UPDATED: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 05:48
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Sunday, April 24, 2005 5:18 PM


This is not a thread debating if one is better than the other. Both series are sci-fi at it's best and both have their own individual strengths that have made them endearing to millions.

I am sure that many of you Browncoats are varying degrees of Trekkies. I myself have never gone to a Trek convention or dressed up or anything too extreme. But I do have STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE in my DVD collection (think it's the best of the movies next to UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY), and I like watching eps of either the original series or VOYAGER, since they're my two faves.

So I was wondering if there's any one or thing from either the Roddenberry verse or the Whedon verse that you'd like to see in a challenge. Like who'd win in a fight, who'd pilot or fix a ship better and what group of villains are scarier? And if they did, who'd win?

Just to get the ball rolling.

JAYNE vs. any Klingon- Jayne maybe a good barroom brawler, but I think his ass would be served to him by even the most untrained, undisciplined Klingon.

KAYLEE vs. Scotty, Geordi, B'Elanna, et al- Kaylee definitly. Even if she'd never seen a warp core or a plasma conduit or any TREK tech, she'd probably figure it out how it works really quickly and even make a few modifications of her own to make the ships go faster.

MAL vs. Kirk, Picard, Janeway, et al- Draw. All the captains hold their grounds in their own way. Who knows, maybe Mal would've developed an oedipal-like crush on Janeway.

WASH vs. Tom Paris- Draw as well. Both of them are essentially the same character. It's just that Paris doesn't play with plastic dinosaurs.

REAVERS vs. BORG- Borg hands down. Reavers are just cannibals. To unprepared, unarmed spacers, they're a threat. But to a species that assimilates every living thing it comes across into it's vast hive, they'd just be a nuisance.

So what other FIREFLY/TREK pair-up, competitions would you like to see.

Oh and Simon vs. The Doctor: The Doctor. Simon might've graduated top 3%, but the Doc is a walking medical textbook. And can carry a tune better than Simon probably could.



Sunday, April 24, 2005 5:35 PM


plain and simple

star trek was to govermental for me they were in an agency
what the hell do I know I'm just one of those drugged ,up brain dead ,moronic teenagers what I like rufed up low down action whith a good case of drama

men are in lust women are in passion


Sunday, April 24, 2005 5:44 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
Oh and Simon vs. The Doctor: The Doctor. Simon might've graduated top 3%, but the Doc is a walking medical textbook. And can carry a tune better than Simon probably could.

I would put Simon up against Bashir. Two young genius doctors having to learn the hard way to be people people and not alienate the crew.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Sunday, April 24, 2005 5:51 PM


Ok. One... ... 3 letters for you.




Ok, that was two letters and a number, but....
I was a big fan of this show before Firefly came along. For various reason, the main one being that having seen all of the recent (and a few of TOS) versions of star trek, i felt that DS9 was the smartest concept, the most complex world, the most interesting characters, and in the later seasons, the dirtiest storyline. Section 31 was a beautiful thing, this concept that the high n mighty federation might not be as great as they thought.... And then the whole thing about interstellar war... that was nice n gritty too.....

So we've got:
-Interesting characters
-Dirty (ie not holier-than-thou federation) storylines
-The darker sides of the universe (see: the Occupation, the maquis, the changelings, etc)

So now we've got....


P.S. started writing this before the mention of bashir, which, btw TWG, is actually a great comparison...
also I forgot that for dark stuff, the 'Obrien the troubled war guy seeking peace' was nice.

P.S.Again... No, paramount doesnt pay me.

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.


Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:11 PM


Kess and River

Go sign my Guest Book,
Then download Serenity,


Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:33 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
JAYNE vs. any Klingon- Jayne maybe a good barroom brawler, but I think his ass would be served to him by even the most untrained, undisciplined Klingon.

Jayne would just shoot the Klingon ALA 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'.

