Do You Think Firefly will ever return????

UPDATED: Thursday, January 28, 2016 07:42
VIEWED: 16056
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Saturday, January 23, 2016 4:09 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

So i'm sure this is a thread that has been done a million times but I thought i'd post it again (i'm new here just joined last month). So the reason I'm actually pretty hopeful is because of a comment a person made on a review of the Serenity comic Better Days on Amazon. So they had said that even though the Serenity comics keep coming out there are so many secrets that are remaining secrets. For example Mal and Inara's stories. For Mal we know very little of his backstory except that Shadow was destroyed during the Unification war (It's stated in a quote from Mal in the Firefly RPG Core Rule Book). We have no idea what caused him to enlist or why and also why he is so mad at the Alliance. With Inara we have no idea why she shipped out with Serenity. It was hinted at in Out Of Gas that she might be running from Alliance but it's more than likely that if she is they have no idea what she did because she remained a companion for so long. The reviewer made a point to say that it's almost as if Whedon is keeping these "secrets" locked down in case the show ever comes back and i'm wondering what your opinions on that are? We did get Shepard's Tale which told us Shepard's secret but the thing about Shepard is he's passed on so he won't get any new stories within the verse. His secrets hold no bearing so they can be told whilst Mal and Inara still live so their secrets hold some weight. In Better Days we found out that Zoe was a Dust Devil but we know so little about the other things that were hinted at in the show. Fox has also been dropping some hints too which is rare for them and I mean very rare. For those of you who watch Sleepy Hollow there was an episode in which Ichabod Crane fights Man eating creatures known as Reavers and there have also been some "coincidental" mentions of stuff in the X Files promos that are strangely Fireflyesque. So I'm curious do you think Firefly could come back even as just a 6 episode mini series or something?


Saturday, January 23, 2016 6:00 AM


Have you seen the 10th Anniversary special, Browncoats Unite?
They reveal Inara's secret in it.

I've given up hope of it returning in TV or movie form.
But, wouldn't mind being proven wrong, though.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 6:00 AM


Arrrgh the dreaded multipost is back!


Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:42 AM


I'll never give up hope, but I don't think it's happening any time soon. In a recent interview Joss expressed hesitancy to bring back Firefly and an interest in working on something completely new. I'd love to see a Firefly spin-off, but for Joss's sake, I guess I hope he gets to work on something completely fresh.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 10:33 AM


"Will Firefly ever return?"

A simple question with a deceptively complex answer. It will absolutely return (and perhaps continue) as a comic book.

If the MMO ever gets up and running and meets with success, I think it's very likely that we'd see some or all of the cast return for more voice acting.

But will the series every return in a recognizable form? Probably not.

One reason is the realities of the cast. Many have moved on to different projects. More importantly, a decade has passed. Most of the "action heroes" of the series are now approaching an age where they're more likely to have a favorite chair than a favorite gun (which I say with no malice or judgement given that they're my contemporaries). The "ingenues" of the show are now in their mid-30s. It's not that we CAN'T have a 40-year-old River, or Mal in his 50s, but that would significantly change the tone of what came before.

More important, there's Joss. After the loss of Firefly a second time in 2005, he gradually gave away important parts of the franchise to others in comic form: FLOAT OUT confirmed Zoe's pregnancy and gave us our first post-Serenity story, THE SHEPHERD'S TALE was just that (and poorly, in my opinion), Inara's secret has been revealed multiple times at events, and LEAVES ON THE WIND is now the first major piece of post-Serenity continuity.

Importantly, note that although Joss was involved tangentially in all of the projects mentioned above, he was not the prime mover or creative force behind any of them. They were all given away to others.

I suspect that we'll see a comic books miniseries every year or two, or perhaps, if we're "lucky" (and I use that term loosely, given the varied quality of the comics), we might get a comic book "Season Two," as we received continuations of Buffy and Angel. But, as with those stories, how much it would feel like "real" Firefly as opposed to professional level fan-fiction in a pivotal question.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 12:37 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Whether or not it ever returns I'll still be a Firefly fan til the day I die. Even though there is the chance even Joss couldn't recreate the magic again, I'd like to see him try. I'll buy any comics that are released, but as with the Buffy and Angel comics, I would much rather see those stories on screen with the actors I love, rather than in static pictures.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 1:36 PM


At this point a reboot, as with Star Trek, is most likely. It might well be on cable or other non-broadcast venue (like Netflix) which would mean more freedom to do anything. Joss left the Marvelverse recently so he might be up for this.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 7:19 PM


I don't believe it's ever coming back. Even if it did come back I doubt it could be as good as the original. In fact it's likely it would suck. But who knows?


Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:50 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.


Originally posted by Moose:
Have you seen the 10th Anniversary special, Browncoats Unite?
They reveal Inara's secret in it.

I've given up hope of it returning in TV or movie form.
But, wouldn't mind being proven wrong, though.

I just looked it up (in all honesty I've only been a fan of Firefly/Serenity for about two years now so i'm still sort of a newbie Browncoat). I sort of figured that was Inara's secret but I wasn't quite sure. I'd love to see how far this goes and even though I would hate to see Inara (a character I love so much) go through a Reaver assault I would love to see how strong it makes her relationship with Mal. I love the idea that after the assault Mal treats her truly like a lady and loves her the way he always has in secret. Spoilers ahead for Leaves On The Wind but I would be truly sad to see Inara go especially since finally her and Mal are together and a thing. It took so long to get to the point of Mal and Inara being together and I would be really upset to see that end so soon.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:51 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.


Originally posted by ecgordon:
Whether or not it ever returns I'll still be a Firefly fan til the day I die. Even though there is the chance even Joss couldn't recreate the magic again, I'd like to see him try. I'll buy any comics that are released, but as with the Buffy and Angel comics, I would much rather see those stories on screen with the actors I love, rather than in static pictures.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

I agree with you. I love the comics and I've read them over and over and over again but I would rather see it on screen than in a comic book. Truth is though i'm happy with what I have. I would rather have comics galore being released every year until kingdom come than have nothing at all.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Sunday, January 24, 2016 8:38 AM



Originally posted by COSPLAYWITHCAPTMAL:
Spoilers ahead for Leaves On The Wind but I would be truly sad to see Inara go especially since finally her and Mal are together and a thing. It took so long to get to the point of Mal and Inara being together and I would be really upset to see that end so soon.

Oh, you don't really think that there's a world where Mal and Inara end up together, do you? Or Kaylee and Simon, for that matter. That makes me think you've never seen anything else Joss has created. :)

The months they had together between SERENITY and LEAVES ON THE WIND already puts them considerable above the curve, and therefore ready for something horrible.


Sunday, January 24, 2016 12:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by GWEK:

Oh, you don't really think that there's a world where Mal and Inara end up together, do you? Or Kaylee and Simon, for that matter. That makes me think you've never seen anything else Joss has created. :)

The months they had together between SERENITY and LEAVES ON THE WIND already puts them considerable above the curve, and therefore ready for something horrible.

I think the comics need a big story arc to explain why Mal and Inara and the Serenity crew stay together.

Joss Whedon does not need my idea but the only example of a big story that I have is millions of Browncoats are going to Earth. The preparation for the trip will generate other stories. Serenity keeps doing what it has always done, but once in a while is entangled in that bigger story.

Everybody on Serenity wants to go to Earth for their own reasons, even Inara. Keeping Inara in suspended animation for a century would allow time for a cure to be invented somewhere in the Alliance. Hypersleep, to give suspended animation a name, has not yet been perfected. It is one of many things that delays the expedition. Hypersleep is enough reason for Inara to go. Mal just wants to get far away from the central planets. And if Inara is there when he wakes from hypersleep, it is a bonus.

As usual, the Alliance will play the villains by publicly supporting an expedition to Earth while secretly sabotaging it during the years of preparation. The Alliance does not want Browncoats on Earth and Browncoats don't want the Alliance in charge of the expedition. There could be endless conflict punctuated by Alliance henchmen occasionally assassinating Browncoats essential for the expedition's success. Mal does what he always did on TV: kill villainous henchmen.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 25, 2016 3:20 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

I don't really agree at all. Inara and Mal are together and also Kaylee and Simon are together. The comic series also isn't written by Joss just produced by him (Leaves on the wind I mean). I agree there is something terrible on the horizon but I feel that only brings them closer. If you watched Browncoats Unite the special then you know that Inara's secret had a pretty dark episode coming one where she is assaulted violently by an entire Reaver crew. The ending to that episode however showed Mal and Inara being brought closer together with Mal no longer calling her "whore" or shaming her but instead treating her like a lady. I don't feel this is a temporary thing because we've always know that Inara loves Mal and vice versa and Kaylee and Simon love each other deeply as well (it's been talked about that they will have kids).

