 2004 8:14 PM


AFAIK we're short of information about STD in the 'verse. Has anyone picked up any clues? Or do we just assume they don't exist if they're not mentioned; althought that approach didn't work with AIDS.


Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:00 PM


Simon is very attracted to Kaylee. When he says the "your literally the only girl in my world" part, hes having a rush in hes mind, hes quickly trying to figure out something to say to her, while trying to avoid a silent moment as hes running out of time -> he says that. Its a joke that sounded better in hes mind. Its very typical when you try too hard to think something nice to say.

It would have been better if he just would say what he feels, but he cant because he has to rationalize things, because thats the way hes mind works. I do the same myself, so...

When hes drunk, he says what he really feels.


Sunday, July 18, 2004 7:28 AM


I think the 'you're the only girl in the world' comment was just a really clumsy compliment.

You know what men are like, they generally end up upsetting their wives and girlfriends by saying something they think is romantic but can be taken as an insult, for example...

"You're so cuddly" , "I like women with meat on them", " I prefer the natural look"

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Monday, July 19, 2004 5:52 AM


I think he is attracted to Kaylee but I think that the fact that she is the only person on Serenity that he can date has a part to play in his attraction. As he said before he made this you're the only woman in the world comment, everyone else on Serenity is either married, professional or closely related to him.

I also think that if he had an opportunity to return to Osiris at this point that he would take it and leave Kaylee behind. He would do it with a little saddness because he does have an attraction to her. However, I think that he would do it because being a doctor in the core is what he really wants and Kaylee wouldn't fit into his world. She's too much of a country girl and she loves being a mechanic on Serenity. There relationship only really has a chance as long as Simon is stuck there.

Also, since I'm not a writer on the show my evaluation of their relationship doesn't matter very much. If the series had continued, I think they would have gotten together eventually. Maybe they will in a movie sequel. Joss seems to like to put opposites together on this show. He has Wash and Zoe, Mal and Inara, in addition to a clumsy relationship developing between Kaylee and Simon. Perhaps, Joss likes the potential relationship conflicts in mismatched couples for his stories. A perfectly matched couple would be boring to watch after a while.






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