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:
My Other Site:


Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:43 PM


In the book 'Finding Serenity' there is a kind of a match up...
where the Enterprise crew gets switched with the Serenity crew...
so Archer & his group of drones (bridge officers) are confronted with Reavers, and while he prepares for a meaningful dialogue they are all eaten. (they lasted like 10 minutes in the Firefly'verse)

Meanwhile Mal w/Zoe & Jayne at his back take just a few minutes to over-come any resistance by the unknown unnamed crew of the Enterprise, who they then dump on the nearest habitable planet...
and our BDHs then take off in a Galaxy class star ship smuggling and trading and growning rich.

It could happen.


Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:51 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
So what other FIREFLY/TREK pair-up, competitions would you like to see.

Zoe VS Riker--- Zoe! Hands down. She'd kick his butt.

'We're not obsessed, we're focused.' --Gizzie


Sunday, April 24, 2005 8:03 PM


Good question, hard to answer. I happen to be a Sci-Fi fan from the early 60’s, so the advent of Star Trek on network TV was a huge event (when I was a sophomore in high school). By the third year, however, they shifted the series to Friday night, when even a nerd like me had better things to do.

I was one of many who watched the 79 Star Trek episodes (counting the two-part opener, but not the unaired pilot) over and over. For many years, the series was stripped on Sunday night at midnight in New York, and I watched it many times. What there was of Star Trek could be stupid, obvious, shallow, and later often seemed outdated. Nonetheless, Star Trek, better than anything else, expressed the idealism inherent in the space program of the 60’s, that has unfortunately vanished in the present day.

ST also spawned the spotty movie franchise, and ultimately STNG (good elements, but many flaws), ST-DS9 (my personal favorite), ST-Voyager (couldn’t get into), and ST-Enterprise (liked in spots, vaguely sorry it’s been cancelled).

Firefly is a TV non-event. Between family and work, I never saw the any of the first 11 episodes on the air. Love the series on DVD, but I would not have taken the trouble to see if I had not (rather belatedly) become a fan of Buffy and Angel,


Sunday, April 24, 2005 10:04 PM


I grew up watching TNG as a kid, and I was really into ST:VOY in high school. In contrast, I didn't get into Firefly until, well, about two years AFTER the show got canceled.

Really, in my view, Firefly vs Star Trek isn't really a fair comparison because ST is an "established" universe with tons and tons of culture and information and backstory and characters and history. FF didn't even get a full season. Even though the ST universe is far more evolved with the technology, FF's storylines and characters are just as intellectually and emotionally strong, if not more so. I think both TNG and FF are outstanding shows (though they both have their own flaws) so I'm can't pick one over the other.

Having said all that, I'd pit the Serenity crew against the TOS cast. No reason; just being arbitrary.

Mal vs Kirk - Two strong-willed, resourceful leaders who inspire the best in their respective crews. And neither is afraid of mixing it up a little (though Mal's probably a little quicker on the draw than Kirk). Mal also seems more world-weary. He's got nothing to lose, and that experience gives him the edge. Kirk lets his ego get in the way. I pick Mal for this one.

Kaylee vs Scotty - A toss-up. Both of them are the best at what they do. The technology on the Enterprise would be different from what Kaylee's used to, but she'd pick up quick. A draw here.

Simon vs McCoy - I never really saw McCoy do much doctorin'. The episodes I saw, he'd mostly hang out on the bridge, bitchin' and moaning to Kirk about something or other. Simon is more efficient, and he seems to be able to work miracles even with Serenity's substandard medical facilities. Simon gets this one hands down.

Zoe vs Spock - Spock always acts logically and with purpose. Zoe shoots first and asks questions later. Both have their merits and their flaws. Again, a tossup.

On the whole, I think the FF crew would run circles around the TOS crew. TNG or VOY, though, may be another debate entirely.

(For the record, I couldn't get into DS9 or ENT. I tried, but I couldn't.)

"Mwa ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Monday, April 25, 2005 4:10 AM


Book vs. ... Troi? Is that the closest comparison? Or Inara vs. Troi?