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Monday, January 25, 2016 8:14 AM


Respectfully, I thing you're optimistically misreading a few things.

First, you note that Joss isn't writing Firefly any more. This is true, but one of his brothers is now the shepherd of Firefly, and destroying couples isn't an "only written by Joss" thing, it's a "style element of the House that Whedon Built." It's part and parcel of anything he's associated with.

Second, the revelation of Inara's secret does not involve a storyline that's to come, but rather a theoretical story that was discussed and likely won't ever happen. The episode of Inara's gang-rape by Reavers is one that was considered and dismissed as too dark for the show. COULD the story still happen? Possibly. And elements of it are certainly reasonable to expect, but not wholesale.

Mal and Inara = true love and fated to be together? I doubt it, any more than Buffy and Angel, Xander and Buffy, Willow and Xander, Xander and Anya, Xander and Dawn, Xander and Cordelia, Cordelia and Angel, Giles and Jenny, Spike and Dru, Spike and Buffy, etc.

In all of Whedon-dom, there's currently one and only one romantic relationship with a "happy" ending (from DOLLHOUSE) and the nature of that relationship is, in and of itself, tragic.

As soon as a relationship "gets good," it's headed toward death, usually the quicker the better (note in the House of Whedon how many relationships end the day they truly begin) and very few are depicted as long term. Those that are typically are deeply troubled, and the couple often spends more time apart than together. I think Buffy and Spike is the only long-term, recurring relationship, primarily because they're both usually bad for each other!

It's possible that Mal may be Inara's last lover, because she dies tragically and screws him up for the future, but there's no reason to think they're in for the long-haul (especially given the fact that they only reason they're even still together in the comic is that Inara has pretty much literally given up her independence and sense of self to stay with Mal for the time being).

(I apologize for coming on so strong about this, but, being a fan, and student, of the House of Whedeon for years, one of of my pet peeves is "No, no, X + Y will be the relationship that breaks the mold of every relationship that has come before because they're really true true love!")


Monday, January 25, 2016 10:29 AM


Firefly in it's original form? No, I don't think it will ever return to live action film of any kinda.

Firefly the brand/verse? Yes, I think it will be back in live action film form at some point in the future. I mean look at all the reboots we've seen happen over time. Surely someone will buy the rights to make something with the Firefly brand eventually. That doesn't mean Joss will be involved in any way. It just means that some time in the future the rights will be cheap enough that some executive will think they can cash in on nostalgia. If done well then we can all be happy. If done poorly we can all try to pretend we never saw it.


Monday, January 25, 2016 12:57 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Zeek:
Firefly in it's original form? No, I don't think it will ever return to live action film of any kinda.

No matter what happens to Firefly in the future, some of us will always have our Leaves on the Wind tattoo.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:45 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.


Originally posted by GWEK:
Respectfully, I thing you're optimistically misreading a few things.

First, you note that Joss isn't writing Firefly any more. This is true, but one of his brothers is now the shepherd of Firefly, and destroying couples isn't an "only written by Joss" thing, it's a "style element of the House that Whedon Built." It's part and parcel of anything he's associated with.

Second, the revelation of Inara's secret does not involve a storyline that's to come, but rather a theoretical story that was discussed and likely won't ever happen. The episode of Inara's gang-rape by Reavers is one that was considered and dismissed as too dark for the show. COULD the story still happen? Possibly. And elements of it are certainly reasonable to expect, but not wholesale.

Mal and Inara = true love and fated to be together? I doubt it, any more than Buffy and Angel, Xander and Buffy, Willow and Xander, Xander and Anya, Xander and Dawn, Xander and Cordelia, Cordelia and Angel, Giles and Jenny, Spike and Dru, Spike and Buffy, etc.

In all of Whedon-dom, there's currently one and only one romantic relationship with a "happy" ending (from DOLLHOUSE) and the nature of that relationship is, in and of itself, tragic.

As soon as a relationship "gets good," it's headed toward death, usually the quicker the better (note in the House of Whedon how many relationships end the day they truly begin) and very few are depicted as long term. Those that are typically are deeply troubled, and the couple often spends more time apart than together. I think Buffy and Spike is the only long-term, recurring relationship, primarily because they're both usually bad for each other!

