One good thing about Firefly's CANCELLATION

UPDATED: Friday, May 21, 2004 06:37
VIEWED: 2162
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Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:24 PM


I loved Firefly, I loved Buffy, I loved Angel.

Firefly never had what both Buffy and Angel had... at least two seasons...and it just struck me... i have found one GOOD THING about Firefly being cancelled in its Infancy...


None of the core characters died or had a chance to die.


In Buffy, Tara was suddenly and shockingly struck down, as well as Fred in Angel...among many others, and i had a really hard time with these.

but i just don't think i could handle any of the 9 original Firefly characters dying.

If Firefly had lasted long enough...

do you think any of our beloved characters would have died?

and if so...who?

Mal can't die, that would be like killing off Buffy...permanently

I don't think Wash could die either, because then they would have nobody to fly the ship, they would have to hire somebody else, which would be like replacing not possible.

River can't die because so much of the story revolves around her (and her feet)

I don't think Kaylee could die either because that would be like killing Willow, and they would also have to get another mechanic, which, like with Wash, would be as if they were trying to replace her.


Truth be told, i can't imagine any of them dying...but then again...this is Joss we are talking about...

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:32 PM


you have some balls writing that post but i would have to say you a little bit of a point JUST A LITTLE BIT


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:56 PM


I could see the Doctor or Jayne or Zoe or Book or even Innarra dieing...actually Wash dieing seems like it would be a rather shocking but good storyline (not that I want Wash to die...I just think it would hit the crew hard and provide a good episode like Out of Gas)

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:02 PM



This thought had actually occurred to me. And honestly, if I had to guess, I'd say Simon. Because I think he would die to save River (or Kaylee), and because I think it would have set up an interesting plot -- what would the crew have done with River if they hadn't had Simon to look after her?

Book could die, but only after they cleared up his mysterious past, 'cause once that's done, the story's told.

Or Zoe, which could lead to lots of tense Mal/Wash scenes.

Please understand, I'm not saying I think these things SHOULD happen, or that I want them to happed (especially not to Simon), but this is Joss, and he doesn't necessarily give viewers what they want (I wanted Fred to go back into Wesley's office at the end of Lineage so much that I started yelling at the television, an act usually reserved for down-to-the-wire sporting events).

WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Friday, May 21, 2004 4:52 AM


Remember Zoe's comment about Jayne?


ZOE: (re: River) I don't think she'd actually hurt anyone.

JAYNE: Butcher knife?

ZOE: Anyone we can't spare.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, May 21, 2004 4:59 AM


HAHAHAHA... no one died *chuckle* - a true Joss fan. Nice one.


Friday, May 21, 2004 5:11 AM


Hey, didn't Mal die in War Stories? Niska has to have him revived to continue the torture remember.


Friday, May 21, 2004 5:24 AM



Originally posted by JontheBrowncoat:
Hey, didn't Mal die in War Stories? Niska has to have him revived to continue the torture remember.

Yeah but that was like buffy's first and only 5 minute death early on in the only counts if they...well...stay dead

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Friday, May 21, 2004 6:20 AM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:

Truth be told, i can't imagine any of them dying...but then again...this is Joss we are talking about...

It is Joss, and he'd learned his lesson from Buffy and Angel when he called his following series Firefly. Any, up to all, of the human characters could have died; to put it another way, no actor could afford to become a prima donna. Fan fiction with total cast changes other than the ship are hereby canvassed


Friday, May 21, 2004 6:37 AM


howdy, i really like this thread, mainly because i agree so much. (surprising that i like it then, huh? ) i don't think i could have handled it if we were around long enough for one of original firefly nine to be killed off. i always became less of a fan of buffy and angel when they killed someone off, but so much more of a fan at the same time. only joss can do that to me....on other shows it seems schmaltzy and ratings-driven, on a jossverse show, its the reality of the human condition smacking me right in the face.

i became attached to everyone of the firefly characters from about "our mrs. reynolds" on. i noticed nuances and ticks, things that make the characters come alive right in my living room. there is not one of them i would not have missed had they not survived a gunfight or been captured by the alliance.

in all fairness, i guess i learned early in buffy and angel what can happen...i didn't actually start watching buffy until the middle of the fifth season. so, by the end of that season, they had killed off the main character. i have not developed the relationship in half a season of buffy that i have with half a season of firefly. it was good tv, no doubt, but i wasn't in hysterics, screaming "why?!?!" at the tv. and when i started to watch angel (actually before i watched buffy...since about the very end of the second season) i learned they had already killed off one fighting the good fight (doyle), so it was something i had come to expect in the buffyverse. but firefly is far from the buffyverse for me, so different.

ok, long ramblings on the mortality of tv characters almost over. just want to weigh in on who i think would have died in firefly, given the time. i don't think kaylee could have, although it would be incredibly hard-hitting, because what crew member didn't love (i mean actually love) kaylee? mal is a no, without him there is no serenity, no firefly. and i think wash was too important emotionally...wait, wait, hear me out. when wash is sad, i'm sad...wash angry, i'm angry...wash upset=kgb upset. and river can't go either, too much of the mystery is about her. now, despite book and inara's respective mysteries, i think their deathes could have either furthered the mysteries or answered them altogether. either way, their story would somehow be progressed through their death. to have simon die would be river's link to everyone somewhat limited, so i don't think that would have least not for awhile, until there's more relationship development. zoe could have died to prove the seriousness of a sitation (with the alliance, maybe?) and gum up the mal/wash works.

here's the part that pains me to say- i think jayne is the most likely. i hate this, because i love jayne. not only because he's hot (yeah, i hang out in the shallow end of the pool) but because there's so much room for development there. but i've heard that they were going to kill him off in the first finale (thank god we never got there) and its would prove the gravity of a situation (hello? jayne=tough) and he's the insurrector of the group....could even be mal would have been the one doing the killing.

ok, ok, almost done....i just wanted to ask if people had heard that jayne was going to die in the finale, where? cause i've only heard it through a fleeting post on the threads and i just want to know more......ok thanks for reading my longest diatribe and i'm sorry for wasting your time.


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."






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