Captain's Log: Part of the ship fell off, and nobody likes me.


Monday, April 25, 2005 4:40 AM


Cheers, reginaroadie, for your favourite two Trek movies, they are also mine, and in that order!

Kirk vs. Mal- this would depend richly on whether Mal has his piece or not. Both men armed, Mal would take it. Unarmed, well no one's a match for Kirk-Fu! Then Mal would get a speech!ha ha ha

Worf vs. Reavers- Worf would clean house, no matter the numbers! Now that's a mess I'd like to see!

Enterprise vs. Serenity-
Checkov: "Sir, that wessle just wanished, I have never seen the like-"
Spock: "The transport executed what used to be known as a 'Full Burn', somewhat dangerous- even in open space. The transverse slicing of the Hydrogen atoms produces a Chronoton-induced anti proton particle wake that our sensors cannot track, I'm afraid they've...'lost us'."

Silly Chrisisall


Monday, April 25, 2005 5:55 AM


Not really a match-up, but I wouldn't mind seeing Book take a trip to Bajor and get introduced to the Bajoran religion.

Meanwhile, Simon and Bashir could both consult over River. Perhaps Bashir would have some useful insight to share regarding the illegal genetic modifications he (and others) went through.

I can see Zoe & Kira (& possibly Mal) trading stories comparing the Browncoats' War to the Bajoran resistance. I'm sure Kira has a few "moustache"-type stories to share.

As for the Reavers, or even the Alliance, they wouldn't last a day against a Jem'Hadar strike force. The blue hands, OTOH. . . It occurs to me that the people who did whatever to River would be mighty interested in the Dominion's engineered personnel, Vorta & Jem'Hadar alike. . .

Enterprise-era, I can see Trip hanging out with the Serenity crew. He & Mal would probably hit it off more than Mal & Archer, though I suspect Archer would sympathize with Mal's "little dog in a ruttin' huge junkyard" situation. Mayweather would probably feel right at home, and Hoshi-chan would ineviitably pick up some of the lingo (and might start bonding with River & Simon, as another socially-clumsy genius). In fact, Hoshi would make interesting competition with Kaylee for Simon's affection. T'Pol would probably look down her nose at the squallor and unprofessional attitude, but would likely be among the first to go exploring. She'd probably strike up an interesting relationship with River too. Maybe even Book, to compare Vulcan spirituality to whatever uber-religion he belongs to. Phlox would definitely be in the med bay, consulting with Dr. Tam, and unravelling what happened to River (with Enterprise's imaging chamber, Simon wouldn't've needed to go to Ariel). And of course, I can just see Jayne & "Captain Ka-Boom" Reed doing that comparing-guns scene in DoA. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, April 25, 2005 6:15 AM


I disagree. Hoshi is such a non-character that I have no idea what kind of man would fall for her or what kind of man she would fall for. Really, what have we learned about her? Or Mayweather for that matter. They are two of the most poorly developed ST characters I've seen (ignoring anyone on Voyager for the moment). I had more invested in Crewman Cutler than I did Hoshi or Travis.

I think Firefly matches up with TOS and DS9.

Note; This does not mean Linda Park is a poor actress; she has done well with what she has been given.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Monday, April 25, 2005 6:44 AM


You know, I resent the implication that VOYAGER is the weakest of all the series. I always found VOYAGER to be more enjoyable and interesting than any of the other spin-offs. DS9 seemed too dense and TNG seems like a sterile environment. Voyager's crew on the other hand, probably has more in common with Serenity than any of the other crews. And the basic ideas beind The Doctor and 7 of 9 was that they developed. Their whole journeys were about cultivating their individualities and who they were.

And Voyager as a whole has probably more in common with the original series. The whole point of the original was that they were explorers, discovering new things about the galaxy and themselves at the same time. The crew of Voyager is in that exact same situation.

I would rather watch The Doctor in action or 7 of 9 exploring her humanity than Crusher being ethereally bland and Data bumbling around. And what's so odd about having a black Vulcan? Isn't race a moot point in the future?