It's possible that Mal may be Inara's last lover, because she dies tragically and screws him up for the future, but there's no reason to think they're in for the long-haul (especially given the fact that they only reason they're even still together in the comic is that Inara has pretty much literally given up her independence and sense of self to stay with Mal for the time being).

(I apologize for coming on so strong about this, but, being a fan, and student, of the House of Whedeon for years, one of of my pet peeves is "No, no, X + Y will be the relationship that breaks the mold of every relationship that has come before because they're really true true love!")

I'm not going to start an argument or anything but I disagree wholeheartedly and i'll tell you why. First off just because tragic relationships have been done in his other series doesn't mean that they will happen in this one. Not all of Shakespeare's work were tragedies some were comedies. You're not in Whedon's head with him telling you exactly how he's going to write his series or continue on with Firefly. In fact they asked him if he would've killed anyone had he known Firefly would've been canceled and he said no not at all. The only reason he killed Shepard and Wash was because that was his ending in a sense. That was sort of his way of saying I did what I wanted to do and I'm done now let others have a go. That's why his brother or Patton Oswalt or Will Conrad now write the comics and not him, he only produces them. If Inara was only with Mal "in the moment" as you say then she wouldn't have broken down balling and weeping when he slept with Nandi. If you want to believe that Inara and Mal will have this Dickensian tragic relationship that's fine. If you also want to flaunt that you've studied Whedon Fu and you're this master of knowledge of his work then that's fine also. I choose to believe that while this is a relationship destined to end because of Inara's illness I believe it will be joyous and wonderous while it lasts.

In all honesty I stopped respecting your opinion when you basically insinuated that I haven't the same amount of knowledge as you because you've been a student of the house of Whedon. I will also prove you WRONG about Inara's illness with the comic book Better Days. If you read Better Days in it Simon is seen walking out of Inara's shuttle and when Mal asks her why he is there she says "Simon is my friend but he is also a Doctor". Because Inara's illness was a secret on the show it is canon 100% and also it was stated with irrefutable proof by not only Tim Minear but Morena Baccarin herself that Inara's illness was 100% real. The only thing that has never been mentioned is what the illness is called or what it is. All we know is that it is terminal.

Since you mentioned one of your pet peeves i'll mention one of mine. I cannot stand it when a person throws into another's face that they have all this knowledge because they've done X,Y, and Z with the fandom. I'm glad you're a fan and i'm glad you watch the show but it's fiction and it's entertainment. You're not a bigger fan than me or anyone else on this website just because you're a student of Whedon Fu or whatever it is or even because you might have watched the show when it first aired. You have an opinion and that's fine but don't start throwing out all these "fictional accolades" that you have simply because you want to prove that you're the bigger Whedon fan. That's not what Firefly is about. Firefly is about family, friendship and loving one another in the bleakest of times. If you want to believe that Inara and Mal will have this tragic Dickensian relationship that's fine but in my heart Firefly is always about overcoming obstacles. Think about it this is a tiny Firefly Class Transport ship with NO GUNS on it and yet it defeats an entire government time and time and time again because it's about overcoming obstacles. That's fine if you want to believe that Firefly is this really tragic and sad story but I don't feel that was the point at all and if you were to ever listen to Nathan Fillion or Jewel Staite or Ron Glass talk about the show I think they'd agree with me. Firefly is about family and friends and making a home. I'm not going to start an argument with you. If you also read Inara and Mal's story deeply you'd know that they truly love each other.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:03 AM


I respect that we have different opinions and had started to write a response, but it's clear that you didn't actually read my previous post (given that you are missing many of the salient points and "disagreeing" with things I didn't actually say), so there's no reason to expect you would read another one.

Before I go, though, I will point out the hypocrisy of your own recent post in dismissing my opinions because we don't agree -- which is exactly what you accused me of doing, although in most cases, I was citing facts, not opinions. You CAN disagree with facts, but that doesn't make them wrong.

You win. Great job.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by COSPLAYWITHCAPTMAL:

You're not in Whedon's head with him telling you exactly how he's going to write his series or continue on with Firefly. In fact they asked him if he would've killed anyone had he known Firefly would've been canceled and he said no not at all. The only reason he killed Shepard and Wash was because that was his ending in a sense. That was sort of his way of saying I did what I wanted to do and I'm done now let others have a go.

