Run you clever boy....

UPDATED: Sunday, May 19, 2013 03:46
VIEWED: 1842
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Saturday, May 18, 2013 3:20 PM


...John Hurt as "The Doctor"

Um.. what you got?


Saturday, May 18, 2013 11:02 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
...John Hurt as "The Doctor"

Select to view spoiler:

...the name of the doctor, is... Kahn! (oh, wait - wrong IMDB spoiler).

Seriously (-ish): this has all been a set-up for the 50th anniversary (eat that Stargate!) show in November: It doesn't take a Time Lord to guess that its going to be a "The N[/] Doctors" affair.

My prediction: we never saw Doctor #8 (McGann) regenerate... (at least in the on-screen continuity, don't know about the 'expanded universe') and just sort of assumed that he'd regenerated into #9 (Ecclestone) just before he met Rose and shortly after (in the timey-wimey sense) .

This could be the real number 9 - the one who committed double-genocide to end the time war. That ties in with his first lines, and is also foreshadowed in the previous episode by Porridge's comments about how the person who destroyed the Cybermen's galaxy must feel.

Its also quite fun if, after all the red herrings about the Doctor's name being the big secret, the big lie was actually his number...


Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:43 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm relatively unfamiliar with Classic Who, so a lot of the stuff this season has been lost on me. I've been watching some of it on DVD, some streaming, from Netflix, so by November I may be about halfway through the 4th Doctor's run.

Right now I'm confused as to whether Clara being fractured through time and space has altered the Doctor's adventures at all. When she told the 1st Doctor he was taking the wrong TARDIS, did she direct him to the one that he actually took originally, the one he always had trouble controlling, or did she direct him to one that he could figure out how to work properly?

If the former, then not much would have been changed, and she might not have really met the Doctor other than that first time, rather she would just be there whenever the Great Intelligence threatened him again. If the latter, that is certainly a way to change up the mythos and take the story in any number of directions in the future.


Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by whozit:
...John Hurt as "The Doctor"

Um.. what you got?

John Hurt's arrival was a shameless reminder to watch the 50th Anniversary special. We know that many former Whos are rumored/hoped/expected to return for that, but Hurt is a surprise newbie, notwithstanding the British fondness to inject prestige into silliness. What can it possibly mean, anyway? We have several months to speculate.

T O . B E . C O N T I N U E D . . .
N O V E M B E R . 2 3 R D

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:46 AM


(OK, anybody who's read this far should have got the 'here be spoilers' message)


Originally posted by ecgordon:
Right now I'm confused as to whether Clara being fractured through time and space has altered the Doctor's adventures at all.

Basically, the Great Intelligence went through the Doc's timeline sabotaging everything, Clara followed putting it all right again. So the timeline is broadly speaking unchanged - but every time that there was a happy coincidence that saves the day, there is just a chance that it was a Clara. The 'flashbacks' suggested that she (conveniently) lurked behind the scenes and never really interacted with the other Doctors.


When she told the 1st Doctor he was taking the wrong TARDIS, did she direct him to the one that he actually took originally, the one he always had trouble controlling, or did she direct him to one that he could figure out how to work properly?

She said something like - "Take this one: the navigation system is shot to hell but you'll have far more fun" - so she was directing him to the 'real' TARDIS. My take on that was that particular 'Clara' was the TARDIS 'visual interface' that we've been shown before...


f the former, then not much would have been changed, and she might not have really met the Doctor other than that first time,

What's really going to bake your noodle is wondering who threw that leaf when Clara's father and mother first met? Who was the girl in the shop that gave her the Doctor's phone number?

If it helps, remember the wise words of Lister from Red Dwarf: Hey, it hasn't happened, has it? It has "will have going to have happened" happened, but it hasn't actually "happened" happened yet, actually.






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