Monday, April 25, 2005 8:18 AM


I watched Voyager form beginning to end. Every episode. I did enjoy the scrappy crew making their way home. There were characters I loved and characters I didn't love. I think The Doctor is one of the best ST characters ever. He is. Very well written, developed, and acted.

However, there were leaps the audience had to take. We took them, but should we have had to? One week Janeway would be by the book Starfleet and the next she would be bending rules right and left. I'm fine with that, I bend rules, but people know why I bend rules. I never felt that they explored her willingness to arbitrarily bend rules. One week this rule was important and the next not so much. There was so much we were left to assume about Chakotay. I loved Neelix, flawed though he was. And poor Harry. He was such a good guy. He could have been developed more. I guess I just wasn't worried about them, I wasn't invested in their safety.

I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into DS9. Once I got there and accepted things, I liked it. All the characters were fleshed out. I wasn't left wondering about any of them Even Bashir finally filled out a bit. I don't feel like I knew the crew on Voyager and Enterprise. I know more about Shran then Travis. Silly. I’d gladly watch reruns of all the ST series. I'm being picky.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Monday, April 25, 2005 9:14 AM


Star Trek is not challenging to watch... it does not attack, align to, or subvert any of the paradigms I hold to or hate. It simply is.

The original series was really poignant to modern culture making statements about racism, prejudice, and other cultural issues. The more recent series are just 2d shadows of the former show with better acting and better props... maybe even better writting... but the writers have nothing to say.

I love Star Trek, and have seen every episode of the original, TNG, DS9 (arguable the best of the series in terms of plot), and trailed off after that.

However, the fact is - a whore will never be aired on a star trek episode... nor a priest of a real religion. Nothing will ever happen on a modern star trek episode that will cause you to grow as a person or challenge you in interesting ways. It's just a show.

Firefly challenges you with concepts of faith (a lot of the dialogue between river and book - especially when she tears apart the bible), matters of free will (dialogue between the freedom fighter and the prostitute)... and a bunchh of other HEAVY topics that Star Trek would never touch. Topics like loyalty, betrayal, and beating the big boss in order to survive... Hell, I could watch Thundercats and get those plot concepts. Star Trek isn't really challenging.


Monday, April 25, 2005 10:56 AM


Hmm, interesting that so many Firefly fans like DS9; that's by far my favorite, too. And I disagree with the opinion that the later ST series' didn't have anything to say - terrorism was a huge, recurring, complex topic in DS9, for example (though of course it was before 9/11).

Bashir vs. Simon was one of my first thoughts when I read this thread, too - lol.

And I certainly agree that Kira would get on well with Mal and Zoe - though she might look down on them for losing without dying in the process.

Here's something nobody's brought up: how about Quark hiring Mal for a bit of "extra-legal" business? (Though there're some similarities to Rat already, so it might not seem all that different). Imagine Jayne and River at the Dabo table while Mal and Quark talk it over... Jayne grabbing at the Dabo girl while River analyses how the board is rigged...

Or Serenity getting infested with Cardassian voles...

Or Gul Dukat vs. Niska... hmm, maybe not, Niska doesn't have the same "I'm really torturing millions for their own good" sliminess that Dukat has - Niska's far too open about his intentions, the two characters don't match up.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:04 AM


My only real problem with Voyager was the utter inability to write the Borg. The Star Trek writers just couldn't stretch their minds around what should've been the single most alien mind in the Trek universe, so they retconned the Collective (a single consciousness spread among millions of bodies) into the Empire (slaves dominated by a Queen). It bugs me that they didn't even seem to try, but just accepted the old saw ("you can't write aliens, no matter how hard you try").

But the biggest problem was the WTF characters of the finale. Nobody seemed to notice that Janeway, Chakotay, and Seven had all been replaced by their alternaverse versions. After seven years of being In Command, Janeway suddenly starts second-guessing herself? Serene, calm spiritualist Chakotay turns into a highschool horn-dog? Seven turns from the cyber-ice-queen to a fully normal human chick? And Tuvok's utterly out-of-left-field disease.