That is a good theory, except that Joss Whedon couldn't know there would never be a Serenity 2 or 3 when he killed Book and Wash.

It is easy to imagine Serenity selling $90 million tickets worldwide rather than the actual $39 million on a production budget of $39 million. Joss could not have known Serenity would flop before he killed Wash and Book. It is easy to imagine that the second Serenity sold even more tickets and Joss Whedon is writing a third now that he is no longer working for Marvel and Disney.

If a movie earns a little money, Hollywood is not too proud to make a sequel. Anything is possible, even more Serenity, in a world where Disney actually made Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta! Because of the possible sequels, could that be why Disney didn't let the scriptwriter kill any Chihuahuas in the first movie?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:08 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.

Well he had sort of said in interviews that he was done with Firefly after Serenity even though Serenity did pretty well (not as well as like a movie like Spectre or something). Firefly was so abruptly canceled that he needed to do Serenity he didn't feel he was done with it. Serenity was sort of his closure and feeling like he was able to tell the story he wanted. I personally think though that if Serenity had sold millions of tickets and was a huge success that if they made a Serenity 2 or even 3 I think he would've only been involved as a producer and let someone else have a go at it. Like he's done with the comics.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:10 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.

Lol I also agree that it is possible that Serenity 2 or even 3 could be released but with all the references that Fox has been dropping in it's shows (there was a Firefly reference in last nights The X Files) I think it's more likely we may actually get a mini series.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:34 PM


Honestly, probably not. But yunno I'm alright with that. There are so many shows that go out with a fizzle than a bang. I know you were talking about The X-Files in a few posts, and I love that show, It and Firefly are probably my two favorites, but no one argues that seasons 8 and 9 were "good television" really. I'm glad that we're still flying, I love to look at how far we've come over a decade later and listening to the old podcasts and all, but I feel like everyone behind Firefly is "done" with it.

And that sounds negative, but I don't mean it to. I think everyone came around to it being a very special little part of their life. I know Nathan is really a fan of it, and I know people like Ron Glass live quieter lives and still enjoy talking about it. Hes really not a celebrity. Hes like the grandpa you get to tell old stories hes already told 30 times before because he appreciates you asking. Jewel maybe didn't like it a ton at first and is a little hesitant to get into it, but she started to realize how big of a thing it was at some point. But its something that happened 10 years ago. The cast, Joss, hell, even the rest of the production crew have had huge events in the life go by. They're up to new things, and I don't think I want something to come back that ends up being not the show I used to know.

Will there be more comics? The video game? I'd say its not impossible. But for a new show or a second movie I just can't see it happening, and thats alright. Its our special little thing in our moment in time. Our object in space.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I am fond of the idea that Joss Whedon killed Wash for the story in the next movie, Serenity 2.

Joss didn't get to write it but a fan wrote her dead Wash story as soon as she saw the first movie. The short story was called Indistinguishable From Magic and showed how Joss could hypothetically exploit Wash in the next movie. A reader of the story said the very same, “I like this so much I wish we could see it happen in the next gorram movie.”

Another reader said, “Perfectly reasoned out, gorgeously executed, gloriously hopeful. I will take this thought to sleep with me tonight, to make it all right that we lost our pilot.”

One more reader: “Wow...just read this because someone posted a link to it. Brilliant! That would be the Joss way of doing things.”

Indistinguishable From Magic by Kieyra is at

What was one of the reasons behind Joss Whedon killing off Wash in Serenity? His answer, which does not mention the second reason -- a story for Serenity 2, is at

If you want to read Joss Whedon's original movie script where Wash and Book do NOT die, there is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:25 PM


What Would Mal do ?

ya'll gotta look at the bigger picture...if you want a sci-fi movie about a bunch of freedom loving rebels flying around in space dodging the evil empire/federalists...then you have to have a Republican in office...that's when hollywood gets serious about slathering the theaters and cable with stories like Firefly...from my point of view, be it Firefly or an ultra liberal series like boston Legal...the stories have been just as appropriate, if not more so, under our current "open and transparent" leadership that likes to use every thing from the IRS to EPA and Justice Dept to punish their subjugatted civilian population...but trust me folks..if you wanna see your beloved Firefly back on the better go out and vote Republican! (grin)


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:29 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by OLDGUY:
..if you wanna see your beloved Firefly back on the better go out and vote Republican! (grin)

If that's true, then I hope Firefly never comes back.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 6:30 PM


Is that your tattoo TWO?


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 6:32 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:

Originally posted by OLDGUY:
..if you wanna see your beloved Firefly back on the better go out and vote Republican! (grin)

If that's true, then I hope Firefly never comes back.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

Yep, I'd rather not see another new episode if it means voting Republican.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 6:55 PM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
ya'll gotta look at the bigger picture...if you want a sci-fi movie about a bunch of freedom loving rebels flying around in space dodging the evil empire/federalists...then you have to have a Republican in office...that's when hollywood gets serious about slathering the theaters and cable with stories like Firefly...from my point of view, be it Firefly or an ultra liberal series like boston Legal...the stories have been just as appropriate, if not more so, under our current "open and transparent" leadership that likes to use every thing from the IRS to EPA and Justice Dept to punish their subjugatted civilian population...but trust me folks..if you wanna see your beloved Firefly back on the better go out and vote Republican! (grin)

Now I'm fine with political affiliations of any sort, but I'm not sure people liked Firefly just for the libertarian-ism of it being all tied to politics and such. Now sure, it is nice because many shows do have a liberal lean and its nice to see a show with some different themes, but yunno, its like saying "Saving Private Ryan" was popular because so many damn people loved WW2 in 1998.

And besides, I could totally see Bernie Sanders watching Firefly more than I could Donald Trump or Jeb Bush.

.. Maybe Rand Paul too, if I'm being fair.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 10:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Is that your tattoo TWO?

Ever hear the phrase “As hard to get rid of as a tattoo”? I don't like Firefly enough to add its logo to my perfect skin.

Jewel Staite is impressed by the manly Serenity tattoo on her costar from The Killing S03E01.

Maybe she will be impressed with you when you get a chest tattoo?


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 28, 2016 7:42 AM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
ya'll gotta look at the bigger picture...if you want a sci-fi movie about a bunch of freedom loving rebels flying around in space dodging the evil empire/federalists...then you have to have a Republican in office...that's when hollywood gets serious about slathering the theaters and cable with stories like Firefly...from my point of view, be it Firefly or an ultra liberal series like boston Legal...the stories have been just as appropriate, if not more so, under our current "open and transparent" leadership that likes to use every thing from the IRS to EPA and Justice Dept to punish their subjugatted civilian population...but trust me folks..if you wanna see your beloved Firefly back on the better go out and vote Republican! (grin)

Interestingly enough, I just had a conversation with a fellow Browncoat a few days ago that sort of goes the other way.

The Alliance, although depicted as MAL'S enemy, is ultimately a well-meaning (but either corrupt or less-than-competent) nanny state where there's total equality of gender, near-perfect education and employment rates, etc, all at the expense of personal freedom. Basically, the worst possible version of a Democrat paradise, bloating, lumbering "big government."

Mal, Zoe, et al, conversely are the best possible version of, say, the Tea Party, bitterly clinging to their guns and, in some cases, religion.

FIREFLY was put on Fox with the intention that it be the spiritual successor to THE X-FILES. I would say that if there's any popular show now that shares the same feel as FIREFLY, the little independent guys stepped on by history, it's WALKING DEAD. What do X-FILES and WALKING DEAD share in common? Their runs roughly parallel the terms of Democratic presidents... albeit Democratic presidents whose were elected in the wake of an ultimately unpopular Republican president, so maybe THAT'S the formula. Heck, maybe you even specifically need a Bush in there to make it work! :P

One of the primarily problems that FIREFLY had in a broad sense is timing. This is a show, like X-FILES, about questioning and challenging authority, and like WALKIND DEAD, about stubborn will and individual independence. Unfortunately, it aired almost a year to the day after 9/11. Side-note: I contend that if it had aired any time after a five-year window after 9/11, it would still be on, regardless of which party controlled the White House.

Hollywood does follow political and economic trends with respect to what's popular. For example, when the economy is great, we get grittier drama and action because people need less escapism, but when times are tough (whether it's because of bad economy or the gloom and doom of war), escapism runs rampant. It's been this way since the dawn of entertainment.

I'm not sure how this maps to political parties and sci fi specifically, but George Lucas has turned both parties into fodder, having stated that the Emperor (especially in the first trilogy) was inspired by Richard Nixon, while Chancellor Valorum, a leader mired in scandal and betrayed by his own Senate, was based on Bill Clinton.






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