It just seemed like the ending snuck up on them, so they shoehorned a full season of story into one episode, with no foreshadowing or character/plot buildup.

Doc Hologram, Paris, Torres, Kim, Tuvok --they all rocked, but Seven didn't really develop; she started to, but quickly (within a few episodes) reached a plateau, where she remained until just before the finale (but we never got to see the "breakthrough").


Originally posted by Astragynia:
Here's something nobody's brought up: how about Quark hiring Mal for a bit of "extra-legal" business? (Though there're some similarities to Rat already, so it might not seem all that different).

I think you mean Badger (unless you're referring to the guy who posts here). Wrong animal.


Imagine Jayne and River at the Dabo table while Mal and Quark talk it over... Jayne grabbing at the Dabo girl while River analyses how the board is rigged...
And then proceeding to win anyway. The deal would end with Quark ushering Mal out, yelling for him to take that little witch with him before she ruins him!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:33 AM



Originally posted by Astragynia:
Here's something nobody's brought up: how about Quark hiring Mal for a bit of "extra-legal" business? (Though there're some similarities to Rat already, so it might not seem all that different). Imagine Jayne and River at the Dabo table while Mal and Quark talk it over... Jayne grabbing at the Dabo girl while River analyses how the board is rigged...

That would be a brilliant scene...

Simon and Julian talk medicine while Julian and O'Brien are playing darts in the corner. Kaylee talks with O'Brien while surreptitiously checking out the two docs. Out on the Promenade, Zoe distracts Kira with tales of gorilla warfare and the underdog. Nog convinces Jake to hit on Kaylee. Jake would send drinks accompanied with little poems of her beauty and genius to Kaylee. Book would be exploring the Bajoran Temple. For some reason I picture Inara talking with Garak. Perhaps he designs some clothing for her or they sit in the Cafe discussing politics and intrigue, I don't know.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:00 PM


Thanks Cybersnark - I do mean Badger. Oops. I've seen "Rat" next to Badger's picture so often now, I've connected the names - no offense, Rat!


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
That would be a brilliant scene...

Simon and Julian talk medicine while Julian and O'Brien are playing darts in the corner. Kaylee talks with O'Brien while surreptitiously checking out the two docs. Out on the Promenade, Zoe distracts Kira with tales of gorilla warfare and the underdog. Nog convinces Jake to hit on Kaylee. Jake would send drinks accompanied with little poems of her beauty and genius to Kaylee. Book would be exploring the Bajoran Temple. For some reason I picture Inara talking with Garak. Perhaps he designs some clothing for her or they sit in the Cafe discussing politics and intrigue, I don't know.

That's great - but I just don't see Garak and Inara. (Maybe Inara and Jadzia Dax?)

Garak and YoSaffBridge on the other hand... now THAT would be quite a dialogue.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 5:48 AM


Heh. YoSafBridge would manipulate Garak, but he'd turn the tables and manipulate her, actually playing into her plan, which is what he accounted for. . .

Then Odo would step in, and the show would end with Garak and YoSafBridge sitting in side-by-side cells, wondering what the hell went wrong.


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
I disagree. Hoshi is such a non-character that I have no idea what kind of man would fall for her or what kind of man she would fall for. Really, what have we learned about her? Or Mayweather for that matter. They are two of the most poorly developed ST characters I've seen (ignoring anyone on Voyager for the moment).

Actually, Hoshi & Travis are two of my favourites:

Hoshi is a prodigy, a gifted linguist, but somewhat stunted socially (kinda like Daniel on SG-1). She graduated Starfleet Academy on a technicality; stellar academic marks, but barely passed the more military/athletic aspects. Graduating the Academy wasn't enough to win a rank, IOW, so she turned to teaching (and failed to keep up with Starfleet-standard, which is why Reed had to give her some quick re-training). At some point though, she'd met and sufficiently impressed a young Jon Archer. Enough that, when he was picked to command the NX-01 into Klingon space, he made Hoshi's inclusion as communications officer (with rank) a condition. The chance to immerse herself in a completely new language sealed the deal for her. It took her almost a year to get her space legs, but she adapted quickly, forming friendships with Trip, T'Pol, Mayweather, and Phlox. It was T'Pol's influence (and a mild crush on Trip) that played the vital role in Hoshi finding her place (just don't tell Reed, who thinks he taught her everything she knows). Hoshi is perhaps the bravest and strongest member of the crew; she's been terrified, wounded, beaten, tortured, and infected with Xindi bio-weapons, but she keeps working as hard and as long as she's able. She also has a vaguely Whedon-esque sense of humour; sarcastic and sometimes absurdist.


*ranting in Klingon*
"Tell him to shut up."
*Archer glares*

Also, according to the novels, but not yet contradicted by anything on-screen, she's an RPG player, and occasionally runs a tabletop sci-fi game in the mess hall.

Like Kaylee, Hoshi has no trouble making the first move (or responding to someone else's obvious interest --like many book-smart people, she has a certain shyness, and is "vulnerable" to flattery), but first a guy'll have to pique her interest, which is a bit more work than just being smart. They have to intrigue her by offering something she doesn't know --they have to be smarter than her, IOW.

(Actually, it'd be more a case of Kaylee thinking Hoshi's competition than any actual Hoshi/Simon sparkage. Unless of course Simon's dumbass comment about Kaylee being the only girl available was an actual thought.)


Travis is a bit of a cardboard cutout, but it's his personality; he's a typical Starfleet officer, doing pretty much exactly what he wants to do. He's a Space-Boomer; born, raised, and living in space. Probably didn't spend any real time on a planet until he went to the Academy. Likely he was terraphobic at first (afraid of the uncontrolled environment of a planet's surface), but he got over that long before we met him. The youthful excitement and enthusiasm that he brought onto the NX-01 four years ago has largely been beaten out of him by Enterprise's adventures --of all the crew, he was (ironically) the most surprised at just how dangerous it is out here. What started out as a grand adventure to see the galaxy has turned serious and deadly. It bothers Mayweather that he's starting to look at all alien contact as a combat risk, but he's doing what he, ultimately, still loves to do. He has stardust in his blood, and he can't turn away from what he now knows is out there.

The most important thing in Mayweather's life is his family; the Mayweather name has a lot of weight behind it. As does the Reed name, which is probably what sparked the friendship between the Lieutenant and the Ensign (seen in the first episode). Mayweather's family doubled as crew for their ship, and everything he ever learned (before Starfleet, of course) came from his parents, uncles, siblings, and other spacers that he met only infrequently. Of course, their warp-2 freighter was outmatched by Starfleet's ever-faster line ships. When young Travis learned that his family ship likely would never leave the sector, a wanderlust was born. He wanted to see everything --to go where no one had gone before.

Joining Starfleet put him at odds with his family, who (without his labour) would have to work harder to feed themselves. It was also viewed as a betrayal of the independent values that characterized the Boomer lifestyle. The Earth government and their Starfleet had done little for them, so why would they need anything to come out of their recklessly expansionist policies. Let Starfleet worry about the big picture; it was the independent shippers who had to put food on the table.

Mayweather may not be in the spotlight much, but it's only because he has no real conflict or ambition --not like T'Pol, Trip, or Archer. He's usually pretty easygoing. He actually kinda reminds me of Pilot from Farscape. He'd love Serenity, and he'd probably know her life better than anyone on Enterprise.

I keep hoping (against hope, but it's a fun idea) that the final Enterprise episode will have a "Movie Night" segment, featuring clips from Firefly (since it's probably too early to have Serenity clips). They'd probably be Mayweather's DVDs, and he'd be sitting up front, proudly singing the theme; Klingons, Suliban, Xindi, Romulans --they can't take the sky from